
  • We all want a better life, but is our pursuit of it actually making us happier? In many instances, the answer is no. This is where the Jevons paradox comes in. The Jevons Paradox is named for the nineteenth-century economist William Stanley Jevons. He noticed that as steam engines, powered by coal, became ever more efficient, Britain’s appetite for coal increased rather than decreased.

    The paradox still exists today. The latest renewable energy technologies are not resulting in a decrease in climate change for instance. I think this same principle applies to our desire to make a better life for ourselves. Today, the latest ideas on how to be better and have a better life (look better, get richer, have more and better stuff, achieve more success) can lead to unintended consequences.

    It turns out that pursuing ever-more activities designed to make ourselves and our lives better often leads us to feel greater stress, dissatisfaction and disconnection with the things that truly matter.

    The problem isn’t the actual technology or wanting to make positive changes. The problem starts within, with a simple mindset shift. In this episode, I offer a way to counter the Jevons paradox and become more self-aware, genuinely happy and authentic.

    Key Links:

    Melli O’Brien: https://melliobrien.com

    Get your free Deep Resilience Care Package: https://melliobrien.com/#deep-resilience-care-package

  • Identifying and expressing our emotions effectively can one tricky but being able talk about our feelings with others is really important, not only to our relationships with others but for our own mental health, quality of life and overall wellbeing.

    In this episode of the podcast I offer you a helpful three step framework to help you identify your emotions and the reasons behind them clearly. Then communicate them in a way that defuses defensiveness and fosters understanding, mutual respect and helpful outcomes.

    Key Links:

    Melli O’Brien: https://melliobrien.com

    Get your free Deep Resilience Care Package: https://melliobrien.com/#deep-resilience-care-package

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  • We all grow up with messaging about what’s “normal”: a normal family, a normal body, a normal life. We may not be conscious of it, but these ideas can linger in the backwaters of our minds and hinder our ability to live with agency and authenticity. The truth, though, is that the idea of “normal” is a myth, and constant striving to close the gap between the reality we live in and how we think things are supposed to be can breed shame and self-doubt, leaving us feeling isolated and unworthy.

    In this episode of Deep Resilience, I share some “not-normal” aspects of myself that I once struggled with but now embrace. I invite you to identify the conflicts between who you are and your idea of who you’re supposed to be and bring them into the light. By breaking out of the tight box of “normal” and the judgments it imposes, you can step into your uninhibited self-expression and cultivate compassionate understanding, which can then be extended to others.

    Key Links:

    Melli O’Brien: https://melliobrien.com

    Get your free Deep Resilience Care Package: https://melliobrien.com/#deep-resilience-care-package

  • Change is inevitable, but that doesn’t make it easy. Even positive life transitions can feel destabilising, and our excitement can quickly be transcended by stress and overwhelm. Whether we are navigating major or minor-scale change, there are steps we can take to help move through these shifts with greater ease and confidence, allowing us to anchor ourselves amidst life’s turbulent tides and emerge stronger on the other side.  

    In this episode of Deep Resilience, I present five invaluable strategies to foster an affirming and grounding approach to life's changes, big or small. Wherever you currently find yourself, I encourage you to explore how these concepts can be applied broadly to enhance your overall wellbeing and state of mind.

    Key Links:

    Melli O’Brien: https://melliobrien.com

    Get your free Deep Resilience Care Package: https://melliobrien.com/#deep-resilience-care-package 

    Join the waitlist for Headstrong, Melli's 8-week online training course: https://melliobrien.com/headstrong-program/

  • Guilt is a complex and often uncomfortable emotion, and while we might find it distressing to experience, it holds immense potential for constructive growth if we tune into its insights. Often mistaken for shame, which can become debilitating and detrimental to our self-esteem and wellbeing, guilt offers an avenue to realign with our values and authentic selves. In making this distinction and reflecting on the source of our guilt and the actions and circumstances that prompted it, we can fully embrace the wisdom it has to offer and commit to positive change.

    In this episode of Deep Resilience, I elucidate the crucial difference between guilt and shame and the importance of separating who you are from your actions. I guide you to investigate the emotion with empathy and transform the experience from disempowerment into one of motivation, inner strength, and mental clarity.

    Key Links:

    Melli O’Brien: https://melliobrien.com

    Get your free Deep Resilience Care Package: https://melliobrien.com/#deep-resilience-care-package

    Join the waitlist for Headstrong, Melli's 8-week online training course: https://melliobrien.com/headstrong-program/

  • Anyone who has experienced grief knows how profoundly painful and scary it can be. It can totally overwhelm and debilitate us, and in our attempts to escape or push through in any way we can, it’s easy to tip into maladaptive or unhelpful coping mechanisms, making an already difficult time feel even more impossible. Amidst the turmoil, taking some time to contemplate and address our needs can help us navigate this inherently painful journey with gentle, life-affirming, and rejuvenating clarity.

    In this episode of Deep Resilience, I share four key questions to ask yourself in times of grief to promote nourishment and self-compassion. Reflecting on your answers will illuminate potential unmet needs and guide you in taking nurturing action, however small, to care for yourself and replenish your strength.

    Key Links:

    Melli O’Brien: https://melliobrien.com

    Get your free Deep Resilience Care Package: https://melliobrien.com/#deep-resilience-care-package

    Join the waitlist for Headstrong, Melli's 8-week online training course: https://melliobrien.com/headstrong-program/

  • Trauma can seem a weighty term, but the truth is most of us have had experiences in life that have that have somehow burdened or constrained us. Some of us are so impacted we feel completely stuck, broken, hopeless. While we can’t change the events of the past, it is possible to heal. The wounds we carry are not what happened to us but what happened within us, and though this psychological scarring is enduring, it doesn’t have to be permanent.  

    In this episode of Deep Resilience, I touch upon expert Dr. Gabor Maté’s insights about the nature and dynamics of trauma. I invite you to begin an unburdening process of recognition and reconnection with yourself, and introduce various evidence-based therapeutic modalities for more supported healing. 

    Key Links:

    Melli O’Brien: https://melliobrien.com

    Get your free Deep Resilience Care Package: https://melliobrien.com/#deep-resilience-care-package 

    Join the waitlist for Headstrong, Melli's 8-week online training course: https://melliobrien.com/headstrong-program/

  • Spending time alone is an important and healthy part of being human, but becoming isolated or emotionally disconnected from others can naturally lead to painful feelings of loneliness, even if we aren’t actually alone. Most of us thrive in healthy communities with close relationships, so when loneliness signals our social needs are not being met, instead of becoming overwhelmed, we can take empowered action to restore feelings of control, hopefulness and resilience. 

    In this episode of Deep Resilience, I expand on last week’s episode and offer practical steps you can take right now to protect your wellbeing and strengthen your bonds with others. I introduce a three-step framework to clarify the cause of loneliness in the context of your specific needs and circumstances and transform the experience into one of insight and self-actualisation.

    Key Links:

    Melli O’Brien: https://melliobrien.com

    Get your free Deep Resilience Care Package: https://melliobrien.com/#deep-resilience-care-package 

    Join the waitlist for Headstrong, Melli's 8-week online training course: https://melliobrien.com/headstrong-program/

  • Loneliness can consume us, often triggering depression and pulling us into deeper isolation. To cope with this, we are typically advised to escape or repress the feeling by remaining busy, distracted and preoccupied, but this can ultimately exacerbate our suffering and leave us burnt out. An emotion apt to cause so much pain may seem an obvious enemy, but in changing our relationship with loneliness, we begin to recognise it as an ally offering valuable insight about our fundamental need for connection.

    In this episode of Deep Resilience, I clarify the distinction between feeling lonely and simply being alone and tease apart the mental storylines we attach to each. From here, you can create the space to mindfully investigate the feeling and adopt a more skillful and life-affirming approach, fostering a deeper connection with yourself and your needs.

    Key Links:

    Melli O’Brien: https://melliobrien.com

    Get your free Deep Resilience Care Package: https://melliobrien.com/#deep-resilience-care-package 

    Join the waitlist for Headstrong, Melli's 8-week online training course: https://melliobrien.com/headstrong-program/

  • In a society overly fixated on our outward appearances and achievements, we can easily get caught in loops of shame or disappointment about our bodies and, from a place of harsh judgement, push ourselves to fix, change or improve what we perceive as flaws or inferiorities.

    As ever-changing and impossible standards permeate our environments and our minds, we can counter ingrained self-criticism by actively practising body appreciation and creating the space to treat ourselves and our bodies with more compassion, acceptance and appreciation.

    In this episode of Deep Resilience, I invite you to unhook from negative thoughts and comparisons and contemplate the many ways your body supports and nourishes you as the vehicle through which you experience the world. By shifting your mental dialogue and learning to befriend your body, you can start to find comfort and gratitude within your own skin.

    Key Links:

    Melli O’Brien: https://melliobrien.com

    Get your free Deep Resilience Care Package: https://melliobrien.com/#deep-resilience-care-package 

    Join the waitlist for Headstrong, Melli's 8-week online training course: https://melliobrien.com/headstrong-program/

  • Self love is a simple, though perhaps not always easy, practice of maintaining an accepting attitude towards yourself and treating yourself with kindness and respect.

    Often misconstrued as self-importance, self-indulgence or toxic positivity at the expense of our ability to love and care for others, true self love embraces the coexistence of frustration and understanding, disappointment and compassion, allowing space for each.

    In this episode of Deep Resilience, I exemplify how the concept of self love translates to actions that can be incorporated into your day-to-day. Rather than being antithetical to self-improvement, I emphasise how cultivating this valuable skill promotes increased confidence, improved ability to reach your goals, closer relationships and an increase in overall life satisfaction.

    Key Links:

    Melli O’Brien: https://melliobrien.com

    Get your free Deep Resilience Care Package: https://melliobrien.com/#deep-resilience-care-package 

    Join the waitlist for Headstrong, Melli's 8-week online training course: https://melliobrien.com/headstrong-program/

  • The human mind is a double-edged sword. While it has the remarkable ability to help us survive, problem-solve and innovate, if allowed to roam unchecked, it can easily succumb to unhelpful programmed thought patterns that cause stress and suffering, latching on to rumination, self-criticism and limiting beliefs.

    Cultivating the skill of mindfulness, dropping out of the mind and into awareness, allows us both to unhook from destructive thought cycles and draw upon an enormous reservoir of wisdom, calm and inner strength that already exists within us.

    In this episode of Deep Resilience, I introduce the seven qualities of the self that are awakened when we learn to inhabit the present moment and anchor ourselves in a deeper awareness. I guide you through a simple breathing exercise to practise mindfulness, connect with your core self, find a place of wholeness and work towards mental, emotional and spiritual strength.

    Key Links:

    Melli O’Brien: https://melliobrien.com

    Free Meditations: https://melliobrien.com/free-meditations/

    Get your free Deep Resilience Care Package: https://melliobrien.com/#deep-resilience-care-package

    Join the waitlist for Headstrong, Melli's 8-week online training course: https://melliobrien.com/headstrong-program/

  • We've equipped our mental strength toolkits with tried and true mindfulness and mindset techniques, but what about when these fall short? Sometimes, even the strongest mind is not enough to pull us through our toughest days or lift us from our lowest lows.

    While these evidence-based techniques offer immense value, they can overlook our deepest wellspring of inner strength as human beings. The Deep Resilience method integrates and enhances these modalities within a four-step framework, adopting a holistic approach and allowing us to tap into our deeper nature and access the innate intelligence of the mind, body and spirit.

    In this episode of Deep Resilience, I invite you to try on a different paradigm of human nature and drop into a new depth and richness on this journey of becoming stronger together. I share my personal story that led me to recognize the importance of deep awareness, expanding the horizons and definitions of inner strength while unlocking the power to rise not only to individual challenges but also to collective ones.

    Key Links:

    Melli O’Brien: https://melliobrien.com

    Get your free Deep Resilience Care Package: https://melliobrien.com/#deep-resilience-care-package 

    Join the waitlist for Headstrong, Melli's 8-week online training course: https://melliobrien.com/headstrong-program/

  • Deep resilience is a state of mental-emotional and spiritual integration and strength that can change everything. The way you live, the way you lead, the way you love and the way you handle life's challenges.

    This podcast will help you unlock your own deep resilience. In this way you can use this podcast as your weekly training ground to build inner strength in bite sized chunks, one step at a time.

    In each weekly episode of the Deep Resilience podcast Melli O’Brien shares one key insight or skill to help you grow your inner strength, allowing you to reduce your stress, rise to your challenges and unlock greater freedom and peace of mind in the middle of it all.  

    After 15 years as an entrepreneur educator and coach in the mental health space and having the blessing of a successful career where her courses, retreats and app helped over 1 million people globally become mentally stronger, Melli created the deep resilience method, a radical new approach that is helping thousands of people remain resilient, empowered and centred even in the face of formidable challenges.

  • New Exciting Changes:

    Announcement of forthcoming changes in the podcast, including a new name which will be reveailed and explained in the first episode of the season.
    While the content will remain similar, it will now offer greater value based on feedback received from the audience and new insightsinto mental strength

    Hints at what is to come:

    In the new season I’ll be sharing new insights and tips that have been kept under wraps due to new developments going on behind the scenes, including writing my first book set to be released later in the year.
    One of those developments was the creation and trademarking of “The Deep Resilience Method,” which I will be taking a deeper dive into throughout the upcoming season.

    Gratitude and Acknowledgment:

    Thank you for following the podcast and for all the positive feedback. The first season of the podcast rose to top 5% of all podcasts globally.

    Stay tuned for the new season starting very soon. I look forward to continuing the journey together.

  • Life can get pretty messy sometimes when we’re dealing with all the ups and downs that come our way. At times like this, our thoughts and emotions are all over the place. We call this the ‘Beautiful Mess Effect’. And, often, we’re inclined to hide our messiness from others.

    But, did you know that showing vulnerability can actually be good for our mental well-being? In this episode, I’m going to share with you some results from research studies that have been conducted on the Beautiful Mess Effect. You might be surprised by what these studies have found.

    If you want to know the secret to embracing your imperfections and sharing your vulnerability with others, listen up, because I’m going to give you two useful tips that you can use whenever things get a bit messy in your life.

    Melli O’Brien:


    Join the Mental Strength School: 


  • Do you spend your daily life on auto-pilot? We all do it. Many of us have daily habits that we repeat day after day without even realising it. This means that we often miss out on the truly beautiful moments by just not noticing them. Do you want to be more mindful and add a little spice to your life?

    In this episode of Mentally Stronger, I introduce you to the Habit Releaser. This useful tool comes from a book titled ‘Mindfulness: Finding Peace in a Frantic World’ by Mark Williams, an Emeritus Professor of Psychology at Oxford University.

    I’ll explain how to use the Habit Releaser by taking simple actionable steps every day to break those habits and start to notice the world around us more. By taking these same steps, you can learn to really enjoy every single moment, whether you spend it on your own or with your family and friends.

    Melli O’Brien:


    Join Headstrong, Melli's 8-week online mental strength training course: 


    Join the Mental Strength School: 


  • Many of us wake each morning to be met with a seemingly endless list of demands and responsibilities. Whether it’s “I have to deliver a crucial presentation to a high-profile client” or simply, “I have to make the bed,” the sense of obligation and constriction evokes feelings of resistance, resentment and restriction. Even tasks we once found joy, excitement and fulfilment in can drain our enthusiasm, lower our mood and bring up hostility when we feel bound or forced to do them. But what if we didn’t actually have to? What if we chose to?

    In this episode of Mentally Stronger, I encourage you to experiment with shifting your language from ‘have to’ to ‘choose to’. When we connect to a sense of purpose and agency instead of pain and pressure, we remind ourselves that our actions are driven from our values and what truly matters to us, and this can facilitate a profound shift in our attitude, state of being and ultimately our quality of life. 

    Melli O’Brien:


    Join Headstrong, Melli's 8-week online mental strength training course: 


    Join the Mental Strength School: 


  • While we all face difficult emotions at various times in our lives, we each respond differently. We might keep ourselves busy, trying to bury them under work and responsibilities. We might bombard ourselves with endless content, escaping into virtual or fictional worlds. Some look to external sources to numb or distract from pain, while others resist or reject it from within, deeming it illogical or excessive, or simply denying it altogether. Though all of these reactions are perfectly normal, they’re not helpful, ultimately serving to prolong and intensify our distress. Maybe that’s because these feelings are here to sabotage and destroy us. Or maybe, just maybe, they’re trying to tell us something.

    In this episode of Mentally Stronger, I invite you to try a three-step process to bring mindful awareness to your emotions and let them guide you to identify and meet your needs to promote strength and wellbeing. Through treating your emotions as teachers instead of adversaries, you can find calm, compassion and soothing even in the midst of adversity.

    Melli O’Brien:


    Join Headstrong, Melli's 8-week online mental strength training course: 


    Join the Mental Strength School: 


  • When the demands of our lives stretch us to our limits and we feel the overwhelming pain of grief, heartbreak, or hopelessness, we might respond in one of two ways. We might struggle against the discomfort by shutting down, isolating or lashing out. We might be consumed by our feelings and sink into the quicksand of self-criticism and negative self-talk. We might even cycle through these modes in a self-perpetuating negative spiral that fuels stress and jeopardises our mental and physical health. We can’t avoid distress entirely, but it doesn't have to be this way. Instead of being consumed or trapped by the intensity of our emotions, we can learn to engage our innate emotional intelligence through self-kindness and mindful awareness.

    In this episode of Mentally Stronger, I delve into psychologist Kristen Neff’s research on self-compassion and the body’s threat response, and introduce the self-compassion break practice. I guide you through a mini meditation that can serve as a source of support and strength when needed most, helping you navigate your darkest times with compassion, mindfulness, and gentleness.

    Key Links:

    The Mental Strength School: https://melliobrien.com/mental-strength-school/

    Self-Compassion Break Guided Meditation: https://self-compassion.org/exercise-2-self-compassion-break/ 

    Melli O’Brien: https://melliobrien.com

    Join the waitlist for Headstrong, Melli's 8-week online training course: https://melliobrien.com/headstrong-program/