Cerita tentang bagaimana saya menikah dengan Bule gila sampai tinggal di Rusia. Diam-diam lamaran, diam-diam menikah, diam-diam pindah ke Rusia. Jika Anda mencari podcast bahasa rusia dan podcast bahasa Indonesia yang bagus dan menarik. Anda berada di tempat yang tepat!
Kanal podcast kami, yang dapat Anda temukan di, adalah salah satu best podcast yang menawarkan cerita inspiratif dan lucu tentang kehidupan di Rusia. Kami juga menyediakan free podcast yang bisa Anda dengarkan kapan saja.
📝 Sebelumnya, saya ucapkan terima kasih sudah berkunjung dan membaca blog pribadi saya. Semoga bermanfaat dan selalu ada hal positif yang bisa kita ambil dari setiap episode podcast rusia dan podcast bahasa Indonesia ini.
🛫 Saya Rima, wanita Indonesia yang menikah dengan seorang pria bule asal Rusia dan memutuskan untuk menetap di Rusia. Dalam podcast bahasa indonesia ini, saya akan berbagi banyak hal mengenai keseruan perjalanan saya bersama om bule. Mulai dari awal perkenalan, proses pernikahan campur antara negara, belajar bahasa Rusia sampai akhirnya mengurus kepindahan saya ke Rusia.
🧗♀️ Saya akan senang sekali untuk berbagi suka duka mengenai kehidupan pertama saya di Rusia. Dalam setiap episode, kami juga akan membahas podcast motivasi , funny podcast dan berbagai topik menarik lainnya. Jangan lewatkan podcast 5 minutes kami yang penuh inspirasi! Podcast Indonesia yang bagus.
Semoga selalu ada hal baik yang bisa diambil untuk menjadi inspirasi. Seperti kalimat yang selalu saya ingat dan menginspirasi saya:
Bayangkan semua kelegaan setelah kita berhasil melalui semua kesulitan ini.
Salam kenal dan selamat membaca🙂
Канал подкаста:
Релизнуто креативной студией "Дело восприятия":
My Japanese Learning Diary is a podcast accounting 1 person's experiences learning Japanese. Keep having fun! ❤️ -
Welcome to the Wake Up & Wander podcast, where we embark on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and growth. Hosted by Hailey, a 20-something-year-old solo female traveler, online business owner, and mindset work & travel advocate who grew up in a small town, this podcast is your go-to destination for inspiration, motivation, and practical strategies to help you live your best life.
Each episode, we dive deep into topics such as personal development, mindfulness, confidence-building, self-care, and the transformative power of travel. Offering insights, tips, and tools, we explore how to cultivate resilience, overcome self-doubt, and navigate life's challenges with grace and resilience.
Join us as we delve into the intersections of mind, body, and soul, and discover how small shifts in mindset and behavior can lead to profound transformation. Whether you're seeking guidance on finding your purpose, unleashing your creativity, or simply looking for a dose of inspiration, this podcast is here to uplift and empower you every step of the way.
Get ready to awaken your potential, unlock your inner strength, and embrace the limitless possibilities that await you. Tune in to the Wake Up & Wander podcast bi-weekly and embark on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and adventure like never before. Your best life starts now! -
The Millennial Lady podcast hosted by two millennial ladies Teni Olubode and Abigail Adetoyinbo. Together they share their experiences what they and other ladies in modern Africa go through in today's world. On this show, they discuss a variety of topics ranging from lifestyle, health, and the all-round well-being of the girl child. The podcast aims to enlighten and educate people about the needs of today's women and the issues they face constantly. Also, shedding light on various issues and helping navigate one through living as a woman. Lastly, this podcast is for everyone interested in understanding the millennial lady's mindset. The Millenial Lady Podcast is brought to you by
〖99% Bahasa Indonesia ❗️Saran: dengarkan dari episode 1 〗
Halo semua! Salam kenal, namaku Windah. Di podcast ini, aku akan menemani kalian belajar Bahasa Indonesia tingkat menengah (intermediate) melalui cerita, berita, budaya Indonesia dan masih banyak lagi. Podcast ini terbagi ke dalam 3 tingkat kesulitan: Low, Mid, dan High. Selamat mendengarkan!
Dukung podcast ini dengan menjadi Teman Windah di Patreon, dan dapatkan transkrip untuk semua episode!
Kalau ada saran atau pertanyaan, kirimkan e-mailmu ke [email protected] -
"AI Transcripts are now available on my Patreon!
Japanese podcast for intermadiate,Nihongo con Teppei Z,The best way to learn how to speak Japanese naturally!,is a podcast for learners of Japanese language. Listen,learn and have fun while picking up natural Japanese as it really is spoken.Let’s study Japanese with me! -
Coach Lee is a world-renown relationship coach who helps people get an ex back after a breakup, save a marriage, and become more attractive.
Lee has coached people in relationships since 2000. His website is and includes hundreds of articles and videos.
Lee has lectured at Pepperdine University and others, is a TED educator on the science of breakups, and has been interviewed by major media including The New York Times, USA Today, The Today Show, New York Post, Men’s Health, L.A. Business Journal, Cosmopolitan, Daily Mail, Metro UK, Bravo TV, Yahoo Lifestyle, Glamor, and MSN among others.
Lee uses real-life experience with breakups along with his work for 20 years providing relationship-recovery coaching. He has multiple certifications for relationship coaching & consulting.
Get information on his Emergency Breakup Kit & Emergency Marriage Kit at
SUBSCRIBE to this podcast as well as on YouTube at so you don’t miss videos on saving relationships, keeping love strong, and the science of attraction. INSTAGRAM @RealCoachLee -
In this podcast children will learn German in a fun way. My name is Frau Collett. I am an experienced German elementary school and online teacher and I am passionate about making life for your bilingual child as easy as possible. I believe that learning should be fun and that a language can be learned and practiced by listening. Podcasts can be a great way to do this. I hope you have fun!
Hello everyone. This series is for Japanese learners who want to listen to a story in Japanese. You are provided with stories from a variety of short films ranging from animation, music video, commercial videos to silent movies. Stories are told in easy Japanese so, it is ideal for learners at a beginning level onward. To find out more, please visit You will find links to the films and the transcripts of each episode there, too. See you soon! Theme music: Garret Bevins at Free Click
At EF Education First we know the power of exploring new places and new cultures. These experiences can push you beyond your comfort zone, connect you to new people and help create a more open world. EF Outbound is a podcast from EF Education First featuring transformative travel stories that defy our expectations, challenge our assumptions, and teach us about the world and our place in it.
Subscribe today to catch all of our awe-inspiring EF Outbound stories. And to learn more about exploring the world with EF, visit -
Welcome to the What Fulfills You? Podcast, a weekly show hosted by Emily Elizabeth, focused around the art of designing a fulfilled life through the balance and cultivation of meaningful relationships, a professional career, and mental wellness. Within the podcast, conversations are discussed around everyday struggles from relationships, determining best career fit, mental health practices, and so forth. The brand's mission is to encourage and normalize discussions around what it means to truly live a fulfilled life and the paradigm shifts we need to make in order to step into this new framework around living versus existing. Follow along on Instagram @whatfulfillsyou to keep up with the community of fellow likeminded women.
Combo antara @julyangelinatan dan @faranitamelia yang sering diskusi soal hidup dan interested buat bring up ke dunia podcast. Yang diomongin biasanya seputar hal-hal yg sering terjadi di hidup 20's ladies (and maybe gents can relate). Let's spill the stories and see from a realistic perspective (its ok to add a little assumption). Connect with us through our instagram @askseasalt also our email [email protected].