Chi sono i Marketers?
Non c'è una sola risposta a questa domanda. Siamo creativi, imprenditori digitali, influencer, startupper e aspiranti tali.
Imprenditoria, funnel, instagram, copy, social media, seo e sem sono il nostro pane quotidiano.
In questo podcast troverai il "dietro le quinte" di una community di +40.000 imprenditori digitali. Troverai anche tips, consigli e strategie avanzate.
Siamo un movimento di persone che si svegliano al mattino col desiderio di costruire il proprio futuro.
Se hai intenzione di guadagnare con le tue passioni, viaggiare il mondo e vivere alla grande, Marketers Podcast è lo show che fa per te.
Siamo creando la nuova generazione di imprenditori digitali. Tu potresti essere il prossimo.
Entra nella nostra community -> -
Ci insegnano la matematica, la geografia e la nessuno ci insegna come affrontare un cambiamento. Ecco perché il cambiamento è visto come un nemico, da evitare. Rimaniamo spesso nella nostra zona di comfort pensando sia il luogo più sicuro, ma in realtà ci sentiamo in trappola. Questo podcast è per "cambiatori", per coloro che "vogliono prendere la propria vita e farne molto di più", per chi vuole crescere, mettersi in gioco, realizzarsi. In ogni episodio strategie e pratiche di cambiamento, condite da racconti di eccellenza e trasformazione, con un pizzico di ironia tutta canadese di Michael e nerditudine ingegneristica di Alice.
Ispirazione e strategia settimanale per scoprire la tua visione, guadagnare con la tua passione e catturare i tuoi sogni.
Il fondatore di Create Your World-Changing Business™ e "Peter Pan del business", Francesco W. Marcuccio condivide con te le sue strategie e i suoi segreti per costruire la vita e il business che desideri. Se sogni di avere la libertà, il tempo e la prosperità di viaggiare e avere lo stile di vita che desideri, mentre fai la differenza nella vita degli altri e porti il tuo messaggio nel mondo allora questo è il podcast che ti mostrerà come fare! -
Matt “the Do Over Guy” Theriault is an entrepreneur, author and success coach who shows people how to start over and begin a new life setting goals and objectives so they can create wealth and live life to the fullest.
Inspiration, motivation, personal development and self-help without the "rah rah" in the spirit of Tony Robbins, Napoleon Hill, Robert Kiyosaki, Jillian Michaels, Jack Canfield and Zig Ziglar... and the Law of Attraction is discussed frequently.
During a time where countless people, businesses and organizations urgently need to start over, and in a world where the big no longer beats the weak, but rather the fast beats the slow, traditional goal setting and planning are not enough. Something extra is needed today to get from where you are to where you want to be. The "new" achievers are doing it with greater ease and speed than ever, and you deserve to know how you can, too.
Weekly, Matt and his inspiring network share "rise and fall, and rise again" stories along with the new secrets of success while imparting inspiration and motivation. Learn why your "Do Over" will work now when it didn't work then by implementing the ignored, underestimated and unknown steps to producing results.
Say, "Hello!" to Your Do Over. -
Federico Ronzoni è un imprenditore, educatore e investitore sul mercato azionario e sul mercato delle criptovalute.
Esperto di Bitcoin e uno dei principali sostenitori in Italia della finanza decentralizzata.
Nel 2020 ha fondato Turtle Road, azienda di educazione finanziaria rivolta ai giovani. -
Unf*cked with Ryan J. Williams is a podcast to help your your life, your business, and your soul get unf*cked. Tune into and heal your work/life balance, go deeper in your relationships, and increase your productivity with the author of The Influencer Economy, former stand-comedian, and international business speaker, Ryan J. Williams.
Featuring conversations with NY Times best-selling authors, Emmy award winning creators, Oscar nominated writers, and experts in how to heal the universe. Featuring lessons and actions on empathy, compassion, and self-reflection for you to take to your business, family, and life. Find your frequency, focus on the breath, and listen to the sounds. Unf*cked is a podcast is about is about healing yourself, healing your business, and healing your soul. -
Dein Podcast für ein freies, selbstbestimmtes Leben nach Deinen Vorstellungen mit wöchentlichen Impulsen für Dein Vollzeitleben! Gestalte Dir ein Leben, das Du liebst!
Der Vollzeitleben Podcast ist die Show, die Dich auf Deinem Weg zu einem Leben voller Freiheit, Leichtigkeit und Abenteuer begleitet. Du suchst nach Impulsen und Ideen, wie Du Deine Zeit freier und unabhängiger gestalten und mehr von den Dingen tun kannst, die Dir wirklich wichtig sind? Du möchtest auf dem Weg zur Arbeit oder in freien Momenten Inspiration und Motivation tanken, wie Du Deine Träume leben kannst? Dann ist der Vollzeitleben Podcast genau das Richtige für Dich! Ich teile mit Dir mein Wissen rund um Life Design, persönliche Weiterentwicklung sowie Business und gebe Dir praktische, sofort anwendbare Tipps, wie Du Dir mit Kopf und Herz Deine Version eines außergewöhnlichen Lebens gestalten kannst.
In den Vollzeitleben Stories erfährst Du mehr über die Geschichte und den Weg von anderen Menschen, die - wie ich - ihr Leben selbst in die Hand genommen haben und ihr persönliches Vollzeitleben aufgebaut haben. Echte, ehrliche Interviews, die Dir zeigen werden, dass jeder seine ganz individuelle Vorstellung eines erfüllten Lebens hat, und gleichzeitig, jeder auf dem Weg dahin auf Hürden stößt, die er meistern muss. Neben inspirierenden Interviews teile ich auch Geschichten und Aha-Momente aus meinem eigenen Leben als Life Design Coach, Gründerin und Freelance Event Managerin mit Dir.
Schau’ doch mal auf der Webseite vorbei, um weitere Informationen rund um Vollzeitleben und das Life Design Coaching mit mir zu erfahren.
High five auf Deine Freiheit,
Deine Tine -
This is the DNX Podcast hosted by Silvia Christmann.
DNX supports and connects all digital nomads worldwide.
Silvia Christmann is a German-born, US-based global nomad and international business advisor to CEOs, entrepreneurs, pro athletes and industry innovators who will be hosting the DNX podcast series -
Ignite Your Purpose and Dare To Be All That God is Calling You To Be And Dream-Chase His Way with Meant For More, with your host, Charity Majors.
We believe it's time to STOP safely hiding in the background and simply managing your dreams. God is calling His daughters UP and OUT and the time is NOW.
We DARE YOU to stop living in partial potential and dare to do all that God is calling you to do. God uses broken people who are willing to follow Him and forge the future - with faith - that His plans are GOOD.
In a broken world, there has never been a more urgent need for Daughters of God to live fully alive in their God-given identity, ignite their purpose and "live a life worthy of their calling" for just a time as this...because #WeAreMeantForMore.
Visit for more information. -
Sono Simonetta Podda, Luxury Business Mentor e imprenditrice digitale.
Con un mix alchemico di strategia luxury ed energetica supporto coach, consulenti, counsellor, pedagogisti, psicologi e operatori olistici che sanno di essere geniali nel loro lavoro e consapevoli dell'enorme trasformazione che portano nella vita degli altri, a passare al livello successivo del loro business in termini di profitti, clienti meravigliosi a 5 stelle che non vedono l'ora di acquistare offerte di alta fascia, marketing allineato alla propria essenza e vendite condotto in flow e divertimento, senza sforzo e senza fatica.
Ho all'attivo diversi business (in presenza e online) e 20 anni di esperienza sul campo.
E' molto difficile definirmi e incasellarmi con titoli e certificazioni perchè sono una persona eclettica...
Posso dirti che oggi lavoro come imprenditrice e luxury business mentor e, per quanto riguarda i titoli, sono una pedagogista e specializzata in counselling e gestione delle risorse umane.
- Come posso vendere i miei servizi di coaching e consulenza di alta fascia?
- Come posso trovare clienti allineati al mio genio che non devo convincere per acquistare da me?
- Come posso creare una strategia Marketing luxury che risponda alla mia essenza geniale?
Se ti stai facendo una o più delle domande di cui sopra significa che il modello basato sulle strategie di marketing e le vendite mainstream non é nelle tue corde e non fa per te.
Se desideri portare la tua attività di coaching e consulenza al next step, ti invito ad iscriverti a questo podcast: il tuo genio ha trovato casa.
🔴 Clicca qui per lavorare con me:
Iscriviti al mio canale Youtube e attiva la campanella! 🔔
Seguimi su FB:
Seguimi su Instagram:
Seguimi su Linkedin:
Scrivimi a: [email protected] -
Hi! Welcome to Rainy Day Diaries, an imperfect podcast that will dive head first into how YOU can thrive in your creative life (and business) even if you struggle with mental wellness. As a long time struggler of anxiety and depression, I hope this podcast will help you realize you can still thrive in your life (some of the time lol) when you deal with these things on a daily basis. That you're not alone, and that falling down does NOT mean you won't get back up again!
A podcast about the future of healthcare simulation as argued, debated and discussed by leading voices, pioneers and experts in the field. Hosted by Amar Patel, DHSc, MS, NRP, CHSE, FSSH, Chief Learning Officer of CAE Healthcare, former hospital simulation center and innovations executive director, researcher, lifelong emergency services educator, firefighter and paramedic.
Simulation Debrief is brought to you by CAE Healthcare, a provider of simulation training solutions worldwide focused on making healthcare safer. -
Weekly podcast focused on helping you create a massive impact in your family, your marriage, your business, and your community through improving the health of your faith, finances, and family! Our mission is to impact as many service professionals as possible in our lifetimes – especially those serving families!
Are you at a crossroads or in need of inspiration for where to go next? As professional Coaches we are curious about learning….but what can we learn in unexpected places from people who do roles very different from our environment in organisations?
Focus On What Matters, is a series where we ask experts in a variety of unique and diverse professions, what they think will really matter the most in 2021.
We encourage you to go on a journey of exploration and curiosity with us to discover new ways we can drive growth by focusing on what matters. If you are at a crossroads and looking for a new path or new habits, inspiration is here to share. -
Returning to work after a life-changing experience can be tough. Whether due to illness, injury, maternity, or for any other reason, we can face a multitude of challenges.
Join Serena Savini as she shares her own struggles with returning to work, and explores ways we can navigate change with empathy, and emerge thriving.
Through conversations with guests, Serena uncovers stories from different perspectives on how we can create a warm environment with a human touch to come back to work.
Artwork by Sara Ronzoni ( -
Welcome to BOSS Business of Surgery Series!
This program was specifically designed to help surgeons learn concepts not taught in residency but necessary for a successful surgery career.
We were not told that most of our job would be interacting with others. We thought it was about the technical success of surgery or the knowledge that we learn.
But it is so much more.
Difficult partners and colleagues.
Dealing with complications.
Negotiating with administration.
Running a successful and efficient clinic that doesn’t take bleed into our home life.
How to have a life outside of surgery
But if we don’t learn these concepts, we will end up in a negative spiral that will lead us into misery. And all of the time we spent training for the job we love, that could be so rewarding, is lost.
You know there has to be a solution out there. That you can’t be the only one unhappy or wondering if it is just you.
It’s time for a program that addresses your specific problems run by someone who knows what you are going through. You need a fellow surgeon who knows the way. You need a surgeon who has been where you are and found her way out to the other side:
-Loving surgery again
-Not taking work home
-finishing notes immediately after clinic and heading home on time
-Not letting complications set you back
-Interacting with others with confidence
-Finally seeing that you can control the results you get at work and home
You can find out more about Dr. Vertrees and her work at
Pursuing a life of freedom through a location independent digital agency. Danny Carlson lives in Bali and runs a digital agency that's served more than 870 businesses in 17 countries. He interviews other successful agency owners who've mastered not only business, but a lifestyle of time and location freedom while crafting top level physical and mental fitness.