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    In this episode of Masterful Listening, I recount the day of my immigration from Moldova, a twist of fate that coincided with the actual closure of the borders on the eve of the USSR's collapse.

    In Moldova, my family was relatively well-off despite the constraints of the USSR. Overnight, my journey took a significant turn as I experienced life as a refugee and immigrant in Brooklyn, NY navigating the challenges of starting anew in pursuit of the American dream.

    At the age of 20, I stumbled upon "The Geography of Bliss," a book that revealed Moldova's status as the world's unhappiest country, sparking a decade-long exploration into the essence of happiness. This discovery led me through a decade of research, a journey through depression, and ultimately transformation.

    From experiencing welfare to gaining access to private school and a middle-class American lifestyle, I witnessed firsthand the stark contrast between different states of being. My path eventually led me to California, where I now live a life that once felt utterly unattainable.

    Through my story, I invite the audience to explore beyond the conventional notions of happiness and embrace a life enriched by resilience, compassion, and meaning. It was only when I stopped seeking happiness that my life turned into one of profound gratitude for the multidimensionality of the human experience.

    Season 3 is sponsored by Rad Hats For Rad Humans. 30% of every purchase goes towards mental health initiatives. If you write a review of the show, you get 20% off a Rad Hat of your own.

    Visit svetlanasaitsky.com
    Email: [email protected]
    Instagram: @jetsvetter
    Facebook: @Svety Svet
    TikTok: @jetsvetter

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    This episode of Masterful Listening is inspired by this quote from Gary Vee -

    "I am willing to deal with the ramifications of being my full self."

    I reflect on the importance of accepting the repercussions of being true to oneself.

    Especially, considering the cost of abandoning ourselves.

    Despite my efforts to avoid upsetting others or making a negative impression, I realize that compromising my full self ultimately leads to dissatisfaction and discord. Through introspection and self-discovery, I acknowledge the power and beauty of expressing and fully embracing our unique individuality.

    This episode serves as a tribute to the strength found in embracing our true selves, unapologetically and wholeheartedly.

    Season 3 is sponsored by Rad Hats For Rad Humans. 30% of every purchase goes towards mental health initiatives. If you write a review of the show, you get 20% off a Rad Hat of your own.

    Visit svetlanasaitsky.com
    Email: [email protected]
    Instagram: @jetsvetter
    Facebook: @Svety Svet
    TikTok: @jetsvetter

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    In this episode of "Masterful Listening," I share the transformative insights gained from a recent therapy session. It helped me realize ( and remember) that as adults, it is our own responsibility to save ourselves, rather than relying on others to do so.

    While as children we needed others to care for us, as adults, we have the power to take care of ourselves and avoid self-abandonment. Taking full responsibility for our own growth and well-being not only benefits ourselves but also contributes to the growth of those around us.

    Join me as I explore the empowering journey of self-rescue and the impact it can have on personal development and relationships.

    Also, shout out to Betterhelp!

    Season 3 is sponsored by Rad Hats For Rad Humans. 30% of every purchase goes towards mental health initiatives. If you write a review of the show, you get 20% off a Rad Hat of your own.

    Visit svetlanasaitsky.com
    Email: [email protected]
    Instagram: @jetsvetter
    Facebook: @Svety Svet
    TikTok: @jetsvetter

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    As I delve into the topic of "Manifesting Magic In Our Lives" I explore the question " what am I looking for?"

    When we seek magic, we discover enchantment in the everyday, but when we anticipate problems, challenges seem to multiply. This principle extends to our interactions with others – if we anticipate defensiveness, we may unknowingly provoke it.

    By examining our preconceptions and expectations, we can cultivate greater awareness of our perceptions and responses. Join me in uncovering the power of intention and attention in shaping our realities and relationships.

    Check out the two books I mention in the episode and shout out to Dr. James Doty.
    Thank you for all of your wisdom.

    Mind Magic
    Into The Magic Shop

    Season 3 is sponsored by Rad Hats For Rad Humans. 30% of every purchase goes towards mental health initiatives. If you write a review of the show, you get 20% off a Rad Hat of your own.

    Visit svetlanasaitsky.com
    Email: [email protected]
    Instagram: @jetsvetter
    Facebook: @Svety Svet
    TikTok: @jetsvetter

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    Buckle up... this is a great episode for anyone who struggles to be direct OR who is often finding their directness isn't landing well with others...

    In my first ever corporate sales job, I found myself being VERY direct with the VP of Sales and well, it was a pivotal moment that showed me who I want to be, and the kind of work environment I would not tolerate. In a lot of ways, this experience captures so much of what I see as problematic within the corporate world today. And - it has continued to inspire me, and teach me so many valuable lessons which I am grateful to be able to share with you.

    In this episode I explore the transformative power of direct communication and the kindness it embodies. Misconceptions surrounding directness as aggression are debunked as we uncover its true value in fostering trust and clarity in relationships, both professional and personal.

    By embracing directness as an act of kindness, I've learned to navigate conflicts, cultivate trust, and enhance communication effectiveness. Join me on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment as we unravel the mantra that "direct is kind" and explore the profound impact of embracing authenticity and clarity in our interactions.

    Season 3 is sponsored by Rad Hats For Rad Humans. 30% of every purchase goes towards mental health initiatives. If you write a review of the show, you get 20% off a Rad Hat of your own.

    Visit svetlanasaitsky.com
    Email: [email protected]
    Instagram: @jetsvetter
    Facebook: @Svety Svet
    TikTok: @jetsvetter

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    Today we embark on a journey to unravel the significance of asking deeply powerful questions and the transformative power of reframing our "Why" questions into empowering "What" questions. Join me as we explore how this shift in inquiry can unlock a world of possibilities and propel us towards personal growth and a masterful life.

    As I always say, " Ask great questions, get great answers. Ask crappy questions, ruin your life." Yep...

    Through engaging anecdotes and practical insights, I dive into the essence of what constitutes a great question and its profound impact on our lives. Discover how starting our questions with "what" instead of "why" opens us up to new perspectives, possibilities, and a path forward.

    I'll be exploring various areas of personal and professional growth, relationships, grief and loss, and empowerment, and offering a step-by-step toolkit of thought-provoking "What" questions to guide your journey.

    By the end, you'll have the tools to reframe your questions, gain clarity, and unlock the secrets to living a masterful life through the art of profound inquiry.

    Season 3 is sponsored by Rad Hats For Rad Humans. 30% of every purchase goes towards mental health initiatives. If you write a review of the show, you get 20% off a Rad Hat of your own.

    Visit svetlanasaitsky.com
    Email: [email protected]
    Instagram: @jetsvetter
    Facebook: @Svety Svet
    TikTok: @jetsvetter

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    In this episode, I dive deep into the intricate dynamics of friendships, exploring the complexities that arise when some of our closest connections undergo shifts or come to an end. I reflect on my own experiences over the past six months, where I have witnessed meaningful friendships change in unexpected ways.

    Together, we explore the questions that often linger in our minds:
    How do we determine when to invest in a friendship?
    When should we hold steadfast and fight for these bonds?
    And how do we navigate the delicate balance between standing up for ourselves and genuinely listening, even when we disagree?

    We examine the significance of reciprocity, the art of being a better friend, and the importance of engaging in difficult conversations for the purpose of growth and deepening.

    Join me as we explore the intricacies of investing in friendship and knowing when to let go, all with a heartfelt appreciation for those friends who continue to invest in us and those who remind us of the power of release.

    Season 3 is sponsored by Rad Hats For Rad Humans. 30% of every purchase goes towards mental health initiatives. If you write a review of the show, you get 20% off a Rad Hat of your own.

    Visit svetlanasaitsky.com
    Email: [email protected]
    Instagram: @jetsvetter
    Facebook: @Svety Svet
    TikTok: @jetsvetter

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    As a coach, I understand the significance of goal setting and working towards our aspirations. However, I've come to realize the transformative power of surrendering to the universe's grand plan, which often exceeds our own limited vision. By embracing surrender alongside focused action, we allow creation to flourish in ways we couldn't have imagined.

    Join me as we explore the intersection of surrender and persistence, and discover how this dynamic duo can guide us towards creating businesses and ventures that are not only fulfilling but also make a positive impact on the world.

    I share the remarkable story behind the creation of my company, Rad Hats for Rat Humans. Join me as I delve into a decade-long journey of desire, perseverance, and ultimately, surrender, that led me to build a business that combines art, beauty, and a meaningful contribution to mental health.

    In this episode, I unravel the true definition of surrender, debunking common misconceptions, and emphasizing its powerful synergy with focused persistence and unwavering trust. Through personal anecdotes and insights, I illuminate how the delicate balance between surrender and perseverance allowed me to manifest a venture that surpassed my wildest dreams. I invite you to join me on this journey of surrender, persistence, and the magic that unfolds when we align with the universe's grand design.

    Season 3 is sponsored by Rad Hats For Rad Humans. 30% of every purchase goes towards mental health initiatives. If you write a review of the show, you get 20% off a Rad Hat of your own.

    Visit svetlanasaitsky.com
    Email: [email protected]
    Instagram: @jetsvetter
    Facebook: @Svety Svet
    TikTok: @jetsvetter

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    Join me as I share a personal story from my time in Nicaragua, where an encounter with a volcano taught me the profound impact of slowness and presence. Through this tale, I offer you an invitation to embrace the incredible power that comes from fully immersing yourself in the present moment.

    In a world that glorifies constant hustle and productivity, many of us find ourselves overwhelmed and perpetually on edge. But what if I told you that the key to success lies in slowing down?

    Welcome to the episode of Masterful Listening where I invite you to challenge the societal obsession with speed and urgency.

    In this episode, I explore how slowing down allows us to cultivate presence in our lives, leading to success in all aspects, be it emotional, mental, or financial. By relinquishing the constant need for speed, we unlock the ability to fully engage with our surroundings, relationships, and opportunities.

    Through practical tools and insights, I encourage you to take the leap and embrace a slower pace of life. Discover the hidden potential that lies in being fully present, and witness how this newfound presence propels you towards success in ways you never thought possible.

    So, grab a cup of tea, find a comfortable spot, and join me on this transformative journey of slowing down to speed up in the pursuit of a truly masterful life.

    Season 3 is sponsored by Rad Hats For Rad Humans. 30% of every purchase goes towards mental health initiatives. If you write a review of the show, you get 20% off a Rad Hat of your own.

    Visit svetlanasaitsky.com
    Email: [email protected]
    Instagram: @jetsvetter
    Facebook: @Svety Svet
    TikTok: @jetsvetter

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    Welcome to another episode of Masterful Listening, where we embark on a multidimensional journey towards inner peace amidst life's chaos. Through the art of masterful listening, we uncover the transformative power of reconnecting with our inner child. Delving deep into the essence of compassionate self-parenting, we learn to nurture ourselves with the love and care we longed for in our youth, fostering a newfound sense of strength and healing.

    Alongside practical mental wealth tools and techniques, we explore the harmony that comes from embracing the innocence, joy, and wisdom of our inner child. Join me as I navigate the complexities of life through Masterful Listening, guided by the principles of rediscovery and self-compassion, towards a harmonious and fulfilling existence.

    Season 3 is sponsored by Rad Hats For Rad Humans. 30% of every purchase goes towards mental health initiatives. If you write a review of the show, you get 20% off a Rad Hat of your own.

    Visit svetlanasaitsky.com
    Email: [email protected]
    Instagram: @jetsvetter
    Facebook: @Svety Svet
    TikTok: @jetsvetter

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    In this deeply personal episode of Masterful Listening, I open up about the heartbreaking journey my sweet dog Rad and I have embarked upon. Recently, Rad began experiencing seizures, and after a series of tests, we received the devastating news of a brain tumor. As I share this vulnerable story, I invite listeners who may be facing similar challenges with their beloved pets to join me in a space of empathy and understanding.

    Through the lens of Masterful Listening, I delve into the hardest grief I have ever faced, exploring how these essential listening tools are helping me navigate the inevitable mortality of my best friend. Join me as I strive to stay present, grateful, and compassionate during this painful time. Together, we will learn how the power of listening aids in processing grief, finding strength, and cherishing the precious moments we have with our furry companions.

    For anyone who is able to and willing to make a donation towards Rad's care, my Venmo information is @thisissvet.

    Season 3 is sponsored by Rad Hats For Rad Humans. 30% of every purchase goes towards mental health initiatives. If you write a review of the show, you get 20% off a Rad Hat of your own.

    Visit svetlanasaitsky.com
    Email: [email protected]
    Instagram: @jetsvetter
    Facebook: @Svety Svet
    TikTok: @jetsvetter

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    In this episode of Masterful Listening, I dive into the fascinating world of neuroscience and the profound impact of rewriting our stories. Join me as I introduce the empowering "five-story activity" designed to bring awareness to the stories we consciously and subconsciously tell ourselves, shaping our life experiences.

    Together, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal transformation, as I guide you through the process of rewriting these stories. By engaging in this activity, you will empower yourself to break free from limitations and step into the person you truly desire to be.

    Drawing from my own entrepreneurial journey, I share a personal example of how I have successfully rewritten my story, creating an empowering narrative that consistently sets me up for success. Through this experience, you will gain practical insights and techniques to reframe your mindset and take ownership of your own story.

    By embracing the fusion of neuroscience and masterful listening, you will discover the power to identify and rewrite limiting beliefs as you become the author of your own narrative and shape the life you deserve.

    The Five Story Activity

    Season 3 is sponsored by Rad Hats For Rad Humans. 30% of every purchase goes towards mental health initiatives. If you write a review of the show, you get 20% off a Rad Hat of your own.

    Visit svetlanasaitsky.com
    Email: [email protected]
    Instagram: @jetsvetter
    Facebook: @Svety Svet
    TikTok: @jetsvetter

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    Welcome to the Season 3 premiere of Masterful Listening! In this episode, I have the pleasure of sitting down with the incredible disco singer, Smoothie. Together, we delve into the profound connection between our relationship to music and our relationship to each other.

    Join us as we explore the transformative power of listening, not only to the captivating melodies that shape our lives but also to the conversations we engage in and the stories we tell ourselves. We discuss the importance of self-listening, of tuning into the unique soundtracks that guide our journeys.

    During our conversation, Smoothie and I delve into the art of changing our minds, the nuances of masterful communication, and the invaluable lessons we've learned as creatives grappling with our own mental health challenges. Music has been our constant companion, an ever-present source of inspiration that guides us toward leading more masterful lives.

    Tune in as we share our soul-stirring friendship and the profound insights we've gained along the way. Get ready to embrace the harmony within and discover how music can illuminate the path to a more fulfilling existence.

    Check out Smoothie on Spotify here.

    Season 3 is sponsored by Rad Hats For Rad Humans. 30% of every purchase goes towards mental health initiatives. If you write a review of the show, you get 20% off a Rad Hat of your own.

    Visit svetlanasaitsky.com
    Email: [email protected]
    Instagram: @jetsvetter
    Facebook: @Svety Svet
    TikTok: @jetsvetter

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    In this season 2 finale of Masterful Listening, I dive into the concept of mastering death as a means to truly master life. Whether you're navigating the loss of a loved one, a relationship, a career, or even a part of yourself that requires transformation, this episode is for you.

    Drawing from personal experiences, I share my journey of internal and relational deaths, offering insights on embracing completion and the art of letting go. Through heartfelt anecdotes and reflections, I aim to inspire you to simultaneously hold on tightly to what and who you cherish while gently releasing that which no longer serves your growth.

    Discover the transformative power of embracing completion and the art of letting go. By doing so, you'll cultivate a profound sense of presence, enabling you to live the most masterful life imaginable.

    The Dakini Speaks, a poem by Jennifer Welwood
    "A Year to Live" by Stephen Levine

    Season 3 is sponsored by Rad Hats For Rad Humans. 30% of every purchase goes towards mental health initiatives. If you write a review of the show, you get 20% off a Rad Hat of your own.

    Visit svetlanasaitsky.com
    Email: [email protected]
    Instagram: @jetsvetter
    Facebook: @Svety Svet
    TikTok: @jetsvetter

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    In this 30th episode of Masterful Listening, I share 30 powerful mantras that have profoundly inspired and supported me throughout my own life's journey. So, grab a pen and paper, as we embark on a mission to integrate these life-altering mantras into our daily lives.

    Each mantra holds a unique significance and is accompanied by personal anecdotes, unveiling the deep wisdom and power behind them. But this episode is not just about knowing the mantras; it's about truly living them and becoming the embodiment of their transformative energy.

    As you listen masterfully, I encourage you to reflect, jot down the mantras that resonate with you, and let them guide you towards a masterful life. I'll also provide practical suggestions on how to seamlessly integrate these mantras into your daily routine, helping you unlock their full potential.

    Are you ready to redecorate your mind with these 30 life-altering mantras? Let's embark on this journey together and craft a life that truly reflects our inner power and wisdom.

    The 30 Mantras:

    This is it

    I am exactly perfectly on time

    A No is a yes to something better

    Flexibility is opportunity

    When is now

    Genius is the ability to receive from the universe

    Yes &

    No ( aka, if it’s not a F*ck yea, it’s a No)

    Peaceful productivity

    This too, shall pass

    Choose it

    You can have your cake eat it too, and have a glass of milk

    It’s never too late to start your day

    What if this is happening for me?

    Pretty ok is good enough

    More is more

    Less is more

    Enough is enough

    Better at VS. better than

    What if everything is happening perfectly

    I stabilize at a magical frequency

    Everything in moderation, even moderation

    My mental health is my wealth

    Do no harm

    Kind and firm

    Self care is a must-have not a nice- to-have

    Not my hole

    Everything Is Everything

    If it takes less than five minutes. Do it now.

    It's out of my control so I'm gonna coast for a little while

    Bonus: You only become an entrepreneur when you learn how to spell the word

    Season 3 is sponsored by Rad Hats For Rad Humans. 30% of every purchase goes towards mental health initiatives. If you write a review of the show, you get 20% off a Rad Hat of your own.

    Visit svetlanasaitsky.com
    Email: [email protected]
    Instagram: @jetsvetter
    Facebook: @Svety Svet
    TikTok: @jetsvetter

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    In this deeply personal episode, I share my lifelong struggle with weight and body image, and how it has shaped my perception of beauty.

    Throughout my life, I constantly compared myself to unrealistic standards set by magazines, celebrities, and even my family and friends. Despite being told I was beautiful, I never truly believed it, always finding flaws to criticize. However, my journey took a profound turn when I gained nearly 50 pounds and shaved off my most prized physical feature - my hair.

    Through this experience, I discovered a newfound sense of empowerment. I realized that my worth and sense of self were no longer tied to the number on the scale or societal standards of beauty. It was through the practice of Masterful Listening that I redefined beauty and discovered my own authentic beauty beyond superficial appearances.

    In this episode, I invite you to join me as we delve into the concept of authentic beauty and the transformative power of Masterful Listening. Together, we'll explore how true beauty is not determined by external factors, but rather by embracing and celebrating our unique selves.

    Get ready to be inspired as we embark on a journey of self-acceptance, self-love, and breaking free from the shackles of societal expectations.

    Season 3 is sponsored by Rad Hats For Rad Humans. 30% of every purchase goes towards mental health initiatives. If you write a review of the show, you get 20% off a Rad Hat of your own.

    Visit svetlanasaitsky.com
    Email: [email protected]
    Instagram: @jetsvetter
    Facebook: @Svety Svet
    TikTok: @jetsvetter

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    In this captivating episode of Masterful Listening, I sit down with a very special guest - my own podcast producer, Gogo Zoger. In this dynamic conversation, we embark on an exploration of the fascinating journey that has led to our podcast's resounding success and ongoing growth.

    Together, we delve into the essence of creative collaboration, unraveling the secrets behind our seamless partnership in bringing a vision to life. Discover the power of masterfully listening to one another, as we unearth the transformative potential that lies within co-creation.

    Drawing from Gogo's invaluable experience in producing massively successful podcasts, this episode offers a treasure trove of insights. Whether you've ever contemplated starting your own podcast or embarking on any creative endeavor, Gogo shares indispensable lessons that are sure to ignite your passion and guide you towards success.

    Together we unlock the secrets of creative synergy and celebrate the art of Masterful Listening. Get ready to be inspired and empowered to embark on your own creative journey.

    Gogo Zoger Website

    Gogoflow podcast on Spotify

    Masterful Listening episode, The Soundtrack of Self-Care

    Season 3 is sponsored by Rad Hats For Rad Humans. 30% of every purchase goes towards mental health initiatives. If you write a review of the show, you get 20% off a Rad Hat of your own.

    Visit svetlanasaitsky.com
    Email: [email protected]
    Instagram: @jetsvetter
    Facebook: @Svety Svet
    TikTok: @jetsvetter

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    Join me for a heartfelt and inspiring episode of Masterful Listening, dedicated to celebrating the wisdom and lessons learned from our compassionate canine companions. Today, we dive into the extraordinary world of Rad, my faithful and wise canine companion, also known as Radagast. He's the epitome of a masterful listener, guiding me through life's ups and downs.

    While this episode is inspired by Rad, it goes beyond just one dog's story. It's an exploration of the profound lessons that our beloved canine companions teach us, reminding us to cherish each moment and embrace a truly rad life. Whether you have a furry friend by your side or simply appreciate the beauty of their presence, this episode is for you.

    I'll share the heartwarming story of how Rad came into my life, thanks to a chance encounter with Channing Tatum and the movie "Dog." We'll delve into the incredible ways I've grown since adopting Rad, discovering the joy of unconditional love, and integrating his wisdom into my daily life.

    Tune in as we embark on this journey together, celebrating the lessons, love, and laughter that our canine companions bring into our lives. Get ready to embrace the power of paws and masterful listening, as we create a world where every wag and bark holds a meaningful lesson.

    So, grab a cup of tea, find a cozy spot, and join us for this special episode that will warm your heart and inspire you to live a truly rad life. Welcome back to the world's first super rad listening school that you actually want to go to.

    This episode is dedicated to all dog lovers and those seeking to infuse their lives with the wisdom and joy of our four-legged friends. Share it with anyone who appreciates the magic of a canine companion and wants to live a life filled with love, lessons, and the art of masterful listening.

    Season 3 is sponsored by Rad Hats For Rad Humans. 30% of every purchase goes towards mental health initiatives. If you write a review of the show, you get 20% off a Rad Hat of your own.

    Visit svetlanasaitsky.com
    Email: [email protected]
    Instagram: @jetsvetter
    Facebook: @Svety Svet
    TikTok: @jetsvetter

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    This episode pays homage to my favorite band, Stick Figure, whose music has accompanied me through the highs and lows, the slow days and snow days, and every moment in between. It serves as a reminder that we have the power to curate our own time and prioritize self-care.

    I introduce the concept of the "snow day" - a personal idea I developed two decades ago that emphasizes the importance of taking a day off for rest and self-care. Drawing inspiration from the nostalgic joy of unexpected days off during school, I envisioned a similar respite for all humans in today's chaotic world.

    This week, I chose to gift myself two tickets to see Stick Figure. The second day that I was going, I also gifted myself a snow day, recognizing the need to pause, reflect, and recharge. I soon realized that simply taking a day off does not guarantee true rest. It is in the art of masterful listening to ourselves that we can truly understand what we need to replenish our energy and work more powerfully.

    I explore the transformative potential of mastering the snow day and the art of self-care through the lens of masterful listening. Discover the essence of true rest, rejuvenation, and self-awareness, and unlock the key to unlocking your own power and potential. Whether it be in sunshine or rain we always have a choice and how we show up for what life throws our way.

    Thank you to Stick Figure for writing lyrics and making music that has been my soundtrack through the blizzards and storms, as well as the sunny celebrations of my life.

    Stick Figure on Spotify

    Stick Figure Website

    Season 3 is sponsored by Rad Hats For Rad Humans. 30% of every purchase goes towards mental health initiatives. If you write a review of the show, you get 20% off a Rad Hat of your own.

    Visit svetlanasaitsky.com
    Email: [email protected]
    Instagram: @jetsvetter
    Facebook: @Svety Svet
    TikTok: @jetsvetter

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    In this episode, I invite you to take a trip down memory lane with me as I recount a deeply powerful and transformative psilocybin psychedelic journey.

    Guided by a skilled therapist, this remarkable experience was pivotal to my mental health and healing. Through an introspective exploration, I relive the emotions and profound insights that unfolded during this surprising voyage.

    But this episode is about more than my personal story. It's about the invaluable lessons we can glean from our own experiences and how sharing them can empower others on their own paths.

    I want to emphasize that I neither advocate for nor discourage the use of any healing modalities or substances. Instead, I encourage you to extract exactly what you need from this narrative, allowing it to serve your healing and personal growth.

    May we all delve into the realms of our exquisite minds and unlock the profound potential that lies within.

    Season 3 is sponsored by Rad Hats For Rad Humans. 30% of every purchase goes towards mental health initiatives. If you write a review of the show, you get 20% off a Rad Hat of your own.

    Visit svetlanasaitsky.com
    Email: [email protected]
    Instagram: @jetsvetter
    Facebook: @Svety Svet
    TikTok: @jetsvetter