Comedy Podcast with Rhod Gilbert, Sian Harries & Friends.
‘Froth’: ‘something appealing, but with no serious value or interest; worthless or insubstantial talk’. That’s married comedians Rhod and Sian in a nutshell.
A spa-break for the mind, far away from the relentless, depressing serious news cycle, only tackling the frothiest of life's frothy stuff - "Yesterday's Non-News, Today".
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome to… My Favourite Takeaway! The food and comedy podcast series hosted by comedian Tom Craine (Drunk History, Russell Howard’s Good News), and food enthusiast Cimran Shah. Each week Tom and Cim invite a special guest to share their favourite takeaway … EXACTLY as they’d normally have it! From Peruvian street food slouched on James Acaster’s L-Shaped sofa through an Antiguan feast on Andi Oliver’s best bone china to a massive BBQ banquet with Adam Hills, My Favourite Takeaway is the show for anyone who LOVES FOOD, but can’t always be bothered to cook it!
Thanks for listening. Please rate and review.
Cheers, Tom and Cimran.
Get in touch with the show:
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @Favtakeawaypod
Instagram: myfavouritetakeawaypodcast
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
After 7 years of being anonymous, 1.5 million words written about beer, and preaching the gospel of Barleywine is Life, Don't Drink Beer's Alex Kidd gets into the deep, dark world of podcasting. Joining him are his co-hosts, comedy writers and performers Stephen Loh and Michael Gabriel. Together they explore the absurd underbelly of the craft beer world while also discussing movies, music, video games, pop culture, and their sad, basement dwelling lives.
娓娓讲故事——有趣的成长故事,走心的语文教育: 请马上关注微信公众号“语文社区”,听娓娓老师讲故事吧! 微信公众号是每晚及时更新的哦^_^ 【娓娓老师:小语资深教师、省普通话水平测试员......; 全国现场课例比赛特等奖获得者; 省教学观摩活动特等奖获得者; 市大型活动及庆典晚会主持人......】 这是以亲子伴读为主题的免费学习社区! 拥有“娓娓学语文”“娓娓讲故事”“娓娓读拼音”三大名牌栏目! 除了跟名师学课文,还可以听故事、猜谜语、对对联、学成语...... 【在历史和文化故事中轻轻松松学语文】 2岁开始就可以听睡前亲子故事啦^_^ 唏哩呼噜是中国儿童文学史上一只著名的小猪。 猪家吃饭时都有一把勺子。可是一高兴,他们就把勺子扔在旁边,直接把头埋进粥里”唏哩呼噜,唏哩呼噜“地吃。马小姐经过猪家,看到小十二(唏哩呼噜),就说他吃饭唏哩呼噜。从此,小十二就变成了唏哩呼噜。 唏哩呼噜是一只不平凡的小猪,别看他小,经历过的事情可不少,恐怕有的大人都不如他。 唏哩呼噜被大狼叼走,要被分成块放进小狼宝宝的肚里,他并没有怕,而是巧妙地逃脱了大狼的手心,还战胜了要吃掉小狼们的月牙熊,成功地保护了小狼们;他为鸭太太做保镖、一个人赶夜路到城里送鸭蛋;还帮鸡太太鸡宅捉鬼呢…… 小猪唏哩呼噜去卖橘子,可是由于钱不够,没给猩猩老板买”红塔山“香烟。猩猩老板就给了他一筐超级超级酸的橘子。去卖的时候让马太太酸掉了牙齿。由于小猪的钱不够,给象博士立下了三万三千三百三十三元三角三分的欠条。为了还钱,唏哩呼噜给象博士当保姆看孩子,象博士“咬文嚼字”的,小猪唏哩呼噜受了不少的冤枉气……可是,小猪唏哩呼噜才不在乎这些呢,因为他是那只著名的小猪啊。 小猪唏哩呼噜遇到了各种各样的麻烦事:他想挣点钱给妈妈买生日礼物,可是狐狸说话不算数,让他吃了不少苦。 ...... 《小猪唏哩呼噜》以“小猪唏哩呼噜”为主人公的系列童话,是孙幼军先生主要创作于20世纪90年代初的童话代表作。老先生当时已接近花甲之年,他曾在60年代创作了当代经典童话《小布头奇遇记》,影响了整整一代人,但由于历史原因辍笔多年,直到80年代才恢复创作,此时仍处于童话创作的高峰期。小猪唏哩呼噜的故事是那种令人非常愉快的童话,秉承了作者一贯的幽默风趣的语言风格,而且在“儿童观念”上远远跨越作者早年的理解,对孩子们甚少训教,充满了理解和爱怜。
We are the Community for the Resurrection of Good Ideas. We profile the Hero's Journey in each episode and teach people about the 12 Pillars framework for success in life, business, and relationships.Our Mission is to help All Trew Doomer-Bloomers with mental health issues, poverty mindset, lack of resources, and those left behind in this world.Consider a refundable donation here to become a member:, Like, and Subscribe on Your Favourite Platform.SWAG--> Cure for the WEF.
Todos disfrutamos de una conversación con nuestros panas, nuestros yuntas, esa joda propia de los ecuatorianos; en este podcast combinamos la labia serrana y la labia costeña. Ave Jaramillo y Andrés Crespo te traen la dosis perfecta de BOCHINCHE; tú eliges el momento y el lugar para escucharlos y traer a tus oídos la actualidad, la descarga, las frustraciones del mundo; claro, con el verbo los ecuatorianos.
The misadventures of renowned tattooer Jack Matisse and photographer and musician Rob Hanna, two punk expats from Seattle living in Berlin, Germany. Longtime friends for a quarter century, the two regale stories of their past in the Pacific Northwest to their present fumblings through Germany’s Hauptstadt, while also discussing at length their creative processes.
Hajar J. Woodland is fed up of worrying about being too loud, too annoying or saying the wrong thing, so she's inviting her guests to join her in being brave, bold and talking about whatever they want. This is a podcast for authentic conversations, getting past small talk, shame and party lines to delve deep into what a range of incredible guests are really thinking and feeling. We'll dig deep into relationships, identity and grief as well as discussing funny and lighter hearted topics around travel, careers and personal triumphs.
Subscribe now!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
El Cuido es un Podcast dirigido a las personas que les gusta disfrutar la vida. Desde historias personales hasta temas sociales y del diario vivir, no hay tema al que no le podamos ver el lado gracioso. El podcast esta moderado por Roberto K Cruz, Mr Duran, Tamega y Yankee. Si quieres reir este es el podcast para ti.
¡Buenas! Somos Sergio, Víctor y David, tres amigos que se han montado un podcast para hablar sobre tecnología, libros, videojuegos, y la vida en general.
Si os apetece participar en el podcast, solemos emitir en directo en ¡Os esperamos!
Andreu Buenafuente y Berto Romero se sientan frente a frente, micro a micro, e improvisan. ¿Qué puede salir mal? El humor de estos dos genios es oro para tus orejas. Ábrelas bien que, en el fondo, nadie sabe nada. En directo en Cadena Ser los sábados a las 12:00 y a cualquier hora si te suscribes.
Aprende a leer, aprende de literatura escuchando. Un programa para contar un libro en una hora. Grandes clásicos de la literatura que te entran por el oído. Dirigido por Antonio Martínez Asensio, crítico literario, productor, escritor y guionista. En directo los domingos a las 05:00 y a cualquier hora si te suscribes. En Podimo, ¿Y ahora qué leo? nuestro spin off con los imprescindibles de la temporada
Luke's English Podcast is an award-winning podcast for learners of English. Listen, learn and have fun while picking up natural British English as it really is spoken.
Sign up to LEP Premium on Acast+ and add the premium episodes to a podcast app on your phone.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.