
  • Have you ever worked tirelessly to achieve your dreams, only to find yourself facing burnout and exhaustion? Welcome to "Meltdown to Mastery" with your host, Jayne Marquis, ND. In today's episode, we're joined by Dr. Victor Manzo, who shares his journey from relentless hard work and burnout to discovering a more harmonious way of achieving success.

    What You'll Learn:

    From Burnout to Breakthrough:Dr. Victor Manzo recounts his personal story of striving to achieve his dreams, which led to a complete meltdown and burnout. Learn from his experiences and understand the warning signs and consequences of overexertion.

    The Science of Flow and Manifestation:Dive into the fascinating world of quantum physics, universal law, neuroscience, and subconscious programming as Dr. Manzo explains how these fields offer insights into a more effortless and effective way of living. Discover how understanding these principles can transform your approach to achieving goals.

    Embracing Ease and Success:Explore practical strategies for aligning with the natural flow of life to manifest your desires with less effort and greater success. Dr. Manzo shares techniques and mindset shifts that can help you move from struggle to flow, allowing for a more balanced and fulfilling life.

    Join us on "Meltdown to Mastery" as Jayne Marquis, ND, and Dr. Victor Manzo guide you through the journey of moving beyond burnout to mastering the art of flow and manifestation. It's time to discover a better way to achieve your dreams with ease and grace.

    Meltdown to Mastery is a journey into discovering the parts of our subconscious mind. The place that holds our core beliefs, often learned from childhood, and can be responsible for reactions that lead to meltdowns, crises, or feelings of midlife crisis. They may also hold us back from true mastery where we effortlessly know how to manifest success, health, flow and abundance in our lives. Each episode holds key information to true life mastery. Mastery is a place where we learn Universal Law, mindfulness and listen to our own inner guidance, a place where health, and true manifestation flourish.

    This link goes to most places Meltdown to Mastery is published, if you would like to engage from another platform. ⁠⁠⁠https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/jayne-marquis⁠⁠⁠

    This podcast is for information purposes only and represents the views and opinions of the speakers. The information presented is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. We recommend you seek the advice of a licensed healthcare practitioner before beginning any natural, complimentary, or conventional treatment.

  • Have you ever found yourself grappling with questions of identity and purpose? Welcome to "Meltdown to Mastery" with your host, Jayne Marquis. In today's episode, we're joined by the insightful Troy Hadeed, who will guide us through the complex terrain of identity crisis and self-discovery.

    What You'll Learn:

    Understanding the Identity Crisis:Troy Hadeed provides profound insights into the nature of the identity crisis, shedding light on why so many of us experience it at some point in our lives. Gain a deeper understanding of how societal constructs shape our identities, and explore the transformative potential of embracing the fluidity of existence.

    Challenging Societal Norms:Delve into thought-provoking discussions as Troy challenges conventional notions of identity tied to external factors such as names, careers, and religious affiliations. Explore how breaking free from these societal constructs can lead to greater authenticity and alignment with our true selves.

    Mastering Beyond Identity:Discover how embracing the fluidity of life and our deeper existence can lead us beyond the confines of identity crisis. Troy Hadeed shares wisdom on how to navigate this journey of self-discovery with courage and grace, empowering us to transcend limitations and embody our highest potential.

    Join us on "Meltdown to Mastery" as we embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment with Jayne Marquis and Troy Hadeed. It's time to move beyond the limitations of identity and embrace the infinite possibilities of our true essence.

    Meltdown to Mastery is a journey into discovering the parts of our subconscious mind. The place that holds our core beliefs, often learned from childhood, and can be responsible for reactions that lead to meltdowns, crises, or feelings of midlife crisis. They may also hold us back from true mastery where we effortlessly know how to manifest success, health, flow and abundance in our lives. Each episode holds key information to true life mastery. Mastery is a place where we learn Universal Law, mindfulness and listen to our own inner guidance, a place where health, and true manifestation flourish.

    This link goes to most places Meltdown to Mastery is published, if you would like to engage from another platform. ⁠⁠⁠https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/jayne-marquis⁠⁠⁠

    This podcast is for information purposes only and represents the views and opinions of the speakers. The information presented is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. We recommend you seek the advice of a licensed healthcare practitioner before beginning any natural, complimentary, or conventional treatment.

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  • Ever wondered how to navigate your emotions in a way that leads to growth and mastery? Join us on "Meltdown to Mastery" with your host, Jayne Marquis, ND, as we explore the art of emotional detoxification with the insightful Sherianna Boyle. In this episode, Sherianna will guide us through the process of transforming our emotions, allowing us to move beyond meltdowns and towards mastery.

    What You'll Learn:

    The Art of Emotional Detoxification:Sherianna Boyle introduces us to the concept of emotional detoxification, inviting us to explore a transformative approach to dealing with our emotions. Discover how to embrace your emotions in a way that promotes healing and growth, rather than suppressing or masking them.

    Processing Emotions for Growth:Gain insights into practical strategies for processing emotions in a healthy and empowering manner. Learn how to navigate through challenging emotions, cultivate self-awareness, and harness the power of emotional intelligence to propel you forward on your journey towards mastery.

    Moving from Meltdown to Mastery:Explore the transformative journey from meltdown to mastery as Sherianna shares wisdom on how to transcend the grip of overwhelming emotions. Discover how to harness the lessons inherent in emotional experiences to fuel your personal growth and empower yourself to live a life of authenticity and purpose.

    Tune in to "Meltdown to Mastery" and embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment with Jayne Marquis, ND, and Sherianna Boyle. It's time to transform your relationship with emotions and unlock the keys to mastering your inner world.

    Meltdown to Mastery is a journey into discovering the parts of our subconscious mind. The place that holds our core beliefs, often learned from childhood, and can be responsible for reactions that lead to meltdowns, crises, or feelings of midlife crisis. They may also hold us back from true mastery where we effortlessly know how to manifest success, health, flow and abundance in our lives. Each episode holds key information to true life mastery. Mastery is a place where we learn Universal Law, mindfulness and listen to our own inner guidance, a place where health, and true manifestation flourish.

    This link goes to most places Meltdown to Mastery is published, if you would like to engage from another platform. ⁠⁠⁠https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/jayne-marquis⁠⁠⁠

    This podcast is for information purposes only and represents the views and opinions of the speakers. The information presented is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. We recommend you seek the advice of a licensed healthcare practitioner before beginning any natural, complimentary, or conventional treatment.

  • Are you ready to embark on a journey of deep healing and self-discovery? Join host Jayne Marquis, ND, on this illuminating episode of "Meltdown to Mastery," as she delves into the transformative power of the Chiron Affect with special guest Lisa Tahir. Lisa has authored a book and shares profound insights into how the placement of Chiron in our astrological charts reveals the hidden wounds that shape our lives.

    What You'll Learn:

    Understanding the Chiron Affect:Lisa Tahir introduces us to the concept of the Chiron Affect and how this planetary influence goes beyond the surface of our wounds, illuminating the core wounds that often remain hidden yet deeply impact our lives.

    Healing Core Wounds and Manifestation:Explore the powerful connection between healing core wounds and manifesting the life you desire. Lisa shares practical strategies for embracing self-forgiveness, releasing limiting beliefs, and cultivating empathy towards ourselves and others. Learn how healing your core wounds can unlock the pathway to manifestation and fulfillment.

    Embracing Astrology, Empathy, and Self-Forgiveness:Delve into the principles of astrology, empathy, and self-forgiveness as powerful tools for personal growth and healing. Discover how integrating these practices into your life can lead to profound shifts in consciousness, allowing you to step into your true power and live authentically.

    Tune in to "Meltdown to Mastery" and join Jayne Marquis, ND, and Lisa Tahir on a journey of healing, empowerment, and self-discovery. It's time to illuminate your core wounds, embrace self-forgiveness, and manifest the life you were meant to live.

    Meltdown to Mastery is a journey into discovering the parts of our subconscious mind. The place that holds our core beliefs, often learned from childhood, and can be responsible for reactions that lead to meltdowns, crises, or feelings of midlife crisis. They may also hold us back from true mastery where we effortlessly know how to manifest success, health, flow and abundance in our lives. Each episode holds key information to true life mastery. Mastery is a place where we learn Universal Law, mindfulness and listen to our own inner guidance, a place where health, and true manifestation flourish.

    This link goes to most places Meltdown to Mastery is published, if you would like to engage from another platform. ⁠⁠⁠https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/jayne-marquis⁠⁠⁠

    This podcast is for information purposes only and represents the views and opinions of the speakers. The information presented is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. We recommend you seek the advice of a licensed healthcare practitioner before beginning any natural, complimentary, or conventional treatment.

  • Have you ever wondered what it truly means to be an empath and how to navigate life's challenges as one? Join host Jayne Marquis, ND, on this enlightening episode of "Meltdown to Mastery," as she dives deep into the world of empaths with special guest Jennifer Moore. Together, they unravel the mysteries of empathy and explore practical strategies for thriving and manifesting abundance as an empath.

    What You'll Learn:

    Understanding the Empath Experience:Jennifer Moore provides clarity on the nature of being an empath, shedding light on the unique traits and sensitivities that define this experience. Gain a deeper understanding of how empathy manifests in various aspects of life and how it can impact your well-being.

    Navigating Challenges as an Empath:Discover actionable insights and tools for overcoming the common challenges faced by empaths. Jennifer shares practical advice on how to cope with overwhelm, set healthy boundaries, and prioritize self-care to navigate life's ups and downs with resilience and grace.

    Thriving and Manifesting as an Empath:Explore empowering strategies for harnessing your empathic abilities to manifest abundance and fulfillment in your life. Learn how to tap into your intuition, align with your authentic self, and cultivate a positive mindset to attract good things and create a life of purpose and joy.

    Tune in to "Meltdown to Mastery" and embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment with Jayne Marquis, ND, and Jennifer Moore. It's time to embrace your empathic nature and unlock the keys to thriving in a world that needs your unique gifts and perspective.

    Meltdown to Mastery is a journey into discovering the parts of our subconscious mind. The place that holds our core beliefs, often learned from childhood, and can be responsible for reactions that lead to meltdowns, crises, or feelings of midlife crisis. They may also hold us back from true mastery where we effortlessly know how to manifest success, health, flow and abundance in our lives. Each episode holds key information to true life mastery. Mastery is a place where we learn Universal Law, mindfulness and listen to our own inner guidance, a place where health, and true manifestation flourish.

    This link goes to most places Meltdown to Mastery is published, if you would like to engage from another platform. ⁠⁠⁠https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/jayne-marquis⁠⁠⁠

    This podcast is for information purposes only and represents the views and opinions of the speakers. The information presented is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. We recommend you seek the advice of a licensed healthcare practitioner before beginning any natural, complimentary, or conventional treatment.

  • Are you ready to unlock the secrets to emotional resilience, inner strength and the power of the subconscious? Join host Jayne Marquis, ND, as she sits down with special guest Carrie Schmidt on this enlightening episode of "Meltdown to Mastery." Together, they explore the transformative journey of navigating life's challenges with grace and resilience.

    What You'll Learn:

    Understanding the Foundations of Emotional Resilience:Carrie Schmidt delves into the fundamental principles of emotional resilience, shedding light on what it truly means to cultivate inner strength and bounce back from adversity. Gain insights into the importance of self-awareness, self-regulation, and positive coping mechanisms in building resilience.

    Practical Strategies for Cultivating Emotional Resilience:Discover actionable strategies and tools from Carrie Schmidt to help you strengthen your emotional resilience in everyday life. Learn how to effectively manage stress, cultivate a growth mindset, and foster healthy coping mechanisms to navigate life's challenges with greater ease and confidence.

    Embracing Growth and Transformation:Explore the transformative power of embracing challenges as opportunities for growth, transformation and ultimately manifestation. Carrie Schmidt shares wisdom on how to reframe setbacks as valuable learning experiences, harnessing their potential to propel you forward on your journey towards mastery and self-discovery.

    Tune in to "Meltdown to Mastery" and embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment with Jayne Marquis, ND, and Carrie Schmidt. It's time to unlock the secrets to emotional resilience and embrace a life of strength, courage, and growth.

    Meltdown to Mastery is a journey into discovering the parts of our subconscious mind. The place that holds our core beliefs, often learned from childhood, and can be responsible for reactions that lead to meltdowns, crises, or feelings of midlife crisis. They may also hold us back from true mastery where we effortlessly know how to manifest success, health, flow and abundance in our lives. Each episode holds key information to true life mastery. Mastery is a place where we learn Universal Law, mindfulness and listen to our own inner guidance, a place where health, and true manifestation flourish.

    This link goes to most places Meltdown to Mastery is published, if you would like to engage from another platform. ⁠⁠⁠https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/jayne-marquis⁠⁠⁠

    This podcast is for information purposes only and represents the views and opinions of the speakers. The information presented is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. We recommend you seek the advice of a licensed healthcare practitioner before beginning any natural, complimentary, or conventional treatment.

  • Have you ever considered the profound impact of storytelling on our lives and our ability to manifest our desires? Join host Jayne Marquis, ND, as she welcomes Ty Grierson creator of the Story Ark, to explore the transformative power of storytelling in this captivating episode of "Meltdown to Mastery."
    What You'll Learn:

    Sharing the Voices of Our Loved Ones:
    Ty Grierson introduces us to the Story Ark, a unique platform that allows us to share the voices and stories of our loved ones in a remarkable way. Discover how listening with our hearts can unveil hidden wisdom and insight, often leaving us amazed and surprised by the stories of others that we may have overlooked.

    The Impact of Self-Perception:
    Delve into Ty's insightful message about the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves. Learn how these internal narratives shape our reality and profoundly influence our ability to manifest our deepest desires. Gain awareness of the power of self-perception and its impact on personal growth and transformation.

    Harnessing the Transformative Power of Storytelling:
    Explore the ways in which storytelling can be harnessed as a tool for personal empowerment and manifestation. Ty Grierson shares practical strategies for rewriting our internal narratives, unlocking our true potential, and creating the life we envision.

    Tune in to "Meltdown to Mastery" and embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment with Jayne Marquis, ND, and Ty Grierson. It's time to unleash the power of storytelling and rewrite the narratives that shape our lives.
    Meltdown to Mastery is a journey into discovering the parts of our subconscious mind. The place that holds our core beliefs, often learned from childhood, and can be responsible for reactions that  lead to meltdowns, crises, or feelings of midlife crisis. They  may also hold us back from true mastery where we effortlessly know how to manifest success, health, flow and abundance in our lives. Each episode holds key information to true life mastery. Mastery is a place where we learn Universal Law, mindfulness and  listen to  our own inner guidance, a place where health, and true manifestation flourish. 
    This link goes to most places Meltdown to Mastery is published, if you would like to engage from another platform. ⁠⁠⁠https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/jayne-marquis⁠⁠⁠
    This podcast is for information purposes only and represents the views and opinions of the speakers. The information presented is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. We recommend you seek the advice of a licensed healthcare practitioner before beginning any natural, complimentary, or conventional treatment.
    To get more of Ty: https://www.thestoryark.ca
    To connect with Ty: [email protected]

  • Are you ready to break free from self-limiting patterns and unleash your intuitive wisdom for a life of inspired living? Join host Jayne Marquis, ND, as she welcomes special guests Michael Di Pietro and Marcy Donnelly, co-authors of 'The Inside Guide: Breaking through to Intuitive Wisdom and Inspired Living,' to delve into the transformative journey of inner exploration.

    What You'll Learn:

    1.Overcoming Self-Limiting Patterns:

    Discover powerful insights from Michael Di Pietro and Marcy Donnelly on how to identify and overcome self-limiting patterns that hold you back from reaching your full potential. Learn practical strategies to break free from the chains of doubt and fear, paving the way for empowered living.

    2. Harnessing Inner Guidance to Clear Obstacles:

    Explore the transformative power of inner guidance in navigating life's obstacles. Michael and Marcy will share techniques for tapping into your intuition to gain clarity, navigate challenges, and remove obstacles blocking your path to growth and fulfillment.

    3. Transforming Your Life from Within:

    Gain access to a treasure trove of tools and practices to catalyze profound transformation from within. Discover how aligning with your intuitive wisdom can lead to inspired living, empowering you to create the life you truly desire and deserve.

    Tune in to 'Meltdown to Mastery' and embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation with Jayne Marquis, ND, Michael Di Pietro, and Marcy Donnelly. It's time to unlock the power of your intuition and embrace a life of inspired living.

    Meltdown to Mastery is a journey into discovering the parts of our subconscious mind. The place that holds our core beliefs, often learned from childhood, and can be responsible for reactions that lead to meltdowns, crises, or feelings of midlife crisis. They may also hold us back from true mastery where we effortlessly know how to manifest success, health, flow and abundance in our lives. Each episode holds key information to true life mastery. Mastery is a place where we learn Universal Law, mindfulness and listen to our own inner guidance, a place where health, and true manifestation flourish.

    This link goes to most places Meltdown to Mastery is published, if you would like to engage from another platform. ⁠⁠⁠https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/jayne-marquis⁠⁠⁠

    This podcast is for information purposes only and represents the views and opinions of the speakers. The information presented is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. We recommend you seek the advice of a licensed healthcare practitioner before beginning any natural, complimentary, or conventional treatment.

    To learn more go to:


    This is a link to our website with valuable resources such as free workshops, retreats, a free introductory session and informational videos. Additionally, the book is available to order from the website.

    Code: group25

  • Are you ready to unlock the keys to holistic wellness, the freedom to truly manifest and break free from the chains of dependency on medications? Join host Jayne Marquis, ND, as she embarks on a transformative journey with Greg Weiting, an expert in holistic healing. In this episode, Greg shares his invaluable insights on addressing the underlying trauma in the subconscious that manifests as physical and mental health challenges.

    What You'll Learn:

    The Impact of Unresolved Trauma:Greg Weiting sheds light on the profound connection between unresolved trauma and various health issues, including inflammation, compromised immune function, emotional stagnation, cognitive fog, and hormonal imbalance. Explore how addressing trauma can pave the way for holistic healing and wellness.

    The PRISMA Framework:Discover Greg's innovative PRISMA framework, which integrates trauma healing, neuroscience, and energy medicine with somatic and mindfulness-based practices. Learn how this comprehensive approach offers a roadmap for addressing the root causes of suffering and unlocking true healing potential.

    Empowering Transformation:Gain insights into how holistic healing can empower individuals to reduce or eliminate their dependence on medications for conditions such as depression, anxiety, chronic pain, and sleep disorders. Explore practical strategies for embracing holistic wellness and reclaiming mastery over your health and life.

    Tune in to "Meltdown to Mastery" and embark on a journey of healing and empowerment with Jayne Marquis, ND, and Greg Weiting. It's time to transcend limitations and step into a life of holistic wellness and mastery.

    Meltdown to Mastery is a journey into discovering the parts of our subconscious mind. The place that holds our core beliefs, often learned from childhood, and can be responsible for reactions that lead to meltdowns, crises, or feelings of midlife crisis. They may also hold us back from true mastery where we effortlessly know how to manifest success, health, flow and abundance in our lives. Each episode holds key information to true life mastery. Mastery is a place where we learn Universal Law, mindfulness and listen to our own inner guidance, a place where health, and true manifestation flourish.

    This link goes to most places Meltdown to Mastery is published, if you would like to engage from another platform. ⁠⁠⁠https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/jayne-marquis⁠⁠⁠

    This podcast is for information purposes only and represents the views and opinions of the speakers. The information presented is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. We recommend you seek the advice of a licensed healthcare practitioner before beginning any natural, complimentary, or conventional treatment.

  • Are you ready to break free from the barriers holding you back and step into your infinite potential? Join host Jayne Marquis on "Meltdown to Mastery" as she explores the transformative journey with guest Denise Miceli. Denise shares invaluable insights on removing blocks for change and realigning subconscious programs to unleash our true power.

    What You'll Learn:

    The Power of Alignment with the Soul:Denise Miceli reveals the transformative impact of aligning with our soul's purpose. Discover how embracing authenticity and inner alignment can unlock your fullest potential and lead to profound personal transformation.

    Shifting from Perfectionism and People-Pleasing to Empowerment:Explore Denise's teachings on overcoming the debilitating patterns of perfectionism, people-pleasing, and control. Learn practical strategies to break free from these limitations and cultivate true empowerment from within.

    Healing and Liberation into Infinite Potential:Gain insights into the process of healing and liberation as pathways to tapping into your infinite potential. Denise Miceli shares powerful techniques to release past traumas, embrace self-love, and unlock the boundless possibilities that await.

    Tune in to "Meltdown to Mastery" and embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment with Jayne Marquis and Denise Miceli. It's time to break free from limitations and step into the expansive realm of infinite potential.

    Meltdown to Mastery is a journey into discovering the parts of our subconscious mind. The place that holds our core beliefs, often learned from childhood, and can be responsible for reactions that lead to meltdowns, crises, or feelings of midlife crisis. They may also hold us back from true mastery where we effortlessly know how to manifest success, health, flow and abundance in our lives. Each episode holds key information to true life mastery. Mastery is a place where we learn Universal Law, mindfulness and listen to our own inner guidance, a place where health, and true manifestation flourish.

    This link goes to most places Meltdown to Mastery is published, if you would like to engage from another platform. ⁠⁠⁠https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/jayne-marquis⁠⁠⁠

    This podcast is for information purposes only and represents the views and opinions of the speakers. The information presented is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. We recommend you seek the advice of a licensed healthcare practitioner before beginning any natural, complimentary, or conventional treatment.

    To find more with Denise:




  • Are you ready to unleash your full potential and empower yourself to empower others? Join host Jayne Marquis, ND, on "Meltdown to Mastery," as she dives deep into the art of self-transformation alongside Pilates expert Leslie Logan. Together, they unravel the secrets to prioritizing self-care and manifesting the life of your dreams.

    What You'll Learn:

    The Power of Prioritizing Self:Leslie Logan emphasizes the transformative impact of prioritizing self-care. Discover how investing in your own well-being can amplify your ability to show up for others with vitality and resilience.

    Embracing the "Be it, till you see it" Mindset:Explore Leslie's powerful mantra and learn how embodying the qualities you seek to cultivate can propel you towards your goals. Uncover the secrets to persistently striving towards your aspirations with unwavering determination.

    Unlocking Mastery Through Self-Empowerment:Gain insights into the essential role of self-empowerment in manifesting the life you desire. Explore practical strategies to nurture your inner balance and harness your full potential to create a life of fulfillment and abundance.

    Tune in to "Meltdown to Mastery" and embark on a transformative journey towards self-mastery with Jayne Marquis and Leslie Logan. Let's unlock the keys to transforming yourself and empowering others to do the same.

    Meltdown to Mastery is a journey into discovering the parts of our subconscious mind. The place that holds our core beliefs, often learned from childhood, and can be responsible for reactions that lead to meltdowns, crises, or feelings of midlife crisis. They may also hold us back from true mastery where we effortlessly know how to manifest success, health, flow and abundance in our lives. Each episode holds key information to true life mastery. Mastery is a place where we learn Universal Law, mindfulness and listen to our own inner guidance, a place where health, and true manifestation flourish.

    This link goes to most places Meltdown to Mastery is published, if you would like to engage from another platform. ⁠⁠⁠https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/jayne-marquis⁠⁠⁠

    This podcast is for information purposes only and represents the views and opinions of the speakers. The information presented is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. We recommend you seek the advice of a licensed healthcare practitioner before beginning any natural, complimentary, or conventional treatment.

    To find more with Leslie:


    Free Mat workout anyone can do at home to prioritize yourself. Do any or all of it as often as you wanthttps://opc.me/challenge

  • Have you ever wondered what your animal companion is trying to communicate with you?

    Join host Jayne Marquis ND and special guest Natalie Zorato as they embark on a fascinating exploration of animal communication. Natalie, an accomplished animal communicator, shares her personal journey into this mystical realm and offers invaluable insights into fostering deeper connections with our beloved animal companions.

    Key Insights:

    Discovering the Art of Animal Communication:

    Natalie Zorato recounts her journey of becoming an animal communicator, revealing the pivotal moments that led her to embrace this extraordinary gift. Explores the diverse methods through which humans can communicate with animals, providing listeners with practical tips to enhance their own communication skills.

    Deepening the Bond with Our Furry Friends:

    With warmth and expertise, Natalie sheds light on the profound bond between humans and animals, emphasizing the importance of understanding and honoring the messages they convey. Offers guidance on how listeners can nurture and strengthen their relationships with their animal companions, fostering mutual trust and understanding.

    Supporting Animals in Transition:

    Natalie provides poignant insights into recognizing and supporting animals as they approach the end of their earthly journey. Shares wisdom on understanding the needs and desires of animals during this transitional phase, offering comfort and solace to both animals and their human caregivers. Meltdown to Mastery is a journey into discovering the parts of our subconscious mind. The place that holds our core beliefs, often learned from childhood, and can be responsible for reactions that lead to meltdowns, crises, or feelings of midlife crisis. They may also hold us back from true mastery where we effortlessly know how to manifest success, health, flow and abundance in our lives. Each episode holds key information to true life mastery. Mastery is a place where we learn Universal Law, mindfulness and listen to our own inner guidance, a place where health, and true manifestation flourish.

    This link goes to most places Meltdown to Mastery is published, if you would like to engage from another platform. ⁠⁠⁠https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/jayne-marquis⁠⁠⁠

    This podcast is for information purposes only and represents the views and opinions of the speakers. The information presented is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. We recommend you seek the advice of a licensed healthcare practitioner before beginning any natural, complimentary, or conventional treatment.

  • What if the path to healing from trauma lies in harnessing the power of energy and self-love? Join host Jayne Marquis ND and special guest Dee Hurley on a riveting journey of self-discovery and healing as they explore Dee's remarkable story of overcoming narcissistic abuse and PTSD through energy healing and self-love.

    Key Learnings:

    The Transformative Power of Energy Healing:

    Dee Hurley shares her expertise in energy healing and bio-resonance feedback scanning, revealing how these modalities played a crucial role in her healing journey. Discusses the profound impact of energy work in rebalancing the body energetically and addressing physical ailments stemming from trauma.

    Navigating Narcissistic Abuse and PTSD:

    Dee courageously opens up about her experience with narcissistic abuse and PTSD, shedding light on the debilitating effects of these traumas on her mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Explores the turning point that propelled her into action and led her on the path towards self-love and healing.

    Empowerment through Self-Love and Action:

    Reveals the strategies and practices Dee employed to cultivate self-love and reclaim her inner strength. Offers insights and inspiration for listeners on how to take empowered action towards healing and transformation in their own lives. Jayne Marquis ND and Dee Hurley wrap up the episode with reflections on the transformative power of energy healing and self-love in overcoming trauma and reclaiming one's inner strength. Meltdown to Mastery is a journey into discovering the parts of our subconscious mind. The place that holds our core beliefs, often learned from childhood, and can be responsible for reactions that lead to meltdowns, crises, or feelings of midlife crisis. They may also hold us back from true mastery where we effortlessly know how to manifest success, health, flow and abundance in our lives. Each episode holds key information to true life mastery. Mastery is a place where we learn Universal Law, mindfulness and listen to our own inner guidance, a place where health, and true manifestation flourish.

    This link goes to most places Meltdown to Mastery is published, if you would like to engage from another platform. ⁠⁠⁠https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/jayne-marquis⁠⁠⁠

    This podcast is for information purposes only and represents the views and opinions of the speakers. The information presented is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. We recommend you seek the advice of a licensed healthcare practitioner before beginning any natural, complimentary, or conventional treatment.

  • What if the key to unlocking health and your true potential lies not in external sources, but within yourself? In this episode Amy describes her journey Inward to find the secrets of true health, well being and guidance.

    Key Takeaways:

    Embracing Sensitivity as Strength:

    Amy Stien introduces her mission to redefine sensitivity and empowers listeners to view it as a valuable asset. Discusses the societal misconceptions surrounding sensitivity and highlights its potential for profound personal growth.

    Tapping into Innate Intelligence:

    Explores Amy's unique approach to guiding individuals back to themselves by tapping into the innate intelligence of their bodies. Emphasizes the role of Mother Nature and the breath as a guiding force in this transformative journey towards alignment and true health.

    Manifesting a Life in Harmony:

    Amy shares insights on achieving true harmony by syncing the mind, body, and spirit and the breath. Discusses how embracing sensitivity and inner wisdom empowers individuals to manifest a life that is uniquely theirs. Meltdown to Mastery is a journey into discovering the parts of our subconscious mind. The place that holds our core beliefs, often learned from childhood, and can be responsible for reactions that lead to meltdowns, crises, or feelings of midlife crisis. They may also hold us back from true mastery where we effortlessly know how to manifest success, health, flow and abundance in our lives. Each episode holds key information to true life mastery. Mastery is a place where we learn Universal Law, mindfulness and listen to our own inner guidance, a place where health, and true manifestation flourish.

    This link goes to most places Meltdown to Mastery is published, if you would like to engage from another platform. ⁠⁠⁠https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/jayne-marquis⁠⁠⁠

    This podcast is for information purposes only and represents the views and opinions of the speakers. The information presented is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. We recommend you seek the advice of a licensed healthcare practitioner before beginning any natural, complimentary, or conventional treatment.

    To find more with Amy: mindbodyspiritbreath.com

    Free gift:Are you scared to feel your emotions and sensations?

  • What if you could unlock the secrets to mastering your emotions, reclaiming your power, and manifesting a life of positivity? Join us as Byron Athene sheds light on the origin of negative emotions and guides us toward a state of empowered flow.

    Prepare for a journey of profound transformation on "Meltdown to Mastery," where host Jayne Marquis ND invites you to explore the depths of the human psyche with visionary life coach Byron Athene. In this episode, Byron challenges conventional boundaries and offers revolutionary insights into conquering our unconscious struggles.

    Key Takeaways:

    Unveiling the Origin of Emotions:

    Byron Athene takes us on a journey to uncover the roots of our most challenging emotions. Gain profound insights into the unconscious patterns that drive our behavior and learn how to break free from their grip.

    Moving Into Flow:

    Discover the transformative power of shifting from turbulence into flow. Byron shares strategies to regain control over your emotional state, allowing you to navigate life's challenges with grace and resilience.

    Empowering Manifestation and Positivity:

    Learn how to harness the power within to manifest your desires and cultivate a lasting state of positivity. Byron Athene offers practical techniques to stay aligned with your goals and manifest your dreams into reality.

    Meltdown to Mastery is a journey into discovering the parts of our subconscious mind. The place that holds our core beliefs, often learned from childhood, and can be responsible for reactions that lead to meltdowns, crises, or feelings of midlife crisis. They may also hold us back from true mastery where we effortlessly know how to manifest success, health, flow and abundance in our lives. Each episode holds key information to true life mastery. Mastery is a place where we learn Universal Law, mindfulness and listen to our own inner guidance, a place where health, and true manifestation flourish.

    This link goes to most places Meltdown to Mastery is published, if you would like to engage from another platform. ⁠⁠⁠https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/jayne-marquis⁠⁠⁠

    This podcast is for information purposes only and represents the views and opinions of the speakers. The information presented is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. We recommend you seek the advice of a licensed healthcare practitioner before beginning any natural, complimentary, or conventional treatment.

  • In this episode of "Meltdown to Mastery," host Jayne Marquis ND dives into the profound influence of childhood programming on our lives. Reflecting on her personal journey, she unveils the discovery of how deeply ingrained societal norms and familial dynamics shape our beliefs, behaviors, and ultimately our choices. Jayne shares her transformative path to becoming a Naturopathic Doctor and a homeopath, highlighting how her understanding of childhood programming guided her professional pursuits. She explores the intricate connections between childhood programming and its impact on mental, emotional, physical well-being, and ultimately affect our ability to manifest. Through insightful discussion and personal anecdotes, listeners are encouraged to reflect on their own childhood programming and its profound implications on their health, well-being, and ability to manifest.

    Meltdown to Mastery is a journey into discovering the parts of our subconscious mind. The place that holds our core beliefs, often learned from childhood, and can be responsible for reactions that lead to meltdowns, crises, or feelings of midlife crisis. They may also hold us back from true mastery where we effortlessly know how to manifest success, health, flow and abundance in our lives. Each episode holds key information to true life mastery. Mastery is a place where we learn Universal Law, mindfulness and listen to our own inner guidance, a place where health, and true manifestation flourish.

    This link goes to most places Meltdown to Mastery is published, if you would like to engage from another platform. ⁠⁠⁠https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/jayne-marquis⁠⁠⁠

    This podcast is for information purposes only and represents the views and opinions of the speakers. The information presented is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. We recommend you seek the advice of a licensed healthcare practitioner before beginning any natural, complimentary, or conventional treatment.

  • Welcome to today's episode of Meltdown to Mastery! In this episode, Jayne sits down with Sara Webb to have a powerful conversation about the human drive for resilience and healing. Sara shares her story of survival after a traumatic experience of sexual assault in 2008 while on vacation. Rather than identifying as a survivor, she highlights the power we each have inside of ourselves to heal and thrive.

    Sara expertly weaves together her own experiences, pertinent neuroscience and body chemistry to showcase the potency of intentional healing. She delves into the importance of self-compassion and honesty in the healing process.

    Listeners will be inspired by Sara’s triumph over trauma and encouraged by her personally-coined acronyms to apply to their own healing ventures. With key takeaways including the science and power of gratitude and the potency of meditation and deep breathing, there’s no shortage of valuable insight to be gained from this episode.

    Join us as we explore the remarkable strength of the human spirit with Sara Webb.

    Meltdown to Mastery is a journey into discovering the parts of our subconscious mind. The place that holds our core beliefs, often learned from childhood, and can be responsible for reactions that lead to meltdowns, crises, or feelings of midlife crisis. They may also hold us back from true mastery where we effortlessly know how to manifest success, health, flow and abundance in our lives. Each episode holds key information to true life mastery. Mastery is a place where we learn Universal Law, mindfulness and listen to our own inner guidance, a place where health, and true manifestation flourish.

    This link goes to most places Meltdown to Mastery is published, if you would like to engage from another platform. ⁠⁠⁠https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/jayne-marquis⁠⁠⁠

    This podcast is for information purposes only and represents the views and opinions of the speakers. The information presented is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. We recommend you seek the advice of a licensed healthcare practitioner before beginning any natural, complimentary, or conventional treatment.

  • How do essential fatty acids become the cornerstone of a thriving life, and what distinguishes good fats from bad? Join us as Udo Erasmus unravels the transformative power of Udo's Choice.

    Welcome back to the transformative sequel of "Meltdown to Mastery." In Part 2, host Jayne Marquis ND continues the captivating conversation with Udo Erasmus, the mastermind behind Udo's Choice. This episode delves into the creation of Udo's Choice, an essential fatty acid blend that breathes life into our well-being. Udo shares insights from his book, "Fats that Heal, Fats that Kill."

    Key Takeaways:

    Essential Fats and Vitality:Udo Erasmus shares his journey into creating Udo's Choice, emphasizing the pivotal role essential fatty acids play in our overall well-being. Learn how incorporating these vital fats into your lifestyle can unlock a new level of vitality and health.

    Distinguishing Good vs. Bad Fats:Explore the critical distinctions between good and bad fats, drawing from Udo's extensive knowledge encapsulated in "Fats that Heal, Fats that Kill." Gain practical insights on making informed choices that impact your health and transform your journey from meltdown to mastery.

    Tune in as we unravel the profound connection between essential fats and essential life, delving into the wisdom shared by Udo Erasmus.

    Meltdown to Mastery is a journey into discovering the parts of our subconscious mind. The place that holds our core beliefs, often learned from childhood, and can be responsible for reactions that lead to meltdowns, crises, or feelings of midlife crisis. They may also hold us back from true mastery where we effortlessly know how to manifest success, health, flow and abundance in our lives. Each episode holds key information to true life mastery. Mastery is a place where we learn Universal Law, mindfulness and listen to our own inner guidance, a place where health, and true manifestation flourish.

    This link goes to most places Meltdown to Mastery is published, if you would like to engage from another platform. ⁠⁠⁠https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/jayne-marquis⁠⁠⁠

    This podcast is for information purposes only and represents the views and opinions of the speakers. The information presented is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. We recommend you seek the advice of a licensed healthcare practitioner before beginning any natural, complimentary, or conventional treatment.

  • What is the one subtle difference that propels us from a state of meltdown to the pinnacle of mastery, and how does it intertwine with life's true purpose and meaning?

    Welcome to "Meltdown to Mastery," where host Jayne Marquis ND engages in a thought-provoking conversation with the visionary Udo Erasmus. In Part 1, we explore the grander canvas of life's purpose and the subtle difference between a meltdown and total mastery. Udo, the creator of Udo's Blend essential oils, guides us through a journey of self-discovery.

    Key Takeaways:

    Purpose and Meaning Unveiled:Udo Erasmus delves into the profound inquiry of life's purpose, unraveling the threads that weave meaning into our existence. Explore the subtle nuances that distinguish a life in mastery from one on the brink of meltdown.

    Life-Filling vs. Life-Draining:Gain insights into what truly fills us up, rejuvenates our spirit, and propels us toward mastery. Udo shares wisdom on identifying and cultivating sources of energy that empower rather than deplete.

    Connection to All That Is:Discover the importance of genuine connection in our journey toward mastery. Udo Erasmus sheds light on the interconnectedness that binds us to all aspects of life, offering a profound perspective on living in harmony with the world around us.

    Meltdown to Mastery is a journey into discovering the parts of our subconscious mind. The place that holds our core beliefs, often learned from childhood, and can be responsible for reactions that lead to meltdowns, crises, or feelings of midlife crisis. They may also hold us back from true mastery where we effortlessly know how to manifest success, health, flow and abundance in our lives. Each episode holds key information to true life mastery. Mastery is a place where we learn Universal Law, mindfulness and listen to our own inner guidance, a place where health, and true manifestation flourish.

    This link goes to most places Meltdown to Mastery is published, if you would like to engage from another platform. ⁠⁠⁠https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/jayne-marquis⁠⁠⁠

    This podcast is for information purposes only and represents the views and opinions of the speakers. The information presented is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. We recommend you seek the advice of a licensed healthcare practitioner before beginning any natural, complimentary, or conventional treatment.

  • In this episode Jayne has a conversation with Philippe Mountrose to talk about soul development and life purpose. Phillip is co author of "The loving Power of the Soul: A Guidebook for realizing your true power". We talk about the best ways to access the wisdom of the soul, and healing power of the soul, life purpose and so much more!! Join us into Mastery!

    Free Gift: Healing and Spiritual Kit with excerpt from new Loving Power ofYour Soul book and Holistic EFT Tapping videos and resources--⁠https://tinyurl.com/spiritual-kit⁠Personal Strategy Session: ⁠https://tinyurl.com/heal-awake⁠Also new course: Abundant Living with Angels, Oracles and EFT:⁠https://gettingthru.org/spiritual/abundant-living/⁠

    Meltdown to Mastery is a journey into discovering the parts of our subconscious mind. The place that holds our core beliefs, often learned from childhood, and can be responsible for reactions that lead to meltdowns, crises, or feelings of midlife crisis. They may also hold us back from true mastery where we effortlessly know how to manifest success, health, flow and abundance in our lives. Each episode holds key information to true life mastery. Mastery is a place where we learn Universal Law, mindfulness and listen to our own inner guidance, a place where health, and true manifestation flourish.

    This link goes to most places Meltdown to Mastery is published, if you would like to engage from another platform. ⁠⁠⁠https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/jayne-marquis⁠⁠⁠

    This podcast is for information purposes only and represents the views and opinions of the speakers. The information presented is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. We recommend you seek the advice of a licensed healthcare practitioner before beginning any natural, complimentary, or conventional treatment.