
  • Cultists, Nick and David have escaped from the Black Lodge just in time to bring you the fourth and final installment of our series Dissecting Twin Peaks. In this episode, your Horror Hosts put the 2017 Limited Event Series, Twin Peaks: The Return, on the Exam Table. Please join us for the Dissection.

    #twinpeaks, #davidlynch, #markfrost, #kykemaclachlan, #whokilledlaurapalmer, #laurapalmer, #dalecooper, #lauradern, #specialagentdalecooper, #damnfinecoffee, #loglady, #firewalkwithme, #doublerdiner, #theblacklodge, #wrappedinplastic, #theredroom, #twinpeakstherturn, #harrydeanstanton, #naomiwatts, #dougiejones,

    Dissection Topic
    Twin Peaks: The Return https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4093826/?ref_=ext_shr

    Unholy Sacrament
    Cosmic Cold Brew, Block 15 Brewing Company https://untp.beer/b482a723fe

    Vault Of Darkness

    The Stormlight Archive series by Brandon Sanderson https://www.brandonsanderson.com/pages/the-stormlight-archive-series

    The Secret History Of Twin Peaks by Mark Frost https://www.bymarkfrost.com/books/secret_history_of_twin_peaks.html

    Twin Peaks: The Final Dossier by Mark Frost https://www.bymarkfrost.com/books/twin_peaks_final_dossier.html

  • Cultists, less the week after Twin Peaks Day we're back with the third in our Twin Peaks series. In this episode, your Horror Hosts will put Lynch's controversial film, Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me, on the exam table. A critical and commercial disappointment upon release, it has been reappraised in recent years but remains a challenging film. Please join us for the Dissection.

    Dissection Topic


    Unholy Sacrament

    Dark Tidings


    Vault Of Darkness

    Danzig - Danzig III: How The Gods Killhttps://www.discogs.com/master/28197-Danzig-Danzig-III-How-The-Gods-Kill

    Thought Gang - Thought Ganghttps://www.discogs.com/master/1446056-Thought-Gang-Thought-Gang

    #twinpeaks, #davidlynch, #markfrost, #kykemaclachlan, #whokilledlaurapalmer, #laurapalmer, #dalecooper, #audreyhorne, #specialagentdalecooper, #damnfinecoffee, #loglady, #firewalkwithme, #doublerdiner, #theblacklodge, #wrappedinplastic, #theredroom, #twinpeakstherturn, #bluevelvet, #wildatheart, #twinpeaksfirewalkwithme,

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  • Cultists, we are back with the second part of our Dissection of Twin Peaks. In this episode, your Horror Hosts will put Season 2 of the cult series on the Exam Table. Notoriously the second season struggled, with studio interference, friction between the creators, plus a ballooning cast and episode count. And yet still, Season 2 produced some of the series' most iconic moments, so please join us for the Dissection.

    Dissection Topic

    Unholy Sacrament

    Dark Tidings

    Vault Of Darkness

    The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/186074.The_Name_of_the_Wind

    Listen to The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss on Audible. https://www.audible.com/pd/B002UZMLXM?source_code=ASSORAP0511160007




    #twinpeaks, #davidlynch, #markfrost, #kykemaclachlan, #whokilledlaurapalmer, #laurapalmer, #dalecooper, #audreyhorne, #specialagentdalecooper, #damnfinecoffee, #loglady, #firewalkwithme, #doublerdiner, #theblacklodge, #wrappedinplastic, #theredroom, #twinpeaksthereturn, #bluevelvet, #wildatheart, #artlife,

  • Cultists, on January 20th, 2025, just five days short of his 79th birthday, the world lost David Lynch. A true auteur director, Lynch was someone we held very high esteem at Nightshade Cult. In response to his passing, we will be putting Twin Peaks, the show that was the gateway to Lynch for so many, on the Exam Table. Please join us for the Dissection

    Dissection Topic

    Unholy Sacrament

    Dark Tidings

    Vault Of Darkness


    #twinpeaks, #davidlynch, #markfrost, #kykemaclachlan, #whokilledlaurapalmer, #laurapalmer, #dalecooper, #audreyhorne, #specialagentdalecooper, #damnfinecoffee, #loglady, #firewalkwithme, #doublerdiner, #theblacklodge, #wrappedinplastic, #theredroom, #twinpeakstherturn, #bluevelvet, #wildatheart, #artlife,

  • Cultists, there's a new interpretation of the Wolf Man releasing this weekend. That means it's time for your Horror Host’s to put george waGGner's 1941 classic on the Exam Table. This was not Universal’s first Werewolf film but it proved to be their most iconic. Please join us for the Dissection

    Dissection Topic


    Unholy Sacrament


    Vault Of Darkness

    https://thehaloeffect.bfan.link/motulp https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0800080/?ref_=ext_shr #thewolfman, #wolfman, #wolfmanmovie, #georgewaggner, #lonchaneyjer, #lonchaney, #clauderains, #belalugosi, #mariaouspenskaya, #evelynankers, #jackpierce, #universalpictures, #universalstudios, #universalmonsters, #universalhorror, #darkuniverse, #gothichorror, #filmnoir, #werewolf, #werewolves,
  • Happy New Year, Cultists. We're doing things a little differently this year. Because you demanded it, your Horror Hosts are going to deliver their Hot Takes on Robert Eggers’s Nosferatu before they get into the annual rundown of their Year End Faves. Please join us for the dissection…dissections?

    Dissection Topic

    https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5040012/?ref_=ext_shr https://www.focusfeatures.com/nosferatu/

    Unholy Sacrament


    Year End Faves Album

    https://www.thecure.com/ https://www.opeth.com/releases/albums


    https://www.ea.com/games/dragon-age/dragon-age-the-veilguard https://marketplace.dndbeyond.com/LP-CRB-2024

    TV Show

    https://www.fxnetworks.com/shows/shogun/viewers-guide https://www.amazon.com/Fallout-Season-1/dp/B0CN4GGGQ2




    https://kathleenhannaofficial.com/book https://thebookofelsewhere.com/

    Podcast Episode

    https://youtu.be/BzRg46Bs6us?si=m_BwUZzkLONdNFGR https://youtu.be/BzRg46Bs6us?si=EKYBHanNv3PJH66D


    https://www.scca.com/ https://g.co/kgs/Loy4Eg5
  • Cultists, we've arrived at the third instalment in our Nosferatu series. This episode your Horror Hosts are putting E. Elias Merhige's 2000 Metatextual Gothic Horror on the exam table. This fictionalized telling of the making of Murnau's expressionist masterpiece earned two Academy Award nominations and has long been a favorite with N & D. Please join us for the dissection.

    Dissection Topic


    Unholy Sacrament


    Dark Tidings

    https://youtu.be/LVziLE8-5Y8?si=WA3nqSbdfwPB_81w https://youtu.be/fsLFG8CBYFM?si=bDvUWevuW586HsQ3 https://investor.games-workshop.com/news-posts/agreementwithamazonforfilmsandtelevisionseries101224

    Vault Of Darkness

    https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10640346/?ref_=ext_shr https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5016504/?ref_=ext_shr https://www.netflix.com/title/80087932?preventIntent=true #shadowofthevampire, #eeliasmerhige, #johnmalkovich, #willemdafoe, #caryelwes, #eddieizzard, #udokier, #catherinemccormack, #nosferatu, #fwmurnau, #maxschreck, #countorlok, #nausferatuasymphonyofhorror, #nosferatuthevampyre, #roberteggers, #nicolascage, #niccage, #nosferatueinesymphoniedesgrauens, #nosferatuphantomdernacht, #y2k
  • Cultists, for round two of our Nosferatu series your Horror Hosts will be putting Werner Herzog's 1979 homage to Murnau's seminal piece of German Expressionism on the exam table. The Bavarian auteur brought an art house sensibility to his reimagining of the Gothic classic. Please join us for the Dissection.

    Dissection Topic


    Unholy Sacrament


    Vault Of Darkness

    https://demonslayer-anime.com/ https://www.netflix.com/title/81091393?preventIntent=true https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/GY5P48XEY/demon-slayer-kimetsu-no-yaiba?srsltid=AfmBOoq5NRHd4PbntPKM_4L7-k4xwcN7WqL57G9ntQcDIEYFIKAChAI8 https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/702776/every-man-for-himself-and-god-against-all-by-werner-herzog-translated-by-michael-hofmann/ https://www.clairedederer.com/monsters #nosferatu, #nosferatuasymphonyofhorror, #nosferatueinesymphoniedesgrauens, #nosferatuthevampyre, #nosferatuphantomdernacht, #fwmurnau, #maxschreck, #countorlock, #countdracula, #dracula, #klauskinski, #isabelleadjani, #brunoganz, #popolvuh, #germancinema, #germanexpressionist, #gothichorror, #wernerherzog, #herzog, #roberteggers,
  • Cultists, in anticipation of Robert Eggers upcoming adaptation of Nosferatu, your Horror Hosts are going back to the original. In this episode, we put F.W. Murnau's 1922 Symphony Of Horror on the exam table. Please join us for the Dissection

    Dissection Topic

    https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0013442/?ref_=ext_shr https://youtu.be/3OZ5Wam2_Uc?si=IDvrPmbp360v7F9T

    Unholy Sacrament


    Dark Tidings

    https://www.thecure.com/ https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/new-godzilla-movie-takashi-yamazaki-1236051588/

    Vault Of Darkness

    https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0010323/?ref_=ext_shr https://youtu.be/IP0KB2XC29o?si=52rqd9wkigUs4gO3 https://youtube.com/@bangertv?si=5MP4X_-BucS9TsUe #nosferatu, #nosferatuasymphonyofhorror, #nosferatueinesymphoniedesgrauens, #nosferatuthevampyre, #fwmurnau, #maxschreck, #countorlock, #germanexpressionist, #silentfilm, #gothichorror, #dracula, #vampire, #vampirefilm, #vampiremovie, #germanhorror, #silenthorror, #classichorror, #horrorcinema, #wernerherzog, #roberteggers
  • Cultists, with election day just around the corner, the time feels right to put John Carpenter’s They Live on the exam table. The horror maestro hid a scathing rebuke of the ‘80s capitalist culture under the thinnest veneer of sci-fi action, and gave a Pro Wrestler the lead role. Please join us for the Dissection.

    Dissection topic


    Unholy Sacrament


    Vault Of Darkness

    https://www.richardkmorgan.com/writing/altered-carbon/ https://www.netflix.com/title/80097140?preventIntent=true

    Simulacra and Simulation (The Body, In Theory: Histories Of Cultural Materialism)

    https://a.co/d/3VupUOQ https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLv0_UFkxlos9OXi-WkC46iS_algpzDp0&si=rr6vZfcAvYnXYbtT https://www.youtube.com/live/3g-GVXAeXVw?si=Je1Zn99KRmEHKhy9 #theylive, #johncarpenter, #johncarpenterstheylive #rowdyroddypiper, #roddypiper, #keithdavid, #megfoster, #eightoclockinthemorning, #raynelson, #frankarmitage, #johnnada, #alanhowarth, #IhavecomeheretochewbubblegumandkickassandImalloutofbubblegum, #obey, #consume, #noindependentthought, #submit, #marryandreproduce, #surrender, #thisisyourgod
  • Cultists, just in time for the fall holidays, your Horror Hosts are putting two of Maestro John Carpenter’s classics on the exam table. First up the blueprint for the Slasher genre 1978’s Halloween! Please join us for the dissection.

    Dissection Topic


    Unholy Sacrament


    Dark Tidings

    https://killerburlesque.com/portland/ https://thecure.lnk.to/AFRAGILETHING

    Vault Of Darkness

    https://the-meteors.bandcamp.com/music https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6998518/?ref_=ext_shr https://highparasite.com/ #halloween, #johncarpenter, #jamieleecurtis, #michaelmyers, #halloween1978, #halloweenmovie, #michaelmeyersmask, #theboogeyman, #theshape, #lauriestrode, #halloweenkills, #halloweenends, #haddonfield, #thenighthecamehome, #johncarpentershalloween, #drloomis, #slasher, #halloweenmovies #halloweenh20, #halloweenmask
  • Cultists, just as your Horror Hosts are concluding their series Dissecting his Imperial Phase, Tim Burton graduated to becoming one of the Top 10 Highest Grossing Directors of All Time! Certainly, 1992’s Batman Returns was a significant contributor to that total. Please join us for the Dissection.
    Dissection Topic https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0103776/?ref_=ext_shr Unholy Sacrament https://untp.beer/6B1D3 Dark Tidings https://collider.com/tim-burton-highest-grossing-directors-box-office/#:~:text=Not%20only%20did%20his%20latest,(mostly)%20includes%20absolute%20legends . https://www.billboard.com/music/music-news/the-cure-alone-new-album-songs-from-a-lost-world-listen-1235785209/ https://variety.com/2024/tv/news/robocop-tv-series-amazon-peter-ocko-showrunner-james-wan-1236155752/ Vault Of Darkness https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/140671.The_Black_Company https://www.dc.com/graphic-novels/batman/catwoman #batman, #batmanreturns, #timburton, #michellepfeiffer, #dannydevito, #christopherwalken, #thebatthecatthepenguin, #catwoman, #thepenguin, #maxschreck, #thebatman, #batmancapedcrusader, #absolutebatman, #dannyelfman, #jokerfolieadeux, #beetlejuice, #beetlejuicebeetlejuice, #batman89, #mistletoecanbedeadlyifyoueatit, #butakisscanbeevendeadlierifyoumeanit

  • Cultists, for the second installment in our examination of Tim Burton's Imperial Phase we come to what has often been called Burton's “Most Personal Film” 1990’s Gothic Fairytale, Edward Scissorhands. This is the first time Burton worked with a young Johnny Depp, kicking off a collaborative relationship that would continue across three decades. P.S. For your Horror Hosts thoughts on 1989’s Batman, please refer back to N&DDDtM:41

    https://youtu.be/K5X26ka-8iw?si=0y-oD0V621aip1ut https://open.spotify.com/episode/5A1wzRlEL5GVwTIbOHoOx2?si=SNrDkWvsQHS8c4-0hN2_Wg

    Episode Topic


    Unholy Sacrament


    Dark Tidings

    https://www.imdb.com/title/tt18412256/?ref_=ext_shr https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2049403/?ref_=ext_shr

    Vault Of Darkness

    https://www.amc.com/shows/interview-with-the-vampire--1053259 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0038348/?ref_=ext_shr https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0099329/?ref_=ext_shr #edwardscissorhands, #timburton, #johnnydepp, #winonaryder, #stanwinston, #dannyelfman, #vincentprice, #alanarkin, #anthonymichaelgall, #diannewiest, kimboggs, #batman, #beetlejuice, #beetlejuicebeetlejuice #winonaforever, #timburtonmovies, #timburtonstyle, #nightmarebeforechristmas, #goth, #gothicromance
  • Cultists, with The Ghost With The Most making his long awaited return to the silver screen, the time felt right for your Horror Hosts to put the films of Tim Burton's Imperial Phase on the exam table. First up of course is 1988’s Beetlejuice, please join us for the Dissection.

    Dissection Topic


    Unholy Sacrament


    Vault Of Darkness

    https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0084827/?ref_=ext_shr https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1104001/?ref_=ext_shr https://www.discogs.com/release/32635-AFI-Black-Sails-In-The-Sunset https://www.discogs.com/release/32630-AFI-The-Art-Of-Drowning https://www.discogs.com/release/1198-AFI-Sing-The-Sorrow https://shop.afireinside.net/products/all-hallows-ep-webstore-exclusive-afi https://shop.afireinside.net/products/sing-the-sorrow-box-set-afi #beetlejuice, #beetlejuicebeetlejuice, #timburton, #michaelkeaton, #winonaryder, #alecbaldwin, #gennadavis, #catherineohara, #dannyelfman, #harrybelafonte, #betelgeuse, #batman, #edwardscisorhands #batmanreturns, #beetlejuicethemusical, #nightmarebeforechristmas, #edwood, #marsattacks, #warnerbrothers, #peeweesbigadventure
  • Cultists, it's hard for your Horror Hosts to believe that it's been twenty years since Shaun Of The Dead was released. But that’s all the excuse we need to Dissect Edgar Wright’s breakout 2004 Rom Zom Com! Please join us for the dissection.

    Dissection Topic


    Unholy Sacrament

    https://untp.beer/x9N1 https://www.stashtea.com/products/wild-raspberry-hibiscus-herbal-tea-bagged

    Dark Tidings

    https://www.birkavikingastaden.se/hitta-pa-birka/museum/ https://variety.com/2024/film/news/creature-from-the-black-lagoon-remake-james-wan-1236104140/

    Vault Of Darkness

    https://www.goodreads.com/series/116315-adrian-s-undead-diary#:~:text=Adrian's%20Undead%20Diary%20is%20an,and%20suffered%20for%20a%20reason https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0187664/?ref_=ext_shr #shaunofthedead, #edgarwright, #simonpegg, #nickfrost, #kateashfield, #lucydavis, #dylanmoran, #peterserafinowicz, #billnighy, #cornettotrilogy, #threeflavourscornetto, #hotfuzz, #theworldsend, #yougotredonyou, #youvegotredonyou, #sliceoffriedgold, #20bloodyyears, #igotwood, #fuckadoodledoo, #hesgotanarmoff
  • We saved the best for last, Cultists. The third and final installment in our Dissection of Ridley Scott's Alien films is the one that started it all, 1979’s Alien. Sir Ridley took the tropes of the nascent Slasher genre and sent them into deep space, making quite an indelible mark on the horror and science fiction genres in the process. Please join us for the dissection.

    Dissection Topic


    Unholy Sacrament


    Dark Tidings


    Vault Of Darkness

    https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6088007-neuromancer https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/40651883-snow-crash https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1935156/?ref_=ext_shr #ridleyscott, #alien, #aliens, #alienquadrilogy, #alien3, #alienresurrection, #prometheus, #aliencovenant, #alienromulus, #alienvspredator, #bladerunner, #totalrecall, #sigourneyweaver, #johnhurt, #ianholm, #harrydeanstanton, #xenomoroh, #chestburster, #facehugger, #hrgiger,
  • Cultists, N&D have heard that Alien: Covenant is the most divisive film in the Alien franchise. Sir Ridley's second Alien prequel divided the fandom and allegedly any time it's discussed the internet explodes. Rest easy because your Horror Hosts are stalwart and not daunted by Toxic Fandom. So please join us for the second Dissection in our Ridley Scott Alien series.

    Dissection Topic https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2316204/?ref_=ext_shr

    Unholy Sacrament https://untp.beer/BKya9

    Dark Tidings https://barrowlands.bandcamp.com/album/tides https://deadline.com/2024/06/dune-3-release-date-2026-1235986164/

    Vault Of Darkness https://www.blacklibrary.com/series/gaunts-ghosts https://www.warhammer.com/en-US/shop/Astra-Militarum-Gaunts-Ghosts-2021 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1245492/?ref_=ext_shr

    #alien, #prometheus, #aliencovenant, #ridleyscott, #michalefassbender, #katherinewaterson, #billycrudup, #dannymcbride, #damienbichir, #jussiesmollett, #carmenejogo, #aliens, #engineers, #xenomorph, #hrgiger, #alienromulus, #aliens, #prometheusfireandstone, #prometheuslifeanddeath, #alienvspredator,

  • There's a new Alien instalment on the horizon, Cultists. Perfect opportunity for your Horror Hosts to put Sir Ridley Scott’s three contributions to the franchise on the exam table. We’ll be dissecting the films in event order rather than release order, so first up the Cosmic Horror Epic, Prometheus. Please join us for the dissection.

    Dissection Topic


    Unholy Sacrament


    Dark Tidings

    https://variety.com/2024/film/news/francis-ford-coppola-megalopolis-release-date-lionsgate-divisive-cannes-premiere-1236040069/amp/ https://www.paranormalcirque.com/

    Vault Of Darkness

    https://www.cyberpunk.net/us/en/phantom-liberty https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9170108/?ref_=ext_shr https://jaykristoff.com/books/empire-of-the-vampire/empire-of-the-vampire/ #alien, #prometheus, #ridleyscott, #michalefassbender, #noomirapace, #charlizetheron, #idriselba, #guypearce, #damonlindelof, #aliens, #engineers, #xenomorph, #hrgiger, #alienromulus #aliencovenant, #aliens, #prometheusfireandstone, #prometheuslifeanddeath, #alienvspredator, #20thcenturyfox,
  • Congratulations, Cultists. You're the first to survive the audition.

    This episode, we'll be putting Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome on the exam table. After the tragic death of his producing partner Byron Kennedy, Miller enlisted George Ogilvie to co-direct the ambitious conclusion of the original Mad Max trilogy. Please join us for the Dissection.

    #madmax, #madmaxbeyondthunderdome, #theroadwarrior, #madmax2, #madmaxmovie, #madmaxsaga, #madmaxfuryroad, #furiosa, #melgibson, #tinaturner, #brucespence, #georgemiller, #whorunbartertown, #masterblaster, #auntyentity, #wedontneedanotherhero, #twomenenteronemanleaves, #thunderdome, #wasteland, #postapocalyptic,

  • What a lovely day, Cultists! Next up in our Dissection of George Miller's original Mad Max Trilogy is Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior! Things have gotten precipitously worse for old Max since the first film; society has completely fallen, and the world has become a Wasteland ravaged by Marauders. This is a genre defining film that people are still ripping off to this day. Please join us for the Dissection.

    Dissection Topic


    Unholy Sacrament


    Dark Tidings

    https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/roger-corman-dead-independent-director-producer-king-of-the-b-1235896846/amp/ https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/adam-wingard-not-returning-godzilla-x-kong-sequel-exclusive-1235905822/

    Vault Of Darkness

    https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0898367/?ref_=ext_shr https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0142371/?ref_=ext_shr #madmax, #georgemiller, #theroadwarrior, #beyondthunderdome, #furyroad, #furiosa, #madmaxsaga, #wasteland, #postapocalyptic,#melgibson #maxrockatansky, #madmaxfuryroad, #madmaxcars #pursuitspecial, #fordfalcon, #ozsploitation, #australiancinema, #gyrocaptain, #lordhumongous, #madmaxmovie