
  • There's so many coaches out there shouting from the rooftops about how they are filling up their high ticket coaching programs or cohorts WITHOUT doing sales calls.

    Sounds soooo appealing doesn't it!

    That's why I felt compelled to record this conversation, to discuss this topic and what it means for you, for your high ticket coaching business AND your new clients. With my over 25 years in sales, I've pretty my seen it all, so thought I would share a few real life stories with you on this topic.

    Take a listen as you are considering which way you want to go in your business. It's my sincere hope that what I share here helps guide you in a way that feels most aligned to you

    Jessie πŸ’œ


    And if you want to know more about how to get seen in the very noisy on-line space and start moving cold leads into new highly aligned clients in DAYS (all using a lead generation system that works on autopilot 24/7 for you while you're at the grocery store or out with your friends!), check out my mini course..."From Unseen to Unstoppable." It's free! The mini training shares how the magic comes together to create a powerful, automated lead generation and client enrollment system for your high ticket coaching business. 🧲

    Click this link below to check it out! πŸ‘‡

    Follow me on Instagram - say HI and let me know you listened to the podcast!
    And if you have marketing/sales questions or topic requests....please DM me on IG @jessieqsalescoaching - I'd love to hear from you so I can bring you more content that best serves you!

    Find out more about me and my business coaching at JessieQSalesCoaching.com

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  • Are you feeling stuck in your online coaching business? Like things just aren't working the way you want for getting SEEN by prime leads and easily enrolling highly aligned new clients?

    If so, this episode is for you. Because one of the most recommended troubleshooting strategies for businesses is getting back to the basics, and breaking down each step of what you are doing to assess how well it's working for you!

    This is a back to basics episode is all about MARKETING - that activity that gets you seen and brings in those prime leads. And this episode is all about SALES - which is converting those leads into clients! I talk about how these steps should work seamlessly together to bring your ideal customer right to you. And how to diagnose what's going on if that flow isn't happening for you in your business YET.

    I hope this podcast episode helps you step back, revisit some basics inside your business, and helps you identify where you can shift things and possibly build in new practices that support the growth of your dream business!

    Jessie πŸ’œ


    And if you want to know more about how to create that SEAMLESS flow from Marketing to Sales in your high ticket coaching business (that works for you while you're at the grocery store or out with your friends!), check out my mini course..."From Unseen to Unstoppable." It's free, and I share what I'm passionate about - creating trusted transformative business growth for high ticket coaches… using 3 critical skills - proven inbound lead systems, powerful and strategic communication, and relational selling.

    Click the link below to check it out! πŸ‘‡

    Follow me on Instagram - say HI and let me know you listened to the podcast!
    And if you have marketing/sales questions or topic requests....please DM me on IG @jessieqsalescoaching - I'd love to hear from you so I can bring you more content that best serves you!

    Find out more about me and my business coaching at JessieQSalesCoaching.com

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  • A very frequent conversation that I have with my coaching clients is, "How long should I make my coaching program?"

    Well there's some factors to think through, so I wanted to talk about this topic in this podcast episode so that you can consider different angles and issues as you determine what the right length of time is for your next new coaching program. Hopefully this conversation helps you land on something that works really well for both you and your new clients!!

    Jessie πŸ’œ


    And if you want to know more about how to build an automated, evergreen INBOUND lead generation and client enrollment system for your high ticket coaching business (that works for you while you're at the grocery store or out with your friends!), check out my mini course..."From Unseen to Unstoppable." It's free, and I share what I'm passionate about - helping you building a solid, proven, authentic lead generation and sales machine for your coaching business.

    Click the link below to check it out! πŸ‘‡

    Follow me on Instagram - say HI and let me know you listened to the podcast!
    And if you have marketing/sales questions or topic requests....please DM me on IG @jessieqsalescoaching - I'd love to hear from you so I can bring you more content that best serves you!

    Find out more about me and my business coaching at JessieQSalesCoaching.com

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  • If you have a new coaching program brewing in your head...
    or if you are in the early days of your coaching business and you've got some ideas on what kind of offer you want to create, what kind of expertise you want to share with your ideal clients but just aren't sure if you want to go High Ticket or Low Ticket with your pricing, this may be an episode you want to listen to...

    For me this decision goes way beyond just the price point you want to target. There are a lot of other factors to consider so that you make a decision you're happy with, that feels aligned to you and meets your new client's needs for the long haul.

    Hope this podcast episode helps you structure a new offer that supports your dream business!

    Jessie πŸ’œ


    And if you want to know more about how to build an automated, evergreen INBOUND lead generation and client enrollment system for your high ticket coaching business (that works for you while you're at the grocery store or out with your friends!), check out my mini course..."From Unseen to Unstoppable." It's free, and I share what I'm passionate about - helping you building a solid, proven, authentic lead generation and sales machine for your coaching business.

    Click the link below to check it out! πŸ‘‡

    Follow me on Instagram - say HI and let me know you listened to the podcast!
    And if you have marketing/sales questions or topic requests....please DM me on IG @jessieqsalescoaching - I'd love to hear from you so I can bring you more content that best serves you!

    Find out more about me and my business coaching at JessieQSalesCoaching.com

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  • Getting new clients is the life blood of any coaching business... because without clients we have no business! But there's many methods of finding and enrolling your clients. So this episode is all about that....and in my world of non-pushy sales I really prefer creating an authentic connection with our people so they move towards us and want to know more about how to work with us. For me this is way preferable to the old stereotypical selling that still happens, where you pressure people into buying from you. That just doesn't feel good for anyone.

    So enjoy this episode. I hope it helps you see and experience the needed process of finding and enrolling new clients in a whole new light!

    And if you want to know more about how to build an automated, evergreen INBOUND lead generation and client enrollment system for your high ticket coaching business (that works for you while you're at the grocery store or out with your friends!), check out my mini course..."From Unseen to Unstoppable." It's free, and I share what I'm passionate about - helping you building a solid, proven, authentic lead generation and sales machine for your coaching business.

    Click the link below to check it out! πŸ‘‡

    Cheering you on to your biggest coaching business success!
    Jessie πŸ’œ

    Follow me on Instagram - say HI and let me know you listened to the podcast!
    And if you have marketing/sales questions or topic requests....please DM me on IG @jessieqsalescoaching - I'd love to hear from you so I can bring you more content that best serves you!

    Find out more about me and my business coaching at JessieQSalesCoaching.com

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  • If you're on online coach, you may find yourself struggling with a really common issue blocking your path to business growth. And unfortunately, this one thing can cause such a problem that your ideal clients DON'T EVEN SEE YOU or your coaching offer in the first place (and that makes getting new clients and business growth near to impossible!!)

    This episode talks about what that common issue is, and 3 key things you can focus on that help turn things around, get you off the struggle bus of not getting seen and short cuts the path to more new client enrollments quickly.

    I hope you find some nuggets in this podcast that shift how you look at your business and allow you to build genuine and effortless connections with all your future clients!

    Jessie πŸ’œ


    If you're interested in getting my free mini training...about going from being UNSEEN in the online space to UNSTOPPABLE business growth, you can get it here: UNSEEN TO UNSTOPPABLE

    Wishing you a great week my friends 🌟

    Follow me on Instagram - say HI and let me know you listened to the podcast!
    And if you have marketing/sales questions or topic requests....please DM me on IG @jessieqsalescoaching - I'd love to hear from you so I can bring you more content that best serves you!

    Find out more about me and my business coaching at JessieQSalesCoaching.com

    Support the show:
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  • If you are an online coach (or even just an entrepreneur or small business owner), it's hard to see the blind spots, the blocks that aren't serving you well, within your businesses. We're so close to our work, our clients, our processes, that troubleshooting or crafting action plans to get us to the next level - or out of a stuck spot - is HARD.

    We often react - go into the emotional fight or flight mode - and start scrambling and taking action that may not be the best solution. We chase after what everyone else is doing that "seems to be working," often with less than stellar results.

    So in this episode we talk about how important it is to take a bit of time to seek different perspectives. How it can make all the difference in the speed and effectiveness of your business growth.

    And who doesn't like a bit more growth, serving new clients and having more of a positive impact in the world!


    If you're interested in getting my free mini training...about going from being UNSEEN in the online space to UNSTOPPABLE business growth, you can get it here: UNSEEN TO UNSTOPPABLE

    Wishing you a great week my friends 🌟

    Follow me on Instagram - say HI and let me know you listened to the podcast!
    And if you have marketing/sales questions or topic requests....please DM me on IG @jessieqsalescoaching - I'd love to hear from you so I can bring you more content that best serves you!

    Find out more about me and my business coaching at JessieQSalesCoaching.com

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  • A few days ago someone reached out to me on Instagram and and said ABSOLUTELY NO FUNNELS FOR THEIR BUSINESS! EVER!”

    And I thought, "Wow…that’s really interesting." I was so curious and asked what prompted this perspective - truly I am curious that way…. Something bad must have happened for sure. Now I didn’t get an answer…

    So I got to wondering if you really can even have a business without some kind of funnel - when you really know how prevalent funnels are in business….and my brain started to mull all of this sales and marketing stuff (yes, pretty geeky I know!)

    And I feel like the answer is no - most everything has a funnel of some sort. Even doing business solely by referral creates a customer funnel to some degree. Even signs on a storefront create a funnel too…

    So my best guess was that this person must have tried using funnels and something really went wrong somewhere along the way.

    So that’s what we’re going to talk about in today's episode. What might be going on in your funnel that’s causing it to fail for you and your business, so that you can check your funnel and get things back on track!

    It's my hope that you enjoy this episode and take away from it a few nuggets of fresh ideas that you can apply in your business.

    Cheering you on to your greatest business success -


    If you want to get my FREE mini course on how to implement an automated, evergreen lead generation and sales system in your one of a kind high ticket coaching business, here's the link register.

    Follow me on Instagram - say HI and let me know you listened to the podcast!
    And if you have marketing/sales questions or topic requests....please DM me on IG @jessieqsalescoaching - I'd love to hear from you so I can bring you more content that best serves you!

    Find out more about me and my business coaching at JessieQSalesCoaching.com

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  • There's so much noise out there about the "best" way to get quality leads and new clients. So many people are promoting different things that have worked for them... gotten them fast money. And then suddenly there's another new trend that everyone starts to chase...wanting to be some of the first on that new bandwagon so to speak. Who do you believe? Who can you trust?

    Well, I like to step back and look at what's worked and continues to work LONG TERM for businesses around the world. Not fads, or trends (not that those don't work). I like time tested, proven systems that bring quality leads and easy to convert customers TO YOU while also freeing up your time, reducing your stress and the guesswork about what might be working and what's not working. Systems that will work and can be perfected for years to come.

    So in this episode I talk about sales and marketing funnels.... what they are, how they work, and how they differ from posting content for bringing you leads and customers for your business. I get a lot of questions from clients around these topics so thought it might be helpful to share.

    Cheering you on to huge business success!
    Jessie πŸ’œ


    If you're interested to know how to integrate funnels into your coaching business, you may want to check out my FREE mini course - "Are you ready to trade Endless Exhaustion for Effortless Enrollment?"
    Here's the link to access that training: http://jessieqsalescoaching.com/registration-page

    Follow me on Instagram - say HI and let me know you listened to the podcast!
    And if you have marketing/sales questions or topic requests....please DM me on IG @jessieqsalescoaching - I'd love to hear from you so I can bring you more content that best serves you!

    Find out more about me and my business coaching at JessieQSalesCoaching.com

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  • I had someone ask me how to get started as a coach...what could they do to get the ball rolling on their business?

    This episode is in response to that great question. And because I talk to so many coaches every day - both new and experienced - I thought I would share what I see as 5 Common Mistakes that a lot of new coaches make when starting out. And I also share the thoughts I gave this listener about steps they could take to get past that "start line".

    Hope you enjoy this episode!

    And if you want to know more about how to build an automated, evergreen INBOUND lead generation system for your coaching business (that works for you while you're at the grocery store or out with your friends!), check out my mini course..."From Endless Exhaustion to Effortless Enrollments." It's free, and I share what I'm passionate about - helping you building a solid, proven, authentic lead generation and sales machine for your coaching business.

    Click the link below to check it out! πŸ‘‡

    Follow me on Instagram - say HI and let me know you listened to the podcast!
    And if you have marketing/sales questions or topic requests....please DM me on IG @jessieqsalescoaching - I'd love to hear from you so I can bring you more content that best serves you!

    Find out more about me and my business coaching at JessieQSalesCoaching.com

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  • Generating income is the bread and butter of any business... a must if you want to get started and keep going and GROW!

    So why is it so hard to do?

    Well maybe there's a need to identify what activities bring income into your business and do a health check on each of them to see if they are working optimally for you. And if they are not, a bit of time refining what you're doing can have quick as well as long term benefits for you and those people who are looking for your help - your clients!

    If you like this episode and resonate with the need for a tune up on any of the activities I talk about, you might want to watch my FREE mini training, "From Endless Exhaustion to Effortless Enrollments." You can get a copy of this training HERE.

    You're also welcome to find me on Instagram and ask me any questions on lead generation or sales through the DM's: jessieqsalescoaching I'm also open to questions that I can address in new podcast episodes!

    I appreciate you listening. Wishing you so much business success.

    Jessie πŸ’œ

    Follow me on Instagram - say HI and let me know you listened to the podcast!
    And if you have marketing/sales questions or topic requests....please DM me on IG @jessieqsalescoaching - I'd love to hear from you so I can bring you more content that best serves you!

    Find out more about me and my business coaching at JessieQSalesCoaching.com

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  • I talk to high ticket coaches every single day about their lead generation and most people don't love this part of their business.

    So it's no wonder that they seek help or new ideas to find a "better way." Unfortunately I see 4 common mistakes that can cost you a lot of lost time, add tons of frustration to your day, and ultimately cost you a lot of new clients.

    Listen to this episode if you want to know what you can STOP doing now to shift your world of lead generation around and start having a lot more FUN with this normally dreaded part of your business (and start getting more new clients)!

    And if you're interested in the mini course that I mention in the episode - "From Endless Exhaustion to Effortless Enrollments" click the link below to register for that free training.

    Have a great week my friends!

    Follow me on Instagram - say HI and let me know you listened to the podcast!
    And if you have marketing/sales questions or topic requests....please DM me on IG @jessieqsalescoaching - I'd love to hear from you so I can bring you more content that best serves you!

    Find out more about me and my business coaching at JessieQSalesCoaching.com

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    βœ… Comment below with your feedback or email me at [email protected]

  • If you cook, you know that if you miss an ingredient, it can throw off the entire meal - even something as simple as salt!

    But when you add that simple ingredient - like salt - it changes everything! It tastes so much better!

    Now our quest for success is a bit more complicated than cooking a meal. And what we strive for as success goals gets programmed into us at a very young age so that oftentimes we don't even make conscious choices about what those success goals are!

    But this episode talks about the problems that can arise when you pursue outward accomplishments, these external goals of success solely on their own, without consideration of a very important ingredient which makes the attainment of success much more fun, fulfilling and ultimately much faster!


    If this episode resonated with you, get my FREE mini course "From Endless Exhaustion to Effortless Enrollments" HERE.

    In the mini course you'll find out how you don't need to be doing "all the things" with social media, events, lives and more to build a quality, automated lead generation and sales system for your business that shines your authentic light and positions you as the trusted expert even before you've gotten to a "sales" (non-salesy) conversation!

    Follow me on Instagram - say HI and let me know you listened to the podcast!
    And if you have marketing/sales questions or topic requests....please DM me on IG @jessieqsalescoaching - I'd love to hear from you so I can bring you more content that best serves you!

    Find out more about me and my business coaching at JessieQSalesCoaching.com

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  • So many coaches are out there telling you to "Sell The Transformation." Or, if not that, then you need to focus on the client's pain points to get them to buy on the sales call.

    Ahhhh,.... NOPE! Sorry friends! It's not a focus on either of those two things that will help you gain a new client.

    Instead there are 3 key factors that the buyer needs to understand before they will ever say YES to buying your offer or working with you.

    Listen to this episode to understand why these 3 things are so important to incorporate into your next sales conversation!

    Follow me on Instagram - say HI and let me know you listened to the podcast!
    And if you have marketing/sales questions or topic requests....please DM me on IG @jessieqsalescoaching - I'd love to hear from you so I can bring you more content that best serves you!

    Find out more about me and my business coaching at JessieQSalesCoaching.com

    Support the show:
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    βœ… Comment below with your feedback or email me at [email protected]

  • Believe it or not, your energy during sales conversations has a big impact on whether you are drawing new clients to want to work with you or you are inadvertently pushing them away for good.

    And you only have 7 seconds to set this interaction up for success!

    So What's Your Vibe on sales calls?

    I also share some tips on how you can shift your energy within seconds before your next sales call so you're ready to enjoy a really fulfilling conversation.

    ALSO for more on my High Ticket Sales Accelerator FREE mini course, click HERE.

    Your biggest success cheerleader - Jessie

    Follow me on Instagram - say HI and let me know you listened to the podcast!
    And if you have marketing/sales questions or topic requests....please DM me on IG @jessieqsalescoaching - I'd love to hear from you so I can bring you more content that best serves you!

    Find out more about me and my business coaching at JessieQSalesCoaching.com

    Support the show:
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    βœ… Comment below with your feedback or email me at [email protected]

  • As I reflect back on the journeys to different BIG goals in my life, 4 key and critical steps seem to a common element each and every time.

    Take a listen to this episode and let me know if this resonates with you...AND if you've experience the same messy and wonderful steps as I have.

    Here's to wrapping up a great 2022 and looking forward to the BIG goals for 2023! I can't wait to see how they unfold!

    Follow me on Instagram - say HI and let me know you listened to the podcast!
    And if you have marketing/sales questions or topic requests....please DM me on IG @jessieqsalescoaching - I'd love to hear from you so I can bring you more content that best serves you!

    Find out more about me and my business coaching at JessieQSalesCoaching.com

    Support the show:
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  • I'm on a mission to rid the world of a very common enemy to small business owners who want to have a happy, thriving business of your dreams.

    Take a listen to the podcast and let me know if you're with me for this journey!

    Here's you to and your big business dreams! May this episode help you on your journey.

    Jessie Quinby Hearns
    Jessie Q Sales Coaching πŸ’œ

    Follow me on Instagram - say HI and let me know you listened to the podcast!
    And if you have marketing/sales questions or topic requests....please DM me on IG @jessieqsalescoaching - I'd love to hear from you so I can bring you more content that best serves you!

    Find out more about me and my business coaching at JessieQSalesCoaching.com

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  • Most people's super power is not SALES.

    It wasn't mine either when I started years ago. That should give you lots of hope, because here I am 20+ years later having made sales and coaching others to sales success my career - one where I have thrived beyond my wildest dreams. That's what figuring out sales can do for you and for your business.

    One of the best pieces of news for you is that to achieve high levels of success doesn't mean being pushy or salesy. It doesn't mean abandoning your values or who you are. All it takes is some shifts in perspective, shifts in action and you're golden.... literally.

    This episode shares my humble and embarrassing start on the journey of selling. And I share with you 3 things to keep in mind, while setting "sales skills" to the side for your optimal and long term success.

    Here's you to and your big business dreams! May this episode help you on your journey.

    Jessie Q Sales Coaching πŸ’œ

    Follow me on Instagram - say HI and let me know you listened to the podcast!
    And if you have marketing/sales questions or topic requests....please DM me on IG @jessieqsalescoaching - I'd love to hear from you so I can bring you more content that best serves you!

    Find out more about me and my business coaching at JessieQSalesCoaching.com

    Support the show:
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    βœ… Comment below with your feedback or email me at [email protected]