Pravidelná dávka informací ze světa profesionálního koučování. Podcastem provází Václav Szakál a jeho hosty jsou profesionální koučové, manažeři využívající koučovací dovednosti, klienti koučování z různých oblastí (management, profesionální sport atd.) a lidé využívající sebekoučovací dovednosti.
The Romeo Show is hosted by Romeo Marquez Jr., sought-after international speaker, success coach, bestselling author, producer, and protégé of Jack Canfield (founder of the billion-dollar brand Chicken Soup for the Soul). Romeo shares success strategies on how to maximize your greatness in the creator economy and also interviews industry experts, creators, and entrepreneurs in the areas of personal development, business, health, and productivity. This podcast is designed for creators and entrepreneurs who are ready to make a bigger impact, income, and influence in their life and business so that they leave a legacy for many generations to come.
The Social Small Talk is a podcast for beauty brands trying to navigate the digital marketing world. Audra Brehm interviews beauty professionals from all over the world that have seen digital marketing change the industry. We provide insights on how to take advantage of digital marketing, specifically social media, to help beauty brands drive more traffic and revenue. We do all of this over a cup of coffee.
Yes, Manifesting Wealth Really is a Possibility for YOU!This Podcast is for you if....You are struggling financiallyYou want to change how you think, feel, and talk about moneyYou don’t have $10k in savingsYou’re drowning in debtYou dream of living a life you don’t need a vacation fromYou want to leave a legacy for your childrenWe will teach you how to step into a life of wealth & financial freedom. You’ll learn how to:Stop trading hours for dollars and make money work for you.Live a Millionaire$$ lifestyle where you are in control of your financial destiny.Attract wealth with ease & maximize your income potential.Take charge of own your thoughts, emotions, and actionsImagine if…Money was no longer making you feel trapped.You didn’t have to choose between wealth & happiness.You had financial freedom.Your finances actually helped you feel safe & confident.You could eliminate the worry of financial stress & uncertainty.You could be build wealth doing what you love.You didn’t have to trade time for money.You had the tools & framework to manifest unlimited abundance.Join hosts and coaches; Stephanie Keith & Stacy Fayling as these biz besties come together to create a space that welcomes you into wealth, abundance, and freedom so that you can let go of the ”how” and step into the most luxurious version of YOU!
Hello and welcome to the sparks and space podcast.
I’m Ailish Lucas, a mindset + business coach and I specialise in helping female entrepreneurs bring more joy into their business and their lives. With sparks of business inspiration and the space within each episode to remind you who you truly are, you'll reignite your passion, creativity and joy for what you do, how you live and who you serve.
Every Tuesday there will be either a shorter episode (sparks) to send inspiration your way or longer episodes (space) to guide you back to yourself. -
Phatcamp is a talent development agency that helps students and young professionals making a career within the creative industries. We want to close the gap between this new generation and the actual work field by actively guiding them, feeding them with knowledge and also getting them to work. By doing so we are also a gateway to this talent for the industry itself. Everyday we are developing event crew, interns, freelancers and soon to be full-time employees. By personally coaching them and helping them gain the desired experience we are surround by a group of eager and intrinsically motivated youngsters that are ready to make their mark on the industry.
If you believe design can change the world, you’ve found your humans here on ARCHITECTING! This show is about the architect as a person and helps you bypass the status quo traps in our profession and teaches you how to make an impact with real life strategies. Angela Mazzi helps overwhelmed and burned out architects reclaim their passion for great design. Together, we‘ll explore Thought Leadership, how to achieve your next career level, Time/Energy Management tips to stay balanced, Promoting Wellbeing in work and life and Conscious Design and Social Change
Podcastová show "Oddelenie Marketingu" je vášnivá diskusná séria, kde dvaja marketingoví nadšenci skúmajú prácu na marketingovom oddelení. Diskutujú o digitálnom marketingu, brand managemente, sociálnych médiách a ďalších dôležitých témach. Poslucháči sa môžu zapojiť prostredníctvom otázok a odpovedí od hostí. Cieľom show je poskytnúť informácie a nástroje pre lepšie porozumenie a úspech v marketingu.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Nie je to vždy americký sen. Môžete byť v biznise dlho, môžete byť aj úspešní, ale častokrát o tom, či prežijete rozhoduje, ako zvládnete fuck-upy. Zlyhania, či krízy v podnikaní, ale aj v bežnom živote. Hovoríme o tom otvorene s podnikateľkami a podnikateľmi, aby sme sa od seba učili, inšpirovali a rástli.
Počúvajte náš podcast Butterfly Effect v biznise. -
Honesty. Integrity. Transparency. These are the key pillars on which both an ethical
business—and this podcast are founded.
Hosted by the founder and Managing Director of Yorkshire-based ethical recruitment
business, Marmion, The Ethical Business Podcast gives listeners powerful insight into the
realities behind running a business that aligns with its creator's personal values and ethics.
Are you currently running an ethical business or considering establishing a business of your
own? Then tune into the conversation every month. Each episode is full of ideas, actions,
and hints from Janet McGlaughlin, as well as first-hand experience and lessons from other
ethical business owners. -
Rozmýšľam koľko dobrých rád som v živote dostal… určite niekoľko. A koľko z nich som využil? Určite nie dosť. A aj o tom je talk show INSIGHT FROM BUSINESS. So zaujímavými hosťami sa otvorene pobavíme o úspechoch, zlyhaniach a poučeniach. Žiadne poučky ale reálne príbehy. Neexistuje univerzálna zázračná rada. Aj preto Vám postupne predstavím rôzne pohľady a príbehy. Zbytok bude už iba na Vás. Ako vždy.
Prihláste sa na odber cez Youtube kanál:
alebo sa prihláste na odber e-mailom na webe:
INSIGHT moderuje Lubo Homola, Managing Director personálno-poradenskej spoločnosti Synerta Personnel a Managing Partner v poradenskej a investičnej skupine PRIVATE UNITY
Email: [email protected]
Osobný web:
Sponzorom tejto časti je PRIVATE UNITY | Growth Equity Management:
Synerta Personnel referencie: -
Negotiation is a process where two or more people with different ideas or needs try to come up with a solution that works for everyone. Think of it like a game where both sides want to win, but they also want to avoid losing. It's like a dance where each person takes a step forward and a step back, until they find the right rhythm. Negotiation is about finding a way to get what you want while still being fair to others. So, whether you're haggling over the price of a used car or trying to resolve a disagreement with a friend, negotiation is all about finding a win-win solution.
Vitajte v "BOZP pod lupou" - v podcaste, kde s úsmevom na tvári odhaľujeme nebezpečné situácie v pracovnom prostredí a vydávame sa na dobrodružnú cestu za poznatkami o bezpečnosti a ochrane zdravia pri práci. Spoločne budeme rozoberať príbehy, tipy a rady, novinky a všetko, čo sa týka bezpečnosti, aby ste sa cítili pripravení na to, čo na Vás číha v pracovnom prostredí. Tak si pripnite bezpečnostný pás a vyrážame do labyrintu BOZP.
Es ist nicht leicht die passende Outplacement Beraterin oder den passenden Outplacement Berater zu finden. Diese Podcast Serie unterstützt Sie dabei.
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