
  • This is the third episode of my podcast series about paychecks. Today, I discuss bi-weekly and twice-monthly pay cycles.

    It doesn't matter how you get paid; it matters how you think about and manage your money. Whether you get bi-weekly or twice-monthly paychecks, zero-based budgeting is essential. I provide a practical framework for calculating your monthly spending plan based on your pay schedule and how to account for extra income. Most importantly, I stress the importance of maintaining a consistent budgeting approach regardless of pay frequency so you can spend drama-free.

    Following these strategies will build financial confidence and break the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle. Tune in to learn more about budgeting for your pay cycle and transforming the way you think about and manage your finances.

    Stay tuned for insights on these topics:

    [02:30] Bi-weekly vs. twice monthly paycheck cycles

    [04:10] The illusion of making less or more

    [05:20] Zero-based budgeting for bi-weekly and twice monthly pay cycles

    [07:25] Misconceptions about the 3rd paycheck

    [10:58] Importance of a spending plan

    Tune into this episode of Money Files to learn how to manage your finances with a bi-weekly or twice monthly pay cycle.

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript:


    Links mentioned in this episode…

    Set up a call | Financial Coach Washington, DC | Wealth Over Now

    Paycheck Series: Build the Habit of Checking Your Pay Stub - Wealth Over Now

    Download my FREE spending plan

  • Navigating your pay stub as a freelancer or 1099 contractor can feel daunting especially when you’re responsible for paying your own taxes or navigating fluctuations in pay.Today, I discuss paycheck management strategies for people who work as freelancers or 1099 contractors as a primary source of income.

    From tax-saving strategies to creating a PTO system for yourself, I guide you through essential steps to manage your money effectively as a 1099 contractor. Whether you are new to freelancing or a seasoned contractor, this episode offers valuable insights to optimize your paychecks, prepare for the future, and hit your money goals.

    Tune in to learn how to navigate the complexities of earning a 1099 income and set yourself up for financial success!

    Stay tuned for insights on these topics:

    [03:00] System for saving for taxes

    [04:31] Accounting for expenses

    [05:58] Creating a PTO savings account

    [07:15] Giving yourself a paycheck

    [08:42] Planning for retirement

    [10:03] Consider forming an S-corporation

    [14:30] What to do when your 1099 is a side hustle

    Tune into this episode of Money Files to learn how to manage your paycheck as a 1099 contractor.

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript:


    Links mentioned in this episode…

    Set up a call | Financial Coach Washington, DC | Wealth Over Now
    16 | How Lourdes Learned to Manage Fluctuating Income

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  • Checking your pay stub is not just a financial task, it's a habit that can transform your financial journey. You may be used to the rhythm of your paydays, knowing when that deposit hits your account. But how often do you actually scrutinize your paystub? Let's start building this crucial habit together.

    In today's episode, I underscore the importance of checking your pay stub. If you want to spend drama-free, you have to know your numbers. The first step is understanding every detail about your paycheck, noticing fluctuations or unexpected deposits, and staying informed. Whether there are changes in payroll processors, shifts in benefit deductions, or misunderstanding a bonus structure, building the habit of checking your pay stub puts you in control of your numbers.

    Stay tuned for insights on these topics:

    [01:09] Make a habit of checking your pay stub

    [02:10] check at the beginning of the year

    [04:30] check every payday

    [06:46] check for bonuses and overtime

    [08:35] Noticing fluctuations in pay

    Tune into this episode of Money Files to why it is important to build the habit of checking your pay stub.

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript:


    Links mentioned in this episode…

    Set up a call | Financial Coach Washington, DC | Wealth Over Now

    How Fake Math Is Killing Your Budget - Wealth Over Now

  • In 2024, I want to help you earn more money! Today, I am joined by Leigha May to continue the conversation about under-earning. Leigha is a career and executive leadership coach who helps her clients get the pay they deserve.

    Leigha shares everything you need to know about under-asking. We discuss the tendency to under-ask based on limiting beliefs shaped by our upbringings and societal influences. We also talk about the importance of seeing your paycheck as a business transaction, focusing on the value you bring to the organization rather than personal worth.

    Then, we tackle practical strategies for negotiating salary increases and confidently advocating for yourself. Whether you want a pay bump in a current role or are actively searching for a new job, Leigha's invaluable insights will help you earn more money!

    Stay tuned for insights on these topics:

    [02:20] What is under-asking

    [05:30] Leigha’s journey

    [09:20] Common pitfalls

    [12:12] Asking for more in a current role vs. job hunting

    [22:24] Determining your value

    Tune into this episode of Money Files to learn how to stop under-asking, earn more money, and get a salary you deserve.

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript:


    Links mentioned in this episode…

    Set up a call | Financial Coach Washington, DC | Wealth Over Now

    EP. 120 3 Essential Steps to Auditing Your Money Team for Financial Growth

    Leigha May Coaching

    Submit a HR Note to Leigha’s Podcast

    30 Day Confidence Challenge

    The Worklife Coach Podcast

  • In today's episode, I continue the conversation about under-earning. Money is a tool that can get you anywhere you desire to be, so regardless of your current position or financial status, I want you to make more money!

    I guide you through a series of exercises to help cultivate a six-figure mindset based on achieving your dream salary. This concept isn't about making more money for the sake of making more money. Building a six-figure mindset is about establishing goals, exploring possibilities, and confirming the belief that your earning potential is limitless. By clearly outlining your vision for the future and reaffirming a positive financial mindset, no goal is too big.

    Whether you've just landed a promotion or are currently at your highest income level, this episode is for you!

    Stay tuned for insights on these topics:

    [02:49] Introduction to a 6-figure mindset

    [05:20] Reflecting on the past and imagining the future

    [08:46] Exploring possibilities

    [10:00] Establishing beliefs around a 6-figure mindset

    [12:17] Leveraging a dream budget

    [15:21] Setting goals

    Tune into this episode of Money Files to learn how to create a 6-figure mindset around your dream salary number.

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript: https://wealthovernow.com/how-to-build-a-6-figure-mindset/

    Links mentioned in this episode…

    Set up a call | Financial Coach Washington, DC | Wealth Over Now

    How To Build A Money Team - Wealth Over Now

    Negotiating for the Salary You Desire & Deserve with Kim Tran - Wealth Over Now

    How To Make A Career Pivot with Kim Tran - Wealth Over Now

    Exploring A New Mindset To Make More Money: The Ownership Of You - Wealth Over Now

    You Are A Badass At Making Money: Jen Sincero

    Overcoming Underearning(R): A Five-Step Plan to a Richer Life

  • In this episode, I continue my podcast series about underearning. You need to audit your money team to feed your earning potential. Surrounding yourself with the right people and resources is essential to getting the salary you deserve.

    I share the three most effective ways to audit your money team. Finding people who positively contribute to your mindset about earning more money will help you aim higher professionally. Whether it is someone you know personally, a voice that inspires you, or a learning resource, building a money team that shifts limiting beliefs and encourages your growth significantly impacts earning potential.

    Are you ready to unlock new opportunities and transform your financial future? Listen to learn how a support network and money team can help you earn more.

    Stay tuned for insights on these topics:

    [01:14] Recognizing our thoughts about money come from the people around us

    [11:29] Auditing your money team to feed your earning potential

    [15:06] Cut out people who confirm your biases

    [15:49] Invest in a book or podcast about earning more money

    [23:12] Find someone who inspires you to earn more

    Tune into this episode of Money Files to learn how to audit your money team to feed your earning potential.

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript: https://wealthovernow.com/3-essential-steps-to-auditing-your-money-team-for-financial-growth/

    Links mentioned in this episode…

    Set up a call | Financial Coach Washington, DC | Wealth Over Now

    How To Build A Money Team - Wealth Over Now

    Negotiating for the Salary You Desire & Deserve with Kim Tran - Wealth Over Now

    How To Make A Career Pivot with Kim Tran - Wealth Over Now

    Exploring A New Mindset To Make More Money: The Ownership Of You - Wealth Over Now

    You Are A Badass At Making Money: Jen Sincero

    Overcoming Underearning(R): A Five-Step Plan to a Richer Life

  • Welcome to the first episode of my new series about underearning! I will not allow you to make less than your worth. Let's make a goal for 2024 to leverage earning potential and get the salary your experience, expertise, and knowledge demands.

    The root cause of under-earning is a mindset block. You aren't earning more because you aren't asking for more. But breaking free from under-earning isn't just about asking for a raise. It's about confronting the fears that hold us back, like the fear of hearing "no." Rejection is part of the journey but also a stepping stone towards growth. Surrounding yourself with people who uplift and support your financial goals and building a financial safety net will also give you the confidence to ask for a raise.

    Throughout this series, I'll dive deeper into each aspect of under-earning and how to overcome it. It's time to stop settling and start making the money you deserve!

    Stay tuned for insights on these topics:

    [02:40] Keina’s experience asking for and earning more [07:15] You don’t earn more because you don’t ask for more [07:23] Find your number [09:19] Fear of hearing no [12:37] You have a broke money team [15:51] Building an emergency fund

    Tune into this episode of Money Files to learn how to break free from mindset blocks, confront fears, and get the salary you deserve.

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript:


    Links mentioned in this episode…

    Set up a call | Financial Coach Washington, DC | Wealth Over Now

    How To Build A Money Team - Wealth Over Now

    You Are A Badass At Making Money: Jen Sincero

    Overcoming Underearning(R): A Five-Step Plan to a Richer Life

  • If you feel like your spending is out of control, it's time to revisit your budget. An effective budget isn't about restriction; it's about aligning your money goals and values with your spending habits. Getting intentional with your spending will shift your financial taste buds and change the way you think and feel about money!

    In today's episode, I share how a client has progressed from uncertainty around her finances to drama-free spending. I share a situation where she felt like she had overspent and how we worked together to overcome feelings of judgment and shame. In just a few months, this client has gained clarity and control over her finances and developed a healthier relationship with money. Now, she is empowered to spend money on things that really matter to her without destroying her budget.

    Are you ready to change your financial taste buds and save thousands of dollars without feeling restricted? Tune in to learn how intentional budgeting and mindful spending will radically change your finances!

    Stay tuned for insights on these topics:

    [01:45] Helping clients through feelings of failure

    [06:20] Financial taste buds change

    [15:00] Impact of intentional spending

    Tune into this episode of Money Files to learn how to shift your financial tastes buds and spend intentionally!

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript: https://wealthovernow.com/shifting-your-financial-taste-buds-the-power-of-intentional-spending/

    Links mentioned in this episode…

    Set up a call | Financial Coach Washington, DC | Wealth Over Now

  • In this week's Financial Spring Cleaning series episode, I challenge you to reflect on the first 90 days of 2024. It's unbelievable how quickly time flies, and it is so important to take a step back to evaluate our financial progress, goals, and habits.

    Reflecting on what has worked well in the past quarter allows us to celebrate our progress and identify areas of growth. Acknowledging our achievements, whether it's consistently saving money, paying off debt, or investing wisely, is essential. Conversely, recognizing what didn't work allows for honest self-assessment and the opportunity to course-correct. In addition to reflecting on Q1, it's time to refresh intentions and goals so we can continue to foster positive money habits.

    By envisioning where we want to be in the future, whether it's April 2025 or the next six months, we can chart a clear path toward financial success. My goal is to empower you to take control of your finances so you can spend drama-free and confidently pursue your dreams!

    Tune in for insights on these topics:

    [02:10] Write out financial goals and intentions

    [05:45] Audit Q1 - what is going well?

    [07:51] What didn’t work in Q1?

    [09:00] What do you want to do differently?

    Tune into this episode of Money Files to learn how to do a 90-day financial reflection and stay on track to hit your money goals in 2024!

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript:


    Links mentioned in this episode…

    Set up a call | Financial Coach Washington, DC | Wealth Over No

  • Budgeting isn't just about paying bills. It's about understanding your spending patterns and making informed decisions. Our spending habits shift with the seasons. With warmer weather comes the temptation to indulge in outdoor activities, dining out, and vacations.

    In today's episode, I share how to create a 90-day financial plan so you can vacation without stressing over your finances. Looking at your calendar and estimating costs for upcoming travel and holidays allows you to anticipate spikes in spending so you can feel in control. Predicting vacation expenses like eating out, hotels, gas money, and souvenir shopping gives a realistic expectation of your spending so you can make informed choices.

    By taking a proactive approach to budgeting, you'll enjoy your vacations without the post-trip financial hangover!

    Stay tuned for insights on these topics:

    [01:20] Money has seasons [03:45] Vacation planning [04:50] 90-day travel plan [09:00] Expenses to plan for [13:30] Consider overspending opportunities

    Tune into this episode of Money Files to learn how a 90-day travel budget plan allows for drama-free vacation spending!

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript: https://wealthovernow.com/financial-spring-cleaning-planning-your-vacation-budget-for-the-next-90-days/

    Links mentioned in this episode…

    Set up a call | Financial Coach Washington, DC | Wealth Over Now

  • Are you considering buying a home in 2024? Whether you are just starting to think about buying a home or you’re already working hard to save a down payment, there are five essential steps you need to take before committing to a mortgage.

    This episode is part two of my financial spring cleaning series, and today, I want to focus on preparing to become a homeowner. From getting into the right mindset and overcoming money insecurities to exploring finance options, I share the five-part framework I used to buy my first home. Saving for a down payment is important, but there is so much else you need to do to prepare for homeownership. If buying a home is one of your goals in 2024, this episode is for you!

    Stay tuned for insights on these topics:

    [01:40] Shifting your mindset

    [05:30] Step 1: Create a budget of current expenses

    [06:20] Step 2: Create a home budget

    [10:20] Step 3: Explore financing options

    [13:25] Step 4: Build a relationship with a realtor

    [14:25] Step 5: Revisit your home budget

    Tune into this episode of Money Files to learn five essential steps you should take to prepare for homeownership.

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript: https://wealthovernow.com/5-smart-financial-moves-to-make-home-buying-easier/

    Links mentioned in this episode…

    Set up a call | Financial Coach Washington, DC | Wealth Over Now

  • I'm excited to kick off a special podcast series focusing on financial spring cleaning! Today, we're diving into a topic on everyone's mind this time of year – tax refunds.

    Whether you've already filed your taxes or are still putting the pieces together, it's essential to think strategically about your tax refund. Putting your tax refund towards debt might feel good temporarily, but it's not a long-term solution. If it were effective, you wouldn't be back in the same debt cycle year after year. You need a better plan, and I'm here to guide you through it!

    In this episode, I outline four ways you can leverage your tax refund to set yourself up to meet your money goals in 2024. From how to create a zero-based budget to planning for upcoming expenses to investing in money management tools, I give you detailed, actionable steps to help you make real progress managing debt. (Hint - none involve paying off a credit card with your tax refund!) If you are ready to break the debt cycle and change how you think about and manage your finances, tune in to learn how your tax refund can be the first step toward achieving financial freedom.

    Stay tuned for insights on these topics:

    [01:30] Why you shouldn’t put your tax refund towards debt

    [03:15] 4 things to do with your tax refund

    [03:30] Outline a zero-based budget

    [06:12] 90-day financial forecast

    [12:00] Split refund up to hit multiple money goals

    [14:80] Invest in coaching

    Tune into this episode of Money Files to learn why you shouldn’t use your tax refund to pay off debt!

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript: https://wealthovernow.com/financial-spring-cleaning-4-things-you-should-do-with-your-tax-refund/

    Links mentioned in this episode…

    Set up a call | Financial Coach Washington, DC | Wealth Over Now
    Download my free spending plan

  • Your financial well-being shouldn't hinge on your next paycheck. If you are potentially affected by the impending government shutdown or can't take time off of work because missing a pay cycle means you can't pay your bills, this episode is for you!

    If the thought of missing your next paycheck scares you, I want you to start prioritizing your financial health this year and start managing your money intentionally. In this episode, I guide you through practical and actionable steps to break free from this cycle. From crafting a comprehensive budget to identifying essential expenses and establishing a robust emergency fund, I will help you create a future without financial anxiety.

    I might ruffle some feathers with this episode, but that's okay because discomfort often leads to positive change, and my message is an opportunity for you to get out of the paycheck to paycheck cycle.

    Stay tuned for insights on these topics:

    [03:27] Stop quiet quitting

    [05:29] Implications of a government shutdown

    [10:58] You shouldn’t be living paycheck to paycheck

    [13:36] The difference a financial plan makes

    [16:16] Actionable steps to improve your financial health

    Tune into this episode of Money Files to learn how to break free of the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle and take control of your financial health!

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript: https://wealthovernow.com/why-you-shouldnt-depend-on-payday/

    Links mentioned in this episode…

    Set up a call | Financial Coach Washington, DC | Wealth Over Now

  • So many people hesitate to start working with a money coach because they fear their short-term progress will disappear once the coaching container is complete. But that's not true! I work with clients to make long-lasting changes in how they manage and think about their finances.

    In today's episode, I welcome Jeanine back to the podcast. She recaps how she has been managing her finances since working with me. During this client check-in we review Jeanine's current financial mindset, recent money wins, and permanent changes she has noticed in how she thinks about and manages her money. From candid stories about leveraging health insurance to pare down medical bills to thrifty tricks Jeanine adopted to help curb spending, this client recap is inspiring and relatable!

    If you're considering hiring a money coach but wonder about the long-term value, this episode is a must-listen. Jeanine's journey speaks volumes – she's bought a house and paid off debt while maintaining a healthy money mindset. Her story is a testament to the fact that the tools acquired through financial coaching are not just for the moment – they last a lifetime! So, let's dive in and discover the transformative power of investing in your financial well-being.

    Stay tuned to hear insights on these critical topics during this episode:

    [02:30] Reflecting on Jeanine’s money mindset after coaching

    [05:25] Which money management tactics Jeanine tried before coaching

    [16:55] Big financial wins for Jeanine

    [23:25] Brining financial coaching tools into a relationship

    [25:15] Paying for coaching on a credit card

    [28:15] Impact of getting a financial coach’s perspective on spending and budgeting

    [30:22] How Jeanine’s made her money back from buying coaching

    Tune into this episode of Money Files to learn the lasting impact of financial coaching!

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript: https://wealthovernow.com/three-years-later-with-jeanine-what-does-life-look-like-after-financial-coaching/

    Links mentioned in this episode…

    Set up a call | Financial Coach Washington, DC | Wealth Over Now

  • We are not using fake math in 2024! In today's episode, I expose the pitfalls of using fake math (guesstimations) and how it kills your budget.

    The problem with fake math isn't about your ability to add or list out expenses. Fake math uses inaccurate numbers to estimate spending and causes you to leave money on the table. Whether it's incorrectly guessing grocery bills or overlooking occasional costs like hair appointments, small inaccuracies add up and destroy your budget. To spend drama-free, you must eliminate fake numbers from your budget and ensure every dollar is accounted for.

    Are you ready to say goodbye to fake math and take control of your budget? Listen to learn how using real numbers will help you reach your money goals!

    Stay tuned to hear insights on these critical topics during this episode:

    [01:00] What is fake math

    [05:00] Coaching away from using fake math

    [07:00] How to identify when you are using fake math and why you should avoid it

    Tune into this episode of Money Files to learn how fake math kills your budget!

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript: https://wealthovernow.com/how-fake-math-is-killing-your-budget/

    Links mentioned in this episode…

    Set up a call | Financial Coach Washington, DC | Wealth Over Now

  • January is a popular month for No Spend challenges. But temporary financial restriction is not the answer to better money habits. Let's ditch the challenges and focus on a budgeting plan that fosters financial clarity and allows us to spend purposefully.

    In today's episode, I expose the pitfalls of short-term money challenges. We are not doing No Spend challenges in 2024! Instead, we will create a sustainable system that aligns with our desired lifestyle. By shifting away from a scarcity mindset, we pave the way for a positive and drama-free approach to spending.

    Say goodbye to restrictive money challenges and welcome the freedom that comes with a structured and mindful approach to our finances!

    Stay tuned to hear insights on these critical topics during this episode:

    [02:00] Why no spend challenges are problematic

    [07:00] Creating a system to spend money drama-free

    Tune into this episode of Money Files to learn why no spend challenges don’t work and what to do instead!

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript: https://wealthovernow.com/skip-the-no-spend-challenge-learn-how-to-save-amp-spend-money-drama-free/

    Links mentioned in this episode…

    Set up a call | Financial Coach Washington, DC | Wealth Over Now

  • Believe it or not, financial coaches have debt, too! In today's episode, I share how a financial coach manages, leverages, and pays off debt. I tell you everything from my early experiences with credit cards to borrowing money to invest in high-value coaching. I give you an indepth look at the complexities of my business and personal debt and my methods for paying off if off. I cover everything from how to identify the root causes of debt to actionable strategies you can implement to create a sustainable, drama-free spending lifestyle.

    Are you ready to redefine your relationship with debt? Get inspired by my journey with debt and learn new methods to gain confidence in managing debt and spending money intentionally.

    Stay tuned to hear insights on these critical topics during this episode:

    [02:10] Starting relationship with debt & credit cards

    [05:20] Leveraging & paying off debt in my business

    [15:35] Questions to help avoid personal debt

    [20:55] Paying down personal debt

    Tune into this episode of Money Files to learn how a financial coach pays off debt.

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript: https://wealthovernow.com/mastering-debt-how-a-financial-coach-leverages-manages-and-pays-off-debt/

    Links mentioned in this episode…

    Set up a call | Financial Coach Washington, DC | Wealth Over Now

  • As a financial coach, my goal is for my clients to have choices. I want you to be able to spend money however you want. Consistently saving money allows you to engage in drama-free spending. But a lot of people find it challenging to save money. They set a goal to save a certain amount every month, and when they can't do that, they decide to give up altogether.

    In today's episode, I share my journey of saving money. I explain how my confidence in saving money has grown exponentially over the years, but I also highlight some challenges I experienced. Everyone's path to financial freedom might look slightly different, but the importance of budgeting and saving money never changes. It's time to release the shame and insecurity around money and start building wealth and the future you desire.

    If one of your goals for 2024 is to save money consistently, this episode is for you! Stay tuned to hear insights on these critical topics during this episode:

    [08:00] Keina’s backstory on saving

    [14:25] How earning more money and building savings are related

    [20:24] Challenges and learnings

    [27:00] Confidence managing money vs. making money

    [29:10] Savings goals

    Tune into this episode of Money Files to learn how saving money consistently helps to build wealth.

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript: https://wealthovernow.com/what-ive-learned-about-saving-money-as-a-financial-coach/

    Links mentioned in this episode…

    Set up a call | Financial Coach Washington, DC | Wealth Over Now

    How To Overcome Financial Setbacks - Wealth Over Now

  • Today, I'm joined by a former client, Muhawu Lumeya, whom I had the pleasure of working with about two and a half years ago.

    We discuss the concept of wealth beyond just monetary figures, exploring how intentional time with family and strategic financial decisions contribute to a fulfilling life. Muhawu reflects on her shift from financial anxiety to a mindset of abundance, sharing the profound impact of our coaching partnership.

    Join us as we uncover the layers of wealth, from health and generosity to the unexpected surprises that arise when taking control of the financial narrative.

    Hot topics discussed in this episode include:

    [03:13] The concept of wealth beyond monetary value

    [05:19] How health, rest, and generosity contribute to wealth

    [19:07] The impact of financial coaching on mindset and financial decisions.

    [25:49] The interconnectedness of personal and financial growth

    [34:14] The ongoing impact of the coaching partnership even after two and a half years.

    [37:15] Navigating the complexities of shame associated with money.

    If you've ever felt stuck or overwhelmed by money matters, this episode is a testament to the power of shifting your mindset and embracing the journey toward true wealth.

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript: https://wealthovernow.com/ripple-effects-of-coaching-two-years-later-with-muhawu/

    Links mentioned in this episode…

    Set up a call | Financial Coach Washington, DC | Wealth Over Now

  • In today's episode, I share how I budget as a financial coach. Budgeting is the second step in my five-step plan for building wealth, and I give you my perspective on personal and business budgeting.

    First, I explain the power of a zero-based budget, where every dollar has a purpose. I highlight how this approach brings clarity and flexibility in spending while aligning with my financial goals. Then, I explain how my personal and business budgets intertwine in my three-tiered budgeting strategy.

    I am spotlighting how I budget to inspire you to make changes in your finances. Whether your goal is to pay off debt, save for the future, or get set up for retirement, this episode guides you in creating budgets that fit your unique circumstances.

    Stay tuned to hear insights on these key topics during this episode:

    [01:10] Zero-based budgeting explained

    [04:55] How my business budget informs my personal budget

    [10:40] Why I have 3 personal budgets

    [16:25] Budgeting is not about restriction

    Tune into this episode of Money Files to learn how I leverage budgeting in my personal and business finances as a money coach.

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript: https://wealthovernow.com/how-i-align-my-budget-spending-and-future-goals-as-a-financial-coach/

    Links mentioned in this episode…

    Set up a call | Financial Coach Washington, DC | Wealth Over Now

    Understanding Your Financial Self Concept

    How Brent Ditched Perfectionism and Got Intentional with His Spending - Wealth Over Now

    How to Use Financial Visioning to Achieve Your Money Goals