All over the world, our brothers and sisters in Christ are suffering for their faith. From difficulty getting employment to torture and death, day in and day out Christians are being persecuted for their love of Christ. Open Doors US not only brings attention to these matters but aids the persecuted church in their times of trial. Open Doors just released their 2025 World Watch List detailing persecution around the globe. Hear more on that from CEO Ryan Brown on this episode of Missions Today.
For More Information on Open Doors US
2025 World Watch List
She was born and raised in Iran. She believes that God has already begun to work in many hearts across the nation of Iran, even within individuals who are yet to find Christ. Now, she runs an organization committed to seeing Iran transformed from the inside out. Through church-planting, disciple-making, leadership training and business development she is seeing God do amazing things. Learn more about her story on this episode of Missions Today!
Learn more about Transform Iran
Saknas det avsnitt?
Victor Hou was born and spent part of his childhood in Asia before coming to the US with his family. Events in High School and college led him to faith in Christ and began to shape his vision for reaching the world with the Gospel. He spent a number of years in the business world before eventually moving overseas and using his gifts to reach people. Now, he serves as the Associate Vice President for Global Advance at the International Mission Board guiding urban strategies, refugee networks, global health and orality strategies. Learn more on this episode of Missions Today!
For more information about International Mission Board
On the last episode, we talked to Colin McDougall the US Director for Africa Inland Mission. This week, we learn about two of A.I.M.s missionaries headed to the field in the next month. With a young child and a baby on the way, how are they preparing for this big move? What are they thinking about? What is God teaching them? Hear their incredible story on this episode of Missions Today.
For more information about Africa Inland Mission.
To keep up with Joel and Katie.
He was raised in a church that loved and supported missions and missionaries. Then at the age of 20 he felt the call to overseas mission work spending 16 years in Northern Kenya. Now he oversees the work of one of the world’s leading missionary organizations, Africa Inland Mission, and makes sure that missionaries continue to go, share, make disciples and plant churches. Hear his story and more about the work of A.I.M. on this episode ofMissions Today.
For More Information AboutAfrica Inland Mission
She and her husband founded a mission organization designed to catalyze initiatives that fuel disciple making movements among the least reached people groups in the world. Out of that has grown an equipping initiative that helps men and women run faster and farther together in completing the Great Commissionand a life-defending global initiative seeking to end the genocide of abortion. Standing Shoulder to Shoulder in these efforts, that’s the topic this weekend on Missions Today.
For more information on: Leslie Segraves
1040 Connections
Serving Shoulder to Shoulder
Pro-life Work
Book – Engaged in Love and War
As churches and faith-based non-profits seek to carry out their daily missions, often there is little support, cooperation or coordination between the two. Our guest this week lives in the world of bringing together these two entities to increase the mission efforts of both! Don’t miss the story, this weekend on Missions Today!
For more information on Scott Harris:
Mission Increase
You may have heard the phrase, “Everyone is a missionary”. Is that true? Is it biblical? On this episode of Missions Today we’ll look at the importance of definitions and what the bible says about missions and missionaries and their service in the Kingdom of God. Matthew and Denny, authors of When Everything is Missions look closely at these questions and raise many questions that shape how we think about and carry out the global mission of the church. Don’t miss this important episode of Missions Today!
Their ministry is 16:15 Outfitters
The book is When Everything is Missions
Are missions outdated in today’s world? Do missionaries do more harm than good? Should the West pull back on its involvement in missions? Our guest this week has some answers to these important questions. Steve Richardson is the President of Pioneers, a mission organization mobilizing and supporting over 3200 missionaries and marketplace professionals in over 95 countries. Steve will join Collin to address 8 myths about missions and what they mean for the church. That’s on this episode of Missions Today!
Lighthouse Arab World
Are missions outdated in today’s world? Do missionaries do more harm than good? Should the West pull back on its involvement in missions? Our guest this week has some answers to these important questions. Steve Richardson is the President of Pioneers, a mission organization mobilizing and supporting over 3200 missionaries and marketplace professionals in over 95 countries. Steve will join Collin to address 8 myths about missions and what they mean for the church. That’s on this episode of Missions Today!
For more information on Steve Richardson
Is the Commission Still Great? (Book)
2024 has been a truly amazing year. We have traveled the globe learning about the work God and His people are doing. We have heard the stories of women missionaries and Latin American missionaries. We have heard of bible translations for the deaf. We have heard the impact of trauma and how the Lord uses His people to help heal. We have learned about plans to reach the earth with the Gospel by 2030 and the goal to reach a Billion people with the story of Jesus on video. God is on the move around the world and so is His church and His people. Enjoy a few highlights from 2024 on this episode of Missions Today.
Lana Silk’s Conversation on Missions Today
Lana’s Ministry - Transform Iran
Laura Perry’s Conversation on Missions Today
Laura’s Ministry - Eden’s Redemption
Chris Chesnut and Megan Hunt’s Conversation on Missions Today
Chris Chesnut and Megan Hunts Ministry - Wycliffe
Larry Lundstrom’s Conversation on Missions Today
Larry’s Organization - Come and See Foundation
David Platt’s Conversation on Missions Today
David’s Ministry - Radical
Noah Stricker’s Conversation on Missions Today
Noah’s Organization - LifeBUILDERS Detroit
It is said that 1 in 8 Christians around the world are facing persecution. Just a few years ago, that number was 1 in 10. Persecution and suffering of our brothers and sisters in Christ is on the rise. Join us this week as we hear the story of Jeremy Frith and his organization Barnabas AID. They are working to help persecuted Christians and the suffering Church around the globe. Hear Jeremy’s story and the more about Barnabas AID on the next episode of Missions Today.
Barnabas AID
The saying about sending missionaries used to be “from here(the West) to there (everywhere else)”. But with the move of the Church from the West to the Global South, Asia and Africa, we now hear the phrase “from everywhere to everywhere”. Missionaries are truly being sent out from nations all over the world. This week on Missions Today, we’ll learn more about that as we talk with a young man who leads an organization focused on sending Latin American missionaries to Afghanistan and beyond. Hear his powerful story on this episode of Missions Today.
There are said to be over 1 BILLION people around the worldwith disabilities. In many countries outside of the US, those people are actually the least reached of the unreached because they are often shunned or forgotten. Our guest this week was raised in Africa by bible translator parents. Early onshe knew that missions were in her future. What she didn’t know, at the beginning, was that she would be serving this most underserved population. Hear her story on this episode of Missions Today.
Accessible Hope International
Today's Global Youth Culture is marked by a paradox of beingmore connected yet profoundly isolated. They chase fleeting pleasures but remain unfulfilled, grappling with a worldwide suicide epidemic. Raised amidst the pervasive influence of the internet and pornography, many are left sexuallybroken and confused. On this episode of Missions Today, we delve into the efforts of a global ministry dedicated to stepping beyond church walls to reach these young souls in desperate need of hope and the transformative love ofChrist. Join us as we explore how the church can bring healing and purpose to a generation searching for meaning.
Missions TodaySteiger International
Today's Global Youth Culture is marked by a paradox of being more connected yet profoundly isolated. They chase fleeting pleasures but remain unfulfilled, grappling with a worldwide suicide epidemic. Raised amidst the pervasive influence of the internet and pornography, many are left sexually broken and confused. On this episode of Missions Today, we delve into the efforts of a global ministry dedicated to stepping beyond church walls to reach these young souls in desperate need of hope and the transformative love of Christ. Join usas we explore how the church can bring healing and purpose to a generation searching for meaning.
Missions Today
Steiger International
Imagine planning to study politics, run for office and ultimately become president and then ending up on the mission field in North Africa! That is just a bit of the story of our guest this week who now runs an organization that focuses on making sure the local church is actively involved in mission work around the globe. Hear his powerful story on this episode of Missions Today!
Shepherd's Staff
Through age 16 he lived in Vietnam with Missionary parents. He and his family fled Vietnam when the war heated up, but the fire in his heart for the Lord and for people around the world had already been kindled. Don’t miss the amazing story of a missionary kid who followed in his father’s footsteps and ended up leading a global organization helping the persecuted and distributing God’s Word. It’s The Most Important Story, this week on Missions Today.The Most Important Story
He came to Christ in college and almost immediately felt a call to missions. He and his family began a work in Chihuahua with the Tarahumara people who had moved from the mountains to the city. Through bible study, discipleship, church planting and leadership programs, they have seen miraculous things happen in the lives of these people. Hear more about this incredible story on this episode of Missions Today.
* Lightshine Ministries
He never planned to be in missions, but God had plans for him. He and his family served for over a decade in countries throughout Africa. Then he came back tothe states and was asked to lead an organization dedicated to Sunday School and Family Empowerment. Here how this Call to Serve is now impacting children andfamilies across Africa! That’s on this episode of Missions Today!Missions Today
Every Child Ministries
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