
  • In contemporary society, women face significant pressure to adhere to beauty standards that include practices like shaving body hair and wearing makeup. These expectations are not merely personal choices but are deeply entrenched in societal norms that equate femininity with specific, often restrictive, behaviors and appearances. When women deviate from these norms, they are frequently criticized and labeled as "masculine," underscoring the idea that femininity is a performance that requires continuous effort.

    GET AN OCCASIONAL PERSONAL EMAIL FROM ME: www.makeyourdamnbedpodcast.com

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    OR BE A REAL GEM + TUNE IN ON PATREON: www.patreon.com/MYDBpodcast

    OR WATCH ON YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/juliemerica 

    The opinions expressed by Julie Merica and Make Your Damn Bed Podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. Make Your Damn Bed podcast is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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  • The world operates on a profit model that often thrives on human misery. From the moment we enter this world, we're bombarded with messages insinuating that our self-worth is intricately tied to material possessions, consumer goods, pharmaceuticals, therapy, and a shitstorm of other products and services promising to alleviate our discontent.

    As author and activist Audre Lorde once said, "Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare." Recognizing that true liberation begins with reclaiming ownership of our self-worth and embracing our inherent value as human beings.

    RESOURCE: https://www.strikemagazines.com/blog-2-1/liking-yourself-is-a-rebellious-act

    GET AN OCCASIONAL PERSONAL EMAIL FROM ME: www.makeyourdamnbedpodcast.com

    TUNE IN ON INSTAGRAM FOR COOL CONTENT: www.instagram.com/mydbpodcast

    OR BE A REAL GEM + TUNE IN ON PATREON: www.patreon.com/MYDBpodcast

    OR WATCH ON YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/juliemerica 

    The opinions expressed by Julie Merica and Make Your Damn Bed Podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. Make Your Damn Bed podcast is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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  • The world operates on a profit model that often thrives on human misery. From the moment we enter this world, we're bombarded with messages insinuating that our self-worth is intricately tied to material possessions, consumer goods, pharmaceuticals, therapy, and a shitstorm of other products and services promising to alleviate our discontent.

    As author and activist Audre Lorde once said, "Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare." Recognizing that true liberation begins with reclaiming ownership of our self-worth and embracing our inherent value as human beings.

    RESOURCE: https://www.strikemagazines.com/blog-2-1/liking-yourself-is-a-rebellious-act

    GET AN OCCASIONAL PERSONAL EMAIL FROM ME: www.makeyourdamnbedpodcast.com

    TUNE IN ON INSTAGRAM FOR COOL CONTENT: www.instagram.com/mydbpodcast

    OR BE A REAL GEM + TUNE IN ON PATREON: www.patreon.com/MYDBpodcast

    OR WATCH ON YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/juliemerica 

    The opinions expressed by Julie Merica and Make Your Damn Bed Podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. Make Your Damn Bed podcast is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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  • invisible work—a term coined by sociologist Arlene Kaplan Daniels to describe work that goes unpaid, unacknowledged, and thus, unregulated—is often overlooked and underpaid. it is taxing to be expected to perform invisible labor day in and day out. The first step in overcoming these unregulated expectations, is to make the invisible labor visible.

    RESOURCE: https://time.com/charter/6317237/how-to-end-the-unfairness-of-invisible-work/

    RESOURCE 2: https://synd.io/blog/invisible-labor-in-the-workplace/

    GET AN OCCASIONAL PERSONAL EMAIL FROM ME: www.makeyourdamnbedpodcast.com

    TUNE IN ON INSTAGRAM FOR COOL CONTENT: www.instagram.com/mydbpodcast

    OR BE A REAL GEM + TUNE IN ON PATREON: www.patreon.com/MYDBpodcast

    OR WATCH ON YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/juliemerica 

    The opinions expressed by Julie Merica and Make Your Damn Bed Podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. Make Your Damn Bed podcast is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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  • The mental load, also known as: Invisible labor, managing a life, managing a household, cognitive work, emotional labor, scheduling, shopping lists, etc. is never ending, invisible, and boundary-less. So, we need to make a conscious choice with how we take ownership of it. Otherwise, it'll take ownership of us.

    RESOURCES: https://www.uclahealth.org/news/article/mental-load-what-it-and-how-manage-it#:~:text=What%20is%20mental%20load%3F,add%20to%20your%20total%20load.

    GET AN OCCASIONAL PERSONAL EMAIL FROM ME: www.makeyourdamnbedpodcast.com

    TUNE IN ON INSTAGRAM FOR COOL CONTENT: www.instagram.com/mydbpodcast

    OR BE A REAL GEM + TUNE IN ON PATREON: www.patreon.com/MYDBpodcast

    OR WATCH ON YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/juliemerica 

    The opinions expressed by Julie Merica and Make Your Damn Bed Podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. Make Your Damn Bed podcast is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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  • all oppression is connected. get involved and speak up.

    RESOURCE: https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/Confronting_Tyranny#Responding_to_Tyrants:

    GET AN OCCASIONAL PERSONAL EMAIL FROM ME: www.makeyourdamnbedpodcast.com

    TUNE IN ON INSTAGRAM FOR COOL CONTENT: www.instagram.com/mydbpodcast

    OR BE A REAL GEM + TUNE IN ON PATREON: www.patreon.com/MYDBpodcast

    OR WATCH ON YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/juliemerica 

    The opinions expressed by Julie Merica and Make Your Damn Bed Podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. Make Your Damn Bed podcast is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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  • From Wikipedia: This digital movement functions as an online community where women engage in open discussion about navigating and envisioning a future without men. It serves as a platform for women to vent their frustrations and concerns about living in a conservative society while fostering a sense of solidarity. Additionally, the platform aims to motivate and inspire women to protest against dating, engaging in sexual relationships, getting married, and having children. Through a robust social media presence, the movement seeks to raise awareness and recruit more advocates to amplify its impact.

    RESOURCES: https://twentythirdstation.wordpress.com/2016/01/25/%EB%AF%B8%ED%98%BC-mihon-vs-%EB%B9%84%ED%98%BC-bihon-word-of-the-day/ 




    GET AN OCCASIONAL PERSONAL EMAIL FROM ME: www.makeyourdamnbedpodcast.com

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    OR BE A REAL GEM + TUNE IN ON PATREON: www.patreon.com/MYDBpodcast

    OR WATCH ON YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/juliemerica 

    The opinions expressed by Julie Merica and Make Your Damn Bed Podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. Make Your Damn Bed podcast is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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  • The 4B movement in South Korea is a feminist initiative that emerged around 2019 and has recently gained significant attention on social media platforms like TikTok. The movement is rooted in rejecting traditional gender norms and roles that are prevalent in South Korean society, which is often criticized for its patriarchal values and systemic misogyny.

    The term "4B" stands for four principles:

    Bihon - No heterosexual marriageBichulsan - No childbirthBiyeonae - No dating menBisekseu - No heterosexual sexual relationships

    GET AN OCCASIONAL PERSONAL EMAIL FROM ME: www.makeyourdamnbedpodcast.com

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    OR BE A REAL GEM + TUNE IN ON PATREON: www.patreon.com/MYDBpodcast

    OR WATCH ON YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/juliemerica 

    The opinions expressed by Julie Merica and Make Your Damn Bed Podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. Make Your Damn Bed podcast is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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  • Setting boundaries is crucial for maintaining healthy relationships and preserving one's well-being. Dr. Brené Brown, a research professor and author, emphasizes the importance of boundaries, stating, "Daring to set boundaries is about having the courage to love ourselves even when we risk disappointing others." By establishing clear boundaries, individuals can communicate their needs and expectations effectively, reducing the likelihood of resentment and conflict.

    One example of the importance of setting boundaries can be seen in the workplace. Research conducted by the American Psychological Association found that employees who have difficulty setting boundaries with their colleagues are more likely to experience higher levels of stress and job dissatisfaction. Employers play a crucial role in fostering a culture that values work-life balance and respects employees' boundaries.

    In personal relationships, boundaries are essential for maintaining mutual respect and understanding. Dr. Henry Cloud, a clinical psychologist, observes, "Boundaries define us. They define what is me and what is not me." When individuals fail to assert their boundaries, they may find themselves in one-sided relationships where their needs are consistently overlooked. This imbalance can lead to feelings of resentment and frustration.

    GET AN OCCASIONAL PERSONAL EMAIL FROM ME: www.makeyourdamnbedpodcast.com

    TUNE IN ON INSTAGRAM FOR COOL CONTENT: www.instagram.com/mydbpodcast

    OR BE A REAL GEM + TUNE IN ON PATREON: www.patreon.com/MYDBpodcast

    OR WATCH ON YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/juliemerica 

    The opinions expressed by Julie Merica and Make Your Damn Bed Podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. Make Your Damn Bed podcast is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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  •  Setting boundaries is crucial for maintaining healthy relationships and preserving one's well-being. Dr. Brené Brown, a research professor and author, emphasizes the importance of boundaries, stating, "Daring to set boundaries is about having the courage to love ourselves even when we risk disappointing others." By establishing clear boundaries, individuals can communicate their needs and expectations effectively, reducing the likelihood of resentment and conflict.

    One example of the importance of setting boundaries can be seen in the workplace. Research conducted by the American Psychological Association found that employees who have difficulty setting boundaries with their colleagues are more likely to experience higher levels of stress and job dissatisfaction. Employers play a crucial role in fostering a culture that values work-life balance and respects employees' boundaries.

    In personal relationships, boundaries are essential for maintaining mutual respect and understanding. Dr. Henry Cloud, a clinical psychologist, observes, "Boundaries define us. They define what is me and what is not me." When individuals fail to assert their boundaries, they may find themselves in one-sided relationships where their needs are consistently overlooked. This imbalance can lead to feelings of resentment and frustration.

    GET AN OCCASIONAL PERSONAL EMAIL FROM ME: www.makeyourdamnbedpodcast.com

    TUNE IN ON INSTAGRAM FOR COOL CONTENT: www.instagram.com/mydbpodcast

    OR BE A REAL GEM + TUNE IN ON PATREON: www.patreon.com/MYDBpodcast

    OR WATCH ON YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/juliemerica 

    The opinions expressed by Julie Merica and Make Your Damn Bed Podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. Make Your Damn Bed podcast is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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  • Overall, while people-pleasers may not intend to manipulate others, their behavior can inadvertently perpetuate manipulative dynamics in relationships. By recognizing the underlying motives and consequences of people-pleasing behavior, we can work towards establishing healthier boundaries, fostering genuine communication, and cultivating more authentic and fulfilling relationships.

    GET AN OCCASIONAL PERSONAL EMAIL FROM ME: www.makeyourdamnbedpodcast.com

    TUNE IN ON INSTAGRAM FOR COOL CONTENT: www.instagram.com/mydbpodcast

    OR BE A REAL GEM + TUNE IN ON PATREON: www.patreon.com/MYDBpodcast

    OR WATCH ON YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/juliemerica 

    The opinions expressed by Julie Merica and Make Your Damn Bed Podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. Make Your Damn Bed podcast is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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  •  Overall, while people-pleasers may not intend to manipulate others, their behavior can inadvertently perpetuate manipulative dynamics in relationships. By recognizing the underlying motives and consequences of people-pleasing behavior, we can work towards establishing healthier boundaries, fostering genuine communication, and cultivating more authentic and fulfilling relationships.

    GET AN OCCASIONAL PERSONAL EMAIL FROM ME: www.makeyourdamnbedpodcast.com

    TUNE IN ON INSTAGRAM FOR COOL CONTENT: www.instagram.com/mydbpodcast

    OR BE A REAL GEM + TUNE IN ON PATREON: www.patreon.com/MYDBpodcast

    OR WATCH ON YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/juliemerica 

    The opinions expressed by Julie Merica and Make Your Damn Bed Podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. Make Your Damn Bed podcast is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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  • In our modern society, time dictates so much of our lives, the ticking of the clock underscores our routines. There is always a sense of urgency for some sort of deadline looming over our heads, whether self-inflicted or fantastical, the fear of time passing us by is always there. We are taught to parcel out our days into tidy increments of hours, minutes, and seconds, striving to make the most of every fleeting moment, and ashamed if we don’t or can’t. However, this relentless pursuit of productivity often leaves us feeling stressed and overwhelmed, as if we are constantly racing against an invisible clock. There's this inherent sense that we need to utilize every single second of every single day in order to achieve the highest heights and every second “lost” is a second wasted. 

    But what if time is not as rigid as we perceive it to be? What if, instead of bending to the demands of the relentless march of time, we could learn to embrace the fluidity of it and actually begin to intentionally savor each passing moment? This idea may seem counterintuitive in a world that prizes efficiency and speed, but there is wisdom to be found in slowing down and paying attention to the subtle rhythms of life. As I get older I find so much beauty in the mundane, the boring, the tedious. 

    Start noticing who you're around when time begins to fly. Notice what you're doing when you lose track of time and stop thinking you're late for something. In life, your timeline is different from everyone else's because it's supposed to be. Relax, trust that everything is coming in divine timing. What is meant for you will not pass you. In the meantime, try to enjoy the experience that is the roller coaster of times—those moments that feel like days, and those days that feel like moments—because even though the time is passing, either way, you are not late for anything.

    GET AN OCCASIONAL PERSONAL EMAIL FROM ME: www.makeyourdamnbedpodcast.com

    TUNE IN ON INSTAGRAM FOR COOL CONTENT: www.instagram.com/mydbpodcast

    OR BE A REAL GEM + TUNE IN ON PATREON: www.patreon.com/MYDBpodcast

    OR WATCH ON YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/juliemerica 

    The opinions expressed by Julie Merica and Make Your Damn Bed Podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. Make Your Damn Bed podcast is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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  • This is a rerelease and update of episode 21.

      It seems like we keep getting caught up working towards something to the point where we don't appreciate that these are the days; but this is your life. You can feel all the anxiety in the world, and it is not going to change the fact that tomorrow is still coming. And you can feel all the guilt in the world, and it does not change your past. 

    You have to start being more intentional and mindful of the moment, the now, the present, if you want to really begin to feel in control at all. So let’s check in. As you are here, now listening to this podcast, making your bed, have you been present? or have you been planning ahead? There's nothing wrong with thinking about what you have to do today, but there is power in being tactful with your mindfulness. 


    GET AN OCCASIONAL PERSONAL EMAIL FROM ME: www.makeyourdamnbedpodcast.com

    TUNE IN ON INSTAGRAM FOR COOL CONTENT: www.instagram.com/mydbpodcast

    OR BE A REAL GEM + TUNE IN ON PATREON: www.patreon.com/MYDBpodcast

    OR WATCH ON YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/juliemerica 

    The opinions expressed by Julie Merica and Make Your Damn Bed Podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. Make Your Damn Bed podcast is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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  • This is your yearly reminder that the world exists outside of your house and outside of a screen. So many of us feel this deep seated pressure to post every aspect of our life, I know friends that refuse to walk without their apple watch charged or go to brunch without photographing it. “Instagram or it didn’t happen” is a common phrase from my generation both ironically and not. At this point, it’s become deeply ingrained in our cultural norms. 

    The thing that worlds best for me is to Create as much space as possible between myself and the craving. Deleting the app, creating strict limits around non-negotiables, and reflecting honestly so I can be realistic about the negative effects. 

    GET AN OCCASIONAL PERSONAL EMAIL FROM ME: www.makeyourdamnbedpodcast.com

    TUNE IN ON INSTAGRAM FOR COOL CONTENT: www.instagram.com/mydbpodcast

    OR BE A REAL GEM + TUNE IN ON PATREON: www.patreon.com/MYDBpodcast

    OR WATCH ON YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/juliemerica 

    The opinions expressed by Julie Merica and Make Your Damn Bed Podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. Make Your Damn Bed podcast is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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  • We're doing a deep dive on Julia Cameron's Twelve Week Process of The Artist's Way. This is week 12:

    "Hatching an idea is a lot like baking bread. An idea needs to rise." - Julia Cameron

    "Life is meant to be an artist date." - Julia Cameron


    GET AN OCCASIONAL PERSONAL EMAIL FROM ME: www.makeyourdamnbedpodcast.com

    TUNE IN ON INSTAGRAM FOR COOL CONTENT: www.instagram.com/mydbpodcast

    OR BE A REAL GEM + TUNE IN ON PATREON: www.patreon.com/MYDBpodcast

    OR WATCH ON YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/juliemerica 

    The opinions expressed by Julie Merica and Make Your Damn Bed Podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. Make Your Damn Bed podcast is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • We're doing a deep dive on Julia Cameron's Twelve Week Process of The Artist's Way. This is week 12:

    "Hatching an idea is a lot like baking bread. An idea needs to rise." - Julia Cameron

    "Life is meant to be an artist date." - Julia Cameron


    GET AN OCCASIONAL PERSONAL EMAIL FROM ME: www.makeyourdamnbedpodcast.com

    TUNE IN ON INSTAGRAM FOR COOL CONTENT: www.instagram.com/mydbpodcast

    OR BE A REAL GEM + TUNE IN ON PATREON: www.patreon.com/MYDBpodcast

    OR WATCH ON YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/juliemerica 

    The opinions expressed by Julie Merica and Make Your Damn Bed Podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. Make Your Damn Bed podcast is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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  • We're doing a deep dive on Julia Cameron's Twelve Week Process of The Artist's Way. This is week 12:

    "Hatching an idea is a lot like baking bread. An idea needs to rise." - Julia Cameron

    "Life is meant to be an artist date." - Julia Cameron


    GET AN OCCASIONAL PERSONAL EMAIL FROM ME: www.makeyourdamnbedpodcast.com

    TUNE IN ON INSTAGRAM FOR COOL CONTENT: www.instagram.com/mydbpodcast

    OR BE A REAL GEM + TUNE IN ON PATREON: www.patreon.com/MYDBpodcast

    OR WATCH ON YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/juliemerica 

    The opinions expressed by Julie Merica and Make Your Damn Bed Podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. Make Your Damn Bed podcast is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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  • We're doing a deep dive on Julia Cameron's Twelve Week Process of The Artist's Way. This is week 11:

    "To a large degree my life is my art, and when it gets dull, so does my work." - Julia Cameron

    "Creativity is oxygen for our souls." - Julia Cameron


    GET AN OCCASIONAL PERSONAL EMAIL FROM ME: www.makeyourdamnbedpodcast.com

    TUNE IN ON INSTAGRAM FOR COOL CONTENT: www.instagram.com/mydbpodcast

    OR BE A REAL GEM + TUNE IN ON PATREON: www.patreon.com/MYDBpodcast

    OR WATCH ON YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/juliemerica 

    The opinions expressed by Julie Merica and Make Your Damn Bed Podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. Make Your Damn Bed podcast is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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  • We're doing a deep dive on Julia Cameron's Twelve Week Process of The Artist's Way. This is week 11:

    "To a large degree my life is my art, and when it gets dull, so does my work." - Julia Cameron

    "Creativity is oxygen for our souls." - Julia Cameron


    GET AN OCCASIONAL PERSONAL EMAIL FROM ME: www.makeyourdamnbedpodcast.com

    TUNE IN ON INSTAGRAM FOR COOL CONTENT: www.instagram.com/mydbpodcast

    OR BE A REAL GEM + TUNE IN ON PATREON: www.patreon.com/MYDBpodcast

    OR WATCH ON YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/juliemerica 

    The opinions expressed by Julie Merica and Make Your Damn Bed Podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. Make Your Damn Bed podcast is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.