Welcome to today's episode of Lunchtime Motivation where I share my H.O.T experience of how using gratitude has been very effective in many areas of my life. I will share how to practice gratitude and give you a few ways to remain consistent in the practice and boost your overall health with this practice.
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I was 17yrs old in the cover picture with a 1-year-old daughter. I was so young and constantly looking for what I thought love was. I have learned many lessons about love and relationships in my 44 years of life. This episode shares 5 key points.
*I am in no way shape or form a relationship expert. * These are just life lessons that I have learned, and I hope they help someone. -
When you feel like it’s all over, God is just beginning!! Don’t give up on God! Praying that this episode helps someone on their toughest times to keep going!
This episode will give you clear instructions on how to stop looking outside of yourself for validation and start honing in to the power that has been inside of you all along!
Learning to TRUST God knows what is best! He will NOT withhold any good thing from you!!
This episode will inspire you to not give up when the plan that YOU had for you doesn’t go your way. This recording will help you to understand that God always has something or someone greater! Be encouraged and share with someone that needed to hear this!
In this episode, I am really HONEST OPEN and TRANSPARENT about why Lunchtime Motivate started, what caused me to stop it for almost a full year, and why it is now back popping. Some things I had to refrain from saying because I didn’t want to expose the names of people, but the REALNESS is there! I had to get back to remembering WHY I record. I hope this blesses someone.
Just a quick reminder to be grateful for everything.
In this episode the beautiful Prophetess Erica Beverly and I share our transparent stories about mental illness, the stigma that surrounds it, what we were taught in the church, and where we are now in our own lives regarding staying healthy mentally. You’re not alone! Mental illness is real. Mental health is important! I pray this episode helps you!
What will it take for you to push? To fulfill your dreams? To SHOW UP for yourself and LIVE!!! My gorgeous cousin Jada Imani shares your powerful testimony of what it took for her to say- “Hey you know what, WHY NOT?” Listen and be inspired!
Go back and listen to the previous episode about distractions first and recognize what your distraction is before listening to this one. This episode gives insight on how you can remove the distractions.
If the enemy can’t kill it, he will definitely try to distract you from fulfilling it. Listen to this episode about recognizing your distractions.
I know I’m not the only one that has been in a place where they are just not sure what is next or the path and plan that God has for them. Hopefully this recording gives you some insight and encouragement on what to do when you are in that place.
Sitting in my kitchen and began to think back over all the times that I thought it was over, the times that I wasn’t sure where my next meal was going to come from, the times when I laid awake at night crying, BUT GOD came through every time. Allow my testimony to bless you. God is FAITHFUL! Don’t give up.
Have you ever been just stuck in uncertainty and not knowing what next step to take? That’s not the time to just stop. Listen to this segment to discover how you can reach what’s next and be encouraged!
How do you see yourself? Even with all of the past mistakes, issues, failed relationships, abuse, hurt, etc. Imagine seeing yourself as God sees you with NO FLAW! Listen and share! ❤️
As humans, sometimes it’s second nature to look for the approval of others to make us feel validated. This episode will help you understand why their approval of you is not needed! Love YOURSELF?
Ever walked in a room and felt all eyes on you, so the first thing you do is try to blend in or sit in the back and be quiet because you know your personality shines so bright but you don’t want the attention on you? This is called dimming your light. This episode will share my story and encourage you not to do it!
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