
  • Are you ready to take back your health during the holidays? Yes, it's possible.

    Today, I’m talking with MK Stahl. She’s a mom, entrepreneur of a gym franchise and host of Beyond the Scale podcast, building businesses while raising kids. She loves to help others move outside their comfort zones and at the gym, creating sustainable health for a happier you. If you’re looking for a down to earth girl with real life answers to eating better and taking your health back, this is the episode for you.

    Stephanie's Bio:

    Stephanie Pletka is a mom of 4, a motivational speaker, best selling author of Living Your Best Life and host of the Motherhood Mindset, a podcast to help women navigate the messy parts of motherhood.

    She specializes in helping moms create deep-rooted relationships with their kids, customing the family life you've always dreamed; through firepit moments, travel and exploration. From littles to teens, we've got you covered, mama.

    Get ready for entertaining stories and 3 actionable steps to finding the goodness in the hard places. It's time to chase your dreams and write your story.

    Grab a copy of Living Your Best Life or download your audible for moms on the go. Subscribe to stephaniepletka.com for mom hacks, tips and upcoming events.

    @stephaniepletka IG

  • “To care for those who once cared for us is one of the highest honors.”

    – Tia Walker

    Are you the caretaker to a parent or grandparent, an aunt or uncle? There are a ton of emotions involved in being the sole caregiver. We'll offer 4 Tips and Strategies to Navigating through the good and the Hard.
    Marked Times
    They Had a Full LIfe Before YOU 10:00
    I'm Ready to Move 11:28
    When Arguments Shut Down the Process. 14:14
    Self Care When You're the Only One
    Funny Stories 18:09
    Hoarding slash "Antique Collectors" 20:19
    Dealing with Dr's and Medical Issues 30:00
    Power of Attorney 31:00
    Documenting Legacy 38:45

    Other Topics:
    Attitudes, Yours & There's
    Moving, Cleaning, Give, Save, Sell
    Finding Mediators when lines are drawn in the sand
    Advocacy, Finding Outside Help
    Burnout: Finding Myself Again
    Control Issues Come from a Place of Fear

    Interview with Kimberly Shettleworth of Proverbs 31. I met her online as a part of my book launch, Living Your Best Life. We float in many of the same circles and when I discovered that she was a caretaker of a family member similar to myself, I wanted to compare notes, to vent, to laugh, to learn tips and tricks in navigating the good and hard places. Like two girls chatting over coffee, check out this uplifting interview here.

    Stephanie's Bio:

    Stephanie Pletka is a mom of 4, a motivational speaker, best selling author of Living Your Best Life and host of the Motherhood Mindset, a podcast to help women navigate the messy parts of motherhood.

    She specializes in helping moms create deep-rooted relationships with their kids, customing the family life you've always dreamed; through firepit moments, travel and exploration. From littles to teens, we've got you covered, mama.

    Get ready for entertaining stories and 3 actionable steps to finding the goodness in the hard places. It's time to chase your dreams and write your story.

    Grab a copy of Living Your Best Life or download your audible for moms on the go. Subscribe to stephaniepletka.com for mom hacks, tips and upcoming events.

    @stephaniepletka IG

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  • Do you have a strong-willed child who feels strongly about all the FEELS?

    3 Ways to defuse the heightened emotion, to not walk on egg shells to create a happier family dynamic with Danielle Bettmann

    Do you have a child who fiercely believes in something?
    ~ who feels the injustice in the world?
    ~ who needs validation to be heard and seen before life can go on?

    We talk about:
    1. Positives and Negatives, pros and cons of this personality
    2. How to diffuse the heightened emotion.
    3. How to make them feel seen and heard.
    4. How to validate, rather than defend, when their emotions feel like an attack.

    Maggie Perspecticles talks about the type of kid you should be most concerned about.
    Leanne Morgan, Comedian
    Danielle Bettman, Host of Failing Motherhood

    Bio: Danielle Bettmann has her bachelor's in Child Development + Education from Birth-Grade 3 with teaching certification. She taught Head Start, Early Head Start and was a home visitor for Save the Children for a program called Early Steps to School Success.

    She was also an in-home childcare provider alongside a colleague for a little while before leading a large mom's group.

    She's certified as a Positive Discipline parent educator and has been working directly with parents locally and virtually now for 4 years with her own company.

    Check out her website at: https://www.parentingwholeheartedly.com/

    Stephanie's Bio:

    Stephanie Pletka is a mom of 4, a motivational speaker, best selling author of Living Your Best Life and host of the Motherhood Mindset, a podcast to help women navigate the messy parts of motherhood.

    She specializes in helping moms create deep-rooted relationships with their kids, customing the family life you've always dreamed; through firepit moments, travel and exploration. From littles to teens, we've got you covered, mama.

    Get ready for entertaining stories and 3 actionable steps to finding the goodness in the hard places. It's time to chase your dreams and write your story.

    Grab a copy of Living Your Best Life or download your audible for moms on the go. Subscribe to stephaniepletka.com for mom hacks, tips and upcoming events.

    @stephaniepletka IG

  • On today's episode I interviewed Brad Baldbridge, a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER ™, College Funding Consultant, and chief podcaster at Taming the High Cost of College.

    We discuss:
    How to choose a college: Community, State, Ivy League, Location, Major, GPA.
    How to pay for college: Tax Loop Holes, Scholarships, Co's who pay.
    How to determine what colleges are free depending on your salary.

    We discuss Tours, Scholarships,, how to save, when to save and more juicy details. Check it out.

    If you're starting the college process and didn't realize your Sophhmore year was the best time to start looking and calculating , listen now.

    529 Path to College Savings Plan


    Stephanie's Bio:

    Stephanie Pletka is a mom of 4, a motivational speaker, best selling author of Living Your Best Life and host of the Motherhood Mindset, a podcast to help women navigate the messy parts of motherhood.

    She specializes in helping moms create deep-rooted relationships with their kids, customing the family life you've always dreamed; through firepit moments, travel and exploration. From littles to teens, we've got you covered, mama.

    Get ready for entertaining stories and 3 actionable steps to finding the goodness in the hard places. It's time to chase your dreams and write your story.

    Grab a copy of Living Your Best Life or download your audible for moms on the go. Subscribe to stephaniepletka.com for mom hacks, tips and upcoming events.

    @stephaniepletka IG

  • Several listeners had reached out to request an episode on divorce. We all hope to live a happily ever after, but sometimes life takes a different turn, and our happily ever after needs editing.

    Today, I interviewed Meagan Norris, a lawyer and certified life coach who helps Empaths strategize the best divorce possible.

    We've all heard the horror stories of getting divorced. The fighting, the power plays, narsaccist behaviors and so on. It can take a major toll on your physical, financial and emotional well being.

    Meagan says that Somewhere between concious uncoupling (Gwenyth Paltrow) and Brad Pitt and Angelina's 7 year divorce, there's a happier medium that one can fall into.

    She offers 3 strategies to a happier divorce process.
    The key is to keep your eye on the Objective, to look for potholes that slow the process; to dodge the power plays. Here's to a Happier, Freer YOU.

    Our audience asked questions:
    What if my spouse is delaying the process?
    How can I deflect power plays when my spouse is hard to deal with?
    Should I stay married for the children?
    When do you know when it's time to file paperwork and proceed with divorce?
    How can moms of teens show up for their children, during this difficult process?

    We talk boundaries, strategies and more. If you are going thru divorce or know someone who needs to hear this, check it out and send to your friends. It's a game changer.

    Is your marriage salvageable? Check out Episode 60. It’s a story of a fractured marriage on the brink of divorce and how a last minute trip to Italy brought redemption and hope to the entire family.

    Stephanie's Bio:

    Stephanie Pletka is a mom of 4, a motivational speaker, best selling author of Living Your Best Life and host of the Motherhood Mindset, a podcast to help women navigate the messy parts of motherhood.

    She specializes in helping moms create deep-rooted relationships with their kids, customing the family life you've always dreamed; through firepit moments, travel and exploration. From littles to teens, we've got you covered, mama.

    Get ready for entertaining stories and 3 actionable steps to finding the goodness in the hard places. It's time to chase your dreams and write your story.

    Grab a copy of Living Your Best Life or download your audible for moms on the go. Subscribe to stephaniepletka.com for mom hacks, tips and upcoming events.

    @stephaniepletka IG

  • Today I interviwed Gabe Cox, host of the Goal-Driven Mom's podcast and a 2x Boston Marathon Runner. Who doesn't like a great running metaphor to solve the world's problems? Sign me up, not for the marathon, but the transformation.

    Questions Answered:
    1. Gabe offers 3 EASY steps to walking towards a new life in 60 days.
    2. What causes me to quit too soon and sabatoge myself?
    3. What do I need to CHANGE to re-route for better success?

    We mention Jon Acuff's Podcast: All it Takes is a Goal. "Give Yourself the
    Gift of Done." Why is it so easy to start, but so hard to finish?

    Divide into tiny baby steps.
    Mini wins are key.

    Interview with Gabe Cox on Motherhood Mindset with Stephanie Pletka

    For similar episodes, check out Motherhood Mindset with Stephanie Pletka
    Episode 58: Quick Health Habits to Set You Up for Success
    Episode 48: Want ot Live a Life of Significance? Do this One Thing

    HGTV mentioned: Life is full of progress. Don't quit in the middle or before the breakthrough. The fruit of our labor is around the corner. Your dream is bigger than you. The hard, the middle, the messy is where the transformation takes place. That's where the goodness is found.


    Heather Pettey
    Jon Acuff
    Gabe Cox
    Living Your Best Life Book, Stephanie Pletka

    Stephanie's Bio:

    Stephanie Pletka is a mom of 4, a motivational speaker, best selling author of Living Your Best Life and host of the Motherhood Mindset, a podcast to help women navigate the messy parts of motherhood.

    She specializes in helping moms create deep-rooted relationships with their kids, customing the family life you've always dreamed; through firepit moments, travel and exploration. From littles to teens, we've got you covered, mama.

    Get ready for entertaining stories and 3 actionable steps to finding the goodness in the hard places. It's time to chase your dreams and write your story.

    Grab a copy of Living Your Best Life or download your audible for moms on the go. Subscribe to stephaniepletka.com for mom hacks, tips and upcoming events.

    @stephaniepletka IG

  • Life happens.

    What if you get a divorce or your spouse dies; would you know all the passwords to insurance policies, wills or deeds?

    Do you know the exact amount of money coming and going, minus taxes?

    Life stops for no one: bills, mortgage payments, stock investments & retirement plans.

    This thought-provocative episode empowers women to think, to take stock, to be financially strategic in knowing the ins and out of your finances, to empower yourself in case life takes a turn you didn't forsee.

    Interviewing Meagan Dwyer is a financial planner and host of the Money Isn't Scary podcast.
    IG @ Moneyisn'tScary

    Stephanie's Bio:

    Stephanie Pletka is a mom of 4, a motivational speaker, best selling author of Living Your Best Life and host of the Motherhood Mindset, a podcast to help women navigate the messy parts of motherhood.

    She specializes in helping moms create deep-rooted relationships with their kids, customing the family life you've always dreamed; through firepit moments, travel and exploration. From littles to teens, we've got you covered, mama.

    Get ready for entertaining stories and 3 actionable steps to finding the goodness in the hard places. It's time to chase your dreams and write your story.

    Grab a copy of Living Your Best Life or download your audible for moms on the go. Subscribe to stephaniepletka.com for mom hacks, tips and upcoming events.

    @stephaniepletka IG

  • 3 Tips to Taking December Off to Access Pros & Cons of the Past Year: What worked, what didn't to Create a Happier, Freer YOU

    December can be a chaotic season of hustle and hurry. But what if, we found ways to enjoy the moments, to take a break:

    * to reflect, to access pros & cons
    * to determine what relationships worked
    * which relationships / partnerships need to take a back seat
    * where you spent all your money
    * what triggers (good and bad) moved the needle on your life
    * what ways you down, brought the least ROI
    * what brought most joy & fullfillment

    Let's access, reflect, figure out what worked and what didn't work, to create
    a more productive, efficient new year. To remove distractions that take our
    eye off the prize, to create a life that sparks joy, to create a better Yes,
    to surround yourself with people that bring you life.

    Dolly Pardon on the Today Show reminds us to keep our lives private. We may seem like an open book, but people only know the stories she tells them, nothing more. Keep some details and stories for yourself.

    Check Out Living Your Best Life: To Let Go of the Lies We Tell Ourselves and Embrace a Happier YOU

    Check out my interviews with Nikki Oden of Love Your Mom Life Podcast - How to Become a Goal Crusher

    Pre-order Nikki's new book: But Definitely Wear Mascara: Hacks to Help You Love Your Mom Life

    Gabe Cox of Goal Driven Moms: episode 171 What Happens When God's Plan for Us Seems Bigger than Our Qualifications

    Stephanie's Bio:

    Stephanie Pletka is a mom of 4, a motivational speaker, best selling author of Living Your Best Life and host of the Motherhood Mindset, a podcast to help women navigate the messy parts of motherhood.

    She specializes in helping moms create deep-rooted relationships with their kids, customing the family life you've always dreamed; through firepit moments, travel and exploration. From littles to teens, we've got you covered, mama.

    Get ready for entertaining stories and 3 actionable steps to finding the goodness in the hard places. It's time to chase your dreams and write your story.

    Grab a copy of Living Your Best Life or download your audible for moms on the go. Subscribe to stephaniepletka.com for mom hacks, tips and upcoming events.

    @stephaniepletka IG

  • Do you remember what it was like being 20? Life was full of unknowns. You were a risk taker; the world was your oyster. We discuss pros and cons.

    In your 30's you began to build a dream, start a family. Pros and cons.

    In your 40's life felt more settled. Kids were more independent. Pros and Cons.

    In your 50's you may be sandwiched in between guiding your young adult kids and caring for a parent. You have more freedom to travel, to read a book and enjoy a coffee, minus the hectic life of raising littles. Pros and Cons.

    Every stage, good or bad, doesn't last forever.

    Stop wishing you were in a different season of life and embrace the one you’re in. .You can’t always change the circumstances, but you can definitely change your perspective. Perception is reality.

    Life is full of unknowns. There are curve balls at every corner. But we get to write our own story and our happiness is our own responsibility. What will you do with the season you're in now. Because someone is wishing they had your experience, maturity and audacious attitude. After all, us women, we're Better Together!

    Stephanie's Bio:

    Stephanie Pletka is a mom of 4, a motivational speaker, best selling author of Living Your Best Life and host of the Motherhood Mindset, a podcast to help women navigate the messy parts of motherhood.

    She specializes in helping moms create deep-rooted relationships with their kids, customing the family life you've always dreamed; through firepit moments, travel and exploration. From littles to teens, we've got you covered, mama.

    Get ready for entertaining stories and 3 actionable steps to finding the goodness in the hard places. It's time to chase your dreams and write your story.

    Grab a copy of Living Your Best Life or download your audible for moms on the go. Subscribe to stephaniepletka.com for mom hacks, tips and upcoming events.

    @stephaniepletka IG

  • This week, Heather Pettey of Life Coach BFF and Stephanie Pletka of Motherhood Mindset talk about how to prepare for family drama, bathroom mirror gratitude talk, and how to navigate holiday traditions while keeping expectations low and flexibility high.

    We discuss holiday hot topics, funny trends and conversation starters around the thanksgiving table. If you want to learn as you laugh, this show is for you.

    Stephanie's Bio:

    Stephanie Pletka is a mom of 4, a motivational speaker, best selling author of Living Your Best Life and host of the Motherhood Mindset, a podcast to help women navigate the messy parts of motherhood.

    She specializes in helping moms create deep-rooted relationships with their kids, customing the family life you've always dreamed; through firepit moments, travel and exploration. From littles to teens, we've got you covered, mama.

    Get ready for entertaining stories and 3 actionable steps to finding the goodness in the hard places. It's time to chase your dreams and write your story.

    Grab a copy of Living Your Best Life or download your audible for moms on the go. Subscribe to stephaniepletka.com for mom hacks, tips and upcoming events.

    @stephaniepletka IG

  • Today we’re talking about how to handle difficult family members over the holidays. Oh, this is a good one.

    Do you remember those holiday Coca Cola ads with the Norman Rockwell paintings? Rockwell perfectly captured the essence of what Christmas could be. You didn’t have the weird aunt that said: will u look at my mole to see if it had changed.

    There was no fighting at the kitchen table over who ate the last piece of fried chicken. Rockwell’s paintings were the essence of perfection in American culture.

    We, on the other hand, were not. Our family was more like a National Lampoon Christmas Vacation, you tell a kid, hey: take the Christmas tree box to the garage and he hears: slide down the stairwell and break out 3 banisters.

    4 Steps to Successfully Navigating Difficult Family Members During the Holidays (Thanksgiving and Christmas)

    Living Your Best Life Book on Amazon or where all books are sold.
    Norman Rockwell

    Stephanie's Bio:

    Stephanie Pletka is a mom of 4, a motivational speaker, best selling author of Living Your Best Life and host of the Motherhood Mindset, a podcast to help women navigate the messy parts of motherhood.

    She specializes in helping moms create deep-rooted relationships with their kids, customing the family life you've always dreamed; through firepit moments, travel and exploration. From littles to teens, we've got you covered, mama.

    Get ready for entertaining stories and 3 actionable steps to finding the goodness in the hard places. It's time to chase your dreams and write your story.

    Grab a copy of Living Your Best Life or download your audible for moms on the go. Subscribe to stephaniepletka.com for mom hacks, tips and upcoming events.

    @stephaniepletka IG

  • Are you Tired of the Rat Race, the Hustle, Living Life to the Busy and Rarely to the Full? 3 Steps to Creating a More Meaningful Family Life with Emily Wooten

    This episode of Motherhood Mindset offers 3 Steps to Creating a Slower-Paced, Happier Family Life.

    An interview with Emily Wooten, writer, speech therapist and mom to 3 young boys.

    1. Emily, tell us what it’s like raising 3 kids under 12.

    2. What are 2-3 issues you are noticing as it pertains to moms raising young kids in a world with so much access and opportunity?

    3. What is the root cause? Is it the lies we tell ourselves? Comparison? Keeping Up with the Jonses?

    4. She offers 3 actionable steps to find balance, to change their mindset, to build a custom family.

    5. Did the kids notice the changes you made and how did it affect your family life?

    6. How perfection, rules and a well laid plan needs a good pivot ever once in a while.

    7. No one talks about Plan A, because Plan B's are key in real-life scenarios.

    8. How your life has changed and why you'll never go. back to a fast paced life.

    Gary Chapman's The 5 Love Languages

    Stephanie's Bio:

    Stephanie Pletka is a mom of 4, a motivational speaker, best selling author of Living Your Best Life and host of the Motherhood Mindset, a podcast to help women navigate the messy parts of motherhood.

    She specializes in helping moms create deep-rooted relationships with their kids, customing the family life you've always dreamed; through firepit moments, travel and exploration. From littles to teens, we've got you covered, mama.

    Get ready for entertaining stories and 3 actionable steps to finding the goodness in the hard places. It's time to chase your dreams and write your story.

    Grab a copy of Living Your Best Life or download your audible for moms on the go. Subscribe to stephaniepletka.com for mom hacks, tips and upcoming events.

    @stephaniepletka IG

  • This episode is sure to entertain. Stephanie Pletka and Heather Pettey laugh about thieves who stole our credit card and sent us diet food, miscommunication, how to handle kids when they judge you for doing your best, thoughts on moving to a tiny house and trying something outrageous and new, as the kids get older.

    You're sure to laugh and have a few "ME too" moments.

    Rhee Drummond, Pioneer Woman
    Eric Adams, Mayor of NY
    Seaside, FL

    Stephanie's Bio:

    Stephanie Pletka is a mom of 4, a motivational speaker, best selling author of Living Your Best Life and host of the Motherhood Mindset, a podcast to help women navigate the messy parts of motherhood.

    She specializes in helping moms create deep-rooted relationships with their kids, customing the family life you've always dreamed; through firepit moments, travel and exploration. From littles to teens, we've got you covered, mama.

    Get ready for entertaining stories and 3 actionable steps to finding the goodness in the hard places. It's time to chase your dreams and write your story.

    Grab a copy of Living Your Best Life or download your audible for moms on the go. Subscribe to stephaniepletka.com for mom hacks, tips and upcoming events.

    @stephaniepletka IG

  • Have You Lost Your Identity, Allowing Other’s Opinions to Write Your Story? 3 Ways to Live Life on Your Terms, Interview with Bethany Clemenson

    We have an incredible guest on the show. If you’re ready to let go of the hustling for your worth, the people pleasing, or searching for enough-ness in places it doesn’t exist, to chase your dreams and write a new story, this is the episode for you. #61

    Bethany Clemenson is a speaker, leadership coach, registered nurse and author of Ditching the Dream, How to Live Life on Your Terms.

    From traveling the country in our motorhome, homeschooling kids and living life outside the box, Bethany and I discovered each other online through our commom interests.

    Podcast Points:

    1. What does it mean, Living on Your Own Terms?
    2. What was the turning point that caused the paradigm shift to write this book?
    3. Examples of those with end-of-life regrets. Will you have these regrets?
    4. What advise would you give your younger self if you had a do-over?
    5. How to let go of Expectations & Other’s Opinions to Live Life on Your Terms.
    6. Where does people pleasing originate?
    7. What happens when we compare and please ~ and why it's detrimental.
    8. Final Thoughts: Wow this was a doozie.

    tik tok @bethanyclemenson
    Order Ditching the Dream

    Stephanie's Bio:

    Stephanie Pletka is a mom of 4, a motivational speaker, best selling author of Living Your Best Life and host of the Motherhood Mindset, a podcast to help women navigate the messy parts of motherhood.

    She specializes in helping moms create deep-rooted relationships with their kids, customing the family life you've always dreamed; through firepit moments, travel and exploration. From littles to teens, we've got you covered, mama.

    Get ready for entertaining stories and 3 actionable steps to finding the goodness in the hard places. It's time to chase your dreams and write your story.

    Grab a copy of Living Your Best Life or download your audible for moms on the go. Subscribe to stephaniepletka.com for mom hacks, tips and upcoming events.

    @stephaniepletka IG

  • Guys, today we have a treat for you. I’m interviewing Susan Pohlman author of: Halfway to Each Other: How a Year in Italy Brought Our Family Home.

    It’s a story of a fractured marriage on the brink of divorce and how a move to Europe brought redemption and hope to the entire family.

    Podcast Points:

    1. Tell us about your book and how your journey moving to Italy unfolded.

    2. What was the scripture you clung to in the midst of the storm?

    3. What were the top 3 lessons you gained from this experience?

    4. What advice would you give to your younger self with kids still in school.

    5. Talk about raising our kids as Global Citizens and what they learn.

    6. Any other advice, favorite books or quotes you’d like to add in final thoughts?

    Susan Pohlman Bio:

    Susan Pohlman is an editor, writing coach/instructor, freelance writer, and the founder of the Phoenix Writers Network. She is the author of two travel memoirs: Halfway to Each Other: How a Year in Italy Brought Our Family Home (winner of the Relationships category and runner-up in the Memoir category of the 2010 Next Generation Indie Book Awards) and A Time to Seek: Meaning, Purpose, and Spirituality at Midlife.

    She has written six short films for the 48 Hour Film Project.
    The Misadventures of Matilda Mench won the best screenplay in 2010 and the CINE Golden Eagle Award for the best Independent Fiction Short. Her essays have been published in a variety of print and online magazines and journals.

    She has served as the Writer-In-Residence for the State Arizona Library and has taught creative writing at Arizona State University’s Emeritus College. She is a frequent presenter and speaker at writing workshops and conferences. To learn more, visit www.susanpohlman.com

    Stephanie's Bio:

    Stephanie Pletka is a mom of 4, a motivational speaker, best selling author of Living Your Best Life and host of the Motherhood Mindset, a podcast to help women navigate the messy parts of motherhood.

    She specializes in helping moms create deep-rooted relationships with their kids, customing the family life you've always dreamed; through firepit moments, travel and exploration. From littles to teens, we've got you covered, mama.

    Get ready for entertaining stories and 3 actionable steps to finding the goodness in the hard places. It's time to chase your dreams and write your story.

    Grab a copy of Living Your Best Life or download your audible for moms on the go. Subscribe to stephaniepletka.com for mom hacks, tips and upcoming events.

    @stephaniepletka IG

  • Are you allowing mom guilt to steal the goodness of life's moments right from under your nose?

    ~ You didn't check enough ITEMS off your to-do list,
    ~ Your kids failed a test,
    ~ You took your kid to college and the family ate mac & cheese.

    Enough means Sufficient, and yet we grab guilt out of the sky for not being the world's hero. We forget that to run a successful home, it takes a village.

    When you drop your kids off at school, there's a PE Coach, a lunchroom worker, a history teacher and bus driver to make their day a success. When the kids arrive home, we try to become all those positions and doing it with perfection.

    Of course, we will fail. We weren't meant to be all those things. We set the bar so high, even a super hero wouldn't make the cut.

    We talk about 3 steps to letting go of mom guilt, to savor all the goodness.

    Stephanie's Bio:

    Stephanie Pletka is a mom of 4, a motivational speaker, best selling author of Living Your Best Life and host of the Motherhood Mindset, a podcast to help women navigate the messy parts of motherhood.

    She specializes in helping moms create deep-rooted relationships with their kids, customing the family life you've always dreamed; through firepit moments, travel and exploration. From littles to teens, we've got you covered, mama.

    Get ready for entertaining stories and 3 actionable steps to finding the goodness in the hard places. It's time to chase your dreams and write your story.

    Grab a copy of Living Your Best Life or download your audible for moms on the go. Subscribe to stephaniepletka.com for mom hacks, tips and upcoming events.

    @stephaniepletka IG

  • Do words like energy, excitement and hopefulness ring a bell, or does tired, I need a nap and overwhelm feel more relatable?

    On this episode of Motherhood Mindeset, I interview Michelle Walker, a health and nutrition coach who helps busy moms implement healthy habits in a way that's easy and sustainable. She helps them ditch the diet mindset and promotes small manageable giving us steps toward a healthier lifestyle.

    michelledawncoaching.com or my free Facebook group "Healthy Eating & Habits for Busy Moms

    Atomic Habits:

    What would you say about an All-Or-Nothing mentality? Or, I’ll start on Monday?

    For the busy mom who wants to create better eating habits, what is the first steps?

    What are simple swap foods that we have in our kitchen to create more energy?

    3 actionable steps to Healthier Habits During the Holidays

    What’s the one piece of advice you’d like to give to the listeners?

    Stephanie's Bio:

    Stephanie Pletka is a mom of 4, a motivational speaker, best selling author of Living Your Best Life and host of the Motherhood Mindset, a podcast to help women navigate the messy parts of motherhood.

    She specializes in helping moms create deep-rooted relationships with their kids, customing the family life you've always dreamed; through firepit moments, travel and exploration. From littles to teens, we've got you covered, mama.

    Get ready for entertaining stories and 3 actionable steps to finding the goodness in the hard places. It's time to chase your dreams and write your story.

    Grab a copy of Living Your Best Life or download your audible for moms on the go. Subscribe to stephaniepletka.com for mom hacks, tips and upcoming events.

    @stephaniepletka IG

  • Are you tired of feeling like you're not enough; ready to break the cycle once and for all, to own your life?

    When words like Perfection and Balance sabotage the goodness, it's time for a Re-Set. I've gottcha mama. Check out this fun and funny episode to have you laughing all the way to writing yourself a New Story. Here's to Living Your Best Life.

    Stephanie's Bio:

    Stephanie Pletka is a mom of 4, a motivational speaker, author of Living Your Best Life and host of Motherhood Mindset. She produces a weekly podcast to help women navigate the messy parts of motherhood. From Tweens to Teens and Beyond, we've got ya covered.

    Get ready for entertaining stories and 3 actionable steps to finding the goodness in the hard places. It's time to be encouraged to chase your dreams and write your story.

    Grab a copy of Living Your Best Life or download your audible for moms on the go.

    Subscribe to stephaniepletka.com for mom hacks, tips and upcoming events.

    @stephaniepletka IG

    Stephanie's Bio:

    Stephanie Pletka is a mom of 4, a motivational speaker, best selling author of Living Your Best Life and host of the Motherhood Mindset, a podcast to help women navigate the messy parts of motherhood.

    She specializes in helping moms create deep-rooted relationships with their kids, customing the family life you've always dreamed; through firepit moments, travel and exploration. From littles to teens, we've got you covered, mama.

    Get ready for entertaining stories and 3 actionable steps to finding the goodness in the hard places. It's time to chase your dreams and write your story.

    Grab a copy of Living Your Best Life or download your audible for moms on the go. Subscribe to stephaniepletka.com for mom hacks, tips and upcoming events.

    @stephaniepletka IG

  • 4 Ways to Prepare for Empty Nesting NOW, before it hits you like a ton of bricks:

    This Interview between Stephanie Pletka and Heather Pettey of Life Coach BFF will have you crying, laughing and strategizing for life's Next Steps.

    A light-hearted episode full of truth bombs and laughter, you'll learn:

    * Steps for making space for kids to leave the nest
    * Creating a life for yourself (baby steps)
    * When to make the move
    * How to transition slowly (Make Plans for you and them)
    * How to Date Again: Before Them There was Him
    * Finding You Again
    *What does your future look like
    * All the Possibilities
    *This is not an ending, but a new beginning


    Bio Steph and Heather

    Stephanie's Bio:

    Stephanie Pletka is a mom of 4, a motivational speaker, best selling author of Living Your Best Life and host of the Motherhood Mindset, a podcast to help women navigate the messy parts of motherhood.

    She specializes in helping moms create deep-rooted relationships with their kids, customing the family life you've always dreamed; through firepit moments, travel and exploration. From littles to teens, we've got you covered, mama.

    Get ready for entertaining stories and 3 actionable steps to finding the goodness in the hard places. It's time to chase your dreams and write your story.

    Grab a copy of Living Your Best Life or download your audible for moms on the go. Subscribe to stephaniepletka.com for mom hacks, tips and upcoming events.

    @stephaniepletka IG

  • This week is a solo episode, discussing unmet expectations and how they create feelings of disappointment. When our contentment meter is broken, life spirals out of control.

    And it wreaks havoc on our relationships, our attitude, the way you make decisions and more.

    Comparison Traps: Sandra Stanley
    Living Your Best Life, Stephanie Pletka Chapter 2, Identity Thief
    Juliana Brienes: The Perils of Comparing Ourselves to Others

    Phil. 4:11-13
    Timothy 6:6-7

    Stephanie's Bio:

    Stephanie Pletka is a mom of 4, a motivational speaker, best selling author of Living Your Best Life and host of the Motherhood Mindset, a podcast to help women navigate the messy parts of motherhood.

    She specializes in helping moms create deep-rooted relationships with their kids, customing the family life you've always dreamed; through firepit moments, travel and exploration. From littles to teens, we've got you covered, mama.

    Get ready for entertaining stories and 3 actionable steps to finding the goodness in the hard places. It's time to chase your dreams and write your story.

    Grab a copy of Living Your Best Life or download your audible for moms on the go. Subscribe to stephaniepletka.com for mom hacks, tips and upcoming events.

    @stephaniepletka IG