This is the final episode of Making Money Online! Instead of the usual business topics I am using this episode to give you all a preview of my new podcast which is launching very soon - At Home with the Johnsons.
Today I will be talking with none other than my husband and co-host of the new podcast - Sam. We touch on a few topical issues to give you a taste of what’s to come on At Home with The Johnsons.
What we cover in this episode:
- Why it’s important to have an opinion and share it with the world through healthy debate
- How cancel culture and being offended seems to affect even the most seemingly innocent discussions and prevents us from expressing opinions and having conversions and debates
- The importance of going to the original source and forming your own opinion about what other people have said rather than using 2nd or 3rd hand accounts
- Lisa and Sam’s (slightly) differing opinions on smartphone free childhood and how they approach smartphone use within their family
- Listen to the new Podcast, At Home with The Johnsons - launching soon. There will also be a Facebook group where we will encourage discussion and healthy debate without fear of being cancelled!
- Sponsor link: www.wellthebrand.com
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- Subscribe to my YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@LisaJohnsonStrategist
- Follow me on Tiktok - https://www.tiktok.com/@lisajohnsonstrategist -
Dan Meredith is a serial entrepreneur and author who, like me, has a lot of fun in his business! Today he joins me to share how our values impact the way we run our businesses and some of the advice he provides on how to be happier and healthier in life and business.
Dan also share his experience of pushing himself outside his comfort zone, and stories of the challenges he faced which resulted in him writing his first book "How to Be F*cking Awesome".
What You’ll Learn In This Episode
- How doing things which don’t make you any money can be some of the most important in your life and business.
- The importance of human connection for mental health and happiness, and some of the ways you can ensure you add this to your life.
- How reducing drama and stress in your life can give you more energy to use on more important things.- Dan’s top tips for how to improve your levels of happiness. There are some there that you might not expect!
- Connect with Dan on Instagram, Facebook or email at dan@coffeewithdan.com
- Sponsor link: www.wellthebrand.com
- Visit the website https://thatstrategyco.com/
- Join my mailing list - https://go.lisajohnson.com/mailinglist
- Follow me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/lisajohnsonstrategist/
- Follow me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/lisajohnsonstrategist
- Join the discussion at www.facebook.com/groups/thatstrategygroup/
- Subscribe to my YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@LisaJohnsonStrategist
- Follow me on Tiktok - https://www.tiktok.com/@lisajohnsonstrategist -
Saknas det avsnitt?
Regardless of how other people’s lives look from the outside, everyone has their struggles and Niyc Pidgeon is no exception. Niyc is a Business Mentor who specialises in helping her clients overcome their challenges using positive psychology.
Today Niyc and I share some of the struggles we have gone through over the years and how sharing these struggles, after they are over, and some reflection has been done, can help process what has happened, let others into our lives and help people who have faced similar challenges.
What You’ll Learn In This Episode
- Niyc’s approach to sharing her life on social media and why she shares the things that went wrong as well as those that went to plan.
- How what you consume online directly impacts your well-being and some ways you can make positive changes to this.
- Some actionable insights into positive psychology from Niyc and how she uses them in her own life as, well as to help her clients.
- Why Niyc is passionate about suicide prevention and what she is doing to help prevent people taking their own lives.
- Find out more about Niyc on her website and pre-order her new book, One More Day here
- Sponsor link: www.wellthebrand.com
- Visit the website https://thatstrategyco.com/
- Join my mailing list - https://go.lisajohnson.com/mailinglist
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- Follow me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/lisajohnsonstrategist
- Join the discussion at www.facebook.com/groups/thatstrategygroup/
- Subscribe to my YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@LisaJohnsonStrategist
- Follow me on Tiktok - https://www.tiktok.com/@lisajohnsonstrategistIf you or anyone you know needs help or is in a crisis call 988 or reach out to Samaritans at 116123 or at https://www.samaritans.org/
Today we are talking about partnerships! Partnerships can be an amazing way to play to your strengths and have someone who fills in your weaknesses - if you choose the right partner!
Jo and Zoe from 6 Figure Bookkeeper are with me today to share their experience of partnering together. They share how they found each other and built their partnership from being practically strangers and ended up building a successful business together.
What You’ll Learn In This Episode
- The key things to look for in a partner and how to assess if you’d be good working together.
- How choosing a good partner in business could end up being the starting point for an amazing friendship as well.
- The importance of effective communication in a partnership and how to make sure you both stay on the same page.
Find out more about Jo and Zoe on their podcast The Bookkeepers Podcast and their Facebook community - The 6 Figure Bookkeepers Club
- Sponsor link: www.wellthebrand.com
- Visit the website https://thatstrategyco.com/
- Join my mailing list - https://go.lisajohnson.com/mailinglist
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- Follow me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/lisajohnsonstrategist
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- Subscribe to my YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@LisaJohnsonStrategist
- Follow me on Tiktok - https://www.tiktok.com/@lisajohnsonstrategist -
Today’s guest is the co-founder of our new business The Business Success Company which offers the first fully online business franchising model!
Karen is also the Operations Director of That Strategy Co. and she joins me today to tell you about our new business and the incredible value it offers franchisees to enable them to build their businesses using the amazing products which we have created.
What You’ll Learn In This Episode
- The types of products and services that The Business Success Company offers and who they are useful to.
- How our new company will give back by raising funds for charity
- Details of the equity fund which The Business Success Company will start which will help franchisees build long term wealth
- The ways that our new company will train and support franchisees to enable them to maximise the success of their business
- Find out about our new business here: https://thebusinesssuccesscompany.com/become-a-franchisee
- Link to the Business Success Company open day: https://go.lisajohnson.com/thebigreveal
- Sponsor link: www.wellthebrand.com
- Visit the website https://thatstrategyco.com/
- Join my mailing list - https://go.lisajohnson.com/mailinglist
- Follow me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/lisajohnsonstrategist/
- Follow me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/lisajohnsonstrategist
- Join the discussion at www.facebook.com/groups/thatstrategygroup/
- Subscribe to my YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@LisaJohnsonStrategist
- Follow me on Tiktok - https://www.tiktok.com/@lisajohnsonstrategist -
Branding yourself as an expert in your industry is often taught as one of the most important ways to establish your reputation, and something that today’s guest, Jenna Farmer did by accident while sharing her personal experience with Chron’s disease online.
Jenna talks about how her journey as a health influencer began, as well as how this evolved
What You’ll Learn In This Episode
- The key differences between an expert and a thought leader and how to differentiate yourself.
- How to leverage PR as you transition from expert to thought leader, and how to avoid some of the common pitfalls when doing so.
- The importance of sharing your original thoughts and your values in order to build a strong relationship with your audience.
- Find Jenna on Instagram @jennafarmerpr or on her website jennafarmerpr.co.uk. Jenna also has a Facebook group, to help you promote your business.
- Sponsor link: https://www.thebusinessbox.co.uk
- Visit the website https://thatstrategyco.com/
- Join my mailing list - https://go.lisajohnson.com/mailinglist
- Follow me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/lisajohnsonstrategist/
- Follow me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/lisajohnsonstrategist
- Join the discussion at www.facebook.com/groups/thatstrategygroup/
- Subscribe to my YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@LisaJohnsonStrategist
- Follow me on Tiktok - https://www.tiktok.com/@lisajohnsonstrategist -
The customer journey is an essential part of any business. Today we are talking about why this is and how it can be improved to maximise conversion of leads into paying customers.
Today’s guest is Chris Dillon, whose business The Marketing Autopilots helps his customers make the most of every lead using WhatsApp automation. He shares his journey from professional DJ to entrepreneur, and gives some fantastic insights into the customer journey and how to improve it in your business.
What You’ll Learn In This Episode
- How to make the most of every lead by giving the customer natural next steps towards buying from you.
- Why automating the customer journey results in a better experience for the customer as well as reducing the workload of the business owner.
- What you can do to make automation fun and friendly to the customer without pretending they are speaking to a human when they aren’t.
- The top 3 reasons that WhatsApp is Chris’s favorite platform to take his leads through the steps to become paying customers.
- Find Chris on Instagram @chris.dillon.official or TikTok @chris.dillon, and learn more about his services on his website chris-dillon.co.uk. Chris’s book, No one Gives a Sh*t About Your Business, comes out in September and the priority list for the book launch will be available on his socials in early July.
- Sponsor link: https://www.thebusinessbox.co.uk
- Visit the website https://thatstrategyco.com/
- Join my mailing list - https://go.lisajohnson.com/mailinglist
- Follow me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/lisajohnsonstrategist/
- Follow me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/lisajohnsonstrategist
- Join the discussion at www.facebook.com/groups/thatstrategygroup/
- Subscribe to my YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@LisaJohnsonStrategist
- Follow me on Tiktok - https://www.tiktok.com/@lisajohnsonstrategist -
Today we are talking about how to design your life so that you can do the things that matter most, to you! Our guest this week is Georgie Shears, who shares a deeply personal story about how she came to where she is now.
Georgie is a Life Design Specialist who helps female business owners to find balance in their lives and prioritise the things that really matter to them. Her focus is on the unique individual that we all are and she tailors her work with her clients according to their needs.
What You’ll Learn In This Episode
- Georgie’s top tools for managing stress and anxiety and how to find what works for you.
- How limiting beliefs might be holding you back, without you even realising it.
- Why Georgie advises her clients not to follow the news.
- The importance of identifying the things that we have been told are good for us, but that might not be good for YOU, as a unique individual.
- The power of meditation and how to start, even if it’s something you have struggled with in the past.
- Take Georgie's free quiz at lifedesignquiz.com or connect with her on Instagram @georgieshearsstrategist where you can also book a 15 minute discovery call with her.
- Sponsor link: https://www.thebusinessbox.co.uk
- Visit the website https://thatstrategyco.com/
- Join my mailing list - https://go.lisajohnson.com/mailinglist
- Follow me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/lisajohnsonstrategist/
- Follow me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/lisajohnsonstrategist
- Join the discussion at www.facebook.com/groups/thatstrategygroup/
- Subscribe to my YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@LisaJohnsonStrategist
- Follow me on Tiktok - https://www.tiktok.com/@lisajohnsonstrategist -
Goal setting is an essential part of a successful business, after all if you haven’t set goals for your business how are you going to know if you’ve been successful or not! Despite this many business owners are not setting goals effectively so today we are going to cover some of the top ways of setting goals and why this is so important.
Today’s guest is Laura Russ who is a goal setting expert and your right hand woman for business planning and goal setting. She shares some of her knowledge on the value of effective goal setting and some practical advice on how to do this.
What You’ll Learn In This Episode
- The importance of goal setting in your business and being specific about the reasons for setting them, and methods you will use to reach your goals.
- How goal setting and visualisation are valuable for planning not only for success but also for overcoming challenges in your business.
- The psychology behind effective goal setting and how to shift your mindset for success.
- Where to start with goal setting, even if you are starting from a blank canvas.
- Find out more about Luara’s services on her website www.lauraruss.co.uk or connect with her on Instagram @laurarussstrategist
- Sponsor link: https://www.thebusinessbox.co.uk
- Visit the website https://thatstrategyco.com/
- Join my mailing list - https://go.lisajohnson.com/mailinglist
- Follow me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/lisajohnsonstrategist/
- Follow me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/lisajohnsonstrategist
- Join the discussion at www.facebook.com/groups/thatstrategygroup/
- Subscribe to my YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@LisaJohnsonStrategist
- Follow me on Tiktok - https://www.tiktok.com/@lisajohnsonstrategist -
Today we are talking about another super important part of any business and that’s sales. We talk about the traditional model of the sales process and how moving away from this can benefit the customer experience and sales success!
Charlie Day is back on the podcast today, she is a sales expert who’s agency aims to be the most diverse sales team. Her enthusiasm for selling is clear and you are guaranteed to come away from this podcast wanting to sell, sell, sell!
What You’ll Learn In This Episode
- What qualities make a good sales person and how Charlie Day is setting her agency apart from the rest.
- How values and integrity feed into the sales process and how these can be used to tailor the sales strategy to your business's values.
- The value of collecting “nos” in the sales process and how these can help you find customers that truly fit with your business.
- The value of learning to sell and when it may be time to get help with your sales process.
- Why you should set sales targets and be selling EVERY DAY!
- Find all of Charlie on Instagram, check out her Facebook Group and Sales Made The Agency Instagram page
- Find out about Charlie and my Sales and Strategy Day on 12th June
- Sponsor link: https://www.salesmadetheagency.co.uk/the-agency
- Visit the website https://thatstrategyco.com/
- Join my mailing list - https://go.lisajohnson.com/mailinglist
- Follow me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/lisajohnsonstrategist/
- Follow me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/lisajohnsonstrategist
- Join the discussion at www.facebook.com/groups/thatstrategygroup/
- Subscribe to my YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@LisaJohnsonStrategist
- Follow me on Tiktok - https://www.tiktok.com/@lisajohnsonstrategist -
Franchising is a model in business that sometimes gets negative press. Today we tackle some of the misunderstandings around franchising and discuss how this fantastic business model can be used to benefit both the franchisee and the franchisor to accelerate growth and maximise the impact of your business.
Today’s guest is Franchise Strategist Stacey Cann, who started in corporate marketing but took her career in a different direction when she became a franchisee. This was just the start of her work in franchises and now she advises both franchisees and franchisors on how to be more profitable.
What You’ll Learn In This Episode
- What franchising is, some of the main advantages of franchising and how it can help to unlock your confidence and potential in business.
- What you can expect to pay when buying into a franchise and how long it could take to make a return on your investment
- The types of businesses that are suited to franchising and how it can scale your business quickly when done the right way.
- Some of the ways that franchising can evolve into something completely different to how it started out.
- Find all of Stacey’s’s services at: www.staceycann.com/free and on Facebook and Instagram
- Sponsor link: https://www.salesmadetheagency.co.uk/the-agency
- Visit the website https://thatstrategyco.com/
- Join my mailing list - https://go.lisajohnson.com/mailinglist
- Follow me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/lisajohnsonstrategist/
- Follow me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/lisajohnsonstrategist
- Join the discussion at www.facebook.com/groups/thatstrategygroup/
- Subscribe to my YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@LisaJohnsonStrategist
- Follow me on Tiktok - https://www.tiktok.com/@lisajohnsonstrategist -
Today we are talking about taking leaps both in our personal lives, and in our businesses, as well as something which is perhaps unexpected and not talked about enough, and that is female pleasure.
Our guest today is someone who is no stranger to taking these big leaps. Mangala Holland built her business coaching women towards their sensual awakening and unlocking the power of the female orgasm whilst travelling the world. Today she shares her story of personal discovery and business success, including her transition from corporate to entrepreneurial life, as well as her travels across the globe.
What You’ll Learn In This Episode
- How living for the weekend can be a symptom of low self-esteem and dissatisfaction with your current situation in life.
- The ways that nervous system regulation can be foundational in your business success as well as when it comes to experiencing pleasure.
- What sexual pleasure and success in the boardroom have in common, and how you can improve both by using some of the practices that Mangala teaches.
- Find all of Mangala’s services at: mangalaholland.com
- Sponsor link: https://www.salesmadetheagency.co.uk/the-agency
- Visit the website https://thatstrategyco.com/
- Join my mailing list - https://go.lisajohnson.com/mailinglist
- Follow me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/lisajohnsonstrategist/
- Follow me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/lisajohnsonstrategist
- Join the discussion at www.facebook.com/groups/thatstrategygroup/
- Subscribe to my YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@LisaJohnsonStrategist
- Follow me on Tiktok - https://www.tiktok.com/@lisajohnsonstrategist -
This week’s podcast focuses on selling. Confidence is essential to the sales process and today we talk a lot about having the confidence to sell whilst also remaining your authentic self and setting yourself apart by using your own unique personality and being real.
Today’s guest is Anna Payne who shares her journey from a successful career working for an SME, into entrepreneurship, and how she remained true to herself while having the confidence to promote her business and herself as a sales expert.
What You’ll Learn In This Episode
- The power of gaining the confidence to own your personality and stop comparing yourself to others.
- What changing your mindset can do for your business and your ability to perform at your best.
- How having the courage to do difficult things can fuel your confidence increase.
- That having confidence in your product or service, and knowing that you can sell in the right way for you will allow you to build better connections with your prospects and sell more effectively.
- Find all of Anna’s services at: annapayne.online/everything, connect with her on Facebook, or Instagram @annapaynesales.
- Sponsor link: https://www.salesmadetheagency.co.uk/the-agency
- Visit the website https://thatstrategyco.com/
- Join my mailing list - https://go.lisajohnson.com/mailinglist
- Follow me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/lisajohnsonstrategist/
- Follow me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/lisajohnsonstrategist
- Join the discussion at www.facebook.com/groups/thatstrategygroup/
- Subscribe to my YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@LisaJohnsonStrategist
- Follow me on Tiktok - https://www.tiktok.com/@lisajohnsonstrategist -
Today we are shedding light on a topic that some people may be scared to ask about, and that is diversity and inclusion. Asking questions and encouraging openness around disabilities is really important and is good for both people with disabilities, but also for your business.
Our guest is Elaine Hughes who is a Disability and Diversity Specialist. She gives her perspective on how businesses can be more inclusive and accessible to people with disabilities and the benefits that this can bring.
What You’ll Learn In This Episode
- How to start the process of considering inclusivity in your business.
- Some of the ways that including diversity and inclusivity can make your business more profitable and increase your audience.
- Which questions to ask to broaden your network to be more inclusive and diverse.
- The one most valuable thing that you can implement in your business to be more inclusive.
- What a diversity and inclusivity audit is and how it could help your business.
- Find all of Elaine’s services at https://www.linkedin.com/in/hugheselainem/ or elainehughes.co
- Find out more about Samantha Lubanzu https://samanthalubanzu.kartra.com/page/LinkedInBook-Waitlist- Visit the website https://thatstrategyco.com/
- Join my mailing list - https://go.lisajohnson.com/mailinglist
- Follow me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/lisajohnsonstrategist/
- Follow me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/lisajohnsonstrategist
- Join the discussion at www.facebook.com/groups/thatstrategygroup/
- Subscribe to my YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@LisaJohnsonStrategist
- Follow me on Tiktok - https://www.tiktok.com/@lisajohnsonstrategist -
Search Marketing, often referred to as SEO, can be tricky to use effectively in your business. However, with the right approach and persistence it can provide your business with leads for years to come.
Today’s guest, Claire Taylor, is a Digital marketing and SEO Strategist who has mastered the process of optimising her client’s websites to be found by their customers online. In today's episode she shares some examples of how effective SEO can be in generating leads for your business, as well as also sharing her personal health story about her autoimmune condition.
What You’ll Learn In This Episode
- How the role of SEO in business has changed in recent years and how this can be used to your advantage.
- Strategies to improve your SEO strategy for your business by using niching and specific search terms.
- Which tools can be used to start analysing your website traffic and optimising your website now.
- The differences between using social media advertising and SEO in your business.
- Real examples of the results that can be achieved by applying Search Marketing the right way.
- Find out more about Samantha Lubanzu https://samanthalubanzu.kartra.com/page/LinkedInBook-Waitlist- Find all of Claire’s services at https://www.claire-taylor.co.uk/
- Visit the website https://thatstrategyco.com/
- Join my mailing list - https://go.lisajohnson.com/mailinglist
- Follow me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/lisajohnsonstrategist/
- Follow me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/lisajohnsonstrategist
- Join the discussion at www.facebook.com/groups/thatstrategygroup/
- Subscribe to my YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@LisaJohnsonStrategist
- Follow me on Tiktok - https://www.tiktok.com/@lisajohnsonstrategist -
This week we're talking about something many people find challenging… tech! This is something I used to be put off by as well but working with tech experts has shown me that it’s not as difficult as it seems to get to grips with the tools that are out there for building a customer base online, and that these tools should be embraced to improve how we engage with customers.
Today’s guest is a perfect example of a tech expert who is changing the way things are done in her specialism which is funnel building. Kerry Moorse talks about how her business, Funnel Sketchers, provides the services business owners need at prices they want, and with the level of customer service they deserve.
What You’ll Learn In This Episode
- How to combine automated AI services with real human connection to connect with customers whilst streamlining your internal processes.- Methods to maximise satisfaction with your service by nurturing customers as individuals and tailoring their customer experience.
- The way Kerry juggles family and business life whilst still doing the other things she wants such as travelling.Resources:
- Find out more about Samantha Lubanzu https://samanthalubanzu.kartra.com/page/LinkedInBook-Waitlist- Join That Strategy Club
- Find out more about Kerry’s Business at funnelsketchers.com
- Visit the website https://thatstrategyco.com/
- Follow me on Instagram @lisajohnsonstrategist
- Follow me on Facebook @lisajohnsonstrategist
- Join the discussion at @thefabulous5percent
- Subscribe to my YouTube channel -
In this podcast we are talking about the transition from corporate to business ownership, a change I am only too familiar with! We discuss how many people slip into doing the same role as their corporate job, even after leaving corporate, and how to use the skills developed through a corporate career to build a life you love running your own business.
Our guest this week is Sarah Orchard, a former Marketting Manager, who used the skills she developed working for her previous employer to launch a successful business career of her own. She shares her journey from leaving her corporate role, travelling the world, building an incredible luxury treehouse business, and helping others in her industry build their businesses by using clever marketing strategies to save a fortune on booking fees for their accommodation.
What You’ll Learn In This Episode
- How it is possible to minimise fees paid to booking agencies by building online visibility using your own platform.
- How brand positioning and effective SEO can help ensure your business generates all the leads it needs to thrive.
- How expectations of a corporate job and “climbing the ladder” are not always what they seem.
- Find out more about Samantha Lubanzu https://samanthalubanzu.kartra.com/page/LinkedInBook-Waitlist
- Join That Strategy Club
- Find more about Sarah’s services at: https://www.instagram.com/getfullybooked
- Visit the website https://thatstrategyco.com/- Follow me on Instagram @lisajohnsonstrategist
- Follow me on Facebook @lisajohnsonstrategist
- Join the discussion at @thefabulous5percent
- Subscribe to my YouTube channel -
This week we're talking about ADHD, what it is and how it impacts so many people today.
It seems like ADHD is everywhere these days, but I've learned that not everyone’s experience of ADHD is the same. In this episode we discuss some of the common challenges encountered, and how these can vary between individuals.
Joining me is Kim Raine who is a Mind, Body and Confidence Coach, specialising in helping high performers with ADHD to turn things around so they are in control of their lives and businesses.
She shares her journey, from her late diagnosis with ADHD, and stories and experiences from herself and others who live with ADHD.
What You’ll Learn In This Episode
- How mindset is key to overcoming ADHD as an obstacle in your life and business.
- What it’s like to live with ADHD and how to tell if you may have it.
- Some of the tools and coping mechanisms which ADHD sufferers use to function well, which some ADHD sufferers use without even realising they have the condition.
- The pros and cons of medication and how it may not be the best long-term solution for ADHD sufferers.
- Find out more about Samantha Lubanzu https://samanthalubanzu.kartra.com/page/LinkedInBook-Waitlist
- Join That Strategy Club
- Find all of Kim’s services at https://kimrainecoaching.com/
- Visit the website https://thatstrategyco.com/- Follow me on Instagram @lisajohnsonstrategist
- Follow me on Facebook @lisajohnsonstrategist
- Join the discussion at @thefabulous5percent
- Subscribe to my YouTube channel -
We’re talking about one of my favourite topics today, and that is numbers! Getting into the figures and finances of your business can seem scary but it’s so important to dig into the numbers and know what you’re looking at.
Joining me today is Accountant and Financial Educator, Liane Ranaboldo who helps business owners get confident with their finances. Lack of clarity around finances holds a lot of great businesses back so today we discuss how to understand what your numbers are telling you so you can stop playing it small.
What You’ll Learn In This Episode- How to be proactive, rather than reactive when it comes to your business finances and which numbers to start tracking regularly.
- Why some business owners don’t scale above the VAT threshold and why I’m sad to see so many people doing this.
- We all want to be tax efficient but are scared of getting it wrong. Liane shares how to be less fearful of HMRC and how to choose the right accountant for you.- Why business decisions become easier when you can clearly see your profits and losses and how financial confidence will help you in many other areas of your business as well.
Resources:- Join That Strategy Club
- Find all of Liane’s services at www.tilleysaccountancy.co.uk
- Visit the website https://thatstrategyco.com/- Follow me on Instagram @lisajohnsonstrategist
- Follow me on Facebook @lisajohnsonstrategist
- Join the discussion at @thefabulous5percent
- Subscribe to my YouTube channel -
This week, we’re talking about business awards. It’s something I’ve been skeptical about in the past, but I’ve learned there are some really great business awards out there that have integrity behind them - and getting involved with award programmes (and maybe even winning an award!) can be an advantage as you grow your business.
And Sophie Milliken, this week’s guest expert, is here to tell us all about how to use awards to leverage your business, and how to do it without being ripped off.
As the founder and CEO of Moja Group, Sophie helps businesses to raise their profile online, going beyond the usual realm of PR and uses awards to help you build your visibility as part of a wider marketing strategy.What You’ll Learn In This Episode:
- Sophie shares how business awards can be used by entrepreneurs to build their personal profiles, and how you can leverage an award win or shortlisting to elevate your business.
- What to look out for when considering whether to apply to an award, making sure you apply to the right kind of awards programmes that have integrity, so you can use it to get known as an authority and build your visibility.
- How there’s more to award programmes than just winning the award or getting marketing and exposure out of the experience.
Resources:- Join That Strategy Club
- Connect with Sophie on LinkedIn and Instagram
- Listen to Sophie's Podcast, Beyond the Bio
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