Today's guest is Joan Garry, author of Guide to Nonprofit Leadership and host of the Nonprofits are Messy podcast. Molly MacCready (host of the Nonprofit Optimist podcast) and Joan discuss the importance of knowing what activities fuel you, how to define success and impact beyond the typical metrics, and some ways to learn and grow as a nonprofit following this unexpected pandemic time. Joan shares from her experiences of working with small nonprofit leaders within the Nonprofit Leadership Lab, along with her own years as a nonprofit leader, board member, and donor. See our website for more show notes: www.nonprofitoptimist.com/blog/npo-047-joan-garry
In this episode of the Nonprofit Optimist, host Molly MacCready shares her experience with starting a Giving Day for her small nonprofit, CROSO. They started their giving day in 2019 and have successfully completed 3 annual giving days now and are preparing for their 4th in April 2022. In this episode, Molly explains what a giving day is and all the logistics about how to set one up for your nonprofit, including setting the date, identifying the goals and incentives to motivate people’s involvement, and a thorough explanation of the communications plan her organization followed. To see the notes from today's episode, visit: www.nonprofitoptimist.com/blog/npo-046-giving-day To learn more about CROSO, the featured nonprofit, visit: www.CROSO.org/
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My guest today is Kim Morris, the project coordinator for River Keepers, a nonprofit based in Fargo, North Dakota. River Keepers’ mission is to advocate for safe and sustainable use of the Red River of the North and they work with the communities in both Fargo and Moorhead, MN. In today’s episode, you’ll hear us talk about project planning and event planning, how the pandemic impacted their programming, how Kim's organization engages over 2,000 volunteers each year, and also the importance of networking and affinity groups. Nonprofit Optimist information: Website: www.nonprofitoptimist.com Email: nonprofitoptimist@gmail.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/nonprofitoptimist Instagram: www.instagram.com/nonprofitoptimist Suggest a new guest: https://www.nonprofitoptimist.com/futureguest Find River Keepers online: Website: https://www.riverkeepers.org/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RiverKeepersFM Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fmriverkeepers/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/RiverKeepersofFM Contact them: https://www.riverkeepers.org/contact/
In today's episode, host Molly MacCready sheds some light on her own experiences and thoughts regarding the past 18 months as well as discusses self-care. While a self-professed amateur at self-care, Molly does share some of the lessons she's recently learned about how to create some balance within her schedule by leaning into untraditional work hours. Nonprofit Optimist information: Website: www.nonprofitoptimist.com Email: nonprofitoptimist@gmail.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/nonprofitoptimist Instagram: www.instagram.com/nonprofitoptimist Suggest a new guest: https://www.nonprofitoptimist.com/futureguest Find the CROSO (Child Restoration Outreach Support Organization) online: Website: https://www.CROSO.org/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CROSO.Uganda Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/CROSO_Uganda
In today's episode, Tessa Vierk (co-founder of the Chicago Tool Library) chats with Molly about their founding story, recruiting volunteers, creating their membership model, and the power of saying "not right now." The Chicago Tool Library’s goal is to provide equitable access to tools, equipment, and information to allow all Chicagoans to learn, share, and create. If you visit our website, you can see more notes and topics of today's conversation. Nonprofit Optimist information: Become a Patron of the Nonprofit Optimist: www.Patreon.com/nonprofitoptimist Website: www.nonprofitoptimist.com Email: nonprofitoptimist@gmail.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/nonprofitoptimist Instagram: www.instagram.com/nonprofitoptimist Suggest a new guest: https://www.nonprofitoptimist.com/futureguest Find the Chicago Tool Library online: Website: https://www.chicagotoollibrary.org/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chicagotoollibrary Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chicagotoollibrary/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GwFhYPzlLw Email them: team@chicagotoollibrary.org
Part 2 of 2! Julia Gatten is the Communications Director for AfricAid and she shares some of the biggest lessons she's learned about how to tell your story to donors. In this conversation, we talk about branding, messaging, and logos. It was important to AfricAid to involve stakeholders in that process from both Tanzania and America, and it's great to hear their process. You can check out the outline of topics discussed here: NPO 042. Nonprofit Optimist information: Become a Patron of the Nonprofit Optimist: www.Patreon.com/nonprofitoptimist Website: www.nonprofitoptimist.com Email: nonprofitoptimist@gmail.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/nonprofitoptimist Instagram: www.instagram.com/nonprofitoptimist Suggest a new guest: https://www.nonprofitoptimist.com/futureguest AfricAid information: Website: https://africaid.org/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/africaid Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/africaid/ Blog: https://africaid.org/blog/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFGYeM1pqVG1hydExxFBnwQ
Julia Gatten is the Communications Director for AfricAid and she shares some of the biggest lessons she's learned about how to tell your story to donors. In this conversation, we talk about how AfricAid puts together their weekly blogs through contributions of staff in Tanzania and America, and how they engage a volunteer in a substantial role. We also discuss the role of email in their communication strategy, as well as videos. You can check out the outline of topics discussed here: NPO 041. Nonprofit Optimist information: Become a Patron of the Nonprofit Optimist: www.Patreon.com/nonprofitoptimist Website: www.nonprofitoptimist.com Email: nonprofitoptimist@gmail.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/nonprofitoptimist Instagram: www.instagram.com/nonprofitoptimist Suggest a new guest: https://www.nonprofitoptimist.com/futureguest AfricAid information: Website: https://africaid.org/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/africaid Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/africaid/ Blog: https://africaid.org/blog/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFGYeM1pqVG1hydExxFBnwQ Check back for part two of my interview with Julia where we'll talk about branding, messaging, and how to involve stakeholders in that process.
Sean MacCready and Stephenie Lazarus from Horizons for Youth share the lessons they have learned about partnering with donors, creating a major giving program, and participating in their first Giving Tuesday. You can check out the outline of topics discussed here: NPO 040. Nonprofit Optimist information: Become a Patron of the Nonprofit Optimist: www.Patreon.com/nonprofitoptimist Website: www.nonprofitoptimist.com Email: nonprofitoptimist@gmail.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/nonprofitoptimist Instagram: www.instagram.com/nonprofitoptimist Suggest a new guest: https://www.nonprofitoptimist.com/futureguest Horizons for Youth information: Website: https://horizons-for-youth.org/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/horizonsforyouthchicago/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/horizons-for-youth/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/horizonsforyouth/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/horizonsfy YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwQBb3ge9e0nURG2SrXECrA Additional Links from our Conversation: NextAfter: https://www.nextafter.com/
Dr. Susan Blaustein of WomenStrong International shares the lessons she's learned about community and international development through her work. You can check out the outline of topics discussed here: NPO 039. Nonprofit Optimist information: Become a Patron of the Nonprofit Optimist: www.Patreon.com/nonprofitoptimist Website: www.nonprofitoptimist.com Email: nonprofitoptimist@gmail.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/nonprofitoptimist Instagram: www.instagram.com/nonprofitoptimist WomenStrong International information: Website: https://www.womenstrong.org/ Blog: https://www.womenstrong.org/stories Email: info@womenstrong.org Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/womenstrongintl Twitter: https://twitter.com/womenstrongintl
Super quick episode sharing a fun announcement (picture here!) and a few shout outs. Website: www.nonprofitoptimist.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/nonprofitoptimist Instagram: www.instagram.com/nonprofitoptimist Become a Patron of the Nonprofit Optimist: www.Patreon.com/nonprofitoptimist Back to regular interview-style episodes on Tuesday! Get excited!!!
Become a Patron: www.patreon.com/nonprofitoptimist For $2 or $4 per month, support the Nonprofit Optimist podcast! Today's Guest: Rose Hart As a lifelong resident of Marshall County, WV, was part of the first graduating class of John Marshall High School in 1969. She spent 30 years of her career working for the United States Postal Service as a letter carrier, before co-founding Appalachian Outreach, Inc. in 2002. She now serves as the Executive Director of AOI. In 2012, Rose also completed her certification in Nonprofit Management through WVU. In addition to her work with Appalachian Outreach, Inc., Rose is an active member in her local community and church. She's currently involved with the local Long Term Recovery Committee, Local Emergency Planning Committee and WV VOAD (West Virginia Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster). She's also a member of St. Jude Parish in Glen Dale WV, where she is the RCIA director, Eucharistic Minister, and Lector, and she is a member of God’s Children of Love prayer group in Moundsville, WV. She completed the Diaconate / Pastoral Ministry program of the Diocese of Wheeling – Charleston in 1987 with a certificate in adult formation. Nonprofit Spotlight: Appalachian Outreach, Inc. Guided by the Gospel of Jesus Christ and inspired by the Holy Spirit, the mission of Appalachian Outreach is to help relieve the burden of poverty and the loss of dignity suffered by the people of Appalachia who, through no fault of their own, struggle to meet the basic needs of daily life. They continually look for contacts in counties where accessibility and opportunity are limited and other charitable agencies are lacking or struggle to meet local need. They also look for contacts locally that will support the mission of Appalachian Outreach, therefore building a network where the dignity of all is respected and the love of God is proclaimed through prayer, word, and deed. Lessons Learned: In our conversation, Rose shares her experience of leading Appalachian Outreach, Inc. and how it originally got started. Some of the key lessons she has learned through this work are outlined below: When getting started: Realized applying for permits would be time and resource intensive. Instead, asked the mayors of each surrounding county if they could solicit their residents. Led to not only a "yes" in response to that question, but also some really positive public relations opportunities for the mayors and for leadership boards within the community. "We're too successful to stop now." Need to build relationships with local contacts. Created an advisory board of someone who knows each area well. In order to build trust, you have to go where people are. "Sit on the porches and listen." Partner with existing organizations! Funding from/through the Government NIPS - Neighborhood Investment Program Allows for donations to be made as a tax credit to the donor. Rose and her co-founder approached small county commissioners and talked to them about the good they were providing for the county. In return, the commissioners provided some compensation for transportation of the goods. Income generating opporunities: Run a store house where they sell building materials at a discounted rate and they only had to pay for transportation. Mountain Resource Sharing of Good Network Clothing donations to World Mission Clothing Find Appalachian Outreach, Inc. online: Website: http://www.appalachianoutreaching.org/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AppalachianOutreach/ Go Fund Me campaign: https://www.gofundme.com/transportation-for-appalachia
My guest for today’s episode is Byron Sigcho, the executive director of Pilsen Alliance, here in Chicago. Pilsen Alliance is a social justice organization committed to developing grassroots leadership in Pilsen and neighboring working class, immigrant communities in Chicago’s Lower West Side. They work for quality public education, affordable housing, government accountability and healthy communities. To accomplish this, they use innovative community education tools and programs, direct action organizing campaigns and advocacy initiatives. Their goal is to reflect the popular education philosophy of building social consciousness for personal and social collective transformation. In our conversation, Byron and I discuss how they tackle such a large mission with a small staff and how they leverage partnerships to increase capacity. We also discuss the importance of addressing issues both large and small in the community, and how he as an executive director approaches professional development opportunities for their staff and board. Show Notes Contact me: nonprofitoptimist@gmail.com
Announcements: Molly will be at Podcast Movement conference next week! If you'll be there- email me: nonprofitoptimist@gmail.com. Come to our Nonprofit Meetup! Attend the panel where Molly and other nonprofit rockstars will be speaking! Molly's husband (Sean MacCready) has a great podcast you should check out-- The Philanthropy Podcast. Review the Nonprofit Optimist on iTunes. Free Online Resources: Doodle Polls: Doodle.com Google Drive: Google Forms Canva: Canva.com Facebook Groups: E.D. Happy Hour Nonprofit Happy Hour All show notes available at www.nonprofitoptimist.com
Today’s guest is Stacy Horst, one of the founders of Erin’s Hope for Friends. Erin’s Hope for Friends believes that extending opportunities to form friendships to kids with High Functioning Autism Spectrum and Asperger’s can change their lives. In our conversation, Stacy shares how they formed their ideas for E’s Club and the different ways they’ve sought funding and support. So many small nonprofit leaders do not come into these roles with professional fundraising experience, and Stacy shares really openly what has been successful for them. I think there’s a lot to learn here, so I hope you enjoy the episode! Show notes: nonprofitoptimist.com Consultation offer: nonprofitoptimist.com/consult
Carrie Collins-Fadell is the executive director of the Brain Injury Alliance of Arizona and is today's guest on the Nonprofit Optimist! Our conversation is dedicated to fundraising through events and Carrie has great ideas to share on this! Carrie has been able to plan and execute several large events for their organization and this year, they offered a run/walk for the first time. This interview occurred at the beginning of March and since then, Carrie's event happened and they surpassed their goals, so be sure to listen to her tips! Show notes: Nonprofit Optimist Recommend future guests! Sign up for a 30 minute consult!
My guest today is Shay Beider, the founder and executive director of Integrative Touch for Kids. Shay has been a pioneer in the field of integrative medicine for the past 17 years. Integrative Touch for Kids is a nonprofit organization whose purpose is to enhance well being, minimize suffering and facilitate healing for children with chronic, acute and life limiting illnesses. In our conversation, Shay and I discuss their business model, using volunteers not only for programming, but also for fundraising, and most fundamentally - always seeing the patients as the master teachers. Shay is such a passionate advocate for the works she does, and I think you’ll find there are many lessons to be learned from her approach that can apply to your small nonprofit. New opportunity: 30 minute consultation- nonprofitoptimist.com/consult Show notes for today's episode: Nonprofit Optimist
Helene Dudley is today's guest and she helped establish The Colombia Project in 2000, a zero-overhead, sustainable micro-loan program. This program evolved to include TCP Global in 2014 and now supports loan programs in 7 countries, including one with former Florida foster care youth in Miami. Helene served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Colombia and Slovakia and is a member of the Board Emeritus of the National Peace Corps Association. In our conversation, Helene and I discuss her philosophy behind this work, some of the lessons they’ve learned about trust, accountability, incentives and resilience. To see the show notes from today's conversation, visit: www.nonprofitoptimist.com
Liz Ryan, President and CEO of Youth First Initiative, is the guest on today's show. Youth First is a national advocacy campaign to end the incarceration of youth by closing youth prisons and investing in community-based alternatives to incarceration and programs for youth. In this podcast episode, Liz tells host (Molly MacCready) how they measure progress on their big bold goal, how Youth First facilitates sharing knowledge and lessons learned, and how each state’s approach will be different, but that engaging people from multiple angles is always a best practice. Show notes: www.nonprofitoptimist.com
My guest today is John Zimmerman, co-founder of Casting for Hope and also serves as the board chair and CEO. Casting for Hope is a nonprofit that focuses on attending to the financial, emotional and spiritual needs of women living with ovarian and gynecological cancers in western North Carolina. In our conversation, John and I discuss the systems he’s put into place to maximize his all-volunteer team, as well as his own time. He shares how he manages his email communication, the importance of having time face-to-face with people and how he carves out time for idea meetings with his board members. Show notes: www.nonprofitoptimist.com Audible Trial sign up: www.audibletrial.com/nonprofitoptimist 30 minute nonprofit podcast consultation with Molly: www.nonprofitoptimist.com/consult
Margy Roberts has been a board member for CROSO (Child Restoration Outreach Support Organization) for the past 6 years. She and her husband Randy have been involved in CROSO as volunteers and donors since CROSO began in 2007. Last month, Margy, Randy and Molly MacCready (host of this podcast and executive director of CROSO) traveled to Uganda to visit the CROSO Scholars and their partners. In this episode, they discuss highlights from their trip and then their thoughts on how best to plan an international trip for a nonprofit. To see the show notes from this episode, visit: www.nonprofitoptimist.com
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