Hello, this is Nisreen. Welcome to the 18th episode of Season Two of my podcast! It’s lovely to speak with you again.
In the US, and many other countries, March is a time to celebrate women’s achievements. In today’s episode, I’d like to introduce three works of art by female creators that you can explore during Women’s History Month—two films, and one painting.
Black Box Diaries Bombay RoseLa DanseThe thumbnail of this episode is my drawing of Shiori Itō in the film.
Please find the script and related links on my blog.
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Black Box DiariesBombay RoseLa Danseサムネイルは映画Black Box Diariesの中の伊藤監督を私が描いた絵です。
レビューやYouTubeチャンネル[https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUbPG9bfNuV4ubFIIssZn_hTbWykNbpCW&feature=shared]へのコメントを残していただけると、とってもうれしいです。連絡フォームからも、いつでも感想をお寄せください。(https://luxsharqui.wixsite.com/nisreenvisualart/location) -
Saknas det avsnitt?
Hello, this is Nisreen. Welcome to the 17th episode of Season Two of my podcast! It’s lovely to speak with you again.
The other day, our pug boy, Nibbler, marked his 7th birthday! That got me reflecting on how much he has enriched not only my personal life, but also my artistic journey. Today, I’d love to talk about why he is my muse. I hope this resonates with you, especially if you love dogs, or any kind of animal!
Please find the script and related links on my blog.
Please let me know your thoughts from the contact form below:
https://luxsharqui.wixsite.com/nisreenvisualart/location -
レビューやYouTubeチャンネル[https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUbPG9bfNuV4ubFIIssZn_hTbWykNbpCW&feature=shared]へのコメントを残していただけると、とってもうれしいです。連絡フォームからも、いつでも感想をお寄せください。(https://luxsharqui.wixsite.com/nisreenvisualart/location) -
Hello, this is Nisreen. Welcome to the 16th episode of Season Two of my podcast! It’s lovely to speak with you again.
The other day, I watched Paddington in Peru, the third film in the British family comedy series. Directed by Paul King, the series is based on Michael Bond’s beloved children’s books, first published in 1958.
In this episode, I’d like to share three reasons why I see Paddington Brown as a role model. There will be spoilers, so if you haven’t watched the films and don’t want to ruin the fun, please come back later! I hope you enjoy it.
Please find the script and related links on my blog.
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https://luxsharqui.wixsite.com/nisreenvisualart/location -
先日、英国のファミリー・コメディ映画シリーズの第3作目“Paddington in Peru”、邦題『パディントン 消えた黄金郷の秘密』を観ました。ポール・キング監督のこの映画シリーズは、1958年に出版されたマイケル・ボンドの児童文学が原作です。今回は、私が熊パディントン・ブラウンのように生きたい!と思った3つの理由をお話ししたいと思います。
レビューやYouTubeチャンネル[https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUbPG9bfNuV4ubFIIssZn_hTbWykNbpCW&feature=shared]へのコメントを残していただけると、とってもうれしいです。連絡フォームからも、いつでも感想をお寄せください。(https://luxsharqui.wixsite.com/nisreenvisualart/location) -
Hello, this is Nisreen. Welcome to the 15th episode of Season Two of my podcast—Happy Valentine’s Day!
In this episode, I’m introducing three Golden Age films that are perfect for Valentine’s Day.
It Happened One Night Some Like It Hot Love in the Afternoon
Please find the script and related links on my blog.
Please let me know your thoughts from the contact form below:
https://luxsharqui.wixsite.com/nisreenvisualart/location -
It Happened One Night / 或る夜の出来事Some Like It Hot /お熱いのがお好き Love in the Afternoon /昼下がりの情事楽しんでいただければ嬉しいです。
レビューやYouTubeチャンネル[https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUbPG9bfNuV4ubFIIssZn_hTbWykNbpCW&feature=shared]へのコメントを残していただけると、とってもうれしいです。連絡フォームからも、いつでも感想をお寄せください。(https://luxsharqui.wixsite.com/nisreenvisualart/location) -
Hello, this is Nisreen. Welcome to the 14th episode of Season Two of my podcast—it’s lovely to speak with you again!
The other day, I came across a Psychology Today article titled "8 Things That Toxic Mothers Do” by Peg Streep. The word “toxic” feels worn out on social media nowadays, but what it really means is behaviour that threatens others' well-being in some way—emotionally, or psychologically. As I read the eight alarming signs listed in this article, I started thinking about incredibly accurate depictions of such mother-child relationships in stories.
In this episode, I am going to introduce two excellent films and two manga that capture the essence of toxic motherhood, and explore some potential ways of healing. I hope you enjoy it!
PresenceQalaBoy's AbyssIguana Girl
Please find the script and related links on my blog.
Please let me know your thoughts from the contact form below:
https://luxsharqui.wixsite.com/nisreenvisualart/location -
こんにちは、ニスリーンです。私のポッドキャスト・シーズン2の第14回目へようこそ!皆さんお元気でしょうか?私は先日、ネットで「毒になる母親がする8つのこと」というペグ・ストリープによるPsychology Todayの記事を見つけました。「毒」英語で[toxic]という言葉は最近ネットで使い古されている感がありますが、本来、感情的、心理的に他人の幸せを脅かす行動を指します。
レビューやYouTubeチャンネル[https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUbPG9bfNuV4ubFIIssZn_hTbWykNbpCW&feature=shared]へのコメントを残していただけると、とってもうれしいです。連絡フォームからも、いつでも感想をお寄せください。(https://luxsharqui.wixsite.com/nisreenvisualart/location) -
レビューやYouTubeチャンネル[https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUbPG9bfNuV4ubFIIssZn_hTbWykNbpCW&feature=shared]へのコメントを残していただけると、とってもうれしいです。もちろん、コンタクトフォームからも、いつでも感想をお寄せください。(https://luxsharqui.wixsite.com/nisreenvisualart/location) -
Hello, this is Nisreen.
Welcome to the 13th episode of Season Two of my podcast—it’s lovely to speak with you again!Today, I’d like to talk about one of my favourite topics: belly dance costuming!
Please find the script and related links on my blog.
Please let me know your thoughts from the contact form below:
https://luxsharqui.wixsite.com/nisreenvisualart/location -
Hello, this is Nisreen.
Welcome to the 12th episode of Season Two of my podcast—it’s lovely to speak with you again!
The other day, I visited New York City for the first time in my life. Among the highlights there was one that stood out- visiting one of the city’s most famous cultural landmarks, the Metropolitan Museum of Art. With its astounding collection of 1.5 million works, it was, of course, impossible to take everything in in a single day.
However, there was one painting in particular that seized my attention: The Rape of Tamar by Eustache Le Sueur, a French artist. The piece depicts a harrowing story from the Old Testament in which Amnon, the eldest son of King David, becomes consumed with desire for his half-sister, Tamar, and commits a terrible act of violence against her.
As heartbreaking as the theme is, I was mesmerised by the technical finesse of this artwork. It even inspired me to create my own fan art for this episode’s thumbnail. In today’s episode, I’ll break down what makes this painting such a remarkable example of the power of art.
Please find the script and related links on my blog.
Please let me know your thoughts from the contact form below:
https://luxsharqui.wixsite.com/nisreenvisualart/location -
レビューやYouTubeチャンネル[https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUbPG9bfNuV4ubFIIssZn_hTbWykNbpCW&feature=shared]へのコメントを残していただけると、とってもうれしいです。もちろん、コンタクトフォームからも、いつでも感想をお寄せください。(https://luxsharqui.wixsite.com/nisreenvisualart/location) -
Hello, this is Nisreen.
Welcome to the 11th episode of Season Two of my podcast—it’s lovely to speak with you again! Happy New Year!
During my winter holiday, I finally completed a very important mission—reading the comic book NANA all the way to the latest episode! For those unfamiliar with it, NANA is a drama manga written and illustrated by Ai Yazawa, centring on two young women who share the name Nana.
The thumbnail is my fan art about the two heroines.
Spoiler Alert
This analysis contains spoilers as I delve into the details of the work. If you haven’t read the manga yet and want to avoid spoilers, I recommend returning after you’ve had a chance to enjoy it!
Please find the script and related links on my blog.
Please let me know your thoughts from the contact form below:
https://luxsharqui.wixsite.com/nisreenvisualart/location -
冬休みの間、私はついに重要な課題を終えました。漫画『NANA』を最新話まで読むことです!ご存じない方のために、『NANA』とは、矢沢あいによる、ナナという名前を持つ二人の若い女性をめぐる人間ドラマを描いた漫画です。2000年から2009年まで日本の雑誌『Cookie』で連載され、一世を風靡しました。 サムネイルは私が描いた二人のヒロインのファンアートです。
レビューやYouTubeチャンネル[https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUbPG9bfNuV4ubFIIssZn_hTbWykNbpCW&feature=shared]へのコメントを残していただけると、とってもうれしいです。もちろん、コンタクトフォームからも、いつでも感想をお寄せください。(https://luxsharqui.wixsite.com/nisreenvisualart/location) -
Hello, this is Nisreen.
Welcome to the 10th episode of Season Two of my podcast—it’s lovely to speak with you again!The other day, I watched the musical Wicked Part 1, directed by Jon M. Chu, at the cinema. It was such an entertaining, yet thought-provoking, adaptation of the beloved Broadway musical! I was on the edge of my seat the whole time, captivated by the compelling story and professional singing performances.
As a visual artist, though, in this episode I’d like to focus on its use of colour, and analyse why it’s so effective.
There are no spoilers until 04:45 —and I’ll give you a warning before they start. If you haven’t watched the film yet and don’t want to ruin the surprise, please come back to the rest after watching it!The full script and related links are available on my blog!
Please let me know your thoughts from the contact form below:
https://luxsharqui.wixsite.com/nisreenvisualart/location -
こんにちは、ニスリーンです。私のポッドキャスト・シーズン2の第10話へようこそ!皆さん、お元気でしたか?私は先日、有名なブロードウェイミュージカルの映画版『ウィキッド Part1』を映画館で観ることができました!
レビューやYouTubeチャンネル[https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUbPG9bfNuV4ubFIIssZn_hTbWykNbpCW&feature=shared]へのコメントを残していただけると、とってもうれしいです。もちろん、コンタクトフォームからも、いつでも感想をお寄せください。(https://luxsharqui.wixsite.com/nisreenvisualart/location) -
レビューやYouTubeチャンネル[https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUbPG9bfNuV4ubFIIssZn_hTbWykNbpCW&feature=shared]へのコメントを残していただけると、とってもうれしいです。もちろん、コンタクトフォームからも、いつでも感想をお寄せください。(https://luxsharqui.wixsite.com/nisreenvisualart/location) -
Hello, this is Nisreen.
Welcome to the ninth episode of Season Two of my podcast—it’s lovely to speak with you again!Today, I’d like to delve into how belly dancing has expanded my horizons.
I’ve been teaching and performing belly dance for years now.Although I’m not from the cultures of origin, this beautiful dance form and its music have enriched my life in countless ways. This episode is my personal love letter to Oriental dance. I’ll break it down into five points:
The full script and related links are available on my blog!
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