Čisto iskreno, Podkast je moj izgovor, da se "občasno" pogovarjam z ljudmi, ki se mi zdijo zanimivi. -
A mythological lens can reveal layers of meaning that usually remain obscured or hidden. In the Mythic podcast, host Boston Blake explores archetypal themes in ancient legends and modern media,
myth and folklore
pop culture
current events
your personal issues
Nothing is off-limits!
The Mythic perspective may forever change the way you think about your favorite stories--and yourself.
Caution: Listening to this podcast may contribute to increased synchronicity. -
Welcome to Freedom Humor! with Host Nani Reno, the podcast where no politician, policy, or scandal is too sacred to mock.
As I expose the harsh realities of government corruption and advocate for justice for all. "Freedom Humor" is a podcast that delves into the darkest corners of government dealings, shining a light on the ways in which they use the working class to line their own pockets and perpetuate poverty. The way the powers at be play their chess game, have always played their chess game and use The People as pawns to gain power, control and money.
Each episode, I'll be digging deep into the facts, analyzing data that brings you a clear-eyed view of the truth.
From rigged elections to police brutality, from environmental destruction to economic inequality, we'll cover it all.
We’ll speaking on the devastating impacts of colonialism and systemic oppression has had on indigenous communities, POC and The People in general.
Sharing knowledge is a door we can use create a better future for all. It’s our responsibility to ensure history does not repeat itself. That's why I'm committed to using any platform given, to amplify marginalized voices and promote transparency between government and the people. -
Personal freedom, political liberty, and free speech - defended by force of arms, if necessary. Welcome to "The Resistance Library" from, where we believe that arming our fellow Americans – both physically and philosophically – helps them fulfill our Founding Fathers' intent with the Second Amendment: To serve as a check on state power.
The only divorce podcast that's one part family law attorney and one part recovering comedian. We are dedicated to bringing you action steps, empathy, and a healthy side of snark.
Morgan Stogsdill and Andrea Rappaport bring you divorce content that's resourceful, entertaining, packed with ACTION STEPS from EXPERTS, and most importantly, help listeners feel less alone.
You'll get through this. We promise. You've got this..and we've got you.
**Do not listen to this show if you don't have a sense of humor. -
“Kje je tu most?” je segment, ki zajema širok razpon vsega, kar dojemamo pod pojmom kultura, in ga meša z veliko žlico, od katere je mogoče marsikaj odnesti, če le odpremo svoje glave. Vodita ga Nika in Miša, ki se v vsaki oddaji trudita prečkati bregove različnih aspektov umetnosti, družbenih problematik, stereotipov, socializacije in navsezadnje - kulture kot omejitve in začetka vsega. Spoznavati, se spraševati in raziskovati je ena ključnih komponent življenja, možnost za slednje pa najdemo v vsakem vogalu obstoja. Tako voditeljici povežeta serije, filme, knjige in ostale koščke in ustvarjata prepletajočo se reko razmišljanj, ki ponujajo kritičen vpogled v kulturo kot celoto.