
  • The wise old saying that “laughter is the best medicine” is really true. Intrinsic Health Coach and Laughter Yoga Leader, Debbie Friend, shares her journey with using laughter to heal and discusses laughter’s powerful effects on nourishing the mind, body and soul.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    - The health benefits of laughing and what it does to the body

    - How laughter can reduce stress

    - Using laughter to deal with tough times

    - The healing power of laughter

    - How laughter can strengthen our relationships

    - How to infuse more laughter into our everyday lives

    - Laughter Yoga – what it is and how its transformed peoples’ lives

    And more!

    Debbie Friend, Intrinsic Health Coach and Laughter Yoga Leader, is the Founder, Owner and Program Facilitator of LifeCurrents whose mission is to help people manage their daily stressors and lead healthier, happier and more fulfilling lives. Her career started as a hospital-based Cardiac Rehabilitation Specialist and Exercise Physiologist where she spent years counseling, educating and training heart patients on how to develop, adopt and practice sound dietary and exercise habits. Over the years, her focus shifted to helping people manage the one major roadblock to healthy living, stress. Through her engaging stress management presentations, laughter yoga sessions and 1:1 health coaching, she helps clients step into their best selves by teaching strategies for healthy living and motivating them to adopt healthy habits.

    Connect with LifeCurrents:

    Website: www.lifecurrents.net

    Email: [email protected]




    Connect with My Motivation:


    Instagram: @mymotivation_podcast

  • We all have infinite potential and in order to become all that we’re meant to be we must be confident in our abilities. Without self-belief we stand in our own way. Whether you’re someone who struggles in this area and is looking for how to gain confidence, or someone who’s just looking for effective ways to boost self-esteem, this is the episode for you.  You’ll learn first-hand how to be more confident overall, at work and in dating.

    Having confidence in the workplace is essential to your career trajectory. Public speaking is often unavoidable at work and is one of peoples’ biggest fears. I’ll show you how to be confident while presenting so you can feel at ease the next time you’re called upon to give a big speech. Additionally, making mistakes at work is inevitable, after all we are human. While mistakes are often important learning opportunities, they can rob us of our self-confidence. This episode will teach you how to rebuild confidence at work when dealing with negative feedback.

    If you’re someone who’s in the job search process, I’ll teach you strategies for how to be confident for a job interview that are complete game changers. Some of the many tips I provide include power poses for confidence, including the widely popular Wonder Woman Power Pose, visualization techniques, confidence mantras and so much more!

    Apart from boosting self-esteem in the workplace, I also provide helpful tips on how to date with confidence. Knowing your self-worth is key to not only attracting the love you deserve, but also for how to be confident on a date. If you’re someone that struggles with this, I provide advice for how to date when you have low self-esteem as well as steps you can take to fully embrace who you are and love yourself.

    In order to be successful at dating you must be vulnerable and being brave enough to put yourself out there can open the door to potentially getting hurt. Rejection in dating, in work and in life is something we must learn to cope with. Listen for how to stay confident when dealing with romantic rejection.

    This episode will provide you with the tool kit necessary to step into your more confident self.

    Connect with My Motivation so you don’t miss a motivating message.

    Instagram: @mymotivation_podcast

    Facebook: @mymotivationpodcast

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  • Are you playing it safe? Following other people’s dreams for your life rather than your own? Pursuing a career society has deemed acceptable rather than one you’re truly passionate about? If this sounds like you then this episode is just what you need to hear!

    Online fitness coach, Noah Defraties, takes us through his inspiring journey leaving his safe, corporate career behind to follow his passion for fitness. Noah’s wisdom and powerful advice will awaken the motivation inside you to chase those dreams that you were once too fearful or hesitant to.

    Noah also shares awesome tips for how to stay motivated to eat healthy/exercise during this unique time we’re all living in.


    About Noah Defraties

    Noah is an online fitness coach that specializes in helping people build muscle and strength while making fitness a lifestyle.

    Connect with Noah:

    Website: www.NoahFitness.com

    Instagram: @noahdefraties


    Connect with My Motivation:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mymotivationpodcast

    Instagram: @mymotivation_podcast

  • Two things that are essential to our happiness, mental health and living a fulfilling life, but often are difficult to do, are following your intuition and setting healthy boundaries. I sat down with Spiritual Coach, Reiki Healer and Yoga Instructor, Sarah Lane, to discuss:

    - Why it’s often difficult to listen to our intuition

    - How we can become better at following/trusting our inner voice

    - Why setting healthy boundaries is important/why it’s often difficult to

    - How we can set healthy boundaries at work, in romantic relationships and with family and friends

    And so much more!

    Sarah also tells her inspiring journey about how listening to her intuition/setting healthy boundaries led her to living the life she’s always imagined. The wisdom she shares is truly life altering!

    Sarah and I also talk a lot about the power of meditation and if you’re in need of some relaxation, which I’m sure we all are these days, you’re in luck because Sarah leads us through a short self guided mediation, you’re not going to want to miss!

    And that’s not all!!

    Sarah is generously offering $500 her amazing Embodied Creatrix program, exclusively for My Motivation listeners!! Sarah’s life changing coaching doesn’t have to stop with this episode. Go to http://sarahlane.coach/creatrix/ for more information! You’re one call away from starting the journey to your best life.

    More about Sarah Lane

    As a Spiritual Coach, Yoga Instructor, & Reiki Healer, Sarah Lane is on a mission to empower humans to heal themselves and awaken to their true Self by reconnecting to their bodies, nature, and a Higher Power.

    With 10+ years yoga experience, 2 years Reiki experience, and many years of deep spiritual and emotional healing work, Sarah is fully equipped to support you with a safe and loving container for transformation.

    You will receive a blend of energetic, spiritual, and practical knowledge and ancient wisdom to help you overcome obstacles in life, love, relationships, spirituality, career, and everything in between.

    When working with Sarah, you’ll experience powerful breakthroughs via breathwork, dance, meditation, inner child healing, womb healing, yoga, and powerful coaching techniques so you can blossom into your best self.

    Connect with Sarah

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/namaslane/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/namaslane

  • The road to career success for women in male dominated industries can sometimes be an uphill one. Chief People Officer, Kelsey Habich, provides career changing advice on how women can rise to the top and land their seat at the table.

    We discuss:

    - how Kelsey climbed the corporate ladder so quickly at such a young age

    - gender gap challenges that arose throughout her career and how she worked through/overcame them

    - how the gender gap has changed over the years and how companies can continue to close this gap

    - advice Kelsey has for women on how to succeed in male dominated industries

    -advice for recruiters on how to be successful

    This episode is just what you need to hear to propel your career forward.

    Connect with Kelsey:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kelseyhabich/
    Website: [email protected]

  • Life, Career and Purpose Coach, Ashley DelBello shares her inspiring journey leaving the corporate world after 15 years to embark on a journey of self discovery to find her greater purpose. She discusses how burnout had impacted her, how she arrived at the difficult decision to leave the PR world, as well as the steps she took to discover the line of work that was most meaningful to her. In addition to this, we also explored how to set boundaries at work, why we tie our self worth to our job and how to ask for help when needed while still feeling like a contributing team member.

    If you are currently feeling burnt out and are seeking a more fulfilling career and overall life, you need to listen to this episode! Ashley provides truly life changing advice!

    Connect with Ashely DelBello:

    Website: ashleydelbello.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coachashleydelbello/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashley-delbello-b356a81/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/coachashleydelbello

    >>>> Follow on Instagram @ mymotivation_podcast

  • Isabel Hoppman is a 17 year old entrepreneur who founded SWEET (Successful Women Entrepreneurs Everywhere Today) that was created to inspire young girls to start their own businesses. She shares her experiences with starting SWEET, obstacles she’s faced along the way, how she’s stayed positive through difficulties, as well as advice she has for young aspiring entrepreneurs that think their age is a limiting factor.

    Isabel is proof that there are no age limits when it comes to your dreams.

    Be sure to follow SWEET so you can stay up to date on all the wonderful things SWEET is doing!

    Instagram: @Isabelhoppman

    Website: www.sweetentrepreneurs.com

    >>>>>> Follow on Instagram @ mymotivation_podcast

  • Often times there’s one thing that stands in the way of us reaching our full potential…ourselves. We fall accustom to the safety and security of our everyday routines that we in turn close ourselves off to new experiences. Real growth happens outside of our comfort zones. It’s only after we step outside our self-imposed limitations that we step into the life we’ve always imagined for ourselves.

    In order to do this though we must learn to be comfortable with the uncomfortable. 

    How do we do this? Listen to learn more!

    I guarantee if you implement the tips I provide, you’ll be amazed at what you'll learn about yourself in the process as well as the multitude of new experiences/opportunities that come into your life as a result.

    >>>> Follow My Motivation on Instagram @mymotivation_podcast

  • Reality TV isn't just a guilty pleasure. Dating shows such as The Bachelor and Love is Blind actually offer some of life's greatest lessons on love.

    Is love truly blind? How do I find lasting love? What makes for a fulfilling relationship?

    These are just some of the many questions you'll find answers to.

    If "you're here for the right reasons", let me be your guide on your "journey to find love."

    >>>>> Follow on Instagram @mymotivation_podcast

  • We can’t control what happens to us, but we can control our response. This is how we take our power back. Although Covid-19 has turned this year into one none of us had planned for, life doesn’t need to be put on pause. You’ll learn first-hand how to make 2020 the year of perfect vision for your career, relationships and personal growth.

    >>>>>> Follow on Instagram @mymotivation_podcast

  • What do Oprah Winfrey, Walt Disney, J.K. Rowling and Steve Harvey have in common? Apart from being widely influential, they’ve all had difficult roads to success. Draw inspiration from their incredible journeys and learn tips for how to ensure your dreams come to fruition.

    >>>>>> Follow on Instagram @mymotivation_podcast

  • The secret to achieving your innermost desires lies in your thoughts. That’s right, we may not realize it but our thoughts have a direct impact on our mental/physical health as well as what we attract into our life. I’ll teach you simple strategies, you can start implementing today, that’ll allow you to hone in on your innate superpower. Let this be your key to unlocking your best life.

    >>>> Follow on Instagram @mymotivation_podcast