Podcast ini berkonten Informasi seputar dunia Pertanian dalam arti luas juga ttg Teknologinya, Ada juga ttg materi penyuluhan Pertanian Support this podcast:
👉(( )) Prodcast bergizi, mengulas bagaimana Computer Science & Software Engineering mendukung kesukesan sebuah bisnis termasuk startup. Support this podcast:
Whether you call it Inclusive Design or Digital Accessibility, whether you're an individual with a passion or an organisation wanting to know more, this podcast explores a range of topics on accessibility. Hosted by Jonathan Hassell, its aim is to share inspiration, expertise, and hints and tips to help speed you on your digital accessibility journey.
For our most up-to-date insights, join us for our free monthly webinar - -
Podcast yang akan membahas tentang Cryptocurrency, NFT, Metaverse, dan teknologi-teknologi terkini yang berkaitan. Rilis setiap hari Jum'at !
Jangan lupa juga cek sesi Twitter Spaces kita tiap hari rabu di @PodkesmasAsia, dan follow juga instagram & tiktok The Geeks di @thegeekspodcast !For business inquiries :
Selamat datang di Ngobrolin Startup & Teknologi. Di podcast ini kita bakalan diskusi tentang pengalaman kerja, teknologi, marketing, finance dan funding dari orang-orang yang berpengalaman di startup. Pertanyaan dan informasi partnership silakan hubungi ke Untuk donasi monggo di
What Is a Podcast ?
Podcasts have been a highly popular era maybe in recent 15-20 years abroad and the number of both audiences and programs has gradually increased. Even, it is possible to see the first samples at the beginning of the 2000s. However, its popularization has been taking place over the past several years. The most basic definition of a podcast can also actually be made in the form of "Audio blogging". Because each episode of the podcast actually discusses the various subject. The podcast consists of a combination of the words "live broadcast" (broadcast) and pod as a word meaning. In fact, it is a name that live recorded broadcasts are broadcasted in the desired time and media. However, it is completely related to iPod when its exit era is examined. Even though it is designed as listened from iPod, now it has reached the technology that can be listened to from every device.
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Podcast Cryptocurrency Pertama di Indonesia! Obrolan santai seputar Crypto bareng tim NOBI. Dapatkan informasi teraktual dan terkini dalam obrolan santai bareng bintang tamu yang berperan penting di dunia crypto. Penasaran mau tau? langsung dengerin NOBI Talks.
Pengen nyumbang topik? yuk bergabung di komunitas kami di
#GrowYourCrypto -
Salam teman-teman Sahabat Alam! Selamat Datang di Podcast Salam Lita. Saya akan banyak berbagi tentang pengalaman bergerak di bidang lingkungan dan bagaimana agar kita dapat lebih berSahabat dengan Alam. Stay Tune ya! Wassalamu'alaikum!
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#SatuMejaPodcast #PodcastSalamLita -
Welcome to Making Data Speak, hosted by a technologist, corporate leader, storyteller, and public speaker Sachin Tonk.
The amount of data we produce every day is truly mind-boggling. 90% of today's data is created in the last two years. The current pace of data capturing poses a significant challenge for data professionals in terms of how to manage and utilize data. The "Making Data Speak" podcast series is the result of Sachin's passion to explore both the art and science of data.
In each episode, we unveil the hidden stories, connect points and paint the data picture for businesses and consumers together with thought leaders and experts across the region.
Don't forget to subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or on -