This plan is genius because using these characters in this way has not only got more people talking about the truth, it has ignited an internal dialogue with their own morality which will lead them to God in the only way that sticks.
I met a man at Dublin port recently who joked that “that madman” (Trump) was going to start WW3. Another that referred to Enoch as a “nutter”, and another that referred to Conor as a rapist.
The cognitive dissonance in Ireland is off the charts.
I believe the answer lies in the book “Ireland: Land of the Pharaohs” which explains how 16 layers of black magic were placed upon this island, compared to two in most other countries. That’s how important this place is in the spirituality of humanity.
That’s why the Roman Patrician came here to wipe out the druids.
That’s why the famine (genocide) was engineered.
That’s why the “troubles” were engineered.
That’s why the referendum on the Lisbon Treaty was repeated to get the result they wanted.
That’s why the satanic Big Pharma entrenched itself here as the largest employer in many rural towns.
That’s why there’s a giant antenna in the middle of Dublin.
That's why they renamed and repurposed all of the megalithic stone technology here.
Go read "The Planned Destruction of Christianity in Ireland – The Use of Black Magic by Ireland’s Ruling Elite – by Jeremy James M.A." and "Ireland: Land of the Pharaohs : the Quest for Our Atlantean Legacy" by Andrew Power.
rising éiRe
by Mark Attwood
the enemy of the irish was never fake religion,
or invisible lines drawn between once-loving neighbours;
from north to south with satanic precision.
in the ancient land of atlantis,
to egyptian pyramids in limerick’s mist;
sovereignty hidden in the twisted words of a traitors’ kiss.
the lying face of tyranny gifting its despair…
all the king’s horses and a thousand years of tears,
could never stop the spirit of a rising éire.
the ghosts of the land rose through the dagda and bobby sands,
who led the nine brave souls into martyrdom
against the witch and for salvation of freedom’s demands.
the british were but the face of a hidden evil
with long-term plans to deceive and desecrate,
the fae and the people with a faux-virus cull.
as their plans for death became distorted;
as the truth released did tame the beast,
gardai and tusla minions thwarted
from stealing children in the dead of night.
the people awoke and threw off their yokes,
no more they’d stand for these demonic frights.
black seals delivered and forces mustered;
the light was shining through every crack,
raising the frequency of courage spurred.
as the isis needle piercing dublin’s heart did tumble;
it’s vaccine cargo turned at once to dust:
blood ran clean and masks ripped off to form the future council.
the lying face of tyranny gifting its despair…
all the king’s horses and a thousand years of tears,
could never stop the spirit of a rising éire.
Mark Attwood's "Diary of a Conspiracy Theorist" is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
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Patrick, according to my Celtic Druid sources, was really a Roman Patrician, hence the name created by the Catholic church for their false idol who was never even canonised.
He went round Ireland committing cultural and literal genocide. He has been used as a symbol for Ireland in a really negative way for hundreds of years now. I even saw Satanic shit in the middle of one parade I was at a few years back involving children dressed as vaccines.
Big changes have been happening in Ireland for years now, but I believe bigger ones are coming. Ones that will remove the satanic filth that has been harvesting this magnificent land for far too long.
Facing up to true history is a step in that direction.
This article goes a long way there:
Conor MacGregor being in the White House today is a very interesting development
following the cringe-inducing visit there last week by the pretend Taoiseach, Micheál Martin.
But it’s also worth noting the 6 and 7 year Deltas from the Q-Drops, ably pointed out by AJ Roberts today:
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There’s a reason I like cars…you can just get in them and go places.
In my case, I have two ageing cars that I love and spend whatever it takes to keep them on the road. Anything to avoid buying a new car, or especially an EV.
My trusty Land Rover isn’t actually that trusty. I’m always getting something fixed but when she works, she’s a mighty vehicle that I do foolishly trust to go almost anywhere and this week that involved finding myself in the incredible Henge that is Avebury, the largest in the world apparently. And one in dire need of a bypass.
I have long felt connected to Avebury, but never actually been. In my distant past I was a 10-year old clutching at the Rollright Stones on a school trip defying the teacher that was ordering me to get back on the bus. The Rollright Stones are the most Easterly stone circle in the UK and also the set for the extraordinary Dr Who story from 1978 “The Stones of Blood”.
Here’s a fan trailer of that story which does two things to show: 1. Much truth was shown on TV in whatever form you wanted to ingest it and 2. I was always into this stuff since I can ever remember
Here’s a picture I took of the stones there this week:
It was wonderful to touch these stones again after 45 years and even better to understand that the myth that they were really an army “turned to stone” to be true, after my telepathic chat with the king who was relaxing across the busy A-road within his own iron enclosure, courtesy of the National “Trust”.
But, back in Avebury, I had more even more profound experiences as I drove around and felt Silbury Hill call to me (actually couldn’t miss it out of the window of the B&B).
Although offical history describes it as a “mound” built after 180 million hours of peasant manpower out of chalk and dirt and straw, it is plainly a pyramid and I know from everything I’ve already studied it had to be connected to Egypt.
After about 60 seconds of research on Yandex, I found a fantastic article that goes a long way towards proving this intuitive knowledge written by Bert Janssen, author of “the Organizing Principle - There are No Coincidences”: https://www.cropcirclesandmore.com/thoughts/200901sgp.html
The drive from Silbury then led me to a massive Obelisk known as the Lansdowne Monument which as allegedly built by the Marquess of Lansdowne in 1845 to commemorate Sir William Petty (1627-1684), an economist, scientist, anatomist and founder of the Lansdowne family fortune.
Petty was a man that was operating around the time of Cromwell and King Charles and whose career path sounded suspiciously similar to that of John Dee, a man I have discussed at length in my podcast over the past five years and who was responsible for me losing 60,000 subscribers without any warning on YouTube because I linked him through to Alisteir Crowley, Ian Fleming, Jimmy Savile and Philip Schofield.
To watch that video, see it on Rumble here: https://rumble.com/v2q00u2-the-phillip-schofield-connection-to-savile-satanism-crowley-and-magick.html
The official story of Petty and this Obelisk stinks to high heaven for me, a confirmed tin-foil-hat-wearing conspiracy theorist, I must admit to the casual reader, as if anyone casual would be bothered to get this far into an article like this.
Upon climbing a little to view the Obelisk, a couple of thoughts came to mind, namely..
* Why did the Marquess build a giant penis on the hills of Wiltshire instead of building a statue to his ancestor?
* Why was it built right next to a giant white fucking horse?
* Why are there TWO obelisk-shaped wireless towers just over the ridge?
* Why are the fields below all these things the canvas for so many crop circles over the years?
* Which came first - the crop circles or the symbols of control above them?
You see, whilst driving around England the past few days, you notice Obelisks EVERYWHERE - especially if they are in your consciousness. Kind of like noticing how many people are suddenly driving the same car you just bought.
And I am happy to notice this this week. They’ve been around us forever.
But, what are they really about?
My short answer: they show dominion over the land from the satanists that put them there.
What are the white horses all about? (That one I took a picture of is one of 8 in Wiltshire alone).
Short answer: the white horse in Revelation is ridden by the great deceiver: Satan.
Source: https://www.beliefnet.com/faiths/christianity/symbolism-of-the-white-horse-in-revelation.aspx
What are the all the wireless towers all around the world all about?
Short answer: they serve the same purpose as the Obelisks i.e. they are constructed in reverence to the sun-God Ra and the constructors believe that the one-eyed God ISIS lives within them. They are energetic dominance and control symbols over humans, and maybe worse than that.
Now, you have to do your own research into all these things to get your own answers.
My short answers are my conclusions based on all my experience and research. I’m not the kind of writer that wants to put down all my “references” to prove a point. You can find your own references and make your own mind up.
I am not trying to prove any point. If any of this sparks you to go and look for yourself, cool.
If you disagree with any of my conclusions, also cool. I don’t actually care what you think. Not because I don’t appreciate you or respect you for reading this far, it’s just important for all of us to not give a shit what anyone thinks of us or our ideas.
We are surely past that?
I did try and record some of these thoughts on video, but the wind made it pretty difficult. You can try and decipher my thoughts here:
I would love to go deeper into all these points, but I am always short on time.
Driving around England has, as always, been a massive pleasure because it is truly a beautiful part of the world.
I can see an appreciate the sheer magnificence of the place whilst also seeing the sheer evil that has been put upon it.
I know in my soul that Good triumphs over Evil one million per cent.
I also know that for those of us with eyes to see, it’s also horrific what we are witnessing and living through.
I have always believed that we really need to work through this darkness to get to the other side. It’s the Eagle and the Condor. The “Love and Light” brigade are conned into believing it’s just and “inside job”. If that were the case, there would be no darkness on the outside.
The Truth is always right in front of us.
In fact, it is always hidden in plain sight.
On that note, I’ll leave you with this picture I took from a picture on the wall of the place in which we stayed this week. It depicts an 18th-century illustration of a wicker man. Engraving from A Tour in Wales written by Thomas Pennant.
Take a look at every single character in this drawing and remember that the truth is always hidden in plain sight.
Can you think of a better analogy for COVID?
Me neither.
If you can stomach it, the 1971 film called “The Wicker Man” is also packed with truths hidden under guise of a “horror film”:
And the world knows it. That’s why this video I posted on X in December has had over 700k views: https://x.com/MarkAttwood/status/1869434176052801560
In this video, the star of “The Wicker Man”, Christopher Lee, told us right to our faces in the 1960s what was really going on.
However: God Wins.
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Stephen Tenner had me in tears in Anaheim back in 2022. Things were raw back then for all of us. Tenner had only recently discovered that his industry, and the world, was full of NPCs, and he was locked out of an industry he’d spent a good part of his life building a career in.
He’s about to hit the road in the States sharing his divinely inspired music and messages, so it was great to catch up with him and chronicle his personal evolution through The Great Awakening.
Stephen’s links are: https://tennertalk.com and https://healingtheworldtour.com
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It’s 100% a movie.
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To find out more about Clive’s amazing work, his Secret Health Club, his essential supplements and the Magic Chair, go here: https://tmas.tv/CliveDeCarle
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Ukraine is not a country.
The rest of the lines are also still true as far as I know. I'm always willing to be proven wrong , of course.
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Great to have Alexander back on the show after such a while. He’s been hard at it helping clients/starseeds through the Ascension process, writing a best-selling book and providing energy updates for all that want to hear them.
Follow Alex an YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/@AlexanderQuinn1/videos
Get his book here: https://ozarkmt.com/product/starseeds-whats-it-all-about-by-alexander-quinn/
There’s still a few days left to grab your place on the first 10-day Retreat at Live5DHealth here: https://tmas.tv/bealtaineretreat
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Published with kind permission of Carlo and Florence from the “Voices of Boyle” podcast - an invaluable resource for the town of Boyle, County Roscommon, Ireland (https://www.voicesofboyle.com/).
Keep up with Live5DHealth here and on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/Live5Dhealth/
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No Longer Enslaved.
Not a bad message from God, right?
Follow Dr Sanger’s work here: https://nolongerenslaved.com/
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Have you ever wondered why you feel good when you've been to the Beach?
Why a waterfall leaves you feeling calm and relaxed?
Why standing barefoot on the grass makes you just feel 'better'?
It's all the negative ions that you absorb in those environments and the amazing effect this has on you.
The problem is, our exposure to heavy metals and toxins every day of our lives is working against our health
We need a way to fight this, and restore our health long term!
Here, I interview Andy and discuss his journey which started many years ago…
As you can see, Andy’s story is one of pure revitalization - from not looking anywhere near his age, to reversing his long-term health condition, to many other benefits!
To learn how Andy increases his Zeta potential everyday, go here: https://tmas.tv/zeta1
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Connect with Gali Lucy here: https://www.gali4u.com/
Also, here latest songs can always be found on Youtube. Here is her latest, “I AM God”:
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If you are ready to come on our amazing first retreat at Bealtaine, this is where ypu need to pay your deposit: http://bit.ly/bealtaineretreat
Once we have your deposit, we will be in touch to set up a personal zoom call with you asap to determine your needs and make sure we’re all a good match!
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