
  • Today marks the first day of the new financial year, at least in Australia.

    So what should you do to start strong?

    First, you should have started at least 3-months ago, but we’ll skip that since we don’t have a time machine handy.

    What you’ll want to consider are three things.

    Your clients: how are you pre-empting and supporting them around this time?Your partners: what are they working on and what’s important to them and their clients, and how can you support all that?Your business: what results did your business achieve the previous 6-12 months, what would you like to achieve in the coming year… and how will you reward your team for their performance and incentivise them into the next year?

    The EOFY can feel like an arbitrary line in the sand, but there’s actually a number of things smart operators are doing at this time.

    In this episode of Mortgage Broker Acceleration, learn how to prepare, plan and maximise this time of year… it’s not too late.

    Accelerate Faster

    You can visit Broker Ideas Group to learn more about us, access special events and download useful resources designed exclusively for mortgage brokers.Want to work with James, Ash and the BIG team to grow your mortgage business faster? Our Growth Coach team can help you. Let's talk!
  • The world is obsessed with technology.

    The mortgage industry is obsessed too.

    Conversations centre around using technology, the latest and greatest CRM, chatbots and AI, video meetings, systems, process flows, automations, social media, digital marketing and more.

    The fintech sector is buzzing with 1001 things to make business and life easier.

    All valid and valuable topics by the way. Lots of useful products and solutions. No
    argument there.

    But there is a problem with this.

    In fact there are two problems.

    First, the use of technology to avoid actually doing the work. For example, wanting ton use digital marketing and have hot, qualified leads magically appear… rather than going out, talking to people, building partnerships and selling yourself.

    Second, the use of technology as a replacement for what works. For example, building a successful mortgage business off the back of networking, partnerships and business development… then replacing that in favour of building a digital marketing strategy.

    We see both of these happening all the time, even with experienced and successful operators.

    In this episode of Mortgage Broker Acceleration, learn why technology is great and cannot be overlooked… but also why traditional tactics are just as great, cannot be overlooked, and often work better than the new shiny objects being chased.

    Accelerate Faster

    You can visit Broker Ideas Group to learn more about us, access special events and download useful resources designed exclusively for mortgage brokers.Want to work with James, Ash and the BIG team to grow your mortgage business faster? Our Growth Coach team can help you. Let's talk!
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  • Direct Messaging is actually not new.

    SMS has been around for 25 years.

    Messenger and WhatsApp have been around for 15 years.

    What is new… is how people are using these communication channels.

    The game has changed.

    And the problem is… most brokers have been left behind.

    In this episode of Mortgage Broker Acceleration, learn how and when to use different communication channels with your prospects, clients and partners… to meet them where they are at… play the game effectively… and maximise your results.

    Accelerate Faster

    You can visit Broker Ideas Group to learn more about us, access special events and download useful resources designed exclusively for mortgage brokers.Want to work with James, Ash and the BIG team to grow your mortgage business faster? Our Growth Coach team can help you. Let's talk!
  • Hyper-engaged clients are more secure and refer more.

    This means they make brokers a lot more money and make a mortgage business a lot more valuable.

    Problem is… most don’t put the effort and resources into creating a hyper-engaged community.

    They do the basics, at best.

    A monthly newsletter, social media activity, interest rate updates and annual reviews.. which doesn’t cut it.

    Not even close.

    The solution is a content and connection ecosystem. Delivered online and offline. That is unique and meaningful. Designed to take a specific audience on a specific journey towards a specific outcome.

    There are around 17,000 brokers in Australia right now, and I can count on one hand the businesses I’ve seen do this well.

    The ones that do are absolutely crushing it.

    In this episode of Mortgage Broker Acceleration, learn how any mortgage business can create hyper-engaged clients, resulting in less churn, more referrals, more profit and more value for the business and clients.

    Accelerate Faster

    You can visit Broker Ideas Group to learn more about us, access special events and download useful resources designed exclusively for mortgage brokers.Want to work with James, Ash and the BIG team to grow your mortgage business faster? Our Growth Coach team can help you. Let's talk!
  • Mortgages are boring.

    And mortgage brokers are being boring.

    Because they talk about mortgages.

    Let that sink in for a minute.

    Now I’m not trying to be pointlessly rude or knock people down just to cause a stir. I’m simply stating a fact because I see it over and over everywhere I look.

    Generic. Corporate. Boring.

    And I want to help.

    If brokers want to engage people (online, offline, anywhere!) they need to have the right message and they need to be the right messenger.

    And all brokers should want engagement.

    Because without it, they have no customers and no business.

    So it’s kind of important.

    In this episode of Mortgage Broker Acceleration, learn how to take a boring topic (mortgages) and turn it into an engaging message that is real, relatable and consistent. Discover how to show up as a clear and confident messenger, leading and motivating people to take action.

    Accelerate Faster

    You can visit Broker Ideas Group to learn more about us, access special events and download useful resources designed exclusively for mortgage brokers.Want to work with James, Ash and the BIG team to grow your mortgage business faster? Our Growth Coach team can help you. Let's talk!
  • For a real life case study in personal productivity, tactics and hacks, mindset and performance… we look no further than the man and co-host himself, Ash Playsted.

    Over the last few episodes we’ve covered specifics like The Energy Map, the Magic Minute and Mental Fartlek strategies, and Elements of Peak Performance. Go back to those episodes if you missed them.

    But where did all this come from? Where did it start? A personal endeavour (or obsession, at least a very positive and productive one!) that started many moons and hundreds of books, courses and experiments ago… that has resulted in a high level of self-awareness and success in business and life.

    In this episode of Mortgage Broker Acceleration, you’ll learn what started this journey for Ash, why it’s been so important, the key learnings along the way… and what he’d do if he started all over again. Don’t miss it.

    Accelerate Faster

    You can visit Broker Ideas Group to learn more about us, access special events and download useful resources designed exclusively for mortgage brokers.Want to work with James, Ash and the BIG team to grow your mortgage business faster? Our Growth Coach team can help you. Let's talk!
  • Do you know what Peak Performance actually means?

    If you’re guessing things like:

    Being super productive.Writing loads of loans.Running fast or lifting max weights.Being the best you can be.

    Then you’re not wrong.

    Performing at your peak = winning, achieving, maximising.

    But… that’s only half the story.

    When we talk about Peak Performance, we are actually talking about Resilience. Being able to withstand the ups and downs of business and life. Being able to mentally bounce back fast. Being able to stay calm, focused, and make smart decisions. Being in strong physical and financial shape.

    Being at your peak is the ability to actively manage yourself and your business in the moment… not just about the outcome of winning, achieving and maximising.

    In this episode of Mortgage Broker Acceleration, you’ll learn the 3 elements of peak performance and how you can start training (in each of the 3 areas) to be at your peak, to be resilient, to weather the ups and downs.

    Accelerate Faster

    You can visit Broker Ideas Group to learn more about us, access special events and download useful resources designed exclusively for mortgage brokers.Want to work with James, Ash and the BIG team to grow your mortgage business faster? Our Growth Coach team can help you. Let's talk!
  • Here are two fast, easy and powerful productivity hacks you can use right now.

    Magic Minute… you can learn and start doing instantly, today. It’ll help you break free from the noise and busy-ness of your day and help you switch gears and focus… instantly… in just one minute… anytime you need.

    Use this for your next client or partner meeting and notice the difference.

    Mental Fartlek… you can also learn and start doing instantly, today. It’ll help you harness the power of interval training, working with the limitations of your brain, to challenge yourself and get more done in a shorter amount of time.

    Yes, this has a funny name (show your kids!) and is counterintuitive… but it actually works. Try it.

    In this episode of Mortgage Broker Acceleration, you’ll learn how to use Magic Minute and Mental Fartlek in your daily business and life for maximum productivity and fun. Try them both.

    Accelerate Faster

    You can visit Broker Ideas Group to learn more about us, access special events and download useful resources designed exclusively for mortgage brokers.Want to work with James, Ash and the BIG team to grow your mortgage business faster? Our Growth Coach team can help you. Let's talk!
  • Energy is like time, you only have a fixed amount of it.

    So use it wisely.

    Most don’t.

    They follow the normal (and outdated) model followed by schools, workplaces, corporates and other businesses. Show up during set times (usually Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm) and try to pack in and get as much done as possible (maybe with some breaks thrown in throughout the day).

    Productivity and getting stuff done is not about how many hours you glue yourself to the chair. It’s about understanding when you should allocate time for various tasks and breaks.

    And for most people, sitting there all day, every day, between 9am and 5pm… Monday to Friday… is not the best solution. Not by far.

    Instead you need to understand The Energy Map, customise it for you, and build your schedule around that. It’s relatively simple when you know how.

    In this episode of Mortgage Broker Acceleration, you’ll learn what The Energy Map is and why it’s the smartest time management and productivity strategy you can use. When you get this right, you’ll be in flow, getting things done, with less fluff (i.e. getting more done with less time).

    Accelerate Faster

    You can visit Broker Ideas Group to learn more about us, access special events and download useful resources designed exclusively for mortgage brokers.Want to work with James, Ash and the BIG team to grow your mortgage business faster? Our Growth Coach team can help you. Let's talk!
  • Do you want to know how to win the client every single time?

    (and have them actually convert into a settled deal and not fall off the radar)

    Before you do any work. Before you invest time and effort. Before you give them the solution or answer.

    There’s a way to win clients…

    Without talking about loans, rates or deals.

    The answer is NOT:

    Selling the dream (or the sizzle).Selling the promise of fast and easy.Selling the cheapest rate or best deal.

    There’s a framework we follow (and teach our mortgage broker members) during the first part of our Trusted Advisor process called the Triage. What you do during Triage will either win or lose the client.

    In this episode of Mortgage Broker Acceleration, you’ll learn exactly what you should be selling during your first conversation… to win the business before you’ve done any work… and make the loan, the rate and the deal irrelevant.

    Accelerate Faster

    You can visit Broker Ideas Group to learn more about us, access special events and download useful resources designed exclusively for mortgage brokers.Want to work with James, Ash and the BIG team to grow your mortgage business faster? Our Growth Coach team can help you. Let's talk!
  • There are two methods you can use to build rapport and trust.

    One is being a friend, which is how most brokers do it. Be friendly, pat the dog, have coffee, help them, be available anytime… write their loan… send a hamper on settlement and ask for a Google review.

    Good right?

    No, not really.

    Brokers default to this “friend-zone” approach because they think (or have been taught) that “being nice” is what the client wants. But often it will actually lose you business, make your workflow inefficient, and cost you time and money.

    In this episode of Mortgage Broker Acceleration, you’ll learn the other approach using our Trusted Advisor framework, that will instantly put you in the “pro-zone” and win you the business over any “friend-zone” brokers or bankers any day of the week.

    Accelerate Faster

    You can visit Broker Ideas Group to learn more about us, access special events and download useful resources designed exclusively for mortgage brokers.Want to work with James, Ash and the BIG team to grow your mortgage business faster? Our Growth Coach team can help you. Let's talk!
  • McDonald’s made the “Do you want fries with that?” upsell famous.

    Business owners and mortgage brokers have copied and continued in this vein for years… decades… trying to offer additional products and services after the sale of their core product or service.

    Mortgage brokers help with home loans… and then try to ask “Do you want fries with that?” Adding on insurance, financial planning, accounting, car loans and the like. Most don’t do very well with it… because it’s not natural and stinks of sales.

    Good thing there’s a better way. It's what McDonald’s are doing now too. In fact they’ve been doing it for years. It’s what we teach our members as part of our Trusted Advisor framework.

    In this episode of Mortgage Broker Acceleration, you’ll learn a more powerful way to sell additional products and services without having to sell at all. This is 100% designed to help your clients, not just your bottom line.

    Accelerate Faster

    You can visit Broker Ideas Group to learn more about us, access special events and download useful resources designed exclusively for mortgage brokers.Want to work with James, Ash and the BIG team to grow your mortgage business faster? Our Growth Coach team can help you. Let's talk!
  • All client meetings (we call them Strategy Sessions) should follow this simple 3-step format:

    Now → Goal → Bridge

    Most brokers don’t use this format. They just follow their nose based on what the client says and wants. Which is wrong.

    We help our members install this as part of our Trusted Advisor framework.

    When you get this right… conversions skyrocket… referrals multiply… loan time cycle reduces (i.e you get paid faster) and more.

    Great brokers naturally do this, but they don’t understand how to systemise, document and train others to do it as good as them. So they are perpetually locked-in to being the key broker running rinse-and-repeat meetings all day.

    Pays well. But it’s boring and not sustainable or saleable.

    In this episode of Mortgage Broker Acceleration, you’ll learn how we approach Strategy Sessions and use the 3-step format for maximum impact.

    Accelerate Faster

    You can visit Broker Ideas Group to learn more about us, access special events and download useful resources designed exclusively for mortgage brokers.Want to work with James, Ash and the BIG team to grow your mortgage business faster? Our Growth Coach team can help you. Let's talk!
  • Do you know what your customers really want from a mortgage broker?

    The best deal (rate, fees, etc)... expert knowledge or advice… help selecting and applying for a loan… friendly and convenient service… fast turnaround times?


    That’s not it.

    Sure… your customers do want all those things… but there’s one bigger thing they are looking for (and despite what the title says, it’s not “the truth”).

    And if you don’t give it to them… they will 100% go find another broker who can.

    What is it?

    You’ll have to listen to this episode of Mortgage Broker Acceleration, to learn the missing piece.

    Accelerate Faster

    You can visit Broker Ideas Group to learn more about us, access special events and download useful resources designed exclusively for mortgage brokers.Want to work with James, Ash and the BIG team to grow your mortgage business faster? Our Growth Coach team can help you. Let's talk!
  • This month has been all about key partnerships.

    Every broker knows they are the backbone of a successful mortgage business, but unfortunately, most aren’t doing it very well… and not getting the results (referral flow) they want.

    The past few weeks on the Mortgage Broker Acceleration podcast, we’ve shared some key insights and strategies to help in this space. This week, we have a case study episode with our strategic advisor, Ash Playsted, and it’s split into two parts.

    Part 1

    How Ash personally wrote over 1,000 loans, without sharing any commission, from just a small key group of referral partners.

    Part 2

    How Ash built referral partnerships on a national scale, from the ground up, including the pros and cons of chasing the “big fish”.

    Accelerate Faster

    You can visit Broker Ideas Group to learn more about us, access special events and download useful resources designed exclusively for mortgage brokers.Want to work with James, Ash and the BIG team to grow your mortgage business faster? Our Growth Coach team can help you. Let's talk!
  • Should you share commissions with your referral partners?

    The short answer is… it depends.

    More importantly, and the thing most brokers get wrong, is that the default starting position… should always be a hard and fast “No”.

    Unfortunately, most brokers default to offering a share of commission in order to win partnerships, which is a big mistake, and leads to an array of future problems.

    In this episode of Mortgage Broker Acceleration, you’ll learn the important things to consider when it comes to sharing commissions; when to do it, when not to do it, how to do it, and how to deal with partners who ask.

    Accelerate Faster

    You can visit Broker Ideas Group to learn more about us, access special events and download useful resources designed exclusively for mortgage brokers.Want to work with James, Ash and the BIG team to grow your mortgage business faster? Our Growth Coach team can help you. Let's talk!
  • Almost all mortgage brokers approach referral partners wrong.

    Meeting for coffees and lunches… promising the world, the best rates, the best service, to help with even the trickiest deals… offering a share of commissions to win them over… to be “given a chance” to prove themselves.

    Like a needy kid sucking up to their parents, begging for an ice cream. It’s not a good interaction. It’s annoying and cringe-worthy. No wonder most parents say “No” to the ice cream.

    Most referral partners say “No” to brokers. You probably don’t even realise it’s a “No” because they won’t directly say it. Instead they will meet up, play along, string you along, make excuses and not follow through, sending no referrals. Sound familiar?

    In this episode of Mortgage Broker Acceleration, you’ll learn why this is a mindset and positioning problem, including the wrong and right mindset to approach (and win) referral partners. Essentially you have to do the exact opposite of what you’re currently doing.

    Accelerate Faster

    You can visit Broker Ideas Group to learn more about us, access special events and download useful resources designed exclusively for mortgage brokers.Want to work with James, Ash and the BIG team to grow your mortgage business faster? Our Growth Coach team can help you. Let's talk!
  • If you have referral partners but they are not sending you direct referrals every single week… then sorry to say you have been “friendzoned”.

    This is bad. You are not here to make friends.

    You are a broker and in business to make money by helping people and writing loans. To achieve this you need people to talk to, people to help, people who need a loan.

    If your so-called referral partners aren’t sending you referrals every week… then you are literally wasting your time, energy and money.

    The reality is if you are currently in this situation, it’s 100% your fault. The good news is you 100% have the ability to fix it.

    In this episode of Mortgage Broker Acceleration, you’ll learn how to escape the referral partner “friendzone”… and even better… avoid it from the start. If you want to know how to forge fun and fruitful referral relationships, this is for you.

    Accelerate Faster

    You can visit Broker Ideas Group to learn more about us, access special events and download useful resources designed exclusively for mortgage brokers.Want to work with James, Ash and the BIG team to grow your mortgage business faster? Our Growth Coach team can help you. Let's talk!
  • Want to know exactly what James did as a mortgage broker to generate leads and write millions in loans each month from his 3rd bedroom, with no staff, without having to see clients, and take 3 months holiday a year?

    Want to know how he then generated hundreds (actually probably in the thousands) of leads for other mortgage brokers using paid advertising on social media?

    Want to know the strategies James uses in his current business to generate hundreds (actually thousands) of leads and sell millions of dollars in business services (that actually help brokers and make them many times more than what they paid)?

    Well, that’s exactly what this episode of Mortgage Broker Acceleration is about. A case study with James Veigli in the firing line, and Ash Playsted asking the questions.

    Everything shared is 100% relevant to all brokers out there. James says he’s not a magician, he just learnt and worked hard to figure out what works. You have the chance to do the same.

    Accelerate Faster

    You can visit Broker Ideas Group to learn more about us, access special events and download useful resources designed exclusively for mortgage brokers.Want to work with James, Ash and the BIG team to grow your mortgage business faster? Our Growth Coach team can help you. Let's talk!
  • An interesting thing about the mortgage industry is that it’s both a highly technical profession as well as a highly personal profession.

    That means to be successful you need to be a great technician (i.e. credit analyst), understand how to do the numbers, structure the deals and provide solutions to clients.


    To be successful you also need to know how to market and sell yourself (i.e. sales person). Because being a great technician is useless if you have nobody to help.

    Enter the problem. The elephant in the room.

    Many brokers are not willing (this could be for many reasons) to do what’s required to market and sell themselves to generate enquiries. Many just don’t know how.

    Unfortunately, many brokers enter this industry without knowing this reality. It’s not their fault. Many also continue and struggle, writing barely any volume, oblivious to or avoiding this reality.

    If you are afraid (or are unwilling) to go out and sell yourself, then you should either not be a broker, or you should go and be a loan writer in a mortgage business that feeds you leads.

    Sounds a little harsh, but we see far too many square pegs in round holes, going through unnecessary hardship.

    It’s time to consider who you really are? And is this industry right for you?

    Have a listen to this episode of Mortgage Broker Acceleration, where James and Ash discuss the reality that if you want to be a successful mortgage broker… then you actually have to become a successful marketer and seller of mortgages.

    This one will hit home for sure.

    Accelerate Faster

    You can visit Broker Ideas Group to learn more about us, access special events and download useful resources designed exclusively for mortgage brokers.Want to work with James, Ash and the BIG team to grow your mortgage business faster? Our Growth Coach team can help you. Let's talk!