Quick & Dirty Romance: The inside scoop on romance books and writing, where we pull out & wrap up in 30 minutes or less. But we promise to leave you satisfied! Sarah Skye is the nom de plume of Sarah Smith & Skye McDonald, contemporary romance authors whose joint publication, Sips & Strokes, is out April 20,2021.
Kritiški pose(la)dek je para-umetniški podcast o aktualnem dogajanju na domači umetniški sceni. Vodita ga umetnostna zgodovinarka in kuratorka Maša Žekš ter urednik in umetnik Jernej Čuček Gerbec. Z vidika likovne kritike se neformalni dialogi z izbranimi gosti pritikajo lokalnega arta, nedavno obiskanih razstav in trendov.
Hola y Bienvenidos! Are you ready to be inspired to cook at home, try new recipes, meet chefs, foodies and artisans from around the world? Diving into my Latina roots, I use my magical molcajete, wood pit and other tools and techniques that make my guacamole, crunchy tacos, chorizo y queso fundido molcajete, chimichangas, spicy slow grilled ribs, and so much more taste like grandma used to make back in Mexico. My guest chefs and familia share their inspiring stories that led them to create cookie art, Churro cupcakes, Mexican chocolate brownies, sweet potato flautas, pumpkin tamales, and other delicious culinary creations.
Warning, most of our podcasts will make you hungry and you may find yourself dancing in your kitchen to salsa music. Eat before listening or have snacks nearby as we celebrate sharing home-cooked meals with friends and family for food is love!
Saludos & Abrazos, Molé Mama -
Odprta scena je odprta za kreativnost, dober vajb in kvalitetne vsebine iz področja kulture in umetnosti. Gostje podcasta so ljudje, ki mi tako ali drugače prekrižajo pot in z mano raziskujejo zakaj se je fajn ukvarjat z umetnostjo. Veliko je govora o stvareh, o katerih se po navadi ne pogovarjamo javno - neuspehih, negativnih izkušnjah v umetniškem svetu in seveda ne manjka smešnih anekdot in takšnih ali drugačnih življenjskih izkušenj. S tabo sem Tia, ustanoviteljica Odprte scene. Hvala, ker si tu.
Z gosti se podajamo na različne plezalne in gorske pustolovščine. Podoživljamo in delimo pristne ter avtentične zgodbe alpinistov, športnih, balvanskih in lednih plezalcev, alpinističnih smučarjev, gornikov in vse ostalih, ki so tako ali drugače povezani z gorami, s plezanjem v vseh oblikah ter vsem, kar sodi zraven. Pogovore o gorniški modrosti vodi Miha Habjan.
Jen delves into watching the Disney Animated Feature films and reacts to them with a modern eye. Every episode includes the history of the film and how it came to be.
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Είμαι ο Χρήστος, και για όσο διαρκεί αυτό το podcast, θα γίνω ο κολλητός σου.
Κάθε εβδομάδα, θα σε κράζω, θα σε παρηγορώ και θα προσπαθώ να σε συμβουλεύω όταν κάτι σε προβληματίζει.
Εσύ, μπορείς να μου στείλεις το πρόβλημά σου στο [email protected] ή με ηχογραφημένο μήνυμα στο, και μην ανησυχείς: ό,τι δε λύνεται... κόβεται! -
Welcome to Rising Quilt Stars, the podcast for news about up and coming quilt pattern designers in the Quilty World. Join us here to hear more about a newbie quilt pattern designer you NEED to check out! Support this podcast:
Honest views from a Sagittarius point of view.On here I talk about everything from sports to music to relationships. I give my point of view on topics and give feedback I get from social media when I propose questions on there.
If you want to give suggestions or feedback on the podcast, you can contact me on or