We're joined by the People Just Do Something podcast and The Bristol Cable's Isaac Kneebone-Hopkins to talk about the mayor so thin-skinned and bad at it that nobody was ever allowed to be mayor again.
Municipal meeting minutes include: Eric Adams in Magneto prison, Borgiawatch dot blogspot dot com, structural forces day, mayors love slides, some libel, the Birdman of Bristol, the West of England Wing, fitting a horse through the eye of a needle, the Premier Inn operator, If mayors ruled the world, You can’t abolish me, I quit!
This is a BONUS EPISODE. Listen to the whole thing, and get double the mayors, on our Patreon!
First as France, and then again as France. For some reason in this one Mayor Mattie takes us to 19th-century France and then also Louisiana, Texas, Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, and California. That's right, we've plunged into one of her special interests!
Municipal meeting minutes include: learning how to drive barefoot from a guy with a soulpatch, Croatian Goodfellas, scheming mayors chat, headlight fluid clinics, posting is praxis, dogs of remarkable size and strength, the chore wheel at New Jerusalem, the most prepared group of people in human history, and the wrongest breakfast ever served.
Check out our Patreon for more mayor action! And if you like zany separatists why not pre-order Mattie's new book!
Saknas det avsnitt?
November's in the mayor's seat for this one, a tragic tale of one Basque gentleman founding a beautiful utopia under a freeway and on top of a rail yard, where any business could dispose as many animal corpses and batteries as they wanted. Until the world decided that the beautiful Malburg family was too pure for this Earth.
Join us on the Patreon to hear the whole thing, and get double the mayors every month!
Our favorite historian and host of The Tides of History podcast joins us to ask and answer a question that's been on our minds since we started the show: Are popes mayors? The answer is: Kind of!
To do so, we talk through the Pope's very mayor-like role during specifically the Renaissance, and the most mayor-like pope of them all, Rodrigo Borgia aka Pope Alexander VI. Now pull out your sword, and get to stabbin'!
If you like NGNM, why not become a Patreon subscriber, and get twice as many mayors per month!
Also, if you're on the west coast of America, why not catch Mattie on tour next week!
We head to the capital of PA for our boy-est Boy Mayor yet, Harrisburg's Stephen R. Reed.
Office of the Mayor meeting minutes include: Michele Zoo-cault, illegal Megalopolis screening, Municipal Roundup presented by Rudy dot coffee, the Nightcrawler from NIGHTCRAWLER, the boymoding mayor, Coastal Pennsylvania, Riley gets FFS, Kinds of Kindness but not in the normal way, The American Museum of Hat Accessories, The Return of JFK’s gun, and more!
Head to our Patreon to hear the full episode, and get DOUBLE the mayors!
(and why not catch mattie ON TOUR!)
We finally leave the Anglosphere to head to the sunny island of Madeira, where one rally racing and handball-loving Mayor tried to elude an entire plane of lawyers and judges paradropped onto his exact location.
Like NGNM? Hear all of our biweekly BONUS episodes on our patreon.
It was the week between Christmas and New Years so the substitute teacher rolled in the A/V setup and instead of class we watched a movie. That's right! It's time to stand in a circle slam-dancing together, celebrating that freak marriage is finally legal! Former guest P.T. Barnum stars in this rollicking ahistorical romp. Guys, it's so bad.
Listen to the whole episode exclusively on our patreon.
Hey, do you like COMEDY?! Catch Mattie on tour with Gender Ordeal, in DC, San Francisco, Portland, or Seattle this month and next! Get your tickets here.
Did you know that Alaska is more than its admittedly gorgeous train livery? That's right! They have mayors. In the shadow of Mt. POW/MIA (really) lies the town of Wasilla. We delve into what it was like before the national spotlight shone on it, a simple strip mall Deadwood where you could drive as drunk as you'd like while you carted dozens of mattresses in the back of your extended cab pickup, firing your handgun wildly out the window. Then, of course, it all changed.
Why not sign up for the BONUS feed and get more Mayors? nogodsnomayors.com is your destination.
We talk (finally) about the mayor that everyone sent in, South Carolina's George Garner, who was killed recently in a police chase, after his entire police force resigned under semi-mysterious circumstances on the Carolingian Steppe (a thing we invent).
We also have a mega municipal round-up featuring a mayoral superbloom event in England, and our old friend Eric Adams's old friend Ingrid Lewis-Martin and her DJ son. Don't worry, we found his soundcloud. Check out the episode on our Patreon at nogodsnomayors.com!
We're joined this week by senior Southern California correspondent Noah (twitter/bsky) to talk about California's Richard Nixon™, Saigon Sam himself, travelin' Sam Yorty. From humble beginnings as a Nebraskan ragamuffin, Sam rose to the ranks of Insanely Racist Guy. Sensually licking this podcast and using our franking privilege to mail it directly...to your ears!
Join the mayoral benevolent feed for just five bucks a month and get more episodes of NGNM, why not! Nogodsnomayors.com
After some disturbing revelations about Riley's wine intake, we delve into Gérald Tremblay's replacement. Montreal had corruption problems. Who else to solve them than THE unicycling, shriner hypnotist himself who also cannot speak French and who also was corrupt?
Join us over at The Mayoral Benevolent feed at nogodsnomayors.com to hear the rest and get TWO extra episodes a month.
Mayor Riley takes us finally out of the Anglosphere with a mobbed-up mayor of Montreal, QC. That's right, we're talking keeping money in your socks, known Rizutto crime family associate Youppi!, the guy that trepans you, and the most literal bagman of all time. Tony bless us, every one!
Join us next week on the Mayoral Benevolent feed at nogodsnomayors.com for Tremblay's unicycling hypnotist shriner successor.
For this week's bonus, we get Special Deputy Mayor and SF Expert Shanti Singh back in the guest's chair to talk about a triple-decker of mayors in the city by the bay. Listen to the whole thing on the mayoral benevolent feed at nogodsnomayors.com
Mattie is back in the mayors seat and presents the crew with Boston's own James Michael Curley. From his humble beginnings working his way through the city's nascent Tammany-esque political machine all the way through FOUR nonconsecutive terms as mayor over the course of 30+ years. Hold onto your shillelagh-proof hat: we've found a guy.
Want more No Gods No Mayors? Head on down to our Patreon and for just $5/month you can get double the municipal action. See you there next week!
On the Mayoral Benevolent feed this week: Friend of the show @uhshanti joins to talk about GRUESOME GAVIN himself. We bust open Mayor Riley's dusty tome of Great Wine Americans and dig into how the pride of San Francisco('s eight richest families) got his start in local politics.
Hear the whole thing at nogodsnomayors.com!
Yes, THAT PT Barnum! He was the mayor of Bridgeport, CT. Mattie is the mayor of this one, and we discuss the sort of ur-Mayor of America, the greatest showman himself. You might think to yourself: this makes a lot of sense, as he was the circus guy and the government is full of clowns. Also the premiere of Municipal Roundup. Hyah!
Did you know we have a Patreon? 5 bucks a month gets you double the episodes! nogodsnomayors.com
That's right, people. Andrew Law of The Boney Island Whitefish is here, and we're watching Season 1, Episode 18: "The Man With the Bone.
We had Andrew, and there's an episode of bones featuring a weird mayor so the band is back together. Join our Patreon at nogodsnomayors.com to hear the premium Mayoral Benevolent Feed.
We are joined by two of the joint mayors of our sister city, Boonta Vista, to talk about Mr. Paparazzi himself: Geelong's Darryn Lyons. The story of one brave man who installed a carapace on himself, collected the most beautiful art of naked women known to man, and was finally chased out of the country by a dingo to live as a tax exile in Italy. We salute you, Darryn!
We dig into the very bad no good 2024 of Mr. Adams – a simple polyamorous vegan trying to make it big in the city he was born and raised in, taken down by the cruel passengers of the very plane he was trying to fly. We are joined by special acting deputy Mayor and longtime Eric Adams obsessive Alex Press.
This is the last time we split the episodes up like this for a while! But you can listen to the whole thing over on the Mayoral Bonus Feed at nogodsnomayors.com
OKAY: We promised we were going to stop splitting the episodes behind the paywall like this but this is an emergency and then we'll stop doing that.
Mayor Mattie sits at the head of the table of success and takes Riley and November through the career of Eric Adams, from when he was a mere teenager getting hit in the back of the head with a baseball bat through the first half of his high-flying mayoralty, when all the troubles began.
Part 2, about The Crimes, will be up on the patreon next week: nogodsnomayors.com
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