
  • Modeling Disease Pathways Through Ventricular Depolarization

    Guest: Peter van Dam, PhD

    Host: Anthony H. Kashou, MD

    Detection of disease progression is hampered due to the large variation in normal QRS morphologies, even for the ECG expert. Cardiac modeling techniques can improve the interpretation and diagnostic value of the ECG by visualizing relevant QRS deviations. Comparing the QRS waveforms and electrical pathway in genetical patients to normal controls shows that even small changes in the QRS can be detected in patients with a genetical disease, like Brugada or ACM.

    Topics Discussed:

    What is the PathECG? How do you compare PathECG to normal ECG waveform? What can the PathECG add to the ECG?Could PathECG improve the quality of the ECG diagnosis?

    Connect with Mayo Clinic's Cardiovascular Continuing Medical Education online at https://cveducation.mayo.edu or on Twitter @MayoClinicCV and @MayoCVservices.

    LinkedIn: Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular Services

    Cardiovascular Education App:The Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular CME App is an innovative educational platform that features cardiology-focused continuing medical education wherever and whenever you need it. Use this app to access other free content and browse upcoming courses. Download it for free in Apple or Google stores today!

    No CME credit offered for this episode.

    Podcast episode transcript found here.

  • Role of Denervation for Hypertension Management

    Guest: Sanjay Misra, M.D.

    Host: Paul Friedman, M.D.

    In this podcast, the listener will learn more what renal denervation is, the mechanism by which it works, how the procedure is performed, and expected outcomes for patients.

    Topics Discussed:

    Ideal candidate and work up of the patient for renal denervation.Describe the procedure, as well as the risks and benefits.Follow up for patients after the procedure.Anticipated outcomes.

    Connect with Mayo Clinic's Cardiovascular Continuing Medical Education online at https://cveducation.mayo.edu or on Twitter @MayoClinicCV and @MayoCVservices.

    LinkedIn: Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular Services

    Cardiovascular Education App:The Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular CME App is an innovative educational platform that features cardiology-focused continuing medical education wherever and whenever you need it. Use this app to access other free content and browse upcoming courses. Download it for free in Apple or Google stores today!

    No CME credit offered for this episode.

    Podcast episode transcript found here.

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  • Chronic Thrombo-Embolic Pulmonary Hypertension

    Guest: Robert P. Frantz, M.D.

    Host: Kyle Klarich, M.D.

    In this episode, the experts discuss chronic thrombo-embolic pulmonary hypertension. Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension results from unresolved emboli in the lungs, causing increased resistance, right heart strain, and shortness of breath. Listeners will learn more about three different treatments available, including surgery, balloons, and medication.

    Topics Discussed:

    What is chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension?What are the surgical treatments of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension?Are there other treatments available?

    Connect with Mayo Clinic's Cardiovascular Continuing Medical Education online at https://cveducation.mayo.edu or on Twitter @MayoClinicCV and @MayoCVservices.

    LinkedIn: Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular Services

    Cardiovascular Education App:The Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular CME App is an innovative educational platform that features cardiology-focused continuing medical education wherever and whenever you need it. Use this app to access other free content and browse upcoming courses. Download it for free in Apple or Google stores today!

    No CME credit offered for this episode.

    Podcast episode transcript found here.

  • Arrhythmias in Pregnancy

    Guest: Katie A. Young, M.D.

    Guest: Abhishek J. Deshmukh, M.B.B.S.

    Host: Paul A. Friedman, M.D.

    This episode dives into the complex and fascinating world of arrhythmia management during pregnancy, exploring how unique physiological changes can increase arrhythmia risk and impact treatment approaches. We’ll discuss common and high-risk arrhythmias, management strategies and the importance of a collaborative care approach involving specialists across disciplines.

    Topics Discussed:

    Identify the primary risk factors and physiological changes that contribute to arrhythmias in pregnant patients.Describe evidence-based management strategies for common and high-risk arrhythmias during pregnancy, including considerations for medication and procedural interventions.Recognize the role of interdisciplinary care in managing arrhythmias in pregnancy to ensure optimal maternal and fetal outcomes.

    Connect with Mayo Clinic's Cardiovascular Continuing Medical Education online at https://cveducation.mayo.edu or on Twitter @MayoClinicCV and @MayoCVservices.

    LinkedIn: Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular Services

    Cardiovascular Education App:The Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular CME App is an innovative educational platform that features cardiology-focused continuing medical education wherever and whenever you need it. Use this app to access other free content and browse upcoming courses. Download it for free in Apple or Google stores today!

    No CME credit offered for this episode.

    Podcast episode transcript found here.

  • AI ECG Updates

    Guest: Francisco Lopez-Jimenez, M.D., M.S.

    Host: Anthony H. Kashou, M.D.

    There have been many recent developments regarding AI-ECG, with some algorithms able to identify common and very relevant medical conditions like CAD and diastolic disfunction. There are major limitations implementing AI-ECG, including regulatory, technical and clinician-related. Algorithms meant to detect rare diseases, when used indiscriminately, may lead to many false positive results. The future of AI-ECG is optimizing its implementation through seamless integration in workflows, use of point of care or wearables getting ECG signals, and using multimodality AI, where AI-ECG would be just one of several signals used to detect cardiac and non-cardiac conditions, aging, and to predict cardiovascular events.

    Topics Discussed:

    What is new on AI ECG these days? What new algorithms have been developed that you see may change clinical practice in the future? (although structured as 2 questions, its actually one)What are the major limitations using AI-ECG in clinical practice?What do you think is the future of AI-ECG?

    Connect with Mayo Clinic's Cardiovascular Continuing Medical Education online at https://cveducation.mayo.edu or on Twitter @MayoClinicCV and @MayoCVservices.

    LinkedIn: Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular Services

    Cardiovascular Education App:The Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular CME App is an innovative educational platform that features cardiology-focused continuing medical education wherever and whenever you need it. Use this app to access other free content and browse upcoming courses. Download it for free in Apple or Google stores today!

    No CME credit offered for this episode.

    Podcast episode transcript found here.

  • Optimal Medical Therapy in Peripheral Artery Disease

    Guest: Stan Henkin, M.D.

    Host: Malcolm R. Bell, M.D.

    Atherosclerosis of peripheral (ie, non-coronary) arteries, also known as peripheral artery disease (PAD), affects more than 8 million Americans. Unfortunately, compared to coronary artery disease (CAD), PAD is often underdiagnosed and undertreated. In this podcast, experts discuss optimal medical therapy in patients with PAD.

    Topics Discussed:

    What is peripheral artery disease? What are the most common symptoms of PAD?You diagnose PAD. What pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic therapies do you consider?How do you follow-up a patient with PAD?When should a patient be referred to a vascular specialist?

    Connect with Mayo Clinic's Cardiovascular Continuing Medical Education online at https://cveducation.mayo.edu or on Twitter @MayoClinicCV and @MayoCVservices.

    LinkedIn: Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular Services

    Cardiovascular Education App:The Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular CME App is an innovative educational platform that features cardiology-focused continuing medical education wherever and whenever you need it. Use this app to access other free content and browse upcoming courses. Download it for free in Apple or Google stores today!

    No CME credit offered for this episode.

    Podcast episode transcript found here.

  • Dyspnea After Pulmonary Embolism: Optimal Medical Therapy in Peripheral Vascular Disease

    Guest: Stan Henkin, M.D.

    Host: Malcolm R. Bell, M.D.

    Historically, majority of clinical and research focus has been on acute management of pulmonary embolism (PE). However, long-standing functional impairment after PE is common, occurring in up to 50% of individuals with history of PE. This is termed post-PE syndrome – an underrecognized, underdiagnosed, and undertreated entity. In this podcast, experts discuss epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of post-PE syndrome.

    Topics Discussed:

    What is Post-PE syndrome? How common is it?What is your suggested work-up of patient who presents with dyspnea after PE?When should a patient be referred to a tertiary/expert center?

    Connect with Mayo Clinic's Cardiovascular Continuing Medical Education online at https://cveducation.mayo.edu or on Twitter @MayoClinicCV and @MayoCVservices.

    LinkedIn: Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular Services

    Cardiovascular Education App:The Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular CME App is an innovative educational platform that features cardiology-focused continuing medical education wherever and whenever you need it. Use this app to access other free content and browse upcoming courses. Download it for free in Apple or Google stores today!

    No CME credit offered for this episode.

    Podcast episode transcript found here.

  • MINOCA: Myocardial Infarction with Non-Obstructive Coronary Arteries

    Guest: Claire E. Raphael, M.B.B.S., Ph.D.

    Host: Sharonne Hayes, M.D.

    MINOCA is a myocardial infarction with no obstructive coronary artery disease. This podcast will discuss the underlying causes of MINOCA, how to and who to investigate and discuss contemporary management strategies.

    Topics Discussed:

    What is MINOCA?What testing should I consider in patients with MINOCAHow are these patients treated?

    Connect with Mayo Clinic's Cardiovascular Continuing Medical Education online at https://cveducation.mayo.edu or on Twitter @MayoClinicCV and @MayoCVservices.

    LinkedIn: Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular Services

    Cardiovascular Education App:The Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular CME App is an innovative educational platform that features cardiology-focused continuing medical education wherever and whenever you need it. Use this app to access other free content and browse upcoming courses. Download it for free in Apple or Google stores today!

    No CME credit offered for this episode.

    Podcast episode transcript found here.

  • An AI-ECG Algorithm for Left Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction

    Guest: Jae Oh, M.D.

    Host: Anthony H. Kashou, M.D.

    Diastolic function assessment is crucial in diagnosing, managing, and predicting outcomes in various cardiac conditions. It provides insight into heart health, particularly in diagnosing heart failure. Shortness of breath, a common patient complaint, often indicates elevated diastolic filling pressure if linked to a cardiac condition. Echocardiography is the primary method for assessing diastolic function, but it is operator-dependent and not always available. In contrast, ECGs are standardized and widely accessible. Although subtle changes in ECGs are not easily detectable by the human eye, artificial intelligence can identify specific conditions reflected in the ECG. By training an AI model with labeled ECGs based on diastolic function determined through echocardiography, researchers achieved high accuracy in detecting diastolic dysfunction. AI-enhanced ECGs can significantly impact the identification of both asymptomatic and symptomatic cardiac conditions, potentially streamlining diagnostic strategies and reducing costs. Future developments may enable patients to monitor their heart health using simple wearable devices, enhancing the management of heart failure and other conditions.

    Topics Discussed:

    Your special clinical academic interest is echocardiography. Why are you interested in ECG AI in diastolic function?What is diastolic function and why is it important to assess diastolic function in clinical practice?Why did you decide to create AI-ECG for diastolic function assessment?What did you find and how do you envision AI ECG for diastolic function be used in clinical practice?

    Connect with Mayo Clinic's Cardiovascular Continuing Medical Education online at https://cveducation.mayo.edu or on Twitter @MayoClinicCV and @MayoCVservices.

    LinkedIn: Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular Services

    Cardiovascular Education App:The Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular CME App is an innovative educational platform that features cardiology-focused continuing medical education wherever and whenever you need it. Use this app to access other free content and browse upcoming courses. Download it for free in Apple or Google stores today!

    No CME credit offered for this episode.

    Podcast episode transcript found here.

  • Novel Mitral Therapies

    Guest: Arman Arghami, M.D., M.P.H.

    Guest: Mayra Guerrero, M.D.

    Host: Kyle Klarich, M.D.

    And the end of this podcast, the listener should understand how to identify new minimally invasive procedures to treat patients with mitral valve disease, delineate the difference between minimally invasive surgery versus percutaneous transcatheter interventions for mitral valve disease, and recognize when to refer patients for mitral valve interventions.

    Topics Discussed:

    What are the minimally invasive intervention options to treat patient with mitral valve disease?Which are the patients who benefit from less invasive procedures?How and when to refer a patient for mitral valve intervention?If a patient had prior mitral valve surgery (repair or replacement) and has recurrent mitral valve disease, is redo mitral surgery always needed? Or can a patient with prior surgery be treated with a transcatheter mitral valve repair or replacement, avoiding the need for repeat surgery?

    Connect with Mayo Clinic's Cardiovascular Continuing Medical Education online at https://cveducation.mayo.edu or on Twitter @MayoClinicCV and @MayoCVservices.

    LinkedIn: Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular Services

    Cardiovascular Education App:The Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular CME App is an innovative educational platform that features cardiology-focused continuing medical education wherever and whenever you need it. Use this app to access other free content and browse upcoming courses. Download it for free in Apple or Google stores today!

    No CME credit offered for this episode.

    Podcast episode transcript found here.

  • Myocarditis - Presentation and Recent Advances

    Guest: Drew Rosenbaum, M.D.

    Host: Sharonne Hayes, M.D.

    Through this podcast, listeners should understand how myocarditis manifests, both in the hospitalized patients as well as in clinical practice in order to facilitate recognition of the disease to initiate the appropriate work and achieve a diagnosis. The treatment strategies depend highly on the underlying condition. Although current strategies for treatment are evolving, a conceptual framework for which patients may benefit from anti-inflammatory therapies and which may not is critical to appropriate select therapies for patients affected by myocarditis.

    Topics Discussed:

    What is the spectrum of manifestations of myocarditis?How do you diagnose myocarditis?How is myocarditis treated and what is on the horizon for myocarditis?

    Connect with Mayo Clinic's Cardiovascular Continuing Medical Education online at https://cveducation.mayo.edu or on Twitter @MayoClinicCV and @MayoCVservices.

    LinkedIn: Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular Services

    Cardiovascular Education App:The Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular CME App is an innovative educational platform that features cardiology-focused continuing medical education wherever and whenever you need it. Use this app to access other free content and browse upcoming courses. Download it for free in Apple or Google stores today!

    No CME credit offered for this episode.

    Podcast episode transcript found here.

  • Valve Disease in Pregnancy

    Guest: Katie Young, M.D.

    Hosts: Sharonne Hayes, M.D.

    In this podcast we will review the medical management of native valvular heart disease in pregnancy, highlighting the importance of specialized care through a Pregnancy Heart Team approach.

    Topics Discussed:

    What are the anticipated physiologic changes of pregnancy and their importance to individuals with valvular heart disease?What are the highest risk valvular lesions for pregnancy?Can you discuss general medical management recommendations for those with stenotic lesions in pregnancy?Are regurgitant valve lesions always well tolerated in pregnancy?

    Connect with Mayo Clinic's Cardiovascular Continuing Medical Education online at https://cveducation.mayo.edu or on Twitter @MayoClinicCV and @MayoCVservices.

    LinkedIn: Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular Services

    Cardiovascular Education App:The Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular CME App is an innovative educational platform that features cardiology-focused continuing medical education wherever and whenever you need it. Use this app to access other free content and browse upcoming courses. Download it for free in Apple or Google stores today!

    No CME credit offered for this episode.

    Podcast episode transcript found here.

  • Cardioneural ablation for atrial fibrillation: Indications and rationale

    Guest: Guru G. Kowlgi, M.B.B.S.

    Host: Anthony H. Kashou, M.D.

    The learners will get an overview of how high a vagal tone can contribute to atrial fibrillation. In addition, they will gain an understanding of cardioneural ablation, which is a promising new catheter ablation treatment option for these patients.

    Topics Discussed

    How does high vagal tone contribute to atrial fibrillationWhat subset of patients with atrial fibrillation can benefit from cardioneural ablationWhat studies have been performed in this field, and what does the future of Afib ablation look like?

    Connect with Mayo Clinic's Cardiovascular Continuing Medical Education online at https://cveducation.mayo.edu or on Twitter @MayoClinicCV and @MayoCVservices.

    LinkedIn: Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular Services

    Cardiovascular Education App:The Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular CME App is an innovative educational platform that features cardiology-focused continuing medical education wherever and whenever you need it. Use this app to access other free content and browse upcoming courses. Download it for free in Apple or Google stores today!

    No CME credit offered for this episode.

    Podcast episode transcript found here.

  • Interventional Management of Acute Pulmonary Embolism

    Guest: Arashk Motiei, M.D.

    Hosts: Sharonne Hayes, M.D.

    We will discuss the can temporary interventional management of patients with massive acute pulmonary embolism and intermediate high-risk acute pulmonary embolism.

    Topics Discussed:

    Who are the patients with pulmonary embolism who need to be considered for interventional treatment?What do we know about risk assessment in patients with intermediate high-risk pulmonary embolism? What are the types of interventional treatments that are currently available?Systemic thrombolysis is often used for the management of acute pulmonary embolism. Is there any role for this with the availability of interventional approaches?

    Connect with Mayo Clinic's Cardiovascular Continuing Medical Education online at https://cveducation.mayo.edu or on Twitter @MayoClinicCV and @MayoCVservices.

    LinkedIn: Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular Services

    Cardiovascular Education App:The Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular CME App is an innovative educational platform that features cardiology-focused continuing medical education wherever and whenever you need it. Use this app to access other free content and browse upcoming courses. Download it for free in Apple or Google stores today!

    No CME credit offered for this episode.

    Podcast episode transcript found here.

  • Cardiac Amyloidosis: No Longer Rare and Untreatable!

    Guest: Omar F. Abou Ezzeddine, M.D., M.S.

    Hosts: Malcolm R. Bell, M.D.

    Transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy (ATTR-CM), once considered rare, is more prevalent than previously thought. Diagnosing ATTR-CM is particularly important because there are now highly effective, specific therapies for ATTR-CM. In this podcast, we will provide a contemporary review of the diagnostic and therapeutic approach to patients with ATTR-CM in the current era.

    Topics Discussed:

    When to suspect the disease & who to screen for ATTR-CM?How to diagnose and prognosticate ATTR-CM in the current era?Provide an overview of current and emerging therapies for managing ATTR-CM.

    Connect with Mayo Clinic's Cardiovascular Continuing Medical Education online at https://cveducation.mayo.edu or on Twitter @MayoClinicCV and @MayoCVservices.

    LinkedIn: Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular Services

    Cardiovascular Education App:The Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular CME App is an innovative educational platform that features cardiology-focused continuing medical education wherever and whenever you need it. Use this app to access other free content and browse upcoming courses. Download it for free in Apple or Google stores today!

    No CME credit offered for this episode.

    Podcast episode transcript found here.

  • IV Agents to Improve Echo Images, Value, and Safe Administration

    Guest: Jeremy Thaden, M.D.

    Guest: Mays Ali, M.D.

    Hosts: Kyle Klarich, M.D.

    In this podcast we will review current and evolving indications for UEA use in the clinical and research setting. They will review Mayo Clinic’s practice for UEA administration, commonly encountered UEA side-effects, and appropriate management strategies.

    Topics Discussed:

    What are the indications to use ultrasound enhancement agent (UEA) in your clinical practice and how are they useful?Who administers the UEA in your clinical practice?Are there potential side effects of UEA that one should be aware of?What is the appropriate management of side effects and how does the echo lab manage them when they arise?

    Connect with Mayo Clinic's Cardiovascular Continuing Medical Education online at https://cveducation.mayo.edu or on Twitter @MayoClinicCV and @MayoCVservices.

    LinkedIn: Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular Services

    Cardiovascular Education App:The Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular CME App is an innovative educational platform that features cardiology-focused continuing medical education wherever and whenever you need it. Use this app to access other free content and browse upcoming courses. Download it for free in Apple or Google stores today!

    No CME credit offered for this episode.

    Podcast episode transcript found here.

  • Cardioneural Ablation - A Promising Treatment Strategy for Refractory Vasovagal Syncope

    Guest: Guru G. Kowlgi, M.B.B.S.

    Host: Anthony H. Kashou, M.D.

    The learners will get an overview of how to diagnose and manage vasovagal syncope. In addition, they will gain an understanding of cardioneural ablation, which is a promising new catheter ablation treatment option for these patients.

    Topics Discussed

    What is vasovagal syncope (VVS)?How do we diagnose vasovagal syncope?What are some treatment strategies for VVS (including a discussion on cardioneural ablation and the use of pacemakers)?

    Connect with Mayo Clinic's Cardiovascular Continuing Medical Education online at https://cveducation.mayo.edu or on Twitter @MayoClinicCV and @MayoCVservices.

    LinkedIn: Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular Services

    Cardiovascular Education App:The Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular CME App is an innovative educational platform that features cardiology-focused continuing medical education wherever and whenever you need it. Use this app to access other free content and browse upcoming courses. Download it for free in Apple or Google stores today!

    No CME credit offered for this episode.

    Podcast episode transcript found here.

  • Pre-Pregnancy Risk Assessment for CV Patients

    Guest: Katie A. Young, M.D.

    Hosts: Malcolm R. Bell, M.D.

    In this podcast we will review the importance of specialized care in Cardiovascular Obstetrics and the role of the Pregnancy Heart Team in pregnancy risk assessment and pre-conception counseling.

    Topics Discussed:

    With maternal mortality rates being 2 fold higher in the US compared to other developed countries, how can we work to decrease maternal mortality rates?How can we best estimate maternal cardiovascular and obstetric risks?Who should be counseled against pursuing pregnancy?What other testing do we consider as important components of the pre-conception evaluation?

    Connect with Mayo Clinic's Cardiovascular Continuing Medical Education online at https://cveducation.mayo.edu or on Twitter @MayoClinicCV and @MayoCVservices.

    LinkedIn: Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular Services

    Cardiovascular Education App:The Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular CME App is an innovative educational platform that features cardiology-focused continuing medical education wherever and whenever you need it. Use this app to access other free content and browse upcoming courses. Download it for free in Apple or Google stores today!

    No CME credit offered for this episode.

    Podcast episode transcript found here.

  • Cardio-oncology: What is the Big Picture, What Drugs to Use, and What Tests to Follow

    Guest: Chadi Ayoub, M.B.B.S., Ph.D.

    Hosts: Sharonne N. Hayes, M.D.

    In this podcast, we will describe more frequent cardiotoxic effects associated with cancer therapies. Identify imaging modalities that can be used to detect and evaluate cardiotoxicity and common adverse cardiac events associated with immune checkpoint inhibitors. As well review currently available treatment options to address cardiovascular toxicity.

    Topics Discussed:

    What are the main chemotherapy agents that cause cardiotoxicity?What testing can be done to screen for and diagnose cardiotoxicity, and when should it be done?What can be done to address cardio-toxicity when it arises? What treatments are available, and how can we minimize interruptions to cancer therapy?Immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy has revolutionized the care of some cancers, what cardiac toxicities are there and what have we learned about them from study of our patients?How does radiation therapy affect the heart, and what can be done to minimize this?

    Connect with Mayo Clinic's Cardiovascular Continuing Medical Education online at https://cveducation.mayo.edu or on Twitter @MayoClinicCV and @MayoCVservices.

    LinkedIn: Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular Services

    Cardiovascular Education App:The Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular CME App is an innovative educational platform that features cardiology-focused continuing medical education wherever and whenever you need it. Use this app to access other free content and browse upcoming courses. Download it for free in Apple or Google stores today!

    No CME credit offered for this episode.

    Podcast episode transcript found here.

  • Clinical Quantification of Myocardial Blood Flow Using PET

    Guest: Panithaya Chareonthaitawee, M.D.

    Hosts: Malcolm R. Bell, M.D.

    In this podcast, we will describe the clinical applications of PET MBF quantitation and discuss the strengths and limitations of PET MBF quantification.

    Topics Discussed:

    Why has PET myocardial perfusion imaging seen such growth?You mentioned the ability of PET to measure myocardial blood flow. Why is this crucial?So, should myocardial blood flow measurement be standard in all PET MPI studies? Does it require special equipment or extra time?Are there specific values to remember for PET flow quantification?

    Connect with Mayo Clinic's Cardiovascular Continuing Medical Education online at https://cveducation.mayo.edu or on Twitter @MayoClinicCV and @MayoCVservices.

    LinkedIn: Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular Services

    Cardiovascular Education App:The Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular CME App is an innovative educational platform that features cardiology-focused continuing medical education wherever and whenever you need it. Use this app to access other free content and browse upcoming courses. Download it for free in Apple or Google stores today!

    No CME credit offered for this episode.

    Podcast episode transcript found here.