It's almost convention time. Hosts Scott Wells, Mark Weidhaas, and Dal Sanders, put the final shine on the Magic Texas podcast for this season. There are still registrations available, hotel rooms, and lots of fun to be had. If you can only make 1 convention, you really need to get to Arlington Texas, Labor Day weekend for Magic Texas 2024. email be@magictexas.com or visit the website for details: magictexas.com.
"Victory is in the quality of the competition, not just the final score." In this episode of 13 Minutes to Magic Texas, hosts Scott Wells and Mike Miller talk with Joan Caesar, Contest Chair for Magic Texas 2024, found of the Canadian Association of Magicicians, past president of the IBM and FISM World Championship of Magic Head Judge. They discuss the move of improving North American magic by competition at Magic Texas 2024. For more information, visit https://magictexas.com or for contact info, email be@magictexas.com.
Saknas det avsnitt?
For this episode of 13 Minutes to Magic Texas, focus is on some of the main reasons for going to a magic convention: the shows, the sessions and the lectures. Hosts Scott Wells, Dal Sanders and Mark Weidhaas touch on the amazing talent line-up for Magic Texas. There's so much going on, you will have to pick and choose. Starting with Friday shows introducing Gay Blackstone, convention honoree, and Adrian Vega One-Man Close Up Shows. Saturday at Texas Hall on the UTA campus, International Gala Show starring: Greg Frewin, Shimpei, Yu Komahara, Syouma, Wessy, Adrien Quillien and is MC'd by BJ Mallen. Sunday, The Gala Champions of FISM show with Shawn Farquhar, Eric Chien, Artem Shchukin, Norbet Ferré, Laurent Piron. Monday Matinee Brad Jacobs Poeple's Choice Award Show. Sessions and lectures too numerous to name. Visit magictexas.com/schedule/ for more uptodate information. Inquiries? email be@magictexas.com
On this episode of 13 Minutes to Magic Texas, hosts Scott Wells, Dal Sanders, and Mark Weidhaas talk magic collections with two fantastic collectors and curators, Chip Romero and Mark Jensen. Another rare opportunity to see magic from the past and learn how these great pioneers of modern magic paved the way for many entertainers of today. Register today at https://magictexas.com. For more information, you can email be@magictexas.com.
What a wonderful surprise to have the lovely Nani Darnell and the Wilson family visiting the TAOM SAM 2024, Magic Texas! Hosts Scott Wells, Dal Sanders and Mark Weidhaas visit with Greg Wilson, son of Mark Wilson and Nani Darnell, and his exciting news of bringing his mother to Magic Texas, Labor Day weekend. Mark and Nani began their magic life in Dallas, and Greg tells how his mother was so excited about this convention, that she and the whole family are bringing special performances and stories to Arlington. If you remember the Magic Land of Allakazam, you don't want to miss this once in a life time opportunity. Go to https://magictexas.com to register. For more information, email be@magictexas.com.
In this episode of 13 Minutes to Magic Texas, hosts Scott Wells, Dal Sanders, and Mark Weidhaas discuss the upcoming TAOM SAM 2024 combined convention with world renowned magician, illusionist and magical producer, Franz Harary. During the convention, Fraz will be interviewing the honoree of the convention, Gay Blackstone. Franz's years long friendship with Gay will make for a very entertaining event. More information about Fraz can be found on his website and Facebook pages: franzharary.com & www.facebook.com/franzhararyfanpage. Register today at magictexas.com. Hotel information is at magictexas.com/hotel and additional information by emailing be@magictexas.com
One of the most amazing close up magic performers in the world, Adrian Vega, will be performing his one man close up show for Magic Texas 2024. Hosts Scott Wells, Dal Sanders and Mark Weidhaas visit with TAOM SAM 2024 Talent Director Mike Miller and international close up magician, Adrian Vega. All the way from Spain, Adrian will bring a special show just for Magic Texas 2024. For the magicians attending, you will have the opportunity to attend the lecture by Adrian. Register today at magictexas.com. Hotel information is at magictexas.com/hotel and additional information by emailing be@magictexas.com
Announcing, award winning magician Greg Frewin. For this episode, hosts Scott Wells, Dal Sanders, and Mark Weidhaas interview the TAOM SAM 2024 Talent Director Mike Miller and guest, Greg Frewin. Greg's magic dinner theatre, located in Niagra Falls, Canada, is a premiere entertainment destination. Greg will bring his special magic illusuion show with some surproises in store for the audience. Book your registration today at magictexas.com. For more information, be@magictexas.com.
Amazing News. This episode of 13 Minutes to Magic Texas discusses the new film "Lost In The Shuffle". Hosts Scott Wells, Dal Sanders, Markweidhaas talk with film producer John Ornoy and World Champion magician Shawn Farquhar about the premier and showing of "Lost In The Shuffle" at Magic Texas 2024. The film looks at card design and Shawn's sinister theory that a French king assassinated by his wife. Shawn is out to see if his theory’s true - will the greatest illusion of all prove to be that an ancient cold-case murder has been hiding under our noses all this time? https://magictexas.com https://www.lostintheshuffle.film be@magictexas.com
BREAKING!! Grants from the S.A.M. Magic Endowment Fund (MEF) and Sharee Kay Memorial are allowing for 48 FREE youth registrations to the TAOM SAM 2024 Magic Texas convention. Also, Magic Explorers for youth age 5-7 will be available at the convention. Add this with all of the other fun and exciting activities around the convention like Six Flags, Hurricane Harbor and more, and you have a magic convention like none other. If you need more information, see the website at magictexas.com or email be@magictexas.com.
Welcome to episode lucky 13 of 13 Minutes to Magic Texas. For this epidsode, hosts Scott Wells and Mark Weidhaas give information about some of the tips you may want to use when coming to the 2024 TAOM SAM convention in Arlington TX. Everything from getting to the convention, the theater for the gala shows, superb session areas in the hotel and much more. Of course, you can read more online at MagicTexas.com. If you have more questions, email be@magictexas.com.
The 12th episode of 13 Minutes to Magic Texas provides detailed information about activities for the young magician attendees. The Society of American Magicians Youth (SAMY) is being gifted with $0 registrations for its members courtesy of the S.A.M. Magic Endowment Fund. Plus, Magic Texas 2024 will provide the Magic Texas Youth Camp, daily magic classes presented and taught my amazing talent for all youth attending the convention. Learning and taking home real magic to help the next generation of performing artists. Join S.A.M.Y. today at https://www.magicsam.com/page/SYMYouthProgram. Register for Magic Texas 2024 https://magictexas.com/registration. Need more information? be@magictexas.com.
In the 11th episode of 13 Minutes to Magic Texas, hosts Scott Wells, Dal Sanders, and Mark Weidhaas review the contest that will be happening during Magic Texas 2024. Featuring the North American Champtionships of Magic (NACM), Magic Texas is the only path for North American representation at the FISM World Championship in Italy 2025. Performers interested in competing should visit https://magictexas.com/contests/. In addition to the main contests, The Society of American Magicians Youth (SAMY) will present the Stars of Tomorrow. Register today for the biggest and most amazing magic convention of 2024 at https://magictexas.com/registration/.
This 10th episode of 13 Minutes to Magic Texas provides insight from your hosts, Scott Wells, Co-Executive Producers Dal Sanders and Mark Weidhaas discuss the events that lead up to this 'Once in a Lifetime' spectacular event called Magic Texas 2024. You'll learn how all the steps that built up to Labor Day weekend 2024 came about to make Magic Texas 2024 THE destination convention for magicians, family and friends! Details are available at magictexas.com or by email be@magictexas.com.
The 9th episode of 13 Minutes to Magic Texas Host Scott Wells and Co-host Dal Sanders introduce Michael Miller, Talent Coordinator for the Magic Texas convention. Michael previews the amazing list of international talent coming to Magic Texas, Labor Day weekend 2024. FISM Winners, Gold Cup Winners and SAM Contest Winners. Plus, several of the performers will be lecturing. You can see the talent lineup at https://magictexas.com/acts. We can't wait for you to see: Adrian Vega, Yu Komohara, Shimpei, Artem Shchukin, BJ Mallen, Eric Chien, Shawn Farquhar, Nobert Ferré, Adrien Quillien, Laurent Piron, and more. Register today at https://magictexas.com
Our 8th episode of 13 Minutes to Magic Texas is a discussion of youth activities at the Magic Texas convention. Hosts Scott Wells, Dal Sanders, and Derrel Allen talk about the magic activities that will be available for the young convention attendees. Having already covered the fun things in the near area to the convention (see earlier episodes for information about Six Flags and more,) this discussion will focus on magic classes and so much more!
Magic Texas!
For the 7th episode of 13 Minutes to Magic Texas, hosts Scott Wells, Dal Sanders, Eric Hogue and Derrel Allen discuss more events and opportunities surrounding Magic Texas. While Labor Day weekend 2024 is the focus of attention, leading up to the convention, celebrations of 100 years are taking place all over Texas. The host city, Arlington, Texas, is celebrating 100 years of the Parks & Recreation Department. And what a better way to celebrate than with MAGIC all year long! Visit the Arlington Convention and Visitors Bureau on Instagram @visit_arlington.
TAOM-SAM, FISM NACM, and the Dallas Magic Club 2024, Magic Texas.
On this 6th episode of Magic Texas Podcast, hosts Scott Wells, Derrel Allen, Eric Hogue, and Dal Sanders provide additional details regarding the entertainment available near the convention area. Specials for the convention attendees will be available at several venues including Six Flags and Hurricane Harbor.
This 5th episode of Magic Texas Podcast highlights the newest hotel venue in Arlington TX. Hosts Scott Wells, Dal Sanders, Eric Hogue and Derrel Allen discuss not only the beautiful new Loews Arlington Hotel, but add comments regarding the whole Arlington entertainment district. The hotel is across the street from Globe Life Field, home of the 2023 World Series Champions, Texas Rangers, and a whole lot more. https://fism-nacm.com/hotel/
In this 4th episode of the Magic Texas Podcast, hosts Scott Wells, Dal Sanders, and Eric Hogue discuss corporate sponsorships and donations. The appeal to you is: help us find sponsors who will provide financial support for the great things happening at the TAOM SAM FISM NACM 2024 convention in Arlington TX on Labor Day weekend, 2024.
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