On The Evangelism Podcast we feature interviews with full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith. Their powerful testimonies and amazing stories will inspire you to reach people with Good News. You will cry, you will laugh, and you be motivated to, “Go into all the World!”
On this podcast, you will learn:
* How to engage in spiritual conversations in everyday life.
* How to communicate the Gospel clearly.
* How to share your faith in a non-threatening way with those around you.
* Why every believer is called to evangelism.
* Why evangelists are desperately needed in the body of Christ today.
* How to rescue people from hell and introduce them to heaven.
* About the History of Evangelism – If God did it in the past, He can do it again.
* Church Growth Ideas that really work.
* Pastors, you will discover how to grow your church through creative outreach ideas.
* Be inspired to lead people to Jesus.
* Explore how the Great Commission is being fulfilled.
* Hear exciting reports directly from the mission field.
* Master best practices for those called to the office of the evangelist. -
Moving mountains is a place to hear true stories of modern day miracles told by ordinary people, like you and me. Your hosts Bernadette, Margaret, & Paige are based in Anchorage, Alaska and will witness accounts of how God has worked in people’s lives in big and small ways. As you listen to these stories of hope, answered prayers, and unexplained phenomena, we invite you to allow this space to inspire your faith and even to help you recognize the ways in which God is moving mountains in your own life.
V každom z nás je ukryté dieťa, ktoré má rado rozprávky. Podcast DUŠOPRÁVKY vám ponúka príbehy pre dušu, ktoré dostanete každú stredu večer. Nech je to čas na povzbudenie seba i iných.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
These talks and sermons were given by Priestmonk Kosmas of the Orthodox Monastery of the Archangel Michael, Sydney, Australia. The Monstery is under the Australian and New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR).
Topics include: basics in Orthodoxy, Ecumenism and Covidism, reading the lives of the saints, married life, the upbringing of children, death and the afterlife, spiritual life in the world, advice on prayer, saints and elders, magic and sorcery, and miracles and deception.
For more details, go to -
Podcast ponúka zamyslenia na témy Svätého písma, tajomstiev viery a Cirkvi. Pomenovanie podcastu „Kairos“ je známy evanjeliový výraz, ktorý pochádza z gréčtiny a v preklade znamená „plnosť času“, resp. „pravý čas“.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Biblické štúdium Edukačno-misijného centra ECAV 2024 (EMC ECAV)
online biblické štúdium pod názvom: "Labyrint sporov a sila lásky." (nedeľa)
Študujte s nami korešpondenciu apoštola Pavla s ranno-kresťanským spoločenstvom v Korinte. Biblickými pasážami nás pravidelne sprevádzajú evanjelické farárky a farári.
Pripojte sa k našej službe finančným darom, ktorým podporíte rozvoj vzdelávacích a misijných projektov: -