
  • Just over a year and a half since her final episode of 'The Mind Body Spirit Connection', Anne is back to discuss her recent decision to rebrand and relaunch the podcast as 'Quantum Growth & Connection'. Anne considers the concept of personal growth leading to fulfillment, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all living beings through energy fields and the quantum field. She explores the significance of daily practices for mental, physical, and spiritual development, drawing on quotes from Steve Jobs and Benjamin Franklin to highlight the importance of growth and seizing opportunities in life.


    Personal growth leads to fulfillment.

    The podcast was originally named MindBodySpirit Connection but was changed to Quantum Growth and Connection due to the association with New Age beliefs.

    Quantum refers to the smallest discrete unit of a phenomenon and is related to predicting experimental results with accuracy.

    Daily practices can lead to significant change over time if done consistently.

    Quantum Growth and Connection explores success strategies, power principles, relationship rescue, and the quantum field.


    "I fell out of love with the MindBodySpirit title remarkably soon after launching the podcast... it screams new age to a great many people."

    "Everything is connected... one person vibrating at a really high frequency genuinely will affect thousands, sometimes millions of others."

    "Life wasn't very comfortable in those days... There is no growth inside the comfort zone."

    "A simple, short, daily practice can develop huge change by the end of a year if you do it consistently."

    "Miracles are just physics for which we haven't yet found the equation... You can influence reality."


    Annes YouTube Channel.


    To access the Mind Body Spirit Mentor Book go to:



    Email [email protected]
    LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/anne-corbin/


    Anne originally trained as a maths and science teacher but then chose to qualify as an accountant and worked in business for 12 years. Having recognised that there was more to life than a successful career – specifically working long hours to make money for other people at the expense of her own health – she quit the rat race and returned to her first love: teaching, but on a part-time basis. Fascinated by psychology, philosophy and theology, she is now a successful trainer, speaker and author, who enjoys sharing her passion, purpose and knowledge with a growing audience.

    , Journey, Growth, Awakening, Transition, Personal to Spiritual, Self expression, mastery, Meditation, guide, Spirit guide, Energy, Balance, Healing, confidence, self, oneness, stillness: https://linktr.ee/mindbodyspiritconnection

  • Join Anne as she explores the fascinating connections between Nikola Tesla, time travel, and current events. She delves into the idea that Tesla's inventions and knowledge are being utilised by the so-called White Hats, the good guys in the US military working with Donald Trump. Anne discusses the sightings of unusual lights in the sky resembling the Aurora Borealis, which may be a result of Tesla's experiments. She also delves into the theory that John F. Kennedy Jr. is still alive and working with Trump, and the possibility of divine intervention and a rapture event in the near future. With a mix of science, history, and Bible interpretation, Anne offers thought-provoking insights into the potential connections and implications of these phenomena.


    Tesla's inventions and knowledge were kept from falling into the wrong hands, as he had close associations with John G. Trump, who sorted through Tesla's papers after his death.

    There have been sightings of blue lights in the sky resembling the Aurora Borealis, which may be a result of Tesla's experiments with his apparatus that can break the air stratum down.

    The White Hats, in the US military working with Donald Trump, are likely operating Tesla's technology from Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado, where Tesla conducted his original experimentation.

    There are theories and evidence suggesting the existence of time travel, with claims that John F. Kennedy Jr. went into witness protection and is still alive, and that there are additional versions of Donald Trump as a result of time travel.

    The possibility of divine intervention, collaboration with Tesla, and the use of stargates for transportation are mentioned in relation to the future and potential events such as the rapture and the presidential election.


    "We know that Nikola Tesla discovered time travel, but never patented any of his inventions, because he was determined that his knowledge should not fall into the wrong hands."

    "I was suggesting last week that as a result of time travel, an incarnation of Tesla is alive today and still experimenting."

    "Most likely, it's being operated by the so-called White Hats, the good guys in the US military who are working with Donald Trump."

    "There's plenty of evidence, much more than I have time to include here, showing that Trump, John F. Kennedy Jr., time travel, Q and the White Hats, that is the good guys working with and in the military, and Tesla are alive, working together, and that things are coming to a head."

    "So, possibly too much has been made from one little verse in the Bible, 1 Corinthians 52 verse 15. You would never perceive the hidden meaning apparently contained there unless you were informed by a Bible scholar."

    awaken.plus - https://linktr.ee/mindbodyspiritconnection

    Anne's YouTube Channel.


    To access the Mind Body Spirit Mentor Book go to:

    https://[email protected]

    Schedule a call.


    Email [email protected] LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/anne-corbin/

    Anne originally trained as a maths and science teacher but then chose to qualify as an accountant and worked in business for 12 years. Having recognised that there was more to life than a successful career – specifically working long hours to make money for other people at the expense of her own health – she quit the rat race and returned to her first love: teaching, but on a part-time basis. Fascinated by psychology, philosophy and theology, she is now a successful trainer, speaker and author, who enjoys sharing her passion, purpose and knowledge with a growing audience.

    , Journey, Growth, Awakening, Transition, Personal to Spiritual, Self expression, mastery, Meditation, guide, Spirit guide, Energy, Balance, Healing, confidence, self, oneness, stillness: https://linktr.ee/mindbodyspiritconnection

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  • In this episode, Anne Corbin explores the intriguing connections between time travel, science, and biblical prophecy. Drawing on her own experiences and research, she delves into the concept of the Rapture and its connection to the teachings of the Bible. Anne discusses the lesser-known aspects of inventor Nikola Tesla's life, including his experiments with electromagnetism and his alleged discovery of time travel. She also highlights the role of the Trump family, particularly John G. Trump, in Tesla's work and the potential collaboration between them. With thought-provoking theories and hidden knowledge, offering a glimpse into a world where science and spirituality intersect.


    The concept of the Rapture, where a large portion of the population suddenly disappears before the end times, is discussed and connected to biblical scripture.Nikola Tesla, a renowned scientist, is mentioned in relation to time travel experiments and his desire to provide free energy to mankind.Tesla's connection to the Trump family, specifically John G. Trump, is highlighted, suggesting a potential collaboration in the field of particle acceleration and ionizing radiation.The theory that Tesla discovered time travel and sent himself into the future is presented, with the possibility of a living Tesla today working with the White Hats and the US military.The idea of a Great Awakening, where hidden truths are being revealed and knowledge is increasing, is mentioned, along with the current state of corruption, poverty, and other issues in America and the Western world

    "Tesla was a genius, no question, and effectively silencing him a hundred years ago and making mankind dependent on those so-called fossil fuels has choked off the development of science."
    "We know that we've been lied to for centuries and it's only gotten worse in the past 50 years."
    "The Great Awakening is gathering pace, much of the truth is very dark indeed, and there's little doubt that we are in the end times."
    "The situation in America is unbelievable: a senile puppet president controlled by the deep state, corruption, crime, poverty, drug abuse all at record levels, crazy numbers of illegal immigrants."
    "So much is hidden from us, but it's amazing how much is known about by enthusiasts outside of what the legacy media allow us to digest as general knowledge."

    Annes YouTube Channel.
    To access the Mind Body Spirit Mentor Book go to:
    The Mind-Body-Spirit Mentor (UK)
    The Mind-Body-Spirit Mentor (US)
    Schedule a call.

    [email protected]

    Anne originally trained as a maths and science teacher but then chose to qualify as an accountant and worked in business for 12 years. Having recognised that there was more to life than a successful career – specifically working long hours to make money for other people at the expense of her own health – she quit the rat race and returned to her first love: teaching, but on a part-time basis. Fascinated by psychology, philosophy and theology, she is now a successful trainer, speaker and author, who enjoys sharing her passion, purpose and knowledge with a growing audience.

    , Journey, Growth, Awakening, Transition, Personal to Spiritual, Self expression, mastery, Meditation, guide, Spirit guide, Energy, Balance, Healing, confidence, self, oneness, stillness: https://linktr.ee/mindbodyspiritconnection

  • Anne explores the concept of happiness and its connection to our basic needs and psychological well-being. Drawing from Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs, she discusses how our pursuit of happiness is often influenced by societal conditioning and the constant comparison to others. She emphasises the importance of taking responsibility for our own happiness and reframing negative self-talk. Anne also delves into the idea of self-actualisation and finding purpose in life, highlighting the significance of personal growth and being of service to others. Overall, this episode offers insightful perspectives on happiness and provides practical advice for cultivating a fulfilling life.


    The pursuit of happiness is not about chasing or owning happiness, but rather about feeling and being happy. It is a state of being rather than a possession.

    Guilt is a redundant feeling that pulls down vibrations and stifles achievement. Taking responsibility, on the other hand, is an acknowledgement of being in control and making conscious choices.

    Self-talk and the way we speak to ourselves can greatly impact our happiness. It is important to be mindful of negative self-talk and replace it with positive and empowering language.

    Maslow's hierarchy of needs suggests that basic physiological and safety needs must be met before psychological and self-fulfilment needs become important. Happiness is often related to satisfaction and can be found even in simpler societies with fewer material possessions.

    Self-actualisation, or achieving one's full potential and being of service to others, is the highest level of fulfilment according to Maslow's hierarchy. Discovering one's purpose and mission in life can lead to a sense of self-fulfilment and happiness.


    "Happiness isn't something that you can catch, you can't chase it, it isn't something that you own or have, it's rather something that you feel and it's something to be."

    "Regrettably for many, conditioning by society and relentless programming causes them to blame themselves all the time for what has or hasn't happened to them and even to other members of their family."

    "Blame is negative and it's allied with very low vibrational states like regret, revenge, remorse, despair, depression and also even doubt which can be a real killer of positive thoughts and vibrations."

    "Taking responsibility is quite different from blame, it's an acknowledgement of being in control, a recognition of having a choice and acting on that."

    "The two most important days of your life are the day you were born and the day that you find out why."

    Anne's YouTube Channel.


    To access the Mind Body Spirit Mentor Book go to:



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    Email [email protected]

    LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/anne-corbin/

    Anne originally trained as a maths and science teacher but then chose to qualify as an accountant and worked in business for 12 years. Having recognised that there was more to life than a successful career – specifically working long hours to make money for other people at the expense of her own health – she quit the rat race and returned to her first love: teaching, but on a part-time basis. Fascinated by psychology, philosophy and theology, she is now a successful trainer, speaker and author, who enjoys sharing her passion, purpose and knowledge with a growing audience.

    , Journey, Growth, Awakening, Transition, Personal to Spiritual, Self expression, mastery, Meditation, guide, Spirit guide, Energy, Balance, Healing, confidence, self, oneness, stillness: https://linktr.ee/mindbodyspiritconnection

  • In this episode, host Anne Corbin explores the fascinating world of the Amish community and their unique way of life. Drawing inspiration from a film she watched years ago, Anne reflects on her encounter with an Amish family during a road trip to Four Corners. She delves into the beliefs, values, and customs of the Amish, who choose to live outside of the modern world, eschewing modern conveniences and technology. Anne also discusses the Amish's approach to the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting their resistance to lockdowns, masks, and vaccinations. She further explores the controversial topic of vaccines and their potential impact on children's health, citing evidence presented by Steve Kirsch and Robert Kennedy Jr. Overall, this thought-provoking episode offers a unique perspective on alternative lifestyles and raises important questions about the current state of healthcare and vaccination practices.


    The Amish community is a religious group that chooses to live outside of the modern world, rejecting modern conveniences such as motor vehicles, telephones, and television.The Amish prioritise simplicity and modesty in their lifestyle, wearing plain, homemade attire and engaging in farming without the use of modern machinery or power tools.The Amish do not vaccinate their children and have reported almost no deaths from COVID-19, suggesting a potential connection between vaccines and certain health issues such as autism.The incidence of chronic diseases in vaccinated children in America has increased significantly in the past 30 years.The mainstream narrative surrounding vaccines and their safety is heavily influenced by pharmaceutical companies, and there is a lack of comprehensive studies investigating the long-term effects of vaccines.


    "The Amish try to live outside of the modern world."

    "The Amish don't vaccinate. It's against their principles and there is no record at all of autism in the Amish population."

    "Unvaccinated children are always healthier yet no studies have been carried out to investigate this."

    "There are no safe vaccines, not a single one."

    "Large numbers of parents continue to vaccinate and accept the absurd schedule of childhood vaccinations."

    Annes YouTube Channel.


    To access the Mind Body Spirit Mentor Book go to:


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    Email [email protected]

    LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/anne-corbin/

    Anne originally trained as a maths and science teacher but then chose to qualify as an accountant and worked in business for 12 years. Having recognised that there was more to life than a successful career – specifically working long hours to make money for other people at the expense of her own health – she quit the rat race and returned to her first love: teaching, but on a part-time basis. Fascinated by psychology, philosophy and theology, she is now a successful trainer, speaker and author, who enjoys sharing her passion, purpose and knowledge with a growing audience.

    , Journey, Growth, Awakening, Transition, Personal to Spiritual, Self expression, mastery, Meditation, guide, Spirit guide, Energy, Balance, Healing, confidence, self, oneness, stillness: https://linktr.ee/mindbodyspiritconnection

  • Anne explains the beginnings of the petroleum industry and its links with that old character, John D. Rockefeller, and the myth of ‘fossil fuels’ created to suggest scarcity. This is just one of the many lies pedalled by the secret societies to control the masses and Anne makes some connections to reveal even more.


    The term ‘fossil fuel’ must be a misnomer as oil comes from a depth lower than any other fossil matter has ever been found.‘Peak oil’ is a hypothetical idea describing the point of maximum global production being reached causing a decline in oil reserves.Personal, Sexual, Health and Economic (PSHE) taught in UK schools meets the NSPCC definition of non-contact sexual abuse.Distinguished climatologists are silenced if they disagree with the Climate change ‘message’.Innumerable studies have shown that rises in Carbon Dioxide follow rising temperatures, they do not cause them.The powers that be continue their attacks on our use of cash with the imposition of stores that remove the funds from your accounts automatically without any human interaction whatsoever.


    ‘Rockefeller had the monopoly on information in those days and he ensured that the idea of scarcity and ‘fossil fuel’ got into everybody’s mind.’

    ‘It’s part of the web of nonsense pedalled by the Club of Rome, the World Economic Forum and the rest of the secret societies intent on twisting the truth and maintaining control of the masses.’

    ‘If so then the schools, the education system, is breaking the law under the sexual offences act of 2003.’

    ‘I’m so delighted to watch the fight back by ordinary Londoners against Mayor Sadiq Khans’ iniquitous ULEZ policy.’

    ‘There are many signs that this destruction was planned.’


    Annes YouTube Channel.

    To access the Mind Body Spirit Mentor Book go to:

    The Mind-Body-Spirit Mentor (UK)

    The Mind-Body-Spirit Mentor (US)

    Schedule a call.



    [email protected]



    Anne originally trained as a maths and science teacher but then chose to qualify as an accountant and worked in business for 12 years. Having recognised that there was more to life than a successful career – specifically working long hours to make money for other people at the expense of her own health – she quit the rat race and returned to her first love: teaching, but on a part-time basis. Fascinated by psychology, philosophy and theology, she is now a successful trainer, speaker and author, who enjoys sharing her passion, purpose and knowledge with a growing audience.

    , Journey, Growth, Awakening, Transition, Personal to Spiritual, Self expression, mastery, Meditation, guide, Spirit guide, Energy, Balance, Healing, confidence, self, oneness, stillness: https://linktr.ee/mindbodyspiritconnection

  • Functional nutrition is a minuscule part of a modern GP’s training and the system is primarily formed to support the ‘pill for every ill’ form of medicine. In reality, many illnesses can be treated or even avoided altogether by upscaling our diet, as long as the information is there on what we should be consuming and how with no hidden agendas looking for profit underneath the data. Anne takes a look at the current crop of dangerous chemicals being pushed, and what we should be avoiding to live healthy long lives.


    Synthetic sugars are touted as the solution to overconsumption of sugar, but many of these alternatives come with their own health-damaging side effects, not the least of which is Aspartame. Even sugared drinks have artificial sweeteners added.Aspartame is known to cause decreased vision, headaches and migraine, epileptic seizures, severe depression, irritability and phobias, severe PMS, hyperactivity, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and birth defects.Type 2 diabetes has increased due to the overuse of Aspartame as it does not assist you with weight loss.


    ‘The amazing thing about Aspartame was you could hardly taste that it was a synthetic sweetener.’

    ‘If you happen to leave aspartame lying about on the floor for whatever reason, nothing will eat it. Even cockroaches and ants won’t eat it.’

    ‘Anything ending in ‘ose’ is a sugar, and there is that most famous of culprits, corn syrup.’

    ‘We actually need fat to live healthy lives, and also, the fat is what produces the flavour in almost all instances.’


    Annes YouTube Channel.

    To access the Mind Body Spirit Mentor Book go to:

    The Mind-Body-Spirit Mentor (UK)

    The Mind-Body-Spirit Mentor (US)

    Schedule a call.



    [email protected]



    Anne originally trained as a maths and science teacher but then chose to qualify as an accountant and worked in business for 12 years. Having recognised that there was more to life than a successful career – specifically working long hours to make money for other people at the expense of her own health – she quit the rat race and returned to her first love: teaching, but on a part-time basis. Fascinated by psychology, philosophy and theology, she is now a successful trainer, speaker and author, who enjoys sharing her passion, purpose and knowledge with a growing audience.

    , Journey, Growth, Awakening, Transition, Personal to Spiritual, Self expression, mastery, Meditation, guide, Spirit guide, Energy, Balance, Healing, confidence, self, oneness, stillness: https://linktr.ee/mindbodyspiritconnection

  • Let’s spend some time talking about that little word ‘love’. Perhaps an overused word, certainly in the English language, it is no surprise that love is considered a somewhat abstract concept or has a singular, restricted meaning. Anne widens the definition of love from our modern, simplistic context to a wider, more nuanced understanding.


    The four loves defined in the Bible are affection, friendship, erotic love and the love of God. However, ‘affection’ alone carries within it a vast number of types of human love. The love of music, food, nature, seasons, and places are all under the definition of love. Perhaps we are using the word love in a lazy sense.Friendship as a word has been devalued by social media.Self-love is important as we cannot function effectively without it, and it is often hampered by false beliefs about ourselves.


    ‘The first category; ‘affection’, carries a whole raft of sub-categories including the love, for example, mothers have for babies and, indeed, all forms of familial love.’

    ‘It’s been said that people collect ‘friends’ on social media the way we used to collect books, records or CD’s.’

    ‘This is what Lewis describes as ‘unconditional love’ and also as love for our fellow man, plus a very important love and that is love for ourselves.’

    ‘We are made in God’s image, and we are enough.’

    ‘So, if the movement to grow love, spread love, develop love is enthusiastically embraced by as many people as possible, who knows what effect it’s going to have?’


    Annes YouTube Channel.

    To access the Mind Body Spirit Mentor Book go to:

    The Mind-Body-Spirit Mentor (UK)

    The Mind-Body-Spirit Mentor (US)

    Schedule a call.



    [email protected]



    Anne originally trained as a maths and science teacher but then chose to qualify as an accountant and worked in business for 12 years. Having recognised that there was more to life than a successful career – specifically working long hours to make money for other people at the expense of her own health – she quit the rat race and returned to her first love: teaching, but on a part-time basis. Fascinated by psychology, philosophy and theology, she is now a successful trainer, speaker and author, who enjoys sharing her passion, purpose and knowledge with a growing audience.

    , Journey, Growth, Awakening, Transition, Personal to Spiritual, Self expression, mastery, Meditation, guide, Spirit guide, Energy, Balance, Healing, confidence, self, oneness, stillness: https://linktr.ee/mindbodyspiritconnection

  • We all know how torturous it can be to be deprived of sleep and it has been used throughout history for just such a purpose. Anne takes a close look at our need for sleep for our health, safety, mental health, and lifestyles.


    The body has a remarkable capacity for healing during sleep.Concentration, mood, memory and coordination are all affected by lack of sleep.Experts recommend that we have 7.5 hours of sleep regularly.Stimulants such as caffeine exacerbate the problem.Short afternoon naps can help top up sleep.

    ‘When we are ill, sleep is very often the best remedy.’
    ‘Long-term tiredness will weaken your immune system because antibodies and cytokines are produced during sleep.’
    ‘Strangely, we feel we need to apologise for needing our full quota of sleep!’
    ‘Margaret Thatcher famously required only 4 hours sleep and it became part of her ‘iron lady’ famous reputation. However, long after she had passed on, details were published by the national archives which suggest that she would have made up for it as she was able to nap in her chauffeur driven car.’
    ‘We look after our body in terms of what food we take and we take care to hydrate, but don’t forget to sleep. Sleep is really critical.’

    Annes YouTube Channel.
    To access the Mind Body Spirit Mentor Book go to:
    The Mind-Body-Spirit Mentor (UK)
    The Mind-Body-Spirit Mentor (US)
    Schedule a call.

    [email protected]

    Anne originally trained as a maths and science teacher but then chose to qualify as an accountant and worked in business for 12 years. Having recognised that there was more to life than a successful career – specifically working long hours to make money for other people at the expense of her own health – she quit the rat race and returned to her first love: teaching, but on a part-time basis. Fascinated by psychology, philosophy and theology, she is now a successful trainer, speaker and author, who enjoys sharing her passion, purpose and knowledge with a growing audience.

    , Journey, Growth, Awakening, Transition, Personal to Spiritual, Self expression, mastery, Meditation, guide, Spirit guide, Energy, Balance, Healing, confidence, self, oneness, stillness: https://linktr.ee/mindbodyspiritconnection

  • Stress is one of the greatest threats to our ongoing health in the modern age, both our physical and mental health. Anne discusses the fight or flight response, how we can be manipulated by its constant activation, the symptoms and causes of our stress and how we can mitigate the sources before they become problematic.


    The stress response is our automatic response, part of our oldest developed brain response, that keeps us from danger. When triggered, the fight or flight mechanism makes the heart beat faster, shuts down functions that are not conducive to escape such as digestion and brain function, and increases blood flow to the muscles by a generous natural dose of adrenaline.Stress also depresses the immune system which is why the government wants to keep us suspended in a never-ending state of fear.We need to learn how to circumvent the causes of stress. Stress can help with physical performance but once the need has passed, we need to take steps to discharge the stress.Pessimism, insecurity, rigidity of thought, perfectionism, negative self-criticism and worry, can increase the occurrence of stress in your life. Simple, daily practices like staying hydrated, breathing exercises, adjusting our sleep environment and improving diet can help enormously.

    ‘That’s all (the stress response) is worrying about actually keeping us safe. It doesn’t care whether we are happy or not, in fact, it doesn’t do anything to promote happiness. It just keeps us safe.’
    ‘On a daily basis, all kinds of low-level stress are thrown in our direction, and we never use those muscles or the massive potential energy which was intended to burn up the hormones.’
    ‘Some were lucky enough to be on furlough. Not so anyone who was a Director in a small company for example. There was precious little help around.’
    ‘One of the first things to do is work out the specific cause and how it can be mitigated, if not, fixed. Even simply talking matters through with a friend, family member, or a professional is a good starting place.’
    "Weight in the right proportion to height places less stress on the body. Those who are carrying around too much weight when it tips over a particular threshold the structure of the body starts to complain.’

    Annes YouTube Channel.
    To access the Mind Body Spirit Mentor Book go to:
    The Mind-Body-Spirit Mentor (UK)
    The Mind-Body-Spirit Mentor (US)
    Schedule a call - Www.calendly.com/mbsconnect

    [email protected]

    Anne originally trained as a maths and science teacher but then chose to qualify as an accountant and worked in business for 12 years. Having recognised that there was more to life than a successful career – specifically working long hours to make money for other people at the expense of her own health – she quit the rat race and returned to her first love: teaching, but on a part-time basis. Fascinated by psychology, philosophy and theology, she is now a successful trainer, speaker and author, who enjoys sharing her passion, purpose and knowledge with a growing audience.

    , Journey, Growth, Awakening, Transition, Personal to Spiritual, Self expression, mastery, Meditation, guide, Spirit guide, Energy, Balance, Healing, confidence, self, oneness, stillness: https://linktr.ee/mindbodyspiritconnection

  • Wendy Firmin-Price is an energy coach and award-winning author, who runs workshops and courses in relationships and personal development, using the unique healing power of horses. She has overcome numerous challenges in her own life, and this year is on a remarkable journey of weight loss. HEART stands for Holistic Equine Assisted Relationship Therapy. Also, an award-winning speaker, Wendy has this advice: Remember: the task before you is never greater than the power within you!


    Wendy’s first pony Tiggy helped to change her life and was the catalyst for writing her book ‘Heart of Stable Relationships’ and a critical change in perspective. With the coaching Wendy offers alongside horses people can perceive things at a very different level and causes a natural communication between client and animal.Taking a holistic approach to her weight loss Wendy has been through a very successful year of weight loss.Develop real patience when it comes to weight loss, slow, steady weight loss is sustainable.HEART therapy helps Wendy’s clients to claim who they truly are after wearing different outlooks for different responsibilities for so long.

    ‘My passions in life are horses, metaphysics and helping transform people’s lives.’-Wendy
    ‘Because animals work on energetic vibrations, they tune into the energy of the weather, they tune into the energy of people, their surroundings and because we as humans are always giving off different energies it’s what makes them really powerful to work with in a coaching session.’-Wendy
    ‘I’d spent years exploring this type of diet, that type of diet, but nothing would work permanently.’-Wendy
    ‘It’s great to recognise what’s holding you back because so often these fears are buried really deep and because we don’t acknowledge them we can't deal with them.’-Anne
    ‘We can pay too much homage to our fear and not listen to the deeper message.’-Wendy
    ‘You know with metaphysics you need to have the end in mind. If you visualize what you want you can get into that energy and keep your feelings and vibration there so you can allow reality to catch up.’-Wendy

    Wendy Price 07801567850
    [email protected]

    Annes YouTube Channel.
    To access the Mind Body Spirit Mentor Book go to:
    The Mind-Body-Spirit Mentor (UK)
    The Mind-Body-Spirit Mentor (US)
    Schedule a call.

    [email protected]

    Anne originally trained as a maths and science teacher but then chose to qualify as an accountant and worked in business for 12 years. Having recognised that there was more to life than a successful career – specifically working long hours to make money for other people at the expense of her own health – she quit the rat race and returned to her first love: teaching, but on a part-time basis. Fascinated by psychology, philosophy and theology, she is now a successful trainer, speaker and author, who enjoys sharing her passion, purpose and knowledge with a growing audience.

    , Journey, Growth, Awakening, Transition, Personal to Spiritual, Self expression, mastery, Meditation, guide, Spirit guide, Energy, Balance, Healing, confidence, self, oneness, stillness: https://linktr.ee/mindbodyspiritconnection

  • Once again, a major wildfire, this time in Canada, has gone suspiciously unreported in the UK. This could just be due to this now unexplained common occurrence no longer being deemed ‘newsworthy’, but are there other motives behind this new, deadly destroyer of people's lives and homes? Anne takes a look at the climate change predictions and theories that have failed over the decades and deduces the real reasons behind this device to spread compliance and fear.


    400 different wildfires are raging all across Canada currently.Wildfires create a foul-smelling and unhealthy smog that spreads beyond oceans and international borders.The lack of news on this subject and the absence of clamour to assign blame to climate change is notable. Most predictions about climate change have proved to be false, but the idea was to spread fear so the population would accept any instruction or tax that Governments choose to impose.

    ‘There is formaldehyde and benzine in the smoke and this is what causes burning eyes, breathing difficulties and so on.’
    ‘I do have a vague recollection of my parents and their friends discussing the exact opposite. In the 70s people were getting very excited about the coming ice age.’
    ‘Soylent Green might have been the first of the dystopian future films but there have certainly been plenty more of them released since then and all of them are examples of predictive programming.’

    Annes YouTube Channel.
    To access the Mind Body Spirit Mentor Book go to:
    The Mind-Body-Spirit Mentor (UK)
    The Mind-Body-Spirit Mentor (US)
    Schedule a call.

    [email protected]

    Anne originally trained as a maths and science teacher but then chose to qualify as an accountant and worked in business for 12 years. Having recognised that there was more to life than a successful career – specifically working long hours to make money for other people at the expense of her own health – she quit the rat race and returned to her first love: teaching, but on a part-time basis. Fascinated by psychology, philosophy and theology, she is now a successful trainer, speaker and author, who enjoys sharing her passion, purpose and knowledge with a growing audience.

    , Journey, Growth, Awakening, Transition, Personal to Spiritual, Self expression, mastery, Meditation, guide, Spirit guide, Energy, Balance, Healing, confidence, self, oneness, stillness: https://linktr.ee/mindbodyspiritconnection

  • How do we resist concentrated attacks on our lifestyles from the elite and their puppet authorities like The United Nations? With their plans for 15-minute cities and digital currency posed under the guise of ‘sustainability goals’, how can we resist their efforts to control and restrict us? Anne presents a surprisingly sunny outlook in the face of these challenges and reminds us of our ace card in the battle to retain our freedom, our knowledge of their intentions.


    The Agenda 21 (or should we say 2030) is resulting in the lives of humans being destroyed for the sake of ‘biodiversity’ and tackling climate change. The elite 1% have sinister plans to trap us in 15-minute cities and restrict our access to any wealth.It doesn’t matter what ‘side’ of politics you are on, the whole system is diseased. ‘The Sound of Freedom’ by Angel Studios details the corruption behind the Hollywood system and the truth behind Adrenachrome and child blood harvesting.

    ‘It’s not based on science, it's a policy being pushed by the United Nations under those UN SDGs and turning everywhere green and sustainable.’
    ‘Our comfortable lifestyles in the West are currently under imminent threat of destruction.’
    ‘We are now much more aware than ever that we are all living under an oppressive system and things aren’t fair and they aren’t just.’
    ‘Do not comply. Wherever possible, even if it takes you way out of your comfort zone.’

    Annes YouTube Channel.
    To access the Mind Body Spirit Mentor Book go to:
    The Mind-Body-Spirit Mentor (UK)
    The Mind-Body-Spirit Mentor (US)
    Schedule a call.

    [email protected]

    Anne originally trained as a math and science teacher but then chose to qualify as an accountant and worked in business for 12 years. Having recognised that there was more to life than a successful career – specifically working long hours to make money for other people at the expense of her own health – she quit the rat race and returned to her first love: teaching, but on a part-time basis. Fascinated by psychology, philosophy and theology, she is now a successful trainer, speaker and author, who enjoys sharing her passion, purpose and knowledge with a growing audience.

    , Journey, Growth, Awakening, Transition, Personal to Spiritual, Self expression, mastery, Meditation, guide, Spirit guide, Energy, Balance, Healing, confidence, self, oneness, stillness: https://linktr.ee/mindbodyspiritconnection

  • The last century saw many breakthroughs in technology and medication which seemingly freed women from the, up to then, traditional roles involving housekeeping, child birthing and child-rearing. Has the resulting Feminism provided any advantages to the well-being of women of today?


    The depopulation agenda is massive and one of the main focuses of the secret societies meddling in our lives today. In Western society, efforts seem to be facing towards decreasing the population whereas in less developed countries, populations continue to grow.Wartime showed how women could fulfill a very important national role and could complete tasks normally considered only the remit of men.The ‘women can have it all’ career and child-rearing conundrum has resulted in very few women achieving a fulfilled career and satisfactory home life.Housing costs have ensured that both parents in a family have to go out to work.


    ‘The club of Rome is responsible for dreaming up the great lie about man being responsible for global warming and they also set about convincing people to have fewer children.’

    ‘And the feminists..was this women’s liberation rebranded?’

    ‘Although I always have and always will believe in fairness and having equal pay for equal work, I have great deal less time for the movement than I did as an idealistic 20 year old.’

    ‘What about the not-so-affluent middle to lower income families who find that both parents have to work because costs are so high?’

    ‘Rampant feminism began to preach that women are superior to men, that women didn’t need men.’


    Annes YouTube Channel.

    To access the Mind Body Spirit Mentor Book go to:

    The Mind-Body-Spirit Mentor (UK)

    The Mind-Body-Spirit Mentor (US)

    Schedule a call.


    [email protected]



    Anne originally trained as a maths and science teacher but then chose to qualify as an accountant and worked in business for 12 years. Having recognised that there was more to life than a successful career – specifically working long hours to make money for other people at the expense of her own health – she quit the rat race and returned to her first love: teaching, but on a part-time basis. Fascinated by psychology, philosophy and theology, she is now a successful trainer, speaker and author, who enjoys sharing her passion, purpose and knowledge with a growing audience.

    , Journey, Growth, Awakening, Transition, Personal to Spiritual, Self expression, mastery, Meditation, guide, Spirit guide, Energy, Balance, Healing, confidence, self, oneness, stillness: https://linktr.ee/mindbodyspiritconnection

  • Anne takes a look at the thorny modern issue of transgenderism, an aggressive and controlling movement that seems to have pushed minority identity politics too far. What are the motives behind the sexualization, medication and indoctrination of very young children without the consent, and even knowledge, of their parents?


    We should let children be children and not challenge young minds with complex ideas of sexual identity which should be tackled later. In reality, sex changes are not possible without ongoing and progressive side effects.The so-called ‘gender-affirming care’ is already generating millions in profit for big pharma.Dissenting voices speaking against the casual sex changing of minors are quickly silenced as bigots. The inclusion of trans-women in women’s sports is another example of ideology overriding common sense.

    ‘That topic is the craziness that is prevalent in sport and politics and schools that’s referred to as Transgenderism.’
    ‘This is another example of programming, the casual belittling of men. It’s so prevalent in so much of what’s presented as entertainment these days.’
    ‘Apparently, all over Europe, this treatment is now being banned because they have recognized it as the worst medical scandal of modern history.’
    ‘Grown men who have failed as swimmers, cyclists, you name it realize that if they just change sex that they’ll be stronger than all their competitors.’

    Annes YouTube Channel.
    To access the Mind Body Spirit Mentor Book go to:
    The Mind-Body-Spirit Mentor (UK)
    The Mind-Body-Spirit Mentor (US)
    Schedule a call.

    [email protected]

    Anne originally trained as a maths and science teacher but then chose to qualify as an accountant and worked in business for 12 years. Having recognised that there was more to life than a successful career – specifically working long hours to make money for other people at the expense of her own health – she quit the rat race and returned to her first love: teaching, but on a part-time basis. Fascinated by psychology, philosophy and theology, she is now a successful trainer, speaker and author, who enjoys sharing her passion, purpose and knowledge with a growing audience.

    , Journey, Growth, Awakening, Transition, Personal to Spiritual, Self expression, mastery, Meditation, guide, Spirit guide, Energy, Balance, Healing, confidence, self, oneness, stillness: https://linktr.ee/mindbodyspiritconnection

  • ‘Sustainability’, that often parroted, friendly-sounding word that seems to be the goal for all people, organizations, companies and governments currently is not as cosy a concept as you think. Anne continues to look at the real goals behind the UN ‘sustainability’ agenda and what it could mean to you in the future if it remains the main focus of our modern society.


    The United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals sound worthy but are covering menacing intentions.The aim to build ‘resilient’ infrastructure and promote industrialization will most likely mean increased use of robotics and artificial intelligence.Elimination of inequality will mean everybody will be poor.‘Sustainable consumption and production’ actually means rationing.People will be forced off of rural lands and moved into ‘smart cities’.Social credits will be used to enforce compliance with restricted access.

    ‘Those of us who are awakened who have developed the ability to read between the lines, who have grasped the fact that secret organizations are manipulating us and have been doing so for centuries are no longer willing to sit back and watch our lives be taken over by the men in shadows.’
    ‘The whole intention behind these goals is to eliminate the use or the need for people.’
    ‘Both natural and man made disasters will be blamed on Climate Change, thus keeping draconian measures in place on a false premise.’
    ‘The good news is as more and more people become aware and awakened to what they (meaning the new world order) are attempting to impose upon us, the less likely it is actually to happen.’

    Annes YouTube Channel.
    To access the Mind Body Spirit Mentor Book go to:
    The Mind-Body-Spirit Mentor (UK)
    The Mind-Body-Spirit Mentor (US)
    Schedule a call.

    [email protected]

    Anne originally trained as a maths and science teacher but then chose to qualify as an accountant and worked in business for 12 years. Having recognised that there was more to life than a successful career – specifically working long hours to make money for other people at the expense of her own health – she quit the rat race and returned to her first love: teaching, but on a part-time basis. Fascinated by psychology, philosophy and theology, she is now a successful trainer, speaker and author, who enjoys sharing her passion, purpose and knowledge with a growing audience.

    , Journey, Growth, Awakening, Transition, Personal to Spiritual, Self expression, mastery, Meditation, guide, Spirit guide, Energy, Balance, Healing, confidence, self, oneness, stillness: https://linktr.ee/mindbodyspiritconnection

  • ‘Sustainable’ is one of those words that invariably crop up in conversations about climate change. Anne looks at the modern usage of this buzzword and how it often denotes links to Agenda 30 and the United Nations 17 Sustainability Development Goals and their threat to your future freedom.


    The true meaning of Sustainable Development Goals is Agenda 21, a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which humans supposedly impact the environment.For the cause of ‘eliminating poverty,’ the plan is that everyone will receive digital universal basic income and that will go along with your identity with implanted microchips to identify you.For the cause of ‘eliminating hunger,’ there will be more synthetic foods fed to the populace.For the cause of ‘quality education’ people will be made more susceptible to indoctrination.For the cause of ‘affordable and clean energy’ we will have blackouts to save energy.


    ‘You may be familiar with the seventeen United Nations SDGs. (Sustainable Development Goals). I first heard of these only five or six years ago though I think they were dreamed up in the’90s.’

    ‘In case it slipped your mind, the United Nations are probably the biggest threat to your future freedom, possibly even worse than the World Economic Forum and the World Health Organization.’

    ‘It says ‘the elimination of the lower class’. Read that at first glance and you imagine everybody’s income is going to be uplifted. It actually doesn’t mean that. When it says ‘elimination’ it means ‘elimination.’’

    ‘The intention is to replace human intelligence with A.I. and thereby avoid incorrect judgements. Radical feminism will be promoted.’

    ‘The intention is to replace workers with robots and A.I. We’ve already seen that to a large extent but there are those who say you ain’t seen nothing yet!’


    Annes YouTube Channel.

    To access the Mind Body Spirit Mentor Book go to:

    The Mind-Body-Spirit Mentor (UK)

    The Mind-Body-Spirit Mentor (US)

    Schedule a call.



    [email protected]



    Anne originally trained as a maths and science teacher but then chose to qualify as an accountant and worked in business for 12 years. Having recognised that there was more to life than a successful career – specifically working long hours to make money for other people at the expense of her own health – she quit the rat race and returned to her first love: teaching, but on a part-time basis. Fascinated by psychology, philosophy and theology, she is now a successful trainer, speaker and author, who enjoys sharing her passion, purpose and knowledge with a growing audience.

    , Journey, Growth, Awakening, Transition, Personal to Spiritual, Self expression, mastery, Meditation, guide, Spirit guide, Energy, Balance, Healing, confidence, self, oneness, stillness: https://linktr.ee/mindbodyspiritconnection

  • Can anyone suggest a sensible justification for replacing real food with synthetic food? There seems to be an attack on our food supply currently with various spurious explanations offered as to the reason why. Anne takes a look at some of the more suspiciously under-reported reasons for this change in food supply.


    We are becoming accustomed to frequent empty shelves in the supermarket. The sanctions on Russia have caused a shortage in fertilizers which in turn has a knock-on effect on bread production.There seems a worrying number of train derailments lately with an average of one derailment every two days this year. Many of these have spread toxins that prevent the growth of crops over large areas.Many farmers under all these pressures are selling up and moving on. Unsurprisingly, the biggest purchaser of this farmland in the US is the one and only Bill Gates.By causing a shortage in traditional natural food sources, a bigger demand for synthetically produced food sources can be created.


    ‘We’re told that inflation has breached the 10% mark. Well anyone who has been shopping for food lately will tell you that food price inflation is probably 3 times that high if not more.’

    ‘Ukraine was one of the biggest farming areas in Europe for wheat and other grains and last year’s growing season was disrupted.’

    ‘The globalists it seems are determined to reduce the global population one way or another and starvation is certainly one way to do it.’

    ‘I’ve seen video footage of steaks being produced by 3D printers and we must all question what ingredients and what flavorings go into the production of this synthetic food.’


    Annes YouTube Channel.

    To access the Mind Body Spirit Mentor Book go to:

    The Mind-Body-Spirit Mentor (UK)

    The Mind-Body-Spirit Mentor (US)

    Schedule a call.



    [email protected]



    Anne originally trained as a maths and science teacher but then chose to qualify as an accountant and worked in business for 12 years. Having recognised that there was more to life than a successful career – specifically working long hours to make money for other people at the expense of her own health – she quit the rat race and returned to her first love: teaching, but on a part-time basis. Fascinated by psychology, philosophy and theology, she is now a successful trainer, speaker and author, who enjoys sharing her passion, purpose and knowledge with a growing audience.

    , Journey, Growth, Awakening, Transition, Personal to Spiritual, Self expression, mastery, Meditation, guide, Spirit guide, Energy, Balance, Healing, confidence, self, oneness, stillness: https://linktr.ee/mindbodyspiritconnection

  • Anne tackles TV. With the growing realization that we are being systematically programmed with ideas and behaviour patterns from birth, with TV utilized as one of the main methods used to achieve conformity, how much evidence is there that the world that we naturally perceive is actually an illusion?


    The term ‘democide’ is when the rulers or Government turn on their people. There is a growing realization that we have been programmed to certain behaviour patterns from the moment we are born.Anne has lived in a dictatorship in what was Rhodesia and is fully aware of what the transmitted agenda looks like. Physicists are vocal in saying that they cannot prove that we’re not living in an illusion.We are living in a control network with most of the technology we have access to just being part of the illusion.


    ‘The aspect that I want to discuss today is the illusion that we are all living in. The illusion that very gradually more and more of us are waking up to.’

    ‘There is a growing realization that television was set up many years ago as an amazingly effective way of brainwashing the population, or programming it.’

    ‘In the developed west the takeover has been much slower, but even when I first arrived in the UK in the 80’s, their bias to me as an outsider was very evident.’

    ‘Truth, we have come to learn, is an elusive thing because just as soon as you are getting close to it you realise you’ve only scratched the surface.’

    ‘We must show them that they’ve not succeeded. We must be the opposite of what they’ve tried to turn us into.’


    Annes YouTube Channel.

    To access the Mind Body Spirit Mentor Book go to:

    The Mind-Body-Spirit Mentor (UK)

    The Mind-Body-Spirit Mentor (US)

    Schedule a call.


    [email protected]

    Anne originally trained as a math and science teacher but then chose to qualify as an accountant and worked in business for 12 years. Having recognised that there was more to life than a successful career – specifically working long hours to make money for other people at the expense of her own health – she quit the rat race and returned to her first love: teaching, but on a part-time basis. Fascinated by psychology, philosophy and theology, she is now a successful trainer, speaker and author, who enjoys sharing her passion, purpose and knowledge with a growing audience.

    , Journey, Growth, Awakening, Transition, Personal to Spiritual, Self expression, mastery, Meditation, guide, Spirit guide, Energy, Balance, Healing, confidence, self, oneness, stillness: https://linktr.ee/mindbodyspiritconnection

  • Anne speaks of the growing interest in psychedelic drugs and other mood altering substances currently gaining the notice of Governments worldwide, possibly as a method of population control. Often mooted as a way to increase access to The Awakening, Anne questions the validity of facing reality while utilizing an escape from it. Is this all a reaction to the push backs against government control that are occurring with more regularity?


    It is not enough to believe that the universe will provide by just believing so, effort is also required. Positive thinking could possibly be corrosive if you ignore a disaster occurring around you.The adoption of a constant ‘crisis’ by the mainstream media may be an attempt by the powers that be to confuse us, depress us or paralyze us with fear.Claims by ‘new-agers’ that they are open to the Awakening and the rejection of the old ideas forced upon us are doubtful when they so readily accept hallucinogenic drugs that separate them from reality.We are now seeing pushbacks worldwide, but the mainstream media do not report it.


    ‘While having belief is critical, that is, belief in yourself and your capability, it’s also critical to maintain a consistent level of expectation.’

    ‘Have you noticed that everything’s a crisis? There’s the cost of living crisis. There’s the climate change crisis. The food shortage crisis. The National Health crisis. The winter flu crisis. The housing crisis. The Russia-Ukraine crisis. The food production crisis. Oh, and, of course, the debt crisis.’

    ‘Just because a substance, be it alcohol or a narcotic, is legal, it doesn’t mean it’s good for you.’

    ‘Populations worldwide have proved how easily they can be manipulated.’

    ‘Separating people from their money is a sure way of gaining compliance. There should have been an international outcry but, of course, there wasn’t because all leaders are running scared.’


    Annes YouTube Channel.

    To access the Mind Body Spirit Mentor Book go to:

    The Mind-Body-Spirit Mentor (UK)

    The Mind-Body-Spirit Mentor (US)

    Schedule a call: Www.calendly.com/mbsconnect

    [email protected]

    Anne originally trained as a math and science teacher but then chose to qualify as an accountant and worked in business for 12 years. Having recognised that there was more to life than a successful career – specifically working long hours to make money for other people at the expense of her own health – she quit the rat race and returned to her first love: teaching, but on a part-time basis. Fascinated by psychology, philosophy and theology, she is now a successful trainer, speaker and author, who enjoys sharing her passion, purpose and knowledge with a growing audience.

    , Journey, Growth, Awakening, Transition, Personal to Spiritual, Self expression, mastery, Meditation, guide, Spirit guide, Energy, Balance, Healing, confidence, self, oneness, stillness: https://linktr.ee/mindbodyspiritconnection