Hi there Macabre Mob. Just wanted to let you know we love you. On this episode you will hear how some folks missed the call of death only to answer the 2nd call. Never answer the 2nd call!
Five stories of unlucky people or people who got what was always coming to them? you decide.
#diediedieagain #finaldestination #oopsy
ig: @macabrepod1
fb: @mcabrepod1
gmail: Macabrepod1@gmail.com
Hey Mob! Just wanted to let you know we love you. On this episode you will hear a very rare update on the one and only Beebo Russell aka SKY KING! Spoiler: still dead, still king.
Also you will hear how different vessels or things to take you to and fro, kill people. Also you will hear that Matt does not agree with me about the word vessel, so hence, loosely.
Included "vessels": a bus, a windshield of a car, segway and escalator. what choose you?
#walkingoverhere #buttholewhistle #teaoffthepot #fuckyou #metaphoricalbloodvessels #mixedupassholes #trumpistheworstprezweweretalkingaboutitstrump
Saknas det avsnitt?
they got one of us, but I am alive and healthy and they did. not. win! Hear the story of why we have been off for 3 or more weeks. who can even keep up at this point? Come share the 13 days worth of anxiety in an hour long episode! Also included are other dumbass burglars and their misfortunes. All burglars fuck yourselves. But I am over it! Enjoy!
Email and follow!
Macabrepod1@gmail.com and follow us on FB and IG @macabrepod1. Pictures for each story will be posted day of show on our IG!
Hello Goodie Mob! or Greatie Mob even!
We are taking this week off because I have found myself in my own Macabre Reality. My family and I are okay, but boy do I have a story to tell. Because I am still dealing with the situation, there won't be a new episode this week. We hope to be back next week with more insanity and a story of how crazy this world is getting. Remember to stay safe out there and be careful not to find yourself in your own Macabre Reality - Josh
Until next week please enjoy the Hyatt Regency Walkway Collapse
Put on your sexiest garments Mob, light a candle and get ready to hear people suCumming to death in this weeks Headlines: Death by Sexy Tings!
Headlines include
Sex Pair’s Death plunge
Nigerian Man raped to death by five wives bc he paid too much attention to the sixth
Gone in a Flash
British Journalist pleasures himself to death with Famousish people who have also died of auto erotic asphyxiation
Quick Headlines include:
Chuckled off this Mortal Coil
Man loses Remote-controlled plane in the sun, dies
#barbercaping #edginggonewrong #2firstnames #Chattahoochee
Figs? are we saying that right?
Have a headline? See one that looks like it may fit this show? Send it on in, if we use it we will shout ya out! Send all headlines to Macabrepod1@gmail.com and follow us on FB and IG @macabrepod1. Pictures for each story will be posted day of show on our IG!
Gidday Mob. It's a great day for some wild ways to leave this earth, don't you think? On today's headlines we talk about:
-Former Marine Pleads Guilty After Killing His Stepfather with Atomic Wedgie
-Cobra Bites Chef 20 Minutes After Head Cut Off, Kills Him
-3 Dead After Dog Falls 13 Stories
-Skydiver Killed After Forgetting Parachute
maybe myurderrr...?:
-Woman Found in Pasture, Trampled by Bull
ridiculous headline:
Doc Shocked to Find Money Up Patient's Butt
Have a headline? See one that looks like it may fit this show? Send it on in, if we use it we will shout ya out! Send all headlines to Macabrepod1@gmail.com and follow us on FB and IG @macabrepod1. Pictures for each story will be posted day of show on our IG!
What the fuck is up Mob. You beautiful Mob, you. Join us on Headlines II where you'll hear insane shit like:
The sunscreen that can set you on FIRE
Man’s Body Catches FIRE halfway through surgery
Two Men Die In Motorcycle Accident During Women’s Cross Country
Tender coconut vendor killed in freak accident; family demands action
and absolutely ridiculous headlines including:
Swiss man, 20, was left in intensive care after suffering rare lung injury from masturbating
Do you have a macabre or ridiculous headline you'd like us to share on the show and hear us give our absolutely true and correct opinions stated as fact? And hear your name on the pod? Email us at Macabrepod1@gmail.com
Or just shoot us a message about anything, we love to hear from the Mob and always write back!
We are on fb and ig @ macabrepod1 and we have a patreon under macabrepod1 as well! we love you.
Mob mob mob...
Even though this is a replay ya bois are still giving you that good good. This episode is FIRE. Literally, fire. Like get out, NOW!
Did we say we'd have a new episode this week yes. Do we? Not exactly, but we are editing bunches to throw at you starting next week! This is one of our favs. Enjoy and see ya next week!
This week, we discuss going to dinner in a fancy maze and then being stacked in a doorway like corkwood for the low low price of 13.95. We answer all of your burning questions like, did the puppets make it out and did anyone actually finish the maze?
Remember: Stay safe out there and be careful not to find yourself in your own Macabre Reality!
This podcast is produced by only the 2 of us. If you enjoy what your ears are hearing please like and share, it really does help!
Find us on instagram, facebook and twitter @macabrepod1 or email us at macabrepod1@gmail.com
What's crackalackin Mob?! shiiiit nothing here except Matt has been in Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic for weeks now (will he come back?) and Josh has bought a house and is in the middle of a shit show called moving with a toddler. So therefore, enjoy this double feature all about sugar and we will be back next week with brand new shows. Including another Headlines and Macabre Reality the Gameshow! See you soon Mobsters!
Woot woot! Get out your sweetest two toofs, because we have another delicious double episode made completely of sugar. How many times does Matt start over trying to say "prevent potential contamination"? Try it, it's no easy feat. Is he the new Hamilton? Just how big was that molasses wave brah? Find out now! And remember if you wanna pick up a waitress/waiter just throw a packet of sugar on the floor and tell them you found their nametag! Hey Sugar!
Today we have for you A Little Sucrose for Comfort which includes:
Imperial Sugar Refinery Explosion and Boston Molassacre.
If you like what you hear please tell someone and rate us it does help! Everything is done by the 2 of us, we have no big wigs backing us, the man doesn't have a hand in this baby! so we need YOU!
Stay safe out there and be careful not to find yourself in your own Macabre Reality.
Find us on all socials @macabrepod1 and email us at macabrepod1@gmail.com
Whats good Mob? Today we have a newish show called Headlines. It focuses on the same wild and unhinged stories you're used to, with a bit more commentary and lots more tangents! So come ask yourself what the fuck did I just hear, with Matt and I as we discuss a career pizza man falling to his death on a porch, a 4lb dumbbell stuck in a butthole, dying at a McDonalds and more! Send us your headlines at macabrepod1@gmail.com! We love you boo!
Stay safe out there and be careful not to find yourself in your own Macabre Reality.
Become a member of the MOB:
We have Patreon now! Be a Patron and a Mobster!
Down periscope Mob! Today we talk about how a German U-Boat took out a luxury liner from beneath. We discuss super powers, Matt speaks in a flawless German accent and Josh tries British again...tries. Also listen for a guest appearance from Matt's feral/not feral cat Heidi, as she makes herself welcome in studio. How many days do you think it would take to sail across the Atlantic? Shockingly not as many as you'd think!
Stay safe out there and be careful not to find yourself in your own Macabre Reality.
Become a member of the MOB:
We have Patreon now! Be a Patron and a Mobster!
Oopsy! See what had happened was....
Josh bought a house! He also edited 4 brand new episodes in said house and forgot to bring the computer back. So because he is big ol butthole, we present to you a Macabre Reprise Double Feature of The Feel of Steel!
Oh beautiful Macabre Mob we have another special extra large thematic episode for you!
Today we discuss 2 stories which involve molten steel. What would it feel like to be encased in steel while you're in a meeting? We don't know either because clearly they didn't make it out. And we also talk about the fattest steel train car maker of all time.
Included: Quinghe Special Steel Disaster & Standard Steel Car Explosion.
If you like what you hear please tell someone and rate us it does help! Everything is done by the 2 of us, we have no big wigs backing us, the man doesn't have a hand in this baby! so we need YOU!
Stay safe out there and be careful not to find yourself in your own Macabre Reality.
Find us on all socials @macabrepod1 and email us at macabrepod1@gmail.com
Gosh darnit Mob! Why you so fuckin sexy and hawttt. Spring is springing (kinda) and allergies are out. Remember to pray for your friends with allergies, they won't be doing well soon. Today we have another bites for your dark comedy soul. Please enjoy Another One Bites the Dust. Stories include:
Simple Foreshadowing, He Play Too Much, Chicken of the Sea, A Story Worth a Hill of Beans
CCOTW: Is This a Body Bag or You Happy to See Me?
Macabre Contradiction: Lions, Lions and Lions Oh My!
*Sticker give away...review our pod on FB or where you listen to podcasts and let us know! We will send them over to ya, for FREE!
Stay safe out there and be careful not to find yourself in your own Macabre Reality.
Become a member of the MOB:
We have Patreon now! Be a Patron and a Mobster!
Heyoo we baaaaack! Back again, main story is back, tell a friend. Today we get riled up while talking about worker's rights or lack there of in 1911 NYC and face some very familiar similarities in 2022. Also hear as an eye witness so very vividly and beautifully describes (people talked so smart back then) the sound of bodies hitting the sidewalk below a raging inferno 10 stories above....and cue Drowning Pool's Let the Bodies Hit the Floor (not in the episode). Do you know how embarrassing it would be to be sued by Drowning Pool? Very, very. Also learn what shirtwaist means, Josh didn't know. did you? Enjoy!
Stay safe out there and be careful not to find yourself in your own Macabre Reality.
Become a member of the MOB:
We have Patreon now! Be a Patron and a Mobster!
....and we are back! We have a new episode of MR bites and it is fresh to death, literally. In this episode you will find out how everyday items can come back to get ya. Be careful! Stories this week include:
Oopsy Soupsy, Fresh Corpse, Get Your Hair Did, Sexy Straw Lady
Close Call of the Week: My Ride Was Leaving
Macabre Contradiction: Free, Nada, Nothing, Zilch, Zero Dinero
Stay safe out there and be careful not to find yourself in your own Macabre Reality.
Become a member of the MOB:
We have Patreon now! Be a Patron and a Mobster!
Hello there Mob! Matt and I are off this week so we have a very special double feature. Summer is just around the corner so prepare with this and enjoy Slide or Die:
This week, we have a special episode! This is a mega, super, extra wide, assorted mix, king size, multi show. That's right 2 stories, 1 episode. The theme of this max load is water park safety and includes: Bonzai Pipeline Waterslide Collapse and the Verrukt Waterslide Beheading, and of course references to 2 girls, 1 cup. Enjoy!
Remember: Stay safe out there and be careful not to find yourself in your own Macabre Reality!
This podcast is produced by only the two of us! If you like what you hear, please like and share this pod, it really does help!
Find us on instagram, facebook and twitter @macabrepod1 or email us at macabrepod1@gmail.com
Hello mob! Welcome to another what the actual fuck episode of bites! Our stories this week include people who made the ultimate decision. And that decision was death.
stories include: Dope on a Rope, Anal Cunt, The Lion, The Ronald and the Wardrobe
Close Call of the Week (CCOTW): Lost, but not the TV Show
Macabre Contradiction: Not You or I, but WeKraine
FREE STICKERS: For anyone who reviews us on Apple Podcast of Facebook. Send us a screenshot of the review with your address to macabrepod1@gmail.com and we will send over a sticker pack!
If you like what you hear please tell someone! Also rate and share us it does help! Everything is done by the 2 of us, we have no big wigs backing us, the man doesn't have a hand in this baby! so we need YOU!
Stay safe out there and be careful not to find yourself in your own Macabre Reality.
Become a member of the MOB:
Join us on Patreon!
Prepare for take off as we are back with another main story mobsters! On today's episode we learn how sometimes having stars in our eyes can lead to ashes in our mouths. Learn about velcro, CSM's, barrel of snakes, and much more on the truly horrific episode: Chariot of Fire - The Apollo 1 Disaster.
Stay safe out there and be careful not to find yourself in your own Macabre Reality.
Become a member of the MOB:
We have Patreon now! Be a Patron and a Mobster!
*Ending Song is Daft Punk - Contact from Random Access Memories Album. We are not Daft Punk, believe it or not. We do not own this song, its just real real dope.
Gutentag mob. That’s hello mob in German. Welcome back to another wild ass episode of macabre reality bites. In this episode, all of these people decided to make the decision that ultimately ended their existence. We also cover an update from our previous bites episode "A Series of Unfortunate Events". We call this one You Did This to Yourself Pt 1. Enjoy!
Stories included: 2 Men and a Penis, Getting Choked Up, Impressive Head, Hot Lava...Lamp
Close Call of the Week: Catch of the Day
Macabre Contradiction: TV Characters on the TV Screen
FREE STICKERS: For anyone who reviews us on Apple Podcast of Facebook. Send us a screenshot of the review with your address to macabrepod1@gmail.com and we will send over a sticker pack!
If you like what you hear please tell someone! Also rate and share us it does help! Everything is done by the 2 of us, we have no big wigs backing us, the man doesn't have a hand in this baby! so we need YOU!
Stay safe out there and be careful not to find yourself in your own Macabre Reality.
Become a member of the MOB:
Join us on Patreon!
What's up throb mob? Just out here throbbing together like one big sexual organ, throb mob, throb mob! We are back with macabre reality bites and more true stories that are not of sound mind. You know Every week we bring you new and absurd ways people become ghosts. Today is no different as we have more of these unavoidable tragedies and a couple of these might be myurder. So lets get into them. Please enjoy. A Series of Unfortunate Events.
Stories Include: Head First, Man Doesn't Need Ride....Man Gets Ride Anyways, You've Got Mail, Straight up Murder
Close Call of the Week: Damn Near Final Destinationed
Macabre Contradiction: #DoSomethingForNothing
FREE STICKERS: For anyone who reviews us on Apple Podcast of Facebook. Send us a screenshot of the review with your address to macabrepod1@gmail.com and we will send over a sticker pack!
If you like what you hear please tell someone! Also rate and share us it does help! Everything is done by the 2 of us, we have no big wigs backing us, the man doesn't have a hand in this baby! so we need YOU!
Stay safe out there and be careful not to find yourself in your own Macabre Reality.
Become a member of the MOB:
Join us on Patreon!
- Visa fler