
  • In the labyrinth of ancient mysteries, we find ourselves drawn to the tales that unravel the enigma of human origins and cosmic connections. On today's episode, we welcome the insightful and eloquent Paul Wallis, a distinguished researcher and author delving into the profound narratives that challenge our conventional understanding of history. Paul Wallis, renowned for his work on ancient scriptures and the enigmatic Book of Enoch, offers a compelling perspective that bridges the chasm between ancient myths and modern discoveries.Our conversation begins with a reflection on the anomalies within biblical texts. Wallis recounts his journey into ancient translations, revealing how fundamental meanings of key words can transform our understanding of these stories. "In my book 'Escaping from Eden,' I take the reader through the process of retelling these stories using the root meanings," he explains. This approach led him to uncover connections between the biblical accounts and the Sumerian, Babylonian, Akkadian, and Assyrian narratives, suggesting a shared ancient origin.Paul Wallis introduces us to the fascinating Book of Enoch, a text left out of the mainstream biblical canon but preserved in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. He describes the Book of Enoch as containing themes that were "off-syllabus" for forming the imperial department of religion, which sought to control narratives. The Book of Enoch, with its rich descriptions of ancient watchers and their interactions with humanity, offers a more complex worldview, hinting at ancient encounters and hybridization between humans and otherworldly beings.The notion of ancient contact continues to captivate as Wallis discusses the concept of the Anunnaki, sky gods mentioned in both the Book of Enoch and Sumerian texts. These beings, he suggests, played a role in human evolution through genetic engineering and cultural exchange. Wallis highlights the recurring motif of hybridization and the transfer of knowledge, seen in the teaching of agriculture, crafts, and other advanced skills to early humans. This narrative of ancient visitors and their influence on human development is echoed in various cultures worldwide, reinforcing the idea of a shared historical memory.

    Reevaluating Ancient Texts: Wallis encourages us to revisit ancient scriptures with fresh eyes, using fundamental translations to uncover deeper meanings. This approach can reveal connections between seemingly disparate cultures and their shared narratives of creation and contact.Acknowledging Ancient Knowledge: The stories of the Anunnaki and other ancient beings remind us that humanity's history is interwoven with cosmic influences. Recognizing these ancient connections can expand our understanding of human potential and our place in the cosmos.Embracing Conscious Evolution: Wallis's insights into ancient contact suggest that humanity's journey involves not only physical evolution but also the development of consciousness. By exploring these ancient narratives, we can unlock deeper aspects of our own spiritual growth and potential.Throughout our conversation, Paul Wallis emphasizes the importance of understanding our ancient origins to grasp the full spectrum of human potential. He points out that stories of ancient contact, hybridization, and technological exchanges are not merely myths but encoded memories of humanity's past. By decoding these narratives, we can reclaim lost knowledge and insights that can guide us toward a more enlightened future.In conclusion, the profound wisdom shared by Paul Wallis invites us to explore the depths of our history with curiosity and an open mind. His work challenges us to question the established narratives and to seek out the hidden truths that lie beneath the surface of ancient texts. As we embrace this journey of discovery, we move closer to understanding the true nature of our existence and our interconnectedness with the cosmos.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Paul Wallis.

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  • Anjie Carpenter Hipple is a musician, artist, former schoolteacher, and mother. Raised in a conservative Christian environment, she found herself seeking greater spiritual understanding in mid-life, and began opening herself up to Eastern medicine and teachings.

    Just a few short years ago, Anjie would never have thought "channeled messages" to hold any value at all! But now, she has set all those roles aside to play the most important role of her life, which is as a channel for a beautiful collective of angelic beings from the fifth dimension.

    Anjie channels Judah, considered the "Oprah" of the cosmos, here to introduce you to powerful spiritual beings from other dimensions ready to help you in the moment you ask. Along the way, you'll meet a seventh-dimensional star mother, Whathual, two good ol' Atlantean boys, Horace and Orook, the Emissaries of the Pleiadian Light Council, and more.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Anjie Hipple.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/next-level-soul-podcast-with-alex-ferrari--4858435/support.

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  • Welcome back to our show! We're thrilled to have Tara Arnold return as our guest, bringing her unique blend of artistry and spiritual insight. As an Intuitive Artist and Conscious/Trance Channel Medium, Tara continues to channel profound messages of healing and guidance from the Ascended Masters, including the revered St. Germain. Through her artwork and channeling, she offers a pathway for individuals to reconnect with their higher selves and navigate the ongoing process of ascension and awakening.

    Tara's empathic and intuitive abilities, ranging from clairvoyance to clairgustance, provide a powerful conduit for transformation. Inspired by her partnership with her husband, Mike Arnold, a talented Voice Artist and Musician, Tara operates within a collaborative framework, fostering mutual support and creativity in their endeavors.With a diverse educational background encompassing Conscious/Trance Channeling, Reiki Mastery, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and more, Tara brings a wealth of expertise to her practice. Having transitioned from a career in nursing to pursue her calling as an independent healer, she continues to empower individuals in releasing physical and emotional blockages, guiding them towards a life of fulfillment and self-realization. Welcome back, Tara, as we delve deeper into the realms of healing and spiritual growth together.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Tara Arnold.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/next-level-soul-podcast-with-alex-ferrari--4858435/support.

  • Dr. John Demartini is a renowned human behavior expert, speaker, and author who has helped millions of people around the world to overcome their limiting beliefs and achieve their true potential. In this fascinating conversation, we dive deep into the world of quantum physics to explore how it can help us understand the law of attraction and manifestation.

    As Dr. Demartini explains, quantum physics is a branch of science that deals with the behavior of matter and energy at the subatomic level. It shows us that everything in the universe is made up of energy and that energy is constantly vibrating at different frequencies. These vibrations create a magnetic field, which attracts similar frequencies and repels opposing ones. This is where the law of attraction comes in - it states that we attract into our lives whatever we focus on, whether it's positive or negative.

    But how does this actually work? According to Dr. Demartini, the key lies in our thoughts and emotions. When we think about something, we create an electrical signal in our brain. This signal produces a magnetic field, which then attracts energy of a similar frequency. So, if we focus on positive thoughts and emotions, we create a magnetic field that attracts positive energy and experiences into our lives. On the other hand, if we focus on negative thoughts and emotions, we create a magnetic field that attracts negative energy and experiences.

    But what about manifestation? How do we actually turn our thoughts and desires into reality? According to Dr. Demartini, it all comes down to alignment. When our thoughts, emotions, and actions are all aligned toward a particular goal, we create a powerful magnetic field that attracts the energy we need to manifest it. This is why it's so important to be clear about what we want and to take consistent action toward it. The more aligned we are, the more likely we are to manifest our desires.

    Throughout the conversation, Dr. Demartini shares numerous practical tips and strategies for harnessing the power of quantum physics to manifest our dreams. He emphasizes the importance of gratitude, visualization, and positive self-talk, as well as the role of forgiveness in releasing negative emotions and attracting positive energy.

    This episode offers a fascinating glimpse into the world of quantum physics and how it can help us understand the law of attraction and manifestation. Dr. Demartini's insights are both profound and practical, offering a powerful roadmap for anyone who wants to unlock their full potential and create the life of their dreams. Whether you're new to the law of attraction or a seasoned practitioner, this conversation is sure to offer valuable insights and inspiration.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Dr. John Demartini.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/next-level-soul-podcast-with-alex-ferrari--4858435/support.

  • On today's episode, we welcome the illustrious Robert James Comber, a modern-day renaissance man whose work spans astrology, art, and ancient wisdom. As our conversation unfolds, we delve into the depths of the cosmos, seeking to uncover the mysteries written in the stars.We begin with a fascinating exploration of the origins of astrology. Robert James Comber traces its roots back to ancient times, illuminating the profound connection between the heavens and human experience. He speaks of the Dendera stone in Egypt, an ancient artifact that holds carvings of astrological signs, bridging the celestial with the terrestrial. This stone, housed in the temple of Hathor, tells the tale of our ancestors who looked to the skies for guidance and understanding.In this profound conversation, Robert James Comber introduces us to the concept of the cosmic dance, a harmonious interplay of masculine and feminine energies represented by the Yin-Yang. He likens this dance to the first law of polarity, emphasizing the importance of seeing ourselves as both the dance and the dancers. "We are a spirit having a human experience, not just a human trying to explore the spiritual experience," he explains, urging us to embrace the non-local consciousness and the initiation of ether.Astrology, according to Robert James Comber, is not merely a tool for divination but a rich tapestry of stories and traditions passed down through generations. He describes the deacons within each zodiac sign, revealing how these constellations hold the key to our personal and collective narratives. These stories, he asserts, are embedded in every culture, from the Aboriginal star maps to the Dogon tribe's celestial knowledge. The stars, he says, are a grand gallery in the sky, a divine movie for us to watch and learn from.Our discussion then takes a turn towards the mysterious I Ching, an ancient Chinese text often used for divination. Robert James Comber shares his insights into the binary code of the I Ching, likening it to the computer codes of today. He explains how this ancient system of yin and yang evolved into a complex language that guides life's decisions, from the mundane to the profound. "It's a language that gives us a framework," he notes, allowing us to fill in the beauty of our lives through its structure.

    Unity of Creation and Creator: Embrace the love of creation and the Creator, understanding that we are all part of the same universal experience. This realization fosters compassion and interconnectedness among all beings.Embrace Your Purpose: According to Robert James Comber, the purpose of life is what you choose it to be. By wholeheartedly embracing your chosen path, you align with your true purpose and find fulfillment.Astrological Insights: The stories written in the stars are not just ancient myths but personal narratives that guide our lives. By understanding these celestial stories, we gain deeper insights into our own journeys and the collective human experience.As our conversation draws to a close, Robert James Comber leaves us with a powerful message: "We are moving through tremendous, amazing times. Often it can feel like everything's falling apart, but knowing the stars and the star law of our story, everything is actually falling together." His words remind us that in the grand scheme of the cosmos, we are all interconnected, and our stories are part of a larger, unfolding narrative.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Robert James Comber.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/next-level-soul-podcast-with-alex-ferrari--4858435/support.

  • In the intricate dance of life, sometimes we find ourselves drawn to stories that stir our souls, tales of profound resilience and deep spiritual awakening. Today’s episode brings such a story to our ears as we welcome Tu Lam, a spiritual warrior whose journey from war-torn Vietnam to the disciplined world of Special Forces unveils the essence of the human spirit and the transformative power of inner peace.

    Tu Lam’s life began amidst the chaos of the Vietnam War, a tumultuous start that would shape his destiny in ways unimaginable. His early years were marked by survival, escaping the horrors of war on a fishing boat with his mother, facing pirates, storms, and near starvation.

    Yet, this early exposure to adversity planted the seeds of resilience and an unyielding will to overcome.As a young refugee in America, Tu faced the harsh realities of racism and poverty. These challenges, however, only strengthened his resolve. Guided by the warrior ethos of the samurai, he delved into the teachings of Bushido, finding solace and purpose in its ancient virtues of honor, duty, and compassion. It was during these formative years that he began to forge the path of a modern-day warrior, one who fights not just physical battles, but also the inner conflicts that shape our lives.

    Tu’s journey into the military was a natural progression. At the age of 18, he joined the Army, and by 21, he was a Special Forces Green Beret, living the warrior’s path he had admired since childhood. His military career took him to the most volatile regions of the world, where he fought for the oppressed and protected the innocent.

    Yet, amidst the valor and the victories, he carried with him the heavy burdens of war, trauma, and the relentless quest for meaning.In this profound conversation, Tu Lam shares, “Purpose, there was a higher purpose. I didn't know it at the time.” His reflections reveal a deep understanding of the karmic and dharmic roles we play in the universe. As a warrior, he protected, fought, and survived, embodying the very essence of his dharma. But it wasn’t until he began his spiritual journey, much later in life, that he truly understood the higher purpose guiding him.

    Resilience in Adversity: Tu Lam’s story teaches us that even in the darkest times, resilience is born. His survival through war and hardship as a child laid the foundation for a life of tenacity and strength.The Power of Inner Peace: Despite the chaos around him, Tu found solace in the teachings of Bushido and later through meditation and spiritual practices. This inner peace became his sanctuary and source of strength.Forgiveness and Healing: Tu’s journey underscores the importance of forgiveness—not just of others, but of oneself. Through meditation and introspection, he learned to forgive his past and embrace healing.Tu’s story is a testament to the human spirit’s capacity for transformation. After retiring from the military, he faced a new battle—reconciling his past traumas and finding a path to inner peace. It was through meditation, journaling, and the exploration of various spiritual practices that he began to heal. His experiences with psychedelics, such as mushrooms and iboga, provided profound insights and accelerated his journey towards self-discovery and forgiveness.

    He describes a pivotal moment, saying, “I found God within me and you and everything. We're all one.”This realization became the cornerstone of his spiritual awakening, a truth that transcended the pain and suffering of his past. Tu Lam’s story is not just about survival; it’s about thriving through understanding and embracing our true selves.

    In conclusion, Tu Lam’s life journey from a war-torn refugee to a decorated Green Beret and finally to a spiritual warrior is a powerful narrative of resilience, transformation, and the pursuit of inner peace. His story reminds us that no matter where we start, our paths can lead us to profound spiritual awakenings and deeper understandings of our place in the universe.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Tu Lam.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/next-level-soul-podcast-with-alex-ferrari--4858435/support.

  • Have you ever asked yourself, "What happens after we die?" Vincent was taken by Death. He was dead for a full 45 minutes. Did he see a bright light? What does heaven look like? What Does one feel when their heart stops beating? Are you embraced by the light?

    Welcome to Vincent Tolman's true account of life after death which will change your perspective on the meaning and purpose of life. His story is remarkable. Vincent Tolman was dead for a full 45 minutes, and he's here to tell his story.

    In this conversation, Vincent shares his experience of the afterlife and what he saw when he crossed over to the other side. He talks about the bright light, what heaven looks like, and what it feels like when your heart stops beating. Vincent's story is not just a story of hope but also packed with advice on how we can live our lives based on what he learned during his experience. Vincent's ordeal began when he was found dead in a small restaurant bathroom.

    He had been dead for over half an hour at just 25 years old. The paramedics put him in a body bag and took him away, but miraculously, a rookie paramedic broke all protocols and restarted Vincent's heart. Vincent was in a coma for three days but remembered what happened on the "other side" while he was dead.

    Vincent remembers the 10 principles he learned from his afterlife experience and is here to share them with you. This conversation is a story and guide to help you live your life to the fullest.

    So, if you've ever wondered what happens after we die or you're looking for inspiration and guidance on how to live your life to the fullest, then this conversation is for you. Vincent's story is like none other, and it's guaranteed to change your perspective on life.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/next-level-soul-podcast-with-alex-ferrari--4858435/support.

  • In the luminous tapestry of today's conversation, we welcome the venerable Robert Thurman, a scholar, author, and advocate of Tibetan Buddhism. Robert Thurman, renowned for his dedication to the teachings of the Buddha and his efforts to bridge Eastern wisdom with Western understanding, graced us with profound insights and enlightening anecdotes.The dialogue began with Thurman's evocative recollection of ancient India, a land brimming with spiritual richness, transcending time and geography. He posited that Jesus might have journeyed to India, absorbing the profound spiritual sciences there. This blend of historical musings and spiritual traditions set the tone for a discussion that seamlessly wove past and present, highlighting the timeless relevance of spiritual exploration.Thurman’s journey into Tibetan Buddhism, a path not tread lightly, was marked by his initial attraction to Indian Buddhism. Upon his arrival in India in 1962, he discovered the Tibetans as the true custodians of Buddhist wisdom, owing to the transformative historical upheavals that India had undergone. His narrative was imbued with both humor and deep reverence as he recounted how the Tibetans, having preserved their monastic traditions, became his spiritual guides. This realization propelled him into the heart of Tibetan Buddhism, leading to a lifelong commitment to compassion and enlightenment.One of the most captivating segments of our dialogue was Thurman’s exploration of the fierce Buddhas. Often misunderstood, these fierce deities embody a protective and transformative energy, akin to a mother’s ferocious love in shielding her child from danger. Thurman emphasized that these fierce Buddhas help practitioners confront and conquer the darker aspects of their subconscious, leading to profound spiritual liberation. "The purpose of deep spiritual psychotherapy," he explained, "is to conquer those negative things in the unconscious, so they don't drag you in a bad way when you're reborn.

    Compassion as the Core of Enlightenment: Thurman reiterated that the essence of Buddhism lies in compassion and understanding. True enlightenment is not just about personal liberation but about alleviating the suffering of all beings.Interconnectedness of Life: The dialogue underscored the Buddhist belief in the interconnectedness of all life. Thurman’s teachings remind us that our actions ripple through time and space, influencing countless lives.Embracing Fierce Compassion: The concept of fierce Buddhas teaches us that true compassion sometimes requires a fierce, protective stance. This fierce compassion is essential in confronting and transforming the negative forces within and around us.Thurman’s reflections on the Buddha’s enlightenment journey provided a nuanced understanding of spiritual awakening. Contrary to popular belief, the Buddha’s path was not a straightforward ascent to enlightenment but a deeply human journey marked by trials and realizations. His initial indulgence in severe asceticism, followed by the rejection of both self-indulgence and self-mortification, culminated in the Middle Way. This profound balance, Thurman emphasized, is the essence of Buddhist practice.The conversation ventured into the realms of metaphysics and the nature of reality, with Thurman sharing insights into the Buddhist perspective of time and existence. He illustrated how advanced meditators can perceive the universe in its micro and macro dimensions, experiencing a reality that transcends conventional notions of time and space. This perspective resonates with the modern scientific understanding of the universe as a vast, interconnected web of energy and consciousness.In our concluding thoughts, Thurman’s wisdom resonated deeply, offering a beacon of clarity and hope. His teachings remind us that the path to enlightenment is accessible to all, grounded in compassion, interconnectedness, and the courage to confront our inner and outer challenges. As we navigate our spiritual journeys, let us embrace these timeless truths and strive to awaken the Buddha within us.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Robert Thurman.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/next-level-soul-podcast-with-alex-ferrari--4858435/support.

  • Yolanda Tong was born and raised in Western Canada but left in 2003 to pursue her dreams of traveling and exploring the world. She had my Spiritual awakening just before she left, and she used her travels to explore what was out there in the world regarding Spirituality and learn more about herself.Yolanda was living in Tokyo when she channeled for the first time.

    She had purchased the book “Opening to Channel” by Sanaya Roman and followed the exercises. It came so naturally to her, so quickly, that she thought it must be that easy for everyone. Growing up, Yolanda could never quite find the right words to say and dreamed of speaking more clearly, and beautifully, so it came as a surprise when the words that flowed through her channel were the most beautiful, powerful, wise, and spoken in the most positive, loving and uplifting way, and unlike anything she’d say when she usually talk.

    Despite how seemingly weird it was at the time, she continued to channel every opportunity she got from then on, as it came the most naturally to her whenever she needed guidance and clarity.In 2005 she moved to Hong Kong, and she was channeling much more frequently. One day Yolanda was out with some friends, sitting on a rooftop restaurant channeling a message for a friend, when she felt a guide step inside her, take over her voice, and speak through her. Her voice changed, her accent changed, as did her energy.

    Yolanda can best describe it as being there, present but off to the side, while listening to someone else take over your voice and speak using your voice, only to fully lift up and out when he was done, and she was back to being just her. Yolanda discovered her gift of Voice Channeling that day and has used that as her main form of channeling ever since.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Yolanda Tong.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/next-level-soul-podcast-with-alex-ferrari--4858435/support.

  • In the mystic dance of existence, we find ourselves entwined with experiences that beckon us to explore the depths of our consciousness. On today's episode, we welcome the remarkable Jen Bushman, a gifted psychic whose journey through the shadows and into the light serves as a beacon for many. With her unique abilities, she offers us a glimpse into the unseen realms that shape our reality.Jen Bushman recounts the profound moments of her childhood that marked the beginning of her extraordinary journey. At the tender age of five, while backpacking in the Olympic Peninsula, she encountered a Sasquatch and its juveniles. This encounter, shrouded in mystery and telepathic communication, set the stage for her awakening. However, societal norms and her family's skepticism forced her to shut down her gifts, leading to years of inner turmoil and self-doubt.As Jen navigated through adolescence, her abilities resurfaced, but without guidance, she struggled to comprehend and manage them. "I felt trees, you know, I feel the frequency of rocks. I would know what people were thinking," she shares. The lack of understanding and support from her family only intensified her feelings of isolation. It wasn't until a near-fatal suicide attempt at 19 that she met her spirit guide, Pink, who offered her a lifeline and a glimpse of her true purpose.Jen's journey took a transformative turn when she met a therapist at 22 who revealed herself to be an alien guide. This revelation was both bewildering and validating for Jen, as it aligned with her experiences and the messages she received from her spirit guides. Despite her initial disbelief, these encounters gradually helped Jen embrace her psychic abilities and understand the higher purpose behind her experiences.One of the pivotal moments in Jen's life came when a young psychiatric nurse practitioner recognized her psychic abilities. "Jen, have you ever thought maybe you're psychic?" he asked, opening a door to self-acceptance and empowerment. This acknowledgment marked the beginning of Jen's journey from self-doubt to embracing her true self. She began offering readings and spiritual guidance, helping others navigate their own paths with her profound insights.SPIRITUAL TAKEAWAYS
    Embrace Your Gifts: Each of us possesses unique abilities that, when embraced, can guide us towards our true purpose. Jen’s journey reminds us that acceptance and understanding of our gifts are crucial for our spiritual growth.Seek Guidance: The path to enlightenment is often challenging and requires support. Seeking guidance from mentors, therapists, or spiritual guides can provide the clarity and reassurance needed to navigate life's complexities.Trust the Process: Life’s struggles and challenges are not without purpose. They shape us and prepare us for the roles we are meant to play. Trusting the journey, even in its darkest moments, is essential for personal and spiritual evolution.Jen's story underscores the importance of understanding and embracing our soul contracts—the agreements we make before incarnating to learn specific lessons. She explains that our relationships and experiences reflect the energy we need to grow. "We are rising, we are ascending back to the sun," she affirms, highlighting the collective evolution of consciousness that we are all part of.As we delve into the dimensions of existence and the role of spirit guides, Jen reminds us of the power of asking for help. "Your spirit guides are not your parents," she says. They are there to support and guide us, but we must invite their assistance into our lives. This conscious choice to seek and accept help is a vital step in our spiritual journey.In conclusion, Jen Bushman’s journey from a troubled childhood to a confident psychic healer is a testament to the transformative power of embracing one’s true self. Her story encourages us to trust in our unique paths, seek guidance, and understand that every challenge we face is an opportunity for growth.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Jen Bushman.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/next-level-soul-podcast-with-alex-ferrari--4858435/support.

  • In the vast tapestry of human existence, we sometimes encounter moments that expand our consciousness and challenge our perceptions. Today’s episode is one such journey, where we welcome back the enlightened and insightful Shehnaz Soni. Her profound understanding of both the scientific and the metaphysical realms offers us a unique perspective on the mysteries that lie beyond our everyday experience.Shehnaz Soni, a NASA rocket scientist working on the Artemis mission, brings a wealth of knowledge to our discussion about UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) and the implications of these phenomena for our understanding of the universe. Her background is not only rooted in rigorous scientific inquiry but also in a deep appreciation for the spiritual dimensions of existence. This combination allows her to navigate complex topics with an ease that makes the extraordinary feel accessible.In our conversation, Shehnaz discusses how the rapid advancements in technology, particularly in the field of virtual reality, are making it increasingly difficult to control the dissemination of information. “Now we're living in a world where VR, everybody's a newsman or newswoman. To me, it has opened the door for the truth to come out faster,” she explains. This democratization of information is contributing to our collective awakening, making it harder to suppress knowledge about intelligent, sentient beings.Shehnaz’s insights into the realm of UAPs and their connection to our consciousness are particularly fascinating. She notes that our awareness and readiness to embrace these phenomena are growing as we evolve spiritually. According to Shehnaz, many of her colleagues at NASA, despite their scientific rigor, harbor a deep-seated belief in the existence of extraterrestrial life, largely influenced by their love for science fiction. This cultural context within NASA fosters an environment where the possibility of UAPs is not just accepted but eagerly explored.SPIRITUAL TAKEAWAYSConsciousness Evolution: Our collective consciousness is evolving rapidly, allowing us to perceive and integrate higher-dimensional realities and phenomena such as UAPs. This shift in awareness is making us more receptive to the presence of sentient beings from other realms.Integration of Science and Spirituality: The intersection of scientific inquiry and spiritual understanding is crucial for comprehending the true nature of our universe. As Shehnaz exemplifies, a balanced approach that respects both empirical evidence and intuitive knowledge can lead to profound insights.The Power of Perception: Our reality is heavily influenced by our perceptions. As we expand our understanding and open our minds to new possibilities, we can shift our collective reality towards greater harmony and enlightenment.One particularly striking point Shehnaz made is about the nature of reality and perception. She posits that what we see as "unidentified" is often intentionally made so by those who control the narrative. This idea challenges us to question the very fabric of what we consider reality and to seek deeper truths beyond the surface.In our discussion, Shehnaz also delves into the historical and spiritual implications of extraterrestrial encounters. She suggests that such beings have been interacting with humanity for eons, often guiding and influencing our evolution. This interaction is not just a matter of curiosity but has profound implications for our spiritual growth and understanding of our place in the cosmos.As we navigate these revelations, it becomes clear that our journey is not just about exploring outer space but also about understanding our inner space. The interconnectedness of all things, from the quantum level to the cosmic, underscores the importance of aligning our scientific pursuits with our spiritual aspirations.In conclusion, our conversation with Shehnaz Soni reminds us that the universe is vast and full of mysteries waiting to be unraveled. By embracing both scientific and spiritual perspectives, we can expand our understanding and appreciation of the cosmos and our role within it.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Shehnaz Soni.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/next-level-soul-podcast-with-alex-ferrari--4858435/support.

  • Dr. Rod Chelberg practiced many forms of adult medicine, mostly emergency room medicine. He saw 65-70 thousand patients over 28 years. Starting in 2007, he started to have multiple mystical events in the ED. In 2010, I began to lecture on topics related to my experiences and on spiritualty. In addition, I have written numerous articles about them, He have given presentations on YouTube and have written a book, "When God Calls Say Yes!"In second grade, Dr. Rod Chelberg had a near-death experience (NDE).

    He had a kidney infection and was treated with penicillin. From the penicillin, he had an allergic reaction to it and stopped breathing. Dr. Rod Chelberg shares how he was given the right information at crucial moments to aid healing, ease suffering, or prepare for death. These unforgettable reports can help us all remember that the reality of divine guidance is as close as our willingness to say “Yes!” when it calls to us.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Dr. Rod Chelberg.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/next-level-soul-podcast-with-alex-ferrari--4858435/support.

  • Rizwan Virk is a multifaceted individual whose diverse expertise spans the realms of computer science, venture capitalism, and existential exploration. With a rich academic background, including degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Stanford University, Virk has emerged as a leading figure in the tech industry and beyond.As the founder of Play Labs @ MIT, Virk has played a pivotal role in nurturing innovation at the intersection of gaming and technology.

    Through this groundbreaking initiative, he has provided invaluable support to startups, helping them navigate the complexities of entrepreneurship and realize their full potential.In addition to his entrepreneurial endeavors, Virk is also a venture partner at Griffin Gaming Partners, where he continues to shape the future of the video game industry. His keen insights and strategic acumen have made him a sought-after advisor and investor in the tech world.Beyond his contributions to the business world, Virk is also a prolific author, with several bestselling books to his name. From exploring the tantalizing concept of The Simulation Hypothesis to offering insights into Zen Entrepreneurship and Startup Myths & Models, his writings reflect a deep-seated curiosity about the nature of reality and human potential.But perhaps Virk's most intriguing venture is his exploration of the cosmic unknown.

    Through works like The Simulated Multiverse and Wisdom of a Yogi, he invites readers to ponder the profound mysteries of the universe, challenging conventional wisdom and offering new perspectives on the nature of existence itself.In all his endeavors, Rizwan Virk exemplifies a rare blend of intellect, creativity, and vision. Whether he's shaping the future of technology, delving into the mysteries of the cosmos, or empowering the next generation of entrepreneurs, Virk's impact is felt far and wide, leaving an indelible mark on the world around him.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Rizwan Virk.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/next-level-soul-podcast-with-alex-ferrari--4858435/support.

  • Riz Mirza has been trance-channeling numerous spirit guides who have helped heal and uplift thousands of people in over 2500 live full-trance channeled weekly gatherings called the Circle of Light, with over 8,000 hrs of documented and recorded sessions to large groups.He and his wife, Oriah, host a weekly channeled spirit gathering, the Circle of Light, which has been running continuously for over 13 years, where Riz channels messages from spirit guides that answer to every type of human concern. This is a continuation of where Abraham Hicks in The Law of Attraction left off.

    This is the next stage in Human Consciousness.Riz is one of the only​ ​psychic mediums​-​full trance channel shamans that are known to channel publicly ​to live gatherings and online groups and give personal individual​ messages. In addition, he is the only ​trance channel that has channeled over 100 different well-known spirit guides, all documented and recorded in front of a live audience consistently for over a decade. He has also channeled a record 5 hours in front of a packed studio, giving individual messages. He is considered a master trance channel.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Riz Mirza.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/next-level-soul-podcast-with-alex-ferrari--4858435/support.

  • Robert Edward Grant is a trailblazer at the crossroads of quantum physics, ancient wisdom, and cutting-edge technology, forging new pathways in the exploration of reality. With a background in Finance and Mathematical Sciences, he pioneers groundbreaking insights that push the boundaries of conventional thinking.
    But Robert's quest for knowledge extends beyond academia. He delves into the timeless wisdom of ancient civilizations, bridging the gap between ancient mysteries and modern science, sparking global conversations on consciousness and the universe through platforms like Gaia.Not content with theory alone, Robert is also a dynamic presence in the tech industry, founding companies that embody innovation and practicality. His infectious passion for discovery invites us all to question, explore, and push the limits of human understanding.Join us on a journey with Robert Edward Grant, a true polymath reshaping our perception of the universe, one revolutionary idea at a time. Prepare to be inspired and challenged as we delve into the depths of possibility together.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Robert Edward Grant.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/next-level-soul-podcast-with-alex-ferrari--4858435/support.

  • Connie H. Deutsch is a celebrated author known for her transformative work, "Whispers of The Soul®," blending introspective poetry with captivating music. With over three decades of counseling experience, she crafts insightful narratives on spirituality and human behavior. In addition to her acclaimed masterpiece, Deutsch has authored a diverse range of books, from "Round and Round Goes the Merry-Go-Round" to "Reaching for the Brass Ring of Life."Beyond contemporary themes, she delves into past-life explorations, drawing from her intriguing experiences, including a captivating narrative from the ancient civilization of Atlantis. This unique blend of past-life wisdom enriches her counseling practice, offering profound guidance to her clients and setting her apart in the realm of spiritual and psychological literature.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Connie Deutsch.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/next-level-soul-podcast-with-alex-ferrari--4858435/support.

  • Julie Poole (BSc., SQHP), is a Spiritual and Personal Empowerment Coach, Law of Attraction Teacher and Author. She is a Psychic Intuitive and Channeler, Energy Aligner, Hypnotherapist and Reiki Master/Teacher. Julie help people find their own empowerment, both spiritually and personally through her books, channeled tarot readings, healing sessions, teachings and podcasts.

    Julie authored six books. Three are fiction, spiritual romantic comedy novels – ‘Angel On My Shoulder – Sarah’s Story', ‘Angel In My Heart – Clarabelle’s Story’ and ‘Angel in my Fingers – Frieda’s Story’ (2014-2016). All her fiction books teach about Angels, the Universe, Universal Love and more, all wrapped into a fictional story, filled with humor, insight and love.Her fourth book (2017), is a self-help non-fiction book called ‘Moving Past the Past: A Guide for Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse.’Her latest books (2023), are law of attraction guidance. 'From Hoping to Having: The 3 R's to Create Your Best Life - The Ultimate Law of Attraction Guidebook' is a Step-by-step guidebook to create your best life from a place of empowerment and liberation. It is The Ultimate Law of Attraction Guidebook. To go alongside it, From Hoping to Having Affirmation booklet will help you too. It contains affirmations for manifesting and creating your greatest life.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Julie Poole.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/next-level-soul-podcast-with-alex-ferrari--4858435/support.

  • Fr. Seán ÓLaoire, born in Ireland, embarked on a journey of profound exploration and service. Armed with a B.Sc. degree in Mathematics from the National University of Ireland, he answered a higher calling, becoming ordained as a Catholic priest in 1972. His path led him to spend 14 transformative years in Kenya, where he immersed himself in diverse cultures and languages.Driven by a deep curiosity for the human spirit, Fr. ÓLaoire pursued advanced studies, earning an M.A. and Ph.D. in Transpersonal Psychology. Today, he channels his insights and expertise as a Licensed Clinical Psychologist in private practice, enriching the lives of those he encounters.A visionary and spiritual guide, Fr. ÓLaoire is the co-founder and Spiritual Director of "Companions on the Journey," a vibrant non-denominational community based in Palo Alto.

    Through this platform, he fosters unity, compassion, and growth among seekers from all walks of life.Fr. ÓLaoire's literary contributions resonate globally, transcending borders and languages. His thought-provoking works, including "Spirits in Spacesuits" and "Souls on Safari," delve into the depths of human existence, offering profound insights and perspectives. His latest endeavor, "Setting God Free: Moving Beyond the Caricature We’ve Created in Our Own Image," challenges conventional beliefs and invites readers to embark on a liberating journey of self-discovery and spiritual liberation.With each publication, Fr. ÓLaoire continues to inspire and empower individuals worldwide, bridging the gap between spirituality and psychology. His legacy is one of enlightenment, compassion, and a relentless pursuit of truth.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Fr. Seán ÓLaoire.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/next-level-soul-podcast-with-alex-ferrari--4858435/support.

  • Subhash Jain is a Professor Emeritus in the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering at The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, USA. He was born in India in a family that practiced Jainism and continued to do so after coming to the US in 1967.

    After retiring in 2003, he concentrated on studying Indian Philosophy, particularly the Jain karma doctrine, and received another Ph.D. degree in Jain ology from the University of Madras, Chennai, India. He is the author of three books entitled ‘Rebirth of the Karma Doctrine,’ ‘Karma Doctrine and Rebirth in Jainism: A Logical Perspective,’ and ‘The Path to Inner Peace: Mastering Karma.’ He is keenly interested in delving into the nature of reality, has published several articles in magazines and journals on karma doctrine, and has given lectures in seminars and conferences.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Subhash Jain.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/next-level-soul-podcast-with-alex-ferrari--4858435/support.

  • Christopher Dunn has an extensive background as a craftsman, starting his career as an indentured apprentice in his hometown of Manchester, England. Recruited by an aerospace manufacturing company, he immigrated to the United States in 1969. Over the past 49 years, Chris has worked at every level of high-tech manufacturing from machinist, toolmaker, programmer and operator of high-power industrial lasers, Project Engineer and Laser Operations Manager. For the past 16 year, he has served as Human Resource Director for a Midwest aerospace manufacturer.

    Chris’s pyramid odyssey began in 1977 after he read Peter Tompkins’ book Secrets of the Great Pyramid. His immediate reaction after learning of the Great Pyramid’s precision and design characteristics was to consider that this edifice may have had an original purpose that differed from conventional opinion. After further research and study of source material on various theories, Chris concluded that it must have originally been built to provide a highly technical society with energy—in short, it was a very large machine. Discovering the purpose of this machine and documenting his case has taken the better part of twenty years of research and following the 1998 publication of Chris’s book, “The Giza Power Plant: Technologies of Ancient Egypt” which describes a holistic energy device that is harmonically coupled with the Earth and its inhabitants.

    Chris has published over a dozen magazine articles, including the much quoted “Advanced Machining in Ancient Egypt” in Analog, August 1984, and has had his research referenced in over a dozen books on Egypt. In the United States he has appeared on PAX Television, the Travel Channel, Discovery Channel, The Learning Channel, Lifetime Television and most recently on the History Channel in the Ancient Alien episode “The Evidence”.

    Chris’s second book, entitled “Lost Technologies of Ancient Egypt: Advanced Engineering in the Temples of the Pharaohs” was published by Inner Traditions/Bear & Company in June of 2010. In this work, Chris focuses on an important aspect of his research into the manufacturing capabilities of the ancient Egyptians and through his engineer’s eye and camera, reveals to his readers previously overlooked magisterial characteristics of Egyptian architectural and manufacturing wizardry.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Christopher Dunn.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/next-level-soul-podcast-with-alex-ferrari--4858435/support.