
  • "True healing is not a “quick fix” but a regeneration that comes from removing all waste from the body." - Arnold Ehret

    We are now on the penultimate episode in the series of podcasts on navigating your mental and physical well-being. On this occasion, we are going to dive into the realm of excretion, a very vital undertaking to sustaining life.

    The process of elimination prevents our body from accumulating waste and provides the much-needed balance in the proper functioning of our organ systems. There are several ways by which we eliminate body waste and breathing is one of them.

    Today, I am going to shed a different light on these various methods as well as the things you need to eliminate. I will not only give you scientific insights but also provide you with practical ways to increase your vitality and vigour.

    I am a wellness evangelist, and my goal is to empower you to get the results you want. My work has always been about supporting people on who they want to be. I want to inspire you to make adjustments to what you are currently doing to avoid repeating the same mistakes.

    Ultimately, your health lies in your own hands. You are the only one who can direct your life, I cannot do it for you, but I can help you.

    You are capable of living life to the fullest. You can reverse some of the conditions you are in.

    Live better now.


    We eliminate body waste through our intestines, skin, kidneys, mouth and lungs,

    Our emotions, lifestyle, and the food we eat affect our gut and consequently our excretion.

    Nasal breathing and having longer out-breaths improve well-being.

    Breathing out activates the parasympathetic nervous system to calm us.

    Carbon dioxide and oxygen are both needed by the body.

    Important Stories:

    3:38 Definition and importance of elimination.

    9:20 Things that affect our gut.

    15:12 Breathing as an essential means of elimination and a breathwork technique to improve your overall health.

    28:48 The vagus nerve, a transport system from the brainstem to the gut.

    Send us a message and tell us what is your biggest takeaway about this episode.


    Check out my brand new 30 Day Kick Start Challenge!

    In just 30 days, I will show you the exact "step-by-step" method to redesign your life with daily intentions and progress.

    Let me guide, coach, and support you. Each day you will have access to a new training session. You will be introduced to new ideas or concepts.

    Time invested every day in the programme will build over the 30 days and put you in a powerful place in your life.

    Be extraordinary and seize life's boundless opportunities.

    Take the Mi365 30-Day Kickstart Challenge now.



    I help everyday people achieve their goals & dreams! Helping and coaching people in my expertise. And it is VERY satisfying to change people’s lives so they improve and change their health, finances, relationships, confidence, and mindset.

    Connect With Me! Come join our free Pete Cohen's Facebook Group:


    Follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/petecohen_/

    About Pete Cohen: Pete Cohen is one of the world’s leading life coaches and keynote speakers. Hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world have been motivated and inspired by Pete’s presentations. He has professionally impacted the lives of thousands of people worldwide, including business executives, professional athletes, and everyday people. Pete focuses on the importance of closing the gap in our lives between where we are and where we want to be, both personally and professionally.

    It’s then all about coaching you to remove the obstacles that are in your way and helping you install the habits of success.

    Pete is the author of 20 published books, several of which have been best-sellers across the world, including Shut the Duck Up, Habit Busting, Life DIY, and Sort Your Life Out. He has also presented his own show on TV called The Coach and was the resident Life Coach on GMTV for 12 years.

  • Drinking water is essential to a healthy lifestyle - Stephen Curry

    Water is the most essential element on Earth. Without it, life would cease to exist. Every system in the human body depends on water to function properly but how much should we drink?

    We know that drinking less than what we need leads to dehydration and sometimes death, but are you aware that drinking too much and too fast can also result in your demise?

    The presence of too much information and too many choices has left many of us confused. Most specialists say we need to drink eight glasses of water, but is it really the right amount for everybody?

    Furthermore, of the options we have, which type of water is best for us? Is it tap, bottled, filtered, or flavoured water? Is water that has been infused with minerals better? Should we drink it hot or cold?

    Are you overwhelmed by these questions and the choices you have? Well, you do not have to be.

    Tune in as I shed light on these areas for you to have a different perspective and make better choices. We all have different circumstances and sometimes what works for others may not be applicable to you.

    Take your health to a new level.

    Make an informed choice.


    Majority of people in the world are dehydrated. A 70-kg person will eliminate around 2 litres of water a day. Majority of the things we drink that are mixed with water can be diuretics. Drinking clean water means less work for our body to do. Thirst can often be mistaken as hunger. Warm water can activate the parasympathetic nervous system and keep us calm.

    Important stories:

    4:48 The amount of water our body eliminates. 8:49 Filtered, bottled water, water in food and tap water. 16:19 Cold water, hot water, water with sweeteners. 22:12 What you could do to improve your drinking habits.

    Send us a message and tell us what is your biggest takeaway about this episode.


    Check out my brand new 30 Day Kick Start Challenge!

    In just 30 days, I will show you the exact "step-by-step" method to redesign your life with daily intentions and progress.

    Let me guide, coach, and support you. Each day you will have access to a new training session. You will be introduced to new ideas or concepts.

    Time invested every day in the programme will build over the 30 days and put you in a powerful place in your life.

    Be extraordinary and seize life's boundless opportunities.

    Take the Mi365 30-Day Kickstart Challenge now.



    I help everyday people achieve their goals & dreams! Helping and coaching people in my expertise. And it is VERY satisfying to change people’s lives so they improve and change their health, finances, relationships, confidence, and mindset.

    Connect With Me! Come join our free Pete Cohen's Facebook Group:


    Follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/petecohen_/

    About Pete Cohen: Pete Cohen is one of the world’s leading life coaches and keynote speakers. Hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world have been motivated and inspired by Pete’s presentations. He has professionally impacted the lives of thousands of people worldwide, including business executives, professional athletes, and everyday people. Pete focuses on the importance of closing the gap in our lives between where we are and where we want to be, both personally and professionally.

    It’s then all about coaching you to remove the obstacles that are in your way and helping you install the habits of success.

    Pete is the author of 20 published books, several of which have been best-sellers across the world, including Shut the Duck Up, Habit Busting, Life DIY, and Sort Your Life Out. He has also presented his own show on TV called The Coach and was the resident Life Coach on GMTV for 12 years.

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  • “Sleep is the single most effective thing we can do to reset our brain and body health each day - - Mother Nature’s best effort yet at contra death.” - Matthew Walker

    Did you sleep well last night? Do you have the energy to handle all the tasks you need to do?

    If you always feel fatigued and are having difficulty concentrating on the work at hand, this episode is for you. Today we are going to delve more into the importance of being aware of your sleep, the possible reasons why you do not sleep well and of course tips on how you can sleep better.

    We are on the seventh part of a series of podcasts on navigating your well-being. On this journey to excellent health, we have been diving deeper into each of the magnificent seven. These seven key elements are think right, eat right, talk right, move right, sleep right, drink right, and eliminate right.

    Of these areas, sleep must be in the top three because it not only has the power to energise our whole body and keep it functioning well, but it also improves our brain functions, making us more alert and focused. The right amount of sleep helps us to think, feel, and act better.

    Although it is one of the natural things we do that provides multiple benefits most of us take it for granted. This deprives our bodies of the rest they need to recuperate. Sleeping less or even having an inferior quality of sleep leads to chronic illnesses and a poor mental state.

    What then can we do to optimise our sleep?

    Listen in to find out.

    Allow me to inspire you to view it in a new light and hopefully take the necessary action to keep yourself from being less than you can be.

    A rejuvenated body and sound mind are just a good night’s sleep away.

    Value sleep.


    As human beings, we thrive on being awake in the day and being asleep at night but some of the things we do violate our circadian rhythm. The average number of hours we spent sleeping at night has decreased over time. It is important to have the proper preparation and environment for sleep. It is easier for the brain to secrete melatonin when the conditions are right. If you do not make the connection between a good night’s sleep and having energy the next day, then you would not prioritise sleep.

    Important stories:

    2:56 My sleep-related dilemma

    5:30 Sleep is the number one self-care habit.

    8:53 Disruptions in circadian rhythm.

    11:56 Creating the right environment for sleep.

    14:15 Making the connection between a good night’s sleep and feeling better.

    16:52 The kryptonite for sleep.​​​​​​​

    21:38 Things you can do to improve your sleep.

    Send us a message and tell us what is your biggest takeaway about this episode.


    Check out my brand new 30 Day Kick Start Challenge!

    In just 30 days, I will show you the exact "step-by-step" method to redesign your life with daily intentions and progress.

    Let me guide, coach, and support you. Each day you will have access to a new training session. You will be introduced to new ideas or concepts.

    Time invested every day in the programme will build over the 30 days and put you in a powerful place in your life.

    Be extraordinary and seize life's boundless opportunities.

    Take the Mi365 30-Day Kickstart Challenge now.



    I help everyday people achieve their goals & dreams! Helping and coaching people in my expertise. And it is VERY satisfying to change people’s lives so they improve and change their health, finances, relationships, confidence, and mindset.

    Connect With Me! Come join our free Pete Cohen's Facebook Group:


    Follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/petecohen_/

    About Pete Cohen: Pete Cohen is one of the world’s leading life coaches and keynote speakers. Hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world have been motivated and inspired by Pete’s presentations. He has professionally impacted the lives of thousands of people worldwide, including business executives, professional athletes, and everyday people. Pete focuses on the importance of closing the gap in our lives between where we are and where we want to be, both personally and professionally.

    It’s then all about coaching you to remove the obstacles that are in your way and helping you install the habits of success.

    Pete is the author of 20 published books, several of which have been best-sellers across the world, including Shut the Duck Up, Habit Busting, Life DIY, and Sort Your Life Out. He has also presented his own show on TV called The Coach and was the resident Life Coach on GMTV for 12 years.

  • “Talk to yourself like you would to someone you love.” - Brené Brown

    What is it like being you? Is being you the result of what you say to yourself? Is it possible that your poor health may have something to do with what you have been saying to yourself?

    We all talk to ourselves but most of us are quite unaware of what we say and the impact it is making in our lives because of the many things that grab our attention.

    The conversations you have with yourself can lead to an undesirable state of health. Negative dialogues create anxiety and stress that over time causes multiple illnesses like having low immunity, heart disease, depression, and obesity.

    It is therefore important to stop and realise what you say to yourself. You always have an opportunity to change what you say, how you feel, and what you do.

    Tune in and find out more about how you can improve your well-being through the conversations you have with yourself. Gain insights into the cell-to-cell communication that happens within your body and how it affects your mental and physical health.

    This is the sixth episode in a series of podcasts on wellness. I am giving you the chance to look at things differently and to explore your true nature, so maybe then you will start to take deliberate actions towards prolonging your life and preventing disease.

    Would it not be better if the conditions you are in right now were reversed?

    Start talking to yourself in a different way.

    Listen to the person you want to be.

    You are awesome!


    What we think and say creates our beliefs as well as the emotions we feel that are sometimes not nourishing to the body. We have thousands of thoughts going on in the background that affects us. There is a part of you that talks negatively to you, but there is also a moral authority within you that you can listen to. We can change how we speak to ourselves. Life becomes easier once we know who we are and that we are not victims of where we are.

    Important stories:

    4:10 Our thoughts and words impact our lives.

    9:39 Our inner world is a direct result of what we say to ourselves.

    12:24 Cells in our body communicate with each other.

    15:06 How to conquer what we say to ourselves.

    Send us a message and tell us what is your biggest takeaway about this episode.


    Check out my brand new 30 Day Kick Start Challenge!

    In just 30 days, I will show you the exact "step-by-step" method to redesign your life with daily intentions and progress.

    Let me guide, coach, and support you. Each day you will have access to a new training session. You will be introduced to new ideas or concepts.

    Time invested every day in the programme will build over the 30 days and put you in a powerful place in your life.

    Be extraordinary and seize life's boundless opportunities.

    Take the Mi365 30-Day Kickstart Challenge now.



    I help everyday people achieve their goals & dreams! Helping and coaching people in my expertise. And it is VERY satisfying to change people’s lives so they improve and change their health, finances, relationships, confidence, and mindset.

    Connect With Me! Come join our free Pete Cohen's Facebook Group:


    Follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/petecohen_/

    About Pete Cohen: Pete Cohen is one of the world’s leading life coaches and keynote speakers. Hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world have been motivated and inspired by Pete’s presentations. He has professionally impacted the lives of thousands of people worldwide, including business executives, professional athletes, and everyday people. Pete focuses on the importance of closing the gap in our lives between where we are and where we want to be, both personally and professionally.

    It’s then all about coaching you to remove the obstacles that are in your way and helping you install the habits of success.

    Pete is the author of 20 published books, several of which have been best-sellers across the world, including Shut the Duck Up, Habit Busting, Life DIY, and Sort Your Life Out. He has also presented his own show on TV called The Coach and was the resident Life Coach on GMTV for 12 years.

  • “Change happens through movement and movement heals.” -Joseph Pilates

    Are you what you do every single day preventing you from being afflicted with chronic illnesses? Are you walking 5,749 steps a day at the least?

    You know exercise is one of the best things you can do to prolong your life, but why are you not doing it? Why are you having a tough time convincing yourself to get up?

    Listen to today’s episode and get a new perspective on one of the key areas of magnificent health. Understand the real reasons behind the challenges you have in moving, and the best ways to overcome them.

    Look at movement and its benefits with a fresh pair of eyes. Know the secret to looking, feeling, and living better.

    We are already halfway through our journey to good health. This is the fifth part in a series of podcasts that gives you a different take on wellness to help you optimise who you are.

    Movement is one of the topics I am well-versed in. It is an area I excel at practising what I preach, having become a personal trainer and fitness instructor. Exercise is an important part of my life.

    Stop being a prisoner of poor health and disease.

    Reverse the things you face.

    Be the healthier, more energetic version of you.

    Live by your new mantra - “1, 2, 3, 4, 5 get up and move now.”


    We are movement machines living in a world that does not encourage us to move. What we can do and what we do are two completely different things. We are designed to use energy for a reason. Exercise switches every system in our body and makes us feel hopeful. People who do less than 5,749 steps a day are more prone to depression and anxiety. The best ‘why’ is that you just want to feel good.

    Important stories:

    4:20 The changes in the way we live.

    7:48 How we are designed.

    10:39 The challenges in making an investment.

    17:36 Having the right ‘why.’

    23:01 Hope molecules

    24:19 A woman named Mandy Jane Lace.

    Send us a message and tell us what is your biggest takeaway about this episode.


    Check out my brand new 30 Day Kick Start Challenge!

    In just 30 days, I will show you the exact "step-by-step" method to redesign your life with daily intentions and progress.

    Let me guide, coach, and support you. Each day you will have access to a new training session. You will be introduced to new ideas or concepts.

    Time invested every day in the programme will build over the 30 days and put you in a powerful place in your life.

    Be extraordinary and seize life's boundless opportunities.

    Take the Mi365 30-Day Kickstart Challenge now.



    I help everyday people achieve their goals & dreams! Helping and coaching people in my expertise. And it is VERY satisfying to change people’s lives so they improve and change their health, finances, relationships, confidence, and mindset.

    Connect With Me! Come join our free Pete Cohen's Facebook Group:


    Follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/petecohen_/

    About Pete Cohen: Pete Cohen is one of the world’s leading life coaches and keynote speakers. Hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world have been motivated and inspired by Pete’s presentations. He has professionally impacted the lives of thousands of people worldwide, including business executives, professional athletes, and everyday people. Pete focuses on the importance of closing the gap in our lives between where we are and where we want to be, both personally and professionally.

    It’s then all about coaching you to remove the obstacles that are in your way and helping you install the habits of success.

    Pete is the author of 20 published books, several of which have been best-sellers across the world, including Shut the Duck Up, Habit Busting, Life DIY, and Sort Your Life Out. He has also presented his own show on TV called The Coach and was the resident Life Coach on GMTV for 12 years.

  • “If you would be a real seeker of truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things.” - Rene Descartes

    It has landed! It is finally here!

    The weapon you need to cross the information divide and discern the truth is now within your grasp.

    But before you grab one, have a listen to today’s episode as I interview journalist, multi-awarded film director, moderator, advisor, and researcher, Lindley Gooden. He is also the founder and Cheerleader-in-Chief of Greenscreen.

    Lindley has recently published the very informative and thought-provoking book entitled ‘The Future of Truth (And How to Get There).’ This is a much-needed piece in our technology-driven world, where everyone wants to get our attention.

    It is only fitting for him to author this book as he has worked on both sides of the information divide for more than 30 years and has interviewed more than 50,000 people engaged in world transformation. He has also served as postgraduate journalism lecturer at UK’s prestigious universities.

    In this podcast, he will delve into the highlights of his book for you to learn more about misinformation, disinformation, why we easily fall for them, and how we can equip ourselves so as not to be fooled and manipulated by the deep fakes, the lies as well as the conspiracies.

    Do not be part of the divide that leads to chaos.

    Arm yourself with the right tools and information. Choose from the armoury of links below.

    Amazon (UK)



    Sharing stories is our way of learning and surviving. We are 60-70% more likely to share false information that is why we need to know where our information is coming from. The two types of false information are misinformation or things we share accidentally and disinformation which is the intentional manipulation of information. We need to stop, step back, sidestep, and allow a little bit of disbelief to get to the truth. There are technical tells that you can see and in feel with deep fakes.

    Important stories:

    1:25 Why Lindley Gooden authored the book and what he wants people to get from it. 6:20 How Lindley and I met. 15:14 Misinformation, disinformation, and conspiracies. 21:10 How to find a safe middle ground amidst a dangerous territory. 31:34 The various sources of information and technological platforms we use. 47:10 Expected direct results of the book years after.

    Send us a message and tell us what is your biggest takeaway about this episode.


    Check out my brand new 30 Day Kick Start Challenge!

    In just 30 days, I will show you the exact "step-by-step" method to redesign your life with daily intentions and progress.

    Let me guide, coach, and support you. Each day you will have access to a new training session. You will be introduced to new ideas or concepts.

    Time invested every day in the programme will build over the 30 days and put you in a powerful place in your life.

    Be extraordinary and seize life's boundless opportunities.

    Take the Mi365 30-Day Kickstart Challenge now.



    I help everyday people achieve their goals & dreams! Helping and coaching people in my expertise. And it is VERY satisfying to change people’s lives so they improve and change their health, finances, relationships, confidence, and mindset.

    Connect With Me! Come join our free Pete Cohen's Facebook Group:


    Follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/petecohen_/

    About Pete Cohen: Pete Cohen is one of the world’s leading life coaches and keynote speakers. Hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world have been motivated and inspired by Pete’s presentations. He has professionally impacted the lives of thousands of people worldwide, including business executives, professional athletes, and everyday people. Pete focuses on the importance of closing the gap in our lives between where we are and where we want to be, both personally and professionally.

    It’s then all about coaching you to remove the obstacles that are in your way and helping you install the habits of success.

    Pete is the author of 20 published books, several of which have been best-sellers across the world, including Shut the Duck Up, Habit Busting, Life DIY, and Sort Your Life Out. He has also presented his own show on TV called The Coach and was the resident Life Coach on GMTV for 12 years.

  • “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” - Hippocrates

    Have you thought about the relationship you have with food?

    Did you know that the associations you have with food affect what you eat and how you live?

    What we consume can either sustain our lives or cause us our death. Eating the right food can nourish and make us live longer without being afflicted by certain ailments.

    However, consuming more of the foods that are being offered to us today can be debilitating. Majority of the items we can easily buy are either refined or laden with chemicals that harm our bodies.

    These are the facts that we tend to ignore for several reasons. For one, we prefer the ease and comfort of obtaining them. Secondly, manufactured food has become addictive. Lastly, we eat more for our current self rather than our future self.

    Eating right can be quite a challenge but it does not mean that we cannot overcome these difficulties. We have the power to reverse our current conditions.

    To gain more insights on this, I encourage you to listen to today's episode as I delve further into one of the key areas of magnificent health. It is the fourth part of a series of podcasts around navigating your well-being.

    Do not become a slave to food. Be in control.

    Live an amazing life.


    ~ Our diet has massively evolved from foraged natural food to the highly addictive manufactured, imitation food we have now.

    ~ Western diet has resulted in inflammatory and chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and heart ailments.

    ~ In most cases people are malnourished either by lack of food or eating too much innutritious food.

    ~ You can make your own rules and choose your own ways to make food work for you.

    ~ Food rules you can adapt:

    Go natural whenever and wherever you can. Supplement your diet. Do not eat food that: Grandma did not eat. Has a label. Has more than five ingredients. Has a longer shelf life. Has been refined. Has high carbohydrate and sugar content.

    Important stories:

    5:38 How our diets have evolved. 8:04 The relationship between what we eat and the diseases we have. 13:40 The reasons behind our behaviour about food and why we need to change. 17:01 The effect of imitation or manufactured food. 19:56 The changes we can make to eat and live better.

    Send us a message and tell us what is your biggest takeaway about this episode.


    Check out my brand new 30 Day Kick Start Challenge!

    In just 30 days, I will show you the exact "step-by-step" method to redesign your life with daily intentions and progress.

    Let me guide, coach, and support you. Each day you will have access to a new training session. You will be introduced to new ideas or concepts.

    Time invested every day in the programme will build over the 30 days and put you in a powerful place in your life.

    Be extraordinary and seize life's boundless opportunities.

    Take the Mi365 30-Day Kickstart Challenge now.



    I help everyday people achieve their goals & dreams! Helping and coaching people in my expertise. And it is VERY satisfying to change people’s lives so they improve and change their health, finances, relationships, confidence, and mindset.

    Connect With Me! Come join our free Pete Cohen's Facebook Group:


    Follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/petecohen_/

    About Pete Cohen: Pete Cohen is one of the world’s leading life coaches and keynote speakers. Hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world have been motivated and inspired by Pete’s presentations. He has professionally impacted the lives of thousands of people worldwide, including business executives, professional athletes, and everyday people. Pete focuses on the importance of closing the gap in our lives between where we are and where we want to be, both personally and professionally.

    It’s then all about coaching you to remove the obstacles that are in your way and helping you install the habits of success.

    Pete is the author of 20 published books, several of which have been best-sellers across the world, including Shut the Duck Up, Habit Busting, Life DIY, and Sort Your Life Out. He has also presented his own show on TV called The Coach and was the resident Life Coach on GMTV for 12 years.

  • “We’ve in fact conditioned ourselves to believe all sorts of things that aren’t necessarily true – and many of those things are having a negative impact on our health and happiness.” - Joe Dispenza

    Generally, we believe that our health begins with what we eat and the way we live but in fact everything stems from our thoughts. How we think is the prime mover of our mental, physical, and emotional states.

    Our mind is a tool that has the power to shape everything in our life. What goes on in it leads to how we feel and the actions we take. If we continue to persist in thinking that there is nothing we can do about our circumstances or where we are, then chances are we will succumb defenselessly against diseases.

    However, when we think differently from what others have led us to believe, we can recover from whatever has held us back. This has been proven time and again by people who have miraculously regained their lives from life-threatening illnesses.

    Tune in to today’s episode as I explore and impart different perspectives. This is the third part in a series of podcasts that revolves around navigating our wellness. We will continue with this theme until the month of July as we delve further into each of the seven keys to magnificent health.

    I am offering you an opportunity to learn more and giving you the chance to make impactful changes in your life.

    Are you truly aware of what goes on in your mind? What thoughts have you been harbouring? Are you harvesting the results you want?

    The road to a healthier you is a thought away.

    Think greater than you feel.


    Thinking is our ability to imagine and manage ourselves. We have the power to choose how we think and feel to attract what we want and who we think we are or can become. Becoming aware of our thoughts empowers us. How we think about the future can lead to anxiety while depression can result from our thoughts of past events. Finding humour in our thoughts helps us simplify things and decrease our worries.

    Important stories:

    3:05 Our mind is a garden. 11:32 Utilising our experience simulator. 17:03 The power tool that resides in our head. 21:28 A few ways to conquer our thoughts.

    Send us a message and tell us what is your biggest takeaway about this episode.


    Check out my brand new 30 Day Kick Start Challenge!

    In just 30 days, I will show you the exact "step-by-step" method to redesign your life with daily intentions and progress.

    Let me guide, coach, and support you. Each day you will have access to a new training session. You will be introduced to new ideas or concepts.

    Time invested every day in the programme will build over the 30 days and put you in a powerful place in your life.

    Be extraordinary and seize life's boundless opportunities.

    Take the Mi365 30-Day Kickstart Challenge now.



    I help everyday people achieve their goals & dreams! Helping and coaching people in my expertise. And it is VERY satisfying to change people’s lives so they improve and change their health, finances, relationships, confidence, and mindset.

    Connect With Me! Come join our free Pete Cohen's Facebook Group:


    Follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/petecohen_/

    About Pete Cohen: Pete Cohen is one of the world’s leading life coaches and keynote speakers. Hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world have been motivated and inspired by Pete’s presentations. He has professionally impacted the lives of thousands of people worldwide, including business executives, professional athletes, and everyday people. Pete focuses on the importance of closing the gap in our lives between where we are and where we want to be, both personally and professionally.

    It’s then all about coaching you to remove the obstacles that are in your way and helping you install the habits of success.

    Pete is the author of 20 published books, several of which have been best-sellers across the world, including Shut the Duck Up, Habit Busting, Life DIY, and Sort Your Life Out. He has also presented his own show on TV called The Coach and was the resident Life Coach on GMTV for 12 years.

  • “Stress and meaning are inextricably linked. You don’t stress out about things you don’t care about, and you can’t create a meaningful life without experiencing some stress.” - Kelly McGonigal

    Stress, is a normal part of life that many believe shortens one’s lifespan, but this is not really the case, for the true culprit is our negative response to it. The tensions we have can in effect strengthen us if we take time to look at it differently and react positively.

    It all lies in our ability to manage the various stressors in our lives. This is what we are going to delve into in this episode, the second part of our current theme on wellness. Likewise, in the succeeding podcasts we are going to dissect the seven key aspects of well-being.

    Health is our greatest asset; therefore, we must take time to really think about the ways we can enrich and prolong the time we have on this earth without being a burden to others.

    We owe it to ourselves to live life to the fullest.

    Come and join me on this quest of transformation. Step back, look at your overall condition from a fresh perspective, let go of negative attachments, and wake up to a new reality.

    Believe me, when I say, things are going to get better.

    Stop heading for an unwanted outcome. Take the first step to longevity.

    Change your internal state now.


    Wellness is about prolonging life and preventing disease. The future of our health has more to do with our ability to manage stress. Changing our inner state involves managing stress. It is important to step back, know ourselves and how our body reacts to the things we put in and do to our bodies. Ways to reduce stress: calm the mind, be more present, and simplify things. The lifestyle decisions we make can either extend or shorten our lives. There is always a fitter, healthier version of ourselves.

    Important stories:

    4:48 A game of ‘Snakes and Ladders’ 9:04 Heart variability and managing stress. 14:03 The decision to live. 18:36 The choices I made. 23:02 A woman who finished the 30-Day Kickstart Program.

    Send us a message and tell us what is your biggest takeaway about this episode.


    Check out my brand new 30 Day Kick Start Challenge!

    In just 30 days, I will show you the exact "step-by-step" method to redesign your life with daily intentions and progress.

    Let me guide, coach, and support you. Each day you will have access to a new training session. You will be introduced to new ideas or concepts.

    Time invested every day in the programme will build over the 30 days and put you in a powerful place in your life.

    Be extraordinary and seize life's boundless opportunities.

    Take the Mi365 30-Day Kickstart Challenge now.



    I help everyday people achieve their goals & dreams! Helping and coaching people in my expertise. And it is VERY satisfying to change people’s lives so they improve and change their health, finances, relationships, confidence, and mindset.

    Connect With Me! Come join our free Pete Cohen's Facebook Group:


    Follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/petecohen_/

    About Pete Cohen: Pete Cohen is one of the world’s leading life coaches and keynote speakers. Hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world have been motivated and inspired by Pete’s presentations. He has professionally impacted the lives of thousands of people worldwide, including business executives, professional athletes, and everyday people. Pete focuses on the importance of closing the gap in our lives between where we are and where we want to be, both personally and professionally.

    It’s then all about coaching you to remove the obstacles that are in your way and helping you install the habits of success.

    Pete is the author of 20 published books, several of which have been best-sellers across the world, including Shut the Duck Up, Habit Busting, Life DIY, and Sort Your Life Out. He has also presented his own show on TV called The Coach and was the resident Life Coach on GMTV for 12 years.

  • “The only thing that stands between you and your wellbeing is a simple fact: you have allowed your thoughts and emotions to take instruction from outside rather than within.” - Sadhguru

    Health, is our most important asset that we often take for granted, thinking we would always be invulnerable. It is only when we reach the point of no return that we realise what we have been doing has slowly destroyed us.

    Most of us create conditions every single day that will lead to unwanted outcomes. Do we really have to wait for a final diagnosis before we act?

    Why not take the initiative today to live better longer.

    Join me on a new series of podcasts addressing one of the significant life domains – your health and well-being. I will delve into how you can navigate through health challenges and make wellness work.

    Learn the key and effective ways for a better quality of life. Know how to have more vitality, avoid debilitating diseases, and live the best days of your life. Have new perspectives that can result in positive changes.

    Stop playing the game of ‘I don’t want to die’.

    Take hold of your precious life now.


    Wellness has to do with the environment within you and your deliberate actions to manage stress, improve wellbeing, and prolong life. There have never been more mental health problems because of the environment we are creating. The future of wellness is going to be more geared around how you feel about who you are. Many of us think there is something wrong with us and that we need to be like other people rather than just being a better version of ourselves. Struggles in health stem from our reaction to where we are in our lives and some decisions we have made.

    Important stories:

    3:06 Wellness defined. 5:58 Diagnosed as a prediabetic. 7:33 Reasons for health problems and keys to navigating them. 16:30 My realisations. 18:56 The choices and decisions we make. 22:18 The gift of service.

    Send us a message and tell us what is your biggest takeaway about this episode.


    Check out my brand new 30 Day Kick Start Challenge!

    In just 30 days, I will show you the exact "step-by-step" method to redesign your life with daily intentions and progress.

    Let me guide, coach, and support you. Each day you will have access to a new training session. You will be introduced to new ideas or concepts.

    Time invested every day in the programme will build over the 30 days and put you in a powerful place in your life.

    Be extraordinary and seize life's boundless opportunities.

    Take the Mi365 30-Day Kickstart Challenge now.



    I help everyday people achieve their goals & dreams! Helping and coaching people in my expertise. And it is VERY satisfying to change people’s lives so they improve and change their health, finances, relationships, confidence, and mindset.

    Connect With Me! Come join our free Pete Cohen's Facebook Group:


    Follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/petecohen_/

    About Pete Cohen: Pete Cohen is one of the world’s leading life coaches and keynote speakers. Hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world have been motivated and inspired by Pete’s presentations. He has professionally impacted the lives of thousands of people worldwide, including business executives, professional athletes, and everyday people. Pete focuses on the importance of closing the gap in our lives between where we are and where we want to be, both personally and professionally.

    It’s then all about coaching you to remove the obstacles that are in your way and helping you install the habits of success.

    Pete is the author of 20 published books, several of which have been best-sellers across the world, including Shut the Duck Up, Habit Busting, Life DIY, and Sort Your Life Out. He has also presented his own show on TV called The Coach and was the resident Life Coach on GMTV for 12 years.

  • “A lot of the conflict you have in your life exists simply because you’re not living in alignment; you’re not being true to yourself.” - Steve Maraboli

    Attachment and authenticity, our two needs as human beings that if not managed well can lead us to living the lives we do not want. Being authentic gives us freedom, joy, and fulfillment but it is quite challenging to do, for when we become really attached to this world, our current operandi is to never be ourselves.

    Although attachments help us survive, they can also limit us from being who we were meant to be. We need to be more aware and accepting of the attachments we have and let go of those that do not serve us.

    Being true to ourselves is a decision we must consciously and intentionally make every single day.

    These are just some of the points that Dr. Ray Sylvester and I have been delving into in the past few weeks as we started a new series of podcasts centering on the all-important subject of attachment and authenticity.

    Join us today, as we embark on the last part of this sequence, but not the last stop of the journey to discovering your true self.

    Learn how you can turnover your negative attachments, maximise your talents or your unique gifts, and most significantly transform yourself.

    Stop holding yourself back.

    Be uniquely you.


    Disproportionate attachments can have negative impacts on someone’s progress. To be authentic is to deliberately commit to time with self and to be present in a moment. We limit our potential when we make our attachments based on competition. Talent needs perseverance and passion to grow. Transformation comes from the renewal of the mind.

    Important stories:

    3:16 Attachments that limit us. 6:50 The decision to be authentic. 17:15 Unintentionally intentional. 24:48 The need to persevere with the talents you have. 40:08 Authorship and authenticity. 47:50 Being born with authenticity.

    Send us a message and tell us what is your biggest takeaway about this episode.


    Check out my brand new 30 Day Kick Start Challenge!

    In just 30 days, I will show you the exact "step-by-step" method to redesign your life with daily intentions and progress.

    Let me guide, coach, and support you. Each day you will have access to a new training session. You will be introduced to new ideas or concepts.

    Time invested every day in the programme will build over the 30 days and put you in a powerful place in your life.

    Be extraordinary and seize life's boundless opportunities.

    Take the Mi365 30-Day Kickstart Challenge now.



    I help everyday people achieve their goals & dreams! Helping and coaching people in my expertise. And it is VERY satisfying to change people’s lives so they improve and change their health, finances, relationships, confidence, and mindset.

    Connect With Me! Come join our free Pete Cohen's Facebook Group:


    Follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/petecohen_/

    About Pete Cohen: Pete Cohen is one of the world’s leading life coaches and keynote speakers. Hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world have been motivated and inspired by Pete’s presentations. He has professionally impacted the lives of thousands of people worldwide, including business executives, professional athletes, and everyday people. Pete focuses on the importance of closing the gap in our lives between where we are and where we want to be, both personally and professionally.

    It’s then all about coaching you to remove the obstacles that are in your way and helping you install the habits of success.

    Pete is the author of 20 published books, several of which have been best-sellers across the world, including Shut the Duck Up, Habit Busting, Life DIY, and Sort Your Life Out. He has also presented his own show on TV called The Coach and was the resident Life Coach on GMTV for 12 years.

  • “Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be attained only by someone who is detached.” - Simone Weil​​​​​​​

    Are you merely surviving? Would it not be great if you were thriving?

    We survive through our attachments but thrive by being authentic. Authenticity is being true to yourself, and standing up for your values and principles in the metaphysical state. It is the result of who you think you are and the things to which you are attached.

    There is nothing better than finding our own unique gifts and sharing them with others. We can all contribute and make the world a better place in our own distinct way.

    However, most of us are governed by our attachments because of the enormous impact of what we are told and the trauma we experience. This prevents us from discovering our true potential.

    For us to be who we truly are, we need to be aware of our negative attachments, detach from them, and find positivity.

    Join us in today’s episode to gain more insights on how you can master a balance between the two human needs. Dr. Ray Sylvester and I will delve deeper into this incredibly significant subject.

    This is the fourth part in a series of podcasts. We encourage you to listen to the whole sequence to understand more how your attachments affect you as well as how you can fulfill your need for authenticity.

    Be kind to yourself.

    Be the best version of you.


    Detaching does not invalidate attachments. Attachments are connected to our five senses and are evidence-based. We can master a balanced perspective on managing setbacks by being kind to self while recognizing where you are. The sixth sense is the origin of movement toward authenticity; it is a deeper form and sense of self. Being in a deep contemplative state allows us to break away from fear and the association of experiences as well as find our potential.

    Important stories:

    1:28 Detaching from attachments to be authentic. 4:48 Negative attachments in life. 10:31 Setback, relapse, denial, and recognizing attachment. 18:28 Identity with a better version than the current self. 22:40 Living the challenges now. 24:55 Choosing authenticity and having faith to find your own way. 37:15 The balance between engagement and disengagement in today’s times. 41:36 Making attachments positive.

    Send us a message and tell us what is your biggest takeaway about this episode.


    Check out my brand new 30 Day Kick Start Challenge!

    In just 30 days, I will show you the exact "step-by-step" method to redesign your life with daily intentions and progress.

    Let me guide, coach, and support you. Each day you will have access to a new training session. You will be introduced to new ideas or concepts.

    Time invested every day in the programme will build over the 30 days and put you in a powerful place in your life.

    Be extraordinary and seize life's boundless opportunities.

    Take the Mi365 30-Day Kickstart Challenge now.



    I help everyday people achieve their goals & dreams! Helping and coaching people in my expertise. And it is VERY satisfying to change people’s lives so they improve and change their health, finances, relationships, confidence, and mindset.

    Connect With Me! Come join our free Pete Cohen's Facebook Group:


    Follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/petecohen_/

    About Pete Cohen: Pete Cohen is one of the world’s leading life coaches and keynote speakers. Hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world have been motivated and inspired by Pete’s presentations. He has professionally impacted the lives of thousands of people worldwide, including business executives, professional athletes, and everyday people. Pete focuses on the importance of closing the gap in our lives between where we are and where we want to be, both personally and professionally.

    It’s then all about coaching you to remove the obstacles that are in your way and helping you install the habits of success.

    Pete is the author of 20 published books, several of which have been best-sellers across the world, including Shut the Duck Up, Habit Busting, Life DIY, and Sort Your Life Out. He has also presented his own show on TV called The Coach and was the resident Life Coach on GMTV for 12 years.

  • “Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day. It is about the choice to show up and be real. The choice to be honest. The choice to let our true selves be seen.” - Brené Brown

    Our attachments begin to form from inception as part of our survival mechanism. They are our way of navigating through the world we live in. However, there are those that limit us from being our authentic selves.

    It is therefore imperative that we recognise and let go of the ones that do not serve us, as well as understand our necessity for authenticity. How do we do this when our attachments are connected to our everyday interactions?

    These are some of the points that Dr. Ray Sylvester and I will delve into today’s episode. This is already the third part of our new series of podcasts.

    Join us in our profound conversations on the incredibly significant matters of identity, attachment, and authenticity. We will also further touch on the impact they have on our lives and the importance of looking at who we are at our core.

    Nothing is more fulfilling than being true to yourself.

    Give yourself time to reflect on the things you are attached to in your life.

    Stand up for your deeper purpose.


    Thriving is becoming authentic through your own decisions. The need for attachment is stronger than the need for authenticity. Attachment is our way of navigating around this world, while authenticity is finding who you are and having a deeper sense of purpose. Symbolic interaction is a dichotomous assessment of identity. Our reflection space helps us move into authenticity. You are addicted to your attachments if you are busy being busy.

    Important stories:

    2:34 Identity formation. 5:59 Attachments can unknowingly impact our lives. 8:38 The challenges in education in relation to attachment and authenticity. 10:09 My own attachments. 13:20 Moving from social identity to authenticity. 16:55 Dr. Ray Sylvester’s attachments.

    Send us a message and tell us what is your biggest takeaway about this episode.


    Check out my brand new 30 Day Kick Start Challenge!

    In just 30 days, I will show you the exact "step-by-step" method to redesign your life with daily intentions and progress.

    Let me guide, coach, and support you. Each day you will have access to a new training session. You will be introduced to new ideas or concepts.

    Time invested every day in the programme will build over the 30 days and put you in a powerful place in your life.

    Be extraordinary and seize life's boundless opportunities.

    Take the Mi365 30-Day Kickstart Challenge now.



    I help everyday people achieve their goals & dreams! Helping and coaching people in my expertise. And it is VERY satisfying to change people’s lives so they improve and change their health, finances, relationships, confidence, and mindset.

    Connect With Me! Come join our free Pete Cohen's Facebook Group:


    Follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/petecohen_/

    About Pete Cohen: Pete Cohen is one of the world’s leading life coaches and keynote speakers. Hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world have been motivated and inspired by Pete’s presentations. He has professionally impacted the lives of thousands of people worldwide, including business executives, professional athletes, and everyday people. Pete focuses on the importance of closing the gap in our lives between where we are and where we want to be, both personally and professionally.

    It’s then all about coaching you to remove the obstacles that are in your way and helping you install the habits of success.

    Pete is the author of 20 published books, several of which have been best-sellers across the world, including Shut the Duck Up, Habit Busting, Life DIY, and Sort Your Life Out. He has also presented his own show on TV called The Coach and was the resident Life Coach on GMTV for 12 years.

  • “As soon as extreme attachment comes, a man loses himself, he is no more master of himself, he is a slave.” - Swami Vivekananda

    Are you having difficulty getting out of the situation you are in?

    We all pursue to veer away from where we are, but we often get entangled and instead fall deeper into the conditions we do not want.

    Although attachments are part of our lives, being overly concerned about them is detrimental to us. It is only when we learn to disengage that we discover our authentic self and gain more peace and fulfillment.

    Come with us as we venture deeper into the realm of attachments in our pursuit for authenticity.

    Tune in to this second episode of a new series of podcasts to gain more insights. Learn how to acknowledge and safely detach from the tangible measures that others have imposed on you.

    Avoid self-destruction.

    Have the power to stand up for your true self.


    References to us are typically connected to tangible measures that we recognize. People use tangible measures to protect themselves from the view and perceptions of others. Peak consciousness is the ability to explore based on who you are and not on where you are. Deep levels of attachment drown out the ability to hear your authentic self, if they become the most important thing in your life. The easiest we can be is ourselves and the hardest is to be something we are not, but the world teaches us otherwise. If you do not seek support, you could find yourself falling into a deeper state of being attached to where you are.

    Important stories:

    4:15 The tangible and intangible measures in the pursuit of your authentic self. 8:46 Finding oneself again. 16:10 Identifying with and being inspired by David Goggins. 20:30 Empowered not to be attached to anything. 23:19 Acknowledging attachments. 28:58 The cliché in being a self-made person. 33:01 Getting and giving the needed support to get out of where you are. 39:01 Things you can do to avoid compromising your true self.

    Send us a message and tell us what is your biggest takeaway about this episode.


    Check out my brand new 30 Day Kick Start Challenge!

    In just 30 days, I will show you the exact "step-by-step" method to redesign your life with daily intentions and progress.

    Let me guide, coach, and support you. Each day you will have access to a new training session. You will be introduced to new ideas or concepts.

    Time invested every day in the programme will build over the 30 days and put you in a powerful place in your life.

    Be extraordinary and seize life's boundless opportunities.

    Take the Mi365 30-Day Kickstart Challenge now.



    I help everyday people achieve their goals & dreams! Helping and coaching people in my expertise. And it is VERY satisfying to change people’s lives so they improve and change their health, finances, relationships, confidence, and mindset.

    Connect With Me! Come join our free Pete Cohen's Facebook Group:


    Follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/petecohen_/

    About Pete Cohen: Pete Cohen is one of the world’s leading life coaches and keynote speakers. Hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world have been motivated and inspired by Pete’s presentations. He has professionally impacted the lives of thousands of people worldwide, including business executives, professional athletes, and everyday people. Pete focuses on the importance of closing the gap in our lives between where we are and where we want to be, both personally and professionally.

    It’s then all about coaching you to remove the obstacles that are in your way and helping you install the habits of success.

    Pete is the author of 20 published books, several of which have been best-sellers across the world, including Shut the Duck Up, Habit Busting, Life DIY, and Sort Your Life Out. He has also presented his own show on TV called The Coach and was the resident Life Coach on GMTV for 12 years.

  • “Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we’re supposed to be and embracing who we are.” - Brené Brown

    Are your attachments holding you back?

    We all have attachments; they are part of our needs. However, most of us give-in to them which in turn, make us live less than who we can be.

    This does not need to be your reality, for the power lies in what you decide to do with your attachments that can lead you to who you were truly meant to be.

    Nothing is more fulfilling than being your authentic self, but how do you remain true to yourself and navigate through a world that is full of biases and subjectivity that predisposes you to be otherwise? This is one of the things we will address starting today and in the upcoming episodes.

    Join us, as Dr. Ray Sylvester and I embark on a new series of podcasts to explore the two basic human needs - attachment and authenticity. In this 5-part sequence, we will have deeper conversations to help you discover your own uniqueness and capabilities.

    Come with us on this journey. Learn how to let go of the labels others have imposed on you. Understand how you can detach yourself from the things that do not serve you.

    Elevate from where you are.

    Experience the magic of being your own unique self.


    The first step to changing is addressing in your own mind, the uncomfortable label that has been applied to you. It is important to have the right time to reflect, make changes, and do the right level of diligence both internally and externally. You avoid impulsivity and inconsistency by being present. Individual identity is more than the accomplishments you see. It is only when you accept and understand that all your experiences contribute to your wholeness will you be able to decide what to do with the attachments you have. Being able to decide what meaning you put to things in life is the highest level of consciousness.

    Important stories:

    1:57 An overview of my multifaceted relationship and journey with Dr. Ray Sylvester. 5:26 Learning to be you in the presence of others. 9:58 Social identity as opposed to individual or business identity. 13:40 The goodness of being in a pickle. 19:02 The highest level of consciousness. 21:30 The difference between setback and relapse in the pursuit of understanding who you truly are.

    Send us a message and tell us what is your biggest takeaway about this episode.


    Check out my brand new 30 Day Kick Start Challenge!

    In just 30 days, I will show you the exact "step-by-step" method to redesign your life with daily intentions and progress.

    Let me guide, coach, and support you. Each day you will have access to a new training session. You will be introduced to new ideas or concepts.

    Time invested every day in the programme will build over the 30 days and put you in a powerful place in your life.

    Be extraordinary and seize life's boundless opportunities.

    Take the Mi365 30-Day Kickstart Challenge now.



    I help everyday people achieve their goals & dreams! Helping and coaching people in my expertise. And it is VERY satisfying to change people’s lives so they improve and change their health, finances, relationships, confidence, and mindset.

    Connect With Me! Come join our free Pete Cohen's Facebook Group:


    Follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/petecohen_/

    About Pete Cohen: Pete Cohen is one of the world’s leading life coaches and keynote speakers. Hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world have been motivated and inspired by Pete’s presentations. He has professionally impacted the lives of thousands of people worldwide, including business executives, professional athletes, and everyday people. Pete focuses on the importance of closing the gap in our lives between where we are and where we want to be, both personally and professionally.

    It’s then all about coaching you to remove the obstacles that are in your way and helping you install the habits of success.

    Pete is the author of 20 published books, several of which have been best-sellers across the world, including Shut the Duck Up, Habit Busting, Life DIY, and Sort Your Life Out. He has also presented his own show on TV called The Coach and was the resident Life Coach on GMTV for 12 years.

  • “A short practice that you do every day is better than a long practice you keep putting off to tomorrow.” - Kelly McGonigal

    Are you making your health a priority?

    Health is our most important wealth; without it, we would not achieve what we want to accomplish.

    However, most people do not stop to realise the things they do that adversely affect their well-being until it is too late. They avoid doing things that cause inconvenience. These have resulted in a staggering number of individuals afflicted with debilitating illnesses and even death.

    The good news is, we can still do something to reverse the statistics. We have the power within ourselves to break habits that are causing us to be less than we can be and learn new ones that will help us live a more meaningful life.

    Our health lies in what we do every single day.

    Tune in as I share with you the key areas to better health, the challenges we face, the reasons why we do so little for our betterment, and more importantly how we can live fully.

    I want to empower you to rise to the challenge.

    Stand up for your authentic self.

    Take charge of your health now.


    Learning to evolve and form habits have caused human beings to survive and surpass other animals. We generally like to feel pleasure and avoid pain. Our bodies were designed for movement, but we currently exist in a world that encourages us to live a life of convenience and move less. We all do things that make us less than we can. Obesity is excess energy stored in the body. Emotional struggles cause us to eat more.

    Important stories:

    4:30 Seven key areas of health and the difficulties we face. 9:51 My previous predicament - seeking solace from chocolates. 13:45 Some concerning health statistics. 17:41 Empowering myself. 20:35 The challenges in the food we eat. 22:37 Taking control of your health.

    Send us a message and tell us what is your biggest takeaway about this episode.


    Check out my brand new 30 Day Kick Start Challenge!

    In just 30 days, I will show you the exact "step-by-step" method to redesign your life with daily intentions and progress.

    Let me guide, coach, and support you. Each day you will have access to a new training session. You will be introduced to new ideas or concepts.

    Time invested every day in the programme will build over the 30 days and put you in a powerful place in your life.

    Be extraordinary and seize life's boundless opportunities.

    Take the Mi365 30-Day Kickstart Challenge now.



    I help everyday people achieve their goals & dreams! Helping and coaching people in my expertise. And it is VERY satisfying to change people’s lives so they improve and change their health, finances, relationships, confidence, and mindset.

    Connect With Me! Come join our free Pete Cohen's Facebook Group:


    Follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/petecohen_/

    About Pete Cohen: Pete Cohen is one of the world’s leading life coaches and keynote speakers. Hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world have been motivated and inspired by Pete’s presentations. He has professionally impacted the lives of thousands of people worldwide, including business executives, professional athletes, and everyday people. Pete focuses on the importance of closing the gap in our lives between where we are and where we want to be, both personally and professionally.

    It’s then all about coaching you to remove the obstacles that are in your way and helping you install the habits of success.

    Pete is the author of 20 published books, several of which have been best-sellers across the world, including Shut the Duck Up, Habit Busting, Life DIY, and Sort Your Life Out. He has also presented his own show on TV called The Coach and was the resident Life Coach on GMTV for 12 years.

  • “You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.” - John C. Maxwell

    Everyone wants to win but only a few succeed. You can be one of those winners!

    You do not have to keep living a life you do not want or continue to be where you currently are. You can be more. The choice is yours.

    Are you happy with who you currently are?

    What do you want in your life right now? Where do you want to start winning?

    Listen in and get to know the most efficient way for you to be a champion.

    Discover how you can tap your full potential and be triumphant every single day.

    Even if you are in your most difficult season, there is still a way for you to accomplish the things you desire. You can be who you want to be.

    The path will not be easy as the world is full of challenges, distractions, and oppositions, but you have the power in you to overcome them and transform your life. Simply choose and decide to exist with intentionality.

    Live a life of significance.

    Be the best version of yourself.

    Start winning today!


    ~ Winning is about the process that will create results over time.

    ~ A better tomorrow lies in what you do today.

    ~ Power lies in knowing who you are and that you can become unstoppable.

    ~ Self-actualizing is when you know who you are.

    ~ Being intentional is about being the best version of yourself.

    Important stories:

    ~ 2:33 Winning defined.

    ~ 6:13 Realising what is important – normality as opposed to intentionality.

    ~ 16:24 The difference between goals and intentions.

    ~ 18:05 The might of being intentional.

    ~ 23:02 The power of faith.

    Send us a message and tell us what is your biggest takeaway about this episode. 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼


    Check out my brand new 30 Day Kick Start Challenge!

    In just 30 days, I will show you the exact "step-by-step" method to redesign your life with daily intentions and progress.

    Let me guide, coach, and support you. Each day you will have access to a new training session. You will be introduced to new ideas or concepts.

    Time invested every day in the programme will build over the 30 days and put you in a powerful place in your life.

    Be extraordinary and seize life's boundless opportunities.

    Take the Mi365 30-Day Kickstart Challenge now.



    I help everyday people achieve their goals & dreams! Helping and coaching people in my expertise. And it is VERY satisfying to change people’s lives so they improve and change their health, finances, relationships, confidence, and mindset.

    Connect With Me! Come join our free Pete Cohen's Facebook Group:


    Follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/petecohen_/

    About Pete Cohen: Pete Cohen is one of the world’s leading life coaches and keynote speakers. Hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world have been motivated and inspired by Pete’s presentations. He has professionally impacted the lives of thousands of people worldwide, including business executives, professional athletes, and everyday people. Pete focuses on the importance of closing the gap in our lives between where we are and where we want to be, both personally and professionally.

    It’s then all about coaching you to remove the obstacles that are in your way and helping you install the habits of success.

    Pete is the author of 20 published books, several of which have been best-sellers across the world, including Shut the Duck Up, Habit Busting, Life DIY, and Sort Your Life Out. He has also presented his own show on TV called The Coach and was the resident Life Coach on GMTV for 12 years.

  • “Incredible change happens in your life when you decide to take control of what you have power over instead of craving control over what you don’t.” - Steve Maraboli

    In a world full of chaos and distractions, how can you rule over your life to have a meaningful and happy existence that reflects your true essence?

    Are you living as you should? Can there be more than the one you currently have?

    Existing in today’s macrocosm is challenging, but that does not mean that you must live less than you can be. You have the power within yourself to exert your own influence and move from where you are. You can create a future you so desire.

    Tune in and get to know the seven steps that can dramatically turn your life around. Invest two percent of your day in gaining new perspectives.

    It is time to break free from drifting. Stop looking for solutions outside yourself.

    The key is within you. You are your greatest asset.

    Thrive to be who you truly are.


    ~ The greatest opposition is the one within.

    ~ You show and exert self-control when you overcome what you feel and do what must be done.

    ~ Love doing the things that make your and other people’s lives better.

    ~ The key to being intentional is to be present as well as to know and want it to be challenging.

    ~ Becoming more target-orientated allows you to feel content and have peace.

    Important stories:

    ~ 2:24 Life and having control.

    ~ 7:25 The first step. Stop and reflect.

    ~ 9:53 Second step. Acknowledge and take responsibility.

    ~ 11:14 Third step. Find your greatest desire and happiness.

    ~ 15:15 Fourth step. Meet your opposition.

    ~ 16:16 Fifth step. Know your greatest asset.

    ~ 18:40 Sixth step. Be intentional.

    ~ 21:06 Seventh step. Live a life of love.

    Send us a message and tell us what is your biggest takeaway about this episode. 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼


    Check out my brand new 30 Day Kick Start Challenge!

    In just 30 days, I will show you the exact "step-by-step" method to redesign your life with daily intentions and progress.

    Let me guide, coach, and support you. Each day you will have access to a new training session. You will be introduced to new ideas or concepts.

    Time invested every day in the programme will build over the 30 days and put you in a powerful place in your life.

    Be extraordinary and seize life's boundless opportunities.

    Take the Mi365 30-Day Kickstart Challenge now.



    I help everyday people achieve their goals & dreams! Helping and coaching people in my expertise. And it is VERY satisfying to change people’s lives so they improve and change their health, finances, relationships, confidence, and mindset.

    Connect With Me! Come join our free Pete Cohen's Facebook Group:


    Follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/petecohen_/

    About Pete Cohen: Pete Cohen is one of the world’s leading life coaches and keynote speakers. Hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world have been motivated and inspired by Pete’s presentations. He has professionally impacted the lives of thousands of people worldwide, including business executives, professional athletes, and everyday people. Pete focuses on the importance of closing the gap in our lives between where we are and where we want to be, both personally and professionally.

    It’s then all about coaching you to remove the obstacles that are in your way and helping you install the habits of success.

    Pete is the author of 20 published books, several of which have been best-sellers across the world, including Shut the Duck Up, Habit Busting, Life DIY, and Sort Your Life Out. He has also presented his own show on TV called The Coach and was the resident Life Coach on GMTV for 12 years.

  • "We may not be responsible for the world that created our minds, but we can take responsibility for the mind with which we create our world." - Gabor Maté

    Are you where you want to be? Are you aware that you can be more than who you currently are?

    You do not have to keep being the person others want you to be. You can impact the world in ways you would have never expected. All you need to do is to redefine your identity.

    You have the power within you to reinvent and be your authentic self.

    Join me to understand the steps you must take to live a better tomorrow. See how changing the way you look at yourself and being more intentional can lead you into a vast universe of opportunities.

    I, myself, have done this. I have inspired as well as helped thousands of people connect with their real selves and do astounding things.

    Discover the essence of who you are.

    Be more than amazing!


    ~ Identity is your repeated beingness and how you perceive yourself. It governs everything and drives your outcomes.

    ~ Most people choose to keep recreating who they are.

    ~ Belief in yourself outweighs talents and skills.

    ~ You become your true self when you genuinely pay attention to and acknowledge how you feel.

    ~ Reflecting on your current identity, understanding how your mind works, and living intentionally leads to change.

    Important stories:

    ~ 5:43 What identity is.

    ~ 10:15 Excerpt from Matthew McConaughey’s Oscar-winning speech.

    ~ 13:12 Finding your essence in challenging times.

    ~ 19:01 Future casting.

    ~ 20:10 Benjamin Hardy on prospection.

    ~ 22:36 America Ferrera speaks about identity as a superpower.

    ~ 25:44 Stepping into the challenge of investing in oneself.

    ~ 30:59 Testimonials from some of the participants of the 30-day Kickstart Program.

    Send us a message and tell us what is your biggest takeaway about this episode. 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼


    Check out my brand new 30 Day Kick Start Challenge!

    In just 30 days, I will show you the exact "step-by-step" method to redesign your life with daily intentions and progress.

    Let me guide, coach, and support you. Each day you will have access to a new training session. You will be introduced to new ideas or concepts.

    Time invested every day in the programme will build over the 30 days and put you in a powerful place in your life.

    Be extraordinary and seize life's boundless opportunities.

    Take the Mi365 30-Day Kickstart Challenge now.



    I help everyday people achieve their goals & dreams! Helping and coaching people in my expertise. And it is VERY satisfying to change people’s lives so they improve and change their health, finances, relationships, confidence, and mindset.

    Connect With Me! Come join our free Pete Cohen's Facebook Group:


    Follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/petecohen_/

    About Pete Cohen: Pete Cohen is one of the world’s leading life coaches and keynote speakers. Hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world have been motivated and inspired by Pete’s presentations. He has professionally impacted the lives of thousands of people worldwide, including business executives, professional athletes, and everyday people. Pete focuses on the importance of closing the gap in our lives between where we are and where we want to be, both personally and professionally.

    It’s then all about coaching you to remove the obstacles that are in your way and helping you install the habits of success.

    Pete is the author of 20 published books, several of which have been best-sellers across the world, including Shut the Duck Up, Habit Busting, Life DIY, and Sort Your Life Out. He has also presented his own show on TV called The Coach and was the resident Life Coach on GMTV for 12 years.

  • “What we call the personality often is a jumble of genuine traits and adopted coping styles that do not reflect our true self at all but the loss of it.” - Dr. Gabor Maté

    The journey within is a challenging but fascinating feat. It is one that we do not typically go on because of the fear of what we might discover.

    The world we live in does not encourage us to explore deep within ourselves, instead, we are persuaded to be what is perceived as the norm. For many of us, what we know as our identity is in fact a result of how we cope with our environment. This in turn denies us the opportunity to be our true selves.

    However, it is our authentic selves that allow us to navigate through life’s challenges and live a more meaningful life. Knowing oneself gives us peace and happiness.

    It is for these reasons that I will share my insights from my own journey of self-discovery and reinvention. I will also delve into some of my learnings from Gabor Mate’s book "The Myth of Normal, Trauma, Illness and Healing in a Toxic Culture".

    Have you found the essence of who you are?

    Are you being true to yourself?

    You do not have to be what society dictates, for you are the author of your own life.

    Go on an epic adventure with me and discover the value and greatness that resides within you.

    Become who you were truly meant to be.


    ~ According to Gabor Maté, we are born with the need for attachment and the need for authenticity.

    ~ Attachments help us survive.

    ~ Authenticity is being true to oneself.

    ~ How we think and feel is correlated.

    ~ We develop personalities and habits at an early age as coping mechanisms.

    Important stories:

    ~ 2:30 The essence of you.

    ~ 4:46 The two needs with which we are born.

    ~ 6:12 The correlation between how we think and feel.

    ~ 10:26 Gabor Maté’s normalized ways of being.

    ~ 15:02 Our own identity and the attachments we have.

    ~ 21:11 Type C personality.

    ~ 23:39 My wife’s impact.

    Send us a message and tell us what is your biggest takeaway about this episode. 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼


    Check out my brand new 30 Day Kick Start Challenge!

    In just 30 days, I will show you the exact "step-by-step" method to redesign your life with daily intentions and progress.

    Let me guide, coach, and support you. Each day you will have access to a new training session. You will be introduced to new ideas or concepts.

    Time invested every day in the programme will build over the 30 days and put you in a powerful place in your life.

    Be extraordinary and seize life's boundless opportunities.

    Take the Mi365 30-Day Kickstart Challenge now.



    I help everyday people achieve their goals & dreams! Helping and coaching people in my expertise. And it is VERY satisfying to change people’s lives so they improve and change their health, finances, relationships, confidence, and mindset.

    Connect With Me! Come join our free Pete Cohen's Facebook Group:


    Follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/petecohen_/

    About Pete Cohen: Pete Cohen is one of the world’s leading life coaches and keynote speakers. Hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world have been motivated and inspired by Pete’s presentations. He has professionally impacted the lives of thousands of people worldwide, including business executives, professional athletes, and everyday people. Pete focuses on the importance of closing the gap in our lives between where we are and where we want to be, both personally and professionally.

    It’s then all about coaching you to remove the obstacles that are in your way and helping you install the habits of success.

    Pete is the author of 20 published books, several of which have been best-sellers across the world, including Shut the Duck Up, Habit Busting, Life DIY, and Sort Your Life Out. He has also presented his own show on TV called The Coach and was the resident Life Coach on GMTV for 12 years.