In this episode we talk about the buffalo house brawling league we started, getting out of your bad habits that are fueled by childhood trauma, the dangers of “weird” family members, taking acid and it completely fixing all your metal problems, the tricky balance between being a strict parent and laid back parent, the terrifying experience of seeing someone lose their life in front of you, the feeling of finally wanting more for yourself, discovering parental instincts, the reality of postpartum, gaining people’s respect by not showing them any respect… Follow our Instagram and Tik Tok! @N85Podcast New Episodes every Monday! Instagram: @zmxvo / @a.ustin73 / @n85podcast12
In this episode we go head to head with another podcast, we talk about Austin and Amy’s “friendship”, hitting on your situationship’s friend and it backfiring, shooting your shot through tik tok live, lasting shorter in bed now being the new trend, love languages vs icks, cup matching game, Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader game… Follow our Instagram and Tik Tok! @N85Podcast New Episodes every Monday! Instagram: @zmxvo / @a.ustin73 / @N85Podcast
Saknas det avsnitt?
In this episode we talk about two people testing Anthony’s gangster, paying off cops to let you go, standing on business no matter what, crashing your car on valentine’s day, the issues you run into living with roommates, how to tell someone they’ve over stayed their welcome, going on dates while being broke, not getting complacent in a relationship, getting proposed to at a Hibachi steak house, setting unrealistic standards, dreams of being a drug kingpin… Follow our Instagram and Tik Tok! @N85Podcast New Episodes every Monday! Instagram: @zmxvo / @a.ustin73 / @n85podcast12
In this episode we talk about how Anthony got cheated on with his best friend, Montoya having the biggest L of 2025 so far, women getting back at you 10x worse, sneaky friends, saving your friends from “red flag” situations, how to tell someone you don’t want anything serious but still want to smash, not being able to handle people venting to you, when to get away from self destructive people, the art of derailing a conversation, losing your ability to socialize as you get older… Follow our Instagram and Tik Tok! @N85Podcast New Episodes every Monday! Instagram: @zmxvo / @a.ustin73 / @n85podcast12
In this episode we talk about our girl wrecking our car, we react to our best podcast moments, post-drunk clarity, appreciation for the people who have came and went, Austin’s hilarious solo date, fighting for your parents inheritance, Lalo the first date smasher, sleepy driving vs drunk driving, giving your friend false confidence on purpose, how to end the party early as an adult, ICE protests, Don Julio x Popeyes collab… Follow our Instagram and Tik Tok! @N85Podcast New Episodes every Monday! Instagram: @zmxvo / @a.ustin73 / @n85podcast12
In this episode we talk about Austin powering through the Canadian Mountains, N85 Reddit, getting stuck in a snow storm, banning people from traveling to Florida, eating raw eggs while drinking alcohol, taking a 60 year old to Moondogs, Austin throwing drinks and starting fights at the bar, Bri makes a return to Austin’s life… Follow our Instagram and Tik Tok! @N85Podcast New Episodes every Monday! Instagram: @zmxvo / @a.ustin73 / @N85Podcast
In this episode we talk about men cheating vs women cheating, our dad getting jumped, your girl embarrassing you in front of your friends, girls having guy friends, never being able to fully trust someone, not being able to look past somebody’s past, grinding while you’re still young, the importance of not growing up so fast, getting bullied as a kid, being at the club at 15 years old, keeping your family/friends in check, not posting your significant other, envious people, not being able to be alone, “either or” game (mexican edition)… Follow our Instagram and Tik Tok! @N85Podcast New Episodes every Monday! Instagram: @zmxvo / @a.ustin73 / @N85Podcast
In this episode we talk about our virgin losing his virginity, buffalo house fighting league, Austin vs a gay guy on a night out, Austin face plants at the club, breaking your friend out of his own house, how to properly get out of a “smelly” situation, getting caught sneaking your girl out, laughing at Jacob’s dog dying, dating your friend’s ex, not knowing when your last day is going to be, not knowing how to react when people die, cyber truck bombing, New Orleans incident… Follow our Instagram and Tik Tok! @N85Podcast New Episodes every Monday! Instagram: @zmxvo / @a.ustin73 / @N85Podcast
In this episode we talk about seeing the viral drones in the sky up close, wacking one out in a portable bathroom, handouts vs self-made, the benefits of joining the military, buying Plan B’s overseas, growing a business as a young adult, social media making people have delusional standards, traditional households, not being able to date in Gwinnett, new year accomplishments… Follow our Instagram and Tik Tok! @N85Podcast New Episodes every Monday! Instagram: @zmxvo / @a.ustin73 / @N85Podcast
In this episode we show off our amazing gingerbread house building skills, we talk about the art of being able to get shy people out of their shells, insecure guys shouldn’t be with pretty women, walking in on someone pooping and them not telling you anything, fumbling a free tv, Austin getting stood up from watching Christmas lights, having the “what are we” talk… Follow our Instagram and Tik Tok! @N85Podcast New Episodes every Monday! Instagram: @zmxvo / @a.ustin73 / @N85Podcast
In this episode we talk about the CEO killer conspiracies, your friends leaving you once they get cuffed up, what to do when someone attacks your kid, setting boundaries in relationships, women loving horrible men, men only going for looks, traditional relationships in 2024, Anthony’s heart attack and concussion stories, cooking with kya, the best way to support your significant other, your significant other getting exposed in the wildest way possible… Follow our Instagram and Tik Tok! @N85Podcast New Episodes every Monday! Instagram: @zmxvo / @a.ustin73 / @N85Podcast
In this episode we talk about Anthony and Ana’s huge fight, the nostalgia of going back to your hometown, poor people mentality, Ana and Austins cute prom moments, hopeless romantics, revealing our body counts, hilarious hookup stories, women finessing men out of money, girl hangouts vs guy hangouts, forgiving a cheater, getting bullied in high school, how to be alone… Follow our Instagram and Tik Tok! @N85Podcast New Episodes every Monday! Instagram: @zmxvo / @a.ustin73 / @N85Podcast
In this episode we drink a bottle each of Tequila, we talk about getting roasted for not bringing a significant other to your family’s thanksgiving dinner, Austin getting hit on by a gay guy and a taken girl in one night, reacting to our drunk compilation videos over the years, Anthony’s cure to his anxiety, super drunk Jenga, realizing that time is limited, putting an animal out of its misery dilema, people not inviting you to places after you have a kid, … Follow our Instagram and Tik Tok! @N85Podcast New Episodes every Monday! Instagram: @zmxvo / @a.ustin73 / @N85Podcast
In this episode we are doing a spicy wing mukbang, we talk about weirdos ordering lemon pepper instead of hot wings, hispanic thanksgivings, our tweaking stories, what our thanksgiving would have been like in the 1600s, marrying someone only for the money, when we first figured out we were eventually gonna die, real pressure vs artificial pressure, following through on the things you say you’re going to do, what to do when you feel like you don’t have things in life figured out, setting up your kids to be natural go getters, what we’re thankful for… Follow our Instagram and Tik Tok! @N85Podcast New Episodes every Monday! Instagram: @zmxvo / @a.ustin73 / @N85Podcast
In this episode we talk about falling out of a helicopter, what our life would be like in the military, getting lit with your parents now that you are older, giving your parents new experiences, Austin continues to get played, how to flex on someone after a breakup, people flexing their authority, getting sent home from work, playing drunk Jenga… Follow our Instagram and Tik Tok! @N85Podcast New Episodes every Monday! Instagram: @zmxvo / @a.ustin73 / @N85Podcast
In this episode we bring an end to Austin’s hinge love life, we talk about Anthony’s mid life mental meltdown, arguing through text while at work, brain rot, keeping the same energy you gave when you first met someone, bad habits that will ruin your mental health, how to pick a friend up who is in a low point in life, everyone is going through something you know nothing about, “lets get deep” game, AITA story… Follow our Instagram and Tik Tok! @N85Podcast New Episodes every Monday! Instagram: @zmxvo / @a.ustin73 / @N85Podcast
In this episode we do a podcast live from a haunted forest! We talk about witches, la llorona, deep sea creatures, evil dwarfs, what to do if your kids see imaginary people, Anthony’s paranormal encounter, teaching your kids about fear and how to conquer it, the story behind the land around you, what a “soul” is, Austins spooky basket surprise, we paint pumpkins, 2 spooky stories… Follow our Instagram and Tik Tok! @N85Podcast New Episodes every Monday! Instagram: @zmxvo / @a.ustin73 / @N85Podcast
In this episode we bring on an adult Virgin! We talk about getting caught in the act at a park, we have a live girl call in to the pod, how Austin lost his virginity, the “tactical jerk”, performance anxiety, having to be emotionally connected to someone before “opening up”, Austin makes a big move on a crazy hinge update, cartoon baddies tier list,… Follow our Instagram and Tik Tok! @N85Podcast New Episodes every Monday! Instagram: @zmxvo / @a.ustin73 / @N85Podcast
In this episode we talk about Austin going on his first and ONLY hinge date, girls that have A LOT of guy friends, the boyfriend/girlfriend checklist, insecure people, men’s fragile ego when it comes to a woman’s body count, a story of a guy who thinks his girlfriend is cheating, Carlos almost dying, the importance in believing in yourself, hug tier list… Follow our Instagram and Tik Tok! @N85Podcast New Episodes every Monday! Instagram: @zmxvo / @a.ustin73 / @N85Podcast
In this episode we bring back our old cohost Geo, we talk about your best friend skinny dipping with your significant other, high-maintenance women, letting go of your pride and apologizing, Austin getting a girl at the Peso concert, hear me out cake, hinge update, best vs worst gifts to give a man, first dates do’s and don’ts… Follow our Instagram and Tik Tok! @N85Podcast New Episodes every Monday! Instagram: @zmxvo / @a.ustin73 / @N85Podcast
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