Telling the tales of all things creepy, cryptid, and otherworldly. Hosted by Paranormal researcher, author and host of the TV shows Oddity Files and Paranormal Crossroad Kitsie Duncan, and paranormal enthusiast Nick Floyd. They bring you creepy and weird stories, but bring enough laughs in so you can still sleep with the lights off.
Дмитрий «Гоблин» Пучков со своим иронично-язвительным взглядом на главные события нашей жизни. Подписывайтесь на новые выпуски и слушайте, когда удобно!
A Spotify Original Podcast (presented by ACCESS Entertainment)
Starring Kagga Jayson (known as Jayson K) Video Exclusive now only on Spotify.
The Upside Down Podcast by Jayson K is a podcast produced by Spotify Studios and Directed by the KJJ Network and Jayson K who is the founder/creator. This Podcast is Available with audio on Platforms like YouTube, Spotify, Google Podcasts and iHeartRadio.
Follow Us on
Instagram/X @udpbyjaysonk
Follow the Creator
YouTube Shorts @kagga_30
TikTok @kagga_30
Twitter @kagga_30
Relax listen or watch. -
Вітаю Вас в Міфологічній бібліотеці!
Мене звати Аліна і я є хранителькою цього чудового місця. У нас ви дізнаєтесь міфи та легенди різних народів світу, а також їх вплив на сучасність. Кожен епізод — це як нова книга в нашій бібліотеці, з якої ви зможете дізнатися багато цікавого про вірування та походження певних традицій, а рідкісні гості нашої книгозбірні — знавці міфології, радо поділяться своїми знаннями з нашими слухачами. Незабаром ми відкриємо першу книгу, а поки не забувайте що міф — це лише перша іскра, яка висікається розумом при зіткненні з реальністю.</
This podcast is for those who want to wholeheartedly pursue Christ.
You’re a woman who wants to follow where God leads, to live and love well, to extend grace to yourself and others, but there’s a part of you that’s like how?
You want your faith to intersect with your busy and full life, but you aren’t sure what that looks like in real-time.
Here at the Grace In Real Life podcast, we talk about how to practically apply grace in real life. Listen in! -
Life, love, fresh breath, career, and straight-up banter all in one spot; the #ThisClosePodcast is here! Whether you're working, chilling, or exercising, plug in and come to where we'll make you and your mood like your breath - confident and fresh.Hosts: Taymesan Emmanuel & Chisom Onwuegbuzia
Ο Σπήλιος Φλώρος είναι stand up κωμικός από το 2016 και ασχολείται με το Youtube από το 2020. Στο Podcast-Vidcast "Δεν παίζει άγχος" φέρνει καλεσμένους που εκτιμάει καλλιτεχνικά και επαγγελματικά και συζητάει για το έργο τους και τις δυσκολίες που έχουν αντιμετωπίσει ενώ παράλληλα περιγράφει και ο ίδιος, τους δικούς του προβληματισμούς και τις ανησυχίες του για ποικίλα ζητήματα. Σίγουρα όμως σε αυτό το Podcast δε θα μπορούσαν να λείψουν ωραίες ιστορίες, το χιούμορ και μια νότα αισιοδοξίας.
A collection of classes given by Mahatma Das, a bhakti practitioner for over 50 years, and a disciple of A.C. Bhaktivendanta Swami Prabhupada. He presents the wisdom of bhakti yoga in a practical way, as to provide insight and applicable tools for one's own life and practice of spiritual living.
Twee gedreven programmamakers. We kijken graag met een verwonderde blik naar de wereld om ons heen. Wat ons opvalt, wat ons roert is vaak de aanleiding tot de onderwerpen die we bespreken in ons radioprogramma en onze podcast. Deze onderwerpen zijn heel divers. Van een te bemoeizuchtige buurvrouw tot een vervelende man in de rij voor de kassa.
Wij hebben overal een mening over die we niet onder stoelen of banken steken. Dit alles natuurlijk wel met de nodige zelfspot en humor. Daarnaast kijken we in onze wereld ook graag vooruit en bespreken we nieuwe films, series, podcasts en meer.
Mocht je jezelf afvragen of je ook iets van ons zou kunnen leren? Wij denken van niet. Maar vermakelijk is het altijd. -
The TRUTH is that the 'Kingdom of God is at Hand" . Jesus Christ demonstrated an incredible healing testimony when he walked on earth over 2000 years ago. As His kids, we are a part of that testimony as He continues to live in, and among us today! Jesus also teaches us to pray, how to pray and when. We are to pray in all things. This podcast is intended to create an opportunity for prayer, using scripture to guide us into a time with the Lord. These are meant to be brief, but frequent. I am starting out weekly, and maybe will increase...we will see what God does. - Bryn Kroto
In my podcast. I discuss life changing information. Therefore the information I'm sharing is radical and to most people foreign. I discuss topics on how to change your vibrational frequency. I'm very straightforward with the information I'm sharing. I will admit that some of you may be offended by the information being shared. But I do not sugarcoat anything. I also discuss exactly how to apply the information I'm Sharing. That way you have an opportunity to explore your deeper selves and truly understand your full potential.
Sing with me every day for 3 minutes! Mantras are based in repetition and focusing the mind. I will give a summary of the mantra (most of them are in Sanskrit), and then we will sing for 3 minutes. The intro is listed separately, and it's up to you to go back to the 3 minutes every day. It's a great opportunity to take a short break, come back to the present moment, activate your throat chakra and connect with your body. If you don't know the mantra, you can always hum along. Thanks for joining me! ~Aaralyn -
AstroTalks will deliver astrology news and knowledge with the occasional casual profanity for the AstroFan. Weekly astrology talks on Astro 101, Astro tips, Astro information, Astro horoscopes and everything Astrology. All delivered by intuitive professional astrologer #Astr0Krys #AstroTalks