In this week's episode, Josh and Jesse talk about supplements. Are they worth it? Which ones should you take? Which ones should you stay away from? Then, they talk about burnout in the gym. How to avoid it. How to get back on the right track. Finally, they talk about two exercises that will help improve shoulder, wrist, knees, hips and ankles.
This or That:
Frozen yogurt vs. Ice cream T-bar row vs. 1 arm row Sweet foods vs. Salty foods Plank vs. Crunches Pullups vs. SquatsMusic Credit: Bensound - Highoctane
In this week's episode, Josh and Jesse talk about fitness clubs that offer the total package. Are they worth it? Are they a thing of the future? Then, they talk about lifting behind the neck. Is it good for you? Who should do it? Finally, they talk all things rest. How long to rest between sets? How long to rest between workouts?
This or That:
Running vs. Lifting weights 6 pack abs vs. Big arms Protein vs. Carbs Foam rolling vs. Stretching Shrugs vs. Farmer walks (for trap development)Music Credit: Bensound - Highoctane
Saknas det avsnitt?
In this week's episode Josh and Jesse talk about fasting. What is it? Is it worth it? Then, they talk about post workout rhinitis. What causes it? Can it be cured? Finally, they talk whether or not you can improve flexibility through exercise.
This or That
Natural deodorant vs. Commerical deodorant 10km run vs. 1000 calories on assault bike Handstand pushups vs. Muscle up Potatoes vs. Sweet potatoes Bodybuilding competition vs. Mans physique competitionMusic Credit: Bensound - Highoctane
In this week's episode, Josh and Jesse talk about exercise selection for your workouts. What exercises should go first and why? Then, they talk about balance training, and how to do it properly. Finally, they give their top 5 carbohydrate sources with, of course, a few honourable mentions.
This or That:
Overhead carry vs. Farmer carry 100 pushups vs. 100 burpees Overhead press vs. Pull-ups Barre class vs. Yoga HIIT cardio vs. LISS cardioMusic Credit: Bensound - Highoctane
In this week's episode Josh and Jesse talk about the benefits of speciality lifting equipement. Then, they talk about beef and chicken; which one is better if you're trying to avoid fat/cholesterol. Finally, they talk about training in your 40s. Should you change the way you workout?
This or That:
Spin bike vs. Road bike Leg day vs. Arm day Eggs vs. Oatmeal Music vs. No music Treadmill running vs. Road runningMusic Credit: Bensound - Highoctane
In this week's episode, Josh and Jesse talk about how to continue your training when diagnosed with a medical condition. Then, they talk about the best workout for the most caloric burn. Finally, they talk about intra workout drinks and supplements: Are they worth it?
This or That:
Bigger triceps vs. Bigger biceps Solo workout vs. Partner workout Beef ribs vs. Pork ribs Close grip bench vs. Dips Sauna vs. Ice bathMusic Credit: Bensound - Highoctane
In this week's episode, Josh and Jesse answer a listener's question... Which is better: strength training or conditioning as we age? Then they talk about heavy metals in supplements. Are they bad? Should we avoid them? Finally, they talk about the role of stretching in your fitness routine. What is the purpose? Is it worth it?
This or That:
Rower vs. Treadmill Salmon vs. Tilapia Jumping jacks vs. Jump rope Dumbbells vs. Barbell Crossfit vs. PowerliftingMusic Credit: Bensound - Highoctane
In this week's episode, Josh and Jesse talk about lifting weight as the weight gets scary (heavy). Next, they dicuss how to offset short-term sleep deprivation. Finally, they talk about form: How important is it? Are there any benefits to "cheater" reps?
This or That:
Kettlebell swings vs. Hip thrusts Kipping pullups vs. Strict pullups BCAA vs. Preworkout Steak vs. Chicken Bench press vs. PullupsMusic Credit: Bensound - Highoctane
In this week's episode, Josh and Jesse talk about gym etiquette. They give their top 5, with a couple honourable mentions. Next, they answer a listener question: How many exercises do I need to do in one workout? Finally, they answer a client question: How do I know which exercises variation is best for me?
This or That:
Eating before a workout vs. Eating after a workout Trap-bar deadlift vs. Straight-bar deadlift Warm up vs. Cool down Mountain climbers vs. Burpees Curtsy lunges vs. Walking lungesMusic Credit: Bensound - Highoctane
In this week's episode, Josh and Jesse are joined by a special guest host: Dr. Matthew Tiffany. They kick off the episode with some holiday banter. Then, they get into some questions. First, they talk about New Year's Resolutions, are they a good idea? Then, they talk about how to start from scratch at the gym in the New Year. Finally, Matt asks Josh and Jesse which is better: working out at home or in the gym?
This or That:
Coffee vs. Pre-workout BCAA vs. Creatine Fruits vs. Vegetables Snip it vs. Skip it Strength training vs. Endurance training Jumping jacks vs. Assault bikeMusic Credit: Bensound - Highoctane
In this week's episode, Josh and Jesse talk about how to mitigate holiday overeating and indulging. Then, they talk about the benefits to deloading during a training cycle. Finally, they dicuss ways to train muscle imbalances.
This or That:
Pumpkin pie vs. Sticky toffee pudding Shortbread cookies vs. Sugar cookies Turkey vs. Ham Fruit cake vs. Rum balls Candy cane vs. Divinity candyMusic Credit: Bensound - Highoctane
In this week's episode, Josh and Jesse answer a few listener questions. First, they talk about protein and if it's better to get more from a lower-quality source, or less from a higher-quality source. Then, they talk about why progress could stale for weight loss while only doing cardio. Finally, they talk about training to failure. Is it worth it for muscle growth?
This or That:
Upper-body training vs. Lower-body training Strength training vs. Conditioning Number on the scale vs. How clothes fit Powerlifting vs. Bodybuilding Protein bars vs. Protein shakesMusic Credit: Bensound - Highoctane
In this special episode Josh and Jesse interview Meg Pettipas, co-owner of Dandelion Foods in Almonte. They talk about the store, what it offers, and why they chose Almonte for the location of a health-food store. They also talk about working with local farms and food growers, what's on the horizon for Dandelion Foods, and much more!
Music Credit: Bensound - Highoctane
In this week's episode, Josh and Jesse talk about squats. Are they bad for your knees? Who should do them? Then, they talk about whether or not you need to cut carbs to lose weight. Finally, they talk about how to avoid overeating.
This or That:
Gym Shark vs. Crocs and flannel Box jumps vs. Burpees Group classes vs. Personal training Stair master vs. Treadmill Standard leg press vs. Horizontal leg pressMusic Credit: Bensound - Highoctane
In this week's episode, Josh and Jesse talk about one of the most popular topics for gym goers: How to get bigger arms. Then, they answer a listener question about feeling guilty on rest days. Finally, they provide tips for plant-based lifters.
This or That:
Back training vs. Chest training Morning workouts vs. Night workouts Carnivore diet vs. Vegan diet Cable curl vs. Dumbbell curl Compound exercises vs. Isolation exercisesMusic Credit: Bensound - Highoctane
In this week's episode, Josh and Jesse talk about training with diabetes. Is it possible? And how do you do it? Next, they talk about cleanses. What are they? Should you do one? Will they help? Finally, they answer a common question: Can I workout every day? Tune in to find out!
This or That:
Intermittent fasting vs. Calorie restriciton (for weight loss) Diet pop vs. Regular pop Beyond meat burger vs. Beef burger Squats vs. Hip thrusts (for glute growth) Eggs vs. Steak (for protein)Music Credit: Bensound - Highoctane
In this week's episode, Josh and Jesse talk about how to increase appetite to consume more calories for a "bulk". Then, they answer a young personal trainer's question: How do you give advice to people that aren't your clients but still ask you questions? Finally, they talk about PR's. What are they? Are they important during training?
This or That:
Seated row vs. Lat pull-down Testosterone booster vs. Creatine Biceps training vs. Triceps training Salmon vs. Chicken Kettlebells vs. DumbbellsMusic Credit: Bensound - Highoctane
In this week's episode, Josh and Jesse talk about biohacking. What is it? Is it worth it? Then, they talk about healthy weights and body types. Finally, they talk about if it is important to get 10k steps if you have already worked out that day.
This or That:
Flat DB press vs. Incline DB press Complex exercises vs. Standard exercises Massage vs. Physiotherapy (for injury) Step-ups vs. Lunges Jumping jacks vs. BurpeesMusic Credit: Bensound - Highoctane
In this week's episode, Josh and Jesse talk about training as you age. How old is too old to train? Then, they talk about why you shake when you lift weights. What's the reason and how do you fix it? Finally, they talk about General Physical Preparation (GPP). What is it? And how do you incorporate it into your workouts?
This or That:
Squats vs. Lunges Planks vs. Crunches Brussels sprouts vs. Broccoli BCAA's vs. Veggies greens Muscular strength vs. Muscular enduranceMusic Credit: Bensound - Highoctane
In this week's episode, Josh and Jesse start off by talking about incremental plates. What are they? Are they worth it? Then, they answer a listener question: What is the best activity to complement resistance training. Finally, they talk about the top 5 exercises you probably aren't doing and need to start!
This or That:
Recreational sports vs. Cardiovascular training Leg extensions vs. Leg press (for strength) Rear cable fly (scarecrows) vs. Farmer walks Bench press vs. Seated row Foam roller vs. Massage ball (lacrosse ball)Music Credit: Bensound - Highoctane
- Visa fler