Swami Sarvapriyananda delivers insightful talks on Vedanta at the Vedanta Society of New York, an institution founded by Swami Vivekananda in 1894. Vedanta, rooted in the ancient Vedas, is one of the world’s oldest and most expansive spiritual philosophies. It emphasizes the oneness of all existence, the divinity of the individual soul, and the harmony among all religions, offering timeless wisdom for personal and spiritual growth. Through these talks, Swami Sarvapriyananda explores profound spiritual truths, making Vedanta’s teachings relevant to modern seekers.
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All Original Content © Vedanta Society of New York
The Nobel Quran Explained in Clear English; professionally narrated and delivered to you weekly! Quran Garden is a word by word, verse by verse clear English Tafsir of the Quran. This series is based on the works of the renowned Al-Azhar scholar: Muhammad Mutwali Al-Sherawi. His greatest work and most recognizable achievement is a televised Quran Tafseer Series called "Reflections upon the Quran." Join the millions who take a few moments each week to connect with God's book; and please share Quran Garden with your family & friends on iTunes, YouTube, Facebook and Google Plus.
From the folks who brought you the Islamic History Podcast, comes a podcast about the Prophet of Islam.
In this podcast, we discuss the life of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.
We will also cover his family, friends, victories and defeats. This may be the most comprehensive podcast about the life of the Last Messenger of God. -
Dr Mufti Ismail Menk is a leading global Islamic scholar & motivational speaker born & raised in Zimbabwe.He studied Shariah in Madinah & holds a Doctorate of Social Guidance from Aldersgate University.Mufti Menk's work has gained worldwide recognition and he has been named one of "The Top 500 Most Influential Muslims in the World" since 2010. Mufti Menk received the prestigious Jewels of the Muslims World Award from the OIC Today in Malaysia in 2017. He has millions of followers across his social media platforms. Mufti Menk's personable style and down to earth approach has made him on
The Discerning Leader podcast is for Christian leaders who are interested in discovering the joy of “practicing a preference for God” in all aspects of their personal lives and relationships, their leadership and service to others. Each episode our host, Steve Macchia, founder and president of Leadership Transformations, Inc. (LTI), with friends from the LTI community, will explore one aspect of spiritual discernment as a way of life. Join us on this refreshingly transformational journey and add your voice to this leadership conversation.
"Kabir Ke Dohe" is a soulful podcast that brings you the timeless wisdom of the 15th-century poet and saint, Kabir. With 30 of his most profound dohas (couplets) spread across 6 episodes, each doha is presented in a soothing and captivating voice that will transport you to a state of inner peace and reflection.
This podcast is a must-listen for anyone seeking spiritual guidance and insight into life's mysteries."
कबीर दास का जन्म 1398 में माना जाता है। इनके जन्म के समय हर तरफ सर्वत्र धार्मिक कर्मकांड, अंधविश्वास और पाखंड का बोलबाला था। इन्होंने समाज में व्याप्त भ्रांतियों और बुराइयों को दूर करने में अपना पूरा जीवन समर्पित कर दिया और लोगों में भक्ति भाव का बीज बोया। इनकी मृत्यु 1518 में मगहर में हुई थी। कबीर दास जी के दोहे अत्यंत सरल भाषा में थे, जिसके कारण इनके दोहों ने लोगों पर व्यापक प्रभाव डाला। आज भी कबीर दास जी के दोहे जीवन जीने की सही राह दिखाते हैं।
Credits: SW Audio/Music
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Quran is a divine message that will continue to fascinate the minds of readers by being a momentous literary masterpiece of Arabic literature or by virtue of the undeniable scientific realities that it presented to humanity 1400 years ago. However most importantly it will guide to the right path whomsoever wishes to find guidance. In this series of podcasts I am sharing my journey of understanding the message of Allah, one verse at a time. I truly hope that this will help you come closer to your creator.