In this exciting episode, Debbie van der Linde chats with Terence Vrugtman, the new owner of the Karkloof Trail Series, a much-loved trail running event based in the mesmerizing Karkloof valley of South Africa. An experienced adventurer, photographer, and outdoor business opportunist, Terence is no stranger to the captivating world of trail running.
Join us as we delve into his vision for the Karkloof Trail Series and discuss the future direction of the event under his leadership. Learn about Terence's own journey with Karkloof, from his first encounter at the 2017 training camp to becoming the event's owner. With his rich background in outdoor and adventure events, Terence brings a unique perspective to the Karkloof Trail Series.
What changes can runners expect? How will Terence's passion for outdoor adventure and storytelling shape this iconic event? Tune in to "Trailblazing Karkloof: Terence's Take" to discover the exciting journey ahead for the Karkloof Trail Series.
Whether you're an aspiring trail runner, a seasoned participant of the Karkloof Trail Series, or just someone intrigued by stories of passion and dedication, this podcast episode is for you! So, don't wait, press play and immerse yourself in the vibrant world of trail running under the new stewardship of Terence Vrugtman.
You can see the interview on YouTube here -> https://youtu.be/Rt41d8vVd20Check out our website at https://www.mindfulrunner.co.za
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In this thrilling episode, we sit down with the remarkable South African ultra-runner, Marius van Rensburg, better known as Miler Marius. As the winner of the Mac Mac 200-miler and the Tankwa 200-miler, and the first to complete AMUK in South Africa, Miler Marius is the epitome of endurance and passion.
Join us as we explore his motivation, mental preparation strategies, and wild plans for May 2023: running three 100-milers and one 200-miler in just one month! This unforgettable conversation offers insights into the incredible world of ultra-running and the unstoppable spirit of Miler Marius. Don't miss this captivating episode that's sure to inspire and ignite your own passion for pushing past limits!
Check out our website at https://www.mindfulrunner.co.za
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Saknas det avsnitt?
The Drakensberg Grand Traverse is a 210km self supported, self navigated mountain race that follows the border between South Africa and Lesotho. Most of the race is above 3000 ASL with the runners frequently going higher than 3300 m to reach the check points on the route.
In this episode I talk with the inaugural DGT winners Matt Bouch and Colin van Der Berg about their experience.
You can find Matt on Instagram @mattbouchphoto and Colin at @muggyicegoat
Check out the other DGT episodes on Mindful Runner to get more information on this fascinating race.Check out our website at https://www.mindfulrunner.co.za
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In this podcast we talk with Lodelia Oosthuizen. A South African Ultra trail runner who is on the rise. A motor accident resulted in surgery to her neck and spinal fusions. Her doctor told her she'd never run again.
She shares nuggets of wisdom on mental resilience, managing career and running, what running means to her.
She is the winner of the Addo 100 Miler and is a name to watch out for on the ultra trail scene.
To follow Lodelia you can find her at oosi_l on InstagramCheck out our website at https://www.mindfulrunner.co.za
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Training with power meters has come of age in running. This episode covers the basics of what they are, why they're essential to anyone looking to improve and how to use them to fine tune your training.
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In this episode I talk with Graham Bird who is one of the two organisers of the Drakensberg Grand Traverse race. Graham talks about the vent, what it means to him personally and what it will come to mean to the communities it touches.
This race is set to be an iconic run on the world calendar. Don't miss this episode.
The race website is at www.dgtrun.co.zaCheck out our website at https://www.mindfulrunner.co.za
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Armand Du Plessis has run in big mountains and ultra races all over the planet. His solo run on the DGT was on the spur of a moment. This is a warm and often amusing account from a man who loves to adventure.
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Linda Doke and Ryno Griesel hold the record for the fastest time by a mixed pair on the DGT FKT. Linda's depth and breadth of experience is unsurpassed. In this episode she share with us what makes a partnership work, what to pack, what to eat and some fascinating anectdotes on her own record breaking run.
Linda is the owner and founder of Rock Hopping Trail an online coaching business.
website : www.rockhopingtrail.run
Email: linda@rockhoppingtrail.run
Insta : lindadoke
Facebook : Linda DokeCheck out our website at https://www.mindfulrunner.co.za
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Andrew Porter holds the record for the fastest solo time on the DGT. Listen to the story of how that attempt went and gain valuable insights into the best way to approach this daunting route. We talk strategy, mindset, nutrition and approach when you want to go fast.
Check out our website at https://www.mindfulrunner.co.za
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Ryno Griesel and the Drakensberg Grand Traverse go hand in hand. No other adventurer has had as much success on the DGT as Ryno. In this episode he share his thoughts on strategy, pacing, training and a very surprising prediction on a winning time.
Ryno is the master on this route. What he shares in this episode is invaluable to anyone taking on this or any other adventure.Check out our website at https://www.mindfulrunner.co.za
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Stijn Laenen and Andrew Haegen were the first pair to break the FKT set 10 years earlier by Gavin Raubenheimer. Stijn went on to become the unofficial keeper of the DGT attempts and successes. He has in one way or another, been a part of every attempt, successful or failed, since he and Andrew first broke Gavin's record. He shares with us tactics, tips and strategies gained over the last 13 years.
The link to the DGT race is www.dgtrun.co.zaCheck out our website at https://www.mindfulrunner.co.za
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Gavin Raubenheimer is a mountain guide, author and along with his brother Lawrie one of two men who set the Drakensberg Grand Traverse Fastest Known Time(FKT) in 1999. A distance of 210 km with almost 10 000m of vert and 90% of the route above 2900 m.
It would be almost 10 years before anybody broke that record. This is Gavin's firsthand account of setting the FKT. He shares his thoughts on running in the the high Drakensberg, the risks, the rewards and his views on the upcoming race.
This is the first episode in a series focusing on the DGT Race. Details of the race can be found at www.dgtrun.co.zaCheck out our website at https://www.mindfulrunner.co.za
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Visit us at www.mindfulrunner.co.za for more information on our coaching. You can also view this episode on YouTube.
Mindful Runner coaches Anja Louw, Justin Oleofsen and I discuss training, race strategy, mental skills and the importance of your support team when racing Karkloof 50 miler and Karkloof 100 Miler
Check out our website at https://www.mindfulrunner.co.za
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Jack Davis and Andrew Booth are the organisers of the Karkloof 100 and Karkloof 50 miler trail races. We talk about why Karkloof is such a good event as a first time trail ultra, the ethos of Karkloof, the future of the event and that diabolical last 16 km.
You can find the events at https://www.karklooftrailseries.comCheck out our website at https://www.mindfulrunner.co.za
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Mindful Runner coaches Justin Oelofsen, Anja Louw and I talk about training for Mac Mac. Listen out for how to approach some of the trickier sections of the course, advice on the 200 miler and tips for the other distances as well.
You can find more info on Mac Mac at www.macmacultra.comCheck out our website at https://www.mindfulrunner.co.za
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Eloff Hoffman and Frikkie Pienaar talk about the Mac Mac route, the magic of the Tower Bos , leopards and beer. Join us for an entertaining insight into the event and the people behind it.
Check out our website at https://www.mindfulrunner.co.za
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I am joined by Mindful Runner Coaches Anja Louw and Justin Oelofsen for a discussion on training and racing Ultra Trail Drakensberg.
Check out our website at https://www.mindfulrunner.co.za
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Spurgeon Flemington, race director of Ultra Trail Drakensberg talks to us about this iconic South African event. He gives his insight into the race, the trails, dealing with the cold and how the sheep bell replaced the belt buckle.
Link to Ultra Trail Drakensberg websiteCheck out our website at https://www.mindfulrunner.co.za
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Coaches Justin Oelofsen, Anja Louw and I discuss preparing to race the three distances at Addo Elephant Trail Race. How to train for the rivers, the heat and the nature of the courses.
Check out our website at https://www.mindfulrunner.co.za
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Sian O'Keeffe is the race director for Addo Elephant Trail race. In this interview we get an insiders view on the race. Sian talks, race history, wildlife encounters and gives us some good tips on what to watch out for on Africas wildest race. The first in a series focusing on trail events in South Africa.
Look out for the next episode in which the Mindful Runner coaches talk about how to prepare for this amazing event.Check out our website at https://www.mindfulrunner.co.za
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