"Moon Over Africa" was a radio serial that originally aired in 1935. It was produced by Frank Schofield for the South African Broadcasting Corporation. The show's storyline revolves around the adventures of Dr. Paul Deruga, a scientist who discovers a lost city in Africa. As he explores this hidden civilization, he encounters various dangers and intrigues. The series featured elements of adventure, mystery, and suspense, with a focus on African culture and folklore.
One of the notable aspects of "Moon Over Africa" was its use of sound effects and music to create a vivid auditory experience for the listeners. The show's atmospheric soundscapes and dramatic score added to the exotic and adventurous tone of the series.
The radio serial gained popularity among audiences during its initial run and has since become a cult classic in the world of Old Time Radio. It is remembered for its engaging storytelling, exotic settings, and immersive sound production. "Moon Over Africa" is a significant part of the history of radio drama and continues to be appreciated by fans of classic radio programming.
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