
  • In this conversation, the hosts reflect on their journey with Mama's Down Under and the topics they have discussed.

    They discuss the guilt of not being able to be present for important events, the challenges of sharing personal stories, and the positive feedback they have received from listeners.

    They express their pride in the podcast and their excitement for future episodes and meet ups with listeners. They also discuss the possibility of delving deeper into certain topics in future episodes.

    In this conversation, the hosts reflect on what they have learned throughout the podcast journey. They discuss their growth in technology skills, their passion for podcasting, and the importance of doing something you love.

    They also express their goals for the future of the podcast, including building a community, improving sound quality, and expanding their reach.

    They manifest a vision of creating a supportive space for expat moms and hearing diverse stories from guests. The hosts express their gratitude to the listeners and look forward to the next season.

  • The hosts discuss their recent mammas meet up and the success of their podcast. They express gratitude for the support they have received and reflect on how far they have come in a short period of time. They also discuss the possibility of organizing more meetups in different locations and expanding their community. The conversation touches on the challenges of navigating life as a new mom and the differences in parenting styles between countries. They also mention the growth and development of their own children and how they are influenced by their surroundings. The conversation explores the impact of social media on children's innocence and the differences in childhood experiences based on location. The speakers discuss how social media influences kids to grow up quicker and lose their innocence. They also compare the way children play in different areas, noting that inner-city environments tend to make kids grow up faster. The speakers share personal anecdotes about their own childhood experiences and reflect on the challenges of balancing independence and protection as parents. They also briefly discuss their professional backgrounds as therapists and beauty professionals.

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  • The conversation revolves around the topic of being an expat and dealing with mental health.

    The participants discuss their personal experiences and coping strategies. They highlight the importance of staying connected through technology and reaching out for support.

    They also highlight the temporary nature of homesickness and the need to prioritize mental well-being. The conversation explores the importance of maintaining relationships with family and friends, especially when living far away.

    The speakers discuss the challenges of balancing work, parenting, and personal time. The conversation is underpinned by the mental health aspect of being an expat and the pressure to always be okay.

    The conversation ends with a discussion about the upcoming first ever MAMAS DOWN UNDER MEET UP, Sun 4th August and the unexpected growth of the podcast.

    PODCAST - Takeaways

    Being an expat can be challenging, especially when dealing with homesickness and missing important events back home. Coping strategies vary among individuals, but staying connected through technology, such as FaceTime and WhatsApp, can help alleviate homesickness. It's important to prioritize mental well-being and seek support when needed. Homesickness is temporary and will pass, and it's important to remember that life is precious and to make the effort to see loved ones when possible. Maintaining relationships with family and friends is important, especially when living far away. Balancing work, parenting, and personal time can be challenging as an expat. It's okay to ask for help and not always be okay. Having a support system and community is crucial for mental health. Creating a space for expat moms to share their experiences and feel heard is valuable. Sharing coping mechanisms for homesickness can be helpful for other expat moms. Navigating Homesickness as an Expat The Importance of Staying Connected The Mental Health Aspect of Being an Expat Balancing Work, Parenting, and Personal Time "Life is precious and you probably won't know when the next time is that you're going to see that person that you're longing to see." "Developing friendships where you can actually say, 'I'm feeling a wee bit homesick' or get upset and being able to not keep that in." "If you're really feeling that badly homesick, just get on the plane and go home. Life is precious." "It's so important to try and FaceTime everybody more."

    Follow on instagram - @mamasdownunder for details of meet ups, communication channels and more relatable content relating to life as an expat living abroad.

    The gang where everyone is welcome, Love your hosts. Danielle, Lianne and Mel.

  • In this conversation, the mamas discuss their highs and lows of the week. They talk about their kids growing up, going to camp, and getting older. They also discuss the importance of decluttering and organizing their homes. The mamas share funny stories about accents and slang, including different words used in Australia, Scotland and Ireland.

    They reminisce about childhood games and traditions, such as finding money in Halloween cakes and ducking for apples. In this conversation, the speakers discuss accents and slang from different regions. They share funny stories about misunderstandings and cultural differences in language. They also talk about how their children's accents are influenced by their surroundings.

    The speakers express their pride in their own accents and the importance of holding onto their roots.

  • The conversation revolves around the theme of expat guilt and the challenges of being away from family, friends and the land they called home. Mel expresses her guilt about not being able to provide her daughter with the same experiences she had growing up with extended family.

    Leanne and Dani shares their guilt about missing out on important milestones and events back home. They discuss the emotional impact of leaving family and the uncertainty of navigating between two worlds.

    They also highlight the importance of technology in staying connected and express gratitude for the ability to have virtual conversations. Overall, the conversation explores the complex emotions and challenges faced by expats. The conversation revolves around the themes of guilt, coping strategies, finding a sense of belonging, and the impact of the expat lifestyle on children.

    The mamas discuss the challenges of being away from family and friends, the importance of staying in the present moment, and the need to accept and be grateful for the current situation, and as Dani says - BE WHERE YOUR FEET ARE.

    They also highlight the benefits of being outdoors and the positive impact it has on their children, comparing and contrasting their childhoods to their children's.

    This is an episode that cant be missed.

  • Each woman shares their own unique journey and the differences in their birthing experiences. They discuss topics such as natural births, epidurals, induction, and aftercare.

    They also touch on the challenges of colic and reflux in their babies. Overall, the conversation highlights the individuality of each birthing experience and the impact it has on the mothers and their families. The conversation covers various topics related to childbirth experiences, including difficulties with breastfeeding, differences in hospital experiences, the impact of COVID-19 on childbirth, the challenges of getting pregnant, the search for a midwife or doula, and the importance of emotional support during labor.

    The speakers share personal stories and highlight the need for support and understanding during the childbirth process, especially for expat mother living abroad.

  • The mamas discuss their highs and lows of the week, including their excitement about the podcast and their struggle with phone addiction. They also talk about their efforts to eat healthy and exercise, and the challenges they face in balancing their busy lives.

    The conversation then shifts to the upcoming departure of one of the mamas and the importance of connections. They share stories of how they met their partners and reflect on the transient nature of friendships in Australia.


    The podcast is a high point in the mamas' lives and has brought them closer together. Phone addiction is a low point for the mamas, and they want to find a better balance. Finding time for healthy eating and exercise is a challenge for the mamas, but they are determined to prioritize their health. The upcoming departure of one of the mamas is emotional for the group, but they are committed to staying connected. The mamas reflect on the transient nature of friendships in Australia and the importance of making meaningful connections.
  • The mamas discuss there experiences of moving to Australia, including their reasons for coming, the process of getting visas, and their initial impressions of the country versus our life now, what home means to us and our impressions of living on the GOLD COAST, Australia.

    Moving to Australia can be a spontaneous decision made on a whim or a carefully planned move, depending on where you are in life. Visa requirements have changed over the years, and it's important to research the current options and regulations and the importance of having a strong mindset in this process. We will be collaborating within the coming weeks with some of the most reputable companies throughout Australia, to support you with providing information on the most aligned visa option for your situation.

  • Join the 3 mamas in discussing their highs and lows of the week, their journey of releasing their first podcast, football craic and the differences of Scottish, Irish and English football and their reasons behind creating Mamas Down Under.

    In this conversation, the hosts discuss various topics including their gratitude for the support they've received in dropping their first episodes, their struggles with sound quality, and their reasons behind creating Mamas Down Under. Like every episode there is alot of laughs, moments of gratitude, and moments of reflection on the steps that led them to becoming, or trying to become podcasters.

  • A week in the life of Mamas Down Under, and our daily craic.
    The conversation covers various topics including personal highs and lows of the week, going out and celebrating two of our cancerian Mama's birthdays, the challenges of parenting and learning new skills in an attempt to become professional podcasters, the role of religion and values in society, and the craic in finding differences between the Irish and Scottish Gaelic language.

  • Mamas Down Under is a podcast created by a three friends/mums living on the Gold Coast, Australia. They came together to create a community and decided to start a podcast to share their experiences as mums living abroad. The podcast aims to provide support and relatable stories for other women and mums in similar situations. The hosts discuss various topics, including mental health, work-life balance, and the highs and lows of living abroad. They hope to create a space where women can connect and feel understood.