The Enneagram is an amazing tool when it comes to self awareness and others awareness. Today we are going to see how this tool can have a huge impact on our parenting as well as our marriage.Our different personality types cause us to parent and interact with our kids in different ways. So this can be really eye opening for your parenting with some things you do really well and some trouble spots you may not realize are there. If you missed part 1, go back and listen to episode 206 for enneagram types 1-4. Today we talk about types 5-9. It's important to hear about all 9 types to gain a good understanding of possible motivations of others. MEET TYLER:Tyler Zach is a certified Enneagram coach and co-founding pastor of One Hope Church in Omaha, Nebraska. Tyler's @gospelforenneagram Instagram account has seen remarkable growth, attracting a vibrant community of over 47,000 followers. As an self-published author, Tyler has written a faith-based 40-day devotional for all 9 Enneagram personality types. Additionally, he is actively involved in producing and hosting the EnneaSummit, a virtual conference that brings thousands of Enneagram enthusiasts together to learn from world-class speakers. CONNECT WITH TYLER:Web Site: https://www.tylerzach.comInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/gospelforenneagramFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/gospelforenneagramFREE Resources: https://www.tylerzach.com/free (Self-Typing Guide to help you discover your Type and a FREE 5-Day Devotional for your Enneagram Type)40-Day Enneagram Devotional for your Type: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08VGPJTX6
Get Your Motherhood Cheat Sheets: 4 Cheat Sheets Every Mom Needs To Stress Less And Enjoy Motherhood More: Conquer Clutter, Master Time, Set Boundaries & Simplify Dinner! www.mommadeplans.com/cheatsheetsLearn The Assign A Time Method:The easy 1 step productivity hack to get more done. www.mommadeplans.com/timeWhere To Start Quiz:-Motherhood is overwhelming - take the quiz and find out which part of your home/life to focus on improving first! Where To Start Quiz
CONNECT WITH JULIE:Website > http://www.mommadeplans.comInstagram > https://www.instagram.com/mommadeplans/Email > julie@mommadeplans.comEmail List Signup > https://tinyurl.com/mommadeplansemail
The Enneagram is an amazing tool when it comes to self awareness. Today we are going to get even more from this tool by looking at it from a parenting perspective. Our different personality types cause us to parent and interact with our kids in different ways. So this can be really eye opening for your parenting with some things you do really well and some trouble spots you may not realize are there. In part 1 we first debunk some myths about the origins of the enneagram and then dive into the first 4 types. I know there's going to be some head nodding and aha moments so lets get to it! MEET TYLER:Tyler Zach is a certified Enneagram coach and co-founding pastor of One Hope Church in Omaha, Nebraska. Tyler's @gospelforenneagram Instagram account has seen remarkable growth, attracting a vibrant community of over 47,000 followers. As an self-published author, Tyler has written a faith-based 40-day devotional for all 9 Enneagram personality types. Additionally, he is actively involved in producing and hosting the EnneaSummit, a virtual conference that brings thousands of Enneagram enthusiasts together to learn from world-class speakers. CONNECT WITH TYLER:Web Site: https://www.tylerzach.comInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/gospelforenneagramFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/gospelforenneagramFREE Resources: https://www.tylerzach.com/free (Self-Typing Guide to help you discover your Type and a FREE 5-Day Devotional for your Enneagram Type)40-Day Enneagram Devotional for your Type: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08VGPJTX6
Join The Style & Strategy Club: Earring of the month subscription for overwhelmed moms. Stylish earrings to make you feel put together and intentional productivity guide to help you feel like you have it together. www.mommadeplans.com/clubEarring Personality Quiz For Moms:What do your earrings reveal about your personality? Find out in this fun quiz! www.mommadeplans.com/stylequizWhere To Start Quiz:-Motherhood is overwhelming - take the quiz and find out which part of your home/life to focus on improving first! Where To Start Quiz
CONNECT WITH JULIE:Website > http://www.mommadeplans.comInstagram > https://www.instagram.com/mommadeplans/Email > julie@mommadeplans.comEmail List Signup > https://tinyurl.com/mommadeplansemail
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Get Your Motherhood Cheat Sheets: 4 Cheat Sheets Every Mom Needs To Stress Less And Enjoy Motherhood More: Conquer Clutter, Master Time, Set Boundaries & Simplify Dinner! www.mommadeplans.com/cheatsheets---Getting real today with this idea of getting out of overwhelm... it's just not possible to have no overwhelm in motherhood. There are way too many balls we are juggling to stay on top of organizing our home, parenting, schedules, appointments, dinner, work and more. So how do we expect to get out of overwhelm?Is that really the end goal we think we are going to reach? I'm here to share that's not it and what I believe the true goal is in order for us to feel less stressed out. We are going to reduce overwhelm but it's never going to be completely out of the picture. So join me in this chat to see what to focus on instead...
Join The Style & Strategy Club: Earring of the month subscription for overwhelmed moms. Stylish earrings to make you feel put together and intentional productivity guide to help you feel like you have it together. www.mommadeplans.com/clubEarring Personality Quiz For Moms:What do your earrings reveal about your personality? Find out in this fun quiz! www.mommadeplans.com/stylequizWhere To Start Quiz:-Motherhood is overwhelming - take the quiz and find out which part of your home/life to focus on improving first! Where To Start Quiz
CONNECT WITH JULIE:Website > http://www.mommadeplans.comInstagram > https://www.instagram.com/mommadeplans/Email > julie@mommadeplans.comEmail List Signup > https://tinyurl.com/mommadeplansemail
Take the 2024 survey to share your advice and win the chance for free earrings!www.mommadeplans.com/survey--Creativity in your kids doesn't look like just arts and crafts; although that's what we typically associate with creativity. Today we unlearn creative standards and realize what creativity actually looks like... it has a lot more to do with our mindset than our painting skills. There's some awesome practical tips on how to teach the skill of creativity. And we also get reminders on ways we may be supressing our kids creativity which I have totally been guilty of... curious if you're a lego creativity squasher as well?!Here's some takeaways to listen for:-Need for creativity especially now in the age of AI & social media-Creativity isn't just arts and crafts-Exposure to all the creative domains -The steps to growing a creative mindset-Creative independence learned from Legos-Learning to be silly as an adult-Being a creative role modelMeet Jeff Fajans, PhD-I’m the proud dad of Hendrix, a lively 5.5-year-old, and the creator of a unique style of kids’ music that actually rocks under the artist name MrBoodaddy. Tess Taylor, President of the National Association for Record Industry Professionals, has even dubbed my style as “Beastie Boys for Babies” – a blend that's as fun for parents as it is for kids.Since Hendrix’s birth, I’ve committed to producing an album each year (until Hendrix gets old enough to tell me to stop cause I'm embarrassing him:)) – a journey filled with funky, hard-rocking, hip-hoppin’ tunes and relatable, hilarious stories I’d love to share with your audience. My work ranges from lively tracks like “Trash Truck,” “No Shirt Like My Daddy” “Mama’s Gonna Love It,” “Sippy Cup,” “Phantom Poop,” and “Daddy Werewolf,” all available on Spotify and wherever anyone streams their music.Just this year, I was invited to join the Recording Academy as a voting member. In the future I’ll submit my own albums for Grammy consideration in the Best Children’s Music category.Beyond music, I'm a coach specializing in creative performance and leadership, helping creative entrepreneurs turn their visions into reality and bring their biggest ideas to life. I have a PhD in Positive Psychology from Claremont Graduate University, where I studied under Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, the renowned author of “Flow.”Creative Parenting is a passion of mine - I’ve written a guide for parents on how to ignite and develop their kids’ creative superpowers.Connect with Jeff-www.JeffFajans.comwww.MrBoodaddy.com
Free Guide: 5 Strategies to Nurture Your Child's Creativityhttps://jefffajans.com/creative-parenting-5-strategies-to-nurture-your-childs-creativity/https://www.instagram.com/mrboodaddy/MrBooDaddy music https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6bCl4hDmLD0KyIfYPcgJ7a?si=05a749ab81b74d5c&nd=1&dlsi=00c7805ebe754c29
Join The Style & Strategy Club: Earring of the month subscription for overwhelmed moms. Stylish earrings to make you feel put together and intentional productivity guide to help you feel like you have it together. www.mommadeplans.com/clubEarring Personality Quiz For Moms:What do your earrings reveal about your personality? Find out in this fun quiz! www.mommadeplans.com/stylequizWhere To Start Quiz:-Motherhood is overwhelming - take the quiz and find out which part of your home/life to focus on improving first! Where To Start Quiz
Get your meal planning strategy box here.
CONNECT WITH JULIE:Website > http://www.mommadeplans.comInstagram > https://www.instagram.com/mommadeplans/Email > julie@mommadeplans.comEmail List Signup > https://tinyurl.com/mommadeplansemail
Join The Style & Strategy Club: Earring of the month subscription for overwhelmed moms. FREE 2ND PAIR OF EARRINGS - DECEMBER SHIPMENT ONLYwww.mommadeplans.com/club---You gotta love our daytime optimism when we think we are going to do all these things after the kids go to bed. Somehow we never learn when night after night we are too tired to do anything productive...Today I'm going to help you have a more productive night that's actually doable. I go over 4 things to think about and adjust so that you can feel good with how you spend your time at night. Get ready for a reality check, delegation assignment, self awareness style schedule and a permission slip....
Join The Style & Strategy Club: Earring of the month subscription for overwhelmed moms. Stylish earrings to make you feel put together and intentional productivity guide to help you feel like you have it together. www.mommadeplans.com/clubEarring Personality Quiz For Moms:What do your earrings reveal about your personality? Find out in this fun quiz! www.mommadeplans.com/stylequizWhere To Start Quiz:-Motherhood is overwhelming - take the quiz and find out which part of your home/life to focus on improving first! Where To Start Quiz
Get your meal planning strategy box here.
CONNECT WITH JULIE:Website > http://www.mommadeplans.comInstagram > https://www.instagram.com/mommadeplans/Email > julie@mommadeplans.comEmail List Signup > https://tinyurl.com/mommadeplansemail
Take the 2024 survey to share your advice and win the chance for free earrings!www.mommadeplans.com/survey--Emotional intelligence is something we are starting to hear more of and that's a good thing. According to Dr. Jenny it has way more impact on our life than our IQ. Handling emotions does feel so hard to do in reality so hearing some of the data and practical tips in today's episode is going to make it easier to work on. It's actually a skill we need to develop and teach our kids as well. Here's some takeaways to listen for:-How parenting is the art of holding back-How to teach emotional intelligence to young kids-Teachable moments need to be a conversation-Children need to see themselves as problem solvers-Our longterm goal as a parent-Emotional intelligence line of card gamesMeet Dr. Jenny-Dr. Jenny Woo is a Harvard-trained educator, Emotional Intelligence researcher, and founder/CEO of Mind Brain Emotion. Dr. Woo is the creator of award-winning card games and mental health tools to help children and adults build emotional intelligence and communication skills. Her bestselling card games, 52 Essential Conversations and 52 Essential Coping Skills, are used in homes, schools, and workplaces in 50+ countries. Dr. Woo has been featured in CNBC, Forbes, PopSugar, Verywell Mind, and Parents.Connect with Dr. Jenny-http://mindbrainemotion.comAmazon: https://www.amazon.com/EMOTIONAL-INTELLIGENCE-RELATIONSHIP-CARD-GAME/dp/B07QKMVB35IG/FB: @mindbrainparentingYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@mindbrainemotion
Join The Style & Strategy Club: Earring of the month subscription for overwhelmed moms. Stylish earrings to make you feel put together and intentional productivity guide to help you feel like you have it together. www.mommadeplans.com/clubEarring Personality Quiz For Moms:What do your earrings reveal about your personality? Find out in this fun quiz! www.mommadeplans.com/stylequizWhere To Start Quiz:-Motherhood is overwhelming - take the quiz and find out which part of your home/life to focus on improving first! Where To Start Quiz
Get your meal planning strategy box here.
CONNECT WITH JULIE:Website > http://www.mommadeplans.comInstagram > https://www.instagram.com/mommadeplans/Email > julie@mommadeplans.comEmail List Signup > https://tinyurl.com/mommadeplansemail
A hard part of parenthood is watching our kids shy away from experiences we know they would love. Everything from just talking to other kids to taking a new class or trying a sport. So how do we help them build confidence to say yes more often?I came across a really simple but powerful method to helping my daughter overcome some of that nervousness. It's given us a simple way to communicate and help work through those anxious feelings about trying something new. As you know, saying "but you'll love this" never really works out.... so give this self awareness conversation a try that then gives you a simple check in for every situation that unlocks their ability to say yes more often!
Join The Style & Strategy Club: Earring of the month subscription for overwhelmed moms. Stylish earrings to make you feel put together and intentional productivity guide to help you feel like you have it together. www.mommadeplans.com/clubEarring Personality Quiz For Moms:What do your earrings reveal about your personality? Find out in this fun quiz! www.mommadeplans.com/stylequizWhere To Start Quiz:-Motherhood is overwhelming - take the quiz and find out which part of your home/life to focus on improving first! Where To Start Quiz
Get your meal planning strategy box here.
CONNECT WITH JULIE:Website > http://www.mommadeplans.comInstagram > https://www.instagram.com/mommadeplans/Email > julie@mommadeplans.comEmail List Signup > https://tinyurl.com/mommadeplansemail
200th episode giveaway- 2 options to enter, entries accepted through 10/26.Email julie@mommadeplans.com with subject line "200" orShare the episode on social media and tag me @mommadeplans--When you're constantly feeling overwhelmed, it's a good reminder that you need to implement a productivity strategy. Whether it's just trying to manage all the regular daily tasks or you have extra projects and deadlines to meet, it's really helpful to have a plan and not just wing it. If we rely on our brains to constantly keep track of everything and remember all the things we need to get done, it's exhausting! I recently had to give myself a kick in the pants reminder to implement the strategies we talk about here on the podcast. And this super simple method is what has been allowing me to accomplish what I need to and feel good about how I spend my time. So here's your reminder on how to be more productive this week!
Join The Style & Strategy Club: Earring of the month subscription for overwhelmed moms. Stylish earrings to make you feel put together and intentional strategy guide to help you feel like you have it together. www.mommadeplans.com/clubEarring Personality Quiz For Moms:What do your earrings reveal about your personality? Find out in this fun quiz! www.mommadeplans.com/stylequizWhere To Start Quiz:-Motherhood is overwhelming - take the quiz and find out which part of your home/life to focus on improving first! Where To Start Quiz
Get your meal planning strategy box here.
CONNECT WITH JULIE:Website > http://www.mommadeplans.comInstagram > https://www.instagram.com/mommadeplans/Email > julie@mommadeplans.comEmail List Signup > https://tinyurl.com/mommadeplansemail
Once October hits it feels like time flies by to the end of the year and it gets filled with all the seasonal activities. The pressure begins to rise as you see all the fall and Christmas activities, crafts, food and decorations. You see all the things everyone is doing and inspiration images of all the possible ways to be the "Pinterest Mom". Then the guilt sets in as time goes by that you aren’t doing anything or enough of all the things. So how do we avoid getting overwhelmed by all the seasonal things we feel like we "should" be doing with our family? We get really intentional with our plans and use this 2 question method to find out what we want to say yes to and what we are going to skip. And spoiler alert, your plans might not include all those things you do every year... when's the last time you asked yourself if you really enjoy that activity right now or if it's just something you always do.... Let's be more intentional and actually enjoy this time of year!
Join The Style & Strategy Club: Earring of the month subscription for overwhelmed moms. Stylish earrings to make you feel put together and intentional strategy guide to help you feel like you have it together. www.mommadeplans.com/clubEarring Personality Quiz For Moms:What do your earrings reveal about your personality? Find out in this fun quiz! www.mommadeplans.com/stylequizWhere To Start Quiz:-Motherhood is overwhelming - take the quiz and find out which part of your home/life to focus on improving first! Where To Start Quiz
Get your meal planning strategy box here.
CONNECT WITH JULIE:Website > http://www.mommadeplans.comInstagram > https://www.instagram.com/mommadeplans/Email > julie@mommadeplans.comEmail List Signup > https://tinyurl.com/mommadeplansemail
Get your meal planning strategy box here.What's for dinner is such a stressful topic. It's one of those things that stresses us out almost every day... the pressure of coming up with something for dinner. What can I cook, what ingredients do I have, do I have time to make that, will anyone eat it? So today I'm going to help you out with some simple dinner ideas to include in your upcoming meal plans. Don't miss the dinner bowl formula so that you always have an idea for dinner even when it's last minute. Some fresh dinner ideas coming at ya today so be sure to write them down!
Join The Style & Strategy Club: Earring of the month subscription for overwhelmed moms. Stylish earrings to make you feel put together and intentional strategy guide to help you feel like you have it together. www.mommadeplans.com/clubEarring Personality Quiz For Moms:What do your earrings reveal about your personality? Find out in this fun quiz! www.mommadeplans.com/stylequizWhere To Start Quiz:-Motherhood is overwhelming - take the quiz and find out which part of your home/life to focus on improving first! Where To Start Quiz
CONNECT WITH JULIE:Website > http://www.mommadeplans.comInstagram > https://www.instagram.com/mommadeplans/Email > julie@mommadeplans.comEmail List Signup > https://tinyurl.com/mommadeplansemail
We're always on the hunt for a routine that actually works. But even when we find a routine we like, it's hard to get our kids on board. All those basic functions of the day like getting dressed, cleaning up and taking a bath are met with so much resistance that it takes forever to get anything done. The phrase framework for creating a daily routine provides a fun take on getting the kids to go with the flow of a routine without so many arguments. Give it a try and let me know your favorite phrase or any new phrase ideas you have! Major mom win incoming...
Join The Style & Strategy Club: Earring of the month subscription for overwhelmed moms. Stylish earrings to make you feel put together and intentional strategy guide to help you feel like you have it together. www.mommadeplans.com/clubEarring Personality Quiz For Moms:What do your earrings reveal about your personality? Find out in this fun quiz! www.mommadeplans.com/stylequizWhere To Start Quiz:-Motherhood is overwhelming - take the quiz and find out which part of your home/life to focus on improving first! Where To Start Quiz
CONNECT WITH JULIE:Website > http://www.mommadeplans.comInstagram > https://www.instagram.com/mommadeplans/Email > julie@mommadeplans.comEmail List Signup > https://tinyurl.com/mommadeplansemail
Truth bomb - we're not designed to do everything by ourselves.
You're marriage is a partnership where you work together for the desired outcome. If you don't define what that is, you end up in the default parent role doing everything and building resentment along the way. That is not the example we want to model for our kids in their future partnerships.
But instead of just complaining about having to do everything, today we actually lay out a plan to get into a better collaboration with our spouse and family. Listen in for some key takeaways about:-the problem with scorekeeping-how to determine who does what task-the cultural shift that makes it hard to have these conversations-how to have the first conversation (it takes more than 1)-the two way street of feedback-proper exceptations of change and success-lots of tips on the journey to a more equitable partnership in managing the home
MEET SHARON COSTANZO:Sharon Costanzo is a relationship coach and host of the Respected & Connected podcast. She specializes in helping couples navigate conflict in their marriage with empathy and confidence.CONNECT WITH SHARON:
Podcast: Respected & Connected https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/id1551398493Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/respected_and_connected/Free Weekly Checkin Plan: https://www.respectedandconnected.com/partnership-checkin--
Join The Style & Strategy Club: Earring of the month subscription for overwhelmed moms. Stylish earrings to make you feel put together and intentional strategy guide to help you feel like you have it together. www.mommadeplans.com/clubEarring Personality Quiz For Moms:What do your earrings reveal about your personality? Find out in this fun quiz! www.mommadeplans.com/stylequiz
Where To Start Quiz:-Motherhood is overwhelming - take the quiz and find out which part of your home/life to focus on improving first! Where To Start Quiz
CONNECT WITH JULIE:Website > http://www.mommadeplans.comInstagram > https://www.instagram.com/mommadeplans/Email > julie@mommadeplans.comEmail List Signup > https://tinyurl.com/mommadeplansemail
Non-negotiables have become a trendy topic and for good reason; they're really important. However, they tend to always be about creating those self care non-negotiables and we're missing the next step.
So we're going to define what these are, how you know what your non-negotiables are and then who else we need to think about that may need them. The first step is self awareness which is a practice of noticing and it goes along way. It starts with you but it should go beyond yourself.
We'll talk about how that works in today's quick episode and I believe afterwards you're going to be able to improve your relationship with your family and even your daily routines. This packs a punch!
Listen to more on this topic when I was a guest on Calm The Chaos Parenting Podcast- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/calm-the-chaos-parenting/id1683526339?i=1000661688556
Join The Style & Strategy Club: Earring of the month subscription for overwhelmed moms. Stylish earrings to make you feel put together and intentional strategy guide to help you feel like you have it together. www.mommadeplans.com/clubEarring Personality Quiz For Moms:What do your earrings reveal about your personality? Find out in this fun quiz! www.mommadeplans.com/stylequiz
Where To Start Quiz:-Motherhood is overwhelming - take the quiz and find out which part of your home/life to focus on improving first! Where To Start Quiz
CONNECT WITH JULIE:Website > http://www.mommadeplans.comInstagram > https://www.instagram.com/mommadeplans/Email > julie@mommadeplans.comEmail List Signup > https://tinyurl.com/mommadeplansemail
One of the big transitions in life is going back to work after becoming a mom. This can easily feel overwhelming and chaotic. Thankfully, there's people like Jackie who can give us all the tips to make going back to work a smooth process.
This step by step plan for going back to work includes:
-what to think about before going back to work-the conversations you need to have and who to have them with when it comes to childcares and taking care of the home-how to manage your home once you go back to work-what to do in the days before you start your job (including what day of the week to start!)Meet Jackie Cook:
I was working in the Netherlands throughout my first pregnancy and maternity leave. There, every woman has a right to postpartum care. Our caregiver (similar to a postpartum doula!) came to our home a few hours a day for the first few days. She checked on my physical recovery and mental health, answered questions, assisted with breastfeeding and bathing our son, and even provided my husband and me a guilt-free nap!
When my daughter was born in Wisconsin a couple years later, the difference in postnatal support was immediately noticeable. My own experience, along with countless stories from new moms inspired the creation of Popins.
I believe that people want to be the best version of themselves at work and at home, for themselves, their colleagues, and their loved ones. I am excited to help you and your family thrive. Connect with Jackie:Website- https://www.popinsfam.comNewsletter- https://www.popinsfam.com/opt-inLinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/company/popins-llcFacebook/Instagram @popinsfam https://www.instagram.com/popinsfam
Join The Style & Strategy Club: Earring of the month subscription for overwhelmed moms. Stylish earrings to make you feel put together and intentional strategy guide to help you feel like you have it together. www.mommadeplans.com/club-Earring Personality Quiz For Moms:What do your earrings reveal about your personality? Find out in this fun quiz! www.mommadeplans.com/stylequiz
CONNECT WITH JULIE:Website > http://www.mommadeplans.comInstagram > https://www.instagram.com/mommadeplans/Email > julie@mommadeplans.comEmail List Signup > https://tinyurl.com/mommadeplansemail
Where To Start Quiz:-Motherhood is overwhelming - take the quiz and find out which part of your home/life to focus on improving first! Where To Start Quiz--
We joke about how we spend all our time looking for things for everyone in the family but what if we didn't have to waste our time endlessly searching?
In this episode, we’re uncovering the ONE question that will help you master home organization and always know where everything is. And even have everyone in the family knowing where their stuff is! This simple, yet powerful question will transform the way your home looks and operates. We’ll guide you through examples so you and your kids can find what you need when you need it.
Get ready for the question and the first word matters alot!
Join The Style & Strategy Club: Earring of the month subscription for overwhelmed moms. Stylish earrings to make you feel put together and intentional strategy guide to help you feel like you have it together. www.mommadeplans.com/clubEarring Personality Quiz For Moms:What do your earrings reveal about your personality? Find out in this fun quiz! www.mommadeplans.com/stylequiz
CONNECT WITH JULIE:Website > http://www.mommadeplans.comInstagram > https://www.instagram.com/mommadeplans/Email > julie@mommadeplans.comEmail List Signup > https://tinyurl.com/mommadeplansemail
Earring Personality Quiz For Moms:What do your earrings reveal about your personality? Find out in this fun quiz! www.mommadeplans.com/stylequiz--
Managing our time well is something most moms struggle with. We're always trying to find a better routine, feel more productive and efficient... but we usually fall short of our expectations for ourselves and our family. We build up a lot of pressure on ourselves over this idea of "time management". But our guest today has a different perspective on this skill with some practical strategies to transform your routines.
My favorite is "clean your plate time" and the endless possibilities of structuring a routine for your day with these task anchored phrases.
Rachel Newman is a bestselling author, speaker, and mom coach. She specializes in helping moms prioritize themselves and ditch overwhelm to enjoy motherhood more. Rachel is a mom to three children ages five and under, including twins. Rachel's an avid Texas Tech football fan, distance runner, and coffee fanatic.
CONNECT WITH RACHEL:therachelnewman.comwww.instagram.com/the.rachel.newmanMomMe the book!
Join The Style & Strategy Club- Earring of the month subscription for overwhelmed moms. Stylish earrings to make you feel put together and intentional strategy guide to help you feel like you have it together. www.mommadeplans.com/club
CONNECT WITH JULIE:Website > http://www.mommadeplans.comInstagram > https://www.instagram.com/mommadeplans/Email > julie@mommadeplans.comEmail List Signup > https://tinyurl.com/mommadeplansemail
Earring Personality Quiz For Moms:What do your earrings reveal about your personality? Find out in this fun quiz! www.mommadeplans.com/stylequiz--
Bedtime can be really challenging when our kids get overly anxious and worried about every topic under the sun! Everyone's tired and it's hard to help them work through their worries. It's easy to get sucked in and try to reason with them but that never really helps.
It's time for some new strategies, especially when the tried and true reading a book just doesn't cut it. Today's method is a fun one that might even bring a smile to your face and has a good chance of pulling them out of the anxiety loop.
Style & Strategy Club- Earring of the month club for overwhelmed moms. Stylish earrings to make you feel put together and intentional strategy guide to help you feel like you have it together. www.mommadeplans.com/club
Request to join the Facebook group where we can share ideas, just mention podcast in your request. https://www.facebook.com/share/oDkQRfN9BT2N1bX9/
CONNECT WITH JULIE:Website > http://www.mommadeplans.comInstagram > https://www.instagram.com/mommadeplans/Email > julie@mommadeplans.comEmail List Signup > https://tinyurl.com/mommadeplansemail
Where To Start Quiz:-Motherhood is overwhelming - take the quiz and find out which part of your home/life to focus on improving first! Where To Start Quiz--
The school year always sneaks up so quickly. We try to make the most of the end of summer but then don't always take time to set ourselves up for a smooth transition into the school year.
Today I have 5 tips to work on for being more intentional going into the fall season. Let's get ahead of things with planning out the right expectations and schedules as well as making that first week a bit easier.
Share this one with your mom friends so you can finally feel like you have it together starting the school year and not be so stressed out!
Request to join the Facebook group where we can share ideas, just mention podcast in your request. https://www.facebook.com/share/oDkQRfN9BT2N1bX9/
Monthly MomentumGet out of survival mode one category at a time, one month at a time. No more falling off the bandwagon... We're building momentum and making progress together through a subscription box that keeps you from staying stuck in overwhelm. Check it out and signup: https://www.mommadeplans.com/box
CONNECT WITH JULIE:Website > http://www.mommadeplans.comInstagram > https://www.instagram.com/mommadeplans/Email > julie@mommadeplans.comEmail List Signup > https://tinyurl.com/mommadeplansemail
Where To Start Quiz:-Motherhood is overwhelming - take the quiz and find out which part of your home/life to focus on improving first! Where To Start Quiz--
Getting our kids to do just the basics is often a battle of the wills. Simply asking to brush teeth, clean their room, get dressed, or pickup after themselves is met with massive meltdowns and fights. It's exhausting and how we end up doing to much as moms honestly, because we just don't have the energy to deal with it.
Well today I'm sharing 4 tips on how to better handle the everyday asks to our children. There's one common theme that we need to unlock to find what works that I will reveal at the end. As well as the one key factor that our kids get from completing tasks that you may be preventing and not realize it... and they don't either.
So listen in and please share your thoughts with me through Instagram or right here in a review. I can't wait to hear what you are going to try or what you have found works well for you. Help us moms out with your winning techniques!
Request to join the Facebook group where we can share ideas, just mention podcast in your request. https://www.facebook.com/share/oDkQRfN9BT2N1bX9/
Monthly MomentumGet out of survival mode one category at a time, one month at a time. No more falling off the bandwagon... We're building momentum and making progress together through a subscription box that keeps you from staying stuck in overwhelm. Check it out and signup: https://www.mommadeplans.com/box
CONNECT WITH JULIE:Website > http://www.mommadeplans.comInstagram > https://www.instagram.com/mommadeplans/Email > julie@mommadeplans.comEmail List Signup > https://tinyurl.com/mommadeplansemail
Where To Start Quiz:-Motherhood is overwhelming - take the quiz and find out which part of your home/life to focus on improving first! Where To Start Quiz--
Part of intentional motherhood is wanting to insert more quality time and fun with our kids. A great way to do that is through some creative snacks and sweets. Of course nothing complicated or time consuming. Just simple snack ideas that give us a mom win and put a smile on everyone's face.
Today I give you a whole list of ideas to try and customize with your ideas. You can find all the snacks and sweet mentioned on the Pinterest board: https://www.pinterest.com/MomMadePlans/fun-snacks/
Message me with your ideas and feedback from trying the snacks. Request to join the Facebook group where we can share ideas, just mention podcast in your request. https://www.facebook.com/share/oDkQRfN9BT2N1bX9/
Monthly MomentumGet out of survival mode one category at a time, one month at a time. No more falling off the bandwagon... We're building momentum and making progress together through a subscription box that keeps you from staying stuck in overwhelm. Check it out and signup: https://www.mommadeplans.com/boxOnly want the digital summer planner? https://mom-made-plans.subbly.me/products/digital-summer-planner
CONNECT WITH JULIE:Website > http://www.mommadeplans.comInstagram > https://www.instagram.com/mommadeplans/Email > julie@mommadeplans.comEmail List Signup > https://tinyurl.com/mommadeplansemail
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