In this podcast i was supposed to talk about my ambitions but while recording someone knocked the door and i have to leave this podcast in between. So sorry, i will continue in the next episode.
Saknas det avsnitt?
Nothing special in this episode.
Guys, i was actually don't wanted to make this podcast as i lost one of my uncle but later i thought that if i am sharing everything then i should also share this with you all. Guys i just want to say that live however you want to live, do whatever you want to do. Achieve everything, don't let fear of failure or anything stop you doing anything in life. Life is too short and unpredictable and you never know tomorrow will be or not so live your life to the fullest.
Guys in this episode I have shared how my day started on a bad note, so make sure you listen to this and learn a lesson from it.
This is the first episode of my podcast "My Daily Life" in which I have shared about my self, the reason for creating this podcast and much more.
you may notice me that I am quite nervous while speaking. I was taking a lot of pauses while speaking. So that is only because I haven't spoken much and that is the challenge before me to overcome this problems and that is the reason why I am creating podcast. See if I wanted then I could have edited the pauses and removed all the mistakes I made in that episode but removing all those will make that episode sound better but it won't make me better. That's why I haven't edited that audio so that when I listen to those audios after some time then I can actually find the difference and improvements I made till now. so guys it may make you annoying somewhere in the middle of the podcast but please cope up with it and I hope I can improve the quality of my episode in coming future.