People ask me all the time how I created an investment plan that I have been able to stick to for decades.
The answer is...it's much more simple than you think.
It sounds difficult. And the first step—actually making the investment plan—is always the hardest.
There are a few crucial parts of an investment plan that many people don't think about. But you don't have to put it together alone. We can do this together!
Join my masterclass now and create a simple investment plan that works for you and your family: https://www.invest4lifemk.com/offers/jCmdPRYj
Want to learn more? Visit my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@muslimwomeninvest
Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/muslimwomeninvest/
Have you ever heard of the "Costco Effect?"
My husband does not care for wasting food. It makes him irate when we have to throw food out without using it. So when we buy produce in bulk at Costco and don't use it, it's a problem...
Yet, we keep going back.
Why is this? Why do we keep bringing home so much and never using it?
Because it feels more cost-effective.
Even if we're getting too much for us to actually use, it feels cheaper than getting only as much as we WILL use at a different store.
How does this connect to investing? Let me explain...
Don't let 2024 go by without learning how to invest. Sign up for my FREE Sunday class: https://my.demio.com/ref/RCenuu9luQi3AcXT
Sign up for my investing quiz waitlist: https://www.invest4lifemk.com/quiz-waitlist
If you're ready to transform the trajectory of your life and the lives of your family members through investing, book a consultation with me: https://www.invest4lifemk.com/services
Want to learn more? Visit my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@muslimwomeninvest
Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/muslimwomeninvest/
What if I told you that your passion may actually be the greatest detriment to convincing others to try something new?
Passion is a beautiful phenomenon. It fuels us with excitement for the things that we love...in my case, investing.
But there was a problem: I was SO passionate about investing that I would insist to everyone that they needed to start...and when they didn't follow my advice, I would shame them for it.
This drove many people away from me in my early days of investing. But now, I've learned a better method...and I'm going to share it with you!
Sign up for my investing quiz waitlist: https://www.invest4lifemk.com/quiz-waitlist
If you're ready to transform the trajectory of your life and the lives of your family members through investing, book a consultation with me: https://www.invest4lifemk.com/services
Want to learn more? Visit my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@muslimwomeninvest
Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/muslimwomeninvest/
Did that episode title surprise you? Here's the story behind it:
We all have BS stories that we tell ourselves—about what we're capable of, what we're allowed to do, and what we can spend money on.
Our money beliefs get ingrained in our psyches as early as childhood. But that doesn't mean we have to keep those beliefs.
We can change the stories we tell ourselves. But it all starts with figuring out what those stories ARE.
Sign up for my investing quiz waitlist: https://www.invest4lifemk.com/quiz-waitlist
If you're ready to transform the trajectory of your life and the lives of your family members through investing, book a consultation with me: https://www.invest4lifemk.com/services
Want to learn more? Visit my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@muslimwomeninvest
Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/muslimwomeninvest/
I just recently learned about a principle that has both fascinated and excited me as an investor, as a financial expert, and as a Muslim woman: the Pareto principle.
The Pareto principle states that 20% of causes create 80% of consequences; for example, in the technology sector, if you fix 20% of bugs in a particular software, you'll see 80% of the glitches disappear.
I sat with this for a time and thought about it in the context of the principle of zakat, or charity, in Islam. At first, you might not see how the two connect...but when you see what I saw, you'll be amazed by the connection!
Sign up for my investing quiz waitlist: https://www.invest4lifemk.com/quiz-waitlist
If you're ready to transform the trajectory of your life and the lives of your family members through investing, book a consultation with me: https://www.invest4lifemk.com/services
Want to learn more? Visit my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@muslimwomeninvest
Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/muslimwomeninvest/
This week, I want to discuss the concept of Raouf and how it applies to our financial lives.
A Raouf is a person who has empathy—a person who listens to understand, not to respond.
If you want to educate somebody, being a Raouf is important, because listening skills and empathy are key to understanding how to teach someone.
This is why I strive for this quality myself. When I work with people to begin investing, there is often some trepidation they need to work through. For me to successfully walk them through that, I need to be able to listen and help them get to the bottom of those fears.
However, if they can't answer my questions themselves, this process can be difficult...which is why I have a new resource coming out to help them find those answers!
Sign up for my investing quiz waitlist: https://www.invest4lifemk.com/quiz-waitlist
If you're ready to transform the trajectory of your life and the lives of your family members through investing, book a consultation with me: https://www.invest4lifemk.com/services
Want to learn more? Visit my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@muslimwomeninvest
Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/muslimwomeninvest/
Last month, I shared with you about the importance of estate planning.
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala did not leave the matters of inheritance to human interpretation.
Islamic law of inheritance is coded as law in the Holy Qur'an and in Surah An-Nisa. That underscores the importance of matters of money when a person dies.
And yet...most of us have neglected to create and organize our estate plans. Partly because it can be a confusing, difficult process to navigate!
So today, I have brought on a guest to clarify some of the details of estate planning: estate-planning attorney and probate attorney Jen Gumbel!
Jen is very familiar with both Islamic laws for inheritance and the legal intricacies that come with estate planning. I believe you are going to benefit greatly from the information she has to share!
Join Jen's workshop to learn everything you need to know to get your estate plan in place: https://organizedafterlife.com/estate-planning-workshop/
Website: https://organizedafterlife.com/about-jen-gumbel/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jengumbel/
If you're ready to transform the trajectory of your life and the lives of your family members through investing, book a consultation with me: https://www.invest4lifemk.com/services
Want to learn more? Visit my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@muslimwomeninvest
Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/muslimwomeninvest/
What is "FinStorm" and how can it help you plan your financial goals for the year?
"FinStorm" is short for financial brainstorm, and it's what I call the time I set aside at the beginning of the year to plan out everything I want to do over the next twelve months that will cost me money...and what I have to do in order to achieve those things.
The best part? It only takes THIRTY MINUTES to complete. THIRTY MINUTES of your time to ensure that you have an actionable plan for achieving your goals for this upcoming year.
Let me explain how you do it...
Take a look at my "FinStorm" for the year: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1g88nybzBUJazYpSdoVpC-U0Cx3CBmnxi/view?usp=sharing
Don't let 2024 go by without learning how to invest. Sign up for my FREE Sunday class: https://my.demio.com/ref/RCenuu9luQi3AcXT
If you're ready to transform the trajectory of your life and the lives of your family members through investing, book a consultation with me: https://www.invest4lifemk.com/services
Want to learn more? Visit my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@muslimwomeninvest
Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/muslimwomeninvest/
Have you ever considered what will happen to your assets when you die?
If not, you are not alone. I don't believe any of my clients have discussed this topic with me. In fact, for a long time, I didn't have any kind of will or estate plan either.
But that needs to change.
The Quran speaks in detail about the matter of inheritance, which means it is a deeply important topic that we need to devote some real thought toward.
That's why today, I'm going to introduce the topic, explain why it's important, and give a special announcement you don't want to miss!
If you're ready to transform the trajectory of your life and the lives of your family members through investing, book a consultation with me: https://www.invest4lifemk.com/offers/h3mat9zz/checkout
Want to learn more? Visit my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@muslimwomeninvest
Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/muslimwomeninvest/
Let me tell you my favorite way to save money on your taxes each year:
Hire your children.
That sounds very strange, doesn't it? But in reality, it's actually a fantastic (and entirely legal!) way to begin investing for your children early on...as well as reducing your own taxable income.
This involves investing in a Minor IRA Account, an IRA made specifically for people to invest on behalf of their children. And if you get started early, I promise you that you can take huge strides toward creating generational wealth for your family...and making it possible for your children to retire as millionaires.
If you're ready to transform the trajectory of your life and the lives of your family members through investing, book a consultation with me: https://www.invest4lifemk.com/offers/h3mat9zz/checkout
Want to learn more? Visit my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@muslimwomeninvest
Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/muslimwomeninvest/
If you're a high earner who's been told that you aren't eligible to open a Roth IRA in the United States...I have good news for you.
IRAs, both traditional and Roth, can be frustrating to wrap your head around. But the truth is, when explained carefully, it's actually simple to understand...and simple to figure out which one is the best for you!
Today, I want to share how you can open a Roth IRA...even if you've been told you're ineligible. We're going to go over the Backdoor Roth IRA strategy: what it is, how it works, and some of the common misconceptions surrounding it.
I'm thrilled to be sharing this strategy with you today, because I feel it's incredibly valuable to those who can take advantage of it. Let's go through it together!
Don't let 2024 go by without learning how to invest. Sign up for my FREE Sunday class: https://my.demio.com/ref/RCenuu9luQi3AcXT
If you're ready to transform the trajectory of your life and the lives of your family members through investing, book a consultation with me: https://www.invest4lifemk.com/services
Want to learn more? Visit my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@muslimwomeninvest
Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/muslimwomeninvest/
There is one particular type of investing I highly recommend you take part in: farmland investing.
In this world, food is a weapon. When you control the food supply, you control society. Therefore, by taking control of even a small portion of the food supply, you give yourself some power back.
Farmland investing has many advantages: it has a good ROI, it protects you against inflation, and most avenues to invest in farmland are Sharia-compliant, to name just a few.
Want to know how to get started? I have everything you need to know right here in today's episode...and in my upcoming workshop! Listen now to get in before it sells out!
Sign up for my once-a-year workshop to learn everything you need to know to get started in farmland investing: https://www.invest4lifemk.com/offers/uKxBCVRg/checkout
If you're ready to transform the trajectory of your life and the lives of your family members through investing, book a consultation with me: https://www.invest4lifemk.com/services
Want to learn more? Visit my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@muslimwomeninvest
Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/muslimwomeninvest/
New Year's resolutions are toxic.
I believe that completely. I believe that forcing ourselves to try and change all of our habits overnight is a disservice to ourselves—and disrespectful to the needs of our bodies and our ability to healthily form new habits.
The obsession with beginning new habits or learning new skills right at the beginning of a new year encourages two things: procrastination and perfectionism. And neither one will serve us in the long run.
I want us to make this year the LAST new year we look forward to as our big chance to change our lives. Instead, I want us to try a different method...
Sign up for my FREE Sunday class: https://my.demio.com/ref/RCenuu9luQi3AcXT
Want to learn more? Visit my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@muslimwomeninvest
Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/muslimwomeninvest/
Here's something you might not know about human beings:
We hibernate in the winter, too.
It's not the kind of hibernation you may be familiar with from observing it in wildlife, but we humans still go into a period of dormancy in winter. Our bodies naturally want to rest more when the days grow shorter and the nights grow longer.
Unfortunately, we rarely honor that need for rest.
We don't slow down in the winter—in fact, leading up to New Year's, we often push harder to be more productive to finish out the year right...and to kick of the next one with a bang.
I don't subscribe to that way of living. Instead, I start winding down for the year much earlier...right around September.
Why do I do this? Let me explain...
Don't wait until 2024 to begin pursuing your goals! Join me every Sunday for my financial literacy class: https://my.demio.com/ref/RCenuu9luQi3AcXT
If you're ready to transform the trajectory of your life and the lives of your family members through investing, book a consultation with me: https://www.invest4lifemk.com/services
Want to learn more? Visit my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@muslimwomeninvest
Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/muslimwomeninvest/
Last week, I chatted about why I created my signature investing course, Peaceful Profit Through Investing. This week, I want to dive a little bit deeper.
I created this course as an in-person course with intention. I believe community is a necessary piece to any course...and one that many instructors choose to leave out.
I don't believe this is the right way to go about creating a course that will actually lead students to success.
In fact, I believe without community, students are far more likely to never complete the course at all.
Why will a lack of community and face-to-face interaction with your instructor potentially sabotage your experience inside a course? Let me explain...
Join the waitlist: https://www.invest4lifemk.com/peaceful-profit
If you're ready to transform the trajectory of your life and the lives of your family members through investing, book a consultation with me: https://www.invest4lifemk.com/services
Want to learn more? Visit my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@muslimwomeninvest
Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/muslimwomeninvest/
Last time, I showed you an example of the kind of mentorship students who sign up for my signature program, PEACEFUL PROFIT THROUGH INVESTING, will receive.
This week, I want to talk a little bit about why I started this program, why I structured it the way I did, and why I believe it's the best course out there for those who are just beginning to step into the world of investing.
So many investing programs out there get it wrong...and even when they get it right, they often aren't teaching with Muslims in mind. There are many things they teach about the financial sector that we are simply prohibited from doing.
I believe Muslims should have the chance to be taught by our own mentors—I know if I'd had that kind of mentorship, I would have saved thousands.
Let me walk you through the way I created this program.
Join the waitlist: https://www.invest4lifemk.com/peaceful-profit
If you're ready to transform the trajectory of your life and the lives of your family members through investing, book a consultation with me: https://www.invest4lifemk.com/services
Want to learn more? Visit my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@muslimwomeninvest
Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/muslimwomeninvest/
This week, I am thrilled to be able to share an example of what you'll experience within my signature course, Peaceful Profit Through Investing!
This course will help you go from confused to confident in the arena of investing in JUST twelve weeks...WITHOUT demanding a huge investing budget, implementing confusing strategies, or creating crippling overwhelm!
This course is for everyone—beginning investors who have no idea where to start, experienced investors who just need a bit of help on the strategy side, adults looking to build a retirement fund, teens who could use a financial head start...anyone is welcome!
I cannot wait to take this journey with you. This is just a sneak peek at what's to come!
Join PEACEFUL PROFIT THROUGH INVESTING today: https://www.invest4lifemk.com/peaceful-profit
Want to learn more? Visit my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@muslimwomeninvest
Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/muslimwomeninvest/
I am thrilled to announce that enrollment is open for my signature investing program, PEACEFUL PROFIT THROUGH INVESTING TODAY!
This course will ensure that you head into the new year with all the tools you need to transform your finances through investing.
If you're wondering why this course begins in December, not at the beginning of 2024...here's why:
90% of New Year's resolutions FAIL within the first three months.
Those are incredibly bleak numbers. The proof is right before us: if we want to start something and stick with it, trying to transform our habits overnight is not the way to do it.
By beginning to change how we go about our finances NOW, we can ensure a peaceful transition into the new year...and improve our chances of staying committed.
So if you've been wanting to begin investing, but don't know where to start...if you're an experienced investor who needs a hand with setting a strategy...even if you have a teenager who could use a head start on learning financial literacy...
You want to take a look at this program.
Join my signature investing program, PEACEFUL PROFIT THROUGH INVESTING TODAY: https://www.invest4lifemk.com/peaceful-profit
If you're ready to transform the trajectory of your life and the lives of your family members through investing, book a consultation with me: https://www.invest4lifemk.com/services
Want to learn more? Visit my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@muslimwomeninvest
Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/muslimwomeninvest/
Many people believe that investing is only for adults - not only that, but they believe it is only for adults with backgrounds in finance or quite a bit of wealth already.
This couldn't be further from the truth.
In the same way that location is king in real estate, starting early is king in investing. And you can give your children a huge head start by getting them started now.
Even if they are too young to technically invest, it all starts with teaching them lessons on financial literacy...and these conversations are a lot simpler than you'd think!
To show you just how simple they can be, I have a special guest on today's episode: my seven-year-old daughter, Maha! We're going to discuss money, budgeting, and a bit about what stocks are, all in a way that will be understandable for your own children.
Want to learn more? Visit my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@muslimwomeninvest
Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/muslimwomeninvest/
If you are feeling helpless, angry, and brokenhearted over the events occurring in Gaza...you are not alone.
More than anything, this horrific violation of human dignity has taught me more than ever that money equals power.
Our tax dollars are funding this genocide. Our governments aren't listening. Most people have very little influence in what is happening there...
And it all comes back down to money.
If we want to cause change, REAL change, we must outfit ourselves with the proper tools. And the first tool we need in our toolbelt is financial literacy.
We have a duty...to our families, to our friends, to the world, and to ourselves. We have a duty to do everything in our power to impact the world for the better. And it all starts with learning how to properly handle our money.
Want to learn more? Visit my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@muslimwomeninvest
Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/muslimwomeninvest/
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