Yes! I believe it's absolutely crucial for anyone who wants to make changes to their nutrition and exercise for the purposes of weight loss or health to get some knowledge about the process. BUT...like in every other area of life...too much of a good thing can be bad and in this case, actually work against the goal one set out to achieve in the first place.
If this has been your experience, i hope this episode gives you the push you need to actually get started & start implementing!
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While everyone's weightloss journey & experiences on that journey will be different because...well, we are all different- there are still some commonalities that apply to us all
On today's episode, we take a look at 5 things literally everyone experiences at some point in time on their journey & also talk about how to manage them to get the desired results at the end of the process
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Saknas det avsnitt?
'I just need to be more disciplined! If you've ever said or thought that statement when confronted with yet another weight loss or fitness 'failed' attempt...then this episode is just for you!
Most people believe that if they are just more disciplined when it comes to nutrition & exercise, they will reach their goal easily. And while that is true...it's also not true! Today, i break down what discipline truly is & how to harness it's power on your journey- i trust this episode will bring both clarity & direction to everyone who needs it
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This is a replay of a previously published episode where i spoke about 3 basic, simple and yet so effective things ANYONE can do to crush their goals every single day! The month is still fresh & new & i thought it would be a good reminder & to give tangible, applicable actions that would help everyone on their journey
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If you've ever wondered about this...welcome to the club! Whether to worknout at home or the gym is a question most people have either at the beginning of their fitness journey or at some point when things start to change in their lives and it's starting to affect how they show up for their workouts or they notice progress has stalled or they just want something different
Whichever category you fall in, on this episode we look at the pros & cons of both & also go through the things to consider when making a choice
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On this episode, we look at how to do the ONE thing that guarantees consistency on your fitness journey & that is how to customize your fitness lifestyle to suit and work for YOU!
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An Apple A Day' keeps the Dr away is a popular saying & on today's episode, we bring it home by personalizing the concept behind this well know adage in relation to our daily wellness practises & the benefits of doing them daily
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Have you ever stopped to the weigh the pros & cons of having or not having a fitness lifestyle? Have you stepped outside of the exercise/diet' is important mantra & stopped to examine exactly why it's important for YOU?
On this episode, i walk you through a process of analysing the cost & benefits of a fitness/wellness lifestyle with the hope that the end of it all...you start to truly understand how VITAL this investment is & take steps to prioritize it.
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Diet fatigue,gosh! I know you read that & immediately knew what i meant because most likely...you have experienced it. On this episode, i break down the 3 biggest reasons we experience diet fatigue & what to do about it & how to go about overcoming it
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Our personalities have a bigger impact on our weight loss & fitness journeys & this is usually the missing link for most people...the realization of this fact!
Are you a Moderator or and Eliminator? From my experience in coaching, i've realized that most people fall into one of these two categories & it tends to influence the way they approach their weight loss journeys & to a large extent...determines if they'll be successful or not! Listen to the full episode & find out which you are & how best to maximize whatever category you fall into to ensure success on your journey
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The grass is always greener is one adage that has aged so well because it fits every scenario in life & Weightloss & Fitness is no different,lol! On today's episode, we take a look at this syndrome that is steadily sabotaging your weight loss & fitness goals & how to overcome it!
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We're officially in the month of loveeee!
And while social media & the whole world will be drawing your attention to how you can show love to others- i would like us to take a look at & reflect on how we are showing love to ourselves because this is the foundation of true sustainable fitness & healthSubscribe to my YOUTUBE channel
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As we round up January, i thought it was important for us to talk about the topic of BURN OUT now that all the motivation & excitement of the New Year is fading off
One major reason people don't accomplish their weight loss & fitness goals isn't because the lack will power or are undisciplined its usually because they just burn out at some point in the journey. And so, in this episode- i break down 3 proven strategies to help you avoid burnout this year & maintain the consistency that is required to achieve your goals!Subscribe to my YOUTUBE channel
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Have you ever felt stifled on your journey? You absolutely desire to accomplish the goals that you've set for yourself but there's seems to constantly be a stumbling block that springs up?
In this episode, i break down in details the 5 top limitations i have observed from almost a decade of coaching, that gets in the way of achieving those weight loss & fitness goals & how to move from being limited to absolutely limitless with no ceiling as to what you can accomplish!Subscribe to my YOUTUBE channel
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We're still in the 'motivated state' part of the year where our weight loss & fitness goals are still top of mind which is awesome! But there is one very important aspect that we need to keep in mind which is the focus of today's podcast ...and its not what you think!
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Did you know that building physical strength is one of the best ways to build mental strength, grit & resilience? And that you can do this in just 20 minutes a day?
On today's episode, we examine the benefits of strength training for both physical & mental health & how to incorporate it into your routine!
As promised in the episode, here are some links below to help you get started
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oitzTfujXs&pp=ygUZMTUgbWludXRlcyBjYXJkaW8gYXQgaG9tZQ%3D%3DSubscribe to my YOUTUBE channel
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Onw thing we are NOT doing this year is pushing ourselves so hard in a bid to get to our goals, that we crash & burn!
This is why today's topic is focused on REST! The 3 types i have realized; both personally & with clients are the most important & tips to ensure you are getting adequate & sufficient rest in all these areasSubscribe to my YOUTUBE channel
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We're almost halfway through the first month of the year & it's at this point a lot of people start to feel the pressure of the goals they've set & start panicking, lol!
Which is why in this episode, i help take you through a thought process that helps put things in perspective, reduce that pressure & set you up for success on your weight loss & fitness journeySubscribe to my YOUTUBE channel
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Ep 143| The beginning of the new year is the most popular for weightloss & fitness goals which means a lot of people are also looking to make money from it whether their products & services are legitimate or not!
On today's episode- i highlight the 5 biggest scams & how to recognize & avoid them!Subscribe to my YOUTUBE channel
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While most people are excited & rejuvenated at the start of a New Year, most ums enter into the year feeling burnt out because the burden of the festivities usually fall on us & starting a weight loss or fitness journey just feels too much!
This is why on toady's episode, i share 5 key things to help Mums integrate their wellness goals with everyday life & prioritize themselves while also prioritizing their loved onesSubscribe to my YOUTUBE channel
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