
  • ON figuring out what to do next before starting a new career (4:42)

    ON this murder trial that made Shawn realize he couldn't do it anymore (6:48)

    ON visiting serving others, revisiting an old wound, soul searching and creating emotional space (11:34)

    ON silence, connection, transcendence, finding solace (18:46)

    ON vocation and the framework of the business of Askinosie Chocolate (24:20)

    ON the ugly truth behind the global cocoa trade (29:02)

    ON direct trade, community development and doing business differently (38:22)

    ON the power of small companies to do much more than fair trade (42:13)

    ON Shawn's definition of success and how much is enough (46:00)

    ON the fallacy of the "social" enterprise, the need to some make sacrifices and our relationship with money (48:35)

    ON finding someone who needs you, go serve them and ask yourself who you really are (58:01)


    CONNECT WITH Shawn Askinosie / Askinosie Chocolate

    Web: https://askinosie.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/askinosie/

    BUY Shawn's Book: Meaningful Work: A Quest To Do Great Business, Find Your Calling, and Feed Your Soul



    Mitch Albom author of Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson

    Khalil Gibram, on Sorrow

    John O'Donohue on Thresholds

    Thomas Merton on Awareness

    Michael A. Singer on Soul

    The Harkin-Engel Protocol

    Nestle and Big Chocolate Can Keep Using Enslaved Childree ... For now - So Says the U.S. Supreme Court

    Terry Collingsworth, Human Rights Lawyer

    Ari Weinzweig, Founder of Zingerman Deli


    Host: Leekei Tang

    Contact: hello (at) betterbusinessfounder.com

    Music credits: Ukulele Fun by Liosound Music / Wooden Xylophone by Floraphonic

  • ON the beauty of Lisbon in Portugal (2:35)

    ON Isa's vision for the ideal world for her children (3:53)

    ON Isa's realization of the emergence and emergency of her life calling (5:06)

    ON Isa leaving her job as a journalist in the health sector (9:38)

    ON definition of Communication with Empathy (12:42)

    ON work environment: the benefit of Communication with Empathy (18:51)

    ON why Empathy must be paired with Assertiveness (boundaries) (21:58)

    ON the power of saying NO (boundaries) (25:28)

    ON communication with empathy for workers in the health sector (34:33)

    ON Isa stepping out of her comfort zone for her business (37:13)

    ON how Isa defines success for her (41:09)


    CONNECT WITH Isa Alves

    IG @is.g.alves

    FB @isagalves




    The Hero's Journey by Joseph Campbell


    Host: Leekei Tang

    Contact: hello (at) betterbusinessfounder.com

    Music credits: Ukulele Fun by Liosound Music / Wooden Xylophone by Floraphonic

  • Saknas det avsnitt?

    Klicka här för att uppdatera flödet manuellt.

  • ON How A Small Fashion Business can effectively create change and even lead change. (3:28)

    ON How Can A Small Fashion Business Be Seen And Heard in a Noisy World and Why Seth Thinks it's Great News to be Copied (5:46)

    ON The Purpose of Words: To CONNECT (8:41)

    ON Idiosyncrasy (10:58)

    ON Empathy (12:14)

    ON The Smallest Viable Audience (12:47)

    ON Authenticity (13:37)

    ON Why Running A Business Is A Creative Endeavour (14:21)

    ON Tools For Modern Business Owners That Want to Make A Difference (16:33)

    ON How Seth Chooses Which Projects to Work On (18:54)

    ON Showing Up and 8000 blog posts in the time capsule for future generations (20:26)


    CONNECT WITH Seth Godin

    Seth's Blog: https://seths.blog/

    Seth's Podcast AKIMBO https://www.akimbo.link/



    Rana Plaza Disaster

    blog post: Tools For Modern Citizens

    Thinking in Bets: Making Smarter Decisions When You Don't Have All the Facts by Annie Duke

    AKIMBO Season 9 - Episode 20, the question asked at 17:17


    Check out Seth's on Wikipedia


    Host: Leekei Tang

    Contact: hello (at) betterbusinessfounder.com

    Music credits: Ukulele Fun by Liosound Music / Wooden Xylophone by Floraphonic

  • ON Capetown and Daniela's father moving to South Africa (3:13)

    ON how Daniela "stumbled" upon slippers and how she perfected shoemaking skills during the pandemic (6:03)

    ON Daniela's childhood in the wilderness of South Africa and how it shaped her quest for a simple lifestyle and sustainable living (12:07)

    ON finding the name of the brand WALK THE TALK AFRICA (17:25)

    ON creativity in South Africa (20:14)

    ON getting the shoes made in South Africa (22:47)

    ON Daniela's previous career and why she decided to launch WALK THE TALK AFRICA (26:33)

    ON selling and finding resellers for WALK THE TALK AFRICA (31:53)

    ON life slowing down during lockdown and how Daniela used this time for her business (36:12)

    ON measure of success for WALK THE TALK AFRICA 1) job creation and Daniela plan to take part of the business online (39:37)

    ON measure of success for WALK THE TALK AFRICA 2) daring to dream, stepping out of your comfort zone (44:14)

    ON measure of success for WALK THE TALK AFRICA 3) money in the bank and Daniela's "business plan" (45:47)

    ON how to connect with Daniela's and WALK THE TALK AFRICA (47:31)


    CONNECT WITH Daniela / Walk The Talk Africa


    IG @walkthetalkafrica



    Cape Town

    “(Getting fired from Apple was the best thing that could have ever happened to me.) The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again. (It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods of my life.)” (Steve Jobs)


    Host: Leekei Tang

    Contact: hello (at) betterbusinessfounder.com

    Music credits: Ukulele Fun by Liosound Music / Wooden Xylophone by Floraphonic

  • ON Liz' Vision for the World: where people feel comfortable enough to be who they are and still have the opportunity to succeed in areas that they want. (3:08)

    ON The the mission of Ability People (TAP): to create meaningful employment for people with disabilities, by removing as many unnecessary barriers as possible (5:03)

    ON Hiring people with disabilities and opportunities for businesses and companies (12:23)

    ON The employment challenge for people with disabilities (16:49)

    ON Liz personal journey with her disability (23:49)

    ON Liz fighting for herself and her elite swimming career (28:14)

    ON Transition from swimming to launching her business (34:34)

    ON Lessons learned (38:09)

    ON Definition of success for TAP (41:08)

    ON PODIUM by TAP a revolutionary marketplace that connects freelancers and businesses (45:25)


    CONNECT WITH Liz Johnson

    The Ability People TAP: https://www.theabilitypeople.com/



    Hidden Figures


    Check out Liz' swimming achievements on Wikipedia


    Host: Leekei Tang

    Contact: hello (at) betterbusinessfounder.com

    Music credits: Ukulele Fun by Liosound Music / Wooden Xylophone by Floraphonic

  • Definition of success can change over time:

    (2:33) David Nebinski

    (4:02) Bai Zahmri

    Success is beyond Founders' personal goals, it's more about connection, about adding value to the lives of others, inspiring others to do things differently:

    (5:03) Shivani Patel

    (5:59) Nan & Carl

    (8:20) Pola Stępień

    (8:40) Bai Zahmri

    (9:10) Ihita Shandilya

    On privilege, freedom, and exploration of new possibility:

    (10:04) Mati Ventrillon

    (10:46) Pola Stępień

    (11:44) Josie Mackenzie

    On the sustainability components in the business created:

    (16:07) Ihita Shandilya

    (16:50) Bai Zahmri

    (10:03) Josie Mackenzie

    On being lean, on growing, and being close to the core of what the brand stands for:

    (20:39) Jennifer Myers Chua

    (22:51) Mati Ventrillon



    David is the host of Portfolio Career Podcast: https://www.portfoliocareerpodcast.com/



    Bai is the Founder of Nazkids https://www.mynazkids.com/



    Shivani is the Founder of Arture https://myarture.com/



    Nan & Carl are the Founders of Seeker x Retriever https://www.seekerxretriever.com/



    Pola is the Founder of MODAPOLKA https://modapolka.com/



    Ihita is the Founder of MithilaSMITA https://www.mithilasmita.com/



    Mati is the Founder of Mati Ventrillon https://www.mativentrillon.co.uk/



    Josie is the Founder of AMMA Sri Lanka https://www.ammasrilanka.com/



    At HIP MOMMIES: https://hipmommies.ca/

    Buy products that are useful, well-made, thoughtfully designed that are responsibly from suppliers that are good people, supporting good causes, and that are doing business ethically

    Jennifer's podcast: COST OF GOODS SOLD


    Host: Leekei Tang

    Contact: hello (at) betterbusinessfounder.com

    Music credits: Ukulele Fun by Liosound Music / Wooden Xylophone by Floraphonic

  • ===========


    At HIP MOMMIES: https://hipmommies.ca/

    Buy products that are useful, well-made, thoughtfully designed that are responsibly from suppliers that are good people, supporting good causes, and that are doing business ethically

    Jennifer's podcast: COST OF GOODS SOLD







    Host: Leekei Tang

    Contact: hello (at) betterbusinessfounder.com

    Music credits: Ukulele Fun by Liosound Music / Wooden Xylophone by Floraphonic

  • ===========

    CONNECT WITH David Nebinski

    Web: https://www.portfoliocareerpodcast.com/



    The Podcasting Workshop


    Host: Leekei Tang

    Contact: hello (at) betterbusinessfounder.com

    Music credits: Ukulele Fun by Liosound Music / Wooden Xylophone by Floraphonic

  • ===========

    The Manifesto for Quiet Disruptors

    Have you noticed? We’re shifting from one era to the next.

    From the modern, industrial age where there were linear and predictable answers, to a complex, interconnected and volatile world. Where what we do affects who others become and impacts our whole environment, without us fully realising it.

    We need different voices. People with fresh things to say who don’t need to shout.

    Not just super-heroes with confident gestures. Nor the loud, always-on culture, with quick answers that offer attractive sticking plasters, yet fail to see what comes next or why we are doing it anyway.

    But the thoughtful and creative change-makers who look from the edge and craft their responses, who want to make a difference, differently. Not just for today.

    Because more of the same won’t do.

    So now is our time to shift the conversation by becoming the change we want to see. Owning our voice, finding the others and having the courage to speak softly about things that matter.

    Because only people make change. And change emerges with those who have the courage to be different:

    who think before they speak;who ask questions we’d sometimes rather not face;who create solutions we hadn’t expected;who see more from the edge, than the centre, and make connections that surprise us;who are driven to make a difference, but want to do it differently, with grace;who get their energy from calm reflection, beautiful ideas, and taking the long view;who exercise kindness, generosity and stubborn courage in pursuing a different way of looking, being and doing that can turn our world upside down – for the better.

    It’s time for the new change-makers. The quiet disruptors with the courage to speak softly about things that matter.

    Sue Heatherington
    The Waterside
    November 2020


    CONNECT WITH Sue Heatherington / Quiet Disruptors

    Web: https://quietdisruptors.com/

    Daily poetry: https://sueheatherington.com/

    twitter @SueWaterside



    University of East Anglia

    Susan Cain

    Simon Sinek

    Patagonia "DON'T BUY THIS JACKET"

    Josie Mackenzie / AMMA Sri Lanka

    🎤 🎧 episode with Josie Mackenzie


    Host: Leekei Tang

    Contact: hello (at) betterbusinessfounder.com

    Music credits: Ukulele Fun by Liosound Music / Wooden Xylophone by Floraphonic

  • ===========

    CONNECT WITH Shivani Patel / ARTURE

    Web: https://myarture.com/

    Instagram: @arturedesign



    National Institute of Fashion Technology

    CHENNAI: city in South of India where ARTURE is located

    INDIEGOGO: crowdfunding platform


    Host: Leekei Tang

    Contact: hello (at) betterbusinessfounder.com

    Music credits: Ukulele Fun by Liosound Music / Wooden Xylophone by Floraphonic

  • ===========

    CONNECT WITH Josie Mackenzie / AMMA Sri Lanka

    Web: https://www.ammasrilanka.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amma_srilanka/



    Central St Martins

    KANDY: the second city of Sri Lanka

    Official languages in Sri Lanka: Tamil and Sinhala

    Nuwara Eliya, where AMMA is located in Sri Lanka

    Colombo, the capital city of Sri Lanka

    Good Market




    Host: Leekei Tang

    Contact: hello (at) betterbusinessfounder.com

    Music credits: Ukulele Fun by Liosound Music / Wooden Xylophone by Floraphonic

  • ON Malaysia, its lush forests and Bai’s future vision for the world (2:43)

    ON the reason why Bai created Nazkids, a social business that provides jobs for women and particularly mothers in Jitra, Kedah (4:30)

    ON providing training as the hiring process of the makers (8:27)

    ON how Bai created a new category in baby clothing by developing Malay traditional outfits for babies’ Aqiqah and how it landed in the hands of celebrities and royal families (10:02)

    ON the power of the pictures to launch the brand (12:11)

    ON why it is so important to build the brand first (13:44)

    ON Bai leaving a corporate career to start her own company (15:02)

    ON losing most of her savings and bootstrapping (17:10)

    ON the philosophy behind training programs, why Nazkids focuses on training even if the women do not end up working with the business (20:23)

    ON the longer vision: to provide business training so the women can start their own business (22:41)

    ON Bai’s definition of success: how many people Bai can bring to achieve greater things in life (24:50)

    ON why Bai decided to register her company on Dec 12, 2012 (26:40)

    ON challenges and learnings from running a social business (27:53)

    ON where you can find Nazkids and the new products launching since the start of the pandemic (beyond masks!!!) (29:33)


    CONNECT WITH Bai / NazKids

    Web : www.mynazkids.com

    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/nazkids/

    Shopee in Malaysia :- http://shopee.com.my/starzgate23 (or search for Nazkids)

    Shopee in Singapore :- https://shopee.sg/starzgate23 (or search for Nazkids)

    Lazada in Malaysia :- https://www.lazada.com.my/shop/nazkids (or search for Nazkids)



    Jitra Kedah

    Rainforest in Malaysia

    Aqiqah or Akikah

    Kuala Lumpur


    Host: Leekei Tang

    Contact: hello (at) betterbusinessfounder.com

    Music credits: Ukulele Fun by Liosound Music / Wooden Xylophone by Floraphonic

  • ON Madhubani Paintings also known as Mithila Paintings, an Ancient Art Form practiced by Women (2:59)

    ON Ihita’s late Grandmother using this form of Art as a tool to bring a change in this part of the world (4:24)

    ON learnings from spending childhood at Grandmother’s NGO (4:53)

    ON the realization of the challenges of being women and continuing the work of her Grandmother (5:55)

    ON looking for more sustainable sources of revenue (8:18)

    ON the idea of evolving from an NGO to a Social Enterprise in order to help the system support the artisans in a way that they support our existence on this planet (9:07)

    ON adding value and meaning to corporate gifting (10:25)

    ON using artisans work onto fashion items (12:16)

    ON the challenges of switching from NGO model to a social business model & change of mindset (15:19)

    ON a hybrid model to support the vision (19:03)

    ON MITHILAsmita international expansion (21:00)

    ON Ihita definition of success: creating a system that holds the vision of creating sustainable livelihood for artisans and their creativity (22:45)

    ON Ihita’s vision of the world for her children: knowledge and appreciation of traditional art forms as the expression of timeless beauty and emotion (24:29)

    ON MITHILAsmita near future development: international expansion (26:48)


    CONNECT WITH Ihita Shandilya

    MITHILAsmita: https://www.mithilasmita.com/

    Connect on WhatsApp: +91 9901187800

    BUY from MITHILAsmita: ArtnHer https://www.artnher.com/



    Madhubani is a town municipality and headquarter of Madhubani district. Madhubani is situated in the Indian state of Bihar.

    Mithila Paintings

    ACUMEN fellowship

    UN Women Empowerment Principles award


    Host: Leekei Tang

    Contact: hello (at) betterbusinessfounder.com

    Music credits: Ukulele Fun by Liosound Music / Wooden Xylophone by Floraphonic

  • ON Scott’s Vision of the World (5:50)

    ON Why Scott transitioned from a music career to creating Creative on Purpose (6:13)

    ON Trusting ourselves when starting something new (8:37)

    ON Scott’s definition of Creativity (12:22)

    ON Integrity (15:03)

    ON Introduction to Stoic Philosophy (17:18)

    ON The Gift of Adversity (21:52)

    ON Coddiwomple [to head confidently to an unknown destination] (26:04)

    ON Values and Virtues (28:41)

    ON Taking Action (30:47)

    ON Being Part of a Community to Step into Possibility (34:15)

    ON The Intention when Writing Onward (37:31)


    CONNECT WITH Scott Perry

    CREATIVE ON PURPOSE: https://www.creativeonpurpose.com/

    BUY ONWARD, When Certainty Ends, Possibility Begins



    Seth Godin and Akimbo: https://akimbo.com/

    Some Stoic Philosophers & Historical Figures influenced by Stocism:

    Zeno of Citium: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeno_of_CitiumSeneca: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seneca_the_YoungerEpictetus: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EpictetusMarcus Aurelius: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marcus_AureliusFounding Fathers of the United States: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Founding_Fathers_of_the_United_StatesNelson Mandela: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nelson_Mandela


    Host: Leekei Tang

    Contact: hello (at) betterbusinessfounder.com

    Music credits: Mister Sunny Face by Wayne Jones / Blue Skies by Silent Partner / Happy Ukulele by Scott Holmes

  • ON Nan's (2:54)

    ON Carl's (3:24)

    ON who Seeker x Retriever is for (3:58)

    ON Seeker x Retriever brand philosophy (4:54)

    ON finding the weaving community in Chaeson Lampang Province (6:20)

    ON the first encounter with the weavers (8:27)

    ON the meaning of Seeker x Retriever (11:06)

    ON working with the tailor (12:46)

    ON working with the weavers (15:05)

    ON why they also offer made-to-order (17:01)

    ON human collaboration as a core value of Seeker x Retriever (18:56)

    ON waiting in today’s fast-paced world (22:03)

    ON explaining the brand philosophy to sell to customers (23:10)

    ON scaling up or down? (27:03)

    ON the definition of success (29:06)

    ON not working with too many stockists and on finding your tribe (32:11)

    ON the joys of working as a married couple (33:27)

    ON not having experience in fashion is an advantage in the current fashion system (35:15)


    CONNECT WITH Nan and Carl

    SEEKER x RETRIEVER: https://www.seekerxretriever.com/

    IG / FB






    Host: Leekei Tang

    Contact: hello (at) betterbusinessfounder.com

    Music credits: Mister Sunny Face by Wayne Jones / Blue Skies by Silent Partner / Happy Ukulele by Scott Holmes

  • Growing up in Poland (2:05)

    Pessimism on the current environmental outlooks (3:43)

    Why launching a fashion brand is Pola’s way of taking action and of spreading her message (4:54)

    The Narciso collection, made with vintage fabrics dated back from the 90s (7:22)

    Łódź and its textile industry history (10:00)

    The urban Nomad collection,made with Polish denim dated back from the 80s (11:44)

    Fashion Design as a branch of Product Design (13:48)

    How Pola launched her first collection (15:15)

    Why Pola sells her collection directly to clients (17:37)

    Łódź Design Festival (18:22)

    “I want to focus on the ergonomics. My clothes, most of all wearable and comfortable and made with sophisticated tailoring techniques” (19:25)

    “My goal is to improve the quality of life with my brand” (21:52)

    How Pola defines success (22:29)

    Learnings from failures (24:28)

    Trade-offs to be made and moral dilemmas (25:32)

    The joys of running her brand (28:11)


    CONNECT WITH Pola Stępień

    MODAPOLKA: https://modapolka.com/en/shop/

    IG / FB



    Polish former industrial city of Łódź

    The Film The Promised Land (1975) by Andrzej Wajda

    Łódź Design Festival


    Host: Leekei Tang

    Contact: hello (at) betterbusinessfounder.com

    Music credits: Mister Sunny Face by Wayne Jones / Blue Skies by Silent Partner / Happy Ukulele by Scott Holmes

  • Julia’s cross-country education and experiences (1:59) How Julia’s brand is connected to her personal vision (2:43) How Julia Skargeth brand started in Asia (4:30) How launching a Kickstarter campaign led Julia to ... take over a factory in Indonesia (10:00) A crisis is a chance to grow and to get better (12:36)Why Julia relocated production in Europe and restarting the brand (13:28)On transparency as part of the brand storytelling (18:00)Julia’s creative process on the fringe of the traditional fashion calendar (24:02)Brand’s further developments (27:12)What brings joy to Julia from her business (28:51)



    Julia Skergeth website: https://www.juliaskergeth.com/en/welcome/

    On Instagram: skergeth_official


    Host: Leekei Tang

    Contact: hello (at) betterbusinessfounder.com

    Music credits: Mister Sunny Face by Wayne Jones / Blue Skies by Silent Partner / Happy Ukulele by Scott Holmes

  • The Creative’s Workshop and tankespjärn (2:56) That pivotal moment when Helena discovered the concept of tankespjärn (10:40) Doing gentle with an edge (16:00)How does this serve me? (24:17)Who is tankespjärn for? ( 27:19) How Helena uses tankespjärn in her work? (29:27)Tankespjärn applied to the development of a business (34:23) The benefits of a tankespjärn review of the business as it is constantly evolving (37:50) To find out more about Helena and tankespjärn (43:14) There is no Truth [time capsule question] (46:39) My recent tankespjärn moment (50:25)


    Read Helena's Blog: https://helenaroth.com/

    Listen to Podcast: Tankespjarn with Helena Roth

    Join the tankespjärn Community on Patreon

    IG / FB



    The Creative's Workshop, an Akimbo workshop by Seth Godin

    Buddhas by the Roadside, a series of conversations with Helena

    Prior guests that are living example of a tankespjärn life (according to Helena):

    Mati Ventrillon, LISTEN to her storyKate Field, LISTEN to her story


    Host: Leekei Tang

    Contact: hello (at) betterbusinessfounder.com

    Music credits: Mister Sunny Face by Wayne Jones / Blue Skies by Silent Partner / Happy Ukulele by Scott Holmes