Updates from the 2024 ESC and AHA Scientific Statements on Cardiac Sarcoidosis
Guest: Leslie T. Cooper Jr., M.D.
Host: Kyle W. Klarich, M.D.
Cardiac sarcoidosis is a systemic, chronic inflammatory disorder characterized by non-caseating, epithelioid cell granulomas that may involve many tissues and organs. The Heart Rhythm Society criteria for diagnosis of cardiac sarcoidosis require a biopsy-proven diagnosis of extra-cardiac sarcoidosis. If extra-cardiac sarcoidosis is confirmed, CS is highly probable when there is evidence of the following: (a) rhythm abnormalities in either ECG or Holter monitoring such as advanced AVB (Mobitz type II second-degree or third-degree AVB), sustained VT, and (b) LV dysfunction on echocardiography or CMR (LVEF <40%) and/or compatible pattern on advanced imaging modalities (cardiac PET, CMR). EMB, sometimes with electrogram guidance to increase diagnostic yield, remains useful in indeterminant cases, including isolated cardiac involvement or suspected genetic etiology. Multidisciplinary teams consisting of respiratory physicians, rheumatologists, and cardiologists with expertise in sarcoidosis as well as other relevant subspecialties such as advanced cardiac imaging specialists (CMR and nuclear medicine) and electrophysiologists are needed to integrate immunosuppression with arrhythmia and heart failure management.
Topics Discussed:
What percentage of patients with cardiac sarcoidosis have lung or thoracic lymph node involvement?Which of the following are associated with greater risk of heart failure or ventricular arrhythmias in definite or probable cardiac sarcoidosis:Which of the following medications may be added to guideline directed treatments for the initial management of acute and symptomatic cardiac sarcoidosis?Connect with Mayo Clinic's Cardiovascular Continuing Medical Education online at https://cveducation.mayo.edu or on Twitter @MayoClinicCV and @MayoCVservices.
LinkedIn: Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular Services
Cardiovascular Education App:The Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular CME App is an innovative educational platform that features cardiology-focused continuing medical education wherever and whenever you need it. Use this app to access other free content and browse upcoming courses. Download it for free in Apple or Google stores today!
No CME credit offered for this episode.
Podcast episode transcript found here.
New RNA Therapies for Treatment of ASCVD, Prevention, and Dyslipidemia
Guest: R. Scott Wright, M.D.
Host: Stephen L. Kopecky, M.D.
RNA therapies are growing in number as targeted treatments for dyslipidemia including LDL-c, Lp(a) and Triglycerides. The podcast will explore the science behind these therapies, the evidence for safety and how clinicians can utilize them in their practices.
Topics Discussed:
What are the new RNA therapies available or soon to be available?How are RNA based therapies being used?How do they compare to the COVID-19 vaccine?What is their effectiveness and side effect profile?Are there side effects or concerns?Connect with Mayo Clinic's Cardiovascular Continuing Medical Education online at https://cveducation.mayo.edu or on Twitter @MayoClinicCV and @MayoCVservices.
LinkedIn: Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular Services
Cardiovascular Education App:The Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular CME App is an innovative educational platform that features cardiology-focused continuing medical education wherever and whenever you need it. Use this app to access other free content and browse upcoming courses. Download it for free in Apple or Google stores today!
No CME credit offered for this episode.
Podcast episode transcript found here.
Saknas det avsnitt?
Myocarditis: What’s New in 2025
Guest: Leslie T. Cooper Jr., M.D.
Host: Kyle W. Klarich, M.D.
After this episode of Mayo Clinic’s cardiovascular podcast series “Interviews With the Experts,” the listener will be able to identify the novel 2024 ACC Expert Care Decision Pathway (ECDP) 4-stage classifications of myocarditis. Hear today’s expert discuss pivotal tests in the diagnosis of myocarditis, such as cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging and endomyocardial biopsy (EMB) are considered. Finally, learn more about the indications for genetic testing for myocarditis in your patients.
Topics Discussed:
What percentage of adult patients with myocarditis presenting as heart failure with reduced ejection fraction or ventricular arrhythmias have a pathogenic or likely pathogenic cardiomyopathic gene variant?Which of the following are criteria to consider endomyocardial biopsy in the setting of acute myocarditis?Identify Stage B myocarditis based on clinical presentation and testing.Connect with Mayo Clinic's Cardiovascular Continuing Medical Education online at https://cveducation.mayo.edu or on Twitter @MayoClinicCV and @MayoCVservices.
LinkedIn: Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular Services
Cardiovascular Education App:The Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular CME App is an innovative educational platform that features cardiology-focused continuing medical education wherever and whenever you need it. Use this app to access other free content and browse upcoming courses. Download it for free in Apple or Google stores today!
No CME credit offered for this episode.
Podcast episode transcript found here.
Post-Cardiac Ablation Atrial Arrhythmia Monitoring
Guest: Suraj Kapa, M.D.
Host: Anthony H. Kashou, M.D.
In this episode of the segment "ECG Making Waves," the listener will learn to identify the right monitoring approach for a given patient’s arrhythmia considerations around ablation. They will also learn how to list specific considerations when reviewing and interpreting post-ablation arrhythmia ECGs.
Topics Discussed:
What specific aspects of the ECG and ECG monitoring are important to look for after cardiac ablation?How do you approach rhythm monitoring discussions with your patients after ablation?What are potential benefits and pitfalls of different monitoring approaches for atrial arrhythmias after ablation?Connect with Mayo Clinic's Cardiovascular Continuing Medical Education online at https://cveducation.mayo.edu or on Twitter @MayoClinicCV and @MayoCVservices.
LinkedIn: Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular Services
Cardiovascular Education App:The Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular CME App is an innovative educational platform that features cardiology-focused continuing medical education wherever and whenever you need it. Use this app to access other free content and browse upcoming courses. Download it for free in Apple or Google stores today!
No CME credit offered for this episode.
Podcast episode transcript found here.
Lipid Drugs: Part 2
Guest: Alicia A. Mickow, APRN, C.N.P., M.S.N
Host: Stephen L. Kopecky, M.D.
In Part 2, we will explore potential side effects and barriers to prescribing these medications, considering various patient factors. If you missed Part 1 last week, we encourage you to listen to it first, as this episode serves as a continuation and conclusion of that discussion.
Topics Discussed:
Side effects of these newer non-statin drugsBarriers to prescribing those drugsConnect with Mayo Clinic's Cardiovascular Continuing Medical Education online at https://cveducation.mayo.edu or on Twitter @MayoClinicCV and @MayoCVservices.
LinkedIn: Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular Services
Cardiovascular Education App:The Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular CME App is an innovative educational platform that features cardiology-focused continuing medical education wherever and whenever you need it. Use this app to access other free content and browse upcoming courses. Download it for free in Apple or Google stores today!
No CME credit offered for this episode.
Podcast episode transcript found here.
Lipid Drugs: Part 1
Guest: Alicia A. Mickow, APRN, C.N.P., M.S.N
Host: Stephen L. Kopecky, M.D.
In Part 1 of this two-part series, listeners will learn the challenges of managing patients who are statin-intolerant, the range of available treatment options, alternative dosing schedules, and strategies for introducing newer medications. Stay tuned for Part 2, where they will examine the side effects of these newer drugs and barriers to prescribing them.
Topics Discussed:
What are the non-stain medications available and how are they different from statins?How do you decide which medication to use when patients are statin intolerant?Connect with Mayo Clinic's Cardiovascular Continuing Medical Education online at https://cveducation.mayo.edu or on Twitter @MayoClinicCV and @MayoCVservices.
LinkedIn: Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular Services
Cardiovascular Education App:The Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular CME App is an innovative educational platform that features cardiology-focused continuing medical education wherever and whenever you need it. Use this app to access other free content and browse upcoming courses. Download it for free in Apple or Google stores today!
No CME credit offered for this episode.
Podcast episode transcript found here.
Heart Lung Transplantation
Guest: Richard C. Daly, M.D.
Guest: Philip J. Spencer, M.D.
Host: Kyle Klarich, M.D.
Heart lung transplantation is the transplant of the combined heart-lung organ bloc from a donor into a recipient who has end-stage disease of both the heart and the lungs. This is often necessary because the disease in 1 of the organs (the heart or the lungs) caused the disease in the other organ system. For example, pulmonary hypertension might cause gradual but irreversible right ventricular failure in the heart. The prognosis after heart-lung transplantation is similar to patients who receive isolated lung transplantation.
Topics Discussed:
Heart-lung transplantation and why it is unique.?Types of diseases that would require heart-lung transplantation.Prognosis after heart-lung transplantation compared to heart transplant and lung transplant survival.Immunologic advantages to block heart-lung transplantation.Connect with Mayo Clinic's Cardiovascular Continuing Medical Education online at https://cveducation.mayo.edu or on Twitter @MayoClinicCV and @MayoCVservices.
LinkedIn: Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular Services
Cardiovascular Education App:The Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular CME App is an innovative educational platform that features cardiology-focused continuing medical education wherever and whenever you need it. Use this app to access other free content and browse upcoming courses. Download it for free in Apple or Google stores today!
No CME credit offered for this episode.
Podcast episode transcript found here.
Mayo Clinic's Experience with Cardioneural Ablation
Guest: Guru Kowlgi, M.B.B.S.
Host: Anthony H. Kashou, MD
After listening to this podcast, the learners will develop a fundamental understanding of cardioneural ablation, as well as which patients should be referred for the procedure. Additionally, they will get a sense of the outcomes of the cardioneural ablation program at Mayo Clinic.
Topics Discussed:
Give us a quick refresher of what cardioneural ablation is, and which patient is appropriate to be referred for cardioneural ablation?What is the history of cardioneural ablation? When did you start the cardioneural ablation program at Mayo Clinic?How many cases have you done? What are the outcomes in terms of syncope-free survival and are there any complications?What differentiates Mayo Clinic from other centers performing this procedure?Connect with Mayo Clinic's Cardiovascular Continuing Medical Education online at https://cveducation.mayo.edu or on Twitter @MayoClinicCV and @MayoCVservices.
LinkedIn: Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular Services
Cardiovascular Education App:The Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular CME App is an innovative educational platform that features cardiology-focused continuing medical education wherever and whenever you need it. Use this app to access other free content and browse upcoming courses. Download it for free in Apple or Google stores today!
No CME credit offered for this episode.
Podcast episode transcript found here.
Aortic Valve Prosthesis Selection
Guest: Kimberly Holst, M.D.
Host: Sharonne Hayes, M.D.
In this podcast we will learn to identify patient specific factors to be considered during evaluation for aortic valve replacement including patient specific anatomy, comorbidities, and lifelong management of aortic valve disease. Learners will learn to identify advantages to mechanical and biologic prostheses for management of aortic valve disease and identify areas of developing technology and treatment options for aortic valve disease.
Topics Discussed:
What are the main factors to consider when evaluating a patient for aortic valve replacement? What patient specific factors that may make a patient less suitable for transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR)?What are the advantages of each mechanical and biologic prostheses in treatment of aortic valve disease?What new technologies are available for management of aortic valve disease?Connect with Mayo Clinic's Cardiovascular Continuing Medical Education online at https://cveducation.mayo.edu or on Twitter @MayoClinicCV and @MayoCVservices.
LinkedIn: Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular Services
Cardiovascular Education App:The Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular CME App is an innovative educational platform that features cardiology-focused continuing medical education wherever and whenever you need it. Use this app to access other free content and browse upcoming courses. Download it for free in Apple or Google stores today!
No CME credit offered for this episode.
Podcast episode transcript found here.
Current Nutritional Controversies- What is the Science Behind the Current Trends in Mainstream Media?
Guest: Professor Christopher Gardner, Ph.D.
Host: Kyla Lara-Breitinger, M.D.
From the perspective of both mainstream and social media, it can often seem that there is more controversy than consensus about nutrition topics such as seed oils and ultra processed foods. To the contrary, Christopher Gardner, a nutrition scientist and professor of medicine at Stanford University finds just the opposite, that there is more consensus. However, recognizing the consensus requires providing important context for nutrition issues – in particular, with what, and instead of what. Once that context is provided, many of the topics with seemingly intractable disagreements like seed oils and ultra processed foods can be addressed from a more pragmatic perspective that can help us all to follow a more cardioprotective dietary pattern that leads to longevity and an increased health span. Join us as Professor Gardner addresses these topics with a uniquely engaging blend of humor and evidence-based science on this week’s podcast.
Topics Discussed:
Discuss beef tallow vs. seed oil controversy.How did ultraprocessed foods become a dominant food source and how to win the battle against it?Keeping it simple and pragmatic for daily life- how do we follow a cardioprotective pattern that leads to longevity and increased health span?Connect with Mayo Clinic's Cardiovascular Continuing Medical Education online at https://cveducation.mayo.edu or on Twitter @MayoClinicCV and @MayoCVservices.
LinkedIn: Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular Services
Cardiovascular Education App:The Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular CME App is an innovative educational platform that features cardiology-focused continuing medical education wherever and whenever you need it. Use this app to access other free content and browse upcoming courses. Download it for free in Apple or Google stores today!
No CME credit offered for this episode.
Podcast episode transcript found here.
Can CT Angiography Be Used to Track CAD Regression?
Guest: Eric Williamson, M.D.
Host: Stephen Kopecky, M.D.
Listeners to this podcast will learn about the role of coronary CT angiography (CCTA) in preventative cardiology. CCTA enables early detection and characterization of coronary plaque before significant cardiovascular events occur. It non-invasively visualizes both calcified and non-calcified plaques, allowing for a comprehensive assessment of coronary artery health. These early insights can inform lifestyle modifications and targeted therapies, ultimately reducing the risk of heart disease.
Topics Discussed:
What is the role of coronary CTA in the assessment of coronary atherosclerotic plaque?What recent technological advancements have occurred to improve the characterization of coronary plaque?How is AI playing a role in plaque assessment using CT?What future developments will advance our use of CT for plaque assessment in the near future?Connect with Mayo Clinic's Cardiovascular Continuing Medical Education online at https://cveducation.mayo.edu or on Twitter @MayoClinicCV and @MayoCVservices.
LinkedIn: Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular Services
Cardiovascular Education App:The Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular CME App is an innovative educational platform that features cardiology-focused continuing medical education wherever and whenever you need it. Use this app to access other free content and browse upcoming courses. Download it for free in Apple or Google stores today!
No CME credit offered for this episode.
Podcast episode transcript found here.
Myth-Busting: Common Misconceptions About Dairy and Heart Health, Personalized Nutrition and Dairy, & Practical Tips for Heart-Healthy Dairy Consumption
Guest: Tara Schmidt, RDN, LD
Guest: Jen Welper, Executive Chef
Host: Kyla Lara-Breitinger, M.D.
From encouraging full-fat dairy to avoiding dairy at all costs, the internet has a wide range of opinions and advice, expert and otherwise. Do the nutritional benefits outweigh the risks? Are there populations of people who should avoid it? Mayo Clinic experts dig into the research around dairy, associated health outcomes, and ways to healthfully incorporate it into one’s daily intake.
Topics Discussed:
How do you educate patients about LDL, cholesterol, and its relationship with dairy?What are some of the nutritional benefits of dairy?Should we be recommending that people replace cow milk with a plant-based alternative?There’s a lot of talk of dairy causing inflammation. Is this true?Best ways to incorporate dairy, consider alternatives to prevent over-consumption, and also sneak it in recipes.Connect with Mayo Clinic's Cardiovascular Continuing Medical Education online at https://cveducation.mayo.edu or on Twitter @MayoClinicCV and @MayoCVservices.
LinkedIn: Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular Services
Cardiovascular Education App:The Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular CME App is an innovative educational platform that features cardiology-focused continuing medical education wherever and whenever you need it. Use this app to access other free content and browse upcoming courses. Download it for free in Apple or Google stores today!
No CME credit offered for this episode.
Podcast episode transcript found here.
The Role of Saturated Fats in Dairy & Dairy Alternatives and Their Impact
Guest: Richard S. Bruno, Ph.D., RD.
Host: Kyla Lara-Breitinger, M.D.
The role of dairy foods—particularly full-fat varieties—in a healthy dietary pattern has been a subject of controversy for decades. Health recommendations have traditionally emphasized non-fat and low-fat dairy options to minimize energy (calorie) and saturated fat intake.
Topics Discussed:
The challenges inherent in conducting food-based research.The controversial history of research on dairy foods.Emerging paradigm shifts in scientific evidence supporting the health benefits of dairy foods, including full-fat varieties.Practical considerations for incorporating this nutrient-rich, low-cost food matrix into a healthy dietary pattern to promote cardiometabolic health.Connect with Mayo Clinic's Cardiovascular Continuing Medical Education online at https://cveducation.mayo.edu or on Twitter @MayoClinicCV and @MayoCVservices.
LinkedIn: Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular Services
Cardiovascular Education App:The Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular CME App is an innovative educational platform that features cardiology-focused continuing medical education wherever and whenever you need it. Use this app to access other free content and browse upcoming courses. Download it for free in Apple or Google stores today!
No CME credit offered for this episode.
Podcast episode transcript found here.
Antiplatelets After Stenting
Guest: Malcolm Bell, M.D.
Host: Sharonne Hayes, M.D.
In this podcast, we discuss the rationale for shortening the duration of dual antiplatelet therapy after coronary stenting and continuing P2Y12 inhibitor in preference to continuing aspirin as monotherapy. With this approach, the risk of significant bleeding is reduced significantly and with no corresponding increase in ischemic or thrombotic events. This strategy is particularly attractive for patients who are considered to be at high-risk of bleeding or who suffer an actionable bleed. A P2Y12 inhibitor appears to more efficacious for long term secondary prevention than aspirin.
Topics Discussed:
Changes in the use of dual antiplatelet therapy for patients undergoing coronary stenting. Short DAPT and dropping the aspirin.Patient population ideal for monotherapy with a P2Y12 inhibitor.What do you do after 6 or 12 months of monotherapy – continue, or switch back to aspirin?Connect with Mayo Clinic's Cardiovascular Continuing Medical Education online at https://cveducation.mayo.edu or on Twitter @MayoClinicCV and @MayoCVservices.
LinkedIn: Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular Services
Cardiovascular Education App:The Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular CME App is an innovative educational platform that features cardiology-focused continuing medical education wherever and whenever you need it. Use this app to access other free content and browse upcoming courses. Download it for free in Apple or Google stores today!
No CME credit offered for this episode.
Podcast episode transcript found here.
Introduction to Dairy and Cardiovascular Health & The Science Behind Dairy and Heart Health
Guest: Maya Vadiveloo, Ph.D., RD.
Host: Kyla Lara-Breitinger, M.D.
After this podcast, listeners will understand the rationale behind low-fat dairy guidance. They will also learn about the benefits of dairy products, how to incorporate dairy if lactose intolerant, and what to look for in dairy-based alternatives. Finally, listeners will learn practical suggestions for incorporating dairy products into their diets.
Topics Discussed:
What’s the reason/reasons behind low-fat/fat-free dairy advice?How can people who are lactose intolerant incorporate more dairy? Are dairy-based alternatives the same?How much dairy should people consume? What ways can it be incorporated healthfully?Connect with Mayo Clinic's Cardiovascular Continuing Medical Education online at https://cveducation.mayo.edu or on Twitter @MayoClinicCV and @MayoCVservices.
LinkedIn: Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular Services
Cardiovascular Education App:The Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular CME App is an innovative educational platform that features cardiology-focused continuing medical education wherever and whenever you need it. Use this app to access other free content and browse upcoming courses. Download it for free in Apple or Google stores today!
No CME credit offered for this episode.
Podcast episode transcript found here.
Modeling Disease Pathways Through Ventricular Depolarization
Guest: Peter van Dam, PhD
Host: Anthony H. Kashou, MD
Detection of disease progression is hampered due to the large variation in normal QRS morphologies, even for the ECG expert. Cardiac modeling techniques can improve the interpretation and diagnostic value of the ECG by visualizing relevant QRS deviations. Comparing the QRS waveforms and electrical pathway in genetical patients to normal controls shows that even small changes in the QRS can be detected in patients with a genetical disease, like Brugada or ACM.
Topics Discussed:
What is the PathECG? How do you compare PathECG to normal ECG waveform? What can the PathECG add to the ECG?Could PathECG improve the quality of the ECG diagnosis?Connect with Mayo Clinic's Cardiovascular Continuing Medical Education online at https://cveducation.mayo.edu or on Twitter @MayoClinicCV and @MayoCVservices.
LinkedIn: Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular Services
Cardiovascular Education App:The Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular CME App is an innovative educational platform that features cardiology-focused continuing medical education wherever and whenever you need it. Use this app to access other free content and browse upcoming courses. Download it for free in Apple or Google stores today!
No CME credit offered for this episode.
Podcast episode transcript found here.
Role of Denervation for Hypertension Management
Guest: Sanjay Misra, M.D.
Host: Paul Friedman, M.D.
In this podcast, the listener will learn more what renal denervation is, the mechanism by which it works, how the procedure is performed, and expected outcomes for patients.
Topics Discussed:
Ideal candidate and work up of the patient for renal denervation.Describe the procedure, as well as the risks and benefits.Follow up for patients after the procedure.Anticipated outcomes.Connect with Mayo Clinic's Cardiovascular Continuing Medical Education online at https://cveducation.mayo.edu or on Twitter @MayoClinicCV and @MayoCVservices.
LinkedIn: Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular Services
Cardiovascular Education App:The Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular CME App is an innovative educational platform that features cardiology-focused continuing medical education wherever and whenever you need it. Use this app to access other free content and browse upcoming courses. Download it for free in Apple or Google stores today!
No CME credit offered for this episode.
Podcast episode transcript found here.
Chronic Thrombo-Embolic Pulmonary Hypertension
Guest: Robert P. Frantz, M.D.
Host: Kyle Klarich, M.D.
In this episode, the experts discuss chronic thrombo-embolic pulmonary hypertension. Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension results from unresolved emboli in the lungs, causing increased resistance, right heart strain, and shortness of breath. Listeners will learn more about three different treatments available, including surgery, balloons, and medication.
Topics Discussed:
What is chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension?What are the surgical treatments of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension?Are there other treatments available?Connect with Mayo Clinic's Cardiovascular Continuing Medical Education online at https://cveducation.mayo.edu or on Twitter @MayoClinicCV and @MayoCVservices.
LinkedIn: Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular Services
Cardiovascular Education App:The Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular CME App is an innovative educational platform that features cardiology-focused continuing medical education wherever and whenever you need it. Use this app to access other free content and browse upcoming courses. Download it for free in Apple or Google stores today!
No CME credit offered for this episode.
Podcast episode transcript found here.
Arrhythmias in Pregnancy
Guest: Katie A. Young, M.D.
Guest: Abhishek J. Deshmukh, M.B.B.S.
Host: Paul A. Friedman, M.D.
This episode dives into the complex and fascinating world of arrhythmia management during pregnancy, exploring how unique physiological changes can increase arrhythmia risk and impact treatment approaches. We’ll discuss common and high-risk arrhythmias, management strategies and the importance of a collaborative care approach involving specialists across disciplines.
Topics Discussed:
Identify the primary risk factors and physiological changes that contribute to arrhythmias in pregnant patients.Describe evidence-based management strategies for common and high-risk arrhythmias during pregnancy, including considerations for medication and procedural interventions.Recognize the role of interdisciplinary care in managing arrhythmias in pregnancy to ensure optimal maternal and fetal outcomes.Connect with Mayo Clinic's Cardiovascular Continuing Medical Education online at https://cveducation.mayo.edu or on Twitter @MayoClinicCV and @MayoCVservices.
LinkedIn: Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular Services
Cardiovascular Education App:The Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular CME App is an innovative educational platform that features cardiology-focused continuing medical education wherever and whenever you need it. Use this app to access other free content and browse upcoming courses. Download it for free in Apple or Google stores today!
No CME credit offered for this episode.
Podcast episode transcript found here.
AI ECG Updates
Guest: Francisco Lopez-Jimenez, M.D., M.S.
Host: Anthony H. Kashou, M.D.
There have been many recent developments regarding AI-ECG, with some algorithms able to identify common and very relevant medical conditions like CAD and diastolic disfunction. There are major limitations implementing AI-ECG, including regulatory, technical and clinician-related. Algorithms meant to detect rare diseases, when used indiscriminately, may lead to many false positive results. The future of AI-ECG is optimizing its implementation through seamless integration in workflows, use of point of care or wearables getting ECG signals, and using multimodality AI, where AI-ECG would be just one of several signals used to detect cardiac and non-cardiac conditions, aging, and to predict cardiovascular events.
Topics Discussed:
What is new on AI ECG these days? What new algorithms have been developed that you see may change clinical practice in the future? (although structured as 2 questions, its actually one)What are the major limitations using AI-ECG in clinical practice?What do you think is the future of AI-ECG?Connect with Mayo Clinic's Cardiovascular Continuing Medical Education online at https://cveducation.mayo.edu or on Twitter @MayoClinicCV and @MayoCVservices.
LinkedIn: Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular Services
Cardiovascular Education App:The Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular CME App is an innovative educational platform that features cardiology-focused continuing medical education wherever and whenever you need it. Use this app to access other free content and browse upcoming courses. Download it for free in Apple or Google stores today!
No CME credit offered for this episode.
Podcast episode transcript found here.
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