Lyster Health Talks Podcast Episode 26: The Patient Experience
Welcome to the Lyster Health Talks podcast. Each month, listen in as the team focuses their discussion on relevant, relatable health content that empowers your health and the readiness of the force.
In today's episode, we're focused on the patient experience. Let’s explore the roles of the patient advocate and how they can assist with your healthcare needs. As your representative, the patient advocate assists you or members of your family with many aspects of your medical care. Let's join the team as they dive into patient advocacy.
To schedule medical appointments at Lyster Army Health Clinic call the Lyster Central Appointment Line at 800-261-7193 or submit a message to request an appointment on the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal at https://patientportal.mhsgenesis.health.mil.
Lyster Health Talks is a monthly podcast focused on the health and readiness of the force, hosted by Lt. Col. Leah Steder, Commander, Lyster Army Health Clinic.
The podcast is produced by the Lyster Army Health Clinic's Public Affairs Office and is for informational purposes only and not designed to replace a medical provider’s assessment. Always consult first with your primary care manager about health-related matters. -
Lyster Health Talks Podcast Episode 25: Let’s Talk My Military Health
The Defense Health Agency is reimagining health care to fit your needs Anytime, Anywhere - Always. In today's episode, our special guests are discussing My Military Health.
Holding the reins on today show is Maj. Blayne Rankin, Deputy Commander for Administration, joining him are special guests, Susie Barber, Group Practice Manager, and Mandy Kelley, Nurse Practitioner from Lyster Army Health Clinic. Let’s join the team as they explore My Military Health and what it means to you, our patient.
To schedule medical appointments at Lyster Army Health Clinic call the Lyster Central Appointment Line at 800-261-7193 or submit a message to request an appointment on the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal at https://patientportal.mhsgenesis.health.mil.
Lyster Health Talks is a monthly podcast focused on the health and readiness of the force, hosted by Lt. Col. Leah Steder, Commander, Lyster Army Health Clinic.
The podcast is produced by the Lyster Army Health Clinic's Public Affairs Office and is for informational purposes only and not designed to replace a medical provider’s assessment. Always consult first with your primary care manager about health-related matters. -
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Lyster Health Talks Podcast Episode 24: Preventive Health Screenings
In today's episode, we’re talking preventive health screenings for a healthy new year. Let's join the team as they discuss how routine health screenings can help you thrive in 2025.
Joining our host, Lt. Col. Leah Steder, are special guests Lt. Col. Regina Thorp, Deputy Commander for Nursing, Dr. Gwen Gatlin, Chief of Primary Care, and Denise Cape, Population Health Nurse.
You may schedule medical appointments at Lyster Army Health Clinic by calling the Lyster Central Appointment Line at 800-261-7193 or by submitting a message to request an appointment on the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal at https://patientportal.mhsgenesis.health.mil.
Lyster Health Talks is a monthly podcast focused on the health and readiness of the force, hosted by Lt. Col. Leah Steder, Commander, Lyster Army Health Clinic.
The podcast is produced by the Lyster Army Health Clinic's Public Affairs Office and is for informational purposes only and not designed to replace a medical provider’s assessment. Always consult first with your primary care manager about health-related matters. -
Lyster Health Talks Podcast Episode 23: My Military Health – Transforming the Way We Deliver Care.
In today’s episode, the team is excited to share updates on how we're providing better, faster, and more convenient access to your healthcare team. Joining our host, Lt. Col. Leah Steder, are special guests Maj. Blayne Rankin, Deputy Commander for Administration, and Susie Barber, Group Practice Manager.
Lyster Health Talks is a monthly podcast focused on the health and readiness of the force, hosted by Lt. Col. Leah Steder, Commander, Lyster Army Health Clinic.
The podcast is produced by the Lyster Army Health Clinic's Public Affairs Office and is for informational purposes only and not designed to replace a medical provider’s assessment. Always consult first with your primary care manager about health-related matters.
You may schedule medical appointments at Lyster Army Health Clinic by calling the Lyster Central Appointment Line at 800-261-7193 or by submitting a message to request an appointment on the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal at https://patientportal.mhsgenesis.health.mil. -
Lyster Health Talks Podcast Episode 22: Let’s Talk TRICARE Open Season
In today’s episode, we’re talking about TRICARE Open Season. Joining our host, Lt. Col. Leah Steder, are special guests Maj. Blayne Rankin, Deputy Commander for Administration, and Teresa Waterworth, Chief, Managed Care Department.
Lyster Health Talks is a monthly podcast focused on the health and readiness of the force, hosted by Lt. Col. Leah Steder, Commander, Lyster Army Health Clinic.
The podcast is produced by the Lyster Army Health Clinic's Public Affairs Office and is for informational purposes only and not designed to replace a medical provider’s assessment. Always consult first with your primary care manager about health-related matters.
https://lyster.tricare.mil/ -
Lyster Health Talks Podcast Episode 21: ACFT Training and Injury Prevention.
In today’s episode, we’re talking with our Physical Therapy team about the ACFT and how they can help you train better, safer, and improve performance. Joining our host, Lt. Col. Leah Steder are special guests Capt. Nichelle Pascoe, Chief, Physical Therapy Clinic, and Heather Goodson, Supervisory Physical Therapist Assistant.
Lyster Health Talks is a monthly podcast focused on the health and readiness of the force, hosted by Lt. Col. Leah Steder, Commander, Lyster Army Health Clinic.
The podcast is produced by the Lyster Army Health Clinic's Public Affairs Office and is for informational purposes only and not designed to replace a medical provider’s assessment. Always consult first with your primary care manager about health-related matters. -
Lyster Health Talks Podcast Episode 20: Laying the Foundation - Building Resilience.
In today’s episode we are laying the foundation to build and strengthen your resilience. Joining our host, Lt. Col. Leah Steder, are special guests Maj. Joe Adams, Deputy Commander for Clinical Services, Maj. Daniella Pettinari, Deputy Chief of Behavioral Health, and Sgt. First Class Trisha Ronk, Medical Company First Sergeant.
Lyster Health Talks is a monthly podcast focused on the health and readiness of the force, hosted by Lt. Col. Leah Steder, Commander, Lyster Army Health Clinic, at Fort Novosel, Alabama.
The podcast is produced by the Lyster Army Health Clinic's Public Affairs Office and is for informational purposes only and not designed to replace a medical provider’s assessment. Always consult first with your primary care manager about health-related matters.
To learn about services provided by Lyster Army Health Clinic visit https://lyster.tricare.mil/. -
Lyster Health Talks Podcast Episode 19 – Let’s talk Emergency Preparedness.
Our new host, Lt. Col. Leah Steder, Commander, Lyster Army Health Clinic, joins the show in today’s episode as we discuss emergency preparedness and having a plan. We’re joined by special guests Luke Stewart, Chief, Plans, Training, Mobilization, and Security, Shane Cook, Safety and Occupational Health Manager, and Lt. Col. Regina Thorp, Deputy Commander for Nursing and Patient Services.
Lyster Health Talks is a monthly podcast focused on the health and readiness of the force, hosted by Lt. Col. Leah Steder, Commander, Lyster Army Health Clinic.
The podcast is produced by the Lyster Army Health Clinic's Public Affairs Office and is for informational purposes only and not designed to replace a medical provider’s assessment. Always consult first with your primary care manager about health-related matters. -
Lyster Health Talks Podcast Episode 18 – PCS Season with the McCurrys.
In Today’s show, we're spotlighting the PCS Season with some very special guests, the U.S. Army Aviation Center of Excellence and Fort Novosel commander, Maj. Gen. and Mrs. Michael C. McCurry. Join us as they share their insight on military moves and tips to make your next move a little less stressful. Join us now for PCS Season with the McCurrys.
Lyster Health Talks is a monthly podcast focused on the health and readiness of the force, hosted by Lt. Col. Garrett Holt, Commander, Lyster Army Health Clinic.
The podcast is produced by the Lyster Army Health Clinic's Public Affairs Office and is for informational purposes only and not designed to replace a medical provider’s assessment. Always first consult with your primary care manager about health-related matters. -
Lyster Health Talks Podcast Episode 17 – Mental Health Awareness – Breaking Stigmas
In today’s show, Lt. Col. Garrett Holt and special guests, Brent Eubanks and Janishka Beauford, members of the Lyster Behavioral Health team, sit down to discuss Mental Health Awareness Month and Breaking Stigmas.
Lyster Health Talks is a monthly podcast focused on the health and readiness of the force, hosted by Lt. Col. Garrett Holt, Commander, Lyster Army Health Clinic.
The podcast is produced by the Lyster Army Health Clinic's Public Affairs Office and is for informational purposes only and not designed to replace a medical provider’s assessment. Always consult first with your primary care manager about health-related matters. -
Lyster Health Talks Podcast Episode 16 – Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month - Empower. Protect. Prevent.
In today’s show, Lt. Col. Garrett Holt and special guest, Shana Morris, the Fort Novosel Installation Lead Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC), sit down to discuss Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month.
• National Sexual Assault Hotline 800-656-HOPE
• DoD Safe Helpline https://www.safehelpline.org
• Fort Novosel Installation 24/7 SHARP Hotline 334-470-6629
Lyster Health Talks is a monthly podcast focused on the health and readiness of the force, hosted by Lt. Col. Garrett Holt, Commander, Lyster Army Health Clinic.
The podcast is produced by the Lyster Army Health Clinic's Public Affairs Office and is for informational purposes only and not designed to replace a medical provider’s assessment. Always consult first with your primary care manager about health-related matters. -
Lyster Health Talks Podcast Episode 15 – Alcohol Awareness Month
In today’s show, Lt. Col. Garrett Holt invites Traci Waters, Program Manager, Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP) at Fort Novosel, and Walter Castle, Substance Use Disorder Clinical Care Program (SUDCC) Clinical Director at Lyster Army Health Clinic, to discuss Alcohol Awareness Month.
Lyster Health Talks is a monthly podcast focused on the health and readiness of the force, hosted by Lt. Col. Garrett Holt, Commander, Lyster Army Health Clinic. The podcast is produced by the Lyster Army Health Clinic's Public Affairs Office and is for informational purposes only and not designed to replace a medical provider’s assessment. Always consult first with your primary care manager about health-related matters. -
Lyster Health Talks Podcast Episode 14 – Exceptional Family Member Program
In today’s show, Lt. Col. Garrett Holt invites Sarah Smith and Whitney Sutton, Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) Coordinators to the show to discuss EFMP and what you need to know as you prepare for your next change of duty station.
Lyster Health Talks is a monthly podcast focused on the health and readiness of the force, hosted by Lt. Col. Garrett Holt, Commander, Lyster Army Health Clinic.
The podcast is produced by the Lyster Army Health Clinic's Public Affairs Office and is for informational purposes only and not designed to replace a medical provider’s assessment. Always consult first with your primary care manager about health-related matters. -
Lyster Health Talks Podcast Episode 13 – Being a Healthy Ready Leader
In today’s show, Lt. Col. Garrett Holt is joined by Brig. Gen. Lance Raney, the Commanding General Medical Readiness Command, East and Director, Defense Health Network East to discuss ways to find balance and build healthy habits.
Lyster Health Talks is a monthly podcast focused on the health and readiness of the force, hosted by Lt. Col. Garrett Holt, Commander, Lyster Army Health Clinic.
The podcast is produced by the Lyster Army Health Clinic's Public Affairs Office and is for informational purposes only and not designed to replace a medical provider’s assessment. Always consult first with your primary care manager about health-related matters. -
Lyster Health Talks Podcast Episode 12 – Talking a Bite Out of Nutrition Month.
In Today’s show, Lt. Col. Garrett Holt invites return guests Dr. Brandy Dunn, Clinical Pharmacist, and Ms. Theresa Osteen, Registered Dietitian, to discuss National Nutrition Month.
Lyster Health Talks is a monthly podcast focused on the health and readiness of the force, hosted by Lt. Col. Garrett Holt, Commander, Lyster Army Health Clinic. The podcast is produced by the Lyster Army Health Clinic's Public Affairs Office and is for informational purposes only and not designed to replace a medical provider’s assessment. Always consult first with your primary care manager about health-related matters. -
Lyster Health Talks Podcast Episode 11 – A heart healthy lifestyle.
Lt. Col. Garrett Holt, and special guests Lt. Col. William Wilson and Dr. Gwen Gatlin from the Primary Care Clinic discuss strategies to maintain a heart healthy lifestyle. Let’s learn about heart health, risk factors, and take steps to keep our hearts healthy.
Lyster Health Talks is a monthly podcast focused on the health and readiness of the force, hosted by Lt. Col. Garrett Holt, Commander, Lyster Army Health Clinic.
The podcast is produced by the Lyster Army Health Clinic's Public Affairs Office and is for informational purposes only and not designed to replace a medical provider’s assessment. Always consult first with your primary care manager about health-related matters. -
Lyster Health Talks Podcast Episode 10 – Plans for a healthy New Year. Lt. Col. Garrett Holt, and special guests Capt. Nichelle Pascoe, and Mr. Brent Eubanks share their thoughts on helping you make 2024 a healthy new year. Lyster Health Talks is a monthly podcast focused on the health and readiness of the force, hosted by Lt. Col. Garrett Holt, Commander, Lyster Army Health Clinic.
The podcast is produced by the Lyster Army Health Clinic's Public Affairs Office and is for informational purposes only and not designed to replace a medical provider’s assessment. Always consult first with your primary care manager about health-related matters. -
Lyster Health Talks Podcast Episode 9 – A Healthy, Happy, Holiday Season. Lt. Col. Garrett Holt, and special guests Sgt. Maj. Meredith Greene, Lt. Col. Bart Wilkison, Lt. Col. Regina Thorp, and Maj. Blayne Rankin share their insights to make this holiday a safe and healthy one. Lyster Health Talks is a monthly podcast focused on the health and readiness of the force, hosted by Lt. Col. Garrett Holt, Commander, Lyster Army Health Clinic.
The podcast is produced by the Lyster Army Health Clinic's Public Affairs Office and is for informational purposes only and not designed to replace a medical provider’s assessment. Always consult first with your primary care manager about health-related matters. -
Lyster Health Talks Podcast Episode 8 – Breaking the Nicotine Habit, brings the team together to talk constructive ways to take action to quit with special guests Ms. Ginger Tanner, and Dr. Brandy Dunn.
Lyster Health Talks is a monthly podcast focused on the health and readiness of the force, hosted by Lt. Col. Garrett Holt, Commander, Lyster Army Health Clinic.
The podcast is produced by the Lyster Army Health Clinic's Public Affairs Office and is for informational purposes only and not designed to replace a medical provider’s assessment. Always consult first with your primary care manager about health-related matters. -
Lyster Health Talks Podcast Episode 7 – A Routine Mammogram Saved my Life: A Breast Cancer Survivor Story brings the team together to talk Breast Cancer Awareness with special guests Lt. Col. Regina Thorp and Mrs. Marcetta Chancey.
Lyster Health Talks is a monthly podcast focused on the health and readiness of the force, hosted by Lt. Col. Garrett Holt, Commander, Lyster Army Health Clinic.
The podcast is produced by the Lyster Army Health Clinic's Public Affairs Office and is for informational purposes only and not designed to replace a medical provider’s assessment. Always consult first with your primary care manager about health-related matters. - Visa fler