
  • review /rɪˈvjuː/
    a formal assessment of something with the intention of instituting change if necessary.
    assess (something) formally with the intention of instituting change if necessary.

    In episode 7 of the Navigating Life podcast, Carol invites her two friends Jason and Ulrich to her ‘year in review’ conversation. It’s December 2021 and suffices it to say that the last year or two have been some for the history books as we’ve all lived through a global pandemic. The questions they consider in this episode (that you may want to as well):
    Was 2021 easier or more difficult than 2020 and why?
    What are some surprising things that happened to you this year?
    What has been hard for you this year?
    What’s your approach to 2022 going to be?

    You don’t want to miss this honest and hopeful conversation. Hit the ‘subscribe’ button so that you don’t miss any upcoming episodes. 

    Music featured in this episode:
    The Swing - The Forrester
    Light Beneath Us - Kevin Bean (Used with permission through audiio.com)

    You can find The Forester on Apple Music and Spotify and Carol Joy Williams on SoundCloud.

    This podcast is the original material of Carol Joy Williams, recorded and produced by Carol Joy Williams. Sound mixing and mastering by Jason Skippers.

    IG: @caroljoywilliams
    FB: @caroljoywilliams
    W: www.caroljoywilliams.com

  • hair (n)
    any of the fine threadlike strands growing from the skin of humans, mammals, and some other animals.

    beauty standard (construct)

    1. Beauty is the state or quality of being beautiful
    2. A standard is a level of quality or achievement, especially a level that is thought to be acceptable

    Hair - we all have it in some shape or form. Perhaps it's something you haven't given much thought to - perhaps it's something that has shaped your life in profound ways.

    In this episode, Carol unpacks some thoughts and stories about hair and the way that hair shapes our experiences and the experiences of those around us. What's considered acceptable and what's not? We need to be aware of the beauty standards we consciously or subconsciously subscribe to.

    Links to resources used:

    Music featured in this episode:
    The Swing - The Forrester
    Now that we’re far - The Prams
    The Lively Garden - Morris
    All used with permission through audiio.com

    You can find The Forester on Apple Music and Spotify and Carol Joy Williams on SoundCloud.

    This podcast is the original material of Carol Joy Williams, recorded and produced by Carol Joy Williams. Sound mixing and mastering by Jason Skippers.

    IG: @caroljoywilliams
    FB: @caroljoywilliams
    W: www.caroljoywilliams.com

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    Klicka här för att uppdatera flödet manuellt.

  • tough /tʌf/
    (of a substance or object) strong enough to withstand adverse conditions or rough handling.
    able to endure hardship or pain.
    3. endure a period of hardship or difficulty.

    Part of being alive is having to navigate the unexpected and hard things. It’s fair to say that this has been a tough time. How do these things impact us? How do we navigate tough corners? When we feel out of control and like the waves just keep smashing over us - what can we do?

    In this episode, Carol shares some of her thoughts on navigating tough mental spaces and has some amazing input from friends and listeners of this podcast. 


    Music featured in this episode:
    The Swing - The Forrester
    Majorie (instrumental) - Andrew Osenga
    Northern - Benjamin Campbell
    Circular (Instrumental)- Philip Daniel
    Who Else Would Walk Through These Shadows With Me (Instrumental) - The Soundkeeper
    All used with permission through audiio.com

    You can find The Forester on Apple Music and Spotify and Carol Joy Williams on SoundCloud.

    This podcast is the original material of Carol Joy Williams, recorded and produced by Carol Joy Williams. Sound mixing and mastering by Jason Skippers.

    IG: @caroljoywilliams
    FB: @caroljoywilliams
    W: www.caroljoywilliams.com

  • age /eɪdʒ/
    verb gerund or present participle: aging
    1. grow old or older.
    2. cause to appear old or older.

    Unfortunately growing older and aging is not optional. It happens and the only thing we really get to choose is how we engage with this process.

    This episode releases just before Carol’s birthday and she reflects on the process of growing older and hears some great stories from a few people at different stages, ages and phases of life.
To find out more about Lee’s Visioning workshops email [email protected]

Music featured in this episode:
    'The Swing' by the Forester
    'Longings of the Heart’ by Carol Joy Williams
    ‘Taste and see’ by Carol Joy Williams

    You can find The Forester on Apple Music and Spotify and Carol Joy Williams on SoundCloud.

    This podcast is the original material of Carol Joy Williams, recorded and produced by Carol Joy Williams. Sound mixing and mastering by Jason Skippers.

    IG: @caroljoywilliams
    FB: @caroljoywilliams
    W: www.caroljoywilliams.com

  • friendship /ˈfrɛn(d)ʃɪp/

    1. the emotions or conduct of friends; the state of being friends.
    2. a relationship between friends.

    Some of us may feel unprepared for the ups and downs of friendship in adult life. Friendships can be some of the sweetest relationships we get to experience and knowing how to deal with some of the challenges that come along with these spaces is really important.

    Do women and men relate differently in friendships? What are the best parts of friendship? How do I know when it’s okay to leave a friendship? Listen to some lovely stories woven together in this narrative style podcast with an original soundtrack and of course you don’t want to miss the hilarious “What the *beep is going on in the world?” Segment…let’s just say it’s ‘clucking’ strange.

    Music featured in this episode:
    'The Swing' by the Forester
    ‘Friendship’ by Carol Joy Williams
    ‘Letters to Perry’ by Carol Joy Williams

    You can find The Forester on Apple Music and Spotify, Mischa on YouTube and Carol Joy Williams on SoundCloud.

    This podcast is the original material of Carol Joy Williams, recorded and produced by Carol Joy Williams. Sound mixing and mastering by Jason Skippers.

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/caroljoywilliams/
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/caroljoywilliamsofficial
    W: www.caroljoywilliams.com

  • capacity /kəˈpasɪti/n.
    1. the maximum amount that something can contain.
    2. the amount that something can produce.

    Capacity. More specifically personal capacity. What is it and how do we use ours? Or perhaps more to the point…why are we living in a time where everyone is exhausted and burnout? And what can we do? Or are we just victims of busyness?

    In this episode, we hear stories of people who have gone through burnout and learned about themselves and their capacity in the process. Perhaps all is not lost? Perhaps a change in how we manage our capacity is possible.

    Music featured in this episode:
    'The Swing' by the Forester
    'Hope like Honey' by Mischa
    ‘Burnout and breathing’ by Carol Joy Williams

    Poetry featured:
    ‘for you are very precious to God’ by Kambani Ramano

    You can find The Forester on Apple Music and Spotify, Mischa on YouTube and Carol Joy Williams on SoundCloud.

    This podcast is the original material of Carol Joy Williams, recorded and produced by Carol Joy Williams. Sound mixing and mastering by Jason Skippers.

    IG: @caroljoywilliams
    FB: @caroljoywilliams
    W: www.caroljoywilliams.com

  • change (n.) /tʃeɪn(d)ʒ/
    an act or process through which something becomes different.

    It's no secret that we've all been in a state of flux for at least a year now. And when I say all...I mean all. Like the whole entire world. this has demanded so much from us and continues to do so. How do we navigate this moment in time well?

    In this episode, we hear stories of people who have gone through different changes and transition in life. We've actually all been navigating change since we were zygotes. We can do this one too.

    Music featured in this episode:
    'The Swing' by the Forester
    'Hope like Honey' by Mischa
    'Peace', 'Wonder', 'Taste and See' and 'Longings of the Heart' by Carol Joy Williams

    You can find The Forester on Apple Music and Spotify, Mischa on YouTube and Carol Joy Williams on SoundCloud.

    This podcast is the original material of Carol Joy Williams, recorded and produced by Carol Joy Williams. Sound mixing and mastering by Jason Skippers.

    IG: @caroljoywilliams
    FB: @caroljoywilliams
    W: www.caroljoywilliams.com

  • prologue (n). /ˈprəʊlɒɡ/
    A separate introductory section of a literary, dramatic, or musical work.

    Or in this case my new podcast - the Navigating Life Podcast.

    I ask my friends to complete the sentence 'Life is...". The responses were many and varied. One thing is clear, life is complex in its beauty and its trials. The NLP prologue unpacks what you can expect in this series. Looking forward to having you join me on this adventure. What does life mean to you?

    Music featured in this podcast:
    'The Swing' by The Forester
    'Longings of the Heart' by Carol Joy Williams
    'When it's Dark' by The Forester

    Find The Forester on Spotify or Apple Music and Carol Joy Williams on SoundCloud.