
  • Kathryn Marsh is a career prosecutors specializing in child abuse, sexual assault, domestic violence and other power based crimes. Together with Melissa Hoppmeyer, they are also co-founders of Right Response Consulting, an agency that provides training and in the areas of sexual assault, sexual harassment and human trafficking. Melissa Hoppmeyer is on sabbatical for season 4.
    Facebook @NoGreyZonerrc
    Instagram @NoGreyZonerrc
    Twitter @NoGreyzonerrc

    Centre DIRECT is working for empowerment of women, youth and children to reach them full potential. They raise awareness on violence, health, education, development and critical issues for women as an individual and collective empowerment. They are involved in production and the solution of distribution of creative materials of feminist issues. Dissemination of information on women’s rights, gender equality and building knowledge on needs of vulnerable groups of women are done.

    They strive to ensure that no child falls out of safety net, and no child subjected to child-labor, child trafficking or any form of modern-day slavery in the state. At the Centre DIRECT, we do whatever it takes to ensure that their rights are honored.
    Through our path-breaking programs designed to reach out to the most marginalized communities . They ensure children are enrolled in the school and their families are supported. By saving children, we transform their lives for better and forever. (Info taken from CentreDirect)

    Suresh Kumar is the Executive Director, of Centre DIRECT, an Acumen Fellow. He has been working against child trafficking in Bihar for 20 years. He writes on issues relating to child trafficking and authored the book - Child Trafficking: The Fight for Freedom. (bio taken from Times Now News)
    Child Trafficking Continues to Thrive: Low Conviction Rates in India
    Times of India Blog

    Child Trafficking : The Fight for Freedom

    Social Media:

    Facebook: @centredirect @sureshlawyer
    LinkedIn: Suresh Kumar
    Website: CentreDirect

    Podcast Music:
    I'm Just Good by Johny Grimes https://soundcloud.com/johny-grimes
    Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
    Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/im-just-good
    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/2wrYUBtrjGM br> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZ1maOwEZy0

  • Kathryn Marsh is a career prosecutors specializing in child abuse, sexual assault, domestic violence and other power based crimes. Together with Melissa Hoppmeyer, they are also co-founders of Right Response Consulting, an agency that provides training and in the areas of sexual assault, sexual harassment and human trafficking. Melissa Hoppmeyer is on sabbatical for season 4.
    Facebook @NoGreyZonerrc
    Instagram @NoGreyZonerrc
    Twitter @NoGreyzonerrc

    Centre DIRECT is working for empowerment of women, youth and children to reach them full potential. They raise awareness on violence, health, education, development and critical issues for women as an individual and collective empowerment. They are involved in production and the solution of distribution of creative materials of feminist issues. Dissemination of information on women’s rights, gender equality and building knowledge on needs of vulnerable groups of women are done.

    They strive to ensure that no child falls out of safety net, and no child subjected to child-labor, child trafficking or any form of modern-day slavery in the state. At the Centre DIRECT, we do whatever it takes to ensure that their rights are honored.
    Through our path-breaking programs designed to reach out to the most marginalized communities . They ensure children are enrolled in the school and their families are supported. By saving children, we transform their lives for better and forever. (Info taken from CentreDirect)

    Suresh Kumar is the Executive Director, of Centre DIRECT, an Acumen Fellow. He has been working against child trafficking in Bihar for 20 years. He writes on issues relating to child trafficking and authored the book - Child Trafficking: The Fight for Freedom. (bio taken from Times Now News)
    Child Trafficking Continues to Thrive: Low Conviction Rates in India
    Times of India Blog

    Child Trafficking : The Fight for Freedom

    Social Media:

    Facebook: @centredirect @sureshlawyer
    LinkedIn: Suresh Kumar
    Website: CentreDirect

    Podcast Music:
    I'm Just Good by Johny Grimes https://soundcloud.com/johny-grimes
    Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
    Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/im-just-good
    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/2wrYUBtrjGM br> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZ1maOwEZy0

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  • Kathryn Marsh is a career prosecutors specializing in child abuse, sexual assault, domestic violence and other power based crimes. Together with Melissa Hoppmeyer, they are also co-founders of Right Response Consulting, an agency that provides training and in the areas of sexual assault, sexual harassment and human trafficking. Melissa Hoppmeyer is on sabbatical for season 4.
    Facebook @NoGreyZonerrc
    Instagram @NoGreyZonerrc
    Twitter @NoGreyzonerrc

    Dr. Diandra Poe is the Founder and President of Glass Soldier, a nonprofit organization dedicated to eliminating sexual assault and harassment from the military force. With their core values being accountability, collaboration and transparency. Glass Soldier’s initial work was the development of a new reporting mechanism. Centered around creating and developing skills and knowledge of tech to combine social innovation for a real solution. Serving her country first as a spouse and leader in the Family Readiness Group area, Dr. Poe joined to better understand how to view life through the lens of a servicemember and continue to serve her country. She spent time in organizations of diverse cultures and ethnicity. Her lifetime work of advocacy continued after she left service. A survivor herself, Dr. Poe has taken her story to leaders and future generations. Dr. Poe takes the Glass Soldier mission to future leaders, leaders and key decision makers for implementable change. She is also the voice of the Glass Soldier podcast. She is a strong advocate and therapist for at-risk and confirmed survivors of human trafficking with a faith-based nonprofit in Baltimore, Maryland. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Sociology from Bowie State University, a master’s degree in Social Work from University of Texas in Arlington, and a Doctor of Social Work from The University of Southern California. (Bio taken from Glass Soldier.org)

    Mentioned in this Episode:
    IRC - Independent Review Commission Report

    Social Media:

    Facebook: @glasssoldier
    Instagram: @glasssoldierorg
    Website: glasssoldier.org
    Podcast: Duty Bound

    Podcast Music:
    I'm Just Good by Johny Grimes https://soundcloud.com/johny-grimes
    Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
    Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/im-just-good
    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/2wrYUBtrjGM br> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZ1maOwEZy0

  • Kathryn Marsh is a career prosecutors specializing in child abuse, sexual assault, domestic violence and other power based crimes. Together with Melissa Hoppmeyer, they are also co-founders of Right Response Consulting, an agency that provides training and in the areas of sexual assault, sexual harassment and human trafficking. Melissa Hoppmeyer is on sabbatical for season 4.
    Facebook @NoGreyZonerrc
    Instagram @NoGreyZonerrc
    Twitter @NoGreyzonerrc

    Rebecca Cary is the founder of Hands of Justice, Consultant, Speaker, Educator and Survivor Leader. She recently graduated from Sam Houston State University with a major in Psychology and a minor in Human Services. She is currently enrolled in a Master’s Program for Victim Studies. She holds the Survivor position on the board for the Montgomery County Coalition Against Human Trafficking and serves on the Survivor Leader Council for the State of Texas. She has been featured on a PSA, as well as an educational short film, for the new Goya Care initiative, appeared on NBC and published a book, "When Silence Ends", released Feb. 2022. Rebecca has also been an endorser for the “Can You see Me” campaign, led by A21 in various cities throughout Texas. (Bio from Hands of Justice)

    Mentioned in this Episode:
    Freedom Bag Wish List
    Book When Silence Ends

    Social Media:

    Facebook: @handsofjustice107.14

    Instagram: @handsofjustice107.14

    Website: Handsofjustice.org

    Podcast Music:
    I'm Just Good by Johny Grimes https://soundcloud.com/johny-grimes
    Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
    Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/im-just-good
    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/2wrYUBtrjGM br> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZ1maOwEZy0

  • Kathryn Marsh & Melissa Hoppmeyer are prosecutors specializing in child abuse, sexual assault and domestic violence crimes. They are also co-founders of Right Response Consulting, an agency that provides training and in the areas of sexual assault, sexual harassment and human trafficking.
    Facebook @NoGreyZonerrc
    Instagram @NoGreyZonerrc
    Twitter @NoGreyzonerrc

    Dr. Kraizer has a Ph.D. in education with a specialization in youth at risk and is an internationally recognized expert and author in the subject of child well-being including: sexual abuse, physical and emotional abuse, bullying and interpersonal violence, and child safety. She is the founder and director of the Coalition for Children, a not-for-profit organization working to increase child safety, prevent child abuse, bullying and interpersonal violence. She is the author of the Safe Child Program, the Take A Stand Program, the REACH, CHALLENGE and RECOVERY life skills programs, and other curricula used in schools, churches, recreation centers, foster care agencies and homes around the world. Her materials are translated and used in over 80 countries around the world. (bio taken in part from safechild.org)


    The Safe Child Book

    10 Days to a Bully-Proof Child

    Take-A-Stand Healthy Behaviour Development Program: Child Workbook

    Social Media:
    LinkedIn: Sherryll Kriazer, Ph.D

    Email: kraizer@safechild.org

    Websites: https://safechild.org/

    Podcast Music:
    I'm Just Good by Johny Grimes https://soundcloud.com/johny-grimes
    Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
    Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/im-just-good
    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/2wrYUBtrjGM br> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZ1maOwEZy0

  • Kathryn Marsh is a career prosecutors specializing in child abuse, sexual assault, domestic violence and other power based crimes. Together with Melissa Hoppmeyer, they are also co-founders of Right Response Consulting, an agency that provides training and in the areas of sexual assault, sexual harassment and human trafficking. Melissa Hoppmeyer is on sabbatical for season 4.
    Facebook @NoGreyZonerrc
    Instagram @NoGreyZonerrc
    Twitter @NoGreyzonerrc

    Jessica Lamb is the Founder and Executive Director of A.R.I. She is a recognized Survivor Leader and Speaker who addresses iconology & the history of human trafficking brandings. Jessica has built a national network of trauma-informed tattoo removal specialists and tattoo artists who provide services to survivors of sex trafficking, former gang members, and individuals in substance abuse & self-harm recovery.
    Jessica trains medical personnel, universities, law enforcement, and communities nationally and internationally on the history and impact of human trafficking removals and cover-ups and on her lived experience. She serves on task forces, coalitions, and as survivors' voice on advisory boards. ARI's work is known nationally in the tattoo industry and in the anti-trafficking movement, as well as working in the field of mental health and recovery networks.

    Jessica has created a network of shops that became Georgia's first National Safe Place sites for at-risk youth and are safe havens for those receiving services. In 2018, her team launched "Beyond Ink" which provides trauma-informed counseling, high school diplomas, life coaching, job readiness referrals, and safe housing referrals. ARI has had the honor of serving survivors from Georgia to California through reputable service providers and specialists. (Bio from atlantaredemptionink.com)

    Mentioned in this Episode:
    Iron Clad Ink

    Social Media:

    Facebook: @atlantaredemptionink

    Instagram: @atlantaredemptionink

    Website: Atlantaredemptionink.com

    Call: 678-926-9946

    Podcast Music:
    I'm Just Good by Johny Grimes https://soundcloud.com/johny-grimes
    Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
    Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/im-just-good
    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/2wrYUBtrjGM br> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZ1maOwEZy0

  • Kathryn Marsh & Melissa Hoppmeyer are career prosecutors specializing in child abuse, sexual assault, domestic violence and other power based crimes. They are also co-founders of Right Response Consulting, an agency that provides training and in the areas of sexual assault, sexual harassment and human trafficking. Melissa Hoppmeyer is on sabbatical for season 4.
    Facebook @NoGreyZonerrc
    Instagram @NoGreyZonerrc
    Twitter @NoGreyzonerrc

    Erica Scott is a Consent Educator based in Nelson, British Columbia, Canada. Her passion is working to create a more consensual, more compassionate world. She is the CEO/Founder of Creating Consent Culture and co-author of the book " Creating Consent Culture; A Handbook for Educators"

    Social Media:

    Facebook: @creatingconsentculures

    Instagram: @creating_consent_culture

    Website: Creatingconsentculture.com

    Purchase the book here

    Podcast Music:
    I'm Just Good by Johny Grimes https://soundcloud.com/johny-grimes
    Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
    Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/im-just-good
    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/2wrYUBtrjGM br> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZ1maOwEZy0

  • Kathryn Marsh & Melissa Hoppmeyer are career prosecutors specializing in child abuse, sexual assault, domestic violence and other power based crimes. They are also co-founders of Right Response Consulting, an agency that provides training and in the areas of sexual assault, sexual harassment and human trafficking. Melissa Hoppmeyer is on sabbatical for season 4.
    Facebook @NoGreyZonerrc
    Instagram @NoGreyZonerrc
    Twitter @NoGreyzonerrc

    Joseph Scaramucci is a detective with McLennan County Sheriff’s Office in Texas. He is an internationally recognized human trafficking expert.

    Detective Scaramucci began his career in law enforcement in 2004, and was promoted to Detective in 2008 with the McLennan County Sheriff’s Office, investigating Crimes Against Persons. Since creating a Human Trafficking Unit in 2014, Detective Scaramucci has conducted sting operations resulting in the arrest of more than 550 sex buyers, and 150 individuals for human trafficking and related offenses, which lead to the identification of 260 trafficking victims.

    Detective Scaramucci has worked both state and federal investigations as a Task Force Officer with H.S.I., leading to investigations and arrests throughout the U.S. He further advises and participates in sting operations throughout Texas, the U.S. and abroad. Detective Scaramucci is certified in Courts of Law as a Subject Matter Expert in Human Trafficking. He has further advised and testified in the State House and Senate, assisting with the creation and passage of laws leading to harsher penalties for human trafficking, as well as working against laws that would have added further burdens on victims.

    He is further employed as a consultant, contracted to provide training and technical assistance for numerous Department of Justice-funded Enhanced Collaborative Model task forces, as well as other national and international anti-trafficking organizations. He has trained more than 477 agencies throughout 40 states, 24 federal and DOD agencies, as well as law enforcement agencies abroad, and provides technical support for their human trafficking operations and Investigations. (Bio taken from Linkedin )

    Social Media:

    Facebook: @JosephScaramucci.HT

    LinkedIn: Joseph Scaramucci

    Mentioned in the Episode:

    National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

    Polaris | We Fight to End Human Trafficking (polarisproject.org)

    Atlanta Redemption Ink Tattoo Cover & Removal | Non-Profit Organization

    Facebook: Atlanta Redemption Ink

    Instagram: ARI, Inc (@atlantaredemptionink)

  • Kathryn Marsh & Melissa Hoppmeyer are career prosecutors specializing in child abuse, sexual assault, domestic violence and other power based crimes. They are also co-founders of Right Response Consulting, an agency that provides training and in the areas of sexual assault, sexual harassment and human trafficking.
    Facebook @NoGreyZonerrc
    Instagram @NoGreyZonerrc
    Twitter @NoGreyzonerrc

    Kelsey McKay is a former prosecutor and a highly recognized expert on criminal asphyxiation, domestic violence, sexual abuse and other forms of power-based crimes. She has trained practitioners across all systems and represented individuals as they navigate the criminal system. With a skill for implementing change and working across disciplines, she appeals to audiences from the Pentagon to festivals such as SXSW. With a passion to motivate every audience, she brings cultural awareness to the need for systems change. Built with solutions engrained in efficiency, empathy and equality her approach recognizes the limits of practitioners and the vulnerability of survivors. Her influence has built a team facilitating solutions that move professionals and communities from awareness to action. Her new non-profit, RESPOND Against Violence, is a multidisciplinary think tank seeking to generate sustainable change in our society’s collective response to violence and trauma. (Taken from respondagainstviolence.org)

    The mission of Respond Against Violence (Respond) is to transform community responses to violence and trauma through forming alliances, enhancing policies, and creating sustainable change.

    Facebook: @respondagainstviolence

    Instagram: @respondagainstviolence

    Linked In: Kelsey McKay

    Also find Kelsey at McKay Training & Consulting

    Podcast Music:
    I'm Just Good by Johny Grimes https://soundcloud.com/johny-grimes
    Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
    Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/im-just-good
    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/2wrYUBtrjGM br> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZ1maOwEZy0

  • Kathryn Marsh & Melissa Hoppmeyer are prosecutors specializing in child abuse, sexual assault and domestic violence crimes. They are also co-founders of Right Response Consulting, an agency that provides training and in the areas of sexual assault, sexual harassment and human trafficking.
    Facebook @NoGreyZonerrc
    Instagram @NoGreyZonerrc
    Twitter @NoGreyzonerrc

    Leanna Larkin is a sexual assault survivor, public speakier and founder of Reluctant Heroines. Reluctant Heroines is designed help victims and survivors of rape and sexual abuse to heal and rebuild their lives. It is a trauma-informed and survivor-led growing community that knows and understands what it feels like and takes to heal.

    Article About Leanna Larkin:

    Southend woman was left 'scared to go to sleep' after violent sexual incidents

    Facebook: @LeannaLarkin


    Instagram: @reluctantheroines

    Linked In: Leanna Larkin

    Podcast Music:
    I'm Just Good by Johny Grimes https://soundcloud.com/johny-grimes
    Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
    Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/im-just-good
    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/2wrYUBtrjGM br> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZ1maOwEZy0

  • Kathryn Marsh & Melissa Hoppmeyer are prosecutors specializing in child abuse, sexual assault and domestic violence crimes. They are also co-founders of Right Response Consulting, an agency that provides training and in the areas of sexual assault, sexual harassment and human trafficking.
    Facebook @NoGreyZonerrc
    Instagram @NoGreyZonerrc
    Twitter @NoGreyzonerrc

    Amanda Tenorio – Domestic Violence Survivor, Advocate and Public Speaker

    Articles About Amanda:

    Amanda's story: Escaping the clutches of domestic abuse

    Domestic violence survivor driven by past to create change

    Virginia charity Homestretch helps families deal with homelessness and its causes

    Military works to prevent domestic violence

    Instagram: @Amandaltenorio1

    Twitter: @AmandaLTenorio1

    TikTok: @amandatenorio1

    Email: Amanda.tenorio1@yahoo.com

    Podcast Music:
    I'm Just Good by Johny Grimes https://soundcloud.com/johny-grimes
    Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
    Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/im-just-good
    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/2wrYUBtrjGM br> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZ1maOwEZy0

  • Kathryn Marsh & Melissa Hoppmeyer are prosecutors specializing in child abuse, sexual assault and domestic violence crimes. They are also co-founders of Right Response Consulting, an agency that provides training and in the areas of sexual assault, sexual harassment and human trafficking.
    Facebook @NoGreyZonerrc
    Instagram @NoGreyZonerrc
    Twitter @NoGreyzonerrc

    Michelle Jewsbury is an American Actress, Author, and Humanitarian. She is known for her acclaimed one-person show "But I Love Him", which is now being turned into a memoir about her personal experience in an abusive relationship. She is a crusader against Domestic Violence and is a spokesperson and advocate for Domestic Violence survivors. In July 2017, Michelle founded Unsilenced Voices, a 501(c)3 nonprofit focused on inspiring change in communities around the globe by encouraging victims to break free and survivors to speak up about domestic violence and sexual assault. The mission of Unsilenced Voices is to provide shelter and relief to survivors of domestic abuse and sexual gender-based violence worldwide. Unsilenced Voices has been operating in Ghana and Sierra Leone where they are working to implement shelters, sensitization programs, legal assistance, vocational training, medical and counseling to survivors. Michelle has been to Ghana and Sierra Leone multiple times and is raising funds to build temporary shelters for victims of domestic abuse and sexual gender based violence in both countries. (Taken from imdb)

    Unsilenced Voices was founded by a survivor of domestic violence in 2017. The organization currently operates in Ghana, Sierra Leone and Rwanda where we work with our partners to implement shelters, sensitization programs, legal assistance, vocational training, medical and counseling to victims of domestic abuse and sexual gender based violence. We are developing essential partners in the USA to serve the greater Los Angeles area in 2021. Currently we are fundraising for a National Domestic Violence Awareness Tour (taken from Unsilencedvoices.org)

    A Night to Remember:

    Instagram: @unsilencedvoices
    Twitter: @unsilencevoices
    LinkedIn: @unsilencedVoices
    Youtube: Unsilenced Voices

    Podcast Music:
    I'm Just Good by Johny Grimes https://soundcloud.com/johny-grimes
    Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
    Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/im-just-good
    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/2wrYUBtrjGM br> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZ1maOwEZy0

  • Kathryn Marsh & Melissa Hoppmeyer are prosecutors specializing in child abuse, sexual assault and domestic violence crimes. They are also co-founders of Right Response Consulting, an agency that provides training and in the areas of sexual assault, sexual harassment and human trafficking.
    Facebook @NoGreyZonerrc
    Instagram @NoGreyZonerrc
    Twitter @NoGreyzonerrc

    Bill Mitchell, author of “When Dating Hurts”, lost his daughter, Kristin, to domestic violence. In the 16 years since the tragic loss of his daughter has has become a fierce domestic violence advocate, public speaker and podcast host.

    Article about the Mitchells

    Social Media

    Facebook: @Bill_Mitchell

    Twitter: ​@Bill_Mitchell

    Websites: https://www.whendatinghurts.com/

    Email: BillMitchell@WhenDatingHurts.com

    Book: When Dating Hurts

    Podcast Music:
    I'm Just Good by Johny Grimes https://soundcloud.com/johny-grimes
    Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
    Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/im-just-good
    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/2wrYUBtrjGM br> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZ1maOwEZy0

  • Kathryn Marsh & Melissa Hoppmeyer are prosecutors specializing in child abuse, sexual assault and domestic violence crimes. They are also co-founders of Right Response Consulting, an agency that provides training and in the areas of sexual assault, sexual harassment and human trafficking.
    Facebook @NoGreyZonerrc
    Instagram @NoGreyZonerrc
    Twitter @NoGreyzonerrc

    Dr. Kraizer has a Ph.D. in education with a specialization in youth at risk and is an internationally recognized expert and author in the subject of child well-being including: sexual abuse, physical and emotional abuse, bullying and interpersonal violence, and child safety. She is the founder and director of the Coalition for Children, a not-for-profit organization working to increase child safety, prevent child abuse, bullying and interpersonal violence. She is the author of the Safe Child Program, the Take A Stand Program, the REACH, CHALLENGE and RECOVERY life skills programs, and other curricula used in schools, churches, recreation centers, foster care agencies and homes around the world. Her materials are translated and used in over 80 countries around the world. (bio taken in part from safechild.org)


    The Safe Child Book

    10 Days to a Bully-Proof Child

    Take-A-Stand Healthy Behaviour Development Program: Child Workbook

    Social Media:
    LinkedIn: Sherryll Kriazer, Ph.D

    Email: kraizer@safechild.org

    Websites: https://safechild.org/

    Podcast Music:
    I'm Just Good by Johny Grimes https://soundcloud.com/johny-grimes
    Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
    Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/im-just-good
    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/2wrYUBtrjGM br> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZ1maOwEZy0

  • Kathryn Marsh & Melissa Hoppmeyer are prosecutors specializing in child abuse, sexual assault and domestic violence crimes. They are also co-founders of Right Response Consulting, an agency that provides training and in the
    areas of sexual assault, sexual harassment and human trafficking.
    Facebook @NoGreyZonerrc
    Instagram @NoGreyZonerrc
    Twitter @NoGreyzonerrc

    Kyle Richard: has become an outspoken advocate for victims of sexual assault and bystander intervention after being shot twice in the summer of 2017 while interrupting a sexual assault. He works with It’s on Us and Set the Expectation to speak with athletes and men across the country. He advocates for Positive Manhood, Bystander Intervention; Respect and sharing vulnerabilities. Kyle has received a number of awards to include the 2018 Orange Bowl Courage Award recipient, that recognizes a college football player who has displayed bravery on or off the field, the Next Generation Award from Kristin’s Fund, the Biden Courage Award for Bystander Intervention from It’s On Us and the Biden Foundation

    About his story:


    Orange Bowl

    Courtland Voice

    Social Media
    Facebook: @kyle_t_rich

    Instagram: @realkylerichard

    Set the Expectation


    Its on Us

    Podcast Music:

    I'm Just Good by Johny Grimes https://soundcloud.com/johny-grimes
    Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
    Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/im-just-good

    Music promoted by Audio
    Library https://youtu.be/2wrYUBtrjGM br> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZ1maOwEZy0

  • Kathryn Marsh & Melissa Hoppmeyer are prosecutors specializing in child abuse, sexual assault and domestic violence crimes. They are also co-founders of Right Response Consulting, an agency that provides training and in the
    areas of sexual assault, sexual harassment and human trafficking.
    Facebook @NoGreyZonerrc
    Instagram @NoGreyZonerrc
    Twitter @NoGreyzonerrc

    Jenna Quinn has reached international audiences, educating and sharing her inspiring story with legislatures, law-enforcement, abuse-prevention groups, schools, communities of faith, nonprofit organizations, and the general public. As a survivor who benefited from the services of a Children’s Advocacy Center, Jenna has worked with over 100 Child Advocacy Centers across the country. Moreover, she has worked with over 26 states to help implement prevention education policies. Jenna is also the founder of Reveal To Heal International nonprofit and the National Spokesperson for Childhelp Speak Up Be Safe. (bio taken from Jennaquinn.org)

    Jenna Quinn Law:

    S. 734 is sponsored by Senator John Cornyn (TX) and Senator Maggie Hassan (NH).

    · Authorizes grants to eligible entities for increasing evidence-based or informed training on sexual abuse prevention education and reporting to teachers and school employees, students, caregivers, and other adults who work with children.

    · Ensures States and CAPTA Community Based Grant recipients coordinate with local education agencies to train professionals and volunteers who work with students on sexual abuse prevention, recognition and reporting.

    · Confirms States not only have provisions and procedures in place for an individual to report sexual abuse, but also procedures for individuals to prevent sexual abuse and recognize the signs of that abuse.

    · Encourages states to provide operational support, technical assistance, and training to community-based prevention focused entities in the state to prevent, recognize, and report sexual abuse. (from jennaquinn.org)


    Pure in Heart: Jenna’s story answers the uncomfortable questions people have about child sexual abuse.This book is not just a memoir; it’s also a training tool with prevention as the hallmark.

    Social Media:
    Facebook: @jennaquinn
    Twitter: @jennas_law
    Instagram: @jennaquinnlove
    Websites: jennaquinn.org

    Podcast Music:
    I'm Just Good by Johny Grimes https://soundcloud.com/johny-grimes
    Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
    Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/im-just-good
    Music promoted by Audio Library
    https://youtu.be/2wrYUBtrjGM br> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZ1maOwEZy0

  • Kathryn Marsh & Melissa Hoppmeyer are prosecutors specializing in child abuse, sexual assault and domestic violence crimes. They are also co-founders of Right Response Consulting, an agency that provides training and in the
    areas of sexual assault, sexual harassment and human trafficking.
    Facebook @NoGreyZonerrc
    Instagram @NoGreyZonerrc
    Twitter @NoGreyzonerrc

    Cheryl M. Bradshaw has worked as a counsellor at both Sheridan College and the University of Guelph. With a background in teaching and a Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology, she specializes in working with young people. Her approach is non-denominational in nature, and she welcomes all spiritual and religious practices, cultures, orientations, and lifestyles. Trained in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Solution-Focused Therapy (SFT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Internal Family Systems (IFS), EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), Gottman Couple's Counselling approaches, and narrative and existential approaches. She has been a speaker for various sized groups of students ranging from grades 6 up to university/college students, varsity athletes, as well as to groups of professionals and mental health professionals. (Taken from cherylmbradshaw.com)

    Books she has written:

    Real Talk About Sex and Consent is a comprehensive guide with essential
    information about setting boundaries, coercion, reciprocity, and communication.

    How to Like Yourself: A Teen's Guide to Quieting Your Inner Critic and Building Lasting Self-Esteem

    The Resilience Workbook for Teens: Activities to Help You Gain Confidence, Manage Stress, and Cultivate a Growth Mindset

    Ted X Talk:


    Social Media:
    Facebook: @AuthorCherylMBradshaw

    Instagram: @cherylmbradshaw

    Twitter: @CherylMBradshaw

    YouTube Channel

    Websites: cherylmbradshaw.com

    Podcast Music:
    I'm Just Good by Johny Grimes https://soundcloud.com/johny-grimes
    Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC
    BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/im-just-good
    Music promoted by Audio Library
    https://youtu.be/2wrYUBtrjGM br> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZ1maOwEZy0

  • Kathryn Marsh & Melissa Hoppmeyer are prosecutors specializing in child abuse, sexual assault and domestic violence crimes. They are also co-founders of Right Response Consulting, an agency that provides training and in the areas of sexual assault, sexual harassment and human trafficking.
    Facebook @NoGreyZonerrc
    Instagram @NoGreyZonerrc
    Twitter @NoGreyzonerrc

    Amy Killy is a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker providing psychotherapy and consultation to individuals, parents, and schools in the Washington metropolitan area and beyond. She has 20 years of experience as a high school counselor at local independent schools, along with a private practice and consulting experience. She specializes in working with older adolescents, young adults, and parents by offering supportive psychotherapy to address anxiety, depression, life transitions, relationship issues, and parenting challenges. With a collaborative and student-centered approach, she also works with schools by consulting, developing programs, and providing workshops on various topics including mental health, sexual assault and consent, and parenting. (Bio taken from Amykilly.com)

    Georgetown Day School Summit on Sexual Assault and Consent is a day long conference that brings together students, faculty, administrators, and parents from high schools across the country to discuss the epidemic of sexual violence facing people of all ages, races, genders, sexual orientations, and identities. (taken from gds-consentsummit.com)

    Social Media:
    Instagram: @gdsconsentsummit
    Twitter: @consentsummit
    Websites: https://www.gds-consentsummit.com/
    and Amykilly.com

    Mentions in the Episode:
    I Have the Right To
    Don McPhearson - Aspire

    Podcast Music:
    I'm Just Good by Johny Grimes https://soundcloud.com/johny-grimes
    Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
    Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/im-just-good
    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/2wrYUBtrjGM br> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZ1maOwEZy0

  • Kathryn Marsh & Melissa Hoppmeyer are prosecutors specializing in child abuse, sexual assault and domestic violence crimes. They are also co-founders of Right Response Consulting, an agency that provides training and in the areas of sexual assault, sexual harassment and human trafficking.
    Facebook @NoGreyZonerrc
    Instagram @NoGreyZonerrc
    Twitter @NoGreyzonerrc

    Tracey Vitchers serves as the Executive Director of It’s On Us, a nonprofit to combat campus sexual assault through peer-to-peer prevention education programs and activating the largest student organizing program of its kind. It’s On Us is the only national sexual assault prevention nonprofit in the United States to combine grassroots organizing and education with large-scale culture change campaigns through partnerships with creative agencies, influencers, PR and communications firms, and media. She also advises companies such as Lyft, Uber, Tinder, and others on their safety practices and policies to prevent and respond to sexual violence.

    Social Media:
    Facebook: @itsonus and @TraceyVitchers
    Instagram: @itsonus and @tvitchers
    Twitter: @itsonus and @Traceyevitchers

    Mentions in the Episode:
    I Never Called it Rape: The Ms. Report on Recognizing, Fighting and Surviving Date Rape by Robin Warshaw
    Kyle Richard
    James Smith Williams

    Educational Videos/ Engaging Men

    Podcast Music:
    I'm Just Good by Johny Grimes https://soundcloud.com/johny-grimes
    Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
    Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/im-just-good
    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/2wrYUBtrjGM br> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZ1maOwEZy0

  • Kathryn Marsh & Melissa Hoppmeyer are prosecutors with over two and a half decades of experience between them, specializing in child abuse, sexual assault and domestic violence crimes. They are also co-founders of Right Response Consulting, an agency that provides training and in the areas of sexual assault and harassment, child abuse, domestic abuse and human trafficking .
    Facebook @NoGreyZonerrc
    Instagram @NoGreyZonerrc
    Twitter @NoGreyzonerrc

    Chessie Prout is a high school sexual assault survivor. Raised in Japan, she matriculated to St. Paul’s School—a boarding school in New Hampshire, There, as a freshman, Chessy was the victim of a sexual assault. Her case and eventual trial garnered national and international media attention. In 2017, Chessy co-founded I Have The Right To Org. She has traveled around the country and internationally, sharing her story, and encouraging survivors to know and assert their most basic rights. Chessy is also a student at Barnard College and continues to use her voice to advocate and let other survivors know they aren’t alone. (Bio taken from Ihavetherightto.org)

    I Have the Right To Org I Have The Right To encourages communities and loved ones to listen, learn, and act: hear survivors’ accounts without prejudice and fault-finding, understand how sexual assault devastates and affects people, and provide a loving community for victims of sexual violence, one that is growing every minute around the world, and learn how to help children achieve an education free from sexual assault.

    Facebook @ihavetherightto
    Twitter @IHTRT01
    Instagram: @ihavetherightto_
    Webpage : https://www.ihavetherightto.org/

    Find the Book: http://www.ihavetherighttobook.com/

    Podcast Music:
    I'm Just Good by Johny Grimes https://soundcloud.com/johny-grimes
    Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
    Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/im-just-good
    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/2wrYUBtrjGM br> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZ1maOwEZy0