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    How does a seasoned physician weave together life-saving medical interventions and the transformative power of faith? Join us on "More Than Medicine" as we explore this profound intersection with Dr. Robert Jackson. In this week's episode, titled "One Effective Treatment," Dr. Jackson shares a gripping narrative of a football coach diagnosed with severe aortic stenosis in the 1990s, illustrating the critical urgency of both medical and spiritual decisions. Listen closely as he turns a life-threatening medical condition into a powerful metaphor for the spiritual rebirth available through Jesus, rooted in the profound message of John 1:12.

    Dr. Jackson doesn't stop there; he provides a comprehensive look at various medical conditions that require drastic surgical measures, such as certain cancers and syphilis, and how modern technology has revolutionized these treatments. This episode is a masterclass in blending practical medical knowledge with deep spiritual insights. Be prepared to gain not only valuable medical advice but also heartwarming reflections on the importance of faith when facing life's most critical challenges. Tune in and be inspired by the powerful stories and insights that highlight the indispensable balance between healthcare and spiritual well-being.



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    Is Israel's claim to its land biblically justified? Join us for an eye-opening discussion led by Dr. Robert Jackson and his special guest, Dr. Michael Cloer, a renowned expert in Bible prophecy and Middle Eastern affairs. We confront the heated topic of the United States' support for Israel amidst its ongoing conflict with Hamas. Dr. Cloer argues for a biblical worldview, asserting that Scripture is the ultimate authority on land ownership. He brings to light a contentious statement made by a Palestinian leader at the United Nations, emphasizing why Israel holds unparalleled significance according to the Bible. With seven compelling biblical points, Dr. Cloer starts with the assertion that all land belongs to the Lord and builds a strong case for Israel's claim to its territory.

    Our conversation doesn't stop there. We delve into the unbreakable nature of God's promises, focusing on the eternal covenants described in Scripture. Dr. Cloer dissects the blood covenant from Genesis 15, explaining how God's faithfulness underpins these covenants, dispelling the myth that the church has replaced Israel. We explore the ongoing conflict between Jews and Arabs, ultimately concluding that true peace will only be achieved with the return of Jesus Christ. Additionally, we unpack end-times prophecies from Isaiah, Zechariah, and Revelation, discussing the battle of Armageddon and the ultimate return of Jesus to bring lasting peace. If you're keen on understanding these profound and timely biblical insights, this episode is a must-listen.



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    Have you ever wondered what it feels like to witness a true miracle? Join Dr. Robert Jackson, in this episode of More Than Medicine as he recounts the awe-inspiring story of Jesus healing the paralytic in Mark 2:1-12. Drawing from my experience as a physician, I share personal insights into the limitations of modern medicine in treating paralysis and explore how this biblical miracle highlights the unmatched authority and power of Christ. Through poignant stories from my practice, I'll delve into the profound impact of sin—something that even the most advanced medical interventions can't touch—and reflect on the miraculous healing power of Jesus.

    Discover how embracing Jesus as your ultimate healer and Savior can transform your life. Through heartfelt testimonies, including a powerful account of a patient who experienced profound change, we emphasize the significance of confessing sins and repenting. This episode isn't just about stories from the past; it connects deeply with the ongoing struggles faced by individuals today. I encourage you to share these reflections with your loved ones and explore further resources through the Jackson Family Ministry. Tune in for an episode that promises to be both enlightening and spiritually enriching, highlighting the life-changing impact of faith and the boundless healing power of Jesus Christ.



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    Unlock groundbreaking insights into early COVID-19 treatments with Dr. JP Saleeby as we explore the revolutionary work of the Frontline COVID Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC). Learn about the organization's courageous use of repurposed drugs like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, and the formidable censorship they faced from pharmaceutical giants and academic institutions. Hear Dr. Saleeby's updates on the dynamic leadership of Dr. Joe Verone and the FLCCC's expanded focus on metabolic diseases, cancer, and mental health. Plus, get the inside scoop on the vital importance of uncensored medical discourse and the creation of an unbiased medical journal to drive scientific innovation.

    Discover how the Physicians for Freedom movement is championing the collective power of physicians in legislative matters, spotlighting the successful passage of the Help Not Harm bill in South Carolina. We delve into the influence of international bodies like the WHO on national medical practices and highlight the urgency for local medical communities to stand united. Concluding with a rallying call, we invite more physicians to join the South Carolina Physicians for Freedom organization to ensure their voices shape the future of healthcare legislation.



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    Can the ancient prophecies of Daniel shed light on our modern world? Join us as we unpack the final chapter of the book of Daniel and its striking relevance to today. From Daniel 12:4-12, we discuss why Daniel was told to seal up his visions until the end times, and how our current era’s knowledge explosion fits into this prophecy. You'll hear a comparison between the natural human understanding of God and the deeper spiritual insights granted to Christians. Our discussion highlights the severe end-time tribulations, the purification of the faithful, and the prophetic timeline of three and a half years of intense persecution. Discover how the wickedness of those following the Antichrist grows, while true spiritual comprehension is granted to those who are born again.

    Shifting gears, we delve into Matthew 24 to clarify its focus on the great tribulation, distinguishing it from the rapture discussed in 1 Thessalonians 4. We'll explore the purification process of the Jewish people during this tumultuous period, the separation of the righteous from the wicked, and the resurrection promise given to Daniel. Learn about the four distinct parts of the resurrection and the contrasting promises given to Old Testament and tribulation saints compared to today's believers in Jesus Christ. Stick around for a sneak peek at our upcoming discussions, where we'll share unique biblical insights drawn from experiences in the medical field. This episode promises to enrich your understanding of scripture and prophecy through an engaging and thought-provoking exploration.



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    Ready to hear insider secrets from the political trenches? Former State Senator Lee Bright joins us on More Than Medicine to reveal the untold stories of his eight-year tenure in the South Carolina senate. From fierce battles against the gas tax to his efforts in protecting privacy in restrooms, Lee opens up about the political maneuvers that led to his removal from office and his challenging run for Congress in 2018.

    Listen as Lee shares what fueled his return to the political arena, especially in light of the government's pandemic response and ongoing infrastructure issues. He passionately discusses the necessity for legislators who will champion medical freedom and individual liberties, and sheds light on the persistent procurement issues plaguing South Carolina's road repairs. Through his extensive experience and institutional knowledge, Lee is ready to confront these issues head-on if given another chance to serve. This is a must-listen episode for anyone interested in the intricate dynamics of local and national politics.



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    Embark on a journey through the turbulent end times as prophesied in the scriptures with the Jackson Family Ministry. Together, we scrutinize the seismic events forecasted in Daniel and Ezekiel, bearing witness to the refining fire that's set to sweep through Israel at the culmination of the tribulation period. As the chaff is separated from the wheat, we'll ponder the stark fate of those who've cast their lot with the antichrist, drawing a potent parallel to the body's innate defense mechanisms. Be prepared to grapple with the gravity of this divine judgment, and the mystery shrouding the revelation of Jesus Christ, while reinforcing the imperative for perpetual vigilance.

    In the heartfelt embrace of family devotions, we unite under the guidance of Dr. Papa, pluming the depths of eschatological judgments from the scriptures. As we prepare to dissect the judgment seat of Christ, the judgment of the nations, and the great white throne judgment in upcoming sessions, your participation becomes the cornerstone of our collective enlightenment. With thanks for your unwavering support, I extend an invitation to expand your engagement with our ministry through our array of resources. Together, let's fortify our faith and ready our hearts for the promised return of the Lord.



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    As the dust settles on another political skirmish, Spartanburg's own Rob Harris, a nurse with his heart in the operating room and his eyes on the political horizon, steps into our conversation today. Nurse by day, freedom fighter by twilight, Rob brings to the table a unique blend of Christian faith and constitutional conservatism that's as refreshing as it is rare. Sit back and journey with us through Rob's evolution from a precinct executive committeeman to a vital cog in the machine of the South Carolina Freedom Caucus, where he battles legislative corruption and champions fiscal responsibility with the tenacity of a father defending his family's future.

    This episode is not just a window into the soul of a political hopeful; it's a rallying cry for those who believe that integrity still has a place in our halls of power. Amidst slanderous attack ads and party conflicts, Rob and his Freedom Caucus compatriots stand unfazed, bolstered by the swelling ranks of volunteers and donors who share their vision. Listen closely as we peel back the layers of political bravado to reveal a collective heart beating for change, driven by a faith that insists on a brighter, more accountable future for the constituents of District 36 and beyond.



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    Discover the secrets that lie within the enigmatic Book of Daniel as Dr. Robert Jackson leads us through the profound prophecies and promises of the end times. Prepare to be captivated by the discourse on the Great Tribulation, the pivotal role of Michael the archangel, and the dichotomy of resurrection for the just and unjust. Dr. Jackson's expertise brings clarity to the complexities of biblical prophecy, offering encouragement and a beacon of hope for believers in Jesus Christ. The anticipation of salvation becomes tangible as we traverse the final chapter of Daniel, unearthing the deep-seated truths that have puzzled scholars for centuries.

    Venture further into the realms of Christian eschatology with a compelling discussion on life after death, where Dr. Jackson dissects the 'first resurrection' and its implications for the faithful. With insights into the Apostle Paul's teachings, the episode sheds light on the conscious existence of both the righteous and the wicked after death. The promise of reign with Christ for a thousand years is expounded upon, illuminating the pathway to hope and glory for those steadfast in their faith. As we eagerly await the conclusion of this divine narrative, we invite you to embrace the revelations that emerge through these scriptural explorations, and join us next week for a deep dive into the various judgments that await.



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    Step into the political and spiritual journey of Stephen Frank, as the Greenville native and insurance businessman lays out his vision for a political office once held by Adam Morgan. Drawing from his formative years steeped in the teachings at Bob Jones University, Stephen weaves a narrative that's both personal and profound, revealing how his Christian faith is the bedrock of his life and political ambitions. He's not one to shy away from hot-button issues such as pro-life initiatives and the unwavering support of Second Amendment rights, all underpinned by the belief that our rights are a divine endowment, not a governmental gift.

    As we navigate the complexities of politics and policy, we grapple with the potholed roads of bureaucracy and the quagmire of government overspending, seeking solutions through accountability and restructuring. Discussions pivot to the challenges of unchecked growth, the distortions of corporate welfare on free markets, and the disconnect between conservative citizens and a less conservative legislature. In the throes of this episode, Stephen Frank and I dissect the morality of abolishing state income tax and the resistance faced by reformists disrupting the status quo. It's a discourse that promises to leave you reflecting on the calibre of integrity and character that we should demand from those we elect to represent us.



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    Embark on a prophetic odyssey with me, Dr. Robert Jackson, as we traverse the historical landscapes of Daniel Chapter 11 on More Than Medicine. This episode unveils the tapestry of visions and prophecies that depict Israel's journey from the Persian era to the rise and fragmentation of Alexander the Great's empire. Discover how these ancient revelations, intertwined with the re-emergence of Israel as a nation in 1948, resonate with the unfolding of divine foresight and offer solace during tribulation.

    As we approach the end of our Daniel series, I invite you to reflect on the insights you've garnered and to carry these lessons into your daily interactions. As we start to conclude this enlightening exploration, my hope is that your spirit feels enriched and prepared for the spiritual nourishment that awaits in future episodes. Engage further with our teachings and find strength in the comforting truth that Jesus is more than enough, on More Than Medicine.



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    Embark on an intimate journey with us as we sit down with Dr. Bill DeVore, a remarkable figure who not only embodies the legacy of a family deeply rooted in the healing arts but also carries the torch as a compassionate anesthesiologist. His stories traverse the halls of medical school, where the Lord lead him to his partner for life, and extend into the complexities of healthcare and personal satisfaction derived from decades of patient care. The conversation takes a turn towards Dr. DeVore's bold strides into the political realm, revealing his motivations for pursuing a seat in the State House of Representatives and his drive to make a difference for the greater good through challenging yet rewarding pathways.

    In our exchange, we confront some of the most pressing topics at the intersection of medicine, freedom, and government oversight, casting a spotlight on the vigorous support for Senate Bill 975 in South Carolina. As a steadfast advocate for medical freedom and informed consent, I dissect the profound implications of government mandates and the significance of patient-centered care. Moreover, we celebrate the triumph of grassroots activism, as illustrated by the compelling "Help Not Harm" bill, a legislative victory spurred on by the collective efforts of concerned citizens and medical professionals like Dr. Miriam Grossman. The narrative unfolds further with personal reflections from the campaign trail, showcasing the potent force of community involvement in shaping health policy and defending the sanctity of personal choice for families across the nation.



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    Have you ever felt like your prayers are hitting a celestial ceiling? Join Dr. Robert Jackson as he guides you through the profound lessons of Daniel chapter 10, revealing the complex dynamics of spiritual warfare and the influence they can exert over our prayer lives. He'll share how Daniel's 21-day fast and his steadfast prayers shed light on the unseen battles that may cause delays in the responses we seek from above. Understand how the biblical depiction of demonic forces over nations could mirror the spiritual resistance we face today, and how faith and patience are essential in navigating these divine delays, as highlighted by the message from Isaiah 59:2 about sin's impact on our connection with God.

    Now, let's talk perseverance. It's essential, especially when your prayers seem to vanish into the ether. This episode delves into the power of aligning our prayers with God's will, as he discuss' the critical role of perseverance in prayer and fasting, and how these spiritual disciplines can impact the heavenly realm. Drawing from 1 John 5:14-15, Dr. Jackson explores how persistent prayer and fasting can help us break through demonic opposition like the 'prince of Persia', and he'll emphasize the vital practice of relying on the Lord rather than confronting these spiritual adversaries on our own. Learn from the intimate relationships biblical figures had with the divine, and be encouraged to maintain your faith journey, knowing that God's authority prevails in all spiritual conflicts.



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    Discover the profound impact of the New American through the discerning eyes of Rebecca Terrell, senior editor and my esteemed guest, whose journalistic roots and legislative expertise have shaped her into a formidable voice in the fight to preserve our republic. As we sit together, Rebecca's narrative unfolds, revealing her path from a family steeped in journalistic tradition to her influential tenure with Congressman Ron Paul. Her role in crafting key pieces of legislation such as the American Sovereignty Restoration Act reflects a deep-seated dedication to citizen engagement and the defense of national sovereignty. Our conversation illuminates the magazine's steadfast mission to educate and inspire action in these politically intricate times.

    A landmark Alabama Supreme Court decision has stirred a national conversation on the definition of human life, marking a pivotal moment in the pro-life movement. Rebecca and I explore the court's recognition of frozen embryos as human lives, delving into the scientific and ethical dimensions that bolster the argument that life begins at conception. Justice Tom Parker's ruling, rooted in religious and philosophical principles, has potential to influence a new wave of legal thought on the value of life. This discussion extends beyond the ruling itself, examining the contractual intricacies of fertility clinics and the broader societal implications of our attitudes towards life's inception.

    We confront the challenging cultural and ethical questions surrounding in vitro fertilization, abortion, and same-sex marriage, viewing them through the lens of depopulation and societal decline. The conversation takes a critical look at the repercussions of equating men's and women's societal roles, the importance of immigration in shaping national identity, and the power of returning to a God-centered way of life to remedy our cultural ailments. With gratitude for Rebecca's insightful contributions and her commitment to these pivotal issues, I invite you to join us in this exploration, and I encourage you to engage with our mission by sharing and following our content. Together, we can seek the path to repentance, humility, and societal healing as guided by our biblical foundations.



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    Embark on a prophetic expedition with me, Dr. Robert Jackson, as we traverse the enigmatic landscape of ancient visions and divine timelines. Prepare to unearth the profound mysteries of Daniel chapter 9, where prayer intertwines with prophecy, and angelic revelations shed light on God's masterful orchestration of history. We'll navigate the complexities of the seventy weeks, a divine clock counting down to pivotal moments in biblical and messianic prophecy that bridged the Old and New Testaments. Feel the anticipation build as we connect Daniel's experience with the announcements to Zechariah and the Virgin Mary, reinforcing the unbroken thread of God's promises throughout scripture.

    This episode unfurls the intricacies of the "seventy sevens" prophecy, breaking down celestial mathematics that point to the Messiah's arrival and the prophetic pause that ushers in the church age. Together, we'll ponder the implications of this pause, a divinely designed intermission that includes the Gentiles as co-heirs in the unfolding narrative of redemption. As we contemplate the forthcoming tribulation and the rise of the Antichrist, the message is clear: vigilance and purity are paramount as we await the consummation of a story written from creation's dawn. Join us for a journey through prophecy, where ancient texts illuminate our path and fortify our faith in the certainty of God's sovereign plan.



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    Embark on an insightful journey with Representative Josiah Magnuson, a true stalwart of South Carolina's conservative values, as he sits down with us here at More Than Medicine. Together, we unravel the threads of his life, from the humble beginnings in Fingerville to his influential role in shaping the future of Christian education with Palmetto Fortis. We celebrate the state's legislative triumphs, including the bold moves to dismantle the Certificate of Need law, empower gun owners through constitutional carry, and stem the tide of DEI and critical race theory at our universities. Dive into our conversation as we revel in the victories that fortify transparency and hold government spending to account.

    Prepare to navigate the complexities of fiscal responsibility within the palmetto state's corridors of power. We dissect the pressing need for zero-based budgeting—a tool to keep bureaucratic excess in check and ensure that our tax dollars amplify the voice of necessity over noise. Hear about my ambitions for the legislative future, where the crosshairs are firmly set on reeling in the undue influence of special interest groups and 'woke' corporate agendas. We're paving the way for judicial refinements and bolstering the backbone of our infrastructure, all while upholding the sanctity of life. This episode is a testament to South Carolina's unwavering commitment to its foundational principles and the protection of the unborn. Join us as we chart a course for a more accountable and morally grounded governance.



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    Have you ever pondered the connection between ancient prophecies and today's world events? Prepare to be captivated as we explore the enigmatic visions of Daniel Chapter 8, where the clash of empires and the heralding of end times come to life through prophetic symbols. We decode the mystery of the ram and the goat, powerful metaphors for the historical rise and fall of the Media-Persian and Greek empires, and the astonishing precision with which these events were foretold in scripture. The story doesn't end with the past; as we reveal how the figures within this vision, such as the small horn some interpret as the Antichrist, could be emerging from modern-day nations, perhaps even from among us.

    As we venture through these ancient warnings, our conversation takes on a heartfelt tone, impressing upon us the urgency to maintain a pure heart and vigilance in anticipation of what's to come. This episode of More Than Medicine isn't merely a history lesson; it's a clarion call to prepare for the return of the king. Join us in reflecting on how these timeless prophecies resonate in today's tumultuous times and discover how you can be part of sharing a message of hope and readiness that transcends centuries, impacting lives now as it has for generations before.



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    When faith collides with the hard truths of law enforcement, the journey is profound. Join me as I sit down with Sheriff Chuck Wright of Spartanburg County, a figure of strength and a testament to the transformation that a Christ-centered life can bring. Chuck isn't just a lawman; he's a beacon in our community, guiding us through his personal evolution from a 'weekend Christian' to a beacon of spiritual leadership. This heart-to-heart is a rare glimpse into how prayer, scripture, and a dedication to family can reshape a life, and consequently, impact the community at large, especially as we grapple with the pervasive issue of illegal drugs and the scourge of substances like fentanyl reaching our streets from unsecured borders.

    And then there's the opioid crisis—more than a headline, it's a reality that's tearing at the fabric of our homes right here in Spartanburg County. Through candid conversation, Sheriff Wright and I address the chilling ease with which addiction can take hold, often in the innocent aftermath of surgery or trauma. We share personal anecdotes and practical wisdom on managing prescription medications responsibly and turning to prayer and over-the-counter options as alternatives. For those entangled in the grip of addiction, there's a message of hope: our local detention center's support programs and the power of community and faith to nurture recovery. As Sheriff Wright spearheads his re-election campaign, it's clear that healing our county runs much deeper than upholding the law—it's about healing souls.



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    During a pause in our journey through the Book of Daniel, a chilling encounter from my days in the medical field serves as a stark reminder that the spiritual realms of Satan, demons, and angels are more than just ancient text—they're a present and active reality. I'm Dr. Robert Jackson, and in today's podcast, I lean on Charles C. Ryrie's "A Survey of Bible Doctrine" to shed light on the enigmatic figure of Satan and his followers, exploring their scriptural characteristics and the subtle ways they influence our everyday battles.

    As we navigate the treacherous waters of spiritual warfare, I share the keys to not only surviving but triumphing in the face of such unseen forces. The indomitable power of the Holy Spirit dwelling within us, together with Jesus' unwavering intercession, arms us with an unmatched strength against these adversarial entities. I delve into the strategies for safeguarding our spirits through the armor of God and the power of prayer, setting the stage for our next discussion on demons and the spiritual endurance exemplified by Daniel. Remember, you're not alone in this fight—join me, Dr. Papa, on Devotions with Dr. Papa, as we fortify our understanding and resolve.



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    Have you ever considered the coincidences that are too significant to ignore? In Part 2 of Our latest More Than Medicine episode we take a heartfelt look at the complex and emotional debate tying childhood vaccinations to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). I navigate through personal insights and my research odyssey that shed light on alarming connections, especially the baffling cases involving identical twins suffering SIDS post-vaccination. These rare but telling events compel us to question the mainstream narrative and address the hesitancy within the healthcare community to publish findings that stray from accepted viewpoints.

    This conversation extends to a deep dive into the perturbing patterns linking the DPT vaccine with SIDS instances, stirring a pot of international studies and policy shifts that hint at underlying risks in our immunization calendars. Casting a critical eye on the drop in Florida's infant mortality corresponding with lowered vaccination rates during the pandemic, we unearth perspectives that could redefine pediatric healthcare protocols. Join us as we pursue the truth with compassion, guided by the teachings of Jesus, and inviting our listeners to engage with and contribute to this crucial dialogue.

