
  • In this episode of the MindBodyMarathon podcast, host Dr. Leo Kormanik Running Expert and Dr. Matt Pisanelli are joined by chiropractic student Jared Bugaj. The discussion centers around modern treatment modalities for injury recovery and performance enhancement, contrasting them with older methods. They highlight the rise of techniques such as foam rolling, scraping, and the use of therapeutic guns, which have become commonplace in recent years.

    They outline the Active Release Technique (ART) as a foundational method in their practice, emphasizing its focus on releasing tension between muscles to improve function. The hosts discuss the importance of understanding tissue layers and the relationship between different muscles when applying these techniques. They also emphasize a hands-on approach, advocating for careful assessment of tissue to target specific areas effectively.

    The conversation touches on the trend of "clickbait" chiropractic techniques popularized on social media, which are often not formally taught in chiropractic schools. Jared explains that many trendy techniques are informal and may lack a solid evidence-based foundation. The hosts express skepticism about these flashy methods, advocating instead for informed, diagnostic approaches to chiropractic care.

    Overall, the episode emphasizes the importance of understanding the body and utilizing effective treatment techniques while being wary of gimmicks in the field of chiropractic care.

    In this segment, the hosts discuss the popularity of TikTok videos featuring chiropractors that highlight the sounds of adjustments, likening them to ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) content. ASMR is characterized by soothing sounds that can induce a calming sensation, and the cracking sounds from chiropractic adjustments may trigger similar responses for viewers. They explore how the auditory and visual aspects of these videos can create an enticing experience, similar to the appeal of shows like "Dr. Pimple Popper."

    The conversation shifts to the science behind the popping sound during adjustments, which is caused by the release of gases like nitrous oxide from joint fluids when pressure is released, creating bubbles. This process is therapeutic, as nitrous oxide can dilate blood vessels and stimulate nerves, contributing to the sensation of relief associated with adjustments.

    The hosts emphasize the importance of understanding joint mechanics in chiropractic care, arguing that a strong foundation in joint function allows for more effective treatment of soft tissue issues. They also discuss the significance of core stability and proper movement patterns in overall body mechanics, suggesting that comprehensive treatment should address both joint function and muscle activation.

    To help patients manage their own care, they recommend techniques such as foam rolling, cross-friction massage, and using tools like Gua Sha for soft tissue release. They caution against using too much pressure, educating patients on how to avoid damaging underlying structures like nerves and blood vessels while performing self-treatment. Overall, the emphasis is on a balanced approach that incorporates both professional care and informed self-management strategies.

    In this discussion, the speakers talk about the nuances of foam rolling and self-myofascial release techniques, emphasizing the importance of understanding anatomy to avoid exacerbating nerve issues. They share a humorous anecdote about a race where one individual misapplied foam rolling on her glute, resulting in numbness due to pressure on the sciatic nerve. This highlights the risks of not knowing where to roll, particularly in sensitive areas like the upper back.

    They advocate for a technique of holding pressure on sore spots rather than aimlessly rolling, as this can lead to better results in releasing tension. After applying pressure, they suggest performing...

  • In this episode of the Mind Body Marathon podcast, hosts Dr. Leo Running Expert and Dr Matt Pisanelli discuss the journey of Hannah Long, a talented runner who transitioned from Stanford to the University of Akron. The conversation highlights her impressive high school achievements, including being an 11-time state champion. Hannah shares her background, hailing from Missouri and earning her undergrad in psychology at Stanford, where she faced challenges with injuries during her collegiate athletic career.

    Hannah recalls her struggles with injuries, including a significant foot fracture during her only track race at Stanford, which marked the beginning of a series of injuries. She reflects on her high school experience, attributing her injury-free status to a combination of strength from playing soccer, effective communication with her coach, and maintaining a low mileage of 30-35 miles per week.

    The hosts emphasize the importance of staying healthy and not overtraining, noting that many young runners feel pressured to increase their mileage due to comparisons with peers. Hannah's experience serves as a reminder that consistent, smart training can lead to success without the need for excessive volume, encouraging listeners to focus on their individual journeys in the sport.

    In this segment, the discussion focuses on the importance of durability and injury prevention in athletic performance, particularly in NCAA sports. The hosts emphasize that athletes who stay injury-free and consistently train are often the ones who excel at national competitions, even if they may not be the most talented or the hardest workers. This durability allows them to progress over time without setbacks.

    Hannah Long shares her personal experience with injuries while competing at Stanford, highlighting the pressure she felt to perform and recover quickly due to being on scholarship. She describes how her eagerness to return to racing after a foot fracture led to further complications, including a sacral stress fracture. The conversation touches on the challenges of balancing training intensity and injury risk in a competitive environment.

    The hosts also discuss the increasing prevalence of hip injuries among runners, suggesting that these issues may not only stem from the injuries themselves but also from the mechanics affected by prior conditions. Hannah explains her current approach to running, which includes participating in road races and coaching, while still managing her injuries. She emphasizes the importance of understanding one's body, mitigating weaknesses, and finding creative ways to continue enjoying the sport, even in the face of setbacks.

    For those struggling with injuries, Hannah encourages them to stay engaged with the sport and seek support, as she herself faced moments of considering quitting. Overall, the conversation serves as a reminder that resilience and adaptability are key to maintaining a long-term running career.

    In this segment, the speaker discusses their journey through injury recovery and the mental aspects of training. They emphasize the importance of identifying the cause of an injury—whether it’s mechanical or due to overtraining—before deciding on a cross-training plan. The speaker reflects on their own experiences with overuse injuries, noting that pushing too hard in cross-training can hinder recovery. They stress the value of taking time off for rest and recovery, focusing on sleep and nutrition instead of obsessively trying to maintain fitness.

    The conversation also touches on the mindset of elite athletes who, when injured, often know to take time off without panic, allowing their bodies and minds to heal. The speaker shares insights on how their love for running and competition drives them, but also how they’ve learned to enjoy other activities like biking as they navigate their injuries. 

    They describe themselves as competitive, especially due...

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  • Matt Woods exercise physiologist and Dr. Leo Kormanik Running Expert discuss marathon training principles. The discussion revolves around the marathon as a challenging and significant event that requires careful preparation and strategy. Key points include:

    1. Respecting the Distance: Runners need to acknowledge the marathon's difficulty (26.2 miles) and should not rush into it, especially if their goals go beyond just finishing. A solid foundation in shorter races (5K, 10K, half marathons) is essential for building the necessary endurance and strength.

    2. Training Volume: For elite runners, a training volume of around 100 miles per week is considered the minimum, with similar expectations for female athletes. This highlights the necessity of rigorous training regardless of gender.

    3. Marathon Frequency: Runners are advised to limit themselves to a certain number of personal record (PR) marathons, suggested to be around seven. This is due to the extensive training and commitment involved, which can lead to burnout or injury if marathons are run too frequently.

    4. Importance of Cross Country: The conversation emphasizes the benefits of incorporating cross country races into training. Cross country running helps develop a diverse muscle activation and improves overall strength, which is crucial for marathon performance. It also prepares runners for the varied demands of the marathon.

    5. Surface Variation: While it's important to train on hard surfaces to mimic marathon conditions, including soft surfaces (like grass) in training can help build strength and prevent injuries. This balance is vital for effective preparation.

    Overall, the conversation underscores a thoughtful approach to marathon training that respects the distance, incorporates diverse training methods, and emphasizes the importance of building a robust physical foundation through varied racing experiences.

    Further points include:

    1. Long Runs and Marathon Pace Training: The speaker highlights their experience of progressively increasing long runs up to 30 miles and incorporating marathon pace workouts. They emphasize the importance of running these sessions while fatigued to simulate race conditions.

    2. Specificity in Training: There's a strong focus on the need for specificity in training, where marathon runners must practice at their goal paces and include pre-fatigue runs to better prepare for the demands of the marathon.

    3. Fuel Utilization: The discussion touches on the importance of fat and carbohydrate utilization during the marathon, noting that fat burns more efficiently in the presence of carbohydrates. Runners should aim to optimize glycogen sparing while maximizing fat utilization to perform well over the marathon distance.

    4. Training Balance: The speaker discusses the importance of balancing high mileage with appropriate pace training. Easy runs should be truly easy to allow for recovery and to enable more intense workouts on designated days.

    5. Practical Advice: For those training at high volumes, the recommendation is to keep easy runs slow and avoid excessive fatigue, which can hinder performance. The speaker also underlines the need to train specifically for marathon paces while maintaining overall fitness through varied training sessions.

    Overall, the conversation illustrates a comprehensive approach to marathon training that combines endurance, speed, and tactical race preparation.

    The discussion revolves around the intricacies of marathon training, particularly the importance of maintaining speed and endurance to achieve desired marathon performance. Here are the key points summarized:

    1. Underdistance Training: Training faster than marathon pace (10-20 seconds per mile faster) helps maintain a reserve of power, which is crucial for marathon performance. The marathon pace lies between aerobic and anaerobic thresholds.

    2. Lactate Threshold...

  • In this episode of the MindBodyMarathon podcast, Dr. Leo discuss ultra-distance running with Connie Gardner, a local legend with American records, and Zach Goulet, a rising ultramarathoner. The conversation begins with Connie's background, highlighting her transition from collegiate rowing at the University of Massachusetts to running marathons since she was 17. 

    In this conversation, the speakers share personal experiences related to running, particularly focusing on the benefits of running for mental clarity and focus, especially for those with ADHD. One speaker recounts how they avoided trouble in school by running before classes, which helped calm their mind and improve concentration. They discuss how physical activity, like running, can help children and adults alike channel their energy and focus better.

    The discussion then shifts to ultra-distance running, with one speaker reminiscing about their early experiences in the ultra-running community, particularly their first races, including the Buckeye Trail 50K and the Mohican 100. They reflect on the low-key nature of early races and the camaraderie among participants, contrasting it with the more commercialized races today. 

    They also honor Leo Lightner, a respected figure in the ultra-running community, who encouraged them to pursue longer distances and guided them in their running journey. The speakers express nostalgia for the simpler times of running events and the supportive environment fostered by early ultra-runners. Overall, the conversation highlights the transformative power of running and the strong community it creates.

    The conversation touches on the history of ultra-marathons in Northeast Ohio, with the speaker noting that iconic races like the Mohican 100 have been around for decades. They discuss the evolution of these events, including the differences in course designs over the years, and the camaraderie among runners.

    As the discussion progresses, they highlight their proudest moment—competing in the World 24-Hour Championships in Poland, where they aimed to break personal records. This experience encapsulated their dedication to ultra-running and represented a significant milestone in their athletic career. Ultimately, the conversation celebrates the challenges and rewards of ultra-distance running, the personal nature of the sport, and the enduring sense of community among runners.

    In a discussion about ultra-distance running, Connie reflects on her journey and the pivotal role that coaching and strategic thinking have played in her success. She emphasizes how she has often downplayed her achievements, particularly in the context of the 24-hour races, which she considers her forte. Connie recalls how a coach, Matt Woods, helped her understand the importance of pacing and nutrition, specifically breaking down the goal of running 145 miles in a 24-hour race into manageable segments.

    Connie shares her experience of aiming for the American record during a race in Texas, motivated by financial incentives and a desire to support her family. Despite facing challenges such as extreme heat and feeling unwell, she persevered, focusing on the mathematical calculations of her pace to keep herself on track. The countdown from the race director as she approached the record was a pivotal moment, reinforcing her determination to succeed.

    Connie shares her experience of achieving an American record in ultra-distance running, recounting the moment she crossed the finish line and thought she had set the record. She initially celebrated but later learned from the race director that her time was just shy of the actual record, which led to disappointment, especially as there were complications with the prize money. Despite her frustration, she remained determined to break the record again, although it took her ten years to get close.

    Connie shares her experience of running with Lance Armstrong in the...

  • In this episode of the MindBody Marathon, Dr. Leo Running Expert discuss the recently concluded Paris 2024 Olympics, sharing their thoughts and observations. Co-host Samua Kormanik mentions that due to her busy schedule, she couldn't watch much of the Olympics, particularly during the initial days dominated by gymnastics and swimming. They highlight the impressive performance of the U.S., which tied with China for the most gold medals (40 each) but led in overall medals with 126 compared to China's 91. Japan and France also had notable counts, with Japan earning 20 golds and France 16.

    They touch on the unique aspects of individual sports versus team sports, noting that while individual athletes may share similar styles, team sports reveal distinct cultural playing styles. They discuss the significance of Brazil winning a gold medal in gymnastics, emphasizing the challenges young athletes face in Brazil, where sports training often requires a choice between academics and athletics at a young age. The episode concludes with reflections on the relationships between athletes, particularly Simone Biles and Brazilian gymnast Rebecca Andrade, and the struggles faced by competitors, highlighting the resilience shown during the games.

    In this discussion, the hosts delve into the recent Olympics, highlighting the contrast between soccer players and gymnasts, particularly in terms of toughness, using memes that circulated in Brazil to illustrate the point. They discuss the excitement around track and field events, particularly the men's 1500 meters, which one host describes as the race of a lifetime. They reflect on their personal connections to many athletes, having treated a significant number of them throughout their careers.

    The hosts note that the U.S. track team had significant success, winning the most medals since 1984, particularly in distance events. They praise athletes like Sifan Hassan for her remarkable performances and resilience, comparing her to legendary runner Emil Zátopek, who won three medals in the 1952 Olympics. The conversation shifts to the men's 400 meters, where Quincy Hall showcased incredible grit to win, embodying the Olympic spirit of perseverance.

    The hosts express admiration for Sydney McLaughlin's dominance in the women's 400 hurdles and discuss the potential for her to break records in the future. They anticipate exciting competitions in the upcoming Diamond League events, particularly between McLaughlin and her competitors, suggesting that she may achieve unprecedented times. The conversation emphasizes the inspiration and lessons of resilience that the Olympics provide, especially for the younger generation.

    The hosts discuss the thrilling final of the women's 400 hurdles, celebrating Anna's second-place finish and expressing excitement for the upcoming Diamond League final. They also highlight the impressive performance of the women's 4x400 relay team, noting that while they didn't break the world record, they likely set an American record, underscoring the historical context of the Soviet record from the 1980s.

    They shift their focus to the men's 1500 meters, describing it as "the race of the century." Cole Hocker's stunning victory and the strong performances of his competitors, including yard and Naguse, are emphasized. The hosts analyze race strategies and the dominance of athletes like Jakob and Kerr, reflecting on how Hocker's unexpected win demonstrated the depth of American distance running.

    The hosts discuss the performances of various athletes at the Olympics, focusing particularly on Jakob Ingebrigtsen and his struggles in the men's 1500 meters, contrasting his later success in the 5K. They note his all-or-nothing approach, which led to a less effective kick in the 1500 but a controlled victory in the 5K. They also mention Eliud Kipchoge's unexpected withdrawal from the marathon due to a back injury, highlighting his status as a legendary...

  • In this episode of the Mind Body Marathon, host Dr. Leo Running Expert, along with Dr. Matt Pisanelli and Dr. Alia Whitman, discuss regenerative medicine and its application in helping the body heal itself. They emphasize the importance of avoiding invasive procedures and harsh treatments like cortisone shots. Dr. Leah, who runs a practice focused on self-healing, explains her approach to regenerative techniques that promote healthy inflammation and provide essential nutrients for recovery.

    Dr. Matt shares his recent injuries, including a hamstring tear and a stress fracture, and discusses how Dr. Leah's methods helped him. They detail the use of prolotherapy, which involves injecting glucose and other nutrients into the injured area to stimulate healing, along with ozone to reduce oxidative stress and enhance oxygenation for recovery.

    In this discussion, the speakers share personal experiences and insights about injuries, particularly related to the Achilles tendon and the use of regenerative therapies like PRP (platelet-rich plasma) and prolotherapy. Dr. Leo describes being born with fragile Achilles tendons, which worsened due to overuse and past injuries. They highlight the challenges associated with treating Achilles injuries, noting that while ultrasound can help locate precise areas for injection, traditional methods like cortisone shots often fail to address underlying issues and can weaken tissue.

    The speakers discuss the challenges of managing injuries, specifically Achilles tendon issues, and the importance of allowing adequate downtime for healing after procedures like PRP (platelet-rich plasma) and stem cell injections. They emphasize that while these treatments can trigger a healing response, the associated tissue may be weakened, necessitating a careful approach to recovery. They recommend a structured recovery plan that includes a week of rest followed by gradual reintegration of activity.

    The conversation highlights the cost and complexity of stem cell treatments compared to more accessible options like prolotherapy and PRP. The speaker advocates for starting with less invasive, more affordable treatments before progressing to more expensive interventions, thus prioritizing patient well-being over financial gain.

    The discussion also touches on the significance of understanding and managing fascia in injury recovery. The speakers argue that many patients could benefit from consistent fascial treatments rather than invasive procedures. They encourage patients to take an active role in their recovery by using tools for self-treatment and to develop a better understanding of their bodies.

    The speakers emphasize the importance of gentle self-management techniques for muscle and tissue release, advising against heavy-handed approaches that can provoke a natural flinch response in the body. They advocate for a gradual, patient practice, particularly in fascial work, which differs from quick-fix treatments like PRP or microneedling. Microneedling is described as a procedure that uses tiny needles to stimulate collagen production for skin elasticity, but it requires time for results.

    The discussion shifts to regenerative treatments, particularly bioallograft therapies, which involve the use of placental tissue to stimulate the body's healing processes. The speakers clarify that these are not stem cells but rather substances that signal the body to initiate repair by recruiting its own stem cells.

    Finally, they touch on peptide treatments, which help stimulate healing in specific ways. The conversation underscores the importance of a holistic, patient-centered approach to injury recovery and healing.

    The speaker discusses their practice, which includes offering homeopathic supplements and peptide infusions for various health conditions. They explain that homeopathy utilizes natural compounds, often from herbs, while compounding pharmacies isolate specific...

  • 1.) On the MindBodyMarathon podcast, Dr. Leo Running Expert interviews Aaron Rowe, a masters runner who recently won the Subaru four-miler in Buffalo. They discuss the challenges and joys of masters running, reminisce about their college days, and share insights into their training routines. Both agree that the love for running and the joy of competition drive them to continue racing, despite the physical challenges of aging. They also touch on the importance of routine and the ritual of race day in maintaining their passion for the sport.

    2.) In this conversation, they further discuss the evolution of running shoes, particularly focusing on the impact of super shoes on performance. They reminisce about past shoe trends like the Spira shoes with springs and discuss the controversy surrounding the use of super shoes in races. They touch on the importance of knowing what works for your body, the role of technology in training and recovery, and the significance of having a supportive team to help maintain physical health as a masters runner. They also highlight the importance of self-care, balancing competition with preserving the body, and approaching running with a focus on enjoyment rather than chasing specific goals.

    3.) The conversation continues on many topics and including the evolution of running shoes, the impact of super shoes on performance, and the importance of knowing what works for your body. They reminisce about past shoe trends and discuss the controversy surrounding super shoes in races. They also touch on the role of technology in training and recovery, the significance of having a supportive team as a masters runner, and the importance of self-care and balancing competition with preserving the body.

    4.) Aaron shares his experience of traveling to Kenya in 2018 to challenge himself and explore the world of Kenyan running. He describes participating in a challenging half marathon run up a mountain, the Fluorspar run, where he pushed himself to his limits. The conversation highlights the dedication and toughness of Kenyan runners, the camaraderie among international participants, and the memorable experience of visiting Eliud Kipchoge's camp.

    5.) Aaron Rowe recounts his experience visiting Eliud Kipchoge's camp in Kenya before he became globally famous. He describes the simplicity of the camp, where everyone, including Kipchoge, had to clean the bathrooms and focus on training. The camp had a library instead of TV, emphasizing a simple and focused lifestyle. Aaron also mentions meeting other runners in the camp. Finn, the author of "Way of the Runner," shared stories and insights about Japanese running culture with Aaron. Aaron reflects on his deep connection to Kenya, feeling at home there due to the love for running, the beautiful scenery, and the warm interactions with locals. The conversation transitions to potential future trips to Uganda and Japan to explore their respective running cultures.

    6.) Aaron also shares his experience visiting Brazil, where he connected with local runners in Porto Alegre and experienced the vibrant running scene there. The speaker further reflects on his experiences traveling to Kenya and Brazil, where he encountered incredibly hospitable people who treated him like family. He emphasizes the importance of enjoying the process of running as a Masters athlete, focusing on consistent training and recovery.

    7.) They share insights from conversations with other experienced runners, such as Bernard Lagat, who emphasized the importance of staying healthy and adapting training as you age. The speaker also highlights the significance of having the right support system and friends to encourage and push you in your running journey. Overall, he stresses the value of embracing where you are in your running journey and enjoying the process without putting too much pressure on yourself.

  • Matt Woods, a knowledgeable coach with extensive experience in running training theory, discusses his coaching journey and influences with host Dr. Leo Running Expert on the MindBodyMarathon podcast. 

    1.) Woods' training approach, Total Progressive Aerobic Development (TPAD), involves systematically increasing aerobic intensity and volume in a periodized fashion. He emphasizes the importance of high mileage for elite male athletes and the need for a balanced training regimen to prevent injuries and maximize performance. Woods draws inspiration from renowned coaches like Renato Canova and Jack Daniels, and is constantly evolving his coaching philosophy based on research and personal experience.

    2.) Matt discusses his coaching approach of Total Progressive Aerobic Development (TPAD) on the MindBodyMarathon podcast. He emphasizes the importance of building an aerobic foundation through easy aerobic running and gradually increasing intensity. Woods outlines different intensity levels, from aerobic threshold to anaerobic threshold, and the limited use of VO2 max and anaerobic training. He also highlights the significance of the long run in distance running training and the incorporation of ancillary elements like strength training. 

    3.) Woods and Dr. Leo discuss lactate testing and perceived exertion in training, emphasizing the importance of understanding internal chemistry and adjusting training based on individual responses. They also touch on the potential risks of overtraining and the need for athletes to listen to their bodies and adjust their training accordingly. Ultimately, the key to success in training and racing is consistency, patience, and understanding one's own strengths and weaknesses. Trusting a coach, properly managing recovery, and being able to perform at peak times are crucial for long-term progress and optimal performance. It is important for athletes to understand the importance of balancing hard work with rest and recovery to achieve their goals.

    4.) Matt discusses the importance of identifying and improving weaknesses in racing, particularly in the middle portion of races, through threshold training. They also touch on the current state of American distance running, noting the depth of talent but expressing concern about the lack of success in longer races like the marathon. The conversation delves into the significance of physiological testing, such as max VO2, lactate threshold, and heart rate, and how these data points can inform training and performance. The importance of repeated testing and long-term planning based on these results is emphasized, highlighting the need for athletes to commit to their training and follow a structured plan for improvement.

    5.) Matt reflects on their early interest in exercise physiology and the impact of coaches like Jack Daniels on their training philosophy. They discuss the lack of implementation of double threshold sessions in high school and collegiate running programs and the negative impact of athletes being overly focused on internet-driven comparisons. The importance of motivation, discipline, and long-term commitment in athletes is highlighted, along with the need for increased mileage in high school runners. The conversation shifts to the evolution of coaching practices, noting improvements in knowledge and certification requirements but also expressing concerns about a lack of inspiration and emotional connection in coaching. Personal anecdotes are shared about the speaker's journey to the Olympic trials and the impact of a coach's challenge in reigniting their running career after a setback.

    6.) Dr. Leo reflects on their journey to the Olympic trials in 2012, where they were inspired to push themselves to the next level despite challenges. They discuss the importance of challenging athletes and the need for grit and dedication in American distance running. The conversation touches on the influence of...

  • Dr. Leo Running Expert and Colby Alexander, a professional runner with Adidas, talk about how recently he underwent Haglund surgery on his right Achilles after struggling with pain for years. He had previously had the same surgery on his left Achilles in 2017. Despite trying various treatments, the pain persisted, affecting his performance and forcing him to undergo surgery. Colby's last fully healthy season was in 2016, showcasing the challenges and setbacks that runners face with injuries.

    Colby has faced multiple setbacks and injuries throughout his career but always manages to bounce back. He attributes his resilience to his love for competition and racing. Despite undergoing Haglund surgery on both Achilles tendons, Colby remains determined to have a successful and injury-free season. He reflects on his best race experiences, including a memorable cross country race in high school where he placed seventh despite running in muddy conditions with inappropriate spikes. Colby's competitive spirit and belief in his abilities drive him to continue training and aim for personal records and potentially making the Olympic team. He credits advancements in training methods and technology, as well as his lower mileage due to injuries, as factors that could contribute to his success in the future.

    Colby discusses various topics including their predictions for the Olympics, Colby's upcoming races, and the field for the Guardian Mile. They talk about elite runners like Johnny Gregorek and Craig Engels who will be competing in the Guardian Mile. Colby mentions his training strategies and past experiences with different workout schedules. They also touch on baseball, specifically the Cleveland Guardians and their recent success.

    Colby also discusses his current training approach, focusing on building a strong base and avoiding speed work initially to develop his strength. He reflects on his past experiences with tempo runs and the importance of running within oneself to improve performance. His friend explains the concept of threshold running and the significance of being slightly slower to ensure progress. They talk about the training methods of Norwegian triathletes and the analogy of training to modern art. Colby emphasizes the need to have a logical and consistent training plan to perform well in races.

    INTERMISSION for Zach Goulet's back bleeding.

    Colby discusses his extensive experience with home modalities to address his injury history and biomechanical weaknesses. He emphasizes the importance of identifying and targeting specific weak points to improve overall health and performance. Colby shares his collection of tools, including scrapers, cups, massage table, red light therapy, grounding device, and a rotating disc platform called Standing Firm, which has been crucial in his rehabilitation. He highlights the significance of consistency in performing exercises and strengthening routines to maintain health and prevent injuries. Colby's friend acknowledges the challenge of staying consistent with exercises and stresses the importance of committing to a routine for long-term benefits. They also discuss the biomechanical aspect of rehabilitation and the effectiveness of certain exercises in addressing chronic issues. Colby shares his journey of learning how to use the Standing Firm platform and the positive impact it has had on his health. They joke about the outdated website of the Standing Firm product and express enthusiasm about creating instructional videos to help others benefit from similar tools.


    In a conversation about injuries and rehabilitation, Colby and his friends discuss Colby's post-Haglund surgery experience and the challenges of botched professional cases. Colby shares his positive experience with his surgeon and his progress in recovery, noting improvements in his Achilles health. They reminisce about past track competitions and injuries,...

  • 1.) Today’s episode is focused on biohacks, which are everyday habits or products that can help improve health and well-being. The hosts, Dr. Leo Running Expert and his wife Samua, discuss their personal history with biohacking and the importance of optimizing internal chemistry for better health. They also mention the benefits of visualization for athletes and the ability of the mind to influence physical performance. Additionally, they touch on the significance of biological age compared to chronological age, especially for women as they age.

    2.) They also discuss the impact of cortisol levels as a marker of stress on aging and overall health. They share their experience with using the BrainTap device to reduce stress and improve internal chemistry, resulting in a decrease in biological age. They explain how the BrainTap sessions help strip away the attention center of the brain to work on the subconscious. They also mention the benefits of sensory deprivation tanks for similar effects. They emphasize the importance of controlling the subconscious through biohacks like meditation to improve overall health and well-being. Additionally, they touch on the significance of diet changes, particularly reducing sugar intake, and the role of prebiotics in improving gut health as essential biohacks for optimal health.


    3.) The conversation covers the importance of prebiotics over probiotics in maintaining gut health, the need for a personalized approach to diet, the benefits of cold showers for cortisol levels, skin, hair, and fat metabolism, the dangers of glyphosate in the food supply, and the use of glycine to counteract its effects. The importance of avoiding processed foods and sugars, as well as the need for organic and non-GMO sources of food are emphasized. The discussion also touches on the detrimental effects of fast food and the need for careful consideration of food choices for overall health and well-being.

    4.) The conversation covers the benefits of essential oils, particularly thieves oil, in maintaining health and fighting off bacteria. The use of plant-based cleaning products and the importance of avoiding chemicals in everyday products are emphasized. The significance of electrolytes, specifically sodium, for hydration and overall health is discussed, highlighting the misconception about salt and high blood pressure. The importance of having essential oils on hand for various health issues, such as cuts, sunburns, and nosebleeds, is also mentioned. Additionally, the discussion touches on the need for proper labeling scrutiny to avoid harmful chemicals in household products.

    Thieves essential oils:


    5.) The speaker discusses the importance of maintaining adequate sodium levels in the body to prevent the leaching of essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, manganese, and to avoid conditions like osteoporosis. They emphasize the benefits of CBD products, particularly for muscle recovery, anxiety relief, and antibiotic properties. The speaker also touches on the significance of exogenous ketones for brain health and energy, as well as the importance of fish oils for cell structure and overall health. They recommend high-quality brands like Nordic Naturals for fish oils and stress the need for proper research before choosing supplements.

    LMNT electrolyte packets:


    Organic CBD:



    Nordic Naturals Fish Oils:

  • Dr. Leo Kormanik Running Expert and his guests, Dr. Matt and Cody, discuss the importance of mindset in performance, particularly in relation to the upcoming Olympics. 

    1.) They share stories from working at the Olympic trials and highlight the difference in mindset between athletes who believe in themselves and those who doubt their abilities. They emphasize the importance of owning the mindset of success before it actually happens and how it can impact performance. They also discuss how body language and behavior can indicate an athlete's readiness to perform. Ultimately, they stress the importance of training and preparation in building confidence and maintaining a calm, focused state of mind.

    2.) The discussion moves into how individual preferences and processes can impact performance, with examples of athletes using different strategies to get into the right mindset before competitions. Ultimately, the conversation underscores the value of self-awareness, personal growth, and learning from sports experiences to improve overall performance and mindset.

    3.) They emphasize the significance of self-awareness, focusing on the positive, and not drawing judgment during competitions. They highlight the need for training and preparation to build confidence and trust in oneself. The conversation also delves into strategies for overcoming challenges during races, emphasizing the importance of adapting and setting realistic goals. The guests stress the value of understanding one's "why" and staying focused on the task at hand to maximize performance potential.

    4.) The discussion highlights the role of emotion in performance, emphasizing how strong emotional ties can drive individuals to excel. The importance of understanding one's "why" and drawing motivation from personal connections, such as family, is underscored. The guests share personal anecdotes, illustrating how emotion can fuel performance and push individuals to achieve their goals. 

    5.) The conversation also touches on the significance of embracing competition in sports, focusing on internal improvement rather than external factors like weather or course conditions. The guests stress the need for preparation and adaptation to overcome challenges and elevate performance levels. The guests discuss the idea of competing with oneself versus others, highlighting the thrill of beating genuine competitors. 

    6.) They draw parallels to the competitive mindset in sports like running, emphasizing the importance of embracing competition to push oneself to higher levels. The discussion also touches on the impact of training alone versus with others, noting that individual preferences and goals play a significant role in determining the most effective approach. The guests share personal experiences and insights on how competition, mindset, and balancing various aspects of life can influence performance and success in running and other pursuits.

    7.) In this conversation, the speakers discuss how running can be used as a mental hack to improve learning and performance. They share personal experiences and tips on how running after studying or before a test can help retain information and enhance short-term memory. They also emphasize the importance of understanding oneself, experimenting with different strategies, finding one's why, and mentally preparing for success. The speakers suggest that the brain responds to thoughts as if they were reality, and visualizing success can positively impact performance. They also touch on the benefits of running without music to allow for creative and imaginative mental preparation. Overall, they highlight the power of mindset in achieving goals and success.

  • Meghann Featherstun, a nutritionist, discusses her recent projects, including a hydration tour with ASICS and her completion of the Abbott World Marathon Majors. She emphasizes the importance of proper hydration, especially for runners, and highlights the dangers of water toxicity. Dr. Leo Running Expert also shares a personal story about the risks of overhydration. They discuss the need to balance water and electrolytes and the importance of individualized hydration strategies. Overall, they stress the significance of understanding one's body and symptoms to ensure proper hydration during physical activity.

    1.) So the key messages to get across to people during a marathon are to fuel early and often, not wait till you feel like you need it, and to document the experience on social media to expose the involvement of Abbott Global in marathons. The running community is growing, with almost a million people applying for 50,000 spots in the London Marathon. It's important to understand fueling and hydration dynamics, as well as the role of sodium and carbohydrates in performance. Carb loading can improve performance by up to 7%, and increasing carb intake can help with overtraining syndrome and anxiety caused by under fueling. Rest days should involve true rest to allow the body to recover properly.

    2.) Meghann also discusses the importance of recognizing cues and signs of nutrient deficiency in athletes, emphasizing the need for proper nutrition to support high levels of physical activity. They also highlight the importance of adjusting nutritional intake based on training intensity and the body's need for repair and recovery. She also mentions their ability to assess an athlete's physical readiness and peak performance level, offering subtle guidance to help them reach their optimal state. They stress the importance of being mindful of the impact of words and encouragement on athletes' performance, especially at competitive events.

    3.) She discusses the importance of subtle communication in performance coaching, particularly in track and field. They also touch on the ability to predict when pregnant women are close to giving birth based on muscle resistance during adjustments. Additionally, they emphasize the significance of carb loading for optimal performance and provide tips on how to calculate and implement a carb loading strategy. The speaker also mentions the role of allergies and intolerances in nutritional guidance and how the availability of products has increased to accommodate various dietary preferences.

    4.) They discuss the fad diets now and how everyone has to be in a camp like gluten is bad. Like gluten is not necessarily bad for most people, right? There are some people that do this for right. People with allergies, people with different medical conditions that maybe it helps them. But for the majority of people, like it's okay. She thinks there's just a lot of misinformation out there that makes people think that like dairy is bad for us. And this is the rise of social media. In order for people to get a little bit more popular, they have to sort of pick a niche and sort of hunker down on that. It really just becomes a fad. 

    5.) The discussion then emphasizes the importance of re-evaluating our nutritional beliefs and making dietary choices that support both how we want to eat and our performance needs. Key points include:

    a.) Adequate Nutrition: Ensuring you’re eating enough to meet your body’s energy demands, especially when training for a race, is crucial. Many people, both men and women, often under-fuel without realizing the energy expenditure of their activities.

    b.) Right Nutrients and Timing: It’s not just about eating enough, but eating the right things and at the right times. Proper meal timing around training sessions is vital for better performance and recovery.

    c.) Protein Intake: As people age, especially women...

  • In this podcast episode, Dr. Leo Running Expert, Dr. Matt Pisanelli, and Zach Goulet discuss the importance of running form and how it can impact speed and efficiency. 

    1.) They talk about the optimal cadence for running and how it varies based on factors like height and bone density. They also touch on the role of stability and muscle strength in running form. The hosts provide examples of athletes with different body types and how it affects their running performance. 

    2.) They also mention the impact of diet and lifestyle on bone density and overall physical strength.The conversation discusses the impact of super shoes on injury risk in runners. The shoes provide speed and energy return, but can lead to injury if the body is not prepared for the increased turnover and power. 

    3.) Building tendon and fascial density through plyometrics and coordinated movements can help improve stability and prevent injuries. Coordination and muscle activation are key in running form, with a focus on shutting off unnecessary muscles to improve efficiency and prevent injuries like hamstring strains. 

    4.) The importance of understanding and improving running form to prevent injuries is highlighted throughout the discussion.In summary, the key to improving running form and cadence is to focus on coordinating the movements of the hip, knee, and ankle, particularly by ensuring dorsiflexion of the ankle during the running stride. 

    5.) Counting cadence during easy runs and using tools like metronome apps can help improve cadence and overall running form. It is important to focus on form during easy runs and long runs, rather than during workouts or races. Improving cadence can be a lifelong practice that requires consistent attention and effort.

  • Dr. Leo Running Expert and Ryan discuss his career and some of the strategies he has used to overcome setbacks and perform at the highest level.

    1.) Ryan had a combination of factors that led to my struggles at Atlanta Track Club, including training environment, mindset, and a car accident. He had never been injured before and struggled with the loss of running as my sole source of value and worth. Despite the accident, he pushed myself to run at a high level, which led to further issues.

    2.) The conversation highlights the importance of balance in life and training for athletes. It discusses the dangers of becoming overly obsessed with one aspect, such as running, and the benefits of having a well-rounded life. It also emphasizes the need to sometimes take away elements from training rather than constantly adding more. The conversation reflects on personal experiences and the realization that willpower is finite, and it is essential to maintain a healthy balance to avoid burnout and injury.

    3.) Ryan discusses the importance of going back to their roots and living with their grandparents for a period of time to rejuvenate themselves. They also talk about facing setbacks in training and the importance of mindset in overcoming challenges. 

    4.) They mention experimenting with a carnivore diet and the benefits of focusing on meat and fruit for fuel. They also touch on the importance of sleep and how they have found relief with THC sleep gummies. 

    5.) Overall, they emphasize the importance of balance and finding what works best for their individual needs.listeners about the importance of finding balance, overcoming setbacks, and having a creative outlet. It's important to fuel your body properly for races, and different strategies work for different people based on their body type and preferences. It's crucial to keep pushing forward through tough times and use setbacks as fuel for success. 

    They close with talking about how finding a creative outlet is essential for mental well-being and overall happiness.

  • Dr. Leo Kormanik Running Expert and his colleagues, including Dr. Matt Pisanelli and Zach Goulet, discuss the benefits of heat and cold therapy, specifically sauna work and cold plunges, for athletic performance and recovery. 

    1.) They explain how heat training helps increase blood volume, capillarization, and heat shock proteins, leading to improved performance and recovery. They also discuss the importance of timing sauna sessions for optimal results, recommending heat training in the evening for better sleep and cold exposure in the morning for increased alertness. They share their experience with heat training and sauna work to improve his tolerance to heat and prepare for upcoming races. They also mention the use of an infrared sauna, which provides a more pleasant experience compared to traditional Finnish saunas. 

    2.) Cold plunges, saunas, and heat training have numerous benefits for physical and mental health. Saunas can be used for longer periods of time compared to traditional steam saunas, and infrared saunas can stimulate mitochondria for increased energy. Heat training can also be achieved through warm showers, baths, and raising the temperature in workout rooms. Cold plunges can improve recovery and mental state, with acclimation to the cold taking time but resulting in quicker warming up afterwards. 

    3.) Daily cold showers can be beneficial, with starting with the head first helping with shock and activating the brainstem. Cold plunges can also increase energy levels and have similar benefits to cryo chambers.Cold plunges are the best way to quickly cool down because water pulls heat off the skin faster than air. Cold showers are less effective because there is less water contact with the skin. Cold plunges can be therapeutic and mentally beneficial, helping to reduce stress and improve focus. 

    4.) The duration of time spent in a cold plunge can vary, with some people timing themselves while others prefer to stay in until they feel ready to come out. Cold exposure can initially be uncomfortable, but the body adapts and the mind becomes more focused. It is important to slowly acclimate to the cold and not panic, as it can be a shock to the system for some people.The conversation discusses the benefits of cold exposure, such as cold plunges and cold hikes, in improving mental and physical resilience. 

    5.) The process of challenging oneself to cold temperatures can help convert white fat into brown fat, increase energy production, and improve overall health. By exposing the body to temperature changes, blood vessels are trained to expand and contract, potentially preventing clot formation and improving overall cardiovascular health. Embracing discomfort through cold exposure can also help individuals become more resilient in facing life's challenges. 

    Overall, the theme is centered around the importance of making small investments in health through cold exposure to prevent larger health issues in the future is highlighted.

  • Welcome to another inspiring episode of the MindBody Marathon podcast, hosted by Dr. Leo Kormanik Running Expert. Join us for an enlightening conversation with Olympic gold medalist Katie Moon, where we explore the intricate journey of a world-class athlete. Katie shares her personal experiences, from overcoming injuries like Achilles tendinosis to the mental challenges faced by elite competitors.

    In the "MBM Katie Moon" podcast episode, Olympic gold medalist Katie Moon discusses her current season update, dealing with Achilles tendinosis and recovering from a PRP injection. She also shares her love for fashion, having studied abroad in Paris for a fashion program, and her experience with mental blocks in pole vaulting as a female athlete. Katie emphasizes the importance of real confidence, preventative care, and listening to one's body to achieve success in track and field. She also shares her personal experiences with going gluten-free and the importance of community support throughout her athletic career. Katie plans to participate in one more meet before the trials and is excited to inspire young girls in the sport.

    Also in this episode, Katie discusses her approach to training, recovery, and maintaining peak performance, including insights into her daily routines, diet, and the mental strategies that have propelled her to the top of her sport. Discover how she balances the demands of professional pole vaulting with her passion for fashion and the support she received from her hometown of Olmsted Falls.

    Whether you’re an aspiring athlete or simply fascinated by the mindset of champions, this episode offers valuable lessons on resilience, focus, and the pursuit of excellence. Tune in to hear Katie’s story and gain inspiration from her incredible journey.

    Listen now to elevate your understanding of what it takes to achieve greatness in both sport and life!

  • Welcome to Mind Body Marathon: the podcast that puts you on a path to a healthier lifestyle–whether you’re a daily runner or just finding your footing. 

    On this episode, host Dr. Leo Kormanik Running Expert is joined by Dr. Alia Whitman, a medical doctor transitioning into the world of health coaching, and his wife Samua Kormanik. Our conversation centers around the transition from mainstream medicine to holistic health practices, the challenges within the healthcare system, and the importance of individualized care for overall well-being.

    Alia shares her journey from being a medical director in an emergency room to embracing alternative health and wellness practices. We touch on the distinctions between "sick care" and "health care," and the shift towards concierge and cash-based medical services to provide a more holistic approach to healthcare. Our discussion also highlights the importance of addressing root causes rather than just symptoms and bridging patients into health and function.

    We also talk about the misconceptions surrounding choosing natural or alternative treatments over traditional medicine and stress the significance of collaborative, multidisciplinary care. With a focus on proactive health measures and individualized patient needs, we encourage everyone to invest in their health before severe issues arise. Remember, your health is a marathon, not a sprint, and Mind Body Marathon is here to guide you along the way. Stay tuned for more enriching discussions and insights in our upcoming episodes.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. Holistic Healthcare Approach: The episode emphasizes the importance of bridging mainstream medicine and alternative approaches to healthcare to address root causes, focus on individual needs, and provide more comprehensive care.

    2. Proactive Health Investment: Encouraging a proactive approach to health, the hosts and guest advocate for investing in well-being early on, rather than waiting for severe health issues to arise, to promote longevity and vitality.

    3. Collaborative Care and Patient Engagement: Highlighting the significance of collaborative, multidisciplinary care, the episode underscores the value of finding trusted healthcare providers who understand and support individual patient goals for improved engagement and satisfaction.

    4. Personalized Healthcare and Purposeful Living: The discussion on personalized healthcare stresses the importance of understanding individual priorities, values, and health span to foster purposeful, engaging lives, even in older age.

    5. Challenges in Healthcare System and Patient Expectations: Addressing various challenges within the healthcare system, including financial pressures, patient expectations, and practitioner limitations, the episode underscores the need for breaking down healthcare silos and managing realistic patient expectations for better outcomes and satisfaction.

  • Welcome to The Mind Body Marathon: the podcast that puts you on a path to a healthier lifestyle–whether you’re a daily runner or just finding your footing.

    This episode brings a deep dive into the mindset, training, and racing strategies of elite athletes, focusing on special guest Clayton Murphy, a two-time Olympian in the 800 meters. Hosted by running expert Dr. Leo Kormanik, and featuring massage therapist Zachary Goulet, this conversation explores Clayton’s preparation heading into the 2024 track season in Paris, his return to form, and his unique training perspectives.

    Clayton takes us through his experience traveling to China for his first race of the season, feeling underprepared yet still achieving the Olympic trial standard with a 1:45 run. The discussion unwraps his physical and mental preparation, including weight management strategies and improved lifestyle choices that helped him regain his fitness after a long off-season. Trail running, nutritional adjustments, and strategic training adaptations form the backbone of Murphy’s approach to gearing up for the competitive season.

    Throughout the episode, they discuss the intricacies of race strategies, the changing dynamics of 800-meter races, and the vital role of mental resilience. Clayton reflects on his race experiences in LA, Budapest, and China, emphasizing the importance of making confident decisions and being adaptable. The dialogue also considers the benefits and challenges of Clayton's pivot to trail running for overall mental and physical well-being.

    The conversation concludes with insightful reflections on support systems and the critical role they play in athletic success, drawing an engaging comparison to the collaborative environment of Formula 1 teams.

    Key Takeaways

    1. Importance of Mental Preparation: Clayton Murphy shares his rituals and mental strategies leading up to important races, underscoring the significance of a prepared mindset. This includes visualizations, adaptability in routines, and confidence-building, essential for high-stakes athletic performance.

    2. Adapting Nutrition for Performance: Clayton’s approach to nutrition during the race season involves cutting out late-night snacks and fast food, focusing instead on healthier options to maintain his weight and enhance performance. His experience highlights the impact of disciplined eating habits on athletic success.

    3. Flexibility in Training: Adapting to various environmental conditions and race formats is critical. Murphy’s shift to trail running illustrates the importance of flexibility in training approaches, emphasizing stability, strength, and mental resets. This adaptability ensures preparedness for diverse competition scenarios.

    4. Evolving Race Strategies: Race dynamics, especially in the 800 meters, are continually shifting. Murphy discusses the slower paces in the first lap and the need for strategic positioning and decision-making. Understanding and anticipating race flow can significantly impact performance outcomes.

    5. Team Support and Comparisons to Formula 1: The role of coaches, training partners, and support staff is paramount. Dr. Leo draws an engaging comparison to the collaborative effort seen in Formula 1, highlighting how an athlete’s success is often a team accomplishment. This reinforces the importance of a well-rounded support network.

    Remember to tune in next week for more insights aimed at helping you lead a healthier, more balanced life. Your health is a marathon, not a sprint, and the Mind Body Marathon is here to help you set the pace.

  • Welcome to The Mind Body Marathon: the podcast that puts you on a path to a healthier lifestyle–whether you’re a daily runner or just finding your footing.

    Today’s episode is all about injuries: how we can avoid them, how to recover from them, and the psychological and physiological impacts they can have. Our host, running expert Dr. Leo Kormanik, is joined by two colleagues from Ohio Sports Chiropractic, Dr. Matthew Pisanelli, also a chiropractor, and Zach Goulet, a licensed massage therapist. 

    As athletes themselves, they share their own stories of overcoming significant injuries, emphasizing how these experiences cultivated a stronger appreciation for health and a proactive approach to life. The conversation transitions into a detailed discussion about the evolution of sports therapy, including the shift towards more effective injury management techniques and the role of technology in tracking recovery.

    Matt and Zach share their histories of severe injuries, both personal and professional, dissecting the physical and psychological impacts these have on athletes. They also share their expert strategies for coping with and recovering from injuries, stressing the importance of understanding the body's signals and adopting comprehensive recuperation practices, including mindful meditation, and quality sleep hygiene.

    Remember to tune in next week for more insights aimed at helping you lead a healthier, more balanced life. Your health is a marathon, not a sprint, and the Mind Body Marathon is here to help you set the pace. 

    Key Takeaways

    1. Gratitude and Proactivity: A distressing experience, such as a serious injury, can be transformative, fostering a sense of gratitude and a more proactive attitude toward health and life in general. This shift in perspective is crucial for long-term wellness and success in any field.

    2. Evolution of Sports Therapy: The field of sports therapy has seen significant advancements over the years, with techniques such as foam rolling and manual therapy becoming more mainstream in managing injuries effectively. These developments underscore the importance of staying informed and adaptable to new health practices.

    3. Injury Awareness and Management: Understanding the difference between normal muscle soreness (DOMS) and injury pain is vital for proper self-care. Our guests highlighted the importance of acknowledging pain signals without fear, using appropriate pain scales, and adopting strategies that prevent injury aggravation.

    4. The Psychological Impact of Injuries: Injuries not only affect physical capabilities but also challenge mental resilience. The discussions elucidate the psychological struggles athletes face during injuries and the importance of mental toughness and strategic psychological approaches, such as mindfulness and positive thinking, in overcoming these hurdles.

    5. Importance of Sleep and Recovery Quality sleep and proper rest are foundational for effective injury recovery and overall health. The podcast covered various strategies to enhance sleep quality, including setting the right room temperature, using reliable sleep-tracking devices, and engaging in calming pre-sleep routines.

  • Welcome to The Mind Body Marathon: the podcast that puts you on a path to a healthier lifestyle–whether you’re a daily runner or just finding your footing.

    On today’s episode, Dr. Leo running expert is joined by his wife, Samua Kormanik, who, despite having ran several marathons, hates running. Together, they’re diving into the emotional and mechanical dynamics of running marathons, revealing how this demanding sport shapes the body and the mind.

    Marathons are not merely about running 26 miles; they are a holistic challenge that tests your physical readiness and mental fortitude. Samua shared her experiences with self-doubt before races, while Dr. Leo discussed the lessons learned from not finishing marathons. This conversation highlighted the need for thorough mental and physical preparation, acknowledging that sometimes, the mental barriers are as taxing as the physical ones.

    Running tightens more than just your schedule; it tightens your body and can even play a role in how your skin ages, thanks to the impact on fascia. Dr. Leo, with his background in sports medicine and physiology, detailed how running influences everything from bone mass to muscle density, and the crucial role of body mechanics in avoiding injuries. Understanding individual physicality can significantly enhance your training and prevent common running injuries.

    Yet, running is more than biomechanics. It’s about the joy of pushing your limits, the simple pleasure of movement, and sometimes, the therapeutic solitude of a long run. Dr. Leo and Samua shared personal stories that highlighted the emotional rewards of running, such as Samua’s touching recount of her daughter’s participation in a 5k race, shedding light on the inclusive spirit of the running community.

    Beyond the physical and emotional, the episode also tackled practical tips for both aspiring and veteran runners, from addressing running-related injuries to embracing the communal joy of themed races like the upcoming Disney 10-miler.

    Remember to tune in next week for more insights aimed at helping you lead a healthier, more balanced life. Your health is a marathon, not a sprint, and the Mind Body Marathon is here to help you set the pace. 

    Key Takeaways:

    1. Mental Fortitude Equals Physical Strength: Dr. Leo emphasized the importance of mental resilience over physical prowess in marathons. Successful runners cultivate a strong mental game to complement their physical training, meeting both visible and invisible challenges head-on.

    2. Tailored Training is Crucial: Acknowledging individual differences in flexibility, strength, and overall body mechanics is vital. Dr. Leo discussed the necessity of customizing stretching, strengthening, and recovery plans to fit personal needs, which helps in achieving better performance and avoiding injuries.

    3. The Joy of Running: Both hosts delved into the intrinsic pleasures and motivational aspects of running. For Samua, running offers a sense of personal accomplishment and emotional release, while Dr. Leo sees it as a means to enjoy physical exertion and mental clarity.

    4. Understanding Your Body Mechanics: It’s essential to know how your body works. Dr. Leo’s insights into the mechanical aspects of running—such as how the sport affects bone density and muscle tightness—can empower runners to make informed decisions about their training regimes.

    5. Community and Inclusion in Running: Running is for everyone. This episode underscores the inclusivity of running, celebrating how it brings people together, fosters communal support, and encourages individuals of all abilities to participate and enjoy the myriad benefits of the sport.