Ever wanted to know if magick was real?
Tune in, as I share over 20 years of personal experiences in magick, divination, spirits, spells, Gods, Goddesses and more!
Get in touch and suggest topics you'd like me to discuss or even share your own stories! -
BUSINESS INSTAGRAM: @arianaadonovan
Hello everyone!!! This was originally a podcast created by me in order to raise awareness about issues within the fashion industry not many are aware of unless they’ve worked in it themselves or know someone who has…it’s still kind of that. But we talk about a lot more things too, like social norms, corrupt companies, and more :) I’ve modelled professionally since I was 16, & I study law & politics, so lots of my work is focused on power, power dynamics, & oppression. Subscribe if you’re pickin’ up what I’m puttin’ down 🤍 -
This is the Gender Focus Podcast from
In this podcast we share research insights from practitioners working to challenge violence against women and girls. We also explore knowledge around mental distress, climate, water and sanitation.
This international community is working together to share tools, communicate knowledge and change women’s lives, globally.
Our website and these podcasts, are facilitated by The University of Portsmouth and their International Development Studies Group.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
FAR OUT chronicles the shared human experience of returning home to ourselves.
What does it mean to heal and follow life’s guidance?
How do we cultivate faith and connection?
What meaning do we find and give in the experiences of being human?
Always in a casual, humorous and real way, you’ll hear about Alasdair and Julie-Roxane’s ongoing journey, others’ stories as they navigate healing, meaning and connection in our current world & impactful conversations with guides and thought leaders that have dedicated their lives to the important work of restoring wholeness for ourselves and the world around us.
We’ll explore our human stories through the lens of ancient spiritual traditions, shamanism and archetypal work. -
Jsem Tereza Kramerová, průvodkyně po krajině mysli. Odpovídám zde na otázky, které mi kladete na mém Instagramu Vědomý život.
Nahlížím na hlubší souvislosti a nebojím se pojmenovat věci zraku neviditelné.
Na konci každé epizody vás provedu vizualizací k tématu, abyste si z ní odnesli vlastní prožitek. -
Becoming will be released every Wednesday evening giving my audience a chance to wine down relax and reflect on ways we can practice to be better than we were yesterday. We all know that takes patients, but it also takes clarity. I’m going to be sharing my views on different ways we are able to receive that clarity in our minds and in our hearts by simply just being.
Have you ever stopped to wonder why so many of history’s bad guys have been at the wheel of so many mass-moving stories? Why so many of us have been duped by mistruth over and over again? Why people of authority tell so many obvious lies, and so many people listen intently? Monkeys and Psychopaths traces the bizarre link between dangerous people and powerful, mass-moving stories that have influenced the course of history. It explores why the ordered mind is so susceptible to good narrative and why the disordered mind is so well wired to deliver it.
Ahoj žena,
ja som Nika a som intuitívne médium, čo znamená, že som otvoreným kanálom a sťahujem vedomie, frekvenciu, odkazy Zdroja tu na slov, aby si im pochopila, porozumela, aby si sa rozpametala nato, čo dávno vieš:)
Tento priestor som vytvorila pre teba, pre mňa, pre moje minulé ja a pre každého, kto sa cíti "stratený" a potrebuje troška ponavigovať v týchto realitách🤩 Tento priestor rozoberá témy, Od 3D do 12D s cieľom pochopiť porozumieť, čo sa s nami deje a ako integrovať našu skutočnú podstatu ❤️ -